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Title Accession number Dynamics of a predator–prey model with nonlinear growth 20224212902361 rate and B–D functional response High performance Na3V2(PO4)3 with nitrogen-chlorine 20223912791837 co-doped carbon matrix in-situ synthesized in chitosa Modulating interfacial charge distribution of NiSe nanoarrays 20224112863482 with NiFe-LDH nanosheets for boosting oxygen Improved hydrogen storage properties and mechanisms20224212974347 of LiAlH4 doped with Ni/C nanoparticles anchored on l A Dynamic Programming Bayesian Network Structure Learning 20224212904313 Algorithm Based on Mutual Information Deformation Prediction and Analysis of Soft Rock Roadway 20223912788603 with High Altitude and Large Buried Depth Based CSSAM: U-net Network for Application and Segmentation 20220369297 of Welding Engineering Drawings Exposing Recaptured Images with Constrained Convolutional 20224112863627 Neural Network Spatial-temporal scanning detection model and calculation 20224012824525 method of laser fuze Cyclegan Network for Sheet Metal Welding Drawing Translation 20220369371 Fabrication of anisotropic nanocomposite hydrogels by20224212988109 magnetic field-induced orientation for mimicking ca Study on structure evolution characteristics of undisturbed 20223912806105 Q3 loess under plane-strain condition Multi-modal fusion method for human action recognition 20224212901446 based on IALC Optimization Method of High-Precision Control Device20224112858691 for Photoelectric Detection of Unmanned Aerial Vehicl New adaptive robust H∞ control of smart structures 20224212973503 using synchrosqueezed wavelet transform and recursive The effect of short-range order on mechanical properties 20224112853173 of high entropy alloy Al0.3CoCrFeNi Preparation and characterization of graded-index antireflection 20224012844819 coatings with a high laser-induced damage Effects of graphene oxide grafted polyethylene glycof 20224312992018 on crystallization behavior and thermal stability of Generic Structure Construction of 3D Assembly Model 20224112858818 Based on Conjugate Subgraph Effect of adding CsI on properties of Ge20Sb10Se65Te5 20224012830211 glass Analysis of the Impact of Change Propagation within Complex 20224212896773 Product Modules Simulation study of DDoS attacks and remediation based 20224312992716 on OPNET Person Re-Identification Method Based on the Construction 20224212904259 of Graph Convolutional Network with Attribute F Deformation and failure characteristics of Cretaceous20224012817004 sandstone under low temperature and loading Progressive Failure Analysis of Laminated CFRP Composites 20223912801461 under Three-Point Bending Load Theoretical analysis on the lateral drift of precast concrete 20224212900420 frame with replaceable artificial controllable Multibranch 1-D CNN Based on Attention Mechanism for 20224112869762 the DAB Converter Fault Diagnosis Highly-Robust Feature Detection Method in Shape-Coded 20223912809363 Structured Light Based on End-To-End Deep Neural Oxygen Vacancies Boosted by Laser Irradiation Enable20224112879968 NiCo Layered Double Hydroxide with a High Oxygen Red Isolated Soy Protein/Tio2 Membrane Adsorber for Selective 20220361042 Separation of Lithium Ion Establishment and Analysis of Feasibility Evaluation System 20220353012 and Ultra-Precision Manufacturing Technology f Preliminary study of unloading calculation method in20224012816214 the unloading collapse process of loess between piles A High-Precision Interpolation Method for Data Transfer 20224212904096 in Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis MoS2-based materials for microwave absorption: An overview 20223912789602 of recent advances and prospects Pore characteristics and micro-structure change of undisturbed 20224212899956 loess induced by acid corrosion Upconversion boosting pollutants degradation efficiency 20224112853338 in wide-spectrum responsive photocatalysts Optimal Deployment of Dynamic Wireless Charging Lanes 20224112858781 for Electric Vehicles considering the Battery Chargin Laminated ferroelectric polymer composites exhibit synchronous 20223912800757 ultrahigh discharge efficiency and energy d Electrochemical milling of deep-narrow slots with a pulsating 20224212901993 electrolyte flow field In vivo animal study of the magnetic navigation system 20223912812850 for capsule endoscope manipulation within the esoph CSTGAN: Cycle Swin Transformer GAN for Unpaired Infrared 20224312992538 Image Colorization Understanding the Catalytic Kinetics of Polysulfide Redox 20224312990101 Reactions on Transition Metal Compounds in Li-S An optimal molecule-matching co-sensitization system 20224112864140 for the improvement of photovoltaic performances of Artificial intelligent modeling and optimization of the 20224012827245 application of aluminum oxide nanoparticles modifie Decisive role of non-rare earth metals in high-regioselectivity 20224212977701 addition of μ3-carbido clusterfullerene Simulation and analysis of the coherent-dispersion spectrometer 20221712022157 for exoplanet detection The Win-win Mechanism of Loyalty Programs Partnerships: 20223912802918 Considering the Customer Heterogeneity Author Author affiliation Corresponding author(s) Feng, Xiaozhou(1); Sun, Cong(1); Yang, Wenbin(2); (1) School Li,ofChangtong(1) Science, Xi'an Technological University, Feng, Xiaozhou Xi'an;(flxzfxz8@1 710032, Ch Li, Jiahao(1,2); Chen, Yanjun(1,2); He, Shengnan(3); (1) School Yang, of Materials Yaxiong(3); Science Wang,and Yanzhong(1,2); Engineering, Chen,Guo, Yanjun North Li(2)University (yjchen@nuc.e of Bao, Weiwei(1); Yang, Chunming(2); Ai, Taotao(1); (1) School Zhang, of Materials Junjun(3,4); Science Zhou,and Lihai(2); Engineering, li,Ai,Yan(1); Taotao Shaanxi Wei, (aitaotao0116@1 Xueling(1); University Zo Liu, Zhaoyu(1); Liu, Jiaxi(1,2); Wei, Sheng(1,2,7); Xia, Cheng, Riguang(1,2); Sun, Sun, Lixian Lixian(1,2); (sunlx@guet.ed Xu, Fen (1) School of Yongpeng(1); Material Science & Engineering, Guangxi Key Laboratory Lv, Zhigang(1,2); Li, Ye(2); Di, Ruohai(2); (1) Wang, School Hongxi(1); of Mechatronic Li, Liangliang(1); Engineering, Wang, Xi'an Peng(2); Di,Technological Ruohai Li, Xiaoyan(2) (diruohai_lzg@s University, Du, Bin(1); Yi, Huahui(1); Yang, Fan(1) (1) Xi'An Technology University, Shaanxi, Xi'an; Du, 710062, Bin (dubin@xatu.edu.cn China Song Szw, Zhiwei(1); Yao, Hui(1); Tian, Dan(1); (1) Xi'an Zhan, Technological GaoHui(1) University, Shaanxi Province, Yao, Hui (yaohui@xatu.edu.c Xi'An; 710000, Chi Zhu, Nan(1); Xiang, Hanchen(1); Liu, Zhiqin(1) (1) Xi'An Technological University, Depertment of Electronic Informat Li, Hanshan(1) (1) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Li, Hanshan Xi'an (lihanshan269@ Technolog Song, Zhiwei(1); Yao, Hui(1); Tian, Dan(1);(1)Zhan, Xi'anGaohui(1) Technological University, School ofYao, Mechatronic Hui (yaohui@xatu.edu.c Engineering, Ma, Yanzhuo(1); Ma, Aijie(1); Luo, Tao(1);(1) Xiao, School Siyu(1); of Materials Zhou, Hongwei(1) and Chemical Engineering, Ma, Aijie Xi'an (maaijie@xatu.ed Technological Zhang, Yu(1,2); Fan, Tejia(1); Xu, Chenyang(1); (1) Civil Yang, andQian(1); Architecture Liu, Jin(1); Engineering, Ding, Xiao(1); Xi'an Technological Jin, Xin(1) University Zhang, Yinhuan(1,2); Xiao, Qinkun(1,3); Liu, (1)Xing(3); School Wei, of Mechatronic Yongquan(4);Engineering, Chu, Chaoqin(1); Xi'anLiu, Xue, Technological Xing Jingyun(1) (161847262@masu University, Liu, Xuebin(1,2); Li, Hanshan(3); Yang, Suiming(4) (1) School of Mechatronic Engineering, Xi'AnLi,Technological Hanshan (1764100164@e University, Li, Zhijun(1); Adeli, Hojjat(2) (1) School of Civil & Architecture Engineering, Adeli,Xi'an Hojjat Technological (adeli.1@osu. Un Sun, Zerui(1); Shi, Changgen(1); Liu, Cuixia(2); (1) PLAShi, Army Hang(3); Engineering Zhou, Jie(3) University, Nanjing; Shi,210007, Changgen China; (shichanggen (2) Xi'an Hang, Liangyi(1); Liu, Weiguo(1) (1) Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of ThinLiu, Films Weiguo Technology (wgliu@163.com and Opt Li, Shoujia(1); Luo, Chunyan(1,2); Chen, Weixing(1,2); (1) School ofFang, Materials Minggang(1); Science Sun, and Chemical Jianxin(1) Luo, Engineering, Chunyan (luochunyan@ Xi'an Techn Qiao, Hu(1); You, Liang(1); Hu, Sibo(1); Liu, (1) Shanshan(1); School of Mechatronic Xiang, Ying(2) Engineering, Xi'AnXiang, Technological Ying (yingcara@hotm University, Xu, Junfeng(1); Zhang, Baodong(1); Cao, Jitao(1); (1) SchoolFan, of Wenwen(1); Materials and Yao, Chemical Zhirui(1);Engineering, Li, Xuyang(2) Xu, Junfeng Xi'an (xujunfeng@ma Technological Xiang, Ying(1); Wei, Zhenxing(2); Xu, Tianhang(2) (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xiang, Ying Shaanxi (yingcara@hotm Univers Wang, Fang(1); Meng, Gong(2); Wang, Shenhang(2); (1) The Fu, School Yanfang(1); of Computer Li, Qiang(1) Science and Engineering, Wang, Fang Xi'an (1369595815@qq Technologi Hu, Xiuhua(1,2); Liang, Yingyu(1,2); Hui, Yan(1,2); (1) School Wu,ofXi(1,2); Computer Liu, Science Huan(1,2); andHu, Engineering, Xuyang(1,2) Hu, Xiuhua Xi'an (huxhxatu@163.c Technological U Qu, Yong-Long(1,2); Yang, Geng-She(2); Xi, (1)Jia-Mi(2); School ofHe, Civil Hui(1); and Architecture Ding, Xiao(1); Engineering, Zhang, Meng(1) Xi'an Technological Shen, Bing(1); Liu, Hongjun(2); Lv, Shengli(2); (1) School Li, Zheng(2); of Aeronautics, Cheng, Wen(3) Northwestern Polytechnical Liu, HongJun University, (hjliu@nwpu.e Xi'an Huang, Hua(1,2); Li, Ming(2); Yuan, Yujie(3); (1) Bai, School Hao(2) of Civil & Architecture Engineering, Li, Ming Xi'an(2020228012@chd.e Technological Un Zhao, Yingying(1); He, Yigang(1); Xing, Zhikai(1); (1) WuhanFu, University, Yongsheng(2); School Chen, of Jianfei(1); Electrical Engineering Du, Chen, Bolun(3); Jianfeiand Wang, (jianfei@whu Automation Lei(1) Wang, Sicheng(1,2,3); Song, Zhan(1); Du, Hubing(3); (1) Guangdong Gu, Feifei(1,2) Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Gu, Feifeiand (ff.gu@siat.ac.cn Digital Econo Shang, Jiayin(1); Xu, Changhua(1); Wang, (1) Qiguan(1); ShaanxiWang, Key Laboratory Sumin(1); Chen, of Photoelectric Jian(1); Wang, Wang, Functional Xinhai(2) Qiguan Materials (qiguanwang@ and Yang, Facui(1); Lv, Xiaopeng(1); Duan, Longlong(1); (1) ShaanxiWang, Key Lei(1) Laboratory of PhotoelectricYang, Functional Facui (yfcyyhx@163.c Materials and Li, Shijie(1); Huang, Yuetian(1); Zhao, Fengyuan(2); (1) Shaanxi Yang, Province Chen(1); Key Laboratory Zhang, Jin(1); of Liang, ThinLi,Film Haifeng(1); Shijie Technology (lishijie@xatu.ed Cai, and Changlo Opt Jin, Xin(1); Wang, Tie-Hang(2); Hao, Yan-Zhou(3); (1) School Zhao, of Civil Zai-Kun(2); & Architecture Zhang, Liang(2); Engineering, Zhang, Xi'An Meng(1) Technological Un Li, Xuehua(1); Zhang, Lei(2); Wang, Peiyan(3); (1) School He, Xingsuo(3) of Civil & Architecture Engineering, Li, Xuehua Xi'An Technological (xhli0724@163.c Un Zhang, Jianxin(1); Liu, Yanyan(1); Liao, Zijian(1); (1) SchoolHu, of Jinhu(1); Civil Engineering, Ma, Aijie(2); Qingdao Ma, Yong(3); University Liu, Feng, Yanyan ofChao(1); (yanqdlg@163.c Technology, Ma, Ming Qin Yan, Ruixin(1); Zhang, Lei(2); Zhang, Jinyuan(3); (1) Department Peng, Jianbing(4); of Civil and Chen, Architecture Lijie(4); Zhang, Engineering, Zhang, Yu(1) Lei (zhanglei@stu.xu Xi'an Technolog Wei, Jie(1); Liu, Zhiting(1); Sun, Zehao(1); (1)Li, Electronic Yunpeng(1); Materials Wu, Chunfang(2); Research Laboratory, Zhao, Lin(3) Wei,Key JieLaboratory (weij2008@xjtu.ed of Minis Du, Jun(1); Pei, Mingyang(2); Jia, Bin(3,4); (1)Wu, School Pan(2)of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Pei, Mingyang Jiaotong(ratherthan@ University Chen, Jie(1); Zhang, Xiaoyong(1); Wang, Zhen(1); (1) Shaanxi Chen,Key Weixing(1); Laboratory Yuan, of Qibin(2); Optoelectronic Wang, Yuan, Yifei(3) Functional Qibin (yuanqibin-sus Materials an Chen, Xiaolei(1,2); Ye, Zhisen(2); Li, Guojun(2); (1) State Saxena, Key Laboratory Krishna Kumar(4); of Precision Zhang, Electronic Chuanyun(3); Chen, Xiaolei Manufacturing Zhang,(xlchen@gdut Yongjun(1,2 Techn Sun, Hongbo(1,2); Liu, Jianhua(1,2); Wang,(1) Qiuliang(1,2); Institute ofLai, Electrical Chunxiao(3); Engineering, Chi, Wenqiang(1); Chinese Liu, Jianhua Academy Niu, Chaoqun(4); (liujianhua@m of Sciences, Wang Zhao, Mingfan(1,2); Feng, Guirong(3); Tan,(1)Jiahai(4,5); Key Laboratory Zhang, of Ning(1); Spectral Lu, Imaging Xiaoqiang(1) Technology Cas, Xi'an Institut Wu, Jiao(1,2); Ye, Tong(1,3); Wang, Yuchao(1); (1) State Yang, Peiyao(1); Key Laboratory Wang, of Qichen(1); Powder Metallurgy, Kuang, Lei, Wenyu(1); Yongpeng Central Chen, South (leiyongpeng Xiaoli(1); UniversD Liu, Yongliang(1,2); Zhu, Shengbo(1,2); Li,(1)Wei(1,2); ShaanxiSu, KeyYilin(1,2); Laboratory Zhou, of Hongwei(1,2); PhotoelectricZhu, Chen, Functional Shengbo Ran(3,4,5); Materials (zhushengbo@ Chen, and Wei Jia, Jianli(1); Zandi, Yousef(2); Agdas, Alireza (1) School Sadighi(3); of Mechatronic Al-Tamimi, Engineering, Haneen M.(4); Xi'an Banaeipour, Zandi, Technological Yousef Ali(5); (yousefzandi@ University, Assilzade Chen, Muqing(1,2); Zhao, Yaoxiao(3,6); Jin,(1)Fei(2); SchoolLi,ofMengyang(3); EnvironmentGuan, and Civil Runnan(2); Engineering, Xin, Chen, Jinpeng(2); Muqing Dongguan (mqchen@ustc Yao, University Yang-Ro Wu, Yinhua(1); Chen, Shasha(2,3); Wang, Pengchong(2,3); (1) School of Zhou, Optoelectronics Shun(1); Feng, Engineering, Yutao(2,3);Wu, Xi'an Zhang, Yinhua Technological Weiguang(1); (yinhuawoo@163 Univers Wei, R Li, Chunqing(1); Ma, Junping(1); Fan, Yi(1) (1) College of Economics and Management, Xi'an Technological Universi Source Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Chemical Engineering Journal Fuel Journal of Alloys and Compounds Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Mobile Information Systems arXiv 2022 7th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, ICSIP 2022 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters arXiv Journal of Applied Polymer Science Tumu Gongcheng Xuebao/China Civil Engineering Journal IET Image Processing Scientific Programming Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Materials and Design Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering Scientific Programming Infrared Physics and Technology Scientific Programming Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Journal of Building Engineering IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2022 IEEE International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics, RCAR 2022 ACS Applied Energy Materials SSRN SSRN Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics International Journal of Aerospace Engineering Synthetic Metals Engineering Geology Chemosphere Journal of Advanced Transportation Journal of Materials Chemistry A CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Medical Physics ACM International Conference Proceeding Series ACS Nano Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics International Journal of Energy Research Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 12th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, WHICEB 2013
