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REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOLUNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA 欧洲大学 皇家马德里研究生院 A UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROJECT 独一无二的国际 教育项目 01 A UNIQUE CLUB, A DIFFERENT KIND OF UNIVERSITY 独一无二的俱乐部,与众不同的大学 02 ENTERING THE WORLD OF SPORTS WITH THE “BEST CLUB OF THE 20TH CENTURY” 与“20 世纪最佳俱乐部”一起进入体育世界 03 AN INTERNATIONAL PROJECT TO CREATE LEADERS THAT TRANSCENDS THE LIMITS OF SPORT 培养超越体育范畴领导者的国际项目 04 Our Graduate Programs 我们的研究生课程 realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 A UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROJECT 一个独特的国际教育方案 “ “ “ “ Talent, sacrifice and maximum commitment are the foundations that lead us to success. 出色人才、牺牲精神和最大投入 是引领我们取得成功的基石。 Florentino Pérez President of Real Madrid 皇家马德里主席弗洛伦蒂诺•佩雷斯 3 4 REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es 01 A UNIQUE CLUB, A DIFFERENT KIND OF UNIVERSITY 独一无二的俱乐部,与众不同的大学 Real Madrid is the most successful Club in the world, the “Best Club of the 20th Century” according to FIFA, and the sports entity with the highest revenue according to Deloitte’s annual reports. All these achievements are the result of a 110-year history while Real Madrid has accumulated unrivalled knowledge of the many different areas of sports management. Meanwhile, sport has become a social phenomenon that goes beyond mere competition and provides societies with important benefits in terms of economic wealth, employment, values, development, and the promotion of health and education. Sport plays an increasingly prominent role in our lifestyle and carries significant weight, requiring us to place great importance on its management. In 2006, the Real Madrid Graduate School was created in order to respond to this new, multidimensional and cutting-edge concept of sport. This pioneering Graduate School is the only one of its kind in the world that trains leading professionals in all sports-related disciplines. For this reason, all the graduate programs offered by the School replicate and transmit, on the one hand, the extensive management experience that has led Real Madrid to become the world’s top Club in terms of, revenues, results and solvency, as well as the innovation, prestige and academic guarantee of Universidad Europea, a leading institution in the Spanish higher education market, serving more than 16,000 students and belonging to the Laureate International Universities network, which is present in 28 countries throughout the world. At the School our students can study those areas that correspond to the Club’s management. Real Madrid top executives are totally involved at teaching in the fields of Finance, Purchasing, Human Resources, Marketing, Infrastructure, Legal Services, Communication and Medical Services. The Santiago Bernabéu Football Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex are regularly used as a campus for the School’s classes and workshops, while the day-to-day activities of the Club’s executives can provide a real case study. This highly practical approach to working with students is based on the best methodology that exists: which is explained by the main actors of the Real Madrid Club. realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 皇家马德里是全世界最成功的俱乐部,拥有国际 足联授予的“20世纪最佳俱乐部”头衔,按照德勤 年报,皇家马德里也是收入最高的体育机构。所 有这些成就都是110年悠久历史的沉淀,经过漫 长的岁月,皇家马德里在多个不同体育管理领域 积累了无人能及的宝贵知识和经验。 现在,体育已经成为一个超出竞技范围的社会现 象,在经济财富、就业、价值观、发展和推动健 康与教育方面为社会带来重大福利。体育在我们 生活中的地位越来越重要,承载着巨大的责任, 这要求我们重视体育管理。 为了应对这一全新多维度先进的体育概念,2006 年皇家马德里研究生院成立。该研究生院具有开 创性意义,是全球目前唯一一家培养所有体育相 关学科方面顶尖专业人才的高等学院。 