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Photograph ERASMUS-SOCRATES-Programme 2014-2015 APPLICATION FORM FOR GUEST STUDENTS Study year at Home University Autmn term Spring term Name of Home University Desired study department at HSLU – D&K Professor Personal Data Family name First name Date of birth Nationality Sex Postcode Town Female Male Address Road, number Country Phone (including country and area code) Mobile (including country and area code) Fax (including country and area code) E-mail Address of Relatives Family name First name Address Phone (including country and area code) Fax (including country and area E-mail code) Home university Name Address Phone (including country and area code) Fax (including country and area E-mail code) Exchange official at home university Name Phone (including country and area code Erasmus-Code Fax (including country and area code) Responsible professor Name E-mail Study department Language skills Mother tongue No knowledge Small skills Intermediate skills Proficient skills German English Accommodation No, I have not yet organised any accommodation accommodation Yes, I have already organised Place, date Signature of the exchange student Place, date university Signature of the exchange official at home Enclosed to this application please send: portfolio, letter of Motivation, curriculum vitae, copy of passport or ID, 2 photos to the following address: Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst, Andrea Moor, Sentimatt 1, CH-6003 Luzern
