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委托付款说明 根据《捐赠协议》 , (捐赠方)向上海复旦大学教育发展 基金会捐赠人民币(数额)元,用于支持(项目名称) 。 现委托(付款方)支付捐赠款人民币(数额)元到如下 指定账号: 户 名:上海复旦大学教育发展基金会 账 号:457259233986 开户行:中国银行上海市复旦大学支行 特此说明。 委托人(捐赠方): 被委托人(付款方): 日期:2019 年 月 日 Payment Authorization According to the Donation Agreement, (捐赠方)will donate CNY **** to Shanghai Fudan University Education Development Foundation. This letter is to authorize (付款方) to make the payment of CNY *** directly to the following account. Account Name: Fudan University Education Development Foundation, Shanghai Account No.: 4572 5923 3986 Bank Name: Bank of China Shanghai Fudan Sub-Branch Bank Address: No. 220 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, PRC. CNAPS CODE: 1042 9008 5263 SWIFT Code: BKCHCNBJ300 Authorizer: Authorized Person: Date:
