附件1. 2021年国际学生申请表 Application form for International Students.docx
铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校 国际学生入学申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS APPLYING FOR STUDY AT TONGREN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION COLLEGE 邮寄地址: 中国,铜仁市碧江区川硐教育园区 铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校,国际教育学院 邮编:554300 Mailing Address: School of International Studies, Tongren Preschool Education College, Chuandong Educational Park, Tongren, Guizhou , PRC, 554300 请用中文或英文填写此表/Please complete the form in Chinese or English. 请用黑色或蓝色签字笔填写此表/Please complete the form with marker pens. 1.申请人情况/Personal Information 护照姓名 姓/Family name Name(as on passport) 中文姓名 Chinese Name(if available) 名/Given name 护照号码 Passport No. 出生日期 Date of birth ___年/Y___月/M___日/D 男 Male 女 Female □ □ 护照有效期 ____年/Y___月/M___日/D □ □ 照 片 Photograph 职业/Occupation 宗教 Religion 出生地点 Place of birth 永久通讯地址/Permanent address: 电话/Tel: 已婚 Married 未婚 Single 国籍 Nationality 传真/Fax: 邮编/zip code: 通知书寄送地址/ Mailing Address of receiving the Admission Notice and JW202 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: 个人通讯方式/Personal contact details: 邮编/zip code: 电话/Tel: 电子邮件/Email address: 最高学历 highest level of education 学校 在校时间 所获证书、学位 主修专业 institution attended(from/to) diploma received major _____________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 留学类别 □ 专科学历生/ College Degree □ 汉语语言生 Language Training Program Student Category 申请专业 major 学习期限 Duration of study □ 汉语 Chinese □ 学前教育 Preschool Education □ 旅游管理 Tourism Management 自/From □ 英语教育 English Education □ 酒店管理 Hotel Management □ 其他 Other_____________ _____年/Y____月/M 至/ To _____年/Y___ 月/M 母语 First Language 语言能力 Language proficiency 汉语水平 Chinese Language proficiency □ 入门 Beginner □ 初级 Primary □ 中级 Intermediate □ 高级 Advanced 其他语言 Other Language proficiency 2.受教育情况/Educational background 学校/Institutions 在校时间/ attended(from/to) 在学状态/ diploma received 3.申请人亲属情况/Family Members 姓名/Name 年龄/Age 职业/ Occupation 联系电话/Tel Email 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 配偶 Spouse 4.在华事务担保人或机构/ The Guarantor Charging your case in China 姓名/Name 联系电话/Telephone 职业/ Occupation Email: 工作机构/Organization 联系地址/Address 5.申请人保证/I hereby affirm that 1. 2. 上述情况真实无误。All the information and materials provided are true and correct. 学习期间,遵守中国的法律和铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校的规章制度。 I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese government and the regulations of the TPEC. 3. 学习期间不从事政治性活动,不从事传教活动。尊重中国政治、历史、文化和风俗习惯。 I shall not take any political activities or take any missionary activities. I will respect for Chinese politics, history, culture and customs. 4 4.学习期间遵守学习纪律,按时上课,不旷课、迟到和早退。按时缴纳各种费用。 I shall observe academic disciplines, taking classes on time, without being absent, avoiding lateness or leaving early. I shall pay the necessary fee on time. 5. 学习期间,不就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动。I shall not be employed or take any business. 申请人签字/Signature (The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature ) 日期/Date