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Journal title Acta Agriculturae Slovenica Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Agriculture and Environment Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) Agriculture Agriscientia Agronomy Annales Univesitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska sectio E Agricultura Annals of Silvicultural Research Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal Crop Journal Czech Journal of Food Sciences European Agrophysical Journal International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council Organic Farming Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica Soil and Water Research Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales Tropicultura Agrociencia Nativa Journal of Integrated Pest Management ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS Revista Caatinga Desert Adansonia OENO One European Countryside Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development ARO. The Scientific Journal of Koya University Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Journal of Bioenergy and Food Science Acta Agrobotanica Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica Acta Scientiarum: Agronomy Acta Technologica Agriculturae Advances in Agriculture African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Agricultural and Food Science Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Science Agriculture Agriekonomika Agrotrop: Journal on Agriculture Science AIMS Agriculture and Food Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science Annals of Agricultural Sciences Applied and Environmental Soil Science Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Bangladesh Agronomy Journal Bragantia Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Agriculture Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture Cogent Food & Agriculture Colloquium Agrariae Derim Eurasian Journal of Soil Science Food and Energy Security Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering Future of Food : Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society Horticultural Science Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology : IJARIT International Journal of Agriculture System International Journal of Agronomy Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research ISRN Agronomy Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Journal of Agricultural Engineering Journal of Agricultural Sciences Journal of Agricultural Sciences Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Nauka Przyroda Technologie Open Agriculture Journal Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture Research in Agricultural Engineering Research in Plant Disease Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia Revista Colombiana de Investigaciones Agroindustriales Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural Rural Sustainability Research Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences Scientia Agraria Paranaensis Scientia Agricola Scientia Agropecuaria Scientific Journal of Crop Science Soil & Environment Studies in Agricultural Economics Terra Latinoamericana Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences Pastos y Forrajes Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal Recia Agricultures AgroLife Scientific Journal Azarian Journal of Agriculture The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural science Journal of Human Sciences and Extension International Journal of Environment Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment EU agrarian Law Gontor Agrotech Science Journal Journal of Zhejiang University: Agriculture and Life Sciences Scientific Papers: Series B. Horticulture Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Revista Ceres Journal Keteknikan Pertanian Agriculture & Food Security International Journal of Food and Allied Sciences Landtechnik Agritech Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian Indonesia Information Processing in Agriculture Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry Archiva Zootehnica Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science Buletin Peternakan Czech Journal of Animal Science Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science Italian Journal of Animal Science Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences Journal of Animal Science and Technology Jurnal Agripet Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria Zootehnie Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan Media Peternakan Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research Pastoralism Porcine Research Poultry Science Journal Rangifer Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia Scientific Journal of Animal Science Zootecnia International Journal of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety Genetics Selection Evolution Animal Reproduction Archives Animal Breeding Archivos de Zootecnia Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science Mljekarstvo Wartazoa Acta Veterinaria Acta Veterinaria Brasilica Acta Veterinaria Brno Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Analecta Veterinaria BMC Veterinary Research Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Veterinary Me Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Chiang Mai Sattawa Phatthayasan Exploratory Animal and Medical Research Frontiers in Veterinary Science Indonesia Medicus Veterinus International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences Irish Veterinary Journal ISRN Veterinary Science Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Journal of the South African Veterinary Association Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine Journal of Veterinary Medicine Journal of Veterinary Research Journal of World's Poultry Research Jurnal Veteriner Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi Macedonian Veterinary Review Medicamentul Veterinar Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research Open Veterinary Science Journal Pakistan Veterinary Journal REDVET Revista de Medicina Veterinaria Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences Veterinaria Italiana Veterinary Medicine : Research and Reports Veterinary Medicine and Science Veterinary Medicine International Veterinary News Veterinary Record Open Veterinary Research Veterinary Sciences Veterinary World World Rabbit Science Jurnal Ilmu dan Kesehatan Hewan Human & Veterinary Medicine Advancements in Life Sciences Animals Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria Aquacultura Indonesiana Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation Croatian Journal of Fisheries Depik Jurnal Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal Journal of Fisheries Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems Omni-Aktuatika Open Fish Science Journal Progress in Fishery Sciences South China Fisheries Science Bio-based and Applied Economics Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research Jurnal Kelautan Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research Aquaculture Environment Interactions Annals of Forest Research Cerne Floresta e Ambiente Folia Forestalia Polonica: Series A - Forestry Forest Systems Forestry Journal Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research International Journal of Forestry Research ISRN Forestry Journal of Forest Science Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Metsanduslikud Uurimused New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science Open Forest Science Journal Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira Pro Ligno Revista Chapingo: Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente Revista do Instituto Florestal South-East European Forestry Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva Advances in Forestry Science Communications in Plant Sciences Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding Folia Horticulturae Frontiers in Plant Science Herba Polonica Horticultura Brasileira International Journal of Secondary Metabolite Italian Journal of Agronomy Journal of Cotton Science Journal of Horticultural Research Journal of Maize Research and Development Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics Journal of Seed Science Plant Breeding and Seed Science Plant Production Science Plant Protection Science Plant, Soil and Environment Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura The Plant Pathology Journal Avian Conservation and Ecology Plant Methods Rice The Plant Genome Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica Journal of Plant Development Plant Root Summa Phytopathologica AoB Plants Wine Studies Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Plant Biotechnology Journal Achievements in the Life Sciences Advances in Bioinformatics Advances in Biology Advances in Biomaterials Advances in Environmental Sciences AIMS Biophysics Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi Analele Universitatii din Oradea: Fascicula Biologie Animal Migration Annals of West University of Timisoara: Series of Biology Applications in Plant Sciences Applied Bionics and Biomechanics Asian Journal of Conservation Biology Atlas Journal of Biology Biodiversitas Biodiversity : Research and Conservation Biodiversity Data Journal Biodiversity Informatics Biodiversity Science Bioinformatics and Biology Insights BioInvasions Records Biology Biology Direct Biology Open Biomarker Research Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology Biomedicines Biomolecules Biotemas BMC Biology BMC Developmental Biology BMC Structural Biology BMC Systems Biology Cell Reports Check List Chinese Journal of Biology Cogent Biology Communicative & Integrative Biology Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews Computational Biology Journal Current Plant Biology Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Diversity DNA Barcodes Entomologia Environmental and Experimental Biology EurAsian Journal of Biosciences European Journal of Biological Research European Journal of Histochemistry Evolutionary Bioinformatics Folia faunistica Slovaca Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences Gene Regulation and Systems Biology Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics GigaScience HAYATI Journal of Biosciences International Journal of Aquatic Biology International Journal of Biological Sciences International Journal of Biomaterials International Journal of Mosquito Research ISRN Bioinformatics ISRN Biomarkers ISRN Biophysics ISRN Molecular Biology Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology Journal of Biological Methods Journal of Biological Research Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki Journal of Biological Researches Journal of Biology Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences Journal of Biophysics Journal of Circadian Rhythms Journal of Controversies in Biomedical Research Journal of Developmental Biology Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Journal of Extracellular Vesicles Journal of Fungi Journal of Insect Science Journal of Radiation Research Journal of Signal Transduction Journal of Tropical Life Science Jurnal Biologi Life Science Malaysian Applied Biology Journal Management of Biological Invasions MAP Kinase Marine Drugs Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Microbial Cell Microorganisms Molecular Biology Research Communications Molecular Imaging Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences Movement Ecology Mycosphere Natura Sloveniae : Revija za Terensko Biologijo NeoBiota Neotropical Biology and Conservation Network Biology Nota Lepidopterologica npj Systems Biology and Applications Nusantara Bioscience OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences Open Bioinformatics Journal Open Biology Open Life Sciences Peptidomics Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology PLoS Biology PLoS Computational Biology Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Proenvironment Promediu Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia Pure and Applied Biology Regeneration Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad SaBios Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences Simbiosis: Journal of Biological Sciences Soil Science Annual Stem Cell Research Studies in Mycology Subterranean Biology Taiwania The All Results Journals: Biol Tropical Life Sciences Research Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Ecology Zoosystematics and Evolution BMC Proceedings International Journal Bioautomation Systematic Reviews Collectanea Botanica Darwiniana Horticulture Research Planta Daninha Reinwardtia Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte reale si ale naturii Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports BMB Reports Enzyme Research Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Letters in Biochemistry ISRN Biomathematics Letters in Biomathematics Molecular Based Mathematical Biology Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences Aquatic Biology Biomolecular Detection and Quantification Mycology BIO Web of Conferences BMC Biophysics Bone Research Nauplius Wildlife Biology Wildlife Biology in Practice Brazilian Journal of Biology Analytical Cellular Pathology BMC Cell Biology Cell Death and Disease Cell Discovery Cell Regeneration Cells Cilia CytoJournal International Journal of Cell Biology ISRN Cell Biology Journal of Cell Death Journal of Cytology Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Proteome Science Receptors & Clinical Investigation Stem Cells and Cloning : Advances and Applications Protein & Cell Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia Advances in Ecology Alces : A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose Biodiversity and Natural History Biodiversity Journal Biota Neotropica Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology BMC Ecology Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems Ecologia Balkanica Ecologica Montenegrina Ecological Processes Ecology and Evolution Ecology and Society Ecosphere Ecosystem Health and Sustainability European Journal of Ecology European Journal of Environmental Sciences Forest Ecosystems Global Ecology and Conservation International Journal of Biodiversity International Journal of Ecology ISRN Ecology Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Journal of Ecosystems Journal of Landscape Ecology Lakes Reservoirs and Ponds Madagascar Conservation & Development NAMMCO Scientific Publications Open Ecology Journal Ornis Hungarica Primate Biology Research Letters in Ecology Riparian Ecology and Conservation Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research Acta Geographica Debrecina. Landscape and Environment Series Genes and Environment Biogeosciences African Invertebrates Journal of Threatened Taxa Nature Conservation Animal Biotelemetry Opuscula Zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis BMC Evolutionary Biology EvoDevo Evolutionary Applications Virus Evolution Molecular Systems Biology Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Ideas in Ecology and Evolution Biogeosciences Discussions Non-Genetic Inheritance Journal of Pollination Ecology Advances in Genomics and Genetics AIMS Genetics Algorithms for Molecular Biology Applied and Translational Genomics Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics Biopolymers and Cell BMC Genetics Case Reports in Genetics Comparative Cytogenetics Epigenetics & Chromatin EuPA Open Proteomics Frontiers in Genetics G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Geneconserve Genes Genetics and Epigenetics Genetics and Molecular Biology Genetics Research International Genetika Genome Biology Genome Biology and Evolution Genomics Data Hereditas Human Genomics Indian Journal of Human Genetics International Journal of Evolutionary Biology International Journal of Genomics Mobile DNA Molecular Cytogenetics Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine Non-Coding RNA Nucleic Acids Research PLoS Genetics Standards in Genomic Sciences BMC Molecular Biology Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Molecular and Cellular Therapies Human Genome Variation Journal of Nucleic Acids Canine Genetics and Epidemiology Arquipelago : Life and Marine Sciences Acta Botanica Croatica Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae Advances in Botany Annali di Botanica Arnaldoa Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy Bioscience Horizons BMC Plant Biology Botanical Studies Buletin Kebun Raya Flora Montiberica Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine Hoehnea Journal of Botany Journal of Ginseng Research Journal of Mycology Lankesteriana Lazaroa Maydica Modern Phytomorphology MycoKeys PhytoKeys Phytopathologia Mediterranea Plant Pathology & Quarantine Plants Turczaninowia Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality Botanica Serbica Forests Advances in Virology AIMS Microbiology American Journal of Immunology Archaea BMC Microbiology Brazilian Journal of Microbiology Cell Journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Frontiers in Microbiology International Journal of Bacteriology International Journal of Microbiology International Journal of Mycobacteriology ISRN Microbiology Journal of Medical Bacteriology Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Journal of Oral Microbiology Journal of Viruses Malaysian Journal of Microbiology mBio Metabolites Microbial Cell Factories Microbiologia Medica Microbiology Insights MicrobiologyOpen mSphere Open Microbiology Journal Open Virology Journal Proteomes Revista de Microbiologia Scientific Journal of Microbiology Virology Reports Virology: Research and Treatment Virus Adaptation and Treatment Viruses National Journal of Laboratory Medicine npj Biofilms and Microbiomes Acrocephalus Acta Herpetologica Advances in Zoology Animal Biodiversity and Conservation Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Arachnologische Mitteilungen Arthropods Avian Research Bonn Zoological Bulletin CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research EntomoBrasilis Fauna Norvegica Florida Entomologist Fragmenta entomologica Frontiers in Zoology Galemys : Spanish Journal of Mammalogy Graellsia HYLA: Herpetological Bulletin Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife International Journal of Insect Science International Journal of Zoological Research International Journal of Zoology Invertebrate Survival Journal ISRN Zoology Journal of Apicultural Science Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Hymenoptera Research Journal of Insects Malacologica Bohemoslovaca Nematoda Neotropical Helminthology Neotropical Ichthyology Open Ornithology Journal Open Veterinary Journal Psyche : A Journal of Entomology Revista Brasileira de Entomologia Revue de Primatologie Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology Slovak Raptor Journal Vestnik Zoologii Veterinary Science Development Wildfowl ZooKeys Zoologia (Curitiba) Zoologica Poloniae Zoological Letters ZooNotes Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Caldasia Endangered Species Research European Journal of Taxonomy Hacquetia Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Bibliothecae.it Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal College and Research Libraries Data Curation Profiles Directory Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Evidence Based Library and Information Practice In the Library with the Lead Pipe Information Research: An International Electronic Journal Insights: The UKSG Journal International Journal of Digital Curation International Journal of Digital Library Services Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship : a quarterly publication of the Science and Technol JLIS.it Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences Journal of eScience Librarianship Journal of Information Literacy Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication Journal of Library and Information Studies Journal of Library Science Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries Library and Information Research : Research into Practice for Information & Library Services North Carolina Libraries o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice Practical Academic Librarianship Publications SLIS Connecting Tennessee Libraries Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue(图书馆学与咨询科学) Virginia Libraries Weave: Journal of Library User Experience Zhishi guanli luntan International Journal of Medical Reviews Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries Catalogue and Index Code4Lib Journal Communications in Information Literacy Journal of Electronic Publishing Journal of Western Archives Tidsskriftet Arkiv A+BE: Architecture and the Built Environment ACE: Architecture, City and Environment AR : Arhitektura, Raziskave Architectural Histories Architecture_MPS Berkeley Planning Journal Dimensi: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment Enquiry: The ARCC Journal of Architectural Research Festival dell'Architettura Magazine Footprint Frontiers of Architectural Research Landscape Review Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura Space Ontology International Journal TRIA : Territorio della Ricerca su Insediamenti e Ambiente Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii Informes de la Construccion Journal of Facade Design and Engineering Techne : Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment e-GFOS YBL Journal of Built Environment Ri-vista : Ricerche per la Progettazione del Paesaggio Ruang-Space: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Igra Ustvarjalnosti URBS: Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan EdA Esempi di Architettura Journal of Learning Spaces CRIS: Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study TEDI International Journal of Designs for Learning Journal of Visual Art and Design MasD The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship Digital Culture & Education Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica AIMS Environmental Science Air, Soil and Water Research American Journal of Environmental Sciences Cogent Environmental Science E3S Web of Conferences Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science Ecozon@ Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene Environmental & Socio-economic Studies Environmental Evidence Environmental Health Engineering and Management Environmental Humanities Environmental Research, Engineering and Management European Journal of Sustainable Development Frontiers in Environmental Science Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management Holistic Approach to Environment Journal of Computational Environmental Sciences Journal of Environmental Geography Journal of Environmental Hydrology Journal of Natural Resources and Development Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Journal of Sustainable Energy Journal of Waste Management Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Natural Resources and Environmental Issues Ocean Science (OS) Octa Journal of Environmental Research PAGES News Pollution San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences Sriwijaya Journal of Environment The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development Web Ecology Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Forum Geografic Geo: Geography and Environment Geo-Image Journal Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo Earth System Dynamics Discussions Environmental Sciences Europe Science Postprint Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering Environmental Health Perspectives Journal of Biological Dynamics Collabra Boreal Environment Research Earth's Future Environmental Skeptics and Critics Tropical Conservation Science Geochemical Transactions Earth System Science Data SOIL The Cryosphere Journal of Environmental Statistics Climate Change Responses Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan Acta Scientifica Naturalis Landform Analysis Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences E-Perimetron Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica Geoinformatics FCE CTU Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji Geodesy and Cartography Kartografija i Geoinformacije Polish Cartographical Review Acta Geographica Silesiana Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions Island Studies Journal Italian Journal of Remote Sensing Mountain Research and Development Journal of Limnology Geographia Napocensis Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine Archives of Biomedical Sciences BMC Research Notes eLife F1000Research Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Recent Advances in Biology and Medicine RNA & DISEASE Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Cell Communication and Signaling Inside the Cell Clinical Epigenetics Genome Medicine npj Genomic Medicine JMM Case Reports Biology of Sex Differences Current Medical Mycology BMC Medical Genetics BMC Medical Genomics American Journal of Infectious Diseases Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control Avicenna Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection BMC Infectious Diseases Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Clinical Epidemiology Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerging Themes in Epidemiology Epidemics GERMS Infection and Drug Resistance Infection Ecology & Epidemiology Infection Epidemiology and Medicine Infectious Diseases Infectious Diseases and Therapy Infectious Diseases and Translational Medicine Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance International Journal of Infectious Diseases Iranian Journal of Parasitology Journal of Global Infectious Diseases Journal of Parasitology Research new microbes and new infections Open Forum Infectious Diseases Open Infectious Diseases Journal Parasite Parasites & Vectors Radiology of Infectious Diseases Virology Journal Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Emerging Microbes and Infections Journal of Pathogens GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie Advances in Neuroscience AIMS Neuroscience Asian Journal of Neuroscience ASN Neuro Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology Basic and Clinical Neuroscience BioPsychoSocial Medicine eNeurobiologia Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience Frontiers in Neural Circuits Frontiers in Neuroengineering Frontiers in Neuroinformatics Frontiers in Neurorobotics Frontiers in Neuroscience Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Impulse: The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders Journal of Experimental Neuroscience Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice Neural Plasticity Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology NeuroRegulation Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics Neuroscience Journal Neuroscience of Consciousness Psychology Research and Behavior Management Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Translational Neuroscience Translational Psychiatry Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience BMC Neuroscience Neuropsychological Trends Acta Neuropathologica Communications Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology BMC Neurology Case Reports in Neurological Medicine Case Reports in Neurology Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery Fluids and Barriers of the CNS Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Frontiers in Neurology Iranian Journal of Neurology ISRN Neurology Journal of Central Nervous System Disease Journal of Epileptology Journal of Neurology Research Molecular Brain Neural Development Neural Regeneration Research Neurological Journal of South East Asia Neurology and Therapy Neurology Asia Neurology International Neurology Research International Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation Romanian Neurosurgery Translational Neurodegeneration Molecular Neurodegeneration Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis Neuroepigenetics Neurology: Genetics Neurosignals Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Lipids in Health and Disease Nutrition & Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Insights Bulletin of the Medical Library Association Journal of Neuroinflammation Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International Core Evidence Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology BioImpacts Biological Procedures Online Biomedical Journal Bioresearch Communications Journal of Biomedical Science Medical Mycology Case Reports Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports Redox Biology Scientifica Source Code for Biology and Medicine Stem Cell Reports Translational Proteomics Regenerative Therapy EMBO Molecular Medicine Genes and Diseases The Application of Clinical Genetics Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry Stem Cell Research & Therapy Image Analysis and Stereology ACS Central Science Acta Chemica Iasi Acta Crystallographica Section E Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications Arabian Journal of Chemistry Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly Chemistry Central Journal ChemistryOpen Chromatography Chromatography Research International Cogent Chemistry Cosmetics Current Chemistry Letters E-Journal of Chemistry European Chemical Bulletin Frontiers in Chemistry Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews IJCS: Indonesia Journal of Chemical Science Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry International Journal of Chemical Sciences International Journal of Molecular Sciences International Journal of Photochemistry Iranian Chemical Communication ISRN Chromatography Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Journal of Applicable Chemistry Journal of Applied Chemistry Journal of Catalysts Journal of Chemistry Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research Journal of Quantum Chemistry Materials Science and Applied Chemistry Nanomaterials Open Catalysis Journal Open Chemistry Oriental Journal of Chemistry Processes Revista Ion South African Journal of Chemistry Sustainable Chemical Processes Analytical Chemistry Insights Analytical Chemistry Research International Journal of Analytical Chemistry ISRN Analytical Chemistry Journal of Analytical Science and Technology Mass Spectrometry Letters Open Analytical Chemistry Journal Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Sample Preparation Crystals IUCrData Journal of Crystallography Structural Dynamics Advances in Chemistry Chemistry Journal of Moldova: General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry Communications in Inorganic Synthesis Inorganics (Basel) International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Molbank Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry Applied Adhesion Science Gels Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry C ISRN Organic Chemistry Molecules Organic Chemistry International Research Letters in Organic Chemistry BBA Clinical Biochemistry Insights Biochemistry Research International BMC Chemical Biology International Journal of Peptides International Journal of Proteomics ISRN Biochemistry Journal of Amino Acids Journal of Medical Biochemistry Journal of Molecular Biochemistry Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation Journal of Proteins and Proteomics Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry Journal of Tissue Engineering Microarrays Molecular Biology International Nuclear Receptor Research DNA Research American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Advances in Physical Chemistry International Journal of Electrochemistry ISRN Physical Chemistry Journal of Theoretical Chemistry Research Letters in Physical Chemistry AIMS Geosciences Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Contemporary Trends in Geoscience E&G : Quaternary Science Journal Earth System Science Data Discussions Earthquake Science Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences Geologia Croatica Geologica Acta Geologica Belgica Geologica Carpathica Geologija Geologos GeoScience Engineering Geoscience Frontiers Geoscience Letters Geosciences Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions Geoscientific Model Development Indonesian Journal on Geoscience International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology ISRN Soil Science Journal of Geochemistry Journal of Geological Research Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions Open Geosciences Riset: Geologi dan Pertambangan Solid Earth Sciences Studia Quaternaria The Depositional Record Zitteliana, Series A Abstract and Applied Analysis Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Mathematica Advances in Decision Sciences Advances in Difference Equations Advances in Fixed Point Theory Advances in Numerical Analysis AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics Algebra Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae: Mathematica Annals of the West University of Timisoara: Mathematics and Computer Science Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences Archivum Mathematicum Axioms Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics : An International Journal Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications Balkan Society of Geometers Proceedings Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences Cauchy Chinese Journal of Mathematics Cogent Mathematics Complex Manifolds Concrete Operators Demonstratio Mathematica Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation Econometrics E-Jurnal Matematika Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations ESAIM : Proceedings Formalized Mathematics Forum of Mathematics, Sigma Geometry IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics International Journal of Analysis International Journal of Combinatorics International Journal of Computational Mathematics International Journal of Difference Equations International Journal of Differential Equations International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences International Journal of Partial Differential Equations International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Iranian Journal of Optimization ISRN Algebra ISRN Applied Mathematics ISRN Computational Mathematics ISRN Discrete Mathematics ISRN Geometry ISRN Mathematical Analysis ITB Journal of Science Journal of Algebra and Related Topics Journal of Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis Journal of Calculus of Variations Journal of Complex Analysis Journal of Difference Equations Journal of Discrete Mathematics Journal of Function Spaces Journal of Function Spaces and Applications Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Journal of Industrial Mathematics Journal of Inequalities and Applications Journal of Integer Sequences Journal of Interpolation and Approximation in Scientific Computing Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra Journal of Logic and Analysis Journal of Mathematical Extension Journal of Mathematics Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application Journal of Numbers Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics Journal of Operators Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education Jurnal Matematika Kyungpook Mathematical Journal Le Matematiche Mathematics and its Applications: Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Measurement Science Review Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems Note di Matematica Open Mathematics Operations Research Perspectives Opuscula Mathematica Problemy Analiza Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B Publications of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,series Mathematics Pythagoras ROMAI Journal Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis Scientia Magna Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Special Matrices Stochastic Systems Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications Symmetry Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications The Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and its Applications The Teaching of Mathematics Topological Algebra and its Applications Transactions on Combinatorics UJM (Unnes Journal of Mathematics) Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research ISRN Mathematical Physics Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision Science Journal of Mathematics in Industry Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces Applied General Topology Boundary Value Problems Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis Decision Science Letters International Journal of Statistical Mechanics Acta Informatica Pragensia Acta Simulatio Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Informatica Advances in Artificial Intelligence Advances in Computer Science : an International Journal Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Advances in Multimedia Advances in Software Engineering Annales UMCS: Informatica Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Baltic Journal of Modern Computing CLEI Electronic Journal Computation (Basel) Computational Science and Techniques Computational Visual Media Computer Engineering and Applications Journal Computer Science Computer Science and Information Systems Computer Science Journal of Moldova Database Systems Journal EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web Egyptian Informatics Journal Electronic Communications of the EASST Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Frontiers in ICT IETI Transactions on Computers Image Processing On Line Indonesian Journal on Computing Informal: Informatics Journal Information Sciences and Computing International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science International Journal of Computer Games Technology International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science International Journal of Open Information Technologies International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology ISRN Artificial Intelligence ISRN Communications and Networking ISRN Machine Vision ISRN Software Engineering Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Journal of Computer Science Journal of Computer Science Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications Journal of Computing and Information Technology Journal of Cybersecurity Journal of Intelligent Systems Journal of Internet Services and Information Security Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information Sciences Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems Journal of Security Engineering Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi Jurnal Informatika Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) Matics Modeling of Artificial Intelligence Modeling, Identification and Control Modelling and Simulation in Engineering PeerJ Computer Science Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Scientific Annals of Computer Science SISFORMA Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Series Informatica The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research The Python Papers Theory of Computing Transactions on Data Privacy VLSI Design Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Database : the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation Journal of Formalized Reasoning Economy Informatics Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics Oeconomics of Knowledge Computational Methods in Social Sciences Journal of Computer Science and Technology Applied Computer Systems e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal Journal of Open Research Software Journal of Optimization Journal of Soft Computing and Applications Journal of Software Engineering Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society Scientific Programming SoftwareX Journal of Computational Geometry ISRN Probability and Statistics Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics Journal of Probability Journal of Probability and Statistics Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications SORT Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing Decision Analytics International Journal of Analysis and Applications Research in the Mathematical Sciences Quantitative Economics Austrian Journal of Statistics Advances in Condensed Matter Physics Advances in Mathematical Physics African Physical Review African Review of Physics AIP Advances Annales UMCS Physica Cogent Physics EPJ Web of Conferences Frontiers in Physics International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications International Journal of Superconductivity Iranian Journal of Physics Research ISRN Condensed Matter Physics ISRN High Energy Physics Journal of Computational Methods in Physics Journal of Experimental Physics Journal of Fluids Journal of Gravity Journal of Physical Studies Journal of Physics : Conference Series Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Journal of Solid State Physics Journal of Theoretical Physics and Cryptography Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences Nanophotonics New Journal of Physics npj Quantum Information Open Physics Open Plasma Physics Journal Papers in Physics Physical Review X Physics Letters B Physics Research International Progress in Physics Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Research Letters in Physics Results in Physics SciPost Physics Transport Phenomena in Nano and Micro Scales Unnes Physics Journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Separations Proceedings of NAS RA : Mechanics International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Engineering Acta Geophysica Annales Geophysicae Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions Geodynamics Research International Bulletin Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems International Journal of Geophysics ISRN Geophysics Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions Research in Geophysics Archives of Thermodynamics Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer ISRN Thermodynamics Journal of Thermodynamics Fluids Advances in Meteorology Advances in Science and Research Atmosphere Atmospheric Science Letters Climate Risk Management E-Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology Geoscience Data Journal International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences ISRN Meteorology Journal of Climatology Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Meteorologica Meteorologische Zeitschrift Open Atmospheric Science Journal Romanian Journal of Meteorology SOLA : Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere Tellus B Tethys : Journal of Mediterranean Meteorology & Climatology Weather and Climate Extremes Annals of Geophysics Advances in Climate Change Research International Journal of Spectroscopy EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation BMC Physiology Frontiers in Physiology International Journal of Tryptophan Research ISRN Physiology ISRN Stem Cells Journal of Bangladesh Society of Physiologists Physiological Reports Physiology Journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical and Biological Sciences Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Journal of Lipids BMC Biochemistry Electronic Journal of Biotechnology Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Neurotransmitter AIMS Molecular Science Anusandhan Vigyan Shodh Patrika Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali Biomaterials Research Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Current Trends in Natural Sciences Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science Data Science Journal EDUSAINS Flamma GEOREVIEW: Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Geography Series International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology International Journal of Lifescience and Pharma Research International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Journal of King Saud University: Science Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics Journal of Science and Technology Journal of Scientific Research Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences) Journal of Taibah University for Science Jurnal Tanah Tropika Kybernetika Leonardo Journal of Sciences Makara Journal of Science MethodsX Nature Communications Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal Perspectives in Science Polar Research Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Ruhuna Journal of Science Science Editing ScienceRise Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Tecnoscienza : Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies The Scientific World Journal Universitas Scientiarum Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke Trakia Journal of Sciences Dependence Modeling Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice Communications in Science and Technology Heliyon Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research Mutis Nova Scientia REGION Research and Science Today Respuestas Scholarpedia South African Journal of Science International Journal of Deliberative Mechanisms in Science Cybernetics and Information Technologies International Journal of Cyber Criminology Cybernetics and Physics Internet Policy Review Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences Journal of Trust Management Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Social Analysis Alternate routes: a journal of Critical Social Research Applied Research in Health and Social Sciences: Interface and Interaction Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales Arktika i Sever Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Behemoth : a Journal on Civilisation Belvedere Meridionale Brussels Studies Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Ciencia Ergo Sum Cogent Social Sciences Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales Digithum E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review Gandhara Journal of Research in Social Science Information for Social Change International Review of Social Research Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research Italian Journal of Sociology of Education Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Journal of Human Security Journal of Innovations and Sustainability Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge Kultura (Skopje) Marketing of Scientific and Research Organisations Nordic Journal of Social Research Palgrave Communications Paradigms Revista CS Revista Espiga Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios Revue LISA RIMCIS : International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series SHS Web of Conferences Social Affairs Socio South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale Transcultural Studies Journal of Research for Consumers Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development International Economic Policy Academic Journal of Economic Studies Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica AD-minister American Journal of Economics and Business Administration Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava : Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Publ Asean Marketing Journal Asian Academy of Management Journal Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal Australian Journal of Business and Management Research Binus Business Review Business Research Business Systems Research Business: Theory and Practice Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics Central European Business Review Cogent Business & Management DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen Economia Aziendale Online Economia: Seria Management Economic Insights: Trends and Challenges Economics (Bijeljina) Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics European Research on Management and Business Economics Expert Journal of Business and Management Global Advances in Business Communication IETI Transactions on Business and Management Sciences IIMB Management Review Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB) International Business & Economics Research Journal International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge International Journal of Management and Business Research International Journal of Management and Economics Journal of Business Journal of Business Models Journal of Competitiveness Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business Journal of Health Management & Informatics Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business Journal of Service Science Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Jurnal Manajemen dan Wirausaha Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Management & Marketing Management and Economics Review Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Management Strategies Journal Manager Nang Yan Business Journal Network Intelligence Studies Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management Organisational Project Management Organizacija Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin : Economic Sciences Series Progress in Economic Sciences RAN Rationality, Markets and Morals Revue Gestion et Organisation Scientific Annals of Economics and Business South Asian Journal of Management Sciences South East Asian Journal of Management South East European Journal of Economics and Business Studia Commercialia Bratislavensia Studies in Business and Economics Supply Chain Management Journal Technology Audit and Production Reserves Terengganu International Management and Business Journal Trendy Ekonomiky a Managementu Universidad y Empresa USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business Journal of Systems Integration Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business and Economic Horizons Essays in Economic and Business History Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Economics and Business Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series The Romanian Economic Journal Theoretical and Applied Economics Amfiteatru Economic Arab Economic and Business Journal East Asian Journal of Business Management Ecoforum Economic Education Analysis Journal Economic Horizons Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Junior Scientific Researcher Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Kinerja: Journal of Business and Economics MIBES Transactions On Line Oradea Journal of Business and Economics Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series Revista de Ciencias Economicas Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business Valahian Journal of Economic Studies Argomenti: Rivista di Economia, Cultura e Ricerca Sociale Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science E-Jurnal Manajemen Esensi: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Etikonomi International Research Journal of Business Studies Journal of Economic & Financial Studies The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance Shirkah Journal of Economics and Business Culturas Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences Cross-Cultural Management Journal Accounting Analysis Journal China Journal of Accounting Research Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting Jurnal Akuntansi dan Investasi Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance Audit Financiar Journal of Management Sciences Revista de Contabilidad: Spanish Accounting Review International Journal of Business & Economic Development African Journal of Business Ethics Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Management Science Letters SA Journal of Industrial Psychology Expert Journal of Marketing GfK Marketing Intelligence Review International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing Journal of Distribution Science Marketing and Branding Research Dynamic Relationships Management Journal (DRMJ) International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration Management Management South African Journal of Human Resource Management Economics Management Innovation Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management Urban Studies Research Partnerships : A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Research on Ageing and Social Policy Gateways : International Journal of Community Research & Engagement Advances in Social Work City, Territory and Architecture European Journal of Spatial Development Urban Planning Comparative Population Studies Baltic Region The Review of Regional Studies Regional Studies, Regional Science Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiinte Economice Tataloka Consilience : The Journal of Sustainable Development Economic and Business Review Economic Thought Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research Annals of the University of Petrosani : Economics Atlantic Review of Economics BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic Sciences Contemporary Economy Croatian Economic Survey Economic Analysis Working Papers Economic Annals Economic Research Guardian Economics Research International Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition Ekonomika Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy EuroEconomica Expert Journal of Economics Financial Assets and Investing Global Economic Observer Historical Life Course Studies Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy Industrija International Journal of Population Research ISRN Economics Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Journal of Philosophical Economics Panoeconomicus Review of Economics & Finance Theoretical Economics Journal of Economics and Business Research Demographic Research Piramida Population Horizons Apuntes del CENES Buletin Studi Ekonomi Comparative Economic Research EconomiA Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Economica Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal Economics and Finance in Indonesia Economies Ekonomska Misao i Praksa Ekonomski Vjesnik European Journal of Economic Studies Faedpyme International Review IZA Journal of Labor Economics Izvestiya: Journal of Varna University of Economics Journal of Smart Economic Growth Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Quantitative Economics Journal Review of Economic Analysis Review of Economic Perspectives Revista de Estudios Cooperativos The European Journal of Comparative Economics UTMS Journal of Economics AESTIMATIO : the IEB International Journal of Finance Borsa Istanbul Review e-Finanse Expert Journal of Finance Finance : Challenges of the Future Finance and Society Financial Studies Indonesian Capital Market Review International Journal of Financial Studies Acta Oeconomica Pragensia Cogent Economics & Finance China Finance and Economic Review Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice Aestimum Logistics Research E3 Economic Processes Management Economics Development Analysis Journal European Journal of Applied Economics GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites International Journal of Development and Sustainability JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Managing Global Transitions Oeconomia Copernicana Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development Triple Helix Equidad & Desarrollo Journal of Economic Structures Media Trend Review of Development Finance Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri IZA Journal of European Labor Studies IZA Journal of Labor & Development Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Canadian Journal of Disability Studies IZA Journal of Labor Policy Latin American Economic Review Professions and Professionalism Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development Landscape Online Estudios Rurales Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management International Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business Information Management and Business Review International Journal for Quality Research International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management International Journal of Organizational Leaderhip International Journal of Research Studies in Management Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology Journal of Organization Design LogForum Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues Quality Innovation Prosperity Serbian Journal of Management Water Resources and Industry WPOM : Working Papers on Operations Management Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies Acta Commercii Business Excellence and Management Business, Management and Education Emerging Markets Journal Journal of Management and Business Administration, Central Europe Journal of Management and Innovation South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research Infrastructure Complexity International Journal of Supply and Operations Management International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility International Journal of Engineering Business Management International Journal on Working Conditions Wine Economics and Policy Acta Energetica Acta Pharmaceutica Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Barataria : Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales Forced Migration Review Journal of Social Inclusion Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal Socialinis Darbas: Patirtis ir Metodai Campbell Systematic Reviews Columbia Social Work Review Global Social Work International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy Journal of Family Strengths Journal RESOLIS Open Addiction Journal Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk Studies in Social Justice Revija za Socijalnu Politiku Health & Justice Advances in Statistics Journal of Official Statistics Journal of Statistical Software Lithuanian Journal of Statistics Statistica Technology Innovations in Statistics Education Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum Energies EPJ Data Science Ergo Evropejskij 沤urnal Tehniki i Dizajna Frontiers in Materials International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence International Journal of Research and Innovations in Science and Technology ISRN Sensor Networks Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology Journal of Nanoparticles Journal of Powder Technology Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems Metrology and Measurement Systems Micro and Nano Systems Letters Nano-Micro Letters Nanotechnology Research and Practice Nirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology NPG Asia Materials Optofluidics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Paladyn: Journal of Behavioral Robotics Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology Technologies (Basel) Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seri芒 10. Innovacionna芒 De芒tel使nost使 Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports Bioengineering (Basel) Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Challenges Applied Technologies and Innovations Building Research Journal Buildings Concrete Research Letters Construction Science Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology Journal of Construction in Developing Countries Lean Construction Journal Open Construction & Building Technology Journal Journal of Daylighting Foods International Journal of Polymer Science ISRN Polymer Science Johnson Matthey Technology Review Journal of Nanostructures Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia Open Electrochemistry Journal Open Energy and Fuels Journal Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry Sensors Toxics Nanotechnology, Science and Applications Catalysts Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Applied Food Biotechnology Bioresources and Bioprocessing Biosensors Biotechnologia Acta Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment Biotechnology Reports Biotechnology Research International Bioteknologi BMC Biotechnology Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Fungal Biology and Biotechnology International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research ISRN Biotechnology Journal of Biochemical Technology Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal of Nanobiotechnology Microbial Biotechnology Molecular Imprinting Open Food Science Journal Progress in Biomaterials Regenerative Biomaterials Biotechnology and Health Sciences Journal of Functional Biomaterials Bioautomation Bionatura Metabolic Engineering Communications Cell & Bioscience BMC Genomics Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica AMB Express APL Materials Nano Convergence npj Microgravity Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis Carbon: Science and Technology Chemical and Process Engineering Eksergi International Journal of Chemical Engineering ISRN Chemical Engineering Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Membranes Reaktor AIMS Bioengineering Bioengineering & Translational Medicine International Journal of Bio-Inorganic Hybrid Nanomaterials Fibers Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies Biomedical Glasses International Journal of Wine Research Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Alimentaria Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food Science a Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Contamination International Journal of Food Science International Journal of Food Studies Italian Journal of Food Safety Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals Journal of Food Processing Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan Ukrainian Food Journal Journal of Fuels Biofuel Research Journal Biotechnology for Biofuels Natural Gas Industry B Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids Polyolefins Journal Materials Today Acta Polytechnica Acta Technica Corviniensis Advances in Civil Engineering Advances in Radio Science Ain Shams Engineering Journal Alexandria Engineering Journal Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering Science American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis Case Studies in Thermal Engineering CFD Letters Chinese Journal of Engineering Chinese Journal of Engineering Design Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Dimension Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal Civil Engineering Journal Coatings Cogent Engineering Communications in Control Science and Engineering (CCSE) Emitter: International Journal of Engineering Technology Enfoqute Engineering Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal Geotechnical Research Inge@UAN Inge-Cuc Ingenio Magno International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation International Journal of Integrated Engineering International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering International Journal of Modern Engineering International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences International Journal of Rotating Machinery International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics International Soil and Water Conservation Research IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering ISRN Civil Engineering ITB Journal of Engineering Science Journal of Engineering Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Journal of Engineering and Technology Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review Journal of King Saud University: Engineering Sciences Journal of Mechanical Engineering Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering Koroze a Ochrana Materialu MANAS : Journal of Engineering Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering Microsystems & Nanoengineering Open Civil Engineering Journal Open Engineering Pribory i Metody Izmerenij Rakenteiden Mekaniikka Selected Scientific Papers: Journal of Civil Engineering Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering Teknik The Journal of Engineering Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences Journal of Biological Engineering Applied Sciences Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics Fuzzy Information and Engineering Mathematical Problems in Engineering Journal of Control Science and Engineering Advances in OptoElectronics Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Frontiers in Built Environment International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering Constructii: Journal of Civil Engineering Research Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research Letters in Nanotechnology Manufacturing Review Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research APL Photonics High Power Laser Science and Engineering ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Journal of Photonics Organic Photonics and Photovoltaics Photonics The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Light: Science & Applications Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions Journal of Computational Design and Engineering Visualization in Engineering Journal of Accessibility and Design for All VLC Arquitectura JIDEG: Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Construction Economics and Building Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica Inventions Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports International Journal of Energy and Environment Journal of Sustainable Design and Applied Research in Innovative Engineering of the Built Environme Open Environmental Engineering Journal The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Land Reclamation Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Acta Mechanica et Automatica Applied and Computational Mechanics Curved and Layered Structures International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics Journal of Applied Mechanics Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences Technische Mechanik Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Case Studies in Structural Engineering Journal of Structures Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport TeMA: Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment Drinking Water Engineering and Science Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Environments Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering Journal of Health and Pollution Noise Mapping Open Waste Management Journal SAPIENS Waste Technology Water Bulletin of Environmental Studies Environmental Research Letters Environmental Systems Research Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Journal of Ecological Engineering Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Journal of Design and the Built Environment Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Formatio Circumiectus Environmental and Earth Sciences Research Journal Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Environmental Epigenetics Advances in Environmental Chemistry Emerging Contaminants EQA Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability Clean Air Journal Mesopotamia Environmental Journal Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology Climate of the Past Climate of the Past Discussions Carbon Balance and Management Archives of Environmental Protection Drinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions Freshwater Metadata Journal Journal of Water Security Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI : Food Technology Flavour Food & Nutrition Research Food Science & Nutrition Food Science and Human Wellness Frontiers in Nutrition International Journal on Food System Dynamics Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan Nutrients Nutrire Nutrition and Food Sciences Research Open Nutraceuticals Journal Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Journal of Nutritional Science Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition Nutrition & Metabolism Nutrition Journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease Health Promotion Perspectives Journal of Food and Drug Analysis Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Genes & Nutrition Agricultural and Food Economics Annals : Food Science and Technology Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences BMC Nutrition Italian Journal of Food Science International Journal of Geo-Engineering Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics Open Hydrology Journal Water Alternatives Journal of Modern Transportation Water Science Water Resources and Development Journal of Water and Land Development Water Science and Engineering Water S.A. Acta Mechatronica Advances in Mechanical Engineering Advances in Tribology Annals of the Oradea University: Fascicle Management and Technological Engineering Facta Universitatis. Series: Mechanical Engineering Friction Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering ISRN Mechanical Engineering Journal of Machine Engineering Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology Journal of Robotics Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Jurnal Tribologi Machines Mechanical Robotics Scientific Proceedings. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Thermal Science Transactions of the VSB : Technical University of Ostrava Tribology in Industry Frontiers in Robotics and AI Mechanics and Control International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics ROBOMECH Journal Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Environmental and Climate Technologies EPJ Photovoltaics Geothermal Energy Geothermal Energy Science International Journal of Photoenergy International Journal of Renewable Energy Development ISRN Renewable Energy Journal of Renewable Energy Journal of Solar Energy Journal of Wind Energy Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies Energy, Sustainability and Society GCB Bioenergy Acta Periodica Technologica Advances in Operations Research Advances in Technology Innovation EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications High Technology Letters International Journal of Engineering and Technology International Journal of Heat and Technology International Journal of Security and Its Applications International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research International Journal of Technology International Journal of Technology and Research ISRN Nanotechnology Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Journal of Nanomaterials Journal of Nanoscience Journal of Nanotechnology Journal of Radars Journal of Sensors Letters in Applied NanoBioScience Nano Reviews & Experiments Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Development Nexo Open Renewable Energy Journal TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten PsychNology Journal Computational Ecology and Software Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology International Journal of Science and Engineering IPTEK: The Journal for Technology and Science Jurnal Teknosains: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal Technology Innovation Management Review The Asian Journal of Technology Management Safety of Technogenic Environment Safety Securitologia International Scientific Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering Jurnal Teknik Industri South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Algorithms Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Communications in Numerical Analysis Croatian Operational Research Review Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling Fixed Point Theory and Applications Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics New Zealand Journal of Mathematics Automation Technological and Business-Processes Applied Computing and Informatics APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Digital Communications and Networks First Monday Future Internet Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments ICT Express Informatics (Basel) Information Information and Knowledge Management Information Technology and Management Science Interaction Design and Architecture(s) International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics International Journal of Contents International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology ITM Web of Conferences Journal of Community Informatics Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Modelirovanie i Analiz Informacionnyh Sistem National Cybersecurity Institute Journal OASIcs : OpenAccess Series in Informatics Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Scientific Journal of Informatics Social Technologies The African Journal of Information Systems Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Security Informatics Mefanet Journal JMIR mHealth and uHealth JMIR Serious Games Network Pharmacology Information & Security : An International Journal Internet Interventions Journal of Cheminformatics Archives of Control Sciences Annals of computer science and information systems Applied Computer Science Australasian Journal of Information Systems Journal of Data and Information Science Latin American Journal of Computing Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Vietnam Journal of Computer Science Computational Social Networks IBMRD's Journal of Management Research Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation Journal of Information Technology in Construction Information Technologies and International Development EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems International Journal of Production Management and Engineering Robotica & Management South African Computer Journal South African Journal of Information Management Journal of Big Data Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi SCIRES-IT : SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design Keywords plant production, animal production, food technology, genetics and plant breeding, economics and ru agriculture, plant breeding and protection, environmental management, protection and evaluation agriculture, economy, agribusiness agricultural sciences, biological sciences, plant production agricultural sciences agriculture agronomy, horticulture, soil science, crops, technology Silviculture, Forestry, Ecosystem, Wood, research, open access coffee, cocoa, agriculture, soil, post harvest crop science, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop cultivation, crop physiology, germplasm resources nutrition, food economy, food science, food microbiology, food analysis, food chemistry agronomy, plant science, soil physics, soft computing, agricultural engineering agricultural economics, food economics, economics, rural development, production economics, micro e agriculture, food sciences agriculture, agronomy, soil science, agro-forestry, entomology organic farming and food production, crop breeding, regulation of pests and diseases, protection of agriculture, livestock, fisheries life sciences, agriculture, forestry, agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineeri soil science, soil hydrology, irrigation, drainage, soil erosion production, health, genetics, agriculture, soil, livestock tropical forages, grasslands, forages tropical agriculture, veterinary sciences, food sciences, environmental sciences, socio-economy agricultural sciences, animal production, crop production, crop protection, plant biology, soils an agriculture, agricultural engineering, forestry, animal husbandry, natural resources, environment integrated, pest, management, pesticide, entomology, arthropod Bio-active compounds, Phytochemistry, Antimicrobial activities, Biopolymers, natural products, Sepa Biology, Agriculture, Natural resources, Plant Sciences ecology, climate change, drought, rangeland, desert botany, plant biology, ecology, taxonomy viticulture, oenology, winemaking technology and processes, grapevine area studies, rural areas in Europe, agricultural economics, rural sociology agriculture, food security, environment, economics and social science, rural development engineering, technology, agriculture, science, physics agricultural chemistry, food security, chemical and biochemical technologies agriculture, agronomy, food technology, food sciences, renewable resources agricultural science, food science and technology, bioenergy, biotechnology crops, weeds, urban plants, melliferous plants, nectar, pollination plant production, animal production, plant and animal biotechnology, plant and animal genetics, cel agronomy, plant science, soil science agricultural engineering, machines and equipment, quality of products, statistics Agriculture, Organic agriculture, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Pesticides food, agriculture, nutrition, development, health agricultural science, agricultural environment research, food research biosystems engineering, agricultural machinery, ergonomy in agriculture, electronics in agriculture livestock, aquaculture, agronomy, horticulture, biotechnology, agricultural sciences agriculture social science, agriculture, agribusinees agriculture, plant biotechnology, agroecotechnology, agronomy, soil science agriculture, food, agronomy, soil, crops, animals agricultural biotechnology, environmental sciences, agribusiness, veterinary medicine farming, plant science agricultural science, organic fertilizers, soil solarization, seed morphology, vermicompost soil science, environmental science crop sciences, rural development, agricultural economics agronomy, crop science, plant science, plant physiology, soil science, farming system agricultural sciences, seed and fiber technology environmental protection, sustainable development, economics horticulture, forestry, economics, rural development, land measurement, human sciences food, agriculture, animal husbandry & veterinary science, food science & technology, soil & crop sc animal culture, plant culture agricultural sciences, crop science, horticulture, plant protection, soil science and plant nutriti soil, plant, environment, agriculture, soil pollution, soil conservation agriculture, food security, energy security, bioenergy, development, plant science Agriculture, Engineering food, agriculture, sustainable development, political ecology, agroecology, organic agriculture horticulture, agriculture, fruits, vegetables, floriculture, ornamental gardening agriculture farming systems, rural development, agricultural economics, agricultural policy soil science, environmental technology, food science, horticulture, agronomy agriculture, fishery, forestry, animal science agronomy, crops, pest control, irrigation, weed, pesticides food science, agricultural science agronomy rural areas, regional policy, consumption of agri-food products, wood industry management agricultural engineering crop improvement and production, animal production, agricultural engeneering, environment agribusiness, livestock, agricultural sciences agriculture, agriculture and environment, agronomy and crop science, crop breeding and genetics, cr agriculture, agricultural socioeconomics, agricultural engineering, agronomy, biology, fisheries an agriculture, animal husbandry, environment, forestry, horticulture, food science and nutrition crop protection, soil science agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, food technology, environment, agricultural economics engineering, mechanization, agricultural technology, food processing technology, processing agricul agriculture, plant pathology, plant disease diagnosis, plant disease control agricultural economics, rural and regional development, food policy, management, marketing, develop economics, sociology, ecology, veterinary medicine, geography, sustainable development agriculture agricultural sciences agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, food technology, environment, agricultural economics rural development, agribusiness, agrarian policy, rural sociology agrarian sciences, animal sciences, agronomic sciences, sustainable rural development, forest scien agricultural sciences agriculture, animal husbandry, agribusiness crop protection, germplasm, postharvest systems, agroforestry, crop-animal interactions, soil scien agriculture, soil science, environmental science rural development, agricultural production, economics, agri-food supply chain management, environme water, plants, agriculture, soil agroecology, agronomy, agriculture, animal science, animal production, biological sciences agriculture, natural sciences cattle, poultry, horticultural crops, aquatic products, agricultural economics, genetics and plant animal, plant, sciences grass, sericulture, rural development veterinary medicine, wildlife, animal science, agriculture environment, food security, farming, fish farming, fertilizer, agriculture agriculture, medicine, education, agronomy Agronomy and plant breeding, soil science, plant protection, horticultural science, biotechnology plant sciences, animal sciences, agricultural economics, basic sciences human development, agricultural education, Extension, human sciences, health and wellness, program agriculture, environment agricultural resources, agricultural environment, cultivated land resources, nutrient resources, wa Agrarian law, land law, environmental law, agriculture, rural areas agronomy, plant cultivation, soil science, plant protection, pest and diseases, basic science from agricultural engineering, food science, animal science, environmental science, nuclear agricultural horticulture, vegetable gardening, floriculture, viticulture soil science, agronomy, soil geography life sciences, biology, environmental sciences, earth sciences, health sciences agribusiness, management agribusiness, agribusiness competitiveness, value chain of agribusiness, s agricultural economics, applied economics, economics agricultural engineering, biological engineering, food science and technology, information and elec plant culture, biotechnology, veterinary medicine, food science, agricultural egineering agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering global food security, sustainable agriculture, food technology, public health, environmental scienc food, nutrition, food safety, biochemistry, microbiology, hygiene agriculture, agricultural engineering, crop production, livestock husbandry, energy production, inf food technology, food microbiology, bioindustry, industrial and system engineering, food and postha postharvest technology, agroindustry technology, food science, food technology, food safety information processing technologies in the agriculture, smart sensor, wireless sensor network, deci animal welfare, animal science, livestock genetics, animal reproduction, farm animals management, a animal production, genetics animal biology, animal husbandry animal nutrition, animal biology, animal physiology, animal reproduction, animal breeding veterinary pathology, animal reproduction, veterinary surgery animal science agriculture, breeding, reproduction, nutrition, feed extremophilic species, cave, extreme environment animal breeding, animal biotechnology, animal microbiology, sustainable livestock management genetics, agriculture, veterinary sciences, animal production nutrition, disease, physiology, breeding, genetics, reproduction, biotechnology, livestock animal science, agriculture, genetics, infectious diseases, veterinary research, zoology animal husbandry, animal science, animal production, animal nutrition, animal genetics, animal prod animal sciences, veterinary medicine livestock, animal husbandry, rural development animal husbandry animal production, genetics, nutrition, feed sciences, animal products animal sciences, animal feeding, animal nutrition livestock production systems porcine, swine, sow, boar, piglet, pig Poultry, Poultry Genetics, Hatchery Management, Nutrition and Metabolism, Meat and Egg Quality, Pou reindeer, caribou, reindeer husbandry, northern ungulates agricultural sciences animal derived food quality, reproduction, nutrition, genetics animal science, animal husbandry, animal products, reproduction, animal nutrition animal, animal science, animal health, animal production, nutrition, food sefaty genetics, domestic animals, farm animals animal reproduction, reproductive biology breeding value, DNA markers, animal husbandry, livestock physiology, animal behaviour, animal nutri zootechnics, genetics, ethnology, reproduction, economy, animal nutrition animal reproduction, genetic engineering, apiculture, animal and veterinary biotechnologies agronomy, biotechnology, food technology, dairy products animal science, veterinary science veterinary medicine, biological sciences veterinary science veterinary medicine, food hygiene, ecology, animal welfare, animal nutrition veterinary research, veterinary medicine animal production, pathogens of livestock animal breeding veterinary science, animal health, animal food, pets, veterinary medicine, animal breeding veterinary science, veterinary medicine veterinary sciences, animal infectious diseases, food and feed safety, toxicology, immunology, bioc internal medicine, parasitology, dermatology, veterinary obstetrics, surgery veterinary medicine animal husbandry, veterinary medicine animal science, veterinary science veterinary science, public health, environmental science, biomedical research veterinary science, animal health, medicine, surgery, therapy, biotechnology veterinary science, anatomy, parasitology, genetics, reproduction, veterinary public health epidemiology, disease dynamics, pet medicine, pet care, veterinary endoscopy, sonography veterinary medicine, animal science, biomedical sciences animal health, animal welfare, veterinary medicine animal sciences, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine veterinary medicine, animal science, animal health animal science, biotechnology clinical healthcare, domestic cats, feline health, feline medicine, feline surgery animal culture, animal breeding, animal feeding, animal management, animal socioeconomics, animal p animal sciences, veterinary medicine veterinary internal medicine, veterinary surgeons, ACVIM, cardiology, neurology, oncology Veterinary Medicine veterinary sciences, animal infectious diseases, food and feed safety, toxicology, immunology, bioc poultry, diseases, nutrition, welfare, exotic and wild birds, husbandry and management veterinary medicine animal sciences, veterinary medicine veterinary science, veterinary medicine, animal welfare, internal medicine, pharmacology veterinary pharmacology, drug development topics, animal health, veterinary therapeutics veterinary medicine, infectious animal diseases, parasitic diseases veterinary science, medicine animal health, animal production, avian health, fisheries veterinary science veterinary, veterinary medicine, veterinary science, animal health pathology, microbiology, parasitology, physiology, pharmacology animal sciences, veterinary medicine veterinary science, veterinary public health, medicine, agriculture, animals, animal diseases veterinary medicine zoo, companion animal, veterinary medicine, pet, veterinary science veterinary medicine veterinary, clinical health veterinary research infectious diseases, host-pathogen interaction, immunology, epidemiology anaesthesiology, anatomy, bacteriology, biochemistry, cardiology, dentistry animal science, veterinary medicine, animal health, veterinary publich health, zoonoses rabbit, bahaviour, animal welfare veterinary science, medicine veterinary medicine, animal science, biomedical sciences, medical science life sciences, molecular biology, biochemistry, genomics, microbiology, plant-biotechnology ethnozoology ichthyology, fisheries, fish diseases, parasitology, aquaculture nutrition, seafood science aquaculture, utrition, diseases, genetics and breeding, physiology, environmental quality aquaculture, aquarium, conservation, legislation, ecology aquaculture, fisheries, ichthyology aquaculture, socioeconomics, aquatic ecology, marine biology, oceanography, fisheries fisheries, biology aquaculture, aquatic life, aquatic environments, fish, marine biotechnology, seafood sciences genetics and reproduction, biotechnology, feed and nutrition, fish health, fisheries environment, a oceanography and limnology for fisheries, fisheries biology, fishing technology, environment fish biology, aquaculture, fish disease, fisheries science limnology, fisheries, freshwater genetic engineering, aquaculture, marine, aquaculture engineering, conservation, marine ecosystems freshwater ecosystems, aquatic ecology, bioconservation, ecosystems management, economical analysis fisheries, marine science, aquatic science, biodiversity, oceanography, aquaculture fisheries research fishery fisheries, environment, chemistry, physics, agriculture bioeconomy, biofuel, agriculture, forestry, fishery oceanography, limnology, fisheries, aquaculture, environment, biotechnology marine science, technology marine biology, oceanography, fisheries, limnology, aquaculture sustainability, aquaculture, environment, interaction, ecology forestry, silviculture, environmental sciences forestry, silviculture, forest ecology, forest management, wood-technology forestry, forest management, wood science and technology, forest products, forest biomass and energ forestry, agroforestry, ecology, environment and resource management forestry, forest products, forest ecology, silviculture, breeding and genetics, management forestry, forest science, forest research forestry, Indonesia, forest management, tropical forest, Silviculture, forest policy Forestry, Forest, Agroforestry forestry, silviculture forestry, ecosystems, wood production, landscape, forest machinery, wood processing forestry, environment, silviculture, wood science, conservation, forest product forest planning, forest policy, forest ecology, silviculture, forest ergonomic, forest resources ut silviculture, dendrology, tree physiology, forest products forestry, climate change, forestry species forest ecology, tree genetics, wood quality, wood production, silviculture forestry wood engineering, wood processing, materials science, wood and timber forest environments, biodiversity, ecological impact, natural resources, conservation of ecosystems ecology, conservation, forests, tropical ecosystems, environmental sciences forest science, forestry wood science, wood technology forestry sciences, plant tissue culture, plant biotechnology, plant propagation, plant genetics bre biology, ecology, physiology, biotechnology, plant sciences plant genetics, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, agricultural crops horticulture, crops, production, breeding agricultural science, paleobotany medicinal plants, cultivation, breeding, active compounds, phytochemistry, pharmacology agricultural sciences, biological sciences, horticulture phenolic compounds agronomy plant science, agriculture horticulture, pomology, olericulture, floriculture, plant propagation, plant protection maize, maize breeding, agronomy, soil science, conservation agriculture, maize economics plant genomics, plant physiology, plant biotechnology, cytology, molecular plant breeding, plant de seed science, technology plant breeding, genetics, plant biology, agricultural science plant production, cropping system, biotechnology, production technology, post harvest management, f plant protection, plant diseases agriculture, agronomy, sustainable agriculture, soil science, plant development, plant culture agricultural sciences, horticulture agriculture, plant pathology, plant protection, plant science ecology, ornithology, avian science, conservation plant biology, cell biology, plant genomics Plant Sciences, Plant Genetics & Genomics, Plant Breeding/Biotechnology, Agriculture, Plant Ecology plants, genomics, agriculture, crops plant biosystematics, plant physiology, in vitro culture, embryology, plant chromosomes phytosociology, taxonomy, anatomy, habitats, conservation biology, plants plant pathology, phytopathology environmental plant biology, plant science Wine, Biochemistry biotechnology, improvement of perennial plants, improvement of annual plants applied plant science, plant biology, horticulture, agriculture, food processing, plant biotechnolo biochemistry, biogeology, biogeography, biophysics, biomedicine, biomaterials bioinformatics biochemistry, anatomy, genetics, biophysics, molecular biology, microbiology Biomaterials environment, chemistry, physics, engineering structural biology, cellular biophysics, systems biology biology, animals, plants, microorganisms, ecosystems, biotechnology ecology, zoology, plant biotechnology, botanics, genetics, microbiology migratory animals, migratory behavior, geolocators, wintering and breeding movements, migration zoology, botany, cell biology, immunology, genetics ecology, evolution, genetics, plant sciences, systematics, botany Bionics, Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, Biotribology, Biomimetic, Biorobotic biodiversity, conservation genetics, evolutionary ecology, freshwater biology, marine biology life sciences taxonomy, ecology, ethnobiology, genetics life sciences, biogeography, plant taxonomy, ecology, nature conservation biodiversity data, data publishing, authoring tool biological diversity conservation biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, ecology computational biology, gene expression biological invasions, alien species, ecology, zoology, aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems biology biology cell science, developmental biology, experimental biology, cell biology, animal physiology drug discovery, imaging, therapeutic intervention, personalised medicine bioinformatics, mathematical modeling, computer-aided decision making, medical informatics biological active substances, quality and safety of biological pharmaceutical products, gene therap lipids, amino acids, polymers, peptides, proteins, DNA, cellulose biological sciences biology developmental biology structural biology, macromolecules systems-level analysis, biological systems, network modelling cytology, neuroscience, biochemistry biogeography, biodiversity, conservation biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience bioscience, biology, biophysics animal personality, animal behaviour, cognition, comparative cognition, animal learning, evolution computational biology plant science, interdisciplinary research, biology, botany systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, insects, biogeography, morphology multiculturalism biosecurity barcoding, molecular forensic barcoding, conservation barcoding, medical diagnosis barc entomology, insects, taxonomy, ecology biological sciences, environmental sciences botany, ecology, microbiology biology, biomedicine, experimental biology functional cytology, immunohistochemical analysis techniques., cell differentiation and death, cell evolution, bioinformatics, biology informatics fauna, biodiversity, zoology, Europe, Slovakia, Carpathians, Pannonia cell biology, cell pathology, immunohistochemistry, pathology cytology, molecular medicine, mitochondrial research, cellular endocrinology, stem cell research, e molecular biosciences, cells, molecular biology, quantitative biology regulation, signal, genes, systems biology, biology genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, epigenomics, protein structures computational biology, bioinformatics, medical informatics biosciences, biodiversity, microbes, fungi, plant, animal fisheries biology, zoogeography, biology, marine ecology, aquaculture, aquatic cell biology, developmental biology, structural biology, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, biomaterials, dental materials entomology, parasitology, vector-borne diseases computational biology, bioinformatics biomarkers biophysics molecular biology animal biology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, plant science, virology agricultural sciences, biotechnology, microbiology, toxicology biology, methodology, life sciences, protocols Biology, Experimental biological sciences, biology, physiology, cytology, morphology, genetics botany, biology, genetics, biochemistry, zoology, medical biology biology biomedical sciences, botany, zoology, geology, geography, earth sciences biophysics circadian rhythm, biological clock, chronobiology, biological timing, molecular clock, photoperiodi biomedical research, Controversies, irreproducibility, research transparency molecular biology microbiology, parasitology, biotechnology, environmental biology, food sciences, forestry, veterina immunology, neurobiology, stem cells, signal transduction, membrane trafficking fungi, pathogenic fungi, Medical Mycology, parasitic fungi agriculture, entomology, ecology, medicine, insects, arthropods radiation research signal transduction, cells tropical biology, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity biology life science applied biology, life sciences invasive species, biological invasions, management MAP kinases, biological functions, cellular processes marine natural product biological sciences, biology microbial infections, unicellular biology, human disease modeling, multicellular microorganisms microbial physiology nucleic acid-protein interaction, intracellular transport, protein biosynthesis, molecular biophysi noninvasive imaging, molecular imaging, cellular biology, normal and disease processes, non-nuclear biology, science animal behaviour, biogeography, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, mathematical ecology, fungi, mycology, fungal biology, lichens biology, flora and fauna, ecology, fieldwork biological invasions botany, zoology, conservation, ecology, biodiversity algorithm, protein-protein interaction, ecological interaction, biological interaction, gene networ lepidopterology, taxonomy, morphology, phylogenetics, biogeography, ecology Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Molecular Biology biological sciences, molecular biology health sciences bioinformatics, computational biology cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology plant science, animal science, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology peptidome, peptide metabolism, signaling molecules, intercellular communication, biochemical commun herpetology, amphibians, reptiles biology, molecular biology, ecology DNA sequences, protein structures, biological data ecology, environmental sciences environment, environmental engineering, agriculture, soil, water, air Indonesia, biodiversity, genetics, species, ecosystem, ethnobiology ecology, bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology tissue repair, stem cell biology, regeneration, wound healing, plasticity biodiversity, ecology, biogeography, evolution, america health education, biology ecology and ecosystems, biology, conservation, microbiology, physiology, genetics and epidemiology cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology, plant biology biological sciences soil science, environment embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, developmental studies, stem ce mycology, biotechnology, ecology, molecular biology, pathology, systematics speleology, biospeleology, cave ecology Biodiversity, ecology, physiology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, anatomy and morphology negative results, secondary results, biology, biomedicine life sciences, tropical biology, microbiology, biotechnology, tropical plants, environment biology, ecology, Zoology, Entomology, Parasitology, Biological Sciences Metazoan taxonomy, biosystematics, evolution, morphology, biogeogrephy biomedicine bioinformatics, bioprocess systems, biomedical systems, ecological systems biology and medicine, systematic reviews biogeography, ecology, biology, morphology, nomenclature, plant-animal relations botany, ecology, genetics, phytogeography breeding and germplasm, biotechnology and genetic engineering, origination and domestication hortic biology, physiology, plant-decontaminating values, herbicides, growth regulators, defoliants plant taxonomy, ecology, ethnobotany biology, chemistry, microbiology, technology computational biomodelling, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, molecular modelling biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cell biology molecular biology, biochemistry enzymes biotechnology, medicine biochemistry biomathematics, bioinformatics applied mathematics, biomathematics, statistics, epidemiology, mathematical biology, biomathematics mathematical biology, biological modeling, mathematical modeling, molecular biology botany, limnology, microbiology Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular, Behaviour, Marine, Freshwater Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Medical Diagnosis mycology, microbiology, molecular biology, plant biotechnology, lichens, ecology botany, zoology, genetics, microbiology, physiology biological physics, biological processes, molecular biophysics, computational biophysics morphogenesis of bone and cartilage, musculoskeletal diseases, metabolic bone diseases, bone regene crustacean biology Wildlife, conservation, management, Human鈥搘ildlife relations wildlife, management, biology biological sciences, Botany, Zoology cytopathology, pathology, cytology cell biology apoptosis, cell death, cancer, immunology, neurodegeneration, cell biology cell growth and differentiation, signal transduction, apoptosis, stem cells, development, immunolog stem cell research, regenerative biology, regenerative medicine cytology, cell biology, molecular biology, biophysics cell biology, ciliary dysfunction diagnostic cytopathology, molecular pathology Cell Biology, Cytology cytology, cell biology cytology, tumors gynaecological cytology, non-gynaecological cytology, cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, electron oxidative stress, cell aging cell biology, proteomics, biomolecules receptor, cell, signaling, clinical embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, blastocysts, cord blood stem cells, therapeutic cloning, et Biochemistry, Protein Science, Cell Biology, Stem Cells, Human Genetics, Developmental Biology limnology, freshwater biology, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology Ecology, Ecosystems moose, ecology, wildlife management, biology biodiversity, biogeography, taxonomy, natural history, ecology, systematics ecosystems, molecular ecology, geology, paleontology, biogeography biology, biodiversity forest biotechnology, tropical ecosystems, environmental impacts, biodiversity conservation, sustai environmental ecology, behavioural ecology, population ecology, biodiversity socio-ecological systems (SES), ecosystems services, global change, water management, urban system population genetics, environmental sciences, plant-animal interactions, conservation ecology ecology, biodiversity, taxonomy, zoology, botany, biogeography ecological sustainability, ecosystem, landscape dynamics ecology, evolution, conservation conservation, biology, ecology, social-ecology, society, resilience ecology, ecological science macroecology, sustainability science, ecosystem, ecosystem conditions, ecological theory, sustainab ecology, conservation biology, environmental science, evolution, life sciences, agriculture environmental science, biology forest, ecosystem, dynamics, structure ecology, biological conservation, community ecology, biodiversity and conservation biodiversity predation, grazing, ecology, ecosystem ecosystems, biodiversity, environment biological diversity, conservation, conservation theory, conservation policy, conservation manageme Ecosystem, Ecological Systems, Ecology Landscape ecology, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, landscape planning, ecosystem management, ge limnology, hydrology, ecology, environment, geology Madagascar, conservation, sustainable development, biodiversity, livelihoods marine mammals, cetaceans, pinnipeds, North Atlantic, management ecological theory ecology, ornithology, wildlife conservation, biogeography Anatomy and embryology, Behaviour, Pathology, Infection biology, Genetics, Reproductive biology ecology Riparian zone, riparian community, riparian biodiversity, riparian ecology, riparian conservation ecology, biology, biotope, biocoenosis, ecosystem, biodiversity landscape ecology, environmental aspects environmental mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, environmental genomics and epigenetics, molecular epi astrobiology, exobiology, biodiversity and ecosystem function, biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, pale Afrotropical invertebrates, taxonomy, systematics, biology, biogeography, ecology taxonomy, conservation, wildlife, fauna, flora, fungi conservation biology, applied ecology, nature conservation, habitat conservation ecology, tracking systems, electronic tags, animal physiology, animal behaviour, telemetry taxonomy, ecology, soil zoology, hydrobiology evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, palaeontology morphological evolution, phylogenetics evolution, genetics, genomics, proteomics, applications, climate change environmental virology, viral molecular epidemiology, virus evolution systems biology, computational biology, synthetic biology, molecular biology, genomics, genetics agroecology and land use systems, behavioral and evolutionary ecology, chemical ecology, evolutiona ecology, evolution astrobiology, exobiology, biodiversity and ecosystem function, biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, pale epigenetic inheritance, maternal effect, paternal effect, transgenerational stress memory in plants plant reproduction, pollination, evolution, conservation, diversity genetics, proteomics, gene therapy, biomarkers genetics, genome evolution, pharmacological genomics, epigenetics, gene therapy, developmental gene molecular biology, biological structure analysis, genome analysis, sequence analysis, phylogeny, bi applied genomics, biotechnology, informatics, medicine, nanotechnology genetics, genetic engineering molecular biology, genetics, bioorganic chemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics genetics genetics genetics, cytogenetics genetics, epigenetic inheritance proteomics, translational proteomics, basic proteomics epigenomics, genomic physiology, systems biology genetics, genomics genetic resources, crop, conservation, manipulation, cassava DNA DNA methylation, genomic imprinting, paramutation biological sciences Genes, Chromosome, genetics biological sciences molecular biology, cellular biology, genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics evolutionary biology, genomics, molecular biology genomics, nucleic acids, microarray, next-gen sequencing genetics, genomics genetic research, genomics, pharmacogenetics genetics evolutionary biology genome analysis, genomics DNA rearrangements, DNA recombination chromosome biology, molecular cytogenetic techniques, biomedicine molecular genetics, genomic medicine microRNA, small interfering RNA, RNAi, lincRNA, piRNA, silencing DNA, biochemistry, computational biology, genomics, molecular biology, RNA gene discovery, population genetics, genome projects, comparative genomics, functional genomics, me genomics, genome, metagenome molecular biology, DNA, RNA technology development, molecular therapy, gene therapy molecular therapy, gene therapy, cell-based therapy, technology development, drug development GenomeVariation, Gene Mutation, Rare diseases, disease-associated genes nucleic acids canine genetics, canine health and disease, epidemiology, breed diversity, canine evolution, domest Atlantic islands, terrestrial environment, marine environment, ecology terrestrial botany, aquatic botany, algal taxonomy, plant taxonomy plant, algae & fungi diversity, vegetation, horticulture botany, plant biology, plant science Botany, Plants, Plant Diseases plant ecology, coenology, ecophysiology, plant biodiversity, landscape ecology, population ecology botany, systematics, ecology, biodiversity ethnobotany, plant taxonomy, plant conservation, biosystematics, biodiversity plant biology, plant science, palaeobotany plant biology molecular biology, ecology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, taxonomy botany, plant conservation, botanic gardens, biology, forest plant morphology, plant taxonomy, vascular plants, threatened flora, conservation biology, Mediterr indigenous medicine, medicinal plants, herbal research, Ayurveda plant taxonomy, structural botany, plant physiology, biochemistry, plant ecology, ecological restor botany, plants Panax ginseng, traditional herbal medicine, phytochemistry, food science, pharmacology, plant scien mycology botany, ecology, orchids botany, ecology, plant sciences, ethnobotany, bioclimatology maize, genetics, physiology, molecular biology, breeding plant morphology, plant anatomy, plant taxonomy, plant phylogeny, plant physiology, botany mycology, fungal biology systematic botany, plants phylogeny, plant taxonomy plant pathology, diseases of Mediterranean crops disease, diversity, fungi, plant pathology, quarantine plant cytology plants, systematics, phytodiversity, florogenetics, plant anatomy, plant morphology breeding, cultivation, phytomedicine, plant stress, microbiology plant sciences, plant ecology forest engineering microbiology, virology agricultural microbiology, biotechnology, microbial resources, environmental microbiology, mycology cellular immunology, molecular immunology microbiology, archaea, bacteria microbiology biological sciences molecular science, cellular science, cell culture, HIV microbiology, microbes, immune responses, cell biology food microbiology bacteriology, bacteria microbiology epidemiology of mycobacterium, molecular biology of mycobacterium, clinical features of mycobacteri microbiology pathogenicity, virulence, antimicrobial agents, chemotherapy, epidemiology microbiology, virology, parasitology, communicable diseases oral infections, aetiologic agents, pathogenesis, systemic diseases, diagnostics, epidemiology virology, viruses biotechnology, biodeterioration, microbial genetics, environment, plant pathology microbiology biochemistry applied microbiology clinical microbiology, nosocomial infections, mycology, virology, parasitology microorganisms, infectious disease microbiology microbiology genetics, molecular microbiology, clinical microbiology virology whole proteome analysis agricultural sciences, biological sciences biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering, immunology, microbial ecology HIV and AIDS, virology, virological methods, molecular microbiology viruses virology, viruses, antiviral drugs virology, viral infections, AIDS, genetic change, influenza biochemistry, microbiology Ecology of biofilms, populations and communities, engineering microbial biofilms, discovery of biof ornithology, conservation, Slovenia, southeastern Europe, eastern Mediterranean amphibians, reptiles Zoology, Entomology, Animal Structures systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, ecology, conservation, biodiversity animal systematics, evolution, animal diversity, conservation, taxonomy faunistics, taxonomy, ecology, behaviour, arachnids, entomology biodiversity, systematics, ecology, biogeography ornithology, avian research zoology, terrestrial animals, taxonomy and systematics, evolution, biodiversity Zoology, entomology, taxonomy, ecology, Chironomidae, non-biting midges ecology, morphology, physiology, public health, taxonomy taxonomy, biodiversity, Nordic fauna, systematics, biogeography, methodological entomology Entomology, Taxonomy, Arthropods, Molecular phylogeny, Morphology, Ecology and Ethology animal life, life sciences, biology, ecosystem mammal, Spanish, Iberian, systematics, ecology taxonomy, faunistics, biogeography, corology, evolution, conservation herpetology, amphibian, reptiles, ecology, biodiversity mammals, biology, conservation, zoology, ecology microorganism, infection, wildlife, parasite insects, insect pests, plant-insect interactions anatomy, physiology, genetics, parasitology, morphology, behaviour, ecology, zoogeography, evolutio zoology, entomology, animals invertebrates, biotechnology zoology bees, Apoidea, Apiculture, bee science, Apis mellifera, bee pests circulation, excretion, endocrinology, neurobiology, enzymology, nutrition entomology ichthyology, ornithology, planktology entomology, hymenoptera Insects malacology, molluscs, bivalves, gastropoda, snails, slugs nematodes helminth, nematoda, platyhelminthes, acanthocephalans marine neotropical fishes, freshwater neotropical fishes birds animal sciences, veterinary medicine entomology, insect biological sciences primatology ornithology, taxonomy, natural sciences zoology, birds of prey, owls zoology, taxonomy, histology, morphology, animal ecology, biogeography animal care wildfowl, wetlands, ducks, geese, swans, waterbirds, habitat management systematic zoology, taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, evolution biological sciences general zoology, morphology, cell biology, physiology, ecology, systematics zoology, taxonomy, bioinformatics taxonomy, faunistics, zoogeography, animal ecology animal taxonomy, systematics, zoogeography, ecology, population biology, biodiversity studies, natu botany, zoology, biodiversity, neotropic Conservation, Management, Endangered species, Endangered habitats taxonomy, natural history, systematics, zoology, botany, palaeontology agriculture, biology, botany, ecology, plant science, zoology cognitive neuroscience, neurorophysiology, human behavior, memory, attention, perception library and information science, library, documentation, bibliography library and information science, Chinese librarianship, international librarianship, knowledge mana library science, information literacy, higher education data, data set, data curation profiles knowledge management evidence-based librarianship, evidence-based practice LIS, librarians, librarianship, information science, libraries information science, information management, librarianship, information systems, digital libraries, scholarly information, information community, scholarly communication digital preservation, digital access, research data management library automation, digital preservation, information retrieval, intellectual property rights library and information science librarianship, archival science, library science information science, library science, information technology, publishing, e-learning escience librarianship, research data management, research data curation, research data services, d information literacy, library instruction, teaching librarians, digital literacy information processing, management, information policy, library management, knowledge organization, libraries and publishing, open access, digital curation, digital collection management, intellectua information science, bibliography, documentation, archival studies, library science, instructional computer science, information science, bibliography, documentation, archival studies European Research Libraries, library sciences, library management, scholarly communication, informa librarianship, information science, evidence-based practice librarianship, media centers, academic libraries Library and information science, information technology, information systems librarians, information professionals, library and information studies librarianship, academic libraries, library administration, library collections, library programs an academic libraries scholarly publishing, innovations in publishing, editorial policies, bibliometrics, data mining, ci library science, archival studies, bibliometric research, information science libraries, library administration, Tennessee information literacy, information behaviour, information science library and information services, librarianship libraries, usability, user experience knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge organization, knowledge services, knowledge inno Medical Reviews, Medicine, clinical pharmacology, Iran, Meta-analysis Libraries, health information, public health Cataloguing, Metadata, Classification, Indexing, knowledge organisation library technology innovation information literacy library and information science, publishing, digital publishing archives, information science archivism architecture, urbanism, architectural engineering, housing, built environment architecture, cities, environment, planning, valuation, building architecture, cultural heritage, history of architecture, vernacular architecture, urban design history, built environment media, politics, social sciences urban planning, urban design, transportation planning, participatory budgeting architecture theory, sustainable built environment, architectural history, urban design and plannin urban design, landscape, interior design, built environment, socio-formal, architecture architectural design, urban design, sustainable architecture, contemporary architecture, theory of architecture, city, theory, urbanism, cultural studies architectural design and theory, architectural science and technology, urban planning, landscaping landscape architecture, landscape theory, sense of place architecture, city planning, landscape, building restoration architecture, urban planning, built environment urban planning, environment, settlements, urban design urban planning, constructions, building economy, urban studies architecture and engineering, environment, construction systems, testing techniques, building compo architecture, building, engineering, facade design, management architectural technology, building engineering, green technology civil engineering, architecture built environment, architecture, civil engineering, construction management, engineering education, landscape architecture built environment architecture, civil engineering, urban design and planning, spatial planning, landscape architectur urban studies, cities, social sciences, architecture civil engineering, building, construction, architecture architecture, urban planning, restoration, history, design, landscape design, pedagogy, informal space, interior design, classrooms, learning spaces Business, Art, Computing, Design, Humanities technology, design, science design case, design, development, learning art, design, visual art, creative industry, photography design, visual communication, industrial design, social dimension of design graphic narrative, graphic novels, comic books, cartoons, animation digital culture, education, digital games, networks, new media regional development, rural development, environmental science, ecology global climate change and adaption, pollution control and mitigation, environmental materials, envi microbiology, pollution environmental sciences ecology, conservation, environmental chemistry, environmental health, environmental resource manage environment, energy, earth sciences, sociology, economics environmental science ecocriticism, culture and environment, literature and environment, environmental ethics anthropocene, climate change, sustainability environment, human impact, economic development, urban ecology, environmental protection, sustainab environmental management, environmental policy environmental health, environmental engineering, environment, health environmental humanities, philosophy, history, eco-criticism, anthropology, STS engineering, management, sustainable development, ecology, environmental economics, pollution preve economic sustainability, water and soil conservation, healthcare, renewable energy, urban planning agroecology and land use systems, atmospheric science, environmental informatics, ecotoxicology and environment, environmental science, environmental management energy sources, sustainable development Computing environments, Environmental Sciences, Environmental contaminants, Ecology earth sciences, landscape ecology, environmental change, antropogenic influence, processes and morp hydrology, ground water, fresh water resources, groundwater remediation, groundwater contamination water resources management, land use, biodiversity, energy efficiency, renewable resources natural resources, environmental management, disaster mitigation, environmental technology, regiona policy, technology, natural resources, economics, transport, food production renewable energy, energy production, energy policy, energy systems waste, wastes, wastewater, sewage, sewage treatment Indonesia, tropical wetlands, environmental management renewable resources, sustainability, wildlife, watershed ocean physics, ocean chemistry, biological oceanography, air鈥搒ea interactions, coastal and shelf ecology, biodiversity, pollution, bioremediation, biosorption paleoscience, past climate, past environment, past global change environment, pollution, water, soil, air, noise San Francisco Bay, Sacramento-San Joaquin river delta, environmental science, water supply, ecosyst waste-water treatment, soil contamination, wetlands, recycling, environmental toxicology environmental science, environmental technology, environmental health environmental science, ecology, environmental planning, environmental regulation bioeconomy, sustainable development, environmental issues, agriculture, farmers, local development Biodiversity;, Plant鈥揂nimal Interaction, Ecosystem Ecology, Conservation Ecology, Global Change E natural resources, tropical forests and forestry, environmental conditions, pollution control, biod environment protection geography, environment, knowledge production geography, geographical mapping science, technology, environmental sciences tourism, environmental economics, environmental management climate changes, sustainable development, dynamics of the earth system, earth system change, manage environmental sciences, environmental regulation medicine, life science, environmental scinece water, environmetal engineering, environmental health, waste water, environmental management, toxic public health and safety, environmental studies, toxicology, environmental sciences epidemiology, mathematical biology, mathematical modelling, population dynamics, ecosystems, evolut psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, ecology, environmental science, life sciences environment, geosciences, marine and freshwater biology, meteorology and atmospheric sciences, fore Anthropocene, sustainability, global change, environmental preservation, geoengineering ecology, climate change, environmental degradation, pollution, environmental studies tropical forests, rainforest conservation, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity geochemistry, oceanography, biogeochemistry, astrobiology Atmosphere, Oceanography, Biosphere, Cryosphere, Geology, Hydrology plants, soil, atmosphere, health, biodiversity, food security ice sheets and glaciers, planetary ice bodies, permafrost, river and lake ice, seasonal snowcover, climate, ecology, geostatistical data, point processes, spatial-temporal statistics environmental change, ecosystems, paleoecology, evolutionary adaptation and plasticity, phenology, botany, chemistry, physics, engineering, environmental sciences, zoology environmental science, environmental politics, ethical considerations, human responsibility, remedi urban and regional planning, environmental management, regional development, sustainable regional d chemistry, biology, geography, physics geomorphology, geomorphometry, landform, morphogenetic processes, geomorphic, Quaternary geology geophysics, geology, atmospheric science, space science, oceanic science, hydrology maps, map history, cartography, cartographic heritage China, elementary surveying and topography, geodetic surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing, geoinformatics, geodesy, GIS, cartography, open source software, geomatics photogrammetry, cartography, remote sensing, geoinformatics, GIS, geomatics Geodesy, surveying engineering, cartography, photogrammetry, geophysics, geoinformation cartography, geoinformation, maps, geosciences cartography, geoinformatics, geovisualization, maps, semiotics, communication urban ecology, ; environmental changes; ecosystems recovery; socio-econimics relations; environment Rivers and lakes, Coasts and estuaries, Hydrometeorology, Ecohydrology, Biogeochemical processes island studies, geography, nissology remote sensing, aerial sensor technologies, satellites sustainable development, mountain ecosystems, global change、interactions limnology geography, regional geography, teritorial planning, geomorphology, Romania Earth systems modeling hydrology Bioscience, Clinical Medicine medicine, medical biology biology, medicine biomedicine, life sciences life sciences biology, bioscience, biomedicine Life sciences, medical sciences, disease research, human diseases, animal diseases, plant diseases RNA molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, system cellular communications, cell signalling, cell behaviour cell and molecular biology, regenerative medicine, epigenetics, stem cell biology genetic processes, epigenetic therapy Genome, genetics, medicine, disease, genomics pharmacogenomics, genomic medicine, genome sequence, neurogenomics, cancer genomics, gene disorders medical microbiology, case reports, dental microbiology, veterinary microbiology, infectious diseas sex differences, physiology medical mycology medical genetics functional genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, pharmacogenomics infectious diseases, pathogenesis, diagnosis communicable disease control microbiology, virology, infectious diseases, parasitology, mycology, bacteriology infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases Infectious Disease Medicine, Infectious Diseases infectious diseases, pneumonia disease epidemiology, drug epidemiology, risk factors, screening procedures infectious diseases, medicine, public health biology of disease, epidemiology infectious disease, infectious agents, public health, epidemics infectious diseases, epidemiology, HIV, hepatitis, virology, parasitology bacterial infection, viral infection, fungal infection, antibiotic resistance, anti-infective drugs virology, bacteriology, infections epidemiology, medicine, infection, antimicrobial resistance, molecular epidemiology, vaccine infectious diseases in humans, sexually transmitted diseases, immunization pharmacoeconomics, public health, education, infectious disease infectious diseases, translational medicine Infectious Disease anti-parasite drugs, parasite drug resistance, bioactive parasite products epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment of infectious diseases, control of infectious diseases parasites, parasitic diseases infectious diseases, public health, microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, c parasitology Infectious Diseases infectious diseases, medicine clinical infectious diseases research, experimental infectious diseases research acarology, helminthology and protistology, epidemiology, parasites, parasitology parasites, parasitic diseases, vector-borne pathogens radiography, imaging, ultrasound, pathophysiology, infections human viruses, plant viruses, antiviral agents, vaccines, animal viruses, infection control Infectious Disease Medicine, Medical Microbiology viruses and viral diseases, bacteria and bacterial diseases, anti-microbial immunology (innate and pathogens, viruses, bacteria biostatistics, biometrics, epidemiology Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases neuropsychological studies, neuroscience, emotion comprehension, memory theory, sensory processing Neuroscience, Neurology neuroscience, neurobiology, neurodegeneration, glial biology neurobiology, immunology, physiology, nutrition, psychology, psychiatry molecular neuroscience, cellular neuroscience, computational neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, psychosomatic disorders, psychology, behaviour neurobiology, neuroscience, the nervous system age-related neuronal diseases, senescence, CNS aging, neuroscience, aging process, neurological dis animal behavior brain theoretical neuroscience brain neuroscience nanotechnology numerical models brain machine interfaces brain, neural circuits, brain imaging, brain health synapses brain systems, information processing, neuronal networks, architecture of brain systems, cognitive neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, cognitive and behavioral psychology, neurobiology tremor, dystonia, deep brain stimulation, pediatric movement disorders, Parkinson's diesease, Hunti nervous system structure, nervous system function neurosciences, nervous system diseases, mental disorders, developmental disabilites neuroscience, biomedical engineering, physical medicine, rehabilitation nervous system diseases, rural health neural plasticity, neuroplasticity neuroscience, neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation drug development process, psychiatric illness, neurological disorders electrophysiological, neuroscience, neuroimaging, neuropsychiatric, electrophysiology Neurotherapy, Electroencephalography, Biofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, Neuroregulation, QEEG behaviour, neuroscience, neuroeconomics, brain imaging techniques, brain anatomy neuroscience consciousness, selfhood, metacognition, intention, volition, agency neuroscience, memory, behavior modification social interaction, developmental psychology, philosophy, environment psychiatry, psychotherapy, neurology, neurosciences clinical neuroscience, neuropsychiatric disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, systems neuroscienc neuroscience, translational psychiatry neuropsychology, psychology, neurosciences, Education, Clinical, Research biological systems, cancer, systems biology, systems neurosciences mathematical modelling, nervous system neuroscience, nervous system neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, clinical neuropsychology, brain research, psychophysiology pathology, nervous system, skeletal muscle disorders, neurological disease Alzheimer Disease, Ataxia, atrophy, behavior degenerative diseases, dementia, demyelinating disease neurosciences, neurology neurology, neurological disorders neurology neurological disorders, neurology neurology, neurosciences, neurological sciences neuroscience, injury, neuroanatomy, neurogenetic disorders, neuroimaging CSF, chemical signaling, physical buffering, chemical buffering, neurodevelopment, neurodevelopment brain functioning clinical neuroscience neurosciences, neurosurgery, psychiatry nervous system diseases human brain, neurosurgery, neuropathology Pathophysiology of epilepsy, seizures, cognitive impairments, social aspects, epilepsy neurology, nervous system diseases, neurosurgery brain research, nervous system nervous system, neural circuits, neural regeneration neural regeneration, peripheral nerve injury, brain injury, spinal cord injury neurology, neurological diseases Neurology, Therapy, Rapid Publication neurology, neurological diseases stroke neurology, nervous system neurology neurosurgery, neurology, the nervous system, surgery neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disea neurodegenerative diseases, prion diseases, dementia, ageing neuroscience, brain research, experimental biology neurogenetics neurology, neurogenetics, genetic disease risk, pharmacogenomics neurobiology, pharmacology, cell biology, neuroendocrinology, neurology diabetes, metabolic syndrome nutrition, metabolism, diets lipid biochemistry, lipid synthesis, pharmacology, toxicology, lipid metabolism diabetes, genetic and epidemiological studies, clinical, nutrition and chronic disease, metabolic metabolism, nutritional diseases health sciences, librarianship neurological diseases, immunology, central nervous system, microglia, astrocytes, cytokines, chemok pathology drug development, evidence-based pharmacology medicinal plants, medicine, pharmacognosy biomedical research, translational research biology, research techniques, medicine medicine, biomedicine biochemistry, microbiology, forensic science, botany, environmental science basic medical sciences mycology, fungi, medical disease, veterinary disease molecular genetics, endocrinology cancer, metabolism, cardiovascular, inflammation, aging, molecular biology agronomy, biomaterials, ecology, microbiology, nursing, surgery biological research, medical research developmental biology, cellular biology, biotechnology in health care clinical biochemistry, drug discovery, clinical chemistry clinical translation, industrial development, regulatory issues, stem cell biology, tissue engineer molecular medicine, molecular pathology, genetic processes, regenerative medicine, systems medicine molecular genetics, cell biology, stem cell biology, gene regulation and epigenetics, immunity and population genetics, functional genetics, genetic disease, pharmacogenetics medicinal chemistry translational research, therapeutics, stem cell research, clinical research, stem cell therapy, reg image analysis, stereology, stochastic geometry, materials science, biomedical science chemistry chemistry, materials science, environment, education crystal structure determination, crystal engineering, structural chemistry crystal structure determination, structural chemistry, crystal engineering inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, ant applied chemistry, biomaterials, nanomaterials chemical engineering, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry chemical engineering and technology, biochemical engineering, biotechnology, food engineering, phar analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, green chemistry, food science, polymers, medicinal chem chemistry, applied chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, medicinal separation and purification science and technology, separation methodologies, novel hyphenated anal chromatography Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physi hair and body care, cosmetics as therapeutic options, clinical and experimental research for dermat analytical chemistry, green chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry Chemistry chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry, nuclear chemistr cellular biochemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, agricultur green chemistry, hazardous materials, environmental science chemical science chemistry, applied chemistry Saccharide, Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Glucose, Cellulose, Chemistry chemistry molecular science, biology, chemistry, physics, molecules Photochemistry, Photochemical reactions physical chemistry, organic synthesis, biochemistry, applications of catalysis in organic reactions chromatography chemistry, analytical methods inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, environmental chemistry, pharmaceutical applied chemistry, polymers, oxidation, chemical analysis catalysts, catalysis chemistry physical chemistry, electrochemistry, electrochemical engineering organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemi Quantum Chemistry applied chemistry, ceramics, polymers, composites, materials engineering, functional materials materials science heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, biocatalysis organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, catalysis biochemistry, spectroscopy, environmental chemistry chemistry fuels and biofuels, engineering, materials science, chemical and physics science, bioprocess and gr chemistry, computational chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemistry education, ino sustainable chemistry, sustainable engineering, green chemistry analytical chemistry, chemistry analytical chemistry, atomic spectroscopy analytical chemistry analytical chemistry Analytical Chemistry, Characterization and Evaluation of Materials, Environmental Monitoring/Analys analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry spectroscopy, cheminformatics, medicinal chemistry analytical methods, environmental science, environmental analysis solid-phase extraction, liquid-phase extraction, membrane-based extraction, sample preparation, sol superconductors crystal structure, crystallography, crystallographic data, datasets crystallogrphy X-ray FEL, synchrotrons, pulsed electrons sources, nuclear dynamics, diffraction Agricultural Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Food Chemi chemistry, industrial chemistry, ecological chemistry, organic chemistry synthesis, inorganic chemistry, chemistry mechanisms of inorganic reactions, organometallic compounds, inorganic cluster chemistry, complexes inorganic chemistry inorganic chemistry chemistry inorganic chemistry Surfaces and Interfaces; Thin Films, Mechanical Engineering, Biomaterials organogels, hydrogels, ionic gels, polymers organic synthesis, organic reactions, organic chemistry charging technologies, Carbon cycle, Carbon capture and storage, Formation, structures and properti organic chemistry synthesis organic chemistry organic chemistry aging, cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, diseases chemistry, functionality of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids biochemistry, enzymes chemical biology, biochemistry amino acides, peptide research proteomics biochemistry amino acids medicine, health science, biomedical science, life sciences molecular biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, cancer, molecular mechanisms DNA, RNA, genomics, gene regulation protein science, proteomics, bioinformatics, protein structural biology, protein biochemistry, prot physiological reactions, biochemical reactions, plant and animal organisms, abiotic and biotic stre stem cells, progenitor cells multiplex lab-on-a-chip molecular biology, DNA Nuclear Receptors structure, function, genomes, gene analysis, methods, bioinformatic analysis, genomic data life sciences, biochemistry, evolutionary biotechnology, structural biology, molecular biology, cel physical chemistry, electrochemical electrochemistry physical chemistry computational methods, computation methods, mathematical models, finite differences, computer chemi physical chemistry geosciences, remote sensing, geology, atmosphere, hydrology, geography geology, palaeontology, Denmark, Greenland, Faeroes geology, geophysics, physical geography climatology, ecology, modern methods in geoscience quaternary geology, palaeoecology, soil science, palaeoclimatology, geomorphology oceanography, atmosphere, biosphere, data, algorithms, geology Geophysics/Geodesy earth sciences, geology, palaeontology earth sciences earth sciences, applied geology, geosciences geology, earth science, palaeontology, regional geology, central africa geochemistry, geophysics, stratigraphy, paleontology, structural geology, petrology geochemistry, geohazards, geological mapping, stratigraphy, palaeontology, mineralogy earth sciences, geology of Central Europe, geology of Eastern Europe earth sciences, geology, mining engineering petrology, global tectonics, economic geology and fuel exploration, stratigraphy and paleontology, Earth Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Geophysics/Geodesy, Oceanography, Planetology, Biogeosciences crystallography Data management;, Data management, Sensing, Pattern recognition, Spectrometers, Radar numerical models of the earth system, description of the earth system, climate and earth system mod geoscience, geology, geochemistry, geophysics environment, geology, economics soil science Analytical Geochemistry, Exploratory Geochemistry, Geochemical Tracers, Geochemical Controls earth sciences, geology climatological hazards, hydrological hazards, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic hazards, education geology, climatology, geography, geochemistry, geoinformatics, hydrology geology, mining engineering, geophysics, application environmental engineering, hydrology, geotechn chemical geodynamics, petrologic processes, present and the past environments, tectonic processes, climate changes, multi-proxy, past environments, earth sciences, quaternary sedimentology, sedimentary processes, biological and geological systems, sedimentary systems, envir geobiology, palaeontology mathematics, applied analysis, abstract analysis mathematical analysis, computer science, probability theory, pure and applied algebra, differential mathematics differential equations, applicable analysis fixed point theory, geometry, game theory, engineering numerical analysis, numerical mathematics graphs and hypergraphs, network theory, combinatorial optimization, coding theory, block designs algebra mathematics mathematics Operator theory, Control theory, Algebraic structures, Geometry, Applied mathematics, Computer scie computer science, numerical methods, mathematical physics, mathematical and computational biology, algebra, discrete mathematics, analysis, topology, partial differential equations, Nonlinear PDE mathematics mathematical logic mathematical analysis, mathematical physics, functional analysis, probability theory, differential mathematics, geometry mathematics, applied mathematics mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, geometric analysis mathematical sciences, mathematics applied mathematics, mathematics mathematics mathematics, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, Computational Science, Interdisciplinary Mathem Hermitian geometry, K盲hler and hyperK盲hler geometry, Calabi-Yau metrics, holomorphic dynamics, linear operators acting on function spaces algebra, mathematical physics, probability theory, statistics, differential equations mathematics, computer science colourings, hereditary properties, independence and dominating structure, local properties, product mathematics, approximation theory econometric models, financial econometrics, estimation frameworks, microeconometrics mathematics Mathematics mathematics, differential equations graph theory, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, computer science mathematics, integral equations, differential equations, qualitative theory applied mathematics computer-checked mathematics, repository of mathematical knowledge, formalization, mathematical kno algebra, geometry, mathematical physics, theoretical computer science, number theory, mathematics geometry applied mathematics, applications, engineering mathematics analysis, equation mathematics, mathematical combinatorics Computational modelling, Computational optimization, Mathematical computations dynamic equations on time scales differential equations fuzzy mathematics, algebra, equations, matrix theory mathematics, statistics, probability partial differential equations stochastic analysis, stochastic methods optimization, applied mathematics algebra applied mathematics applied mathematics, computational mathematics discrete mathematics mathematics, geometry and topology mathematical analysis, matrix analysis, functional analysis, operator theory mathematics, natural science group theory, semigroup theory, linear algebra, algebraic graph theory, homological algebra applied mathematics, computational mathematics, applied analysis, approximation theory mathematics mathematics, stochastic analysis, nonlinear analysis, stochastic models Calculus of Variations complex analysis Difference equations, Difference operators discrete mathematics, mathematics Function spaces Function spaces philosophy, history, education, psychology, sociology Industrial Mathematics, Industrial Systems mathematics mathematics, integer sequences statistical approximation, stochastic approximation, trigonometric interpolation, fuzzy approximati functional analysis, operator theory, convex analysis, matrix analysis, control and optimization, c mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, applied mathematical analysis pure mathematics, applied mathematics mathematical science mathematics, statistics algebra, number theory, statistics, computer science fixed point theory, approximation theory Numbers, Number theory numerical analysis, stochastic analysis, stochastic models, applied mathematics operators applied mathematics, mathematics mathematics pedagogy, mathematics education mathematics mathematics pure mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics differential equations, numerical analysis, optimization, mathematical modelling, probability, stat mathematics, statistics, biomedical engineering, measurement science, instrumentation, physics low dimensional semiconductor nanostructures, carbon nanostructures, biological nanostructures differential equations, partial differential equations, difference equations, qualitative theory of mathematics pure mathematics, differential equations, differential geometry, topology, functional analysis, com operations research, management science methods, information systems, decision support systems, ope applied mathematics mathematics, analysis pure mathematics, applied mathematics general mathematics, mathematical analysis, convexity, functional equations, graph theory, combinat mathematics education pure mathematics, applied and industrial mathematics Banach algebra, complex analysis, frame and wavelet theory, functional analysis and operator theory Smarandache functions, Smarandache sequences, Smarandache constants, Smarandache conjectures, Smara mathematics, combinatorics structured matrices, applications of structured matrices stochastic systems mathematics, mathematical applications to computer science, economics, physics and engineering, sta crystal and crystallography mathematical physics, differential geometry, integrable systems, Lie groups and algebras, represent nonlinear sciences, mathematical analysis, mathematical physics education, mathematics topological-algebraic structures, topological dynamics, topological semigroups, noncommutative prob discrete mathematics, combinatorics, graph theory, computer science mathematics information science, electronics, telecommunication, computer science mathematical physics mathematics, engineering, fuzzy DEA, economic efficiency, meta heuristic methods industrial applications, industrial processes, mathematical methods mathematical models, difference equations, social sciences statistics, mathematical statistics, biostatistics, operation research, applied mathematics mathematical analysis, geometrical inequalities, metric spaces, measure theory, geometric mapping topological dynamics, topological algebra, hyperspaces differential equations fuzzy set valued functions, numerical analysis, applied mathematics multiple criteria decision making, data envelopment analysis, TOPSIS Statistical Mechanics, Thermal Fluctuation, Probability Densities informatics, information management, knowledge engineering, systems science simulation, modelling, plm systems, computer simulation, industry simulation, systems computer science, algorithms, combinatorics, graphs and networks, optimization artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, fuzzy, robots information, technology, wireless, software, engineering human computer interaction, mobile computing multimedia, multimedia systems, multimedia services, multimedia applications software engineering computer science, informatics, algorithms, artificial intelligence computational intelligence, fuzzy, soft computing software engineering, information technology, information systems, computer engineering, computing computer science computational biology, bioinformatics, computational chemistry, computation in engineering, computa modeling, algorithms, simulations, software visual media, computer graphics, computer vision, image and video processing, geometric computing, computer science, computer engineering theoretical aspects of computer science, pