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武汉工程大学学校概况 在中国光谷腹地,黄龙山南麓矗立着一所充满无限生机与活力的高等学府, In the hinterland of China's Optics Valley, at the southern foot of Huanglong Mountain, there is a higher education institution full of energy and vitality. 她以工为主,协调发展,书写着“格物明理、致知笃行”的求索情怀。 As a multi-disinclined university, she features in engineering and encourages critical thinking. 她特色发展,精业育才,描绘着桃李天下的壮美篇章。 She is committed to developing high-end subjects as well as educational excellency. 她就是武汉工程大学。学校始创于 1972 年 6 月,原名湖北化工石油学院, Her name is Wuhan Institute of Technology. The school was founded in June 1972, and was named as Hubei Petrochemical Institute. 1980 年 3 月更名为武汉化工学院,隶属原化学工业部。 In March 1980, as a subordinate of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry, she was renamed as Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology. 2006 年 2 月更名为武汉工程大学。2018 年 1 月入选湖北省一流学科建设高校, In February 2006, she finally got the name ‘Wuhan Institute of Technology’. In January 2018, she was selected as the first-class discipline university in Hubei Province. 2019 年 5 月已有化学、材料科学、工程学三个学科进入全球 ESI 排名前 1%。 In May 2019, three of her subjects: Chemistry, Materials Science, and Engineering were ranked top 1% in the global ESI ranking. 2020 年 10 月在“USNews”2021 世界大学排行榜中位列中国内地高校 92 位, According to the ‘USNews 2021 Best College Rankings’ published in October 2020, she was ranked 92nd among all mainland China higher education institutions. 莺歌晚唱,树影摇曳,烟云眼映之下,勾勒出一个现代化园林式校园的绰约风姿。 The beautiful scenery within the walls of the institution indicates that she possesses a modern garden-like campus. 学校有武昌和流芳两个校区,交通便利,通达四方。 The two campuses of the university, Wuchang and Liufang, are well-connected and easy to reach. 校园占地 130 余万平方米,环境优美,设施齐全。 Overall, the campuses cover an area of more than 1.3 million square meters, with a pleasant environment and complete facilities. 是省级绿化红旗单位,生态园林式学校,湖北省研究及文献收藏单位。 She is a provincial-level greening red flag unit, an ecological garden-style school, and a research and document collection unit of Hubei Province. 学科齐全,综合发展。Comprehensive Disciplines and Development 学校设有 20 个学院,1 个部,1 个研究设计院和 1 个独立学院, The university has 20 colleges, 1 department, 1 research and design institute and 1 independent college. 是一所以工为主,覆盖工、理、管、经、文、法、艺术、医学、教育学等 9 个学科 门类的教学研究型大学。 It is an engineering-oriented institution, which also covers eight other categories: science, management, economics, literature, law, art, medicine, and education. 学校秉承“格物明理、致知笃行”的校训和“艰苦奋斗、自强不息”的精神, The university upholds its motto "Pursues studying natures and acting sincerely " and the spirit of "Strengthening oneself with persistence". 坚持质量强校,人才强校、特色强校、创新强校、文化强校, It works on improving the university with quality, talents, characteristics, innovation, and culture. 全面贯彻党的教育 方针,坚持社会主义办 学方向, It fully implements the Party's educational policy and adheres to the direction of socialist school running. 以培养人才为中心,以立德树人为根本任务,为国家培养了 13 余万名毕业生, It aims at cultivating talents with high moral standards, and more than 130,000 students have graduated from this university. 涌现出以湖北省副省长万勇,昆明市市长王喜良,奥运冠军吉新鹏等为代表的一大 批知名杰出校友,是锻造英才的摇篮。 Famous alumni of this university include Wan Yong, Vice Governor of Wuhan; Wang Xiliang, Mayor of Kunming, and Ji Xinpeng, Olympic Champion. 名师荟萃,英才辈出。Famous Teachers and Talents 学校现有教职工 2044 人,其中专职教学科研人员 1229 人,The university has 2044 faculty members, including 1229 full-time teaching and research staff, 教师中具有正高级职称 251 人,副高级职称 524 人, among whom 251 have high professional titles and 524 possess associate high professional titles. 其中中国工程院“双聘院士”,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,国家杰出 青年科学基金获得者等国内外知名专家学者 100 余人, Among all teaching staff there are 100 scholars who are dual-employed academicians of Chinese Engineering Academy, candidates of the national "New Century Talent Project" and the winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. 他们在这里播撒希望,耕耘未来。 They are here to sow hope and cultivate the future. 特色鲜明,实力超群。Distinctive Features and Superior Strength 学校围绕学科前沿和经济社会发展需要,大力构建以大化工为主线,磷资源开发与 综合利用,化工新材料,先进制造和人文社会科学四大学科群为依托的学科建设新格 局。In order to meet the requirements of the developing frontier academics and society, the school vigorously builds a new discipline construction pattern based on Major Chemical Industry and four other subjects: development and utilization of Phosphorus resources, New Chemical Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Social Sciences. 