5 为此,研究生院提供的所有研究生课程重现并传 递皇家马德里在收入、成绩和财务实力成为全球 顶尖俱乐部所依赖的丰富管理经验,以及欧洲大 学作为西班牙高等教育界顶尖学府的创新、声望 和学术保证,该大学学生人数超过16000人,隶 属于劳瑞德国际大学联盟,在全球 28 个国家地 区开展服务。 学生在学校可以学习与俱乐部管理有关的各个方 面。皇家马德里高管人员全面参与金融、采购、 人力资源、营销、基础设施、法律服务、宣传和 医疗服务等领域的教学工作。伯纳乌球场和皇马 训练基地定期承担学校上课和研讨会任务,俱乐 部高管人员的日常工作可以提供真实案例研究。 这种高度实用的学生互动方式以现有最佳方法为 依据:皇家马德里俱乐部主要参与者的成功充分 证明其效果。 The “Best Club of the 20 th Century”, according to FIFA 国际足联授予“20 世纪最佳俱乐部”头衔 “ “ “ REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es “ 6 realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 7 02 ENTERING THE WORLD OF SPORTS WITH THE “BEST CLUB OF THE 20TH CENTURY” 与“20世纪最佳俱乐部”一起进入体育世界 The sports industry is characterized by the importance of cross-disciplinary and hands-on knowledge. It brings together Health Sciences, Biomechanics and Physical Education, Talent Management, Law, Communications, Marketing, Finance, Design, and Infrastructure Development, among other disciplines. With highly practical learning, all these disciplines are focused on achieving specific objectives in line with those of Real Madrid. Furthermore, in order for professionals to become part of the sports industry, they need two approaches: one multidisciplinary and the other practical. 在体育行业,跨学科实用知识非常重要。体育汇聚 了健康科学、生物力学与体育教育、人才管理、法 律、宣传、营销、金融、设计和基础设施开发等学 科。所有这些学科均采用高度实用的学习方式,关 注于实现与皇家马德里一致的具体目标。此外,要 成为体育行业的专家,他们需要两种方法:一种是 多学科方法,另一种是实用方法。 Only a sports institution as successful as Real Madrid can guarantee the multidisciplinary and hands-on knowledge our students need to become sports management professionals. 皇家马德里无人能及的成绩说明了其在体育方面 取得成功,作为收入方面全球最大的俱乐部,以 及过去连续八年独占鳌头的地位证明其管理风格 的效果。 Real Madrid combines sporting success, as reflected in its unparalleled track record, with the effectiveness of a management style that has made it the world’s largest sports Club in terms of revenue, and stands out for holding that privileged position for the last eight consecutive years. 国际足联授予的“20世纪最佳俱乐部”头衔,以及 德勤公布的足球财富排行榜第一的位置,使皇家 马德里成为学习成功进入体育行业需要的所有知 识的理想学校。 The world’s largest revenue-earning sports Club 全球最赚钱的体育俱乐部 “ “ “ “ The “Best Club of the 20th Century”, according to FIFA, and the Club that heads up Deloitte’s prestigious Football Money League ranking, is the ideal alma mater for learning everything required to successfully enter the sports industry. 只有皇家马德里这样成功的体育机构才能保证提 供多许可和实用知识,帮助学生成为体育管理专 业人才。 8 REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es 03 AN INTERNATIONAL PROJECT TO CREATE LEADERS THAT TRANSCENDS THE LIMITS OF SPORT 培养超越体育范畴领导者的国际项目 The graduate programs at the Real Madrid Graduate School are specially designed for all graduates and professionals who wish to further develop their career and succeed in this industry, and who are interested in expanding their knowledge and gaining greater experience, regardless of their previous academic or professional background. The School’s educational philosophy is built upon three basic strategies: INTERNATIONAL VOCATION On a day-to-day basis, students will experience the international vocation through professors and students from around the world, a cutting-edge teaching methodology, the involvement of prestigious international companies in the design of programs and extracurricular activities, and the chance to complete training modules in the company´s headquarters abroad. “ “ The School’s educational philosophy is built upon three basic strategies: International perspective, career-oriented approach and creating leaders. CAREER-ORIENTED APPROACH Geared towards practical learning, the graduate courses are taught at the following state-of-the-art facilities: REAL MADRID SPORTS COMPLEX IN VALDEBEBAS UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA CAMPUSES IN LA MORALEJA AND VILLAVICIOSA DE ODÓN SANTIAGO BERNABÉU STADIUM In addition, the vast