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Impact of Research on Health Policy-making in Canada: Some Milestones, but Many More Miles to Go 加拿大的卫生研究对政策的影响: 成功与不太成功的经验 Raymond W. Pong, PhD 庞伟明 Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research Laurentian University Ontario, Canada Health Technology Assessment in Canada 加拿大的卫生技术评估 Health technology assessment (HTA) is well established in Canada 加拿大的卫生技术评估事业有长远历史 Provincial HTA committees: 省立卫生技术评估委员会: § Health Technology Assessment Unit (Alberta) § Health Technology Assessment Committee (British Columbia) § Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (Ontario) HTA research institutes: 卫生技术评估研究机构: § Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (national) § Institute of Health Economics (Alberta) § Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (Ontario) § Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec (Quebec) HTA Outcomes 卫生技术评估的成果 HTA outcomes have been used in Canada to inform decisions regarding: 在加拿大,卫生技术评估应用于: § Adoption of medical technologies and therapeutics 决定采用何种医 疗技术和疗法 § Inclusion of pharmaceuticals in drug plans 决定何种药品被纳入药物 计划 § Purchase of medical equipment 决定采购何种医疗器材 § Setting of reimbursement rates 决定补偿率 But HTA Is Much Broader 不过,卫生技 术评估的范围是更概括的 HTA also seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare interventions and policies, as well as the management of health care institutions. 卫生技术评估亦可用于衡量卫生政策和方案及 医疗机构的管理。 It is this broader aspect of HTA that I will focus on in this presentation. 这就是我在下面要讲的。 Some Successes 一些成功的例子 There are some milestones in terms of the impact of research on health policies in Canada. 在加拿大,卫生研究对政策的影响,我们取得 了一些成果。 § Rural medical training and rural practice 乡村医学培训与医生在乡村行医 § Use of “mid-level” or alternative providers such as nurse practitioners, midwives, and physician assistants 采用替代性的医疗人员 Less Successful in Other Areas 在其他方面不太成功 § Continuity of care 治疗的连续性 § Physician reimbursement system 医生服务 的补偿方案 § Prevention and community-based care 疾病 预防及社区性疹疗 Why Research Is Less Effective in Influencing Policies Than It Should Be? 为何研究对政策的影响不如理想 § Researchers sometimes fail to recognize the complexity of the health care system 研究员对复杂的卫生医疗系统未必有深入了解 § Some researchers do not know how decisions and policies are made 有些研究员不知道政策是如何制定 § Knowledge translation (KT) is more than publishing research findings in academic journals 知识转化远远超出于在学术期刊上发表一些文章 Why Research Is Less Effective in Influencing Policies Than It Should Be? 为何研究对政策的影响不如理想 § Scientific evidence is just one of many factors decision-makers typically take into consideration 科学证据只不过是决策者要考虑 的其中一个因素 § Researchers and decision-makers still represent the “two solitudes” 研究员和决策者仍往往是互不理解、互不往来 § The impact of research on policy-making often takes a long time to materialize 研究对政策的影响往往要经过长时期才见效 Conclusion 结语 In Canada, we have some success milestones in terms of bridging the research-to-policy gap, but we still have many more miles to go. 在加拿大,对于用研究去支持政策制定,我 们有一定的成就,但要做的事还多得很。 Thank You 谢谢
