数学院2011年度发表论文汇总表 论文名称 第一作 收录情 况 发表刊物(卷, 者(或 影响 备注 (SCI,EI 期,页码) 通讯作 因子 者) ,ISTP或 其他) Oscillation criteria Abstract and for a class of second Applied Analysis, order neutral delay vol. 2011, 韩振来 dynamic equations of Article ID Emden-Fowler type 653689, 26 pages (SCI收录 :698TY; IF: UT ISI: 1.442 000285617 300001) The existence of Communications in multiple positive Nonlinear Science solutions for and Numerical boundary value Simulation,2011, problems of nonlinear 16(4): 2086-2097 fractional Positive solutions to Abstract and differential boundary value Applied Analysis, equations problems of nonlinear vol. 2011, fractional Article ID differential 390543, 16 pages equations Oscillation of second- Abstract and order neutral Applied Analysis, functional vol. 2011, differential Article ID equations with mixed 927690,15 pages nonlinearities Oscillation criteria for a certain second- Abstract and Applied Analysis, order nonlinear neutral differential vol.2011, Article ID387483, 9 pages equations of mixed type (SCI收录 :690DO; UT ISI: 000284982 900040) (SCI收录 :706PV; UT ISI: 000286231 200001) (SCI收录 :728JX; UT ISI: 000287871 500001) (SCI收录 :760VM; UT ISI: 000290352 200001) Oscillation criteria for second-order superlinear neutral differential equations 孙书荣 孙书荣 孙书荣 韩振来 Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, 韩振来 Article ID367541, 17 pages IF: 2.697 IF: 1.442 IF: 1.442 IF: 1.442 (SCI收录 :760VJ; IF: UT 1.442 ISI: 000290351 900001) International Existence of solutions for second- Journal of 孙书荣 Dynamic Systems order dynamic and Differential inclusions Equations, Positive solutions Applied 2011,3(1-2):24-37 for boundary value Mathematics and problems of nonlinear Computation, 孙书荣 fractional 2011, 217(16): differential 6950-6958 equations Asymptotic behavior J Appl Math of solutions for Comput (2011) 36 韩振来 third-order halflinear delay dynamic (1-2): 333-346. equations on time scales. Oscillation criteria for even order halflinear neutral delay differential equations with damping Existence of solutions for a coupled system of boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Boundedness criteria for set differential equation on time scales Oscillation criteria for a class of third order fnctional dynamic equations on time scales Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Proceedings of Academic Press, the 2011,5thVOL.1: 120International 124 Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Proceedings of Academic Press, the 2011,5thVOL.1:109International 114 Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Proceedings of Academic Press, the 2011,5thVOL.1: 115International 119 Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Academic Press, 2011, VOL.1: 248253 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 (EI收录: 201107136 69702) SCI收录: 730VW;UT IF: ISI: 1.534 000288064 600017) (EI收录: 201123140 41668) Proceedings of the 5th Exponential stability International of uncertain switched Congress on systems with mixed Mathematical time delays Biology (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Proceedings of Academic Press, Existence and the 2011,5thVOL.1: 243uniqueness of International 247 positive solutions Congress on for singular Mathematical fractional boundary Biology value problems (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Proceedings of Academic Press, Existence of the 5th 2011, VOL.1: 254solutions for a International 258 coupled system of Congress on nonlinear fractional Mathematical differential Biology equations (ICMB2011), Nanjing: World Practical stability Academic Journal of Press, for impulsive dynamic Applied 2011, VOL.1: 259systems with time Mathematics and 263 Informatics, scales and initial time difference 2011, 29(3-4): Positive solutions Advances in 891-900. for a couple system Difference of nonlinear Equations 2011, differential 2011:10, 13pages equations of mixed Oscillation behavior fractional orders. of solutions of third- Commun. Korean order nonlinear delay Math. Soc., 2011, dynamic equations on 26(3): 499-513 孙书荣 孙书荣 孙书荣 韩振来 孙书荣 韩振来 time scales Theory of fractional hybrid differential equations Comput. Math. 孙书荣 Appl., 2011, 62(3): 1312-1324. Existence of solutions for a singular system of nonlinear fractional differential equations Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 孙书荣 2011,.62(3):13701378. (SCI收录 :809UZ; IF: UT 1.472 WOS: 000294083 500047) (SCI收录 :809UZ; IF: UT 1.472 WOS: 000294083 500053) Oscillation results for third order nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. 