Peking Union Medical College 研究生毕业证明 研究生 张强 ,性别 男 , 1967年9月27日 出生,系我校 2013 届 生物化学与分子生物学 专业毕业 博士 研究生,学制 3 Commented [C1]: 或 硕士 年,已修完研究生培养计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,毕业论文答 辩通过,准予毕业。 毕业证书编号:100231200701000140 发证日期:2007 年 7 月 1 日 特此证明。 北京协和医学院研究生院 2013 年 7月 1 日 9 DONGDAN SANTIAO BEIJING 100730, CHINA Commented [C2]: 填写我校证书编号 10023************ Peking Union Medical College POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE FOR DOCTOR DEGREE Certificate No: 100231200701000140 Commented [C3]: 或 MASTER Commented [C4]: 填写我校证书编号 10023************ This is to certify that Yusong Zou, born on January 8th, 1981, admitted to the Peking Union Medical College in September, 2004, has satisfactorily finished 3 years courses, specializing in Social Medicine & Health Service Management and presented a qualified treatise in July, 2013. It is hereby granted the graduation certificate. President: Zeng Yixin Commented [j5]: 按毕业证书填写 Commented [C6]: 填写发证日期 Peking Union Medical College Issues Date: July 1, 2013 9 DONGDAN SANTIAO BEIJING 100730, CHINA