majority of graduate courses include visits to companies or events related to the programs, such as: • Sports Week in London, in the case of the MBA in Sports Management • American Sports Week in New York, in the case of the MBA in Sports Management, and the Master in Talent Identification and Development in Soccer. • International trips to the facilities of European football clubs and the Real Madrid Sports Complex in Valdebebas, in the case of the Master’s Degree in Talent Identification and Development in football. • And one of the main activities arranged jointly by the Club and the School: “White Week,” an exclusive insight into the day-to-day affairs of Real Madrid, as provided by its executives and professionals. realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 “ The School has gained a presence in 13 countries in America, Asia, Europe and Oceania with more than 1,200 students enrolled. In addition, the Real Madrid Graduate School Universidad Europea has a network of 8,000 Alumni from more than 40 different nationalities. “ “ “ 9 学校在美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲 13 个国家开展教育,注册学生超 过 1,200 人。此外,欧洲大学-皇家马德里研究生院拥有 8,000 名校 友,来自超过 40 个不同国家。 皇家马德里研究生院的研究生课程专门针对所有 希望进一步在体育行业发展职业生涯和取得成 功,以及希望扩充知识和获取更多经验的所有研 究生和专业人员设计,无论其之前是否具备相关 学科或专业背景。 学校的教育理念建立在以下三个基本策略之上: 国际性行业 通过来自全球的教授和学生,先进的教学方法, 国际知名公司参与课程和课外活动设计,以及在 公司国外总部完成培训课程的机会,学生将日常 体验这一国际性行业的特点。 以职业为导向的方法 研究生课程采用实用学习方法,在以下先进设施 开展教学: 位于 VALDEBEBAS 的皇马训练基地 位于 LA MORALEJA 和 VILLAVICIOSA DE ODÓN 的欧洲大学校区 伯纳乌球场 此外,丰富的研究生课程包括参观与课程有关的 公司或活动,如: • 伦敦体育周,针对体育管理 MBA • 纽约的美国体育周,针对体育管理 MBA,足球 管理专业。 •访问世界各地的欧洲足球俱乐部设施和 Valdebebas 的皇马训练基地,针对足球管理专 业。 • 俱乐部和学校联合安排的重大活动之一:“White Week”(白色一周),在高管和专家带领下深入 接触皇家马德里日常事务。 “ “ 学校的教育理念建立在以下三个基 本策略之上:国际化角度,以职业 为导向的方法,培养领导者。 The School has a cutting-edge teaching methodology, and counts on the involvement of prestigious professors and international companies in the design of programs “ “ “ REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es “ 10 学校采用先进的教学方法,知名教授 和跨国公司全情投入参与课程设计。 培养领导者 CREATING LEADERS Real Madrid is the result of an ongoing aspiration to lead and excel, both in sports competitions, which are its “raison d’être”, and in the equally competitive markets in which the organization operates. The spirit of Real Madrid is based on the values of effort, perseverance and continuous improvement. These Real Madrid values are also present in the Real Madrid Graduate School, whose goal is to train specialized professionals capable of becoming leaders in any sportsrelated discipline: 皇家马德里始终坚持在体育竞技(俱乐部存在的 根本理由),以及竞争同样激烈的经营市场中占 据顶尖地位。皇家马德里的精神在于努力拼搏、 坚定不移和不断改进的价值观。 这些皇家马德里价值观也贯彻在皇家马德里研究 生院中,后者的目标是培养能够成为任何体育相 关学科领导者的专业人才: 管理和法律 营销与宣传 体育与健康 MANAGEMENT AND LAW MARKETING Y COMUNICACIÓN SPORTS AND HEALTH “ 100 名学生在皇家马德里足球俱乐部 实习。65 名皇家马德里专家担任教 职工。 “ “ “ 100 of our students carry out the internship program at Real Madrid C.F. 65 of Real Madrid professionals form part of the faculty realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 “ 皇家马德里的精神在于努力拼搏、 坚定不移和不断改进的价值观。 We are proud to once again be pioneers and to share with society such an exciting project as a university program dedicated to training professionals who are experts with specific knowledge and skills in areas such as health, management, communication, and physical activity, all of which are linked to sports “ “ 我们非常自豪能够再次成为先驱 者,与社会大众分享这样一个 有意义的项目,一个专门大学项 目,培养具备健康、管理、宣传 和体育运动等所有体育相关方面 特定知识和技能的专业人才。 “ “ “ “ “ The spirit of Real Madrid is based on the values of effort, perseverance and continuous improvement Emilio Butragueño General Manager of the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea 欧洲大学-皇家马德里研究生院院长 埃米利奥•布特拉格诺 11 12 REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es 04 OUR GRADUATE PROGRAMS 我们的研究生课程 MANAGEMENT AND LAW 管理和法律 MBA - MASTER’S DEGREE IN SPORTS MANAGEMENT MASTER’S DEGREE IN SPORTS LAW Duration: From October to June or from May to March Duration: From October to June Language: English or Spanish Language: English or Spanish Modality: campus based or 100% online Modality: campus based Location: Universidad Europea Alcobendas Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and Real Madrid Sports Complex Location: Universidad Europea Alcobendas Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and Real Madrid Sports Complex 体育管理MBA硕士学位 体育法律硕士学位 学期: 10 月到 6 月,或 5 月到 3 月 学期: 10 月到 6 月。 语言: 英语或西班牙语 语言: 英语或西班牙语 方式: 面授或 100% 在线 方式: 面授 地点: 欧洲大学Alcobendas校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 地点: 欧洲大学Alcobendas校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地 realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en (+34) 91 740 7272 13 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION 营销与传媒 MASTER’S DEGREE IN SPORTS MARKETING MASTER’S DEGREE IN COMMUNICATIONS AND SPORTS JOURNALISM Duration: From October to June Duration: From October to June, 60 ECTS Credits. Language: English or Spanish Language: English or Spanish Modality: campus based Modality: campus based Location: Universidad Europea Alcobendas Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex Location: Universidad Europea Villaviciosa Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex 体育营销硕士学位 体育传媒与新闻硕士学位 学期: 10 月到 6 月 学期: 10 月到 6 月,60 个 ECTS 学分 语言: 英语或西班牙语 语言: 英语或西班牙语 方式: 面授 方式: 面授 地点: 欧洲大学Alcobendas校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 地点: 欧洲大学Villaviciosa校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 14 REAL MADRID GRADUATE SCHOOL - UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA info.international@universidadeuropea.es SPORTS & HEALTH 体育与健康 MASTER IN TALENT IDENTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOCCER MASTER’S DEGREE IN SPORTS TRAINING AND NUTRITION Duration: From October to July Duration: From October to July Language: Spanish Language: English or Spanish Modality: campus based Location: Universidad Europea Villaviciosa Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex Location: Universidad Europea Villaviciosa Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex 足球管理硕士 体育训练与营养学硕士学位 学期: 10 月到 7 月 学期: 10 月到 7 月 语言: 西班牙语 语言: 英语或西班牙语 方式: 面授 地点: 欧洲大学Villaviciosa校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 地点: 欧洲大学Villaviciosa校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地 MASTER’S DEGREE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR SPORTS MASTER’S DEGREE IN PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND HEALTH Duration: From October to July Duration: From October to July Language: Spanish Language: Spanish Modality: campus based Modality: campus based Location: Universidad Europea Villaviciosa Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex Location: Universidad Europea Villaviciosa Campus, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the Real Madrid Sports Complex 体育理疗硕士学位 体育运动与健康硕士学位 学期: 10 月到 7 月 学期: 10 月到 7 月 语言: 西班牙语 语言: 西班牙语 方式: 面授 方式: 面授 地点: 欧洲大学Villaviciosa校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 地点: 欧洲大学Villaviciosa校区、伯纳乌球场和 皇马训练基地。 Follow us on 关注我们 Website/ 网站: realmadrid.universidadeuropea/en LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/escuela-universitaria-real-madrid-universidad-europea Facebook: www.facebook.com/RealMadridUE Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/RealMadridUE Twitter: @RealMadridUE Instagram: @realmadridue Telephone/ 电话: (0034) 91 211 5083 Mail/ 电子邮件: info.international@universidadeuropea.es
