iMBA项目2018年第二批次入学考试|招生信息|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.docx
推 荐 信 Letter of Recommendation 被推荐人(申请者)姓名 ____________ 推荐人姓名 _____________ Name of Applicant ______________ Name of Referee ______________ 推荐人须知: 经中华人民共和国教育部批准,上海财经大学与美国韦伯斯特大学于 1996 年合作 举办了工商管理硕士(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财商学院国际 MBA 项目,是国内最 早开办的中外合作学位教育项目之一。为培养高层次的职业经理人,将更注重面试考核, 更重视考生的阅历和潜在素质, 推荐人的意见和权威性也将是我们选择学员的重要参考。 请您亲笔如实填写,尽可能附上您的名片,不可由他人代书。请将推荐信完成后放 入信封,在封口处签名并交还给被推荐人,由被推荐人将推荐信与其他申请材料一同交 至上海财经大学国际 MBA 招生办公室。对于推荐信的内容及您的个人信息我们将严格 保密。诚挚感谢您填写此推荐信! 如有需要,是否同意直接与您联系: □ 是 □ 否 Recommender Notes: The International MBA (IMBA) program by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) and Webster University is recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE) since 1996. The program aims at cultivating business leaders with a global perspective and cross-culture management talent. Hence Applicants’ personal qualities are as important as academic ability and working experience. This reference letter is an important component of our admission process. Please fill in the form by your own. When completed, please sign your name across the seal on the envelope flap, and return it to the applicant. It will be highly appreciated if you attach your business card. We will keep it strictly confidential. Thank you! We may contact you for further information and confirmation. Please indicate whether or not you agree with this arrangement. □ Yes □ No -0- 推荐人姓名 _______________ Name of Referee 推荐人职位 _______________ or Position 请赐名片 推荐人单位名称 ___________________________ Company Name Title Please affix a business card 推荐人联系电话 _____________________________ Telephone No. 推荐人电子邮件 E-mail Address ____________________________ 推荐人单位地址及邮编 _____________________________________________ Address & Postcode 我与被推荐人认识于 __________ 年 ____________ 月,至今 _________ 年 have known applicant since ________(mm/yy), for ____________ years up till now. I 1. 您在何种场合下结识申请者?您对他/她的了解程度如何? Under what circumstances have you known the applicant? How do you know about him/her? 2. 请陈述您认为申请者的主要优点或性格特征。 What do you consider as the applicant’s most outstanding merit(s) or characteristic(s)? 3. 请陈述申请者的主要缺点与不足。 What do you think as the applicant’s primary weaknesses? -1- 4.请进一步陈述申请者适合进行高阶管理知识深造的理由及您对其管理潜质的评价。 Any additional comment about the applicant’s potential for graduate management study and potential for advancement in management. 5. 您认为申请者具备足够的能力完成国际 MBA 项目吗?请详细说明,以及您认为申请人 最适合的发展前途是什么? Do you believe the applicant has enough abilities to complete the International MBA Program? Please explain. And in your opinion, what is the applicant’s potential for career development? 6. 请以下列几个标准对申请者做出评估: Please evaluate the applicant according to the following criteria: -2- 评价标准 Criteria 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 才智 Intellectual Capacity 分析能力 Analytical Skill 表达能力 Capacity to present ideas or facts 组织领导力 Organizational skill and leadership 团队精神 Esprit de corps 主观能动性 Initiative Spirit 责任感 Sense of responsibilities 处事经验 Maturity 道德素养 Personal Integrity 抗压能力 Ability to work under pressure 数学能力 Mathematical aptitude 自信心 Confidence 7.请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价。 Do you recommend the applicant for admission to IMBA of SUFE-Webster? -3- 无资料 No Information □ 极力推荐 □ 推荐 □ 有保留的推荐 Strongly recommend Recommend Recommend with reservation 8. 如还有任何对申请人报考有帮助的信息,请填写(选填) Please tell us any other information that you believe is important while considering this application . (If applicable) 签名 ____________ Signature 日期 __________ Date 如您需要了解更多信息,请联系: 上海财经大学商学院 MBA 中心招生办公室 上海市中山北一路 369 号 200083 021-65369770 021-55968289 For further information, please contact: Admission Office, MBA center, College of Business Shanghai University of Finance and Economics No.369, North Zhongshan 1 Road, 200083 021-65369770 021-55968289 -4-