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学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 学友计划执行手册 Buddy Programme Handbook 1.学友计划简介 Buddy Programme Introduction 学友计划始于 2009 年 8 月,是西交利物浦大学四大育人体系(成长顾问、学术导师、 校外导师及学友)之一。学友计划以朋辈互助的形式,通过优秀的朋辈学长的交流和指 导,引导低年级国内、海外学生适应西浦文化,帮助其解决生活、学习上的困难,规划 大学生活,实现自我发展。学友计划可以提高学生的交流能力与职责意识,增进学生之 间的互助关系,完善西浦的育人模式。学友计划目前包含四大体系,即行政班、生源地、 海外生和毕业生学友。 Starting from August 2009, the Buddy Programme has been one of the four educational systems at XJTLU (including the Development Advisor, Academic Advisor, External Mentor, and Buddy Programme). Buddy Programme is executed in the form of friends helping each other via splendid senior students communicating and giving suggestions to guide freshmen including domestic and overseas students, to accustom themselves to XJTLU’s culture. Meanwhile, Buddy Programme intends to help them solve difficulties in campus life and study, and remind them to arrange their campus life to prepare for selfdevelopment. Buddy Programme is 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 capable of 电话:0512 8816 1000 improving students’ 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 communication ability and assisting them to build a sense of responsibility, which strengthens the relationship among students and contributes to the completion of XJTLU’s education mode. Buddy Programme now includes four main sections which are administrative buddies, local buddies, oversea buddies and alumni buddies. 2.愿景 Vision 我们致力于通过建立完善的朋辈互助平台,使学友计划成为西交利物浦大学服务学生, 促进学生适应西浦,实现个人成长的重要支撑体系之一。 We devote ourselves to establishing a complete peer-to-peer cooperation platform to ensure Buddy Programme to become one of the imperative supportive systems in XJTLU which serves students, helps them adjust to campus and achieves individual growth. 3.使命 Mission 3.1.学友根据自己的经验和学生的需求在学习生活等方面给新生提供一些指导和帮助, 引导他们积极适应新的环境,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。 Provide guidance and assistance to guide freshmen so that they can adapt to the new environment actively and develop good habits of study and life. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 3.2.提高学生的责任意识和交流能力,使学生尽早成为年轻的成年人以及国际化人才。 Improve students' sense of responsibility and communication ability so that students can become young adults as well as international talents as soon as possible. 3.3.提供交流平台、鼓励跨年级交流。 Provide communication platform and encourage cross-grade exchange. 3.4.推广学友文化,深入学友理念。 Promote Buddy Programme Culture and deepen the understanding of the concept of Buddy Programme. 4.亮点 Highlights 学友计划向国内生及海外生提供入学阶段一系列的帮助,在学友计划中, 学生之间没 有年纪隔阂,彼此间可以畅所欲言,将心比心地提出切实可行的建议,新生也更容易接 受,从而促进新生更好地成长,尽快实现作为“西浦人”的三个转变。 Buddy Programme provides a series of assistance to domestic and overseas students during the entrance stage. In the Buddy Programme, there is no age gap among the students and they can speak to each other freely and feel for others. They provide feasible suggestions which can be easily accepted by freshmen. Thus, it promotes new students to grow better and achieve XJTLU students’ three transformations as soon as possible. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 5.目标 Objectives 5.1 作为西交利物浦大学服务学生的重要支撑体系,提供更优质的引导与服务; As an important support system for XJTLU students, we provide excellent guidance and service. 5.2 为新生和低年级学生提供及时和持续的帮助和指导,切实有效解决学习和生活方面 的问题,更好适应校园生活; Provide timely and continuous help and guidance for freshmen and junior students, which solves the problems of study and life actually and effectively, and help them adapt to campus life better. 5.3 增强学生的交流能力,责任意识,增进学生间互助关系。 