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3-上海大学国际研究生申请人研究计划模板Sample of Research Plan for International Graduates.doc

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3-上海大学国际研究生申请人研究计划模板Sample of Research Plan for International Graduates.doc3-上海大学国际研究生申请人研究计划模板Sample of Research Plan for International Graduates.doc
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3-上海大学国际研究生申请人研究计划模板Sample of Research Plan for International Graduates.doc

上海大学国际研究生申请人研究计划 Research Plan for International Graduates Shanghai University 护照姓名/ Full Name 性别/Gender 出生日期 /Date of (yy/mm/dd) 国籍/Nationality 申请项目 /Applying Program birth 硕士研究生项目 Master’s Program 博士研究生项目 PhD’s Program 拟申请专业 /Applying Major 授课语言 /Instruction Language 意向导师 /Potential supervisor 申 请 院 系 /Applying School or Department 最高学历/ Highest Degree 毕 业 院 校 /Graduate Institution 毕业专业/ Major of highest degree  本科 Bachelor  硕士 Master  博士 PhD 计划研究领域 /Intending Research area 1.个人陈述/ Personal Statement (包含:自我介绍,学习或工作背景,所取得的荣誉,来华留学原因,选择上海大学的原因等 Including:Self-introduction, study or work experience, honors achieved, reasons why you choose to study in China and Shanghai University etc.) 2.已有研究成果/Achieved Research Results: (包含:已发表的学术论文,主持或参与的研究项目,获得的专利,举办的艺术展等 Including: published academic papers, research projects led or participated in, patents obtained, art exhibitions held, etc.) 1 3. 学习预期目标,研究内容及时间安排/Expected goal, research contents and arrangements: (请介绍你关于未来硕士项目或博士项目学习和研究的初步计划。如果你已经有了想要深入研究的题目,可以把你的研究 计划简要填写于此。如果有需要,你也可以在此补充图片或表格。Please introduce your initial plans for future study and research in a master's or doctoral program. If you already have a research topic you would like to explore further, you can provide a brief description of your research proposal here. You can also add pictures or tables here if necessary.) 4.毕业去向,未来职业方向/ Future plans and career development direction after graduation: 以下信息由意向导师填写 The following information is to be completed by potential supervisor 导师姓名 Name 指 导 语 Instructed in 言 学院 School/ College □ 汉语/ Chinese □ 英语/ English 联系电话 Contact Number 电子邮件 E-mail: 导 师 意 Supervisor’s opinion 见 已阅读并基本同意该生的研究计划。如果该生被我校录取,我愿意作为其导师,指导 该生完成毕业论文研究和考核全过程。 I have read and generally agree with the student's research plan. If the above student is accepted by SHU, I would like to be his/her supervisor, instructing him/her all through the dissertation research and evaluation process. 签字 Signature: 日期 Date: 2