韩振来 Soc.(2) 34(3)(2011), 639648. Existence of positive solutions for Sturm- J Appl Math Comput,2011,37(1Liouville-like 2):443-458. boundary value problem with pOn the oscillation of J Appl Math Laplacian on time second-order EmdenComput,2011,37(1scales Fowler neutral 2):601-610. differential Proceeding of the equations 2011 International Oscillation of even Conference on order damped neutral Network delay differential Engineering and equations with mixed Computer nonlinearities Science,Xian, China. American Journal of Engineering ang Technology Proceeding of the Research, 11 (9) 2011 Oscillation theorem 2011: 3215-3221 International of second–order Conference on half–linear dynamic Network equations with Engineering and damping on time Computer scales Science,Xian, China. American Journal of Proceeding the Engineeringof ang 2011 Technology Existence of positive International Research, 11 (9) solutions for Conference on 2011:3689-3695 boundary value Network problem of fractional Engineering and differential equation Computer with p-Laplacian Science,Xian, operator China. American Journal of Engineering ang Technology Research, 11 (9) 2011: 3861-3868 孙书荣 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 (SCI收录 :818JO; UT WOS: 000294748 200020) (EI收录: 201137143 28418) (EI收录 : 201137143 28428) Proceeding of the 2011 International The gloally Conference on exponentially Network stability of switched Engineering and impulsive systems Computer with mixed delays Science,Xian, China. American Journal of Engineering ang Technology of the Proceeding Research, 11 (9) 2011 2011: 3769-3775 Existence of International solutions for Conference on fractional Network differential Engineering and equations boundary Computer value problem with Science,Xian, delay China. American Journal of Engineering ang Technology of Oscillation theorems Journal Research, 11 (9) Applied for certain second 2011: 3869-3876 Mathematics and order nonlinear Informatics, differential 2011, 29 (5equations Oscillation theorems Electronic 6):1557-1569. Journal of for certain third order nonlinear delay Qualitative dynamic equations on Theory of Differential time scales Equations, 2011, Proceeding of the Existence of 2011 (75): 1-14. 2011 World nonoscillation solutions for second- Conference on Engineering and order neutral delay dynamic equations on Technology, shanghai, China. time scales IEEE Press, vol Oscillation behavior Proceeding 1: 719-722.of the 2011 World of second order Conference on nonlinear neutral Engineering and delay dynamic Technology, equations on time shanghai, China. scales IEEE Press, vol 1: 715-718. 孙书荣 孙书荣 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 韩振来 (SCI收录 :823ND; UT WOS: 000295128 100001) Comparison principle for even order nonlinear neutral differential equations with damping 非线性分数阶微分系统 解的存在性 Proceeding of the 2011 World Conference on 韩振来 Engineering and Technology, shanghai, China. IEEE Press, vol 济南大学学报(自然 1: 477--480 科学版),2011,25 孙书荣 (3):319-321. . 二阶Emden-Fowler中 理论数学, 2011, 立型时滞微分方程振动 1(1):37-40. 准则. 二阶具混合非线性时滞 聊城大学学报(自然 科学版), 微分方程的振动性. 2011,24(2): Preliminary Intelligent 1-4. Discussion on the structure and Applications of Cloud vibration control Computing in the Bank (Vols. 50 - 51)( Materials The Establishment of System P273-277) Engineering for Mathematical Model of Advanced Technologies(Vols. LED Based on Monte 480 - 481)(P1571Carlo Method 1574) 2011 The Stable State International Analysis on the Conference on Single-phase Earth Electronics and Fault of Small Optoelectronics( Current Grounding P 45-48) System Based on The International Mathematical Model Coefficient regularized Journal of Computer regression with non-iid sampling Least Square Regression with Indefinite Kernels and Coefficient Regularization Mathematics, 88(15):3113-3124 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 30: 96-109 韩振来 韩振来 黄治琴 EI 黄治琴 EI 黄治琴 EI 孙红卫 SCI 0.489 孙红卫 SCI 3.144 Journal of Improved Asymptotic Computational Analysis of Least Square information Regression Learning 孙红卫 Systems, 7: 3086Science China Convergence Rate of 孙红卫(第 3089 2位) Kernel Canonical Mathematics,54( Correlation Analysis Journal of 10):2161-2170 Information rough communication based on both-branch