Improve students’ ability of communication, responsibility consciousness, and enhance mutual helping relationships. 6.学友文化 Culture 6.1 学友计划的文化----泛爱众 Culture of Buddy Programme----Pan-loving Public 学友的文化传承浓缩在“泛爱众”三个字中,这三个字提炼于《论语·学而》中的“弟子入 则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。”充分体现了学友博爱、 无私、热心、友爱的文化。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 The cultural heritage of Buddy Programme is concentrated on three Chinese characters of” Pan-loving public”. These three characters are refined in “the Analects of Confucius· Xue Er”:” A youth should be filial when at home and respectful to his elders when abroad. He should be earnest and truthful. He should pan-loving public and be close to the people with lofty ideals. Only when he has extra energy after performing these duties can he pursue study”, which fully embodies the philanthropy, selflessness, enthusiasm and fraternity of Buddy culture. 6.2 学友计划执行委员会的文化——家文化 Culture of BPEC——Family Culture “家文化”是学友计划执行委员会(简称:学友执委会)自成立以来逐渐形成的有爱、轻 松的文化传统。在学友执委会的大家庭中,大家不分彼此,没有年级、地域、专业等的 代沟,彼此相处融洽,齐心协力地将学友执委会打造成一个更好服务于学友计划的平台。 The “Family Culture” is a fraternal and light-hearted traditional culture that has been gradually formed since the establishment of Buddy Programme Executive Committee (or BPEC). In the big family of BPEC, its members share everything. There is no grade, geography or major interval among them. Everyone gets along well with each other and makes concerted efforts to make BPEC a better service platform for Buddy Programme. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 7.学友体系 Buddy Programme system 7.1 生源地学友 Local Buddy 在新生拿到录取通知书之后,新生可通过官方生源地 QQ 群了解关于西交利物浦大学的 各种信息,解决自己在入校之前对于学校的疑问,并提前了解在西浦的大学学习生活。 而每个官方生源地 QQ 群根据省份招生人数的不同,均配有 1-5 名生源地学友来积极地 回答新生们的问题。 After freshmen get admission letter, they can acquire about all kinds of information of XJTLU through official QQ groups to solve questions and learn the life in XJTLU in advance. According to the number of students from different provinces, every official QQ group is equipped with 1-5 local buddies to answer questions from freshmen in time. 7.1.1 生源地学友的工作职责 Job description of Local buddy 1.学友应在每年 6 月份加入相应负责的生源地 QQ 群,负责 QQ 群的管理工作。 Buddies should join the corresponding local QQ group in June every year and take charge of the group. 2.学友应按照学友执委会提供的入群验证方式去确认每个加入生源地 QQ 群的同学是当 年被西交利物浦大学录取的新生。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Buddies should confirm new members’ identities as the freshmen of XJTLU in the way of examining the mode of entry given by BPEC. 3.学友应积极解答新生在入校前对于学校的疑问和需求,以及帮助新生解决在迎新网上 注册学籍和缴费等操作问题。 Buddies should patiently answer freshmen’s questions about XJTLU before new term begins and help freshmen solve problems of registering and paying tuition. 4.学友应认真管理 QQ 群中的群相册和群文件。 Buddies should manage the files and photos of the QQ group carefully. 5.学友应确保生源地 QQ 群中不会出现任何的商业宣传行为,一旦发现,请立即与学友 执委会的管理人员联系。 Buddies should be aware that no commercial activities are allowed in the QQ group. Once it happens, buddies should contact the managers of BPEC immediately. 6.学友在服务期间,应积极和学友执委会保持沟通,及时反馈工作,提出建议。 When buddies are on their duty, they should contact BPEC regularly and give feedbacks and advice timely. 7.学友可以在 QQ 群中调动和活跃新生的讨论和聊天气氛,让彼此相互熟悉, 建立联系。 Buddies can talk to freshmen in the QQ group to break the ice, and let them 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 know each other and build relationships. 8.生源地学友的服务期限在新生拿到录取通知书到入校的这段时间,其间需积极配合、 参与和支持学友执委会的活动和管理工作。 Local buddies’ service period start from the time when freshmen receive the admission letter to the beginning of the new term. During the period, cooperation, participation, supports to the activities and management of BPEC are required. 9.学友应积极参加学友执委会的培训,并对学友执委会提供的官方校园问答 Q&A 熟记。 Buddies should take part in the training of the BPEC and remember the official school Q&A given by BPEC. 7.2 行政班学友 Class Buddy 行政班学友主要由西浦乐于与同学们分享经验的高年级学生组成。要成为学友, 必须向学友执委会递交申请并且通过执委会审核。所有学友都有权使用学友计划 提供的设备与资源。同时,行政班学友还需配合大一班级的成长顾问的工作,辅 助成长顾问参与和支持班级建设活动。每个大一行政班级都配有 6-8 名学友。每 个大一新生都有自己的学友,每个学友通常带 8-12 名新生。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Class Buddy consists of senior students who are willing to share their experience with others in XJTLU. Students need to submit their applications and get the approval from BPEC before becoming a buddy. Each Buddy has the right to use all resources provided by BPEC. Meanwhile, the class buddy need to actively cooperate with student development advisors and participate in and support class activities. Each class will have 6-8 buddies and each freshman will have personal buddy. One buddy usually is assigned with 8-12 freshmen. 7.2.1 行政班学友的工作职责 Job description of Class Buddy 1.根据自己以往的经验,帮助新生尽快熟悉和适应学校及周边的环境,引导他们以 积极的心态面对各种问题和不适应,并提供自己的参考意见。 By sharing their experience and opinions, buddies should help freshmen get familiar with the university and surroundings and guide them to cope with problems positively. 2.学友应该主动引导新生合理规划自己的学习生活等,防止他们迷失方向,误入 歧途。 Buddies should guide freshmen to arrange their study and life and prevent them from being lost and misled. 3.学友应耐心了解新生的疑问和需求,并尽可能地引导新生自己解决问题,使他 们逐渐独立、成熟。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Buddies should patiently answer freshmen’s questions, meet their requirements and guide them to deal with problems by themselves so as to help them become independent as far as possible. 4.学友应主动关心自己行政班级的新生,了解他们的困惑,主动提供帮助;同时, 对于遇到困难的“问题学生”学友应该提供特别关心,并且及时引导纠正。 Buddies should take care of freshmen in their administrative class and help them deal with the confusion they have by offering assistances; meanwhile, when there are some students who have difficulty arranging their life properly, buddies should be more careful and guide them to a normal life in time. 5.学友应与班级的成长顾问保持定期的沟通,互相了解新生的信息,提供及时的 帮助。 Buddies should have a regular communication with student development advisors in order to exchange the information of freshmen and offer help to them in time. 6.学友应积极辅助参与支持班级建设及成长顾问的其他工作,包括新生班会及班 级活动。 Buddies should get involved in other assignments which help building a good relationship among classmates, including class meetings and other activities. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 7.学友应积极参与学友计划的各项活动中来,并参考执委会提供的工作安排,给 新生提供更多的帮助。 Buddies should positively attend the activities held by BPEC and give more help to freshmen by considering the arrangement from BPEC. 8.每个行政班的学友之间应保持良好的沟通,积极交流工作。 There should be a close communication between each buddy. 9.学友应主动总结工作中的经验,为下届学友和执委会的工作提供帮助。 Buddies should summarize the experience of being a buddy and then provide supports to the work of BPEC and Buddy Programme in the next year. 10.学友应积极参加学友执委会提供的每次培训。 Buddies should attend each training held by BPEC. 11.学友应始终保持热情,热心,友好的态度。 Buddies should keep enthusiastic, warm-hearted and friendly. 12.学友应深刻理解学友文化,并代代传承。 Buddies should understand the culture of BPEC deeply and pass it on. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 7.3 海外生学友 Overseas Buddy 海外生学友服务于西浦海外生,帮助他们尽快适应中国的新生活新文化,减少文化差异 带来的不利影响,让海外生更好的融入到西浦的学习生活中。通过跨文化的沟通与交流, 海外生学友可与海外生共同成长。 Overseas buddies are responsible for international students. The duty of overseas buddies is to help international students to adapt to new living environments in China, to counteract bad influences of culture shock, and to help them have a better performance in study in XJTLU. Overseas buddies and international students will grow up together through cross-culture communication. 