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Harbin Engineering University Information and Computation Science Academic Program of Undergraduate Education (2009 edition) July 2013 070102 Information and Computation Science(信息与计算科学专业) Training Purpose of Specialty:This major is a science class professional which based on the mathematical basis of the information technology and computational techniques .This major is aiming at cultivating professional talents with good mathematical foundation and mathematical thinking ability. The students should master the basic theory、methods and skills of information and computational mathematics, receive initial training of scientific research, able to solve practical problems in information technology or scientific and engineering computing field. The educator have the ability to teach, engage application development and management work in education, information industry and other sectors or continue to pursue a graduate degree. Training Requirement of Specialty:Students in this major mainly study the basic theory and methods of Information Science and Computing Science, They should have the solid mathematical foundation, receive good computer training, have the ability to solve practical problems ,develop and design software in the field of Information Science and Computing Science. The basic requirements of the professional training are as follows: 1、Able to use mathematical thinking and method to analyze the problem, have the ability to skilled use of mathematical tools and professional software, have basic algorithm analysis and design ability ,have strong programming capability 2、Have the ability of learning relevant professional and technical development of new applications through literature search. Have strong capability of updating their knowledge, tracking new technology and innovating. 3、Wide range of knowledge , have the ability to solve integration issues in various industries of information or scientific computing problems. 4、Have a good Literacy, know some knowledge of humanities and social sciences 5、Pay attention to professional ethics,with a spirit of honesty and cooperation. Graduation Standard:Students in this major must get 180.5 credits. In which the required theory courses need 129 credits, elective courses 16 credits, General Education Electives 10 credits, experimental curriculum 25.5 credits. Key Subject:Mathematics, computer science and technology Main Courses:Mathematical Analysis、Advanced Algebra、Analytic Geometry、Ordinary Differential Equations、Probability and Statistics、Numerical approximation and numerical algebra、Differential equations、The theoretical basis of the information theory、The basis of the coding theory、Modern methods of information processing、Modern Cryptography、 Modern signal processing、Neural network、Simulated evolutionary computation、Algorithm 1 Design and Analysis、Data structure、High-level language programming(C language) 、 Computer Graphics、Graph Theory and Network Optimization and so on.. Schooling:Quadrennial Awarding Degree:Bachelor of Science 2 信息与计算科学专业人才培养方案指导性计划进程表(一) Curriculum Of The Major For Information and Computing Science(1) Curricullum Platform Curriculum Feature Course Name Credit 0913123 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basic 3 32 16 1 0913129 Outline of Chinese Modern History 2 28 4 2 Introduction to Basic Principle of Marxism 3 32 16 3 6 56 40 5-6 2 32 2-5 0913111 Humanities and Social Sciences Natural Science and Technology Semester 09131(36-39) 09120(01-04) College English 14 224 1-4 0909230 Management B 1.5 24 1 0916102 Military Theory 1 36 2 09160(01-04) Physical Culture 4 09131(27-28) 128 1-4 36.5 09110(01-02) Calculus A 12 188 0911006 ALinear Algebra and Analytic Geometry A 4.5 64 0911008 Probability and Statistics 4 64 2 0911009 Complex Function and Integral Transformation 3 48 3 09110(12-13) College Physics A 8 128 2-3 0910709 General Chemistry 2.5 32 0906001 Fundamentals of College Computer A 1 16 0906011 Programming Foundation (C language) 3 32 0907011 Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics 2.5 40 3 0902401 Basic mechanics 3 48 3 0908001 Fundamentals of Electric and Electronic Engineering 4 56 8 3 0907021 Fundamentals of Machinery 3 46 2 3 Sub-total Credits Practice Theory Practice Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics Situation and Policy Sub-total Credits Foundamental Curriculum Platform Hours Course Number 1-2 8 1 8 1 1 16 2 50.5 0916101 Military Training 3 3weeks 1 0917101 Engineering Knowledge 1 1week 2 09110(17-18) Physics Experiment of College 4.5 68 2-3 Sub-total Credits 8.5 Optional Courses for General Education 10 Total 105.5 3 4 10 credits at least 信息与计算科学专业人才培养方案指导性计划进程表(二) Curriculum Of The Major For Information and Computing Science(2) Curricullum Platform Curriculum Feature Specialized Foundamental Courses Specialized Curriculum Platform Specialized Key Courses Specialized Practice Hours Course Number Course Name Credit 0911051 Advanced Calculus Demystified 5 80 4 0911052 Advanced Linear Algebra 4 64 4 0911053 Analytic Geometry 2 32 4 0911054 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 48 4 0911055 Complex Analysis 2 32 4 0911056 Advanced Statistics Analysis 2 32 4 0911090 Professional education courses 0911057 Discrete Mathematic 3 40 8 4 0911058 Numerical approximation and numerical algebra 4 52 12 5 0911059 Basic Information Theory 3 48 5 0911060 Modern Algebra 2 32 5 0911061 Mathematical Software for Computation 2 16 16 7 0911062 Experiment of Data Structure 3 40 8 4 0911063 Coding Theory 2 24 8 6 0911064 Numerical solution of Differential Equation 2 24 8 6 0911065 Real Variable Function 3 48 0911105 Mathematical Experiment 2 16 0911106 Mathematical Model in Practice 0911108 Final Year Project Theory Practice Semester 5 24 8 1 1week 7 14 14weeks 8 Optional Courses 16 16 credits at least Sub-total Credits 75 Total 180.5 4 信息与计算科学专业选修课设置一览表 Opitional Courses of the Major of Information and Computing Science Curriculum Feature 专业选修课程 Specialized Optional Courses Hours Course Number Course Name Credit 0911066 Simulated Evolutionary Computation 1.5 24 8 7 0911067 Neural Network 1.5 24 8 7 0911068 Graph and network optimizing 1.5 32 6 0911069 The Design & Analysis of Algorithms 1.5 32 5 0911070 Matrix Computations 1.5 26 0911071 Combinatorial Mathematics 1.5 32 5 0911072 Operational Research 2 32 4 0911073 Optimization Method 2 24 8 6 0911074 Digital Image Processing 1.5 26 6 6 0911075 Modern Cryptography 1.5 32 0911076 Modern Signal Processing 1.5 26 0911077 Stochastic Process Foundation 1.5 32 0911078 Intelligent Methods of Information Analyzing 1.5 24 8 7 0911079 Computer Graphics 1.5 28 4 5 0911080 Wavelet Analysis 1.5 24 8 6 0911081 Java Language 1.5 24 8 7 0911082 Oracle DB & SQL Language Experiment 1.5 24 8 7 0911083 Mathematical Modeling A 2 24 8 4 0911084 Professional English 1 24 7 0911085 Functional Analysis 3 48 6 0911086 Matrix Analysis 1.5 32 6 0911087 Topology 2 32 6 0911088 Technique of Mathematical Analysis 1 24 7 0911089 Enforcement of Advanced Linear Algebra 1 16 7 Sub-total credits 38 5 Theory Practice 6 Semester 6 6 6 6 5 Course Engineering Knowledge Course No. 0917101 Semester-open 2 Total Hours 1week Total Credits 1 Brief Introduction to Course This course is opened to all freshmen with the “distributed teaching” form. The course aims to popularize basic engineering knowledge and concepts and arouse students’ interest and curiosity. The course includes several units, such as mechanical structure, control technology, manufacturing technology, engineering management, mechanotronics and engineering materials. By means of certain system, various models and other teaching instruments, students are allowed to practice and be acquainted with various technical fields in modern engineering with active thinking. This course equips students with some basic knowledge and a general outline of the engineering field. Students have access to get a preliminary understanding of materials used in engineering, mechanical structure, control methods, manufacturing methods, engineering management rules as well as the basic concept in engineering: safety, environmental protection, quality, cost, management and economy. This course spreads engineering knowledge and inspires students’ curiosity and interest to further study science and technology, exploring the mysteries in engineering. 