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苏州科技大学国际硕士研究生奖学金申请表 Application Form of SUST Scholarship for International Master’s Students   请用英文或中文填写此表/Please complete the form in English or in Chinese. 请填好此表后,打印并签上名字和日期,贴护照照片/Please fill the form, then print it out and sign, post a passport photo on it. 1.基本情况/Personal Information 姓名 Name 护照用名 Passport Name 姓/Family Name: 名/Given Name: 照 片 Photo 中文姓名 Chinese Name: 性别/Gender: 国籍/Nationality: 已婚/Married:□ 护照号码/Passport No.: Day 未婚/Single:□ 有效期至/Valid Until ______年/ Yr. ___月/ Mon. 出生日期 _________年______月______日 Date of Birth: Yr. Mon. Day 出生地 Place of Birth: 宗教信仰/Religion: 母语/Native Language: 目前工作情况/ Current Employment 所在机构/ Employer: 地点/Location: 职业/Occupation: 职务/Position: 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: 国家 Country 日/ 城市 City 电子邮箱/E-mail: 永久通信住址 /Permanent Address: 2.申请学习类别和专业/The Program to Which the Applicant is Applying for Admission 项目类别 Program types � 英文授课 3 年制 3-year program in English 项目专业/编号 Program Name / Code 3.申请奖学金类别/Type of Scholarship �A类 学费、住宿费、生活补助、一次性安置费 (HSK-4 Tuition fee 、 accommodation fee 、 living subsidy (1000RMB/Person/Month with 10 month in and above) total for each academic year) and settlement allowance (1000 RMB/Person) �B类 学费、住宿费 Tuition fee and accommodation fee 4.申请奖学金的相关材料/Supporting Information for Scholarship Application 1 获奖励情况和特长 Academic Honors and Distinctions 专业学习和研究经历 Professional or Research Experience 已发表的代表性论著或作品 Publications 其他经历 Other Experiences of University or Social Services 5. 申请人保证/I hereby affirm that (1)上述各项中所提供的情况和材料是真实无误的;/All the information and materials I provided above are true and correct; (2)在校学习期间遵守中国的法律法规和学校的规章制度,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的、与本人来 华学习身份不符合的活动。/ I shall abide by Chinese laws, decrees and rules, regulations of university, and will not participate in any activity in China which is deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student. 申请人签字/Signature: 日期/Date:___________________ (无申请人签名,申请无效/ The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature.) 2
