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2013 年数学院发表论文情况统计 附表2 题目 Stability analysis of flocking for multi-agent dynamic systems Some nonlinear dynamic integral inequalities on time scales Global exponential stability of certain switched systems with time-varying delays On stability of a class of switched nonlinear systems On Easily Verifiable Conditions for the Existence of Common Linear Copositive Lyapunov Functions On the existence of linear copositive Lyapunov functions for 3-dimensional switched positive linear systems Stabilization of Discrete-Time Planar Switched Linear Systems with Impulse H∞ Consensus for Multiagent Systems with Heterogeneous Time-Varying Delays 作者 孙元功 孙元功 亓杰,孙元功( 通讯) 孙元功 吴兆荣,孙元功 (通讯) 孙元功 祝艳丽,孙元功 (通讯) 王蓓蓓,孙元功 (通讯) 1 A Robust Uniqueness-and-AnonymityPreserving Remote User Authentication Scheme for Connected Health Care 温凤桐 2 A Secure and Effective Anonymous User Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks 温凤桐 Existence on positive solutions for boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations with \emph{p}-Laplacian. Hongling Lu,Zhenlai Han, Shurong Sun, Jian Liu. Interval oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear forced dynamic equations with damping on time scales. Yibing Sun,Zhenlai Han,Shurong Sun,Chao Zhang. Oscillation criteria for p-Laplacian delay dynamic equations with damping on time scales. 时间尺度上一类二阶具阻尼项的半线性中立 型时滞动力方程的振动性 Oscillation for a class of fractional differential equation. Existence of positive nonlinear fractional equation with parameter. Zhenlai Han, Yibing Sun, Meirong Xu 孙一冰,韩振来, 孙书荣,张超. Zhenlai Han,Yige Zhao,Ying Sun, Chao Zhang. solutions of q-difference Xinhui Li, Zhenlai Han, Shurong Sun. The existence of solutions to a class of boundary value problems with fractional difference equations, Yuanyuan Pan, Zhenlai Han, Shurong Sun, Chuanxia Hou. Two methods to solve a fractional single phase moving boundary problem Eigenvalue problem for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations with linear perturbations of second type. Three point boundary value problems of fractional functional differential equations with delay. Oscillation results for second-order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Boundary value problems for fractional differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions. On oscillation of second-order nonlinear neutral functional differential equations. The existence of positive solutions for boundary value problem of fractional Sturm-Liouville functional differential equation. Xicheng Li,Shaowei Wang,Moli Zhao Shurong Sun, Yige Zhao,Zhenlai Han, Jian Liu Hongling Lu, Shurong Sun, Dianwu Yang, Houshan Teng. Yanan Li, Shurong Sun, Dianwu Yang, Zhenlai Han Tongxing Li, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Bangxian Han, yibing Sun. Rian Yan, Shurong Sun, Ying Sun, Zhenlai Han. Shurong Sun, Tongxing Li, Zhenlai Han, Chao Zhang. Yanan Li, Shurong Sun, Zhenlai Han, Hongling Lu. Growth of solutions of some higher order linear difference equations 祁晓光 Sets and value sharing of qdifferences of meromorphic functions 祁晓光 Properties of meromorphic solutions to certain differential-difference equations The Optimal Solution of Multi-kernel Regularization Learning Half Supervised Coefficient Regularization for Regression Learning with Unbounded Sampling Regularized Least Square Regression with Unbounded and Dependent Sampling Indefinite Kernel Network with Dependent Sampling. An undecomposed approach to control design for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems 祁晓光 孙红卫 孙红卫 孙红卫 孙红卫 孙丽瑛 王玉振 Qinhui Jiang Conjugacy class sizes and solvability of finite groupsand Changguo Shao Liang Periodic solutions of the p(t)- Laplacian Hamilton systems Zhang,Xianhua Tang Liang nd multiplicity of periodic solutions for some second order differential systems with p(t)-Laplacian Zhang,Xianhua Tang Ying Optimal Dividend and Capital Injection Fang,Zhongfeng Strategies for a Risk Model under Force Qu(通讯) of Interest 1 3 4 5 Global $mu$-stability analysis for impulsive stochastic neural networks with unbounded mixed delays 尹丽子 Modified generalized projective synchronization of fractional-order chaotic Lü systems Jian Liu*, Shutang Liu,Chun hua Yuan Average consensus in networks of agents with neutral dynamics 吴莹莹,孙元功 (通讯) Explorations on Strengthening of Students’ Programming Capabilities in Data Structure Teaching Song Yucheng, Jin Shaoli The study of variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach Fangfang MA,Yanyong GUAN A More Secure Dynamic ID Based Remote User Authentication Scheme for Multiserver Environment A More Secure and Efficient Remote Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement A New Remote Authentication Scheme for Anonymous Users Using ECC The Structure of Common Linear Copositive Lyapunove Functions for Continuous time Switched Positive Linear Systems 随机H2/H∞控制的最大值原理方法 The Structure of Common Linear Copositive Lyapunove Functions for Continuous time Switched Positive Linear Systems Innovating teaching method of matrix theory curriculum for engineering postgraduates Fostering the autonomous learning ability of the students under the multimedia teaching environment. 温凤桐 温凤桐 温凤桐 Zhu Liqin and Wu zhaorong 孙启良 Zhu Liqin and Wu zhaorong 陈兆英 陈兆英 The study of variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach Fangfang MA,Yanyong GUAN Equivalence between two kinds of reducts and approaches to computing reducts in ordered information systems Fangfang MA,Yanyong GUAN A new dominance-based rough set model based on interval knowledge granules Yanyong Guan Definite reducts in ordered decision information systems Yanyong Guan 2 Stability analyses of neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations 尹丽子 3 New global exponential stability criteria for genetic regulatory networks with mixed delays 尹丽子 Upper and Lower Solutions of Boundary Value Problems for Impulsive Fractional Differential equations Chuan xia Hou 1 Statistical Analysis of the Development Tragedy of Low Carbon Economy of Hi-tech Industry in Shandong province 黄治琴 2 Integrating the mathematical culture into the reform and practice of college mathematics teaching 黄治琴 3 Efficient LED Package Design Based on Mathematical Model 对创造性思维的讨论 借鉴国外大学教学理念,提高国内大学数学 教学质量 2-hued coloring of double graph of some graphs. 李克 马巧灵 马巧灵 “马克思主义中国化”提出的历史背景研究 综述 屈昌雷 “马克思主义中国化”提出的有利契机—— 共产国际七大制定的新策略方针 屈昌雷 Stability analysis of time varying population evolution system 1 黄治琴 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium solution of nonlinear population evolution systems Effect of College Teachers’ Mathematical Literacy on Mathematical Education Cryptanalysis and Improvement of A Dynamic ID Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards 王金梅(第一作 者) 王金梅(独立) Yuli Wang Chengbo Xu 2 A Novel Dynamic Identity Based Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Environment Using Smart Cards Chengbo Xu 3 A Secure and Efficient Dynamic Identity Based Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Environment Using Smart Cards Chengbo Xu 4 Cryptanalysis of An Enhanced Smart Card Based Remote User Password Chengbo Xu Authentication Scheme Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillations of a Class of Mixed Chunhua Yuan Partial Difference Equations 一类非线性奇异Hamilton系统的自适应H无 张长温 孙丽瑛 穷控制 L(2,1)-labeling number of the product and 张苏梅 the join graph on two fans 1 Practical ϕ0-Stability of Switched Sto Yan Zhao, Ping chastic Nonlinear Systems and Correspo Zhao(Correspond ing author) nding Stochastic Perturbation Theory 2 Stability analysis of switched nonlinear systems with mode-dependent dwell time method Different protein profile in amniotic fluid with nervous system malformations by SELDI-TOF-MS technology Existence of periodic solutions for a 2n th-order neutral nonlinear difference equations. Team Teaching of Higher Mathematics Rongwei Guo, Yan Zhao(Correspond ing author), Ke Li 郑艳玲 Houshan Teng, Zhenlai Han, Fengjuan Cao, Shurong Sun. Jian Liu, Jinmei Wang Existence and Uniqueness for impulsive fractional integrodifferential equations 孙莹 strengthening the teaching reform of probability and statistics by developing mathematical experiment Shaoli Jin,Yucheng Song 研究生数值分析的教学思考 张守慧,王宣欣 数值分析课程的教学实践与认识 王宣欣 概率论与数理统计教学改革的认识与思考 王宣欣 中美大学教育的几个重要差别 许振宇. 2013 年数学院发表论文情况统计表 期刊 SCI EI ISTP 影响因子 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications SCI 2.2 Applied Mathematics and Computation SCI 1.3 Applied Mathematics Letters SCI 1.5 Automatica SCI 2.9 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control SCI 2.7 Journal of the Franklin Institute SCI 2.4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 0.8 Abstract and Applied Analysis SCI 1.102 Journal of Medical Systems SCI 1.783 Wireless Personal Communications SCI 0.428 Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013:30, 1-16. SCI收录 0.76 Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013,Volume 2013, SCI收录 Article ID 359240,11 pages. 