附件6. 委托书Authorization Letter.docx
委托书 Authorization letter (身份证号/护照号: 本人 ___(护照号码:_ ),妻子 ),儿子/女儿姓名 _ _) )为 兹委托_______________(身份证号/护照: 委托期限: (身份证号/护照号: 年 月至 My name is passport : 年 ( ID No./ passport : ), I authorize Mr./Ms and my son /daughter is ( ID No./ passport: during the study period in china Term of validity from (护照号码: )在中国学习期间的监护人。 月 ) my wife is ( passport : ) as the guardian of ( ID No./ ) passport: ) 父母签字( Signature):__ _ 父母签字( Signature):_ _ to 签署时间(Date): (附证件、护照复印件) (Copy of passport is attached)