学科方向及联系方式 单位 学科方向 联系人 联系方式 文学院(筹) 中国现当代文学、比较文学与世界文学、文艺学、中国古代文学、语言学及应用语言学、汉语言文字学、中国古典文献学 、古文字学、经学 陈老师 Tel: +86-571-88273192 E-mail: zdchenye@zju.edu.cn 历史学院(筹) 敦煌学与丝路文明、宋元明清与区域史、近现代中国史、欧洲文明史、国际关系史 陈老师 Tel: +86-571- 88273295 E-mail: anqi33@zju.edu.cn 哲学学院(筹) 马克思主义哲学、外国哲学、中国哲学、逻辑学、伦理学、宗教学、科学技术哲学、休闲学 马老师 Tel: +86-571- 88273525 E-mail: maliping@zju.edu.cn 艺术与考古学院 考古学:田野考古与科技考古、文化遗产与文物保护、文物与博物馆研究等 艺术学:中国艺术史、世界艺术史等 设计学:创新设计理论、数据可视化研究、综合设计、创新设计等 美术与书法:书法、中国画等 李老师 Tel: +86-571-88273633 E-mail: chli@zju.edu.cn 外国语学院 外国语言学及应用语言学;外国文学;翻译学与跨文化研究;国际组织与国际交流。上述四个方向均包含英语、德语、日 语、俄语、法语、西班牙语。 傅老师 王老师 Tel: +86-571-88206176 E-mail: flq@zju.edu.cn、 wangjiayue@zju.edu.cn 传媒与国际文化学院 传播学、新闻学、广播电视艺术学、电影学、广告学、公共关系学、美学、文化研究、数据科学、语言学、对外汉语,以 及其他相关交叉学科 徐老师 Tel: +86-571-87075138 E-mail: scxu@zju.edu.cn 经济学院 金融学、政治经济学、产业经济学、国际经济学、财政学、公共经济学、数字经济学、劳动经济学 沈老师 Tel: +86-571-88981691 mail: jjxy@zju.edu.cn 光华法学院 民商法学、宪法学与行政法学、法学理论、刑法学、经济法学、诉讼法学、国际法学、法史学、知识产权法学、环境与资 源保护法学、数字法学、纪检监察学(含党内法规学)、立法学 冯老师 Tel: +86-571-86592725 E-mail: relax@zju.edu.cn 教育学院 教育学原理、课程与教学论、教育史、比较教育学、高等教育学、教育政策、教育技术学、教育心理学、体育人文社会学 、运动人体科学、智能体育工程、体育教育训练学(体操、田径、游泳、排球、篮球、羽毛球、网球、武术等)、民族传 统体育学、军事理论 周老师 Tel: +86-571-88273140 E-mail: zdzju@zju.edu.cn 管理学院 旅游管理、组织行为与人力资源管理、创业管理、企业组织与发展战略、市场研究与营销管理、运营管理、公司财务与资 本市场、会计学、国际商务、管理信息系统、创新管理、数字化管理 裘老师 Tel: +86-571-88206858 E-mail: qiuting@zju.edu.cn 公共管理学院 行政学理论与实践、公共人力资源管理、公共财政与公共经济、大数据与公共治理、土地资源与生态、土地经济与制度、 土地信息与规划、新型城镇化、可持续城市、城市治理理论与政策、社会政策、社会保障、社会服务、应急管理、信息资 源管理理论与方法、数字治理与信息管理、当代中国政治与治理、全球治理与区域研究、政治学理论与方法、农业产业发 展与组织制度、农村发展理论与政策、食物经济与农商管理 朱老师 Tel: +86-571-56662071 E-mail: zjhorsezhu@zju.edu.cn 社会学系 人口学(含方法论/大数据)、经济/组织社会学、历史/政治社会学、社区研究/社会工作 王老师 Tel: +86-571-88208662 E-mail: shxx@zju.edu.cn 马克思主义学院 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义中国化研究、思想政治教育、中国近现代史基本问题研究、党的建设、国外马克思主义 研究 杨老师 Tel: +86-571-87078920 E-mail: 0017512@zju.edu.cn 数学科学学院 应用数学、计算数学、运筹学与控制论、基础数学、概率论与数理统计 陈老师 Tel: +86-571-87953947 E-mail: chenli07@zju.edu.cn 物理学院 高能物理、理论物理、凝聚态物理、等离子体物理、原子、分子和光物理、统计物理、计算物理、应用物理、生物物理和 天文学 王老师 Tel: +86-571-87953118 E-mail: wangdn@zju.edu.cn 化学系 材料化学、合成化学、化学生物学、催化与表界面化学、生命分析化学与材料分析化学、其它前沿化学领域。 董老师 Tel: +86-571-87951895 E-mail: dongyancjxy@zju.edu.cn 地球科学学院 构造地质、地球物理、环境与地球化学、有机地球化学、矿物岩石、古生物学、自然地理、人文地理、遥感、地理信息系 统、地学大数据、大气科学 方老师 Tel: +86-571-87952875 E-mail: dilith@zju.edu.cn 心理与行为科学系 工程心理学、组织与管理心理学、发展与教育心理学、临床心理学、社会心理学、认知心理学、认知神经科学 刘老师 Tel: +86-571-88273022 E-mail: Lss644@zju.edu.cn 机电系统集成及智能化、电液控制技术、电子-气动控制技术、测试与信号处理技术、机电系统仿真、机器人技术、微纳 技术与精密工程、应用流体力学、深海机电装备技术、航空制造技术及装备、生物制造技术及装备、质量工程、氢燃料电 池设计与制造技术、振动与计量技术、网络化制造与企业信息化、现代机械设计理论与方法研究、机电产品创新设计关键 技术研究、CAD/CAPP/CAM集成技术、先进制造系统模式与协同管理技术、制造过程管理与优化技术、数字化产品工程 盛老师 Tel: +86-571-87951181 E-mail: kyysy@zju.edu.cn 倪老师 Tel: +86-571-87951400 E-mail: niml@zju.edu.cn 能源工程学院 动力机械及工程、车辆工程、工程热物理、热能工程、制冷及低温工程、能源环境工程、新能源科学与工程、流体机械及 工程、化工过程机械、储能科学与工程、过程安全与装备、供热供燃气通风及空调工程 重点方向:化石燃料的高效清洁利用与储能系统,新能源及先进能源系统,生物质利用及CO2捕集,可持续能源利用与节 方老师 能环保,低碳能源利用及污染物控制,多相复杂反应系统的计算和测量,强化传热与先进动力系统,制冷空调技术,低温 技术,车船多能源动力系统优化与控制,极端过程装备及安全,智慧能源理论与技术 Tel: +86-571-87951325 E-mail: fhy@zju.edu.cn 电气工程学院 电气基础前沿技术方向:电气新材料、微纳芯片及集成、封装等; 高端电气装备方向:电机装备、电力电子及能源转换等; 智慧能源与能源系统方向:智能电网、电力物联网、可再生能源、核电等; 智能电气技术方向:电气信息安全、机器人、人工智能、传感技术、能量收集管理、智能电气系统、生物医药应用等; 其他相关的技术方向。 周老师 Tel: +86-571-87951538 E-mail: lianazhou@zju.edu.cn 建筑工程学院 高性能混凝土及复合材料、新材料结构、韧性基础设施、韧性城市、智慧交通与光伏路面、海洋结构工程、结构可靠度与 抗震、混凝土组合结构、混凝土细观力学、工程结构与抗震抗风、空间结构、智能结构、钢结构、结构控制、施工技术、 地下工程、岩土计算分析、超重力离心模拟、海洋岩土工程、环境岩土工程、能源岩土工程、饮用水安全保障技术、水环 境污染控制与治理、工程管理、轨道交通、道路与铁道、桥梁工程、桥梁结构健康监测与振动控制、交通信息与控制、防 灾工程、工程地质灾害防治、建筑节能或建筑物理、建筑设计、城市规划与设计、城市规划信息技术、水工结构、水力学 及河流动力学、水文地质与工程地质、水文学与地表过程、水资源管理与利用、港口海岸及近海工程、海洋工程、土木工 程材料、新型建筑材料 姜老师 Tel: +86-571-88208677 E-mail: jxy@zju.edu.cn 化学工程、合成生物学、生物工程、医药工程、制药工程、储能工程、聚合与聚合物工程、工业催化、工业生态与环境、 化学工程与生物工程 化工大数据与人工智能 学院 黄老师 海洋学院 物理海洋与观测应用、海洋生态环境与生物资源利用、海洋地质与勘探应用、海洋装备技术、海洋信息技术、海岸与近海 工程、海洋结构物与工程、智慧港航与海洋综合治理等 刘老师 Tel: +86-580-2092529 E-mail: lj2009@zju.edu.cn 航空航天学院 固体力学、工程力学、动力学与控制、交叉力学、生物力学、流体力学、飞行器设计、航空宇航推进理论与工程、导航制 导与控制、空天信息技术、微电子学与固体电子学、微小卫星技术 徐老师 Tel: +86-571-87952897 E-mail: xu@zju.edu.cn 刘老师 Tel: +86-571-87951308 E-mail: ciciliu33@zju.edu.cn 姚老师 Tel: +86-571-87953023 E-mail: yaoda@zju.edu.cn 机械工程学院 材料科学与工程学院 材料物理与化学、材料学、材料加工工程 高分子科学与工程学 高分子化学、高分子物理、高分子材料、生物医用高分子、生物电子学、生物纳米或分离膜功能高分子 系 光电科学与工程学院 光电材料与器件、微纳光子学、集成光子学、极端光学、半导体光电子学、非线性光学、量子光学、光电成像与显示、光 电传感与测量、生物医学光子学、光通信器件及技术、能源与环境光电技术、智能光电技术、激光技术、光电感知技术 信息理论、量子信息论与量子通信、6G、物联网及智能通信网络、感知-通信-计算一体化、云接入与移动边缘网络、智能 信号/信息处理与大数据处理、视觉感知/导航、视频编码/传输与媒体数据挖掘、水声信号处理与通信工程、通信与网络安 信息与电子工程学院 全、智能系统与芯片集成;电子与信息工程、电磁场与微波技术、物理电子学、电路与系统;嵌入式系统与系统芯片、人 王老师 工智能与芯片、图像处理专用芯片、模拟与数模混合集成电路、功率系统芯片、微纳电子学、集成光电子学、柔性电子、 微纳机电系统 Tel: +86-571-87951490 E-mail: zjuhgxy@zju.edu.cn Tel: +86-571-87951555 E-mail: wangjunxia@zju.edu.cn 集成电路制造科学和技术,例如集成电路关键工艺(光刻,刻蚀,薄膜等),工艺集成技术,计算流体力学,表面物理, 光学工程,非平衡态等离子体科学,高分子化工,固体物理,传热传质,系统调度优化,集成电路封装与测试技术,集成 电路制造材料工程,微纳系统集成技术和集成电路制造工程与管理,集成电路与集成系统设计及应用,制造设计一体化, 微纳电子器件原理与纳米尺度效应,新型信息器件与类脑芯片。 