现有化学工程与技术,材料科学与工程,两个博士学位授权一级学科,22 个硕士学 位授权一级学科,89 个硕士学位授权二级学科等多样化特色学科群。At present, the university holds a range of diverse subjects, including two authorized doctor degree subjects, 22 authorized first-grade master degree subjects, 89 authorized second-grade master degree subjects. 其中化学工程与技术学科在全国第四轮学科评估中,位列省属高校理工类学科第 一。 Chemical Engineering and Technology subject ranked first among all provincial science &engineering-oriented universities in the fourth-round national discipline evaluation. 化学与矿业工程学科为国内一流建设学科。 Chemical and Mining Engineering is a domestic first-class construction discipline. 学校拥有学士、硕士、博士完整的人才培养体系,具有研究生推免资格。 The university possesses a complete talent training system that encompasses bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, and is qualified for exam-free postgraduate promotion. 本科教育在省属高校中首批进入一本招生。 We are among the first batch of provincial universities to enroll first-tier undergraduates. 现有 72 个本科专业,其中 5 个国家级特色专业,4 个教育部“卓越工程师教育培养 计划”试点专业,13 个湖北省一流专业等, The university now holds 72 undergraduate programs, including 5 national specialty majors, 4 pilot majors of "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program" of Ministry of Education and 13 provincial first-class majors. 拥有两个国家级教学团队,两门国家级精品课程,26 门省级精品课程。 We also have two national teaching teams and two national top-quality courses and 26 provincial top-quality courses. 化学工程与工艺专业、制药工程专业、高分子材料与工程专业,矿物加工工程专业 通过工程教育认证。 Four of our programs: Chemical Engineering and Technology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Polymer Materials and Engineering, Mineral Processing Engineering have passed engineering education certification. 化工与制药类专业,高分子材料与工程专业位居全国第 14 位,智能科学与技术专业 位居全国第 6 位, Both Chemical &Pharmaceutical program and Polymer Materials &Engineering program rank 14th in the country, Intelligent Science and Technology program rank 6th nationally. 材料科学与工程学院、计算机科学与工程学院,为湖北省高校改革试点学院, The School of Materials Science and Engineering, the School of Computer Science and Engineering are the pilot colleges for university reform in Hubei Province. 学校本科毕业生一次就业率一直保持在 94%以上,考研率近 30%,稳居湖北省属高校 前列,The one-time employment rate of the university’s undergraduates has been maintaining over 94%; The rate of students taking postgraduate entrance examination rate is nearly 30%, which ranks among the top universities in Hubei Province. 50% 的 毕 业 生 入 职 于 世 界 500 强 , 中 国 500 强 等 国 内 外 知 名 企 业 。 50% of the undergraduates are employed by the World Fortune 500 companies and China’s top 500 companies. 在 2019 年中国大学本科生就业质量排行榜中,学校位列全国第 139 位,省属高校第 2 位。 In the 2019 China University Undergraduate Employment Quality Rankings, the university ranks 139th throughout the country and 2nd among provincial universities. 科研创新,上下求索。Research and Innovation 学校拥有完备的实验实践教学体系,现有 1 个国家级人才培养模式创新实验区,2 个国家级实验教学示范中心,1 个教育部重点实验室,6 个省级实验教学示范中心,1 个 省级虚拟仿真实验教学示范中心, The university has a complete experimental and practical teaching system. There is 1 national-level talent training model innovation experimental zone, 2 national-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 key laboratory of the Ministry of Education, 6 provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, and 1 provincial-level virtual simulation experiment teaching demonstration center. 学校拥有多样化的实践基地,让教学与实践相得益彰。The university has a diversified practice base, so that research and practice complement with each other. 学校积极参与各级各类科研攻关项目研究硕果累累,获国家科技进步二等奖 4 项, 国家技术发明奖二等奖 3 项,国家教学成果二等奖一项。 The university actively participates in various scientific research projects at all levels and has achieved fruitful results. It has won 4 second-level prizes for national scientific and technological progress, 3 second-level prizes for national technological invention awards, and one second-level prize for national teaching achievements. 全面成才,追求卓越。All Round Development and Pursuit of Excellence 学校全面落实立德树人根本任务,坚持以理想信念教育为核心,以社会主义核心价 值观为引领,以学生为本,坚持全员、全过程、全方位育人,按照“全面成才、追求卓 越”的人才培养理念, The university fully implements the fundamental task of cultivating people with morality, adheres to the the education of faith and idea as the core, takes the socialist core values as the guidance, conducts student-oriented principles, adheres to the concept of all-round education, in accordance with the idea "building all-round talent, pursuing excellence" . 贯彻一体化育人体系,不断深化以“三实一创”为核心的“两型两化”人才培养模 式改革,努力把学生培养成为德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。 