6 Course Military Theory Course No. 0916102 Semester-open 2 Total Hours 36 Total Credits 1 Brief Introduction to Course The main thread of this course is national defense education. Through the course of military theory, students are instructed to comprehend basic military theory and military skills, enhance awareness of national defense and national security, strengthen the concepts of patriotism and collectivism, improve the sense of organization and discipline and increase comprehensive quality. This course also lays the foundation for reserve forces of People’s Liberation Army and China’s future socialist builders. This course is given in the fall semester each year and its form is classroom teaching. 7 Course Military Training Course No. 0916101 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 3weeks Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course The main thread of this course is the national defense education. The military training course instructs students to comprehend basic military theory and military skills, enhance awareness of national defense and national security, strengthen the concepts of patriotism and collectivism, improve the sense of organization and discipline and increase comprehensive quality. This course also lays the foundation for reserve forces of People’s Liberation Army and China’s future socialist builders. This course is given at the beginning of the fall semester of each year and its form is group training on the campus. 8 Course Outline of Chinese Modern History Course No. 0913129 Semester-open 2 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Course purpose Since modern times, this course mainly teaches Chinese to resist foreign aggression and struggle for national independence, to overthrow the reactionary rule, realize the history of the people's liberation. To help students know national history and national conditions, understand the history and how the people chose Marxism, chose the leadership of the communist party of China, has chosen the socialist road. Understanding under the leadership of the communist party of China the great importance of reform, opening up and modernization construction, firm the confidence of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This course is require students to master the development of China's modern history context, consciously inherit and carries forward the patriotic tradition; further strengthen national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. Through the analysis of the related history, events and characters, to improve the scientific view of history and methodology to analyze and evaluate the historical problems, ability to distinguish is history and social development direction. 9 Course Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basic Course No. 0913123 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Integrated use of the basic stand, and viewpoint and method of Marxism, in the correct outlook on life, values, moral and legal education is the basic content, on the combination of theory with practice, and concerned with the practical problems to be faced to the contemporary college students scientific persuasive answer, to help college students firmly establish a "eight honors, eight disgraces" as main content of the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor, to cultivate good ideological and moral qualities and legal quality, to grow for the all-round development of qualified builders and reliable successors to the cause of socialism, and to lay a solid ideological and moral cultivation and legal culture foundation. By learning this course, the college students can be outlook on life, values, ethics, legal education, students learn to deal with individual and society, individual and nature, the relationship between individuals and legal persons, individual and country, to help college students to grow and thrive. 10 Course Introduction to Basic Principle of Marxism Course No. 0913111 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Course purpose This course through the student to carry on the system of Marxism theory education, to make the students master the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, to sets up the correct world outlook, to outlook on life and values, to cultivate and to improve students' Marxist theory analysis and the solution actual problem ability, it is help students to correctly understand the basic law of social development, the correct understanding of capitalism and socialism in the process of the development of various new situations and new problems, the understanding of socialism replacing capitalism the historical inevitability, the firm faith of socialism and communism. Teaching basic requirements To help students on the whole grasp of Marxism, to correct understanding the basic law of social development. student can carry on the basic principle of Marxism education, and students to master the scientific world outlook and methodology of Marxism, to sets up the Marxism world outlook, the outlook on life and values, to learn to use the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method of question analysis, students can establish socialism and communism ideal and faith, consciously adhere to the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, and do the qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism, and lay a solid ideological and theoretical basis. 