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托福口语 TOEFL SPEAKING 中文:肖一方 英文:Yifang Xiao 改英文:ThomasYifang Xiao 目录 Contents 1. 独立口语话题发展 2. 独立口语必要内容 3. 发音的关键因素* 4. 答疑 Q&A 1. 独立口语话题发展 2018年11月18日真 Task 1 题 Which one of these volunteering jobs wou you like to do? 1. Use library computer to help people search for books. 2. Read books to younger kids. 答题标准结构 - Opening - Reason fun, be helpful, teach new things Explanation/Exampl e 答题标准结构 Opening Out of these three choices, I would mo likely choose to read to younger kids. Mainly because I think it would be a fun experience fo Reason 具体 具体 BE SPECIFIC! 为什么要具体? 怎么具体? 独立口语考什么? 用最简单的方式表达自己的观点, 让他人轻松的明白你的想法! 如何让别人明白? 让听者没有任何问题! 潜在的疑问 What? When? Why? Who? How? Where? 2018年11月18日真 Task 1 题 Which one of these volunteering jobs wou you like to do? 1. Use library computer to help people search for books. 2. Read books to younger kids. 答题标准结构 - Opening - Reason Explanation/Exampl e 列举例子 vs. 具体事件例子 2018年11月18日真 Task 1 题 Which one of these volunteering jobs wou you like to do? 1. Use library computer to help people search for books. 2. Read books to younger kids. 列举例子 I really like to read fairy tales, such as The Three Little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and The Three Bears. 具体事件例子 I really liked reading as a child. I remember one summer when I was still in elementary school, my father took me to a live reading at the local library. The reader read a Bad Example vs. Good Example 2018年11月18日真 Task 1 题 Which one of these volunteering jobs wou you like to do? 1. Use library computer to help people search for books. 2. Read books to younger kids. Example 1 I love to read when I was younger. I used to read a lot of fairytales. I really liked t stories. I liked all different kinds of books and liked BAD it the most when other people read t 潜在的疑问 What? When? Why? Who? How? Where? I loved to read when I was younger. I used to fairytale stories like the Three little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and so on. These stories are really interesting to me because there was always a lesson behind t story. Some taught me to be brave and some taught hard work will pay off. I really loved it when my fa Good used to 潜在的疑问 What? When? Why? Who? How? Where? 2018年11月18日真 Task 1 题 Which one of these volunteering jobs wou you like to do? 1. Use library computer to help people search for books. 2. Read books to younger kids. 真题答题 Out of these three choices, I would most likely choo to read to younger kids. Mainly because I think it would be fun experience for me and the kids. I loved to read whe was younger. I used to read fairytale stories like the Thr little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and so on. These stories ar really interesting to me because there was always a lesson 独立口语的话题发展 - Opening - Reason Explanation/Exampl 具体 具体 e 具体 2. 独立口语必要因素 地道的表达方式 + 相关性语言 地道的表达方式是什么? 地道的表达方式 I’m going to school tomorrow. 我明天去学校。 I’m tomorrow going to school. 地道的表达方式 我的朋友找我出去玩。 My friend asked me to go outside. My friend asked me to go out. 我要回家休息。 I am going home to relax myself. I am going home to relax. 什么是地道的我怎么知道? 语言环境 Environment 语言环境 Environment Books Movies & Shows Songs 相关性语言 Sample Question 1 Talk about your favorite kind of food. Explain why you like it. 跟食物有关的内容 汉堡 Hamburger 薯条 Fries 土豆泥 Mashed 炒饭 Fried rice Potatoes 包子 Steamed Buns 饺子 Dumplings 跟食物有关的内容 酸, 甜, 苦, 辣, 咸 sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty 外脆里嫩 脆, 嫩, 多汁 Crispy, tender, juicy Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. 好吃,美味 Delicious, yummy, savory, Thesaurus (同意词典) 3. 发音的关键因素 连读,弱读,变音 个别单词在一句话中会变音 例子 as soon as “uz soon uz” “I will go as soon as school’s over. kind of cool “kinda cool” “Wow, that’s kind of cool.” 前后连读 辅掩盖原 前后连读 Last time [Lastime] Best student [Bestudent] 例子 Part-time job Bus stop Teammate 辅掩盖原 My name is... [my naymiz] Because I've [b'k'zäiv] Pick up on [pikə pän] 例子 Hold on Turn over Tell her I miss her Read only 4. 答疑 Q&A THANK YOU!