The university implements the integrated education system, and continuously deepens the reform of the management-oriented, service-based, integrated and modernized talent training model centered on "practical training, experiment, internship and innovation", and strives to train students to be socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor . 积极参与湖北高校优秀大学生海外游学计划和南湖片区十所高校联合办学,大力实 施与南京工业大学、青岛科技大学等国内高校的交换生项目。 The university actively participates in the overseas study tour program of outstanding college students in Hubei universities and the Joint- University run by ten universities in the Nanhu Area ( Wuhan,Hubei ) , and vigorously implements exchange student programs with domestic universities such as Nanjing University of Technology and Qingdao University of Science and Technology. 学校立足湖北和长江经济带辐射全国,推进政产学研合作,积极服务化工行业和区 域经济社会发展, Based on Hubei and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the university promotes government-industry-university-research cooperation, and actively serves the chemical industry and regional economic and social development, reaching out to the country. 成立了 130 余家大中型企事业单位和地方政府参加的董事会,38 个校友分会,与武 汉市人民政府共建武汉化工新材料工业技术研究院,是武汉市唯一设在省属高校的工业 技术研究院, 并与兴发集团合作成立兴发矿业学院。 Wuhan Institute of Technology established more than 130 boards of directors with large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions and local governments’ paticipation, 38 alumni chapters, and jointly established Wuhan New Chemical Materials Industry Technology Research Institute with Wuhan Municipal People’s Government, which is the only industrial technology research institute located in a provincial university in Wuhan, and cooperated with Xingfa Group to establish Xingfa Mining Institute. 国际视野,开放交流。International Communication and Cooperation 学校积极开展对外交流合作,不断提升教育国际化水平,与 40 余所国际大学、研究 机构建立合作关系。 The school actively carries out foreign exchanges and cooperation programs, continuously improves the internationalization of education, and establishes cooperative relations with more than 40 international universities and research institutions. 学校举办各种国际国内大型会议,朋友圈越来越广。 The University holds various international and domestic large-scale conferences, and the circle of friends is getting wider and wider. 青春梦想,熠熠生辉。The Shinning Youth Dreams 绿茵城里,篮球框下,挥洒汗水,奋勇拼搏。青青草地,翠柳红缨,书香流动,多 彩生活。Our students lead a colorful while studying in our university, both academically and leisurely. 工大学子在全国具有影响力的高水平赛事中屡获佳绩,获得国际设计大赛“红点之 星奖”,“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖等多个奖项。 Our students have repeatedly won excellent results in influential high-level competitions in the country, such as the "Red Dot Star Award" in the international design competition, the "Challenge Cup" National University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Competition First Prize. 学校在世界机器人足球大赛中勇夺 10 余项冠军。2019 年获得国家级大学生创新创 业训练计划项目 25 项,省级项目 75 项,莘莘学子用青春热血谱写凌云壮志。 The university’s team have also won more than 10 championships in the World Robot Soccer Competition. In 2019, our students won 25 national-level college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program projects and 75 provincial-level projects. Our students are still working hard on achieving more during their student life. 四十余载磨砺,铸就座座丰碑。Forty Years’ of Endeavor Achieved Splendor 学校被授予湖北省文明单位,湖北省党建和思想政治工作先进学校,湖北省依法治 校示范校,湖北省平安校园,湖北省大学生思想政治教育工作先进高校,全国红旗团 委,湖北省普通高校招生工作先进集体,“就业湖北”先进高校等荣誉称号。 The university has won a lot of awards: Hubei Province Civilized Unit, Advanced University for Party Building and Ideological and Political Work in Hubei Province, Model University in Hubei Province under the Rule of Law, Hubei Province Safe Campus, Hubei Province Advanced University in Undergraduate Ideological and Political education, the National Red Flag Youth League Committee, Advanced Collective of Hubei Province in College Enrollment, "Hubei Employment" Advanced University and other honorary titles. 新时代 新征程 新使命。面向美好的未来。New era, new journey, new mission. WIT is facing a bright future. 武汉工程大学人踌躇满志,学校党委正团结带领全校师生员工,朝着到本世纪中 叶,部分学科领域进入世界一流学科行列,全面建成化工学科领域国内一流,多学科协 调发展的高水平教学研究型大学的宏伟目标,奋力前行! Wuhan institute of Technology is full of ambitions, and the university’s Party Committee is united to lead all the university’s faculties, staff, and students to achieve the grand goal of our university. That is, to promote some of our programs to world-class disciplines, to build a firstclass domestic high-level teaching and research university with coordinated development of multiple disciplines in the field of chemical engineering. March forward!