11 Course Final Year Project(Information and Computing Science) Course No. 0911108 Semester-open 8 Total Hours 14weeks Total Credits 14 Brief Introduction to Course Final Year Project is the finally learning and training phase of Information and Computing Science students before graduation, which is an important part of developing students' awareness of innovation、theoretical research capacity and theory with practice capacity. It is an important basis for graduate students and degree qualification. The contents of the thesis should belong to students learn professional or relevant professional, to achieve the purpose of training students comprehensively. Thesis topic selected should as far as possible from the practical problems of production, research and teaching, its difficulty and workload should be adapted to the students' knowledge. Should finish a complete work during the Final Year Project phase. The students who do theoretical research should write an academic under the guidance of teachers before the graduation reply; the students who finish a part of a big topic should have a comprehensive understanding of the whole subject; number of students do one topic together should have horizontal. different emphases, and be able to respond to the respective 12 Course Mathematical Model in Practice Course No. 0911106 Semester-open 7 Total Hours 1week Total Credits 1 Brief Introduction to Course Mathematical abilities of college students in addition to covering the basic knowledge of mathematics, basic skills, thinking skills, computing ability and space imagination ability and other mathematical theory and thinking ability, it should also include the practical ability to use the mathematical theory to analyze and solve practical problems. This course is a practical means to make up for the lack of students the ability to solve practical problems in applied mathematics course, develop students integrate mathematical knowledge to analyze and solve objective problems. Through the process of practice of the mathematical model, the students form a relatively complete mathematical knowledge structure. Through the practice of this course,it requires students to master the process and methods of analysis and processing of a specific complex practical problems, so that students can learn to take the initiative to identify problems, analyze and solve problems, and complete a more in-depth study report fort the practical problems or provide a more complete solution. 13 Course Mathematical Experiment A Course No. 0911105 Semester-open 8 Total Hours 40 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Through the creation of a new type of mathematical experiment course to undergraduate Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Computing Science students, students can make full use of symbolic computation, numerical calculation features and graphics capabilities of computers and software, experience how to find, summarize and apply the mathematical laws to stimulate and guide the students' interest in mathematics, make the students to the learning of mathematical knowledge from passive acceptance to active participation,improve the ability of the Department of Mathematics students to apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems. The initial goal of this course to be achieved is that this course students are able to apply one or two mathematical software package to solve all kinds of mathematical problems they encountered after learning; the final goal of the course to reach is: by a certain number of mathematical experiment, guide and stimulate students' imagination and creativity to train highly qualified personnel in the 21st century. 14 Course Real Variable Function Course No. 0911065 Semester-open 5 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course After learning this course,students should master set and the cardinality,Lebesgue measure and general measure theory,measurable set and function,Lebesgue integral and so on in order to lay the foundation for some follow-up like Functional Analysis. This course is an elementary course of mathematics.so we need student to master the basic idea of measure theory(the conception of cardinality ,Lebesgue measure and integral)by learning this course.Meanwhile,they should also obtain mathematical logical thinking method ,broaden their vision,be talents with creative thinking. 15 Course Course No. Total Hours Numerical Solution of Differential Equation 0911064 32 Semester-open 6 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course This course is the main course of the Information and Computing Science, it occupies an extremely important position in the numerical analysis. In engineering calculations, a large number of differential equation, how to effectively solve the differential equation is the essential skills of engineering and technical personnel. This course from the point of view of numerical calculation, explain in detail the various types of differential equations numerical method and focus on finite difference and finite element method. This course for the future in engineering technical computing, computer applications and natural science research is of great help. At the same time, this course learners learn basic theoretical analysis of the numerical calculation. When imparting knowledge, through various teaching links gradually develop students' numerical solution ability to solve all kinds of differential equations in engineering calculations ,learn the basic idea and method of the finite element method and the difference method. Also pay attention to cultivating the ability of students to the theoretical analysis of differential equations numerical discretization method. 16 Course Coding Theory Course No. 0911063 Semester-open 6 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Through the learning of this course,it requires students to master the concepts and basic principles of the channel coding,learn to linear block codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes and convolutional code encoding and decoding, master various encoding error detection and error correction capability. By learning this course,it demands students to master the basic theories and concepts of information theory, master coding method, error control coding basic principles; such as the Shannon coding method, Fano coding method, Huffman coding basic principles and concrete implementation method. Understand the channel coding theory and a variety of commonly used channel coding method, such as the common error control coding; principle of linear block codes; Hamming code, cyclic code encoding method. Lay a solid foundation for further learning. 17 Course Data Structure Course No. 0911062 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course This course is a core curriculum between the three in mathematics, computer hardware and computer software, is the basis for the design of computer application software and high-level language program. Teaching purposes: to enable students to master the theories and methods of data structure, facing the complex problems, to propose a scientific and rational programming algorithm, train students the ability to carry out complex programming, and lay a good foundation for other information and data processing programs. Through this course, students master the basic data structure and algorithm, grasp the characteristics,storage representation,operation methods of various data structures,, and most basic applications in computer science. Train students to choose the appropriate data structure and write applications of high quality and good style , train students' problem-analyzing and problem-solving skills.And lay a good theoretical basis and practical basis for follow-up courses. 18 Course Mathematical Software for Computation Course No. 0911061 Semester-open 7 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course The teaching purpose of this course is to make students able to use mathematical software packages and write numerical calculation and mathematical symbol calculation program, and to improve the students' ability to deal with and solve math problems using computer. After learning this course, students should be able to skillfully use powerful mathematical software MATHEMATICA to complete the calculation of basic mathematical knowledge such as advanced algebra, probability and statistics, calculus of mathematical calculation, and use MATHEMATICA to draw graph of different kind of functions. And at the end of the course, students should be able to use this software package and write simple numerical calculation and symbol operation program. This course mainly introduces MATHEMATICA, at the same time briefly introduces other mathematical software packages, such as scientific drawing software, optimization calculation software, data regression calculation software, statistical software and so on .namely introduces the installation method and characteristics of these packages, function and some simple propaedeutic usage. We mainly rely on classroom teaching and with computer practice to make the students learn to solve mathematical problems by computer and mathematical software package, which will cultivate the students' practical abilities and make mathematics able to be used after learning .So that we can train high-quality talents of the 21st century. Classroom teaching requirement: ⑴Master basic commands of mathematical package MATHEMATICA ⑵Able to use MATHEMATICA to do basic algebraic ,analytic and numeric operations. ⑶Able to use MATHEMATICA to draw graph of different kinds of functions. ⑷Able to use MATHEMATICA to do simple program design. ⑸Know something about other mathematical software and know some simple application. 19 Course Modern Algebra Course No. 0911060 Semester-open 5 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course 1.Modern Algebra is a very important basic course(Modern Algebra is as important as Real Variable Function in mathematics and applied mathematics ) ,which is the foundation for further study. 2.Modern Algebra is also a important course in Information and Computation Science.For instance,the knowledge of group,ring and field contained in Modern Algebra is indispensability in Coding Theory. 3.Students can not only master basic knowledge of group,ring and field but obtain the ability to solve abstract mathematical problem from course. 4.Students can know basic mathematics professional English and be able to read English or mathematical literature thanks to bilingual teaching of this course. 1.Make sense of algebra structure,master the basic knowledge of group,ring and field. 2.Learn basic methods of solving abstract algebra problems alone. 20 Course Basic Information Theory Course No. 0911059 Semester-open 5 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Information theory has become an important part of modern information science, which is the theoretical basis of modern communication and information technology, modern information theory is a branch of mathematical probability theory, has a closely relationship with ergodic theory, the theory of large deviations, and statistical mechanics, etc. Recent developments in information theory is characterized by developing in the direction of multidisciplinary combination, information theory and cryptography, algorithmic information theory and fractal mathematics, information theory and intelligent computing are closely integrated. Through the learning of this course, students should have a more comprehensive and systematic knowledge of the information theory, grasp the basic concepts of information theory and the basic method of information theory handling the problem, and lay a solid foundation in information science research and application. 21 Course Numerical Approximation and Numerical Algebra Course No. 0911058 Semester-open 5 Total Hours 64 Total Credits 4 Brief Introduction to Course Scientific computing, in parallel with theory and experiment, has become one of the three methods of science and been widely used in various fields of science, engineering and important applications.Therefore it is attached great importance to by the countries all over the world ,especially in developed countries. In 2005, the US authorities’ survey report pointed out "Computational Science Ensure USA Competitive". Computational mathematics is the foundation of computer science, which provide the theory and method for other branches of computer science . The numerical approximation and numerical algebra course is a professional basic course offered to senior undergraduate majored in Information and Computing Science and Mathematics and Application Mathematics. It is a course studying of various mathematical problem solving numerical calculation method and its whose content is rich and practical,of which the research method has its own theoretical system .And it has high abstraction as well as rigorous and scientific requirements of pure mathematics ,universality of application and highly technical characteristics of actual test. This course , the combination of function approximation, numerical algebra theory, and the combination of the computational mathematics and computer science ,is a basic course of the Information and Calculation Science major. By learning this course, students should fully understand the characteristics of the computing method and be familiar with the skills of using various numerical methods to solve math problems in order to lay a solid foundation for solving practical problems with application of computer in the future. 22 Course Discrete Mathematic Course No. 0911057 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Discrete mathematic course mainly introduces the basic concepts, the basic theory and basic methods of each branch of discrete mathematic. These concepts, theories, and methods widely used in digital circuit, compiling principle, data structure, operating system, database system, algorithm analysis and design, artificial intelligence, computer networks and other professional courses; At the same time, the training provided by the courses is beneficial to the students' general abstract ability, logical thinking ability, and the ability of inductive structure, is conducive to the cultivation of the students' rigorous, complete, standardized scientific attitude. Finally students are required to have the following abilities: 1.Can use propositional logic language to express simple, everyday language and reasoning. 2.Can use predicate logic language to portray the language and reasoning with a complex logical structure. 3.Have a clear understanding of the concept of sets, relations and proficiency in its various operations. 4. Profound the concept of the Richard algebraic system, computing, be able to judge whether the algebraic system is a group, and what kind of group. 5. Understand and grasp the concept of lattice , distributive lattice and complemented lattice. 23 Course Advanced Statistics Analysis Course No. 0911056 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics, measure theory and multivariate statistical are added. In this way, students can master the knowledge of probability and mathematical statistics. Students will learn fundamental knowledge of Probability and Statistics, measure theory of and the multivariate statistical analysis. Students will not only learn the Probability and Statistics computing and probability theory-based theory, but also get known about the establishment of the probability theory axiom system, the theory of the event domain, conditional mathematical expectations and so on. We will also introduce the multivariate statistical analysis knowledge. 24 Course Complex Analysis Course No. 0911055 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Complex Analysis is an important basic course for students majored in mathematics. In this course, students will learn single complex function theory and the geometric theory and have a deeper understanding of a complex variable function of some practical applications. After learning the basic concepts of complex analysis, students will have a deeper understanding of complex function. This course would enable students to understand abstract and rigorous mathematical theory. And then students can grasp the core complex function theory and application skills. 25 Course Ordinary Differential Equations Course No. 0911054 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course The teaching of this course is to equip students with the basic theory and method of ordinary differential equations, and enhance students' abstract thinking and logical thinking ability and analyze problems and problem-solving skills. Ordinary Differential Equations is an important basic course for students majored in mathematics. After completion of this course, students are able to solve simple differential equations, solving linear equations and linear differential equations. Besides, students will have fundamental understanding of qualitative and stability theory. Ordinary Differential Equations requires students to master the following: (1)master problem-solving methods and basic theory of ordinary differential equations. (2)master the method of Elementary Integration Method. (3) use Existence of Solutions and uniqueness theorem to prove the relevant exercises. (4) solve linear differential equations and linear differential equations. (5) have a preliminary understanding of qualitative and stability theory. 26 Course Analytic Geometry Course No. 0911053 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Analytic Geometry is an important basic course for students majored in mathematics. It can be used in engineering, physics, chemistry and other fields. Through learning of this course, students will understand some basic concepts such as: line, plane, surface, quadratic curve. This course will assist students to lay a solid foundation for subsequent courses. Analytic Geometry requires students to master the following: (1)vector correlation (2)plane, the linear correlation (3)describe space graphics by parameters, explanation of ruled surfaces ; (4) coordinate transformation 27 Course Advanced Linear Algebra Course No. 0911052 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 64 Total Credits 4 Brief Introduction to Course Advanced Linear Algebra is a basic course for undergraduates majored in mathematical, and the basis for further learning many other math courses. Its main purpose is to develop students' abstract thinking and algebraic calculus capacity in order to be fully prepared for the follow-up courses. Advanced Algebra course requires students to master the following: (1) basic mathematical concepts of advanced algebra course (2) basic theory of polynomial theory (3) sub-block matrix operations (4) the linear mapping theory (5) the theory of quadratic form quadratic form (6) - matrix theory (7) bilinear function and Symplectic Space 28 Course Advanced Calculus Demystified Course No. 0911051 Semester-open 4 Total Hours 80 Total Credits 5 Brief Introduction to Course Mathematical Analysis is a basic course for undergraduates majored in mathematical, and the basis for further learning many other math courses. As students have already finished learning calculus in the first, second semester ,this course is a follow-up course of calculus. In the previous study, a lot of important concepts and mathematical thinking are omitted and a lot of theorem are not given a rigorous proof. Thus, this course is going to make up these weakness. This will lay the foundation for future learning of mathematics. Students will understand the important concepts of limit, derivative, integral, and seize the basic idea of the theory of the real numbers through learning this course. At the same time, learning this course enables students to establish mathematical logic thinking, broaden their horizons and cultivate innovative ideas. 29 Course Complex Function and Integral Transformation Course No. 0911009 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Complex Function and Integral Transformation (CFIT) is a basic course for majors in Engineering and applied science. By learning this course,students can initially grasp the basic theory and methods of complex function, the theory and methods of conformal mapping and the characteristics and applications of the Fourier transform and the Lapalme transform. The course will provide the necessary mathematical foundation for students to learn the related professional courses and for future practical application. To grasp a variety of representations and the operations of the complex numbers; To know the concepts of point sets and regions; To understand the concepts of the complex function, and to know the concepts of limit and continuity of the complex function. To understand the concepts of the derivative of the complex function and to know how to derive it; To understand the concepts of analytic function, to grasp how to judge the analyticity of Cauchy-Riemann conditions, and to know the basic properties of certain elementary analytic function; To know the relationship between harmonic functions and analytic functions, and to grasp the methods of finding imaginary (real) part of the analytical functions from its real (imaginary) part. To understand the definitions and properties of integral, and to know how to solve the integral of the complex function; To grasp the Cauchy theorem, and know how to calculate definite integral by using Cauchy theorem and composite closed theorem; To grasp the Cauchy integral formula and higher derivative formula in order to calculate integrals. To know the geometric meaning of the derivative and the concepts of the conformal mapping; To grasp the mapping properties of fractional linear mapping such as the property of preserving round and symmetry; To know the mapping properties of the power functions and the exponential functions. To know how to find the conformal mapping between certain simple areas like the half-plane, the angular domain, a circular domain and the strip domains. 30 Course Probability and Statistics Course No. 0911008 Semester-open 2 Total Hours 64 Total Credits 4 Brief Introduction to Course Probability and Statistics (PS) is a mathematical course, which studies the objective laws of the stochastic phenomena. It is one of important basic courses in teaching programs in colleges and universities. With the development of science and technology and the people's needs to understand the laws of the stochastic phenomena, the methods in Probability and Statistics (PS) are now increasingly penetrating into many areas of the natural sciences and the social sciences. By learning this course, students will grasp the basic concepts of Probability and Statistics (PS), will learn the basic theory and calculation method of the probability, and will grasp the more commonly used statistical inference methods. Then it will help students cultivate the ability of dealing with stochastic phenomena by the basic ideas and methods, and develop the ability of solving practical problems with the thinking methods of probability and the tool of statistics. 31 Course Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry A Course No. 0911006 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 72 Total Credits 4.5 Brief Introduction to Course Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry (LAAG) is a mathematical course which is not only highly applicable in applications but also extremely abstract in theory. It is a compulsory course for students who major in science, engineering, economy and management. The basic concepts, methods and theories of this course are the required preliminary knowledge for students to study the follow-up course further. By teaching the contents such as space analytical geometry, system of linear equations, matrix, liberalized space and linear transformations, teachers will help the students grasp the theory and related basic knowledge, including the common methods of matrix, system of linear equations, quadratic form, liberalized space and the linear transformations. This will be helpful for students to grasp the matrix calculation abilities and the practical problem-solving abilities. In particular, by combining the methods of algebra and geometry, students can gain the abilities of abstract thinking and calculations gradually from the lower orders to higher orders. By setting up the experimental teaching links, teachers can help students cultivate the abilities of both the scientific computations and the practical applications. By studying this course, students will be capable of grasping the basic concepts, methods and theories of linear algebra, which will be helpful for them to cultivate the abilities of abstract thinking, spatial imaginations, logistic derivations, scientific computations, mathematical modeling and practical problem-solving. 32 Course General Chemistry Course No. 0910709 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 40 Total Credits 2.5 Brief Introduction to Course General chemistry is one of the basic courses of science and engineering. By learning the basic law of the chemical reaction and the structure of matter, students are able to understand the basic theory of modern chemistry, the framework of chemistry, and use chemical theory, viewpoint and method to examine the social hot spots of public concern such as environmental pollution, energy crisis, as well as new engineering materials problem. Through the study of general chemistry, the students will grasp the basic theory, knowledge and basic of chemistry, which will enable students to complete the transition of learning methods and ways of thinking from school to university. This will develop their basic analysis of issues and problem-solving skills, which lay a chemical basis for the follow-up courses.General chemistry experimental course is an important part of the general chemistry course. It is a very important part to prepare students for wide range of abilities, such as independent operation, observation, record, analysis and generalization, report writing and so on. Experiments enable students to better understand and master the basic principles and knowledge of the general chemistry, and to develop students independent thinking, comprehensive ability to use knowledge, so that students get a comprehensive chemical quality of education. 33 Course Management B Course No. 0909230 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 24 Total Credits 1.5 Brief Introduction to Course Through this course, students will master numerous scientific theories of management, know he main contents of modern management and get familiar with he basic functions of management, for example, functions of management, organization, motivation and control; and achieve the aim of guiding product research and development, technical innovation and project management with the ideas of management, and finally gain the indispensible methods and ideas required for long-term study and development in future. 34 Course Fundamental of Electronic Engineering Circuit Course No. 0908001 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 56 Total Credits 4 Brief Introduction to Course Fundamental of electronic engineering circuit is a kind of fundamental platform curriculum which faces to the undergraduate students in the higher colleges and universities of science and technology. It aims to teach the most elementary and primary knowledge of electronic engineering circuit to varies majors and professionals. At present, with its rapid development, electronic technology application is so extensive that it infiltrates into other fields and domains more and more. Therefore, its progress and promotion plays an essential role in the construction of our socialist modernization. The main contents of this course are to study elements circuit components, the concept, principle, theorem and law. And then it analyzes the essential features, convention and properties of circuit in the following electronic circuits: • Direct-current circuit and sinusoidal steady-state analysis separately; • Mutual inductance circuit and the resonant circuit; • Three-phase circuit system; • Periodic non-sinusoidal circuit; • First-order circuit; • Time-domain solution of transient process. The main objective of this course is to present circuit basic theory and analysis method in a manner that is clear, interesting, and easy to understand. Moreover, the students can build an understanding of concepts and ideas explicitly on electronic circuit, and process an elementary ability of laboratory experiment and engineering practices in terms of this course’s learning. The another main objective is to lay such a certain foundation that students can enhance further research and can be engaged in the related professional work. 35 Course Fundamentals of Machinery Course No. 0907021 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Fundamentals of Machinery are a backbone professional foundation course of all kinds of science and engineering majors. It occupies very important position in the cultivation of the students' knowledge, ability and quality system. This course is for students to engage in mechanical design, manufacturing, research and development of products, to strengthen students' ability to adapt to the mechanical technical work in various types of senior professional engineering and technical personnel from the global view. The task of this course is to make the students master the basic theories of mechanisms, basic knowledge and basic skills, and learn methods of analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, and has the preliminary ability to design mechanical system movement scheme. To identify research object and content of this course and its status, tasks, and functions. To understand the development course and trend of mechanical design and related theory. To analyze the planar mechanism; to familiar with structure, characteristics and applications common mechanisms; to understand the basic knowledge of mechanism combination; to understand the general process of mechanical system design and basic knowledge of innovative design; to master the basic steps, content and method of mechanical system movement scheme design; to understand the evaluation criteria of mechanical system motion scheme. 36 Course Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics Course No. 0907011 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 40 Total Credits 2.5 Brief Introduction to Course Engineering drawings is an important tool of expression and communication technology thinking,and an important technical documentation for the engineering department. This course is not only a basic course to study the drawing theories and methods, but also a general fundamental course to train the students’ space thinking and design innovation capacity. By learning of this course students can be provided the basic scientific literacy with design expression, and basic knowledge and basic skills for the following essential professional drawing course. It is the graphical expression as a core to enable students to master the basic theory of projection, to develop the students' ability to make the drawings and to interpret blueprints. Thinking in images as the main line, to enable students to have the ability of space imagination, the imagination thinking and creative thinking. 37 Course Programming Foundation (C language) Course No. 0906011 Semester-open 2 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course Fundamentals of Programming is a basic course, programing is one kind of important ability. Through the learning to enable students: Get the concepts of high-level language. Get basic thinkings ,methods and skills in programming. Cultivate the abilities of the students in both problem-solving and problem-analysing, as well as the thinkings of problem-processing with the help of computer. Get the basic programming ability in problem-solving. Activate the students to apply what he or she learnt in this course to other courses. Cultivate the students in information and logical thinking. 38 Course Fundamentals of College Computer A Course No. 0906001 Semester-open 1 Total Hours 16 Total Credits 1 Brief Introduction to Course Broaden students’ vision and do the necessary knowledge preparation for the further study of courses, which make students consciously refer to and introduce some theory, skills and methods of computer science. Expect that they can know how to use the computer, know and deal with the possible problems when using it at higher levels. 1.Computer system components 2.The basic principles of the network, composition and application 3.The basic concepts of database Initially 4.The data structure and operation of related concepts 39 Course Basic mechanics Course No. 0902401 Semester-open 3 Total Hours 48 Total Credits 3 Brief Introduction to Course The task of this course is to enable students to master the basic laws of and research methods of the equilibrium of particles, particle system and rigid bodies. It cultivates student’s clear basic concepts, necessary basic knowledge, and more skilled calculation, certainly analytical and preliminary experimental capabilities of rod strength, stiffness, and stability. It will lay the necessary foundation for learning the relevant successor courses. Students are asked to learn the theory of applied mechanics preliminary and the methods to solve some simple practical engineering problems. Combining with the characteristics of this course, this course will also train student’s dialectical materialism view of the world and students' comprehensive quality. 40 Course Physical Culture Course No. 09160(01-04) Semester-open 1-4 Total Hours 128 Total Credits 4 Brief Introduction to Course Physical culture aims to enhance students’ physical awareness, improve their physical ability and promote physical and mental development by means of appropriate physical education and scientific exercise. The course helps students to develop the habit of exercise, to receive a good moral education and to become all-round talent. Its tasks are as follows. 1. Guide students to exercise in order to improve fitness and health, to enhance their ability to adapt to environment and to promote an all-round development. 2. Develop students’ awareness of exercise and improve their physical ability. Through this course, students are bound to master the basic knowledge about physics, acquire the correct sports concepts, grasp basic knowledge about exercise as well as theoretical and technical knowledge about several specialized sports and develop the good habit of scientific exercise. 3. Develop students’ moral traits such as patriotism and collectivism. Via establishing the correct sportsmanship, this course encourages students to have a positive spirit with courage, teamwork, innovation and mettle. 41 Course Situation and policy Course No. 09131(36-39) Semester-open 2-5 Total Hours 32 Total Credits 2 Brief Introduction to Course Course purpose Situation and policy class as an important part of ideological and political theory course, student is main channel and position in the education of situation and policy. The teaching purpose of this course is for students to focus on the hot issues and thought characteristic, to help students recognize the situation both at home and abroad, to guide students to full and accurate understanding of the party's line, principles and policies, firmly in the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the communist party of China's confidence and determination, to devoted great cause of reform and opening up and modernization construction. Students are required to grasp the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience; To recognize the situation of China's reform, opening up and socialist modernization construction, to task and achievements; Understand the current status, development trend of international situation and international relations and foreign policy in our country, to understand the major events in the world and the Chinese government's principled stance; On this basis, to set up the Marxism situation, policy, to improve political acumen and political discrimination. 42 Course Introduction to Mao Zedong thought and socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics Course No. 09131(27-28) Semester-open 5-6 Total Hours 96 Total Credits 6 Brief Introduction to Course Course purpose Through learning of this course, the course make students fully and accurately grasping the historical process of sanitization of Marxism and its basic rule, grasping the formation and development of Chinese Marxism three leap, grasping the sanitization of Marxist theoretical system of the three great achievements, to students to learn, with the purpose of the sensitization of Marxism. Teaching basic requirements: 1. Through the study of this course, make students understand the three theoretical achievements of sanitization of Marxism in guiding Chinese revolution and construction in the important historical status and role; 2. Master of the sanitization of Marxism basic theory and the spiritual essence, help them establish scientific socialist beliefs and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics; 3. Strengthen the party's basic line and basic program of self-consciousness and firmness, for the comprehensive construction well-off society and realize socialist modernization to make their due contributions. 43 Course College English Course No. 09120(01-04) Semester-open 1-4 Total Hours 224 Total Credits 14 Brief Introduction to Course College English (1-4) is a common basic course of a college curriculum. It is a required course for the first and second year non-English major undergraduate students. The course focuses on improving the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation. The teaching contents are theme-based, covering all the aspects including living, studying and working etc... According to the differences in the student's ability, the course takes graded teaching in small classes, with an aid of multimedia and network in the teaching process. The aim of the course is to improve the students' ability of language use, especially the ability of listening and speaking, so that they can effectively communicate in English in their future jobs and social communication. 44 Course Physics Experiment of College Course No. 09110(17-18) Semester-open 2-3 Total Hours 72 Total Credits 4.5 Brief Introduction to Course Physics experiment course is a compulsory course for students of science and Engineering Specialty in basic training of students' scientific experiment. Students will receive system experiment method and experiment skill training beginning. Physics experiment course coverage, has the thought, method, means rich, but also can provide comprehensive very strong basic experimental skills, is to cultivate the students' ability, scientific experiment plays an important role in improving the quality of basic science. It is in the cultivation of students' rigorous academic attitude, active innovation consciousness, linking theory with practice and adapt to the development of science and technology of comprehensive application ability with other courses irreplaceable role. The specific task of this course is to: To cultivate the basic science students experiment skill, improve the scientific experiments of the basic quality of students and make students grasp the ideas and methods of experimental science. The cultivation of students' scientific thinking and innovative consciousness, to enable students to master the basic methods of experimental study, improve students' analysis ability and innovation ability. To improve the scientific literacy of students, training scientific style of linking theory with practice and seek truth from facts, serious and rigorous scientific attitude, initiative, discipline, unity and cooperation, good moral character and take good care of public property. 1)Master the concepts of measurement error and uncertainty, and learn to evaluate the results of direct and indirect measurement using uncertainty gradually. Have the basic ability of experimental data processing correctly. Master commonly methods of data processing, including tabulation method, graphic method and least square method. Master the basic software of experimental data processing by computer. 2)Master the measurement method of fundamental physical quantity. 3)Understand the general physics experiment method, and the other methods that have been used widely in modern scientific research and engineering technology, then learn to use it gradually. 4)Know the performance of general experimental instruments and can use it correctly. Understand the modern physical techniques used in modern scientific research and 45 engineering technology. 5 ) Master the general experimental operation techniques and the adjustment of instrument used in modern scientific research and engineering technology correctly. 6)Know the historical materials of physics experiment and its application in modern science and technology. 7)The ability of experiment independently — Master the experimental principle and method and prepare for the experiment by reading the experiment teaching material, querying the relevant information and thinking the question. Use the instruments and ancillary equipment correctly, finish the experiment content independently, and write the qualified experimental report. Developing the students' ability of independent experiment, and formed the basic capabilities of independent experiments gradually. 8)The ability of analyze and research — Can analyze, judgment and conclude the result of experiment by synthesizing the experiment principle, design idea, experimental method and the related theoretical knowledge. Master the basic method of study physical phenomena and laws through experiment and obtain the ability of preliminary analysis and research. 9)The ability of unite theory with practice — Can found and analyze problem in experiment and learn the scientific method to solve it. Improve the students' ability of solve practical problems by learned knowledge and skills gradually. 10)The ability of innovation — Can finish the designed experiment and comprehensive experiment which meet the requirements of standard, then carry on some research experiment or creative experiment. Stimulate initiative of study and develop innovation ability of students gradually. 46 Course Course No. Total Hours College Physics A 09110(12-13) 128 Semester-open 2-3 Total Credits 8 Brief Introduction to Course Physics is the basic structure of matter, the basic form of exercise, interaction and transformation of the law of natural science. Its basic theory permeates all areas of natural science applied to many sectors of production technology; it is the mother of natural sciences and engineering technology base. Basis for the content of college physics course is the professional colleges of science and engineering students in general knowledge of important basic course required. College physics course for students will systematically lay the necessary physical infrastructure; training students to establish a scientific world view, and enhance students to analyze problems and problem-solving skills, training students the spirit of exploration and innovation, etc., with other courses cannot replace the importance of Effect. Through the college physics course so that students learn the basic concepts of physics, the basic theory and basic methods more systematic understanding of knowledge and the right for students to learn professional knowledge and modern science and technology to lay a solid foundation. Teaching at the university in all aspects of physics, the emphasis on students to analyze and solve problems ability, students focus on the spirit of exploration and innovation in training and strive to achieve student knowledge, ability, quality and coordinated development. 47 Course Calculus A Course No. 09110(01-02) Semester-open 1-2 Total Hours 188 Total Credits 12 Brief Introduction to Course Calculus is an important fundamental theoretical compulsory subject for students of all majors in advanced engineering universities. It aims to cultivate special talents of high quality for our socialist modernization of the country. By teaching this subject, teachers aim to help students grasp the basic concepts, theories and operations of calculus, and cultivate the abilities of abstract thinking, logistic derivations, spatial imaginations and self-study after systematic studies and strict trainings. Special attentions should be paid to help students cultivate the abilities of skilled computation, and the abilities of using the knowledge they learned to analyze and solve the problems. By teaching this course, teachers are aimed to help students to grasp the basic conceptions, theories and operation skills of functions, limits, continuous, calculus of one variable, calculus of multi-variables (including curves, and curved integral), infinite series, ordinary differential equations. The course will pave the solid mathematical base for the students to study the follow-up courses and to gain further the mathematical knowledge. Help the students cultivate the abilities of logistic thinking and abilities of using the knowledge they learned to solve the practical problems. 48
