表1 2009 年度济南大学科技论文统计表 序号 论文名称(收录情况及影响因子) 作者(*) 发表日期 发表刊物、会议名称 1 p1-类图的双约束边染色 2009.2 济南大学学报(自然科学版) 2 两类几乎外平面图的双约束边染色 单伟(1) 单伟(1) 2009.3 济南大学学报(自然科学版) 3 Simultaneous stabilization of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems via Hamiltonian function method(SCI) 孙丽瑛(1) 2009.11 Science in China, Series F: Information Sciences,52(11), 2140-2152 4 Observer design for nonsquare descriptor systems with unknown inputs via a nonsingular transformation(SCI E) 孙丽瑛(1) 2009.3 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms 16 (3), 317-332 5 焦点量的一种计算方法 2009.9 延边大学学报.2009.第三期 6 独立学院高等数学课堂教学的探索 吴兆荣(1) 李华(1) 2009.2 山东师范大学学报(自科版) 7 二阶非齐次线性微分方程的求解 李华(1) 2009.3 山东广播电视大学学报 8 Attribute reduction and optimal decision rules acquisition for continuous valued information systems (SCI、EI 收录,IF=3.095) 管延勇(1) 2009. 6 Information Sciences 179 (2009) 2974–2984 9 Order-based Decision Rules Acquisition in Continuous-valued Decision Information Systems ( 等 待 EI 收录) 管延勇(1) 2009. 8 The 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery,(FSKD'09), Tianjin, 2009, PP. 435- 439. 10 The application of mathematical 黄治琴(1) 2009.7 Recent advance in statistics application and related areas--- statistic in modern family life managing finances (ISTP 检索) Conference Proceedings of 2009 international institute of applied statistics studied (590-594) 9th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, vol.2 235-238 11 Practical stability of large-scale stochastic Markovian jump systems with time-delays (EI 收录) 赵燕(2) 2009.08 12 On Tweaking Dual MISTY-TYPE Blockciphers (EI) 2009.8 ICCSIT2009 13 最小模原理的证明 温凤桐(1) 朱丽芹(1) 2009,23(3). 济南大学学报(自然科学版) 28 二进制补码一位乘法规律的推导 孙启良(1) 2009.9 《电脑知识与技术》25(5): 7278-7280 14 Application of integral operator for regularized least-square regression (SCI 收录, IF=1.032) 孙红卫(1) 2009. 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2009, 49(1-2): 276-285. 15 A note on application of integral operator in learning theory (SCI 收录, IF=2.344) 孙红卫(1) 2009. 4 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 26(2009): 416–421. 16 A Method for Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. (EI) 徐法升(1) 2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 17 A portfolio model with quadratic subsection concave transaction costs based on PSO(EI) 徐法升(1) 2009 18 Existence of positive solutions for multipoint boundary value problem with p-Laplacian on time scales (SCI 收 录:471GY) 孙书荣(2) 2009.7 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009 Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2009, Article ID 312058, 18 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/312058. 19 Oscillation of second-order delay dynamic equations on time scales (EI 收录:20091612031095) 孙书荣(1) 2009.3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2009, 30(1-2):459-468. 20 Sturm-Liouville 特征值问题 孙书荣(2) 2009.10 济南大学学报,2009,23 (3):299-301. 21 一类三阶非线性中立型时滞差分方程的振动性 孙书荣(2) 2009.10 北京工商大学学报(自然科学 版),2009,27(5):65-67. 22 偶数阶中立型差分方程最终正解的存在性 孙书荣(2) 2009.12 北京工商大学学报(自然科学 版),2009,27(6):66-68. 23 Existence of nonoscillatory solutions to second-order neutral delay dynamic equations on time scales. (SCI 收 录:517DI) 韩振来(2) 2009.7 Advances in Difference Equations,vol. 2009, Article ID 562329, 10 pages, 2009 24 Forced Oscillation of Second-order Nonlinear Dynamic Equations on Time Scales. (SCI 收录:517VW) 韩振来(2) 2009.10 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2009, 60: 1-8. 25 Existence of periodic solutions for p-Laplacian equations on time scales 韩振来(2) 2009.12 Advances in Difference Equations vol. 2010, Article ID 584375, 13 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/5843 26 二阶 Emden-Fowler 中立型时滞微分方程振动性 韩振来(2) 2009.3 吉首大学学报(自然科学版) , 2009,30(1):27-29. 27 时间尺度上一类二阶时滞动力方程的振动性 韩振来(2) 2009.6 吉首大学学报(自然科学版) , 2009,30(3)24-27. 28 几类微分方程解的渐近性 韩振来(2) 2009.9 济南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2009,23(3):296-298. 29 一类具振动系数的二阶中立型 Emden-Fowler 差分方 程的振动准则 韩振来(2) 2009.10 济南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2009, 23(4): 410-413. 30 一类拟线性微分方程的渐近性 韩振来(2) 2009.12 北京工商大学学报(自然科学 版),2009,27(6):69-71. 