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CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Policy on Learning and Teaching Provision for Students with Disabilities Effective from 2014/15 1. A disabled person is someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. 2. The University will make all practical attempts to make reasonable adjustments to its teaching provision, including methods of assessment, to ensure that students with disabilities are not disadvantaged for reasons relating to their disability. 3. Students with a disability are encouraged to disclose information about their disability as soon as possible to the University, either during the application process or to Student Affairs once they have arrived. Student Affairs will arrange for any necessary assessment of their support needs, taking advice where required. The University of Liverpool’s Disability Support Team may be approached to support this process where appropriate. The purpose of any assessment of need is to provide advice to the student’s academic department, and any relevant service, to put in place, where possible, a Disability Support Plan and any structural adjustments to teaching provision and/or assessments. 4. Students with a physical disability may require specialist equipment to support them in their studies. Where this is recommended, and the student cannot supply such equipment, the University will take all reasonable steps to purchase the equipment. The equipment will remain the property of the University and the student may be charged for the use of such equipment. 5. Students who declare or present with poor mental health or signs of poor mental health will be encouraged to seek support from the University’s Student Counselling Service based in Student Affairs. Learning and Teaching Provision 6. Adjustments to learning and teaching provision may take the form of modified access to classroom and study spaces, additional study support to accommodate the disability, or other support identified within the needs assessment, in consultation with other parties as necessary. 7. Adjustments to assessment for a student with a disability may take one of three general forms: a. Modifying the circumstances under which the existing assessment is taken, such as providing additional time, a separate room, rest breaks or an amanuensis. b. Providing an alternative form of assessment. Devising an alternative assessment is an academic matter which must assess the same intended learning outcomes as the standard assessment and meet the same academic standards, whilst giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their academic achievement despite their disability. c. Modifying the marking scheme for students with dyslexia, by marking primarily for content, ideas and critical thinking. During feedback students should be made aware of the focus of the marking. Without this information, students may be under the impression that there are no errors in their work d. Once appropriate adjustments have been made the work should normally be marked in the same way as any other work. The marks should be treated in the same way as those of other students; except in the case of dyslexia, no further adjustment should be made unless there is additional documented mitigating evidence provided under the university Mitigating Circumstances Policy. 8. For adjustments involving the mid-term or final examinations, Student Affairs must liaise with the Examinations Officer of the Academic Department and the Registry. So as not to compromise the assessment system, any request for adjustment must be made in good time ahead of the assessment. Once a request has been approved, the adjustment will normally be made available to the student for the full length of their programme. 9. For adjustments involving learning and teaching provision Student Affairs must contact the Year Leader in the academic department, or in the case of Year 1, a designated liaison person. Confidentiality 10. Where a student discloses a disability to the University, this information will be held securely and confidentially, and will be disclosed only to those individuals who need the information to best assist the student, including, but not limited to, the Departmental Examinations Officer, the relevant Academic Adviser and the Module leaders in the academic department, and to designated staff in the Student Affairs department, the International Student Recruitment and Support team, the Registry, the Library and Campus Management. In the case of students transferring to the University of Liverpool on the 2+2 programme, the information will be disclosed to University of Liverpool prior to the student’s arrival on campus so that arrangements for support can be made. In the case of visiting students, the information will be shared with the student’s home university. 2/5 Referral 11. In cases where no reasonable adjustment can be made, support will be given to the student to consider other programmes at the university where the disability would not have similar impact, if the student has suitable academic preparation for such programmes. 3/5 Appendix P.R.C Classification of Disabilities (Remark: Diagnosis of a student’s disability can only be undertaken by a specialist who is trained to do so. This Appendix is provided for information only) According to national law, classification of disabilities is, applied to statistics, administrative management, and social security. The standard of classification is referring to the following files: • GB/T2661.3 Personal information Code Part III: Health status code • WHO-DAS II (WHO Disability Assessment Schedule II) 1. About Scale According to different categories, disability is classifies as: Sight disability, Hearing disability, Verbal disability, Physical disability, Intelligence disability, Mental disability and Multiple disability 2. About Grade All categories of disabilities are graded as level 1-4; the degrees of disabilities are: level1> level2>level3>level4 Definitions 2.1 Sight disability This item is defined as: multiple reasons that cause poor sight which cannot be corrected, which cause inability to daily life and social living 2.2 Verbal disability Multiple reasons that cause speech disorder which cannot be cured after one-year treatment or without treatment for over two-year sufferings, which severely affect daily life and social living. This disability is including aphasia, dysarthria, organic anarthria, voice disorder, childhood delayed language development, speech disorder causes by dysaudia, stutter etc. 2.3 Hearing disability Multiple reasons that cause permanent dysaudia, hearing loss, which affect normal daily life and social living 2.4 Physical disability This item is including structural damage, limbs incomplete, paralysis, physical deformity that restrict to normal movement 2.5 Intelligence disability The intelligence level is apparently inferior to general public with adaptive behavior disorder. This item is including: intelligence retarded and underdevelopment of psychology. 2.6 Mental disability Various mental disabilities that are not complete cured for over 1 year with cognition, emotion and behavior disorder, which hamper normal life and social living 4/5 2.7 Multiple disabilities With at least 2, more than 2 or multiple categories of disabilities, and when it comes to degrading, the classification principle is in accordance with the severe one. Approval and Revision Log Date Approved by Description January 15, 2014 Discussed at ULTC Revisions recommended March 25, 2014 Approved at SMT Title revised April 9, 2014 ULTC Adopted at ULTC, subject to checking dyslexia provisions May 30, 2014 Administrative update Revised to reflect ULTC request to check dyslexia provisions August 15, 2014 Administrative update Added a statement to Appendix 2: P.R.C Classification of Disabilities July 25, 2015 SMT (on chair’s action) • Removal of reference to University Disability Support Officer • Reference to Student Affairs as the office with responsibility for supporting students with disabilities • Reference to support provided by the University of Liverpool in assessing needs independently, where appropriate • Clearer statements that the University will take all steps to support students with disabilities within its capabilities • Clear statement that any costs incurred by providing specialist equipment may have to be met by the student • Clear statement of the differentiation between physical and mental disabilities 5/5
