Policy on Academic Advising The University has implemented a simple, institution-wide system for the provision of academic and career guidance and the monitoring of student performance. Responsibility for the operation and monitoring of the system rests with the Language Centre for Year 1 and with academic departments in years 2-4. Students in Master’s programmes are also assigned an Academic Adviser by the academic department. 1. Year Leaders Each academic department should appoint academic members of staff to act as ‘year leaders’ for each of Years 2, 3 and 4. Year leaders should be members of the departmental learning and teaching committee. a. Each departmental year leader should be responsible for leading an induction talk at the start of the year to: i. provide advice on how to maintain academic success through the year; ii. explain to students the availability of the academic adviser system. b. Each year leader should also be responsible for monitoring the progress of students on the programmes of study in their department and: i. leading a formal progress review in the cases of each student who has failed to progress. This review should be held at the beginning of the academic year and involve all those departments which contribute to the teaching of the student; ii. at the beginning of semester 2, meeting with students who are at risk of failure. 2. Academic Advisers a. Each member of academic staff should act as Academic Adviser to a group of named students in their department or centre. Whilst there should be no obligation for the Academic Adviser and advisees to meet on a regular basis, the Academic Adviser should be available for at least one hour per week to answer queries from advisees. b. The role of Academic Adviser shall be: i. to answer questions and give advice to students about their academic and career development; ii. to advocate for them if they are in serious personal or academic difficulties; iii. to provide references for them on request; iv. in the case of Master’s students, to agree on the Personal Learning Plan related to Additional Learning Activity. c. Communications between a student and the Academic Adviser are, in the first instance, confidential. Where there is any concern about the health or safety of the student or of other members of the university community, the Academic Adviser may share that information with the relevant office on campus for follow-up. The student’s academic record remains confidential to the Academic Adviser, and other designated staff in the university. 3. Assignment of Academic Advisers An Academic Adviser is a full-time member of academic staff. The student will have an Academic Adviser assigned in Year 1, and be assigned a new Academic Adviser for their remaining years of Years 2 through 4. The assignment should be made prior to the start of the academic year. a. The Language Centre allocates students to advisers for Semester 1 of year 1. b. For Year 1, Semester 2 through Year 4 , the department (or the Registry, on the request of the department) allocates students to an academic adviser in the department, in a way that assures approximately equal numbers of undergraduate advisees for each academic staff in the department. Where department makes the request for early assignment, students will be allocated to the departmental personal academic adviser in Semester 1 of Year 1. c. Master’s students are allocated by the department to academic advisers d. The allocation of advisers must be completed one week prior to semester. e. Where the number of students assigned to an Academic Adviser is unreasonably high, the Registry will make a recommendation to the Vice-President, Academic Affairs, for assignment of advisers to full-time academic staff outside the department in a subject area closely related to the student’s programme. f. The adviser-advisee information is recorded in e-Bridge, the University student information system. The Academic Adviser and the Year Leader will have access to the confidential academic record of the advisee. g. Academic Advisers receive support from the Year Leader, or in the case of Master programmes, the Programme Director. In addition, they will be provided with a named support team. 2/3 Approval and Revision Log Date April 13, 2011 May 30, 2012 Approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee University Learning and Teaching Committee November 14, 2012 April 26, 2013 University Learning and Teaching Committee Centre for Academic Affairs May 15, 2013 University Learning and Teaching Committee June 11, 2014 University Learning and Teaching Committee 3/3 Description Adopted -clarify assignment of tutors -more reference to Year 1 and Masters -delete reference to 2+2 and graduate study -clarify access to academic records -clarify role of year leaders Item no. 2c) added Description of ‘named support team’ in item 3.g simplified. The title ‘personal tutor’ replaced with ‘academic adviser’ both on the policy title, as well as in the document, ‘tutee’ replaced with ‘advisee’, ‘English Language Centre’ replaced with ‘Language Centre. assignment to academic department academic adviser takes place in Semester 2 of Year 1.