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地址:中国湖南长沙市韶山南路 498 号 电话/传真:0731-85623277 邮编:410004 Certificate XXXX(日期,英文格式) Embassy of XXXXXX (出访国家英文名称) in XXX(使领馆所在城市): For the XXXXX ( 出 访 目 的 ) in the field of XXXXXX ( 某 某 领 域 ) , on behalf of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, it is our pleasure to sent Mr. XXXXX and other XXX people to pay XXX days business visit to your country scheduled in XXX to XXX(月份), XXX(年份). All expenses of this trip including air tickets, accommodation, and health assurance will be covered by Central South University of Forestry and Technology. The delegation name list as follow: Mr.XXX, XXX(性别), XXX(出生日期) ,XXXXX(职务). Sincerely yours, Central South University of Forestry and Technology 注释:此为赴各国(除有特殊要求的国家外)所需派遣函、在职证明、费用证明 的通用格式,需出示原件。有特殊要求的国家,如申根国、巴西、阿根廷、墨西 哥、韩国、南非、瑞典、丹麦的,请参见湖南省因公出国知识读本。
