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Liaocheng University Transcript of Academic Records Student’s Name : Liu Guo-liang Date of Enrollment : Sep. 2005 Course Title Physical Education Graphing of Engineering Basic of Computer Application Advanced Mathematics College English Basic of Computer Application Advanced Mathematics College Chinese *Advanced Mathematics *Advanced Mathematics College Chinese *Advanced Mathematics *Advanced Mathematics Compendium of Modern Chinese History Element Inorganic Chemistry Course Title Fundamental of Materials Science Chemicophysics of Materials College Chemistry Solid State Physics Method of Materials Research and TestingState Physics Solid Method of Materials Research and Testing #Materials Synthesize and Fabrication Electrical and Electronic Engineering Materials Surface and Interface Electrical and Electronic Engineering Materials Surface and Interface Specialty English Material Physical Performance *Chemical and social Gender: Female Major: Material chemistry Date of Graduation : July 2009 Sept.2005 - July2006 (1st year) Fall Term Spring Term Course Title Credit Grade Credit Grade 2 87 *Business negotiation 3 87 Organic Chemistry 2 87 Physical Education 6 97 College Physics 4 80 Instrument analysis 2 87 Physical Chemistry 6 97 Material mechanics 2 A Physical Chemistry 6 90 Material mechanics 6 100 Physical Chemistry 2 A Material mechanics 6 100 Literature of Organic Chemistry 6 100 *Chemical and health 2 78 Literature of Organic Chemistry 2 83 College English Sept.2007 - July2008 (3rd year) Fall Term Spring Term Course Title Credit Grade Credit Grade 4 84 Polymer Chemistry and Physics 3 92.5 Nano-materials and Nano-technology 3 94 Physical Chemistry 3 93 New Functional Metal Materials 4 88 Fundamental of Materials Science 3 93 New Functional Metal Materials 4 88 Fundamental of Materials Science 3 82 Polymer Processing 3 94.2 Internet and Documentation Retrieval 2 P Environmentally friendly materials 3 94.2 Internet and Documentation Retrieval 2 P Environmentally friendly materials 2 87 Polymer Modification 3 95 Total credit acquired: 2 86 Student No. : 2005204121 Date Issued: April 25, 2012 Sept.2006 - July2007(2nd year) Fall Term Spring Term Credit Grade Credit Grade 2 88 5 84 2 83.5 3 92 3 90 4 96 2 95 4 96 2 95 4 96 2 95 2 75.5 2 B 2 75.5 4 72 Sept.2008 - July2009 (4th year) Fall Term Spring Term Credit Grade Credit Grade 4 82 2 80 4 96 2 80 2 90 2 80 2 90 3 86 1 87.9 2 80 1 87.9 2 80 3 80 168 Note 1: Two grading systems are used in the University: most courses are graded A(90-100), B(80-89), C(70-79), D(60-69), F(59 or less); a few non-major courses are graded P(Pass) or F(Failure). Note 2:The “*” is added before selective courses. The “#” is added before limited selective courses.
