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留学生“感知中国 · 体验贵州”短期游学项目 Discovering China & Experiencing Guizhou —Short-Term Programs for International Students 联系信息(Contact) 中国·贵州·贵阳·花溪 贵州大学西校区·国际教育学院 College of International Education, Guizhou University (West Campus), Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China 电话(Tel.):+86 (851) 83627738 +86 (851) 88292749 邮箱(Email): cie@gzu.edu.cn 美丽贵州生态贵阳 Beautiful Guizhou Ecological Guiyang 贵州大学位于贵州省省会、中国西南地区重要中心城市——贵阳市。贵阳市是云贵高原上 一颗闪耀的明珠,平均海拔 1000 米左右,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,夏季平均气温为 19℃-26℃, 有“爽爽的贵阳”之称;喀斯特地貌分布广泛,占全市国土面积的 85%,形成了峰林、溶沟、峡 谷、溶洞为一体的绚丽景观;森林覆盖率达 41.78%,是中国首个“国家森林城市”;汉、苗、 布依、仡佬等 17 个世居民族和谐共荣,形成了五彩缤纷的民族“大观园”。 Guizhou University is located in the capital of Guizhou Province—Guiyang, an important center city in southwest China and a shining pearl on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. With an average altitude of 1000 meters, there are no brutal hotness in summers and bitter coldness in winters in Guiyang. The average temperature in summer hovers between 19℃-26℃, earning the nickname “Cool Guiyang”. The Karst landform is widely distributed, accounting for 85% of the total land area, and numerous peaks, grikes, canyons, and caves display spectacular landscapes. The forest coverage rate reaches 41.78%, making Guiyang the first “National Forest City” in China. Han and 17 ethnic groups including Miao, Dong, Buyi and many others have been harmoniously and prosperously inhabited here since old time and created a panoramic showplace with colorful ethnic cultures. 百年老校历史悠久 A Centennial University with Profound History 贵州大学成立于 1902 年,具有悠久的历史、深厚的文化底蕴,是国家“211 工程”重点建设 大学;2012 年,被列为国家“中西部高校综合能力提升工程”14 所高校之一;2016 年,成为中 西部“一省一校”重点大学建设工程高校;2017 年,成为国家世界一流学科建设高校;2018 年, 成为教育部、贵州省人民政府“部省合建”高校。 贵州大学设有 40 个学院、专业涵盖哲学、经济学、法学、文学、历史学、教育学、理学、 工学、农学、管理学、艺术学、医学等 12 个学科门类。一级学科博士学位授权点 17 个、普 通高等教育本科专业 137 个。在校全日制学生 45973 人;在职职工 3841 人,其中专任教师 2395 人。 学校现有世界一流建设学科 1 个(植物保护)、国家级重点学科 1 个(农药学) 、国家一流 建设学科 5 个(农林经济管理、大数据科学及技术、生态学、生物学等) 、区域一流建设学科 1 个(土木工程)、省级特色重点学科 23 个。 Founded in 1902, Guizhou University (hereinafter as GZU), with a long history and a profound culture, is a national key “211 Project” university; in 2012, it was listed as one of the “14 National Key Construction Universities in the Central and West Region of China”; in 2016, it was listed as“One Top University, One Province” Project; in 2017, it became one of world-class disciplines construction universities; in 2018, it was designated a university co-built by the Ministry of Education and Guizhou Province. With 40 colleges under its administration, GZU offers 17 doctoral degree programs of first-level discipline, and 137 undergraduate majors of regular higher education, covering 12 branches of learning including philosophy, economics, laws, liberal arts, history, education, science, engineering, agriculture, administration, and art. At present, GZU has 45,973 full-time students and 3,841 faculty and staff members, and 2,395 of them are full-time faculty members. The university has 1 world-class construction discipline(Plant Protection), 1 state-level key discipline(Pesticide Science), 5 national first-class construction disciplines(Agro-Forestry Economy Management, Big Data Science and Technology, Ecology, Biology, etc.), 1 regional first-class construction discipline(Civil Engineering) and 23 featured provincial disciplines. 