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上海大学研究生《影视文学理论与创作实践》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 学时: 40 学分:4 课程名称:影视文学理论与创作实践 适用学科或专业: 创意写作 开课单位及授课人员:中文系创意写作学科组 张永禄 主要参考书和文献: 约瑟夫·M.博格斯、丹尼斯·W·皮特里:《看电影的艺术》,北京大学出版社,2015 年版; 罗伊·汤普森:《镜头的语法》,世界图书出版社,2013 年版; 课程简介: 通过研读当代影视文学创作的经典文献和经典影视作品,熟悉影视文学创作的基本规律和 方法,具备独立的电影解读能力,掌握一般的影视剧本创作能力,学会初步的电影创作,并 尝试剧本策划及剧本营销。1.学会欣赏影视作品;2.学会分析影视作品的故事线、情感线、思 想线的内在规律和互相纠合的规律; 3.学会影视剧本创作的一般格式并按照人物设计、故事 情节设计规律创作一部小型作品。本课程为创意写作硕士课程的进阶课程,观摩分析和创作 实践是本课程的重心,希望学生在大量的观摩影视作品和研读经典影视文学创作理论基础上, 激发影视写作的兴趣和创作热情,经过训练后能胜任一般的剧本创作,为将来开展专业的影 视写作或策划营销工作奠定良好的基础,也希望学生通过该课程的学生具备较高层次的影视 欣赏、评论活动的素养,为相近专业研究打下一定基础。 教学内容、教学方式、学时分配: 第一周 讨论:什么是好剧本——依据奇观理论选择剧本题材? 观摩:MV《宁夏》 实习:将 MV 录写成剧本 第二周 讨论:好的剧本开头是什么样子的——依据“事理-情理-哲理”理论策划剧本大纲和 开头? 研读剧本:《美国往事》 实习:以嫉妒和师生矛盾为题目,策划一个剧本的开头 第三周 讨论:好的剧本展开是什么样子的——依据“难题-困境-绝境”及奇观理论进行剧本 场景设计? 研读剧本《绿卡》 实习:分析《绿卡》的故事展开,写出分析大纲。 第四周 讨论:好的剧本结尾是什么样子的? 研读剧本《投名状》 实习:为自己的剧本写一个结尾 第五周 讨论:标志物——在剧本中的作用 研读剧本《这个杀手不太冷》 实习:给你的人物设置一个标志物 第六周 MV《宁夏》再研读 实习:把自己的剧本写成默剧,压缩到 5 分钟里,给它配上一首歌 第七周 讨论:从文学剧本到导演剧本 研读讨论:《肖申克的救赎》导演剧本 实习:剧本讨论及模仿创作、修改 第八周 讨论:剧本的扩展讨论 实习:剧本编剧说戏 第九周 实习:导演剧本的说戏 演出及拍摄,后期制作 第十周 作业考察:剧本研读及分析报告、递交课程考察作业 制定人签字:张永禄 学院主管院长签字: 制定时间:2019 年 4 月 11 日 附录 6 Syllabus Framework for Graduate Courses of Shanghai University Course Code: Credit Hours: 40 Course Name:Theory & Practice on Films & TV Literature Department: Chinese language and literature Instructor:Zhang Yonglu Credits:4 1. Purpose of the Course: Study on classic films and TV plays, including Once Upon A Time In America, The Shawshank Redemption, The Warlords, Green Card, and music video, Silent Summer. Acquire the general rules of script writing and attempt to plan and script for a film after deeply studying the scripts through script appreciation. 2. Teaching Objects: ① Suitable for students ready for academic or professional degree ② Suitable for students majoring in Creative writing 3. Teaching Content: Lecture 1: Discussion: How to distinguish a good script? (How to select a subject base on Marvellous Spectacle Theory?) Observation: music video, Silent Summer Practice: Record the script of the music video Lecture 2: Discussion: How to begin a good script? (How to determine the outline and opening of a script base on Reason-Sense-Philosophy Theory? Script Study: Once Upon A Time In America Practice: Write an opening for a story based on the topic of “Jealousy” or “confliction between teacher and student” Lecture 3: Discussion: How to proceed a good script? (How to design the plot base on Difficult-Dilemma- Impasse Theory and Marvellous Spectacle Theory ? Script Study: Green Card Practice: Analyze the proceeding of Green Card, and write down the outline. Lecture 4: Discussion: How to end a good script? Script Study: The Warlords Practice: Write the ending for your own script. Lecture 5: Discussion: The Effect of MARKERs Script Study: Leon Practice: Set a marker for your character. Lecture 6: Restudy Silent Summer Practice: Adapt your script for silent film with a limitation of 5 minutes, and choose a piece of music as the background. Lecture 7: Discussion: From Libretto to Playscript with Stage Directions Study and Discussion: playscript with stage directions of The Shawshank Redemption Practice: Group discussion on your own scripts and attempt to imitation and revision. Lecture 8: Discussion: Extending Discussion on Your Own Music Video Scripts Practice: Go through the script as the scriptwriter. Lecture 9: Practice: Go through the script as a director. Perform and film the script, then attempt simple post-production. Lecture 10: Work Submission: Report on script study and analysis. Exhibition of your works. 4.Assessment Method: a paper for terminal work. 5. Required Texts: No 6. Other Materials on Reserve: he Art of Watching Films ,(Joseph M. Boggs,Dennis W. Petrie); Grammar of the Shot,2e(Roy Thompson,Christopher J. Bowen) 7. Teaching Methods:Class and Seminar. Course Leader’s Signature: Zhang Yonglu Date: Dean of the Department’s Signature:
