Credit Transfer Policy This document describes the process and procedures in recognizing credits earned at other university-level institutions for students who are to be admitted to a point other than Semester 1 of Year 1 of a four-year undergraduate programme offered at XJTLU. The goal of the process is to recognize previously earned credits by transfer students and Year 2 direct entry students that meet the expectations of the XJTLU programmes of study for academic contents. A. Credit transfer principles: 1. The overarching principle in the recognition of previous university-level studies is to verify whether or not the student's experience at the other institution is appropriately commensurate with the experience of students in similar programmes offered by XJTLU with respect to content, academic level, scope and relevance. 2. There shall be considerations in terms of the comparability of credit to be transferred and applicability of the credit in relation to the programmes being offered at XJTLU. 3. The student will be required to provide sufficient documentations regarding the credits to be transferred. 4. To qualify for credit, the previous study must normally have been completed no more than ten years before the application for admission being processed. If the credit was gained more than 10 years before the application, the student may still submit an application for assessment if s/he has maintained involvement in the discipline area and can provide evidence of this. 5. XJLTU will not normally permit students who have already substantially completed a similar module at another university-level institution to take the module at XJTLU for credit. Instead, they will receive transfer credit for the module, or will be required to take another module as a substitute for the credits. B. Student categories and possible routes for credit transfer 1. Mainland Chinese students who apply to transfer to XJTLU from other Tier 1Chinese universities. Students who apply to transfer are usually those who learn about XJTLU in their first year with their current institution, and it is typically the case that they are recommended to start from scratch from Semester 1 of Year 1 of XJTLU programmes especially if their English levels are not sufficient to continue with specialized studies of Year 2 at XJTLU. However, in cases where applicants meet the English criteria set for international undergraduate admission for Year 2 direct entry and they prefer a year 2 start, the approval may be granted, and in which case, credits earned at their home institutions will need to be considered for transfer. Applications from students in Chinese universities to transfer to Years 3 and 4 are normally not considered. 2. International students and non-Mainland Chinese students (from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, HMT hereafter) who are admitted directly to Year 2 of an XJTLU programme. Students under this category will need to have their prior credits equivalent of XJTLU Year 1 credits validated through the normal admission process. Both level of studies and volume of credits shall be considered. 3. International and HMT students who apply to transfer from other universities, Chinese or international. These transfer students will normally be admitted to transfer to Years 3 and will need to have their prior credits assessed before approval is granted for admission. 4. No application for transfer to Year 4 of XJTLU undergraduate programmes is considered. C. Mode of credit transferring 1. Only formal learning that takes place through an accredited course or qualification is accepted as transfer credits. 2. Recognized admission criteria for direct entry into Year 2 such as International Baccalaureate, A-level and other qualifications will be given automatic recognition of credits. 3. Credit can be offered in the form of block credit or credit for individual modules. Block credit is credit granted towards whole stages or components of a programme of learning leading to a qualification. Credit for individual modules for study completed elsewhere will need to go thought an assessment process. D. Responsible offices Transfer credit is only evaluated for students who are to be offered admission to XJTLU that would lead to an undergraduate degree. The process of validation is coordinated by the Registry for students under category B.1 and ISRS for those under categories B.2 and B.3. Only after transfer credits are approved where required, can confirmation of admission, whether it be the normal international admissions or admissions via transfer, be made. E. Validation process 1. After the application for admission or transfer is received, the Registry or ISRS shall initiate an internal validating process, where needed, in procedures as described below. 2. The student shall submit documentations to facilitate the validating process which mainly include an official transcript, an application form listing all previous modules for credit transfer and module specifications or other evidence as appropriate. 3. The applications will be forwarded to academic departments at XJTLU for scrutiny and recommendations. Where there is different opinion between departments and Registry/ISRS, the Dean of Learning and Teaching will be involved to make a final decision as to whether credit transfer is granted. The credits granted for transfer shall normally be no more than those for XJTLU equivalent modules, and the numerical values of the credits are to be recorded in the Assessment Recording Form. 4. For Year 2 direct entry admissions (international and HMT students), if the student meets the recognized admission criteria, block credit for the whole Year1 of XJTLU programmes may be granted, in which case, there would be no need for going through this validating process for credit transfer. However, in cases where there is no direct 2/3 match of student backgrounds with the recognized admission criteria for direct Year 2 entry, a validating process may need to be initiated as described in the above steps E1-3. F. Recording of approved credits transferred When approval is granted for credit transfer or Year 2 direct entry admission, credits shall be recorded in XJTLU student information system. In case of block credit, either half or a full year’s credit load is to be recorded in the student information system (25/50, 20/40) to indicate the recognition of prior credits which shall also be displayed in the academic transcripts issued by XJTLU. For credit transfer evaluated at individual module level, there shall be detailed information about the module, grade, the awarding institution or other information as appropriate to be recorded in the student information system. There shall be approaches to displaying both XJTLU marks and the transferred credits on the academic transcript. Approval and Revision Log Date January 15, 2014 Approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee 3/3 Description Policy and accompanying forms adopted.