复旦大学物理系 物质科学报告 Time: 2:00pm, Tuesday, 2018.7.03 Location:Physics Building(Jiangwan), Room C108 The social life of heavy quarks Marek Karliner Tel Aviv University, Israel I will discuss recent developments regarding new types of hadrons involving heavy quarks: hadronic molecules, doubly heavy baryons, stable tetraquarks and others. I will also explain how the discovery of the doubly heavy baryon leads to quark-level analogue of nuclear fusion, with energy release per reaction an order of magnitude greater than in ordinary fusion. Marek Karliner, Education: B.Sc. In Physics (magna cum laude) Tel Aviv University, 1979 Ph.D. In Physics, Tel-Aviv University, 1984 Academic Appointments: Research Associate, SLAC National Laboratory, Stanford University, 1984-1988 Senior Lecturer of Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1987-1990 Scientific Advisor, Faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1988-Present Associate Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1990-1995 Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1995-Present Visiting Professor of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2003-2005 Head, Particle Physics Department, Tel Aviv University, 2006-2010 Awards and Prizes: Outstanding Physics Student Award, Israel Physical Society, 1977 Italian Government Young Scientist Scholarship, 1981 Best Student Award, International School of Subnuclear Physics, Erice, Italy, 1981 French Government Young Scientist Scholarship, 1982 Fulbright Graduate Fellowship Award, US-Israel Educational Foundation, 1983 Weizmann Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Scientific Research, 1984 Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Faculty, Israel Higher Education Council, 1987 Bat Sheva de Rothschild Fellowship for Outstanding Young Researchers, 1988 Edouard and Francoise Jaupart Chair of Theoretical Physics of Particles and Fields, 2007-Present Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2017 Research: Quantum Chromodynamics and strong interactions Internal structure of hadrons, forces between quarks and gluons Hadron spectroscopy Exotic hadrons containing heavy quarks Solitons and their applications in strong interactions Asymptotic properties of perturbation series in quantum field theory