7.3.1 海外生学友的工作职责 Job description of Overseas Buddy 1.学友应帮助海外生了解西交利物浦及苏州的学习及生活,帮助他们尽快适应在西利物 浦的生活,并且尽快融入到西浦的环境,了解这里的风土人情、生活习惯和礼节,帮助 他们打开社交圈。 Buddies should help international students get better used to customs, culture and lifestyles of Suzhou, which guides them to be familiar to XJTLU, adapt to the environment and study lives of XJTLU and develop their social circles in XJTLU. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 2.学友应积极参与学友计划的各项活动中来,并参考执委会提供的工作安排,给海外生 提供更多的帮助;同时积极与学友执委会国际部沟通,反馈信息。 Buddies should positively attend the activities held by BPEC and give more helps to international students by considering the arrangement from BPEC. At the same time, buddies ought to actively communicate with international department of BPEC and submit the feedback to the international department of BPEC. 3.学友应积极参加学友执委会提供的每次培训。 Buddies should actively attend each training held by BPEC. 4.学友应始终保持热情、热心、友好的态度,并且在与海外生相处时注意礼仪,尊重对 方国家的文化和习惯,在跨文化交际中做到有礼有节。 Buddies should keep being enthusiastic, warm-hearted and friendly, respect to the culture and habits of international students, and be polite in cross-cultural communication. 7.4 毕业生学友 Alumni Buddy 毕业生学友是指已经从西交利物浦大学毕业的曾经是学友的学生,当从西浦毕业后,可 以选择成为毕业生学友。作为毕业生学友,需要积极向西浦在校学生积极分享自己的经 验,帮助在校生成长。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Alumni buddies refer to those students graduated from XJTLU who were members of Buddy Programme. They can choose to become alumni buddies after they graduated if they would like. As alumni buddies, they need to share their experience with undergraduates actively and to facilitate the growth of undergraduates. 7.4.1 毕业生学友的工作职责 Job description of Alumni Buddy 1.学友为在校的学生积极提供相关的信息和帮助,比如研究生的申请或者就业方面的经 验分享等。 Buddies should provide relevant information and assistance such as postgraduate application, experience of obtaining employment and so on. 2.积极支持学友计划的工作,发扬学友文化。 Buddies should support the job of Buddy Programme and carry forward the culture of Buddy Programme. 3.作为顾问向学友计划和学友计划执行委员会提供未来发展的意见和建议。 Buddies should provide ideas and suggestions about future development for Buddy Programme and BPEC as consultants. 4.乐意参加学校的校友分享会学友专场,向学弟学妹分享经验。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Be willing to attend Alumni Association special session of Buddy Programme to share experience with fellow underclassmen. 8.学友计划执行委员会 Buddy Programme Executive Committee 学友计划执行委员会(简称:学友执委会)是一个负责学友计划运行的学生团队,主要 负责学友活动的组织、策划和安排等多个方面,并通过成立多个部门来进行明确分工, 确保学友活动有条不紊地进行。学友执委会成立的目的是服务于全体学友并通过有效的 管理实现学生与学友之间更好地交流与相互学习,为所有学友的工作提供服务和支持。 Buddy Programme Execute Committee (BPEC) is a students’ organization which focuses on the operating of the Buddy Programme. It mainly takes charge of organizing, planning and arranging of Buddy Programme's activities. By setting up various departments to specify the job assignments, BPEC intends to make sure Buddy Programme's activities can be conducted systematically. The aim of establishing Buddy Programme is to serve all the buddies, make better communication and study between students and buddies through efficient arrangements, and provide services and supports for the daily work of buddies. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 8.1 主要工作职责 Main Job Description 1.支持、引导、推动全体学友工作,把握学友工作导向并指导学友的工作目的、工作形 式。 BPEC should support, guide and promote all the work of Buddy Programme; BPEC should hold the work orientation, guide work purposes and work forms of Buddy Programme. 2.为学友制定工作计划和相关政策,并管理学友官方微博、公众号、QQ 群的运行。 BPEC should design work plans and related policies for Buddy Programme and manage the operation of the official microblog, WeChat interface and QQ groups of Buddy Programme. 3.整合学友和新生收集的意见和反馈,总结并评估学友的工作。 BPEC should integrate the suggestions and feedbacks from buddies and freshmen to summarize and evaluate the buddies’ work. 4.负责学友计划和其他导师之间的协调工作,与相关老师反映交流。 BPEC should be responsible for the coordination between buddy Programme and advisors, and communicate with relevant teachers. 5.负责招募行政班学友、生源地学友及海外生学友并负责组织其培训工作。 BPEC should be responsible for recruiting class buddies, local buddies and oversea buddies, and organizing the related training. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 6.负责组织、举办相关活动,为学友搭建联系互动的平台,从而增进学友间互助关系。 BPEC should organize and hold related activities in order to build a platform for interaction and connection between buddies so that enhancing the mutual relationship between buddies. 7.推广并弘扬学友文化,使其代代相传并逐渐丰富。 BPEC should promote and develop the culture of Buddy Programme so that it can be passed on and become more mature. 9.学友征募 Buddy Recruitment 1.每学年第二学期,学友执委会面向西交利物浦大学的全体在校学生,开展行政班学友、 海外生学友和生源地学友的招募。 In the second semester of each academic year, BPEC will carry out the recruitment of Class Buddies, Oversea Buddies and Local Buddies among all students of XJTLU. 2.所有西交利物浦大学的学生均有资格申请加入学友。秉持公开透明的原则,招募分为 成长顾问推荐与自荐两种形式,向学友执委会递交申请,经学友执委会审核和面试通过 后即可加入。 All students of XJTLU have the qualification to apply to become a buddy. Following the principle of openness and transparency, the recruitment has two forms: one is to be recommended by student development advisors and the 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 other is to recommend yourselves. Application should be submitted to BPEC before the deadline. After the interview and the evaluation of BPEC, you would be considered as the member of Buddy Programme. 3.行政班学友和海外生学友任期为一年,任期结束后可以申请再次参加学友招募,再次 续任。 The tenure of Class Buddy and Overseas Buddy is one year, new applications are welcomed after the last tenure is finished. 4.生源地学友一般从行政班学友中进行招募,秉承自愿自主的原则。如出现没有属于某 生源地户籍的学友报名加入,学友执委会会再向全校征集符合条件的生源地学友。生源 地学友的任职期限为每学年的暑假期间。 Local Buddy is normally recruited from Class Buddy, which follows the principle of voluntary autonomy. If there is no certain Local Buddy apply for it, Buddy Programme Executive Committee will search for qualified students throughout the whole university. Local Buddy’s tenure is during the summer holiday. 5.所有招募成为学友的同学,需要在任期开始前签署学友承诺书。 All students who are recruited to join the Buddy Programme need to sign the letter of undertaking before tenure. 6.毕业生学友单独另外招募,需要和校友团队合作招募。 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Alumni buddies are recruited separately, which needs to cooperate with alumni team. 10.学友任职标准 Buddy Basic Requirements  有强烈的责任心  Have strong sense of responsibility  有端正的学习态度  Have a positive study attitude  熟悉学校的规章与政策  Be familiar with XJTLU’s rules and policies.  热心、乐于助人、人际交往能力强,有团队合作能力  Enthusiastic and friendly, have strong interpersonal skills and team-work ability.  不以个人利益为目的,动机纯洁  Not for personal gain, pure motivation  能给新生正向的引导  Positive guide for freshmen  良好的形象气质  A good image of temperament  待人尊重、平等 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册  Treat people equally and respectfully  英语口语上佳(仅针对海外生学友)  Excellent spoken English (only for overseas buddy) 11.学友与成长顾问导师体系的整合 The combination of Buddy Programme and Student Development Advisors 成长顾问导师体系与学友计划虽然有不同的工作重心,但其共同目标均是致力于通过提 供服务,支持及引导学生,帮助其尽快适应大学生活和学习。在此基础上,两个系统的 整合将会给学生尤其是需要帮助的学生提供更优质的服务。 了解学生是帮助和指导他们的首要步骤,为此,成长顾问和学友可以定期交流彼此对学 生们的理解。学生可以向成长顾问反映同龄人的疑问和难题,成长顾问则可以从更专业 的角度为学生提供帮助。同时,学友也可以成为成长顾问管理班级的副手,承担和分担 成长顾问在管理班级上的部分工作和压力,解答新生各式各样的问题,提供更及时和更 贴心的帮助。通过这种双向交流,成长顾问和学友能够分享资源从而对学生有更加深入 的了解,继续为学生提供更好的帮助。为了充分发挥这两个导师体系在西交利物浦大学 实现其愿景和使命的优势和潜力,一个定期交流机制被提议建立在学友和成长导师之间。 实施这类交流将通过以下三种方式: 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 Although student development advisors and Buddy Programme have different focuses, they all aim to provide services to guide students and help them on adjusting to the university and study. Based on this, the combination of these two systems will provide better services for students, typically for students who need helps. Understanding students better is the first step to help and guide them. In order to do this, student development advisors and buddies can communicate with each other regularly. Buddies can talk with student development advisors about their problems. Student development advisors can offer help in a more professional way. At the same time, Buddies can be helpers who undertake responsibilities on managing the class for student development advisors, answer questions from freshmen and provide better assistance on time. Student development advisors and Buddy Programme can share the resource through the bilateral communication, which will guide to better understanding and assistance for students. In order to fully use the potential of these two systems and realize their own goals, a regular exchange system is proposed between Buddy Programme and student development advisors. There are three ways of communication which are listed as follows. 11.1 微信群交流 WeChat Group Communication 每个班级成长顾问需要和班级的行政班学友建立一个微信群,定期进行在微信群里交流。 成长顾问可以将一些班级管理的支持工作安排给行政班学友。同时,行政班学友可以将 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 自己不能解决的新生反映的问题,及时反馈给成长顾问,得到准确的回答后,再反馈至 新生。 Each student development advisor need to build a WeChat group with the local buddies, which aims to maintain regular communication in the group. Student development advisors could assign jobs about the class management to the local buddies. At the same time, local buddies could ask student development advisors if the problems are too difficult to handle. And the freshmen will get the feedback after local buddies get the correct answers. 11.2 非正式“开放论坛” Informal ‘forum’ 首先成长顾问与学友执委会讨论论坛举办的时间、地点;其次由成长顾问准备论题并邀 请学友执委会的成员和行政班学友出席论坛;最后三方共同探讨论题并交流工作经验和 方法。 Firstly, student development advisors talk about the forum’s time and location with BPEC. Secondly, student development advisors need to prepare the topic and invite members of BPEC and all the local buddies to attend. Finally, the three parties discuss the topic and exchange working experience and methods. 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn 学友计划执行委员会(BPEC)--- 学友计划执行手册 11.3 正式班会和班级团体建设 Formal Class Meeting and Team Building 成长顾问每学期与行政班学友和学生开展关于班级建设的主题班会不应低于两次,主要 讨论学生们的疑问和难题并提出解决方法。成长顾问负责协调正式班会以及记录会议。 在举行班级团体建设活动中,成长顾问需要邀请该班级的行政班学友一起参与。 Student development advisors should hold the meeting to discuss the class construction no less than twice a semester with the local buddies and students. Student development advisors should take charge of organising and recording of the meeting. As for the team building, student development advisors need to invite the local buddies to participate together. 12.联系我们 Contact us 学友计划官方邮箱:Buddy@xjtlu.edu.cn The official email address of Buddy Programme Executive Committee: Buddy@xjtlu.edu.cn 江苏省苏州市中国新加坡工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路 111 号 电话:0512 8816 1000 传真:0512 8816 1899 邮编:215123 Address: 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, PRC Tel: + 86 512 8816 1000 Fax: + 86 512 8816 1899 www.xjtlu.edu.cn