王老师 Tel: +86-571- 82990607 E-mail: ylwang@zju.edu.cn 新一代高端控制装备及系统(工控芯片、工业软件、工业大数据、知识自动化、大规模系统优化、分布式协同调控、智能 制造、智能工厂等)、重大关键设施综合安全(工控安全、工业互联网安全、网络安全、安全检测与评估、安全防护与防 御、故障诊断与健康管理、工业安全协议、安全算法、密码学等)、智能机器人与自主无人系统(感知器件与解析方法、 控制科学与工程学院 智能成像与环境认知、运动控制与实时规划、协同决策与智能集群、深度学习与计算智能、智能驾驶与未来交通等)、减 碳增效智能系统(新能源和清洁能源技术、智能感知与决策、智能评估与预警、高适应性光学检测、微纳检测技术与仪器 、生物感知、量子感知、量子计算测控等) 李老师 Tel: +86-571-87951135 E-mail: lixuhua@zju.edu.cn 微纳电子学院 人工智能基础理论、跨媒体分析与理解、多媒体技术、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、 人工智能、智能软件工程、软件理论 与智能算法、数据库与大数据软件、区块链技术、物联网与边缘计算、智能媒体计算与信息无障碍、网络空间安全、数据 安全与隐私、硬件安全、系统安全、软件安全、人工智能安全、网络与通信安全、信息确保、计算机体系结构、高性能计 计算机科学与技术学 算、类脑计算、脑机接口、人机混合智能、服务计算、量子计算、遥感大数据、操作系统、编译技术、新型计算模式及系 陈老师 统、 数字与模拟芯片设计、网络内生安全、开放网络操作系统及安全、数字孪生、智能移动机器人、嵌入式操作系统、虚 院 拟化与云平台 、大数据及信息安全、下一代智能计算系统架构、新型软硬件协同技术、可信人工智能技术、现代智能教育 技术、CAD与创新设计、并行计算、计算几何、大数据可视化、大数据分析、图形学、虚拟现实、人机交互、工业设计、 人机工程、数字化艺术与设计、数字创意、设计智能、创新设计 新兴软件:人工智能、大数据、区块链、新兴计算架构与软件等 工业软件:CAD、CAE、数字孪生、协同制造与服务、嵌入式系统、控制工程等 应用服务软件:软件工程、服务计算、智慧城市、金融科技、智慧物流与港口等 Tel: +86-571-87952886 E-mail : chhy@zju.edu.cn 翟老师 Tel: +86-574-27830858 E-mail : yxzhai@zju.edu.cn 汤老师 Tel: +86-571-87951086 E-mail: tangqin88@zju.edu.cn “生物+”交叉研究领域(包括计算生物学、合成生物学、空间生物学);植物抗逆与高效;生命系统稳态与保护(包括 细胞与发育生物学、遗传与再生生物学、生物化学与生物物理学);动植物生态学、微生物生态学、生态系统生态学 丁老师 Tel: +86-571-88206483 E-mail: lsckyk@zju.edu.cn 生物系统工程与食品 智能农业装备与机器人、数字农业信息技术、设施农业与环境调控、生物物料加工与生物质利用、食品绿色与智能制造、 科学学院 食品营养与人类健康、食品质量与安全控制、食品生物技术与生物合成 卢老师 Tel: +86-571-88982559 E-mail: luhuangping@zju.edu.cn 1. 环境科学与工程 环境化学与毒理学、大气环境模拟与污染控制、水体污染控制与面源治理、土壤污染控制与修复、废弃物处理处置与资源 化、环境生态工程、环境管理与全球变化等。 2. 农业资源与环境 土壤过程与功能调控、植物营养与施肥调控、农业遥感与信息技术、土水污染控制与修复、土壤-生物互作与健康、碳氮 过程与全球变化等。 何老师 Tel: +86-571-88982963 E-mail: hzrs@zju.edu.cn 软件学院 生物医学工程与仪器 生物传感与医学信息技术、生物医学成像与分子影像、数字技术与智能医疗仪器、神经组织工程与脑机交互 科学学院 生命科学学院 环境与资源学院 作物生物信息学与基因组学、作物种质(基因)创新与挖掘利用、作物分子与设计育种、种子科学与工程、作物逆境生理 学、作物产量与品质分子生物学、作物品质生理与优质栽培、作物逆境分子生理与调控、果树遗传育种、果实生物学、果 实采后生物学与贮藏物流、园艺作物生物信息学、观赏园艺学、风景园林规划设计、生物技术与茶资源利用、茶叶天然产 物化学与生物合成、茶叶品质分子生物学、蔬菜生长发育与抗逆调控、蔬菜功能基因鉴定与调控、蔬菜生理生化与代谢调 农业与生物技术学院 控、蔬菜种质创新与分子育种、农药生态毒理、农药环境毒理、农药残留分析、昆虫进化生物学与生物防治、昆虫生态学 陈老师 与害虫综合治理、昆虫分子生物学与昆虫资源、昆虫入侵生物学与植物检疫、转基因抗虫植物与生物安全、昆虫基因组学 和生物信息学、昆虫毒理学与抗药性、媒介昆虫与虫媒疾病、大数据与智慧植保、植物与病原物互作、植物免疫学、植物 病害流行与防控、植物病害与食品安全、 植物病理与生物技术、植物检疫与生物安全、放射生物学、结构生物学、环境化 学、放射化学 动物科学学院 统计组学与动物设计育种、动物功能组学与遗传资源、模式生物与发育遗传、动物繁殖技术与基因编辑;绿色饲料与健康 养殖、肌肉生物学与肉品质和安全、反刍动物营养,乳品质形成与调控、家禽营养与蛋品质量;蚕蜂种质提升与质量保障 、生物资源与材料工程、蜂品质形成与安全、特种水产养殖、动物解剖学、动物组织胚胎学、分子细胞生物学、兽医病理 学、兽医药理学、兽医毒理学、动物分子免疫学、兽医流行病学、动物病毒学、动物细菌学、兽医公共卫生、兽医内科、 兽医外科、兽医产科、中兽医学、兽医针灸、兽医诊断学、分子影像学。 医学院 基础医学系:人体结构和重大疾病的生物学标志物研究,数字化解剖应用研究;细胞器的结构与功能及其在癌症等重大疾病 中的作用,分子细胞生物学新技术(各种电镜/显微镜新技术、基因组编辑等),肿瘤细胞生物学的基础与转化研究(细 胞迁移与癌症转移等);心血管、肾脏等功能及疾病的分子;疼痛的机制与干预研究等;人类遗传学(包括基因组医学, 基因编辑)、表观遗传学、计算生物学等相关研究;膜生物学(包括细胞器的结构、功能和相互作用);细胞代谢(包括 营养和能量代谢、细胞自噬等);生物大分子的结构、修饰和功能;生物大分子合成和降解的调控;人体重大疾病病理学 徐老师 、病因和发病机制、生物标志物和精准医学等生命科学和医学研究方向;免疫识别和调控、免疫细胞分化发育、免疫代谢 及免疫性疾病治疗的基础和应用研究;病毒学、真菌学和微生物合成生物学、微生物制药、微生物次级代谢的基础和应用 研究;神经退行疾病发病机制及治疗;分子药理、神经药理、肿瘤药理、呼吸药理、免疫药理等方向;疾病的分子基础和 药物研发;干细胞的有效扩增和精准分化研究、干细胞衰老研究、干细胞生物影像研究、肌肉骨骼系统,血液系统和心血 管系统的再生研究;结构生物学(包括膜蛋白结构解析)、计算生物学及分子影像学等相关研究 王老师 Tel: +86-571-88982537 E-mail: kyk.cab@zju.edu.cn Tel: +86-571-88982603 E-mail: zrwang@zju.edu.cn Tel: +86-571-88981927 E-mail: xutianfeng@zju.edu.cn 公共卫生学院: 数智健康: 大数据健康科学、健康医疗大数据的挖掘与应用、慢病预防与控制、医学人工智能、风险预测、老龄化、流行病与卫生统 计、生物遗传、生物信息学等; 重大传染病防控与突发公共卫生事件应急管理: 传染病预防与控制、传染病传播模型、突发公共卫生应急管理等; 季老师 Tel: +86-571-88208102 E-mail: hjcjiw@zju.edu.cn 各附属医院:临床医学、基础医学、公共卫生与预防医学、生物学等相关学科 常老师 Tel: +86-571-88981338 E-mail: changle196@zju.edu.cn 护理系:临床护理,护理教育,护理管理,社区护理。 陈老师 Tel: +86-571-88208105 E-mail: xiaohangchen@126.com hulixi@zju.edu.cn 脑科学与脑医学系:传统学科方向:神经生物学、神经精神疾病、细胞生物学; 新兴/交叉学科方向:脑疾病的机理研究和干预措施、脑功能的环路解析、脑功能信息读取、脑功能调控,生物医学工程 、脑机接口与混合智能、类脑计算与神经计算、脑高级认知功能和计算模型。 王老师 Tel: 86-571-87071107 E-mail: brains@zju.edu.cn 遗传学研究所:人类遗传学(包括基因组医学,基因编辑)、医学遗传学、表观遗传学、干细胞和模式生物、计算生物学 余老师 Tel: +86-571-88206916 E-mail: kangkangyu@zju.edu.cn 转化医学研究院:肿瘤学(包括肿瘤代谢)、代谢性疾病(包括代谢性免疫)、分子免疫学及免疫治疗、生物材料、生物 医学工程、生物信息学等医工信交叉及临床转化应用相关的国际前沿领域或学科。 金老师 Tel: +86-571-86971603 E-mail: yiwenjin@zju.edu.cn 药学院 药物化学,药剂学,药物分析学,微生物与生化药学,药理毒理学,中药科学与工程学,智能药学 朱老师 Tel: +86-571-88208416 E-mail: zhuyuanyuan@zju.edu.cn 生命科学研究院 癌症、干细胞和炎症等分子细胞前沿研究领域,化学生物学、计算生物学和结构生物学(Cryo EM方向)等交叉科学领域 肖老师 ,以及与人类疾病相关的转化应用领域。 Tel: +86-571-88206016 E-mail: lsi@zju.edu.cn 、xiaoxuehz@zju.edu.cn 求是高等研究院 聚焦“脑机接口、神经工程、康复工程、生物医学仪器、系统神经科学”研究的生物医学工程、基础医学、计算机科学与 技术,光学工程,材料科学,数学等交叉学科的高层次人才 杨老师 Tel: +86-571-87952838 E-mail: yangyiyi@zju.edu.cn 数据科学研究中心 数据科学,统计理论与方法,人工智能理论与算法,数据挖掘与机器学习,运筹与优化,计算机视觉 苏老师 Tel: +86-571-88208268 E-mail: suweina@zju.edu.cn 心理科学研究中心 心理学科(认知心理学、工程心理学等),人因工程,计算机科学(人工智能、神经计算等),工业设计,机械工程(智 能制造、机械制造与自动化、工业工程),脑科学、生物医学工程及其相关学科 陈老师 Tel: +86-571- 88273661 E-mail : cps.zju@zju.edu.cn 浙江大学爱丁堡大学 干细胞与再生医学、生物信息学、感染和免疫、癌症和肿瘤学以及其他生物医学相关学科 联合学院 杨老师 Tel: +86-571-87572816 E-mail : hr_zje@intl.zju.edu.cn 电子与计算机工程(计算机工程、计算机科学、人工智能、数字媒体技术、控制科学与工程、工业设计、软件工程、电子 浙江大学伊利诺伊大 信息技术、嵌入式系统、无线通讯与网络、微电子、通信工程、纳米技术量子材料),电气工程及其自动化(电力系统及 学厄巴纳香槟校区联 其自动化、电机与电器、电路与系统、电子电力与电力传动、智能机器人与传感技术、新能源),机械工程(智能制造、 合学院 机械制造与自动化、工业工程、机器人、生物机械),土木与环境工程(结构工程、岩土工程、交通工程、水资源与水环 境工程、建筑环境工程、城市规划、环境规划与信息技术)、物理、材料科学、数学、量子信息 苟老师 Tel: +86-571-87572520 E-mail : zjuihr@zju.edu.cn 浙江大学国际联合商 金融科技与大数据分析、保险与风险管理、领导力与组织行为、运营与供应链管理、市场营销等。 学院 朱老师 Tel: +86-571-87572366 E-mail : zhulinzl@zju.edu.cn 营养、环境、职业与健康: 营养与食品卫生、劳动卫生与环境卫生、卫生毒理、职业卫生等; 健康政策与健康促进: 卫生政策、儿少卫生与妇幼保健、社会医学与卫生事业管理、健康教育学与健康促进、心理与行为健康、全球卫生等。 其他方向:其他公共卫生领域相关研究方向。 浙江大学医学中心 聚焦“疑难未诊断疾病、血液与免疫疾病、重大精神疾病”三大领域,医工信交叉,特别是单细胞图谱与疾病分型、医学 遗传学、类器官与疾病模型、基因治疗、细胞治疗、淋巴系统与疾病、冷冻电镜断层成像、计算生物学、AI医学、分子动 力学模拟及计算机辅助药物设计等。 李老师 The fields of recruitment and contact information of the departments/schools Tel: +86-571-88790522 E-mail : liangzhu@zju.edu.cn Unit The fields of recruitment Contact Tel&Email School of Literature Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Comparative and World Literature, Literary Theory, Classical Chinese Literature, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Chinese Philology, Classical Chinese Philology, Study of Ancient Chinese Script,Confucian Classics Studies Ms. Chen Tel: +86-571-88273192 E-mail: zdchenye@zju.edu.cn Dunhuang Studies and Silk Road Civilizations History of the Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties and Regional Studies Modern Chinese History History of European Civilization History of International Relationship Ms. Chen Tel: +86-571- 88273295 E-mail: anqi33@zju.edu.cn Marxism Philosophy, Foreign Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Logics, Ethics, Science of Religion, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Leisure Studies. Ms. Ma Tel: +86-571- 88273525 E-mail: maliping@zju.edu.cn Ms. Li Tel: +86-571-88273633 E-mail: chli@zju.edu.cn School of History School of Philosophy School of Art and Archaeology Archaeology:Field Archaeology and Archaeological Science;Cultural Heritage and Cultural Relics Protection;Museology and Cultural Relics Research Art History:Chinese Art History;Global Art History Design:Design Theory Innovation;Data Visualization Research;Integrated Design;Design Innovation Art and Calligraphy:Calligraphy;Chinese Painting School of International Studies Linguistics (both theoretical and applied), Foreign Literature Studies, Translation and Cross-culture Studies, International Organizations and Exchange Studies. All the listed areas include those in English, German, Japanese, Russian, French, or Spanish. Ms. Fu Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-88206176 E-mail: flq@zju.edu.cn、 wangjiayue@zju.edu.cn College of Media and International Culture Journalism, Communication, Radio and Television Art, Film Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Aesthetics, Cultural Studies, Data Science, Linguistics, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and other related interdisciplinary studies. Mr. Xu Tel: +86-571-87075138 E-mail: scxu@zju.edu.cn School of Economics Finance, Political Economics, Industrial Economics, International Economics, Public Finance, Public Economics, Digital Economics, Labor Economics Mr. Shen Tel: +86-571-88981691 E-mail: jjxy@zju.edu.cn Guanghua Law School Civil and Commercial Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Legal Theory, Criminal Law, Economic Law, Procedural Law, International Law, Legal History, Intellectual Property Law, Environmental and Resource Protection Law, Digital Law, Discipline Inspection and Supervision Studies (Including Inner-Party Laws and Regulations), Legislative Studies Ms. Feng Tel: +86-571-86592725 E-mail: relax@zju.edu.cn College of Education Educational Principles, Curriculum and Instruction, History of Education, Comparative Education, Higher Education, Educational Policy, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Humanities and Social Sciences in Sport, Kinesiology, Sport Engineering, Physical Education and Training (Gymnastics, athletics, swimming, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, martial arts and etc.), Ethnic Traditional Sports, Military Theory Ms. Zhou Tel: +86-571-88273140 E-mail: zdzju@zju.edu.cn School of Management Tourism Management, Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Organization & Development Strategy, Market Research & Marketing Management, Operation Management, Corporate Finance & Capital Market, Accounting, International Business, Management Information System, Innovation Management, Digital Management Ms. Qiu Tel: +86-571-88206858 E-mail: qiuting@zju.edu.cn School of Public Affairs Public Administration Theory and Practice; Human Resource Management in Public Sector; Public Finance and Economics; Big Data and Governance; Land Resource and Ecology; Land Economy and Institution; Land-use Information and Planning; New Urbanization; Sustainable Cities; Urban Governance; Social Policy, Social Security, Social Service, Emergence Management; Information Resource Management; Digital Governance and Information Management; Contemporary Chinese Politics and Governance; Global Governance and Area Studies; Political Theory and Method; Agricultural Economics, Rural Development, Food Economics Ms. Zhu Tel: +86-571-56662071 E-mail: zjhorsezhu@zju.edu.cn Department of Sociology Demography (including methodology/big data), Economics/Organizational Sociology, History/Political Sociology, Community Studies/Social Work Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-88208662 E-mail: shxx@zju.edu.cn School of Marxism Basic Principles of Marxism, Research on the Sinicization of Marxism, Ideological and Political Education, Research on Basic Issues of Modern Chinese History, Research on the Party Building, Foreign Marxism Ms. Yang Tel: +86-571-87078920 E-mail: 0017512@zju.edu.cn Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Operations Research and Control Theory, Pure Mathematics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics Ms. Chen Tel: +86-571-87953947 E-mail: chenli07@zju.edu.cn High Energy Physics, Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Statistical Physics, Computational Physics, Applied Physics, Biological Physics and Astronomy Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-87953118 E-mail: wangdn@zju.edu.cn School of Mathematical Sciences School of Physics Department of Chemistry Materials Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis and Interface Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry for Life and Materials Science, and (6) other frontiers of chemistry. Ms. Dong Tel: +86-571-87951895 E-mail: dongyancjxy@zju.edu.cn School of Earth Science Tectonics,Geophysics, Environment And Geochemistry, Organic Geochemistry,Mineralogy, Petrology, Physical Geography, Human Geography, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System, Geoscience Big Data , Atmospheric Science Ms. Fang Tel: +86-571-87952875 E-mail: dilith@zju.edu.cn Ms. Liu Tel: +86-571-88273022 E-mail: Lss644@zju.edu.cn Ms. Sheng Tel: +86-571-87951181 E-mail: kyysy@zju.edu.cn Mr. Ni Tel: +86-571-87951400 E-mail: niml@zju.edu.cn College of Energy Engineering Power Machinery and Engineering,Vehicle Engineering,Engineering Thermophysics,Thermal Power Engineering,Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering, Energy and Environmental Engineering,Renewable Energy Science and Engineering,Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Process Equipment, Energy Storage Science and Technology,Process safety and equipment,Heating, Gas Supply,Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering. Mainly directions,Efficient and clean utilization of fossil fuels and energy storage systems,New energy and advanced energy system,Biomass utilization and CO2 capture,Sustainable Energy Utilization and Energy Saving and Environmental Protection,Low-carbon energy utilization and pollutant control,Calculation and measurement of multiphase complex reaction system,Enhanced heat transfer and advanced power system,Refrigeration and air conditioning technology,Cryogenic technology,Optimization and control of vehicle and ship multi-energy power system,Extreme process equipment and safety,Smart Energy Theory and Technology Ms. Fang Tel: +86-571-87951325 E-mail: fhy@zju.edu.cn College of Electrical Engineering 1. Electrical engineering frontier technologies: advanced electrical/electronic materials, micro/nano electronics, packaging, etc. 2. Advanced electrical equipments: electrical machines and drives, power electronics and energy conversion, etc. 3. Electrical energy systems: smart grid, electrical Internet of Things, renewable energy, nuclear power,etc. 4. Intelligent electrical technologies: cyber security, robotics, artificial intelligence, sensing, energy harvesting, intelligent electrical system, bio/medical applications, etc. 5. Other electrical/electronic engineering research areas Ms. Zhou Tel: +86-571-87951538 E-mail: lianazhou@zju.edu.cn College of Civil Engineering and Architecture High Performance Concrete and Composite Materials, New Material Structures, Resilient Infrastructure, Resilient City, Intelligent Transportation and Photovoltaic Pavement,Offshore Structural Engineering, Structural Reliability and Seismic Resistance, Concrete Composite Structure, Concrete Micromechanics, Structural Wind and Seismic Engineering, Spatial Structure, Smart Structure, Steel Structure, Structure Control, Construction Technology, Underground Engineering, Geotechnical Calculation and Analysis, Centrifuge Hyper-gravity, Ocean Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Geotechnical Engineering, Energy Geotechnical Engineering, Drinking Water Safety Protection Technology, Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Engineering Management, Rail Traffic, Road and Railway, Bridge Engineering, Bridge Structural Health Monitoring and Vibration Control, Traffic Information and Control, Disaster Prevention Engineering, Engineering Geological Disaster Prevention and Control, Building Energy Conservation or Architectural Physics, Architecture Design, Urban Planning and Design, Urban Planning Information Technology, Hydrostructure, Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Hydrology and Earth Surface Processes, Water Resources Management and Utilization, Harbor, Coast and Offshore Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering Materials, New Building Materials Ms. Jiang Tel: +86-571-88208677 E-mail: jxy@zju.edu.cn Department of Engineering Psychology, Organizational and Managerial Psychology, Developmental and Educational psychology and Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology,Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive neuroscience Behavioral Sciences School of Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics, Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems, Measurement and Signal Processing, Mechanics & Simulation, Robotics, Micro-Nano Technology and Precision Engineering, Applied Fluid Dynamics,Deep See Mechatronic Engineering, Aerospace Manufacturing, Biosystems & Biomanufacturing, Quality Engineering, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems and Manufacturing, Dynamics and Vibration , Industrial Automation & Industrial Informatics, Design, CAD/CAPP/CAM, Manufacturing, Production Engineering School of Materials Science and Materials Physics and Chemistry, Materials Science, Materials Processing Engineering. Engineering, Zhejiang University College of Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Biochemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering,Energy Storage Engineering,Polymerization and Polymer Engineering, Catalysis, Separation Processes, Environmental Engineering, Data Mining And Artificial Intelligence Ocean College Physical Oceanography and Observation Technology, Marine Ecology and Bioresource Utilization Technology, Marine Geology and Exploration Technology, Ocean Technology, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Marine Structures and Engineering, Smart Maritime Logistics and Integrated Ocean Management, etc. Ms. Liu Tel: +86-580-2092529 E-mail: lj2009@zju.edu.cn School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Solid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics and Control, X-Mechanics, Biomechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Flight Vehicle Design, Aerospace Propulsion theory and Engineering, Navigation and Control, Aerospace Information Technology, Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics, Micro Satellite Technology Mr. Xu Tel: +86-571-87952897 E-mail: xu@zju.edu.cn Department of Polymer Science and Engineering Polymer Science, Polymer Physics, Polymer Materials, Biomedical Polymers, Bioelectronics, Biological Nano Polymers or Separation Membrane Functional Polymers. Ms. Liu Tel: +86-571-87951308 E-mail: ciciliu33@zju.edu.cn Ms. Yao Tel: +86-571-87953023 E-mail: yaoda@zju.edu.cn College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering Information Theory, Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Communication, 6G, Internet of Things and Intelligent Communication Network, Integrated Sensing, Communication and computing, Cloud RAN and Mobile Edge Network, Intelligent Signal/Information Processing and Big Data Processing, Visual Perception/Navigation, Video Coding/Transmission and Media Data Mining, Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing and Communication Engineering, Communication and Network security, Intelligent System and IC Design, Electronic and Information Engineering, Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology, Physical Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Embedded Systems and System Chips, Artificial Intelligence and Chips, Image Processing Chips, Analog and Digital-analog Hybrid Integrated Circuits, Power System Chips, Micro-Nano Electronics, Integrated Optoelectronics, Flexible Electronics, Micro-Nano Electromechanical Systems Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-87951555 E-mail: wangjunxia@zju.edu.cn School of Micro-Nano Electronics IC manufacturing science and technology, such as key IC processes technologies (lithography, etch and thin film deposition, etc.), process integration engineering, computational fluid dynamics, surface physics, optical engineering, non-equilibrium plasma science, polymer chemical engineering, solid physics, heat transfer and mass transfer, manufacturing optimal scheduling IC package and test, IC materials engineering, IC manufacture engineering and management; Integrated circuits & integrated systems design and applications, design and technology co-optimization;Physics and nano-effects of micro-nano devices, emerging electronic devices and neuro-inspired devices. Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-82990657 E-mail: ylwang@zju.edu.cn Ms. Li Tel: +86-571-87951135 E-mail: lixuhua@zju.edu.cn Optical Materials and Devices, Nanophotonics, Integrated Photonics, Extreme Optics,Semiconductor College of Optical Optoelectronics,Nonlinear Photonics,Quantum Photonics,Optical Imaging and Display,Optical Science and Metrology,Biophotonics,Optical Communications,Energy Photonics, photonics for Engineering Environment,Intelligent photonics,Laser, Optical Sensing New-generation high-end control systems (industrial control system chip, industrial software, industrial big data, knowledge automation, large-scale system optimization, distributed coordinated control, intelligent manufacturing, smart factories, etc.); Safety and security of critical infrastructures (industrial control system security, industrial internet security, cyber security, intrusion detection and assessment, security protection and defense, fault diagnosis and health management, industrial control secure protocols of industrial control College of Control systems, secure algorithms, cryptography, etc.); Intelligent robotics and autonomous systems (sensing devices Science and and analytics, smart imaging and environment perception, motion planning and control, multi-agent Engineering coordinated decision, deep learning and computational intelligence, autonomous driving and future transportation, etc.); Intelligent systems for carbon reduction and efficiency enhancement (renewable energy technologies, intelligent measurement and instrumentation, monitoring and prognostics, optical detection, micro-nano devices and instrumentation, biological and quantum sensing, measurement and control for quantum computing, etc.) Ms. Huang Tel: +86-571-87951490 E-mail: zjuhgxy@zju.edu.cn Fundamental Theory of Artificial Intelligence, Cross Media Analysis and Understanding, Multimedia Technology, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence Application , Intelligent Software Engineering, Software Theory and Intelligent Algorithm, Database and Big Data Software, Blockchain Technology, Internet of Things and Edge Computing, Intelligent Media Computing and Information Accessibility, Cyberspace Security, Data Security and Privacy, Hardware Security,System Security, Software Security, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security, Networks and Communications Security, Information Assurance, Computer Architecture, High-Performance Computing, Neuromorphic Computing, Brain-Computer Interfaces, College of Human-Machine Intelligence, Service Computing, Quantum Computing, Remote Sensing Big Data, Operating Computer Science Systems, Programming Languages, Emerging Computing Paradigm, Digital and Analog IC Design, Endogenous and Technology Safety and Security of Network, Open Networking Operating System and Security, Digital Twin, Intelligent Mobile Robot, Embedded Operating System, Virtualization and Cloud Platform, Big Data and Information Security, Next Generation Intelligent Computing System Architecture, New Software and Hardware Collaboration Technology, Trusted Artificial Intelligence Technology, Modern Intelligent Education Technology, CAD and Innovative Design, Parallel Computing, Computational Geometry, Big Data Visualization, Big Data Analysis, Graphics, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Industrial Design, Ergonomics, Digital Art and Design, Digital Creativity, Design Intelligence, Innovative Design Mr. Chen Tel: +86-571-87952886 E-mail : chhy@zju.edu.cn Ms. Zhai Tel: +86-574-27830858 E-mail : yxzhai@zju.edu.cn College of Biomedical Informatics and Sensor Technology, Biomedical and Molecular Imaging, Digital Technology and Biomedical Engineering and Medical Instrumentation, Neural Engineering and Brain-computer Interface Instrument Science Ms. Tang Tel: +86-571-87951086 E-mail: tangqin88@zju.edu.cn College of Life Sciences “Biology + ” Interdisciplinary Research Areas (including Computational Biology, Synthetic Biology, Space Biology); Plant High Stress Resistance and Water/Nutrient Use Efficiency; Biosystems Homeostasis and Protection (including Cell and Developmental Biology, Genetics and Regenerative Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics); Animal and Plant Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology Mr. Ding Tel: +86-571-88206483 E-mail: lsckyk@zju.edu.cn College of biosystems engineering and food science Intelligent Agricultural Equipment and Robotics, Digital Agricultural Information Technology, Facility Agriculture and Environmental Control, Biomaterials Processing and Biomass Utilization, green food & intelligent manufacturing, food nutrition and human health, food quality & safety control, food biotechnology and synthetic biology Ms. Lu Tel: +86-571-88982559 E-mail: luhuangping@zju.edu.cn 1.Environmental Science and Technology Environmental chemistry and toxicology, Atmospheric environment simulation and pollution control, Water pollution control and surface source treatment, Remediation and pollution of soil, Waste disposal and resource College of recovery, Environmental ecological engineering, Environmental management and global change Environmental and 2. Agricultural Resources and Environment Resource Sciences Soil processes and functions, Plant nutrition and fertilizer utilization, Remote sensing and information technology in agriculture, Remediation and pollution of soil and water, Soil-biota interactions and soil health, Carbon and nitrogen processes and global change Ms. He Tel: +86-571-88982963 Email: hzrs@zju.edu.cn Emerging Software: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Emerging Computing Architecture and Software, etc. Industrial Software: CAD, CAE, Digital Twins, Collaborative Manufacturing and Services, Embedded Systems, School of Software Control Engineering, etc. Technology Application Service Software: Software Engineering, Service Computing, Smart City, Financial Technology, Smart Logistics and Ports, etc. Crop bioinformatics and genomics,Crop germplasm enhancement, gene discovery and utilization,Crop design and molecular breeding,Seed science and technology,Crop physiology of stress tolerance,Molecular biology of crop yield and quality,Physiology of crop quality and cultivation techniques for superior quality,Molecular physiology and manipulation of cross stress tolerance,Genetics and breeding of fruit trees,Fruit biology,Postharvest biology and storage logistics,Ornamental Horticulture,Landscape Architecture Planning and Design,Bioinformatics and Genomics of Horticultural Crops, Biotechnology and Tea Resource Utilization,Tea Natural Products and Biosynthesis,Molecular Biology in Tea Quality,Plant Growth ,Development and Safety production,Plant Cell and Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology , Biochemistry and Metabolism,Germplasm Innovation and Molecular Breeding,Pesticide Ecotoxicology,Pesticide Environmental Toxicology,Pesticide Residue Analysis,Insect Evolutionary Biology and Biocontrol,Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management,Insect Molecular Biology and Resource Insects,Insect Invasion Biology and Plant Quarantine,Transgenic Insect-resistance Plants and Biosafety,Insect Genomics and Bioinformatics,Insect Toxicology and Pesticide Resistance,Insect Vectors and Vector-borne Diseases,Big Data and Intelligent Plant ProtectionPlant-Microbe Interactions,Plant Immunity,Epidemiology and Plant Disease Management,Plant Diseases and Food Security,Plant Pathology and Biotechnology,Plant Quarantine and Biosecurity ,Radiobiology,Structural Biology、Environmental Chemistry,Radiochemistry Ms. Chen Tel: +86-571-88982537 E-mail: kyk.cab@zju.edu.cn Animal Design Breeding, Animal Functional Genome and Genetic Resources, Animal Development, Animal Reproduction and Gene Editing; Green Feed and Healthy Feeding, Muscle Biology for Meat Quality and Safety, Ruminant Nutrition, Milk Quality Formation and Regulation, Poultry Nutrition and Egg Quality; Silkworm and College of Animal Bee Breeding and Quality, Biological Resources and Material Engineering, Bee Quality Formation and Safety, Aquaculture,Animal anatomy. Animal tissue embryology. Molecular cell biology. Veterinary pathology. Sciences Veterinary pharmacology toxicology. Animal molecular immunology. Animal veterinary epidemiology. Virology. Bacteriology. Veterinary public health. Veterinary internal medicine. Veterinary surgery. Traditional chinese veterinary medicine. Veterinary acupuncture. Veterinary diagnostics. Iconography. Ms. Wang Tel: +86-571-88982603 E-mail: zrwang@zju.edu.cn Ms. Xu Tel: +86-571-88981927 E-mail: xutianfeng@zju.edu.cn Ms. Ji Tel: +86-571-88208102 E-mail: hjcjiw@zju.edu.cn The Affiliated Hospitals of School of Medicine, Zhejiang University:Clinical medicine, Basic medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Biology, etc. Ms. Chang Tel: +86-571-88981338 E-mail: changle196@zju.edu.cn Nursing Department, Zhejiang University School of Medicine:Clinical Nursing, Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, Community Health Nursing. Ms. Chen Tel: +86-571-88208105 E-mail: hulixi@zju.edu.cn College of agriculture and biotechnology School of Basic Medical Sciences:Study on biomarkers of human structure and major diseases; Application of digital anatomy; structure and function of organelles and their role in major diseases such as cancer; New technology of Molecular Cell Biology, such as various new electron microscope / microscope technologies and genome editing; Research on the basis and transformation of tumor cell biology, such as cell migration and cancer metastasis; Molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular, renal functions and diseases; Research on the mechanism and intervention of pain; Human genetics (including genomic medicine, gene editing), epigenetics,computational biology and other related research; Membrane biology (including the structure, function and interaction of organelles); cell metabolism (including nutrition and energy metabolism, autophagy, etc.); Structure, modification and function of biomacromolecules; Regulation of synthesis and degradation of biomacromolecules; Major human disease pathology, etiology and pathogenesis, biomarkers and precision medicine and other life science and medical research directions; Basic and applied research on immune recognition and regulation, immune cell differentiation and development, immune metabolism and treatment of immune diseases; Basic and applied research on virology, mycology and microbial synthetic biology, microbial pharmacy and microbial secondary metabolism; Pathogenesis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases; Molecular pharmacology, neuropharmacology, tumor pharmacology, respiratory pharmacology, immunopharmacology, etc; Molecular basis and drug development of disease; Effective expansion and precise differentiation of stem cells, stem cell aging, stem cell biological imaging, regeneration of musculoskeletal system, blood system and cardiovascular system; Structural biology (including membrane protein structure analysis), computational biology, molecular imaging, and other related research. School of Public HealthDigital Health: Big Data Health Science, Data Mining and Application of Big Data in Health and Medicine, Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, Medical Artificial Intelligence, Risk Prediction, Aging, Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Biogenetics, Bioinformatics, etc.; Prevention And Control of Major Infectious Diseases and Emergency Management of Public Health Emergencies: Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Infectious Disease Transmission Modeling, Emergency Management of Public Health Emergencies, etc.; Nutrition, Environment, Occupation and Health: Nutrition and Food Hygiene,Labor Hygiene and Environmental Hygiene, Toxicology, Occupational Hygiene, etc.; Health Policy And Health Promotion: Health Policy, Child, Adolescent and Maternal Health, Social Medicine and Health Management, Health Education and Health Promotion, Mental and Behavioral Health, Global Health, etc. School of Medicine Other Directions: Other Research Directions Related to Public Health. School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine: Traditional disciplines: Neurobiology, Neuropsychiatric diseases, Cell biology. Emerging/interdisciplinary directions: Mechanistic studies and intervention approach of brain diseases, circuit analysis of brain function, information retrieval of brain function , Neuromodulation, biomedical engineering, brain-machine interface and hybrid intelligence, brain-like computing and neural computing, advanced cognitive functions and computational models of the brain. Ms. Wang Tel: 86-571-87071107 E-mail: brains@zju.edu.cn Institute of Genetics,Zhejiang University:Human Genetics,Mitochondrial Genetics,Molecular Genetics,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Stem cell research and cell Biology. Ms. Yu Tel: +86-571-88206916 E-mail: kangkangyu@zju.edu.cn Institute of Translational Medicine, Zhejiang University:Oncology (including tumor metabolism), metabolic diseases (including metabolic immunity), molecular immunology and immunotherapy, biomaterials, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics and other international frontier fields or disciplines related to the intersection of medical engineering and information technology and clinical transformation applications. Ms. Jin Tel: +86-571-86971603 E-mail: yiwenjin@zju.edu.cn College of pharmaceutical sciences Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis Science, Microbiology and Biochemical Pharmacy ,Pharmacology and Toxicology,Chinese Materia Medica and Engineering Science,Intelligent Medicine Ms. Zhu Tel: +86-571-88208416 E-mail: zhuyuanyuan@zju.edu.cn Life Sciences Institute Although positions are open to all disciplines in biology and medicine, we are particularly interested in cancer biology, stem cell biology, inflammation biology, chemical biology, structural biology (esp. cryo-EM) and translational research. Ms. Xiao "Tel: +86-571-88206016 E-mail: lsi@zju.edu.cn 、xiaoxuehz@zju.edu.cn" Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies Qualified candidates are expected to have expertise in Neural Engineering (i.e., neuro-technologies, brainmachine interface, and neurorehabilitation engineering), with strong interdisciplinary research background, such as biomedical engineering, basic medical science, computer science and technology, optical engineering, materials science and mathematics Ms. Yang Tel: +86-571-87952838 E-mail: yangyiyi@zju.edu.cn Center for Data Science Data Science, Statistical Theory and Methodology, AI Theory and Algorithms, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Operations Research and Optimization, Computer Vision Ms. Su Tel: +86-571-88208268 E-mail: suweina@zju.edu.cn Center for Psychology (including cognitive psychology and engineering psychology), Human factors engineering, Psychological computer science (such as artificial intelligence and human computer interaction), Industrial design, Mechanical Sciences at engineering, Industrial engineering, Neural science, Biomedical engineering, and related disciplines. Zhejiang University Mr. Chen Tel: +86-571- 88273661 E-mail : cps.zju@zju.edu.cn Zhejiang UniversityApplicants are welcome from stem cells, aging and regenerative medicine, biomedical informatics, infection University of and immunology, cancer and oncology, and other relevant biomedical areas. Edinburgh Institute Ms. Yang Tel: +86 571 87572816 E-mail: hr_zje@intl.zju.edu.cn Zhejiang UniversityUniversity of Applicants are welcome from relevant computer, electrical and electronic, mechanical engineering, civil Illinois at Urbanaengineering, physics and mathematics science disciplines. Champaign Institute Ms. Gou Tel: +86 571 87572520 E-mail: zjuihr@zju.edu.cn Zhejiang University Fintech and Big data analytics, insurance and risk management, leadership and organizational behavior, International operations and supply chain management, marketing, etc. Business School Ms. Zhu Tel: +86 571 87572366 E-mail: zhulinzl@zju.edu.cn Qualified candidates are expected to have expertise in the fields of "Undiagnosed Disease, Blood & Immunology, and Brain Disease". Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. Applicants are especially Zhejiang University welcome from following areas: Single-cell Analysis and Disease Classification, Medical Genetics, Organoids and Medical Center Disease Modeling, Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy, Lymphatic System and Disease, Cryo-EM Tomography, Computational Biology, AI Medicine,Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Computer-aided Drug Design. Ms. Li Tel: +86 571 88790522 E-mail: liangzhu@zju.edu.cn