项目简介 Program Description 由贵州大学国际教育学院针对母语为非汉语的外国人和海外华人、华侨设计的短期汉语培 训和中国文化体验课程。 This program is specially designed by College of International Education of Guizhou University (GZU) offering short-term training and cultural experiencing curriculums to international students or overseas Chinese whose first language is not mandarin Chinese. 项目目标 Program Objective 在短时间内激发学生学习汉语的兴趣,重点提高学生的汉语交际能力,了解中国及贵州风 土人情,体验中国文化,游览名胜古迹。 The program aims at stimulating the students’ interest in learning Chinese, enhancing the students’ Chinese communication abilities while familiarizing them with the traditions and customs of China and Guizhou by introducing them to the typical Chinese scenic and cultural landscapes. 项目特点 Program Features  语言培训 + 文化考察与体验 (language training plus cultural experience)  灵活性强 (highly flexible)  可根据团队要求设计 (adjustable according to participants’ needs) 课程类型 Curriculum Types 1. 汉语学习及中国文化学习班——快速提高汉语能力,重点训练听说技能;学习中国文化, 交流汉语学习心得。 Chinese Language and Culture Curriculum: quickly enhancing the students’ Chinese application abilities especially listening and speaking skills, facilitating their immersion in Chinese cultures and encouraging their exchanges about their Chinese study. 2. 汉语学习及中国文化体验班——快速提高汉语能力,重点训练听说技能;体验风土民情, 游览名胜古迹。 Chinese Language and Cultural Experience Curriculum: quickly enhancing the students’ Chinese application abilities particularly listening and speaking skills while introducing the students to the traditions and customs of the local people as well as the typical Chinese cultural and scenic landscapes. 课程内容 Curriculum Details 名称 Items 内容 Content 学分 Credits 备注 Note 汉语学习 初级、中级、高级汉语各类课程 16 学时/ 学分 14-20 学时/周 14-20 class Language Course Special classes at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels 16 class hours per credit hours per week 社会科学系列(经济、民俗、文化、 教育、历史、文学、音乐等) 文化讲座 Cultural Lectures Social science lectures on Economics, Folk Customs, Culture, Education, History, Literature, Music, etc. 传统文化系列 (茶艺、饮食、太极武术等) 3 次/学分 3 times per credit 根据学生和项 目要求选择 Selected by the requirements of the group Traditional Chinese Cultures: Tea Art, Cuisine, Martial Arts, etc. 语言伙伴 Language partners 定期留学生活动 第二课堂 Regular cultural activities Extracurricular Classes Weekly optional cultural courses 每周文化选修课 中外学生联谊活动 Fellowship activities between Chinese and foreign students 视具体情况 而定 Credits given based on the specific situation 根据学生和项 目要求选择或 增加 Selected by the requirements of the group 黄果树瀑布(亚洲第一大瀑布) Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia and the largest waterfall group in the world 青岩古镇(贵州四大古镇之一) Qingyan Ancient Town, one of the four most preserved ancient towns in Guizhou 西江苗寨(“苗族文化艺术馆”) 文化体验 Cultural Experiencing Activities Xijiang Miao Village, the largest habitation village of the Miao people in the world and the living historical Museum of the Miao ethnic minority 中国国酒之乡——茅台镇 Maotai Town, the hometown to the national wine of China 周边城市文化体验 Cultural trips to neighboring cities of Guiyang (such as Zunyi, Meitan, etc.) 中国艺术欣赏(贵州民族歌舞等) Chinese arts (such as Guizhou ethnic singing and dancing) 2 次/学分 2 times per credit 具体内容根据 团队要求调整 Selected by the requirements of the group (一)八天项目 Eight-Day Program 日期 Date 上午 Morning 09:00-12:00 周日 Sunday 下午 Afternoon 14:30-17:30 到达 Arrival & Check in 1. Visit Wetland Park & Confucius Palace 1. Opening ceremony 开班典礼 周一 Monday 参观湿地公园、孔学堂 2. Orientation 2. Campus Tour: Traditional Chinese Culture Academy, New Campus areas, library and sports center, etc. 项目介绍 3. Lecture: Facts of Guizhou 讲座:感知贵州 参观校园 周二 Tuesday 周三 Wednesday Traditional Handwork Class(Chinese Paper-Cutting or Knot Making) Visit Qingyan Ancient Town: experiencing the traditional culture and special cuisine 手工课:剪纸、编制中国结 参观青岩古镇 Chinese Martial Arts Free Time 自由活动 武术课 周四 Thursday Chinese Painting 中国国画课 Visit Qianling Hill Park, Guiyang Downtown Sightseeing & Shopping Trip 游览黔灵山公园 \ 贵阳市容市貌 周五 Friday 周六 Saturday Excursion to Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia or to the 1000-household Miao Ethnic Village 考察黄果树瀑布或西江千户苗寨 Completion Ceremony: Certificate awarding, reports and presentations from the participants 结业典礼 周日 Sunday Check out & Departure 离校 The schedule is subject to updates according to actual circumstances. 费用:2800 元/人 Fees: 2800RMB/person 以上费用包含学员学费、留学生宿舍住宿费、本地交通费、参观和文化考察费。每位学员 将获得一张校园 E 卡,可自行充值后在学校任意学生餐厅就餐。 The fees will cover the tuition, on-campus International Student Hostel accommodation, local transportation, visits and excursions and other items included in the agenda. Each participant will be provided with an on-campus E card. The participant can deposit money into the card and use it for dining at any of the university’s student canteens. 人数:20-30 人 Group size: 20-30 persons (二)两周项目 Two-Week Program 日期 Date 周日 Sunday 周一 Monday 周二 Tuesday 第 一 周 Wk 1 周三 Wednesday 周四 Tuesday 周五 Friday 第 二 周 Wk 2 上午 Morning 09:00-11:30 下午 Afternoon14:30-17:30 到达 Arrival & Check in 1. Opening ceremony 开班典礼 2. Campus Tour: Traditional Chinese Culture Academy, New Campus areas, library and sports center, etc. 参观校园 1. Visit Wetland Park 参观湿地公园 2. Visit Confucius Palace 参观孔学堂 Visit Qingyan Ancient Town: Experiencing the Traditional Culture and Special Cuisine 参观青岩古镇 汉语课堂 武术课 Chinese Language Lesson Chinese Martial Arts Excursion to Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia 考察黄果树瀑布 Watch《Colorful Guizhou Style》——a Gala Show of Guizhou Ethnic Cultures 观看《多彩贵州风》——贵州民族文化的盛宴 Lecture: Facts of Guizhou 讲座:感知贵州 Chinese Painting 国画课 听歌学汉语 Learning Chinese by Singing 周六 Saturday 游览小车河湿地公园及贵阳花果园商业区 Visit Xiaochehe Wetland Park & Huaguoyuan Business Center in Guiyang 周日 Sunday Free activities 自由活动 周一 Monday 周二 Tuesday 周三 Wednesday 周四 Tuesday 周五 Friday 周六 Saturday 周日 Sunday 1. Lecture: Chinese Tea Culture 讲座:茶文化 讲座:贵州美食 2. Hands-on activities Lecture: Guizhou Cuisine 动手体验中国茶艺 Visit Qianling Hill Park, Guiyang Downtown Sightseeing & Shopping 中国传统手工体验 Trip Traditional Chinese Handworks 游览黔灵山公园 \ 贵阳市容市貌 汉语课堂 国画课 Chinese Language Lesson Chinese Painting Excursion to the Thousand-household Miao Ethnic Village 考察西江千户苗寨 参观美术学院 自由活动 Visit College of Art Free activities Completion Ceremony: Certificate awarding, reports and presentations from the participants 结业典礼 离校 Check out & Departure The schedule is subject to updates according to actual circumstances. 费用:3500 元/人 Fees: 3500RMB/person 以上费用包含学员学费、留学生宿舍住宿费、本地交通费、参观和文化考察费。每位学员 将获得一张校园 E 卡,可自行充值后在学校任意学生餐厅就餐。 The fees will cover the tuition, on-campus International Student Hostel accommodation, local transportation, visits and excursions and other items included in the agenda. Each participant will be provided with an on-campus E card. The participant can deposit money into the card and use it for dining at any of the university’s student canteens. 人数:20-30 人 Group size: 20-30 persons (三)四周项目 Four-Week Program 日期 Date Sunday 周日 周一 Monday 上午 Morning 09:00-12:00 下午 Afternoon14:30-17:30 到达 Arrival & check in 1. Opening ceremony 2. Orientation 开班典礼及项目介绍 1. Visit Wetland Park & Confucius Palace 参观湿地公园、孔学堂 2. Campus Tour: Traditional Chinese Culture Academy, New Campus areas, library and sports center, etc. 参观校园 Lecture: Facts of Guizhou 第 周二 Tuesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 一 周三 Wednesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Free Time 自由活动 周 周四 Tuesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Martial Arts 武术课 周五 Friday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Painting 国画课 Wk 1 周六 Saturday 周日 Sunday 第 二 周 周一 Monday 讲座:感知贵州 Visit Qingyan Ancient Town: experiencing the traditional culture and special cuisine 参观青岩古镇 Weekend break Chinese lesson 汉语课 周末休息 Traditional Handwork Class(Chinese Paper-Cutting or Knot Making) 手工课:剪纸、编制中国结 周二 Tuesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Free Time 自由活动 周三 Wednesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Painting 国画课 第 周四 Tuesday 二 周五 Friday 周 Wk 2 Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Martial Arts 武术课 Excursion to Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia or to the thousand-household Miao Ethnic Village 考察黄果树瀑布或西江千户苗寨 周六 Saturday Weekend break 周末休息 周日 Sunday Weekend break 周末休息 周一 Monday 周二 Tuesday Chinese Calligraphy Class Chinese lesson 汉语课 书法课 Traditional Handwork Class(Chinese Paper-Cutting or Knot Making) Chinese lesson 汉语课 手工课:剪纸、编制中国结 第 周三 Wednesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Painting 国画课 三 周四 Tuesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Free Time 自由活动 周 周五 Friday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Wk 3 周六 Saturday 周日 Sunday 第 四 周 Wk 4 Lecture: Chinese Tea Culture 讲座:茶文化 Excursion to Yelang Valley:A Karst Topographic Eco-park, or Tianhetan Pool 考察夜郎谷(卡斯特生态公园)或者天河潭 Weekend break 周末休息 周一 Monday Chinese lesson 汉语课 周二 Tuesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 周三 Wednesday Chinese lesson 汉语课 Chinese Calligraphy Class 书法课 Fun Games: Traditional Sports 传统体育趣味运动会 Visit Qianling Hill Park, Guiyang Downtown Sightseeing & Shopping Trip 游览黔灵山公园 \ 贵阳市容市貌 周四 Tuesday 周五 Friday Final Exam 结业考试 Completion Ceremony: Certificate awarding, reports and presentations from the participants 结业典礼 周六 Saturday Weekend break 周末休息 周日 Sunday 离校 Check out & Departure The schedule is subject to updates according to actual circumstances. 费用:4800 元/人 Fees: 4800RMB/person 以上费用包含学员学费、留学生宿舍住宿费、本地交通费、参观和文化考察费。