1.1 Advances in Difference Equations,2013,2013(145):1SCI收录 16. 0.76 应用数学学报,2013,36(3):480-494 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2013, Article ID 390282, (2013):1-6. 是 SCI收录 0.8 Advances in Difference Equations,2013,2013(260):1SCI收录 13. 0.76 Advances in Difference Equations,2013, 2013(275):1-20. 0.76 SCI收录 Central European Journal of Physics SCI收录 0.909 Annals of Functional Analysis, 2013, 4(1):25-39. SCI收录 Boundary Value Problems, 2013, 2013:23, 1-16, SCI收录 0.91 Boundary Value Problems, 2013, 2013: 38,1-15, SCI收录 0.91 Hacettepe Journal of mathematics statistics,2013,42(2): 131-138. SCI收录 Advances in Difference Equation,2013,2013(176):1SCI收录 12. 0.76 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society,2013,36(3):541-554. SCI收录 Abstract and Applied Analysis,2013,Volume 2013, Article ID 301560, 20 pages SCI收录 1.1 Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin SCI 0.316 Bull. Korean. Math. Soc SCI 0.388 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations SCI 0.426 Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 1607–1616 0.357 0.48 International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2013,Vol. 90, No. 7, 1321–1333 0.499 0.54 Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume Article ID 139318, 7 pages 1.318 1.1 Analysis and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 5 (2013) 1350020 (15 pages) 1.14 0.978 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 23(6): 695-708 SCI Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. SCI Application of Mathematics SCI 2013, EI 1.9 IF:0.191 Mathematica Slovaca SCI 0.39 SCI 1.38 SCI 1.102 SCI刊源 0.76 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Abstract and Applied Analysis Advances in Difference Equations, 374 (2013):113 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013) EI The 5th International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education EI Journal of Computational Information Systems EI Journal of Computational Information Systems EI EEIC2013 EI 3CA2013 EI Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 山东大学学报(理学版) EI Journal of Automation and Control Engineering EI ITME2013 EI ITME, 2013:1987-1991 EI(已 检索) Journal of Computational Information Systems EI The Proceedings of 2013 Third IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology EI The Proceedings of 2013 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery The Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence Applied mechanics and materials EI 中国控制会议CCC2013 EI BIC-TA 2013(会议) Ei Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 742) 2013 fourth international conference on education and sports education İnternational journal of advancements in computerin g technology,(Vol. 5) 新校园 2013高等院校教育与教学研讨会论文集 2013 International Conference on Advances in Physics and Engineering Mathematics(ICAPEM 2013) EI 经济生活文摘 学理论 2013 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation(ICITIMI2013) July 23-24, 2013,Zhuhai,China EI Third International Conference on Applied Mechanics,Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM2013)August24-25,2013,Dalian,China EI 2013 International conference on Creative Education Journal of Computational Information Systems EI International Journal of Security and Its Applications EI International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking EI The 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2013) EI The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology(ICMST2013) EI The 32nd Chinese Control Conference EI Applied Mathematics,2013,4(7),1094-1096 Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 11(1), 92-95 EI The 25th Chinese Control and Dcision Conference, 25-27 May 2013, 3891-3895 EI EI 2013 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, 1(4):1-4. INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ������������������������Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference�������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������ Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation,2013 2013高等院校教育与教学研讨会论文集 数学理论与应用 2013高等院校教育与教学研讨会会议论文 [J].济南大学学报(社会科学版)学术论丛,2013.6: 87-88. EI EI 期刊分区 一区 二区 二区 二区 二区 2区 三区 二区 三区 二区 三区 三区 三区 三区 会议地点 备注 三区 三区 三区 三区 二区 3 3 二区 三区 韩国 西宁 香港 新加坡 西宁 yangzhou shenyang hangzhou 西安 安徽淮南 温哥华 待EI检索 香港 待ISTP检索 待EI检索 c 威海 已发表 上海 2013.2 2013.9 珠海 大连 Singapore 待ISTP检索 北京 Dubai, UAE 西安 Guiyang, China 北京 西安 广东,珠海 山东威海 山东威海
