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奖学金生退宿申请表(Application Form of Government Sponsored Student live off-campus) 中文姓名(Chinese Name): 英文姓名(English Name): 房间号(Room No.): 护照号(Passport No.): 性别(Gender): 学号(Student No.): 学院(Faculty): 国籍(Nationality): 退宿理由(Reason of live off-campus): 规定(rules):1、住宿补贴自搬离宿舍之日的次月开始发放;The Accomodation Allowance will be given only start from the next month after the day that you check out the dorm 2、办理退宿后原则上不接受再次入住的申请;In principle, the application of re-check in is not accepted after you check out the dorm 3、寒暑假期间不接受退宿申请;Application of live off-campus is not accepted during Winter and Summer Holidays 本人已知晓并同意上述说明(I understand and accept the rules) 签名(Signature): 日期(Date): 学院意见(Faculty): 负责人(Person in charge): 盖章(Seal): 日期(Date): 留学生办公室意见(International student office): 负责人(Person in charge): 盖章(Seal): 日期(Date): 留学生公寓部意见(International student Dorm): 负责人(Person in charge): 盖章(Seal): 退宿日期(Date of check out):