每位学员 将获得一张校园 E 卡,可自行充值后在学校任意学生餐厅就餐。 The fees will cover the tuition, on-campus International Student Hostel accommodation, local transportation, visits and excursions and other items included in the agenda. Each participant will be provided with an on-campus E card. The participant can deposit money into the card and use it for dining at any of the university’s student canteens. 人数:20-30 人 Group size: 20-30 persons 西江千户苗寨 Xijiang Miao Village 西江千户苗寨,位于贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州,是一个保存苗族“原始生态”文化完整 的地方,由 10 余个依山而建的自然村寨相连成片,依山傍水,是目前中国乃至全世界最大的 苗族聚居村寨,是一座露天博物馆,展览着一部苗族发展史诗,成为观赏和研究苗族传统文化 的大看台。西江有远近闻名的银匠村,苗族银饰全为手工制作,其工艺具有极高水平,苗族歌 舞美轮美奂,精彩纷呈。 Xijiang, Miao Village, situated in the Southeast Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province and surrounded by overlapping mountains, with terraced fields rising along the slopes to the clouds and the Baishui (White Water) River flowing through the village with well preserved “original eco culture”. The village comprises of 12 natural villages, 1,200 families and 6,000 people, famous as the "One-thousand-Household Miao Village", becoming the biggest Miao village in China, and even in the world. It is also regarded as an open museum, exhibiting the historical development of Miao ethnic group and a grandstand to enjoy and research on Miao traditional culture. The village is well-known for its exquisite sliver ornaments hand-making techniques and colorful dancing and singing performances. 黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfall 位于中国贵州省安顺市镇宁布依族苗族自治县,属珠江水系西江干流南盘江支流北盘江支 流打帮河的支流可布河下游白水河段水系,为黄果树瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,是世界著 名大瀑布之一。瀑布高度为 77.8 米,其中主瀑高 67 米;瀑布宽 101 米,其中主瀑顶宽 83.3 米。 Huangguoshu Waterfall, a milky way in miniature, is the largest waterfall in Asia. Seventy-four meters (243 feet) high and eighty-one meters (266 feet) wide, it is a scenic marvel in Anshun. Do not miss it if you are in Guizhou Province. Known as the Huangguoshu Waterfall National Park, it is 45 kilometers (28 miles) southwest of Anshun city in Guizhou Province. Together with minor waterfalls, the charms of Huangguoshu Waterfall are a natural tourist drawing card. Hospitable ethic groups add the human touch. 青岩古镇 Qingyan Ancient Town 青岩古镇,贵州四大古镇之一,位于贵阳市南郊,建于明洪武十年(1378 年) ,原为军事 要塞。古镇内设计精巧、工艺精湛的明清古建筑交错密布,寺庙、楼阁画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相 间。小镇历史悠久,人文荟萃。因其独特的魅力,蜚声海内外,常年游人如织。 Qingyan Ancient Town is one of the most fascinating town of China, as well as a famous historical and cultural ancient town inhabited by multi ethnic groups with profound cultures in history, architecture, religion, farming, cuisine, and revolutionary tradition, lies in the southern suburb of Guiyang. As an ancient town, covering an area of 741 acres, Qingyan Town was originally built in 1378. Nowadays, because of its long history and strong cultural atmosphere, the town has become an attractive destination for numerous domestic and foreign tourists. 贵阳孔学堂 Confucius Academy of Guiyang 贵阳孔学堂地处花溪十里河滩国家城市湿地公园中段,大将山下占地 130 亩,建筑面积 2 万多平方米。建筑设计以汉唐风格为建筑特点,既传承了孔庙的精髓,又结合实际大胆创新; 贵阳的孔学堂,在功能定位上是以“传承与弘扬儒学的圣殿,教化与开启新风的基地”为目标, 具有教化、礼典、祭祀、典藏、研究、旅游等六大基本功能。就建设规模、面积、功能来说, 堪称中国第一、世界第一。 The Confucius Academy of Guiyang is an institute engaged in promoting Confucian culture. It is located in the south of Guiyang and was opened to the public on Jan 1, 2013. Occupying an area of 88 hectares, the school comprises of three parts. The public education area is used to hold public classes. Experts from both home and abroad have so far given more than 400 lectures on traditional culture during each weekend, and the lectures have been enjoyed by more than 130,000 people. The Chinese culture study area is set up for scholars from colleges and universities. Professors and their students can use the area to throw themselves into the study of traditional culture. In terms of its construction scope, areas and functions, the Confucius Academy of Guiyang can be regarded as Number One in China, even in the world. 黔灵山公园 Qianling Hill Park 黔灵山公园是一座综合性的游览公园,建于 1957 年,位于贵阳市西北角,因素有“黔南第 一山”之称的黔灵山而得名。公园幽静的山谷里建有动物园,清泉怪石,随处可见,有成群的 灵猴和鸟类在此栖息,山上还保存有第四纪冰川期遗迹。黔灵公园不仅是国内著名风景区,园 内峰峦叠翠,古木参天,林木葱茏,古洞清涧,深谷幽潭,景致清远,自古是贵州高原一颗璀 璨的明珠,有“黔南第一山”的美誉。 Situated on Qianling Hill 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles) from the center of Guiyang City, Qianling Hill Park covers an area of 426 hectares (1052.7 acres). First built in 1957, it is a uniquely large park in the city proper. The name was derived from the Qianling Mountain that lies in the park, which is the most famous mountain in southern Guizhou. As one of the noted gardens on the Guizhou plateau, it boasts clear waters, green mountains, tranquil forests and old temples. 天河潭 Tianhetan Pool 天河潭风景区位于贵阳市西南郊 23 公里处,距离花溪 13 公里,风景区内兼具黄果树瀑布 之雄、龙宫之奇与花溪之秀,集飞瀑、清泉、深潭、奇石、怪洞与天生石桥于一身,是一个典 型的以喀斯特地貌为主的溶洞。天河潭景区内有水洞和旱洞之分,游客可先乘船游览水洞内奇 观,每船 10 人。水洞全长约 1000 米,最宽处 80 余米,最窄处仅为 20 米,洞顶最高处 50 余 米,洞内暗河水深达 21 米。洞内有石钟乳、石笋、石柱等喀斯特景观。穿过银河宫后游览旱 洞,旱洞为三层,全长 200 余米。洞中有一天然石桥——奈何桥,它连续在洞里两座悬崖之间, 桥下是深不可测的阴潭,堪称鬼斧神工。洞内形态各异的钟乳石,千姿百态,令人叫绝 Tianhetan Pool is mainly about Karst Landform together with mountains, rivers, caves, ponds, waterfalls and bridges. Beautiful sceneries make it worth coming. Located in the southeast of Guiyang, Tianhetan Pool is a newly-constructed scenic spot, which is as magnificent as Huangguoshu Waterfalls, mysterious as Dragon palace, and beautiful as Huaxi Park. It is composed of flying waterfalls, clear springs, deep pools, peculiar stones and magic caves and natural stone bridges. The scenic spot is made up of the sceneries inside and outside the caves, including a cave with flowing water inside and a dry cave. You can take a walk in the dry cave while you must visit the other cave by boat. In the cave, magical Karst accumulations can be seen. Out of the cave, you can get across beneath the waterfall, go through the natural stone bridges, and watch the waterwheel. A 1,500 meter-long cable can lead you to the Buyi or the Miao villages where you can have farmer's meal and enjoy the slab stone houses and the ethnic customs. 明德至善 · 博学笃行 Illustrious Virtue, Utmost Goodness, Extensive Learning, Earnest Practice 中国·贵州·贵阳·花溪 贵州大学西校区·国际教育学院 College of International Education Guizhou University (West Campus) Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China www.gzu.edu.cn