31 一种守恒型 间断跟踪数值算法 胡京亭(1) 2009.6 山东师范大学(自然科学版) 32 一维交通流模型的间断跟踪数值算法 胡京亭(3) 2009.12 济南大学学报(自然科学版)增 刊 33 Inequalities among eigenvalues of second-order difference equations with general coupled boundary conditions (SCI 收录,IF=0.494) 张超(1) 2009 34 Sturm-Picone comparison theorem of second-order linear equations on time scales (SCI 收录,IF=0.494) 张超(1) 2009 35 Rough communication of crisp concept in fuzzy approximation spaces (SCI 收录) 王洪凯(1) 2009.4 36 Intuitionistic fuzzy Lie sub-superalgebras and intuitionistic fuzzy ideals (SCI、EI 收录,IF=0.997) 陈文娟(1) 2009.11 37 Fuzzy Subcoalgebras and Duality(SCI 收录) 陈文娟(1) 2009.9 38 吕林燕(1) 2009.6 《济南大学学报》 39 、 《相关 Hopf 模范畴 LYDB 与范畴 LYDB0 等价性的 讨论》—2009 年 23 卷第 3 期 含幺逆半群的半格上的同余格 陈兆英(1) 2009.1 数学理论与应用 40 非含幺逆半群的半格的同余对 陈兆英(1) 2009.1 科学技术与工程 41 Analysis of the Influence Factors and Future Trend of Grain Production in Shandong Province (ISTP 收录) 宋文青 (1) 2009.7 Conference Proceedings of 2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies L A L Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2009, Article ID 347291 Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2009, Article ID 496135 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009,20(2):327-331. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 58 (2009) 1645--1661 Bull.Malays.Math.Sci.Soc, (2)32(3)(2009)283--294 42 (1+2)维可换左超对称代数的分类 李可峰(1) 2009,01 43 我国洪涝灾害的时空分布规律研究(英文) (ISTP 收录) 苗丽安(1) 2009.7 44 山东省电力消费与经济发展水平的关系分析 苗丽安(1) 2009.3 山东师范大学学报, Vol24,No1 Conference Proceedings of 2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies 济大学报——社科版 45 一种求解动态规划模型的新方法 苗丽安(1) 2009.3 济大学报——自然版 46 High-order accurate alternating group 8-point schemes for the convection diffusion problem 含有 P-Laplacian 算子的脉冲边值问题解的存在性 张守慧(1) 2009.9 《计算物理》 侯传霞(1) 2009.7 科学技术与工程 48 含有 P-Laplacian 算子的非线性三点边值问题的可解 性 侯传霞(1) 2009.11 山东广播电视大学学报 49 β-Convergence Theory of Nets of Fuzzy Sets in Fuzzy Topological Spaces (EI 收录) On Regular Generalized Fuzzy Compact Sets (EI 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.7 ICMLC 2009 Vol.1:592-597. 陈斌(1) 2009.7 ICMLC 2009 Vol.2:749-755 51 Rgf-Convergence Theory of L-fuzzy Nets and Its Applications (EI 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.7 ICMLC 2009 Vol.2:782-788 52 α-Generalized-Convergence Theory of L-fuzzy Ideals and Its Applications (EI 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.8 FSKD 2009 Vol. 6:3-7. 53 L-fuzzy generalized compact sets (EI 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.8 FSKD 2009 Vol.6:316-320 54 β-convergence theory of L-fuzzy nets and its applications (EI 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.8 FSKD 2009 Vol. 6:8-12 55 On Fuzzy α-I-Open Sets and a Decomposition of Fuzzy Continuity (ISTP 收录) 陈斌(1) 2009.9 Fuzzy Information and Engineering Vol. 2:535-545 56 β-Compactness in L-Fuzzy Topological Spaces (ISTP 收 录) 陈斌(1) 2009.9 Fuzzy Information and Engineering Vol. 2:525-534 47 50 57 58 (K1,4;2)-图的 3-闭包的一个性质 数学直观思维培养刍议 赵海霞(1) 2009.12 李克(1) 刘坚(1) 2009.10 2009.9 Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series, 29(5):1469-1482 济南大学学报 (自然科学版) 第 23 卷第 3 期 Advances in Difference Equations 《科学技术与工程》 新校园 59 Analytic Solutions of an Iterative Differential Equation under Brjuno Condition(SCI 收录) 60 不定积分与商群 周勤(1) 2009.3 61 Impulsive stabilization for a class of neural networks with both time-varying and distributed delays(SCI) 尹丽子(1) 2009 62 Global exponential stability for a class of neural networks with continuously distributed delays 尹丽子(1) 2009 Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 63 MUST: a System for Identification of Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable Elements and Applications to Anabaena variabilis and Haloquadratum walsbyi, (SCI,IF=4.01) 路与圈的积图的(d,1)-全标号. . Yong Chen(1) 2009.3 GENE, Vol 436, pp 1-7 张苏梅 (1) 2009.4 山东大学学报(理学版). 42(4):39-43 65 路与路的联图 Pm∨Pn 的(2,1)-全标号. 张苏梅(1) 2009.7 济南大学学报(自然科学版). 23(3):308-311 66 、 《相关 Hopf 模范畴 LYDB 与范畴 LYDB0 等价性的 讨论》—2009 年 23 卷第 3 期 新课标下,高等数学与高中数学衔接问题的探讨 吕林燕(1) 2009.06 《济南大学学报》 吕林燕(1) 2009.06 《山东师范大学学报》 64 67 L A L