fuzzy set Systems Engineering and Electronics,22(4 王洪凯 ): 257-262. EI SCI SCI Genetic algorithm for Journal of -optimal translation Systems Engineering and sequence of rough Electronics,22(4 王洪凯 communication ): 609-614 Topological approaches Advanced to the second type of Materials covering-based rough ResearchVol,2,178 陈斌 sets 1-1784 Decompositions of Advanced fuzzy continuity and fuzzy complete continuity Materials ResearchVol,2,178 5-1788 Annals of Fuzzy Semi-precompactness in Sostak’s L-fuzzy topological spaces Mathematics and Informatics. Volume 2, No. 1, (July 2011), pp. 49- 56. Decompositions of fuzzy continuity by fuzzy strongly pre-I continuous function On topological International J. of the Physical SciencesVol. 6(8), pp. 1882International J. of the Physical 1886 陈斌 some graphs The Research of the Early Warning Mechanism of Jinan Real Estate 对教师视频录像时应注 意问题的探讨 on Computer Science and Service System.Vol.5,38003802 CICCITOE(2011)Vol.11,150152 山东统计协会会议 2011.08.24-29(641644) 高等教育论坛 2011.3(42-45) Computer and Information Cascade-Correlation Algorithm with Trainable Science[J].Vol. 4, No. 6, 2011 Activation Functions EI EI 陈斌 陈斌 covering-based rough SciencesVol. 6(17), 陈斌 spaces pp. 4195-4202 Interval-valued fuzzy The Journal of Fuzzy structures on Lie Mathematics, superalgebras 陈文娟 19(4) (2011) Green 951—968 Power,Materials The Design of Double and Manufacturing Liquid Zoom Lens’ Technology and Model Based on Applications,Vols 李克 Electrowetting Effect .84-85(2011) A note on edgepp436-441 J. Appl. Math. choosability of Comput.(2011)36:367-372 planar graphs without 马巧灵 intersecting 4-cycls (2,1)-total labeling International Conference number of the join graph of pathlabeling and (2,1)-tatol fan. of double graph of SCI 其他 EI EI 马巧灵 EI 马巧灵 B类 韩雪 ISTP 韩雪 李凡军 Permanence and Stability of IvlevType Chemostat Model with Impulsive Existence and Perturbation Uniqueness for Impulsive Fractional Integrodifferential Equations Existence for Impulsive Fractional Integrodifferential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference July Proceedings of 22-24, 2011, 2011 Yantai, China International ,pp. on 5619-5623 Con. Appl. and Engin. Math., Shanghai, China, Proceedings of Oct,2011,pp 635the 5th 638 International Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011) Vol. 1 Nanjing, P. R. China, June 3-5, 2011,pp.269-275 IEEE TRANSACTIONS Stabilization of Switched Systems With ON AUTOMATIC Nonlinear CONTROL (VOL. Impulse Effects and 56, NO. 11,2739Disturbances 2743) On Delay-Independent Abstract and Applied Analysis Criteria for (Volume 2011, Oscillation of Article ID Higher-Order 173158, 6 pages) Functional Interval Oscillation Abstract and Differential Criteria for SecondApplied Analysis Equations Order (Volume 2011, Dynamic Equations Article 719628, with Nonlinearities 14 pages) Given by Interval criteria for Computers and Riemann-Stieltjes forced oscillation Mathematics with Integrals with nonlinearities Applications given by (vol 62, 243Riemann–Stieltjes 252) Oscillation of Discrete Dynamics integrals Certain Second-Order in Nature and Sub-Half-Linear Society Neutral (Volume 2011, Impulsive Article ID Nonlinear Dynamical Discrete Dynamics Differential 195619, 10 pages) Integral Inequalities in Nature and Equations in Two Society Independent Variables (Volume 2011, and Their Article ID Applications 320794, 12 pages) 孙莹 EI 孙莹 EI 孙莹 ISTP 孙元功 SCI 1.95 孙元功 SCI 1.442 孙元功 SCI 1.442 孙元功 SCI 1.472 孙元功 SCI 0.967 孙元功 SCI 0.967 Electronic Forced oscillation of Journal of second-order Qualitative superlinear dynamic Theory of equations on time Differential scales Equations (Volume 2011, no.44, 1ORDER OF CONVERGENCE 11) BASED ON DISCREPANCY PRINCIPLE FOR THE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS METHOD ICNECS2011论文集 Computers and An improved dynamic ID-based remote user Electrical authentication with Engineering, 2011, key agreement scheme doi:10.1016 Cross-realm client-toclient passwordbased authenticated Journal of key agreement Convergence protocol for mobile Information devices on elliptic Technology curve cryptosystem An Improved DoSJournal of resistant ID-based electronics Password (china),2011,28 Authentication Scheme (4-6) without Using Smart International An ID-based Proxy Card, Journal of Signature Scheme Advancements in Secure Computing Against Proxy Key Technology3(5): Exposure 108 ~ 116 A New Proxy Signature Journal of Scheme with Efficient Computational Multiple Information Systems Delegations to the Same 7(10):3623-3629 Proxy Signer A New ID-based Designated Verifier Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme Absolute stability analysis for a class of Lurie Control Systems with timedelay International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 3(2): 270-273 Proceedings 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security(ICITIS2011 ) 孙元功 SCI 王光明 EI,ISTP 温凤桐 SCI 温凤桐 EI 温凤桐 温凤桐 EI 温凤桐 EI 温凤桐 吴兆荣 其它 EI 0.484 Asymptotic behavior Proceedings of for nonoscillatory the 5th solutions of International differential equation Congress on with several delays Mathematical in the neutral term Biology(ICMB2011 on time scales ):324-328 2011 Asymptotic behavior International for non-oscillatory Conference on solutions of Computational differential Intelligence and equations on time Software scales Asymptotic behavior Proceedings Engineering 2011 for non-oscillatory World Congress on solutions of Engineering and differential Technology,, equations with 2011, V2: 591-594 several delays on Periodic Solutions of Proceedings of time scales the 5th an Asymptotically International Linear Second Order Congress on Functional Differential Equation Mathematical mu- Stability of Advances in Biology Difference Impulsive Neural Networks with Equations. Volume 2011 (2011), Unbounded TimeVarying Delays and Article ID 437842, 12 pages Continuously Research on muAdvanced Distributed Delays stability of Materials unbounded timeResearch. Vol.322 varying delays neural (2011), pp 7-10 networks with LMI conditions for impulsion in stability of Intelligent Materials Internation impulsive stochastic Conference, WISM System neural networks with 2011:434-440. unbounded timeComparison of varying delays Proc of ICMT 2011 eigenvalues for 2047-2050 second order 徐美荣 ISTP 徐美荣 EI 徐美荣 EI 杨殿武 ISTP 尹丽子 SCI 尹丽子 EI 尹丽子 EI 张超 Ei Proc of CET 2011 504-506 张超 Ei Proc of the 5th second-order linear International equations with Congress on periodic coefficients Mathematical on time scales Biology 357-362 张超 ISTP equations time SymplecticonMatrices scales among the Linear Hamiltonian Systems on Time Scales Stability regions of 不知道 是是否 收录 0.89 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology 张苏梅 VOL02.661-664 Practical $\phi_0$- Proceeding of the Stability of Switched 30th Chinese 赵燕 EI Stochastic nonlinear Control Conference, 2011, Systems and 1400-1403 Corresponding Computer, Stochastic Ultrasound Strain and Informatics, Perturbation Theory Strain Rate Imaging Cybernetics and of the Early Sage of Applications 郑艳玲 Carotid Artery with Lecture Notes in Type 2 Diabetes Electrical Mellitus Engineering, EI 2012, Volume 107, Value sharing results Part 11, 1079of a meromorphic 0.37 1087, function f(z) and Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 祁晓光 48 (2011), SCI No. 6, pp. 1235-1243 f(qz) Value distribution and uniqueness of difference 0.476 polynomials and entire solutions of Ann. Polon. Math 102. 祁晓光 (2011), no. SCI 2, 129-142. difference equations Some results of CompuMath higher order linear Citation Dyn. Contin. Discrete 祁晓光 Impuls. Syst. Ser. A. Math. Anal. (2011), 599differential Index Global dimensions of endomorphism equations algebras of Communications in (2,1)-total labeling number of product of path and fan Algebra39(2011): generator-cogenerators over m-replicated 560–571, algebras Journal of Algebra Tilting mutation for m- and Its Applications10 replicated algebras (2011) 649–664 Conference The Statistical Analysis of Zerofailure Data of Exponential Distribution 吕洪波 SCI 0.337 吕洪波 SCI 0.443 Proceedings of 2011 宋文青 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies, 2011 International Dalian,CHINA Conference on E- Problems and Counterme Education Entertai asures on Analyzingnment and Elesson Skills Training Management.2011,12 for Normal Students ,21-23 张颖 EI 科学技术与工程,第11 含有独立干扰的线性奇异系 卷,第2期, 2011, 统的函数观测器 1671-1815 Decision Rules Acquisition Based on Consistent Objects in Ordered Information Systems with Fuzzy Decisions 刘庆红 Journal of Information & Computational 管延勇 Science, 2011 Vol. 8 (10) : Proceedings of 1995- 2002 International Conference 管延勇 on Information Consistent Reduct in Science Ordered and Technology, Information Systems 2011, 备注: SCI 收录29篇, EI收录31篇,ISTP收录4篇. March 26-28, Nanjing, pp.348-351 EI EI