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武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc

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武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc
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武汉科技大学学术学位硕士研究生开题报告(2019版)-英文版Thesis Proposal for Academic Master.doc

Thesis Proposal (for full time academic master candidates) [The red font in the template is the problems and requirements that should be paid attention to when filling out the thesis proposal. Please delete all of them in the official draft(including this instruction) and pay attention to beautiful format!] Name: Student Number: Enrollment Date: Supervisor: College: Major: Research Subject: Title: Proposal Time(day/month/year): Graduate School of Wuhan University of Science & Technology Notes 1. Thesis proposal should be printed 2-sided or written by black pen with every column filled, clear handwriting and coherent sentences. 2. Each column must be filled thoroughly with highlights. 3. Thesis proposal should be started from the third semester and completed at least 9 months before the defense (follow the higher requirements of College if any). 4. The proposal is part of mid-term assessment. Those who fail the proposal are not qualified to move to the next stage. 5. Submit the thesis proposal to the College for filing after completed. After the thesis defense, the College will deposit them in students’ degree archives. 1 I. Brief Form Chinese Title English Source of topic (based project name or self-selective topic) Please clarify the details of based project (including the project name, type, authorization number, leader, and time period) Project type (blackening □ you choose) □A. Basic Research □B. Applied basic research □C. Applied Research Members of Evaluation Committee Evaluation Committee Name Position Leader Members 2 Signature II. The thesis proposal should include following contents: (The following table can be attached with additional pages as needed) The length of part two of the thesis proposal (main content) should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words. The font and format should follow the requirements of formal thesis. 1. Backgrounds (analyzing current status and development trends of the research at home and abroad, the unique academic and practical value compared to existing researches, and references): (1) Research purpose and significance The following should include: background of the project, research field, research purposes, significance of academic research in this field, or instruction for practice. If there are references in this section, please mark it (no less than 500 words) (2)Analysis of research status at home and abroad The content should include: the research status of this project in international field, thorough analysis and comparison of existing researches, such as their advantages and disadvantages, and the relevance and differences of this topic. This section should contain most of the references, which should be marked at the citation (which is Literature Review) (no less than 2000 words) References Notes: (1)For the number of references and other requirements, please read the Academic Program for graduates carefully. The references cited should be no less than 40, of which foreign references may no less than 1/3 and published in the past five years may no less than 1/3. (2)The format of references should strictly follow the requirements of formal thesis. (3)All references should be cited in the discussion above. 3 2. Research content, research objectives and key scientific issues to be solved: (No less than 500 words) (1) Research contents (2) Research objectives (3)Keys issues to be solved 3. The proposed research plan and feasibility analysis (including research methods, technical design, experimental methods, key technologies, etc.): Research methods, technical design and experimental schemes listed in "Research Contents" should all be explained and discussed (no less than 500 words). 4 4. Features and innovation points (including academic thoughts, academic ideas, research methods, etc.): It is appropriate to list 2 to 3 innovation points and explain the grounds of each points. 5. Research plan and expected research results: (1)Research Plan The schedule of project development or research should be stated by months, including the arrangement from project research or literature review to conclusion and thesis written. (2)Expected research results Expected results can be listed here, including direct results such as algorithms, system structure, software programs, hardware equipment, research reports, etc .; public results such as journal papers, participating in conferences, monographs, patents, software copyrights, various competitions etc .; and the expected number should be indicated, such as designing 1 set of XX system, publishing 2 papers in journals, participating in one international conference, etc. 5 Supervisor's comments: (must be handwritten) Please base on specific content of the project and make targeted comments on significance of the topic, research content, research plan, innovation point, schedule, and whether the workload is sufficient. This part must be concluded by the words "Thesis Proposal Approval". Supervisor(Signature): Day /Month /Year (The date may be no late than 1 week before the thesis proposal defense) Evaluation Committee Comments: (must be handwritten) The evaluation committee is invited to give specific comments on the topic selection, whether the research assumptions are reasonable and feasible, whether the research content and methods are pioneering and innovative, and on discussions and answers in graduates proposal defense. This part must be concluded by the words "Thesis Proposal Approval" given by Committee leader. Leader of Evaluation Committee’s signature: Day /Month /Year (date of proposal defense) College Comments: Dean of College(Signature/stamp): Day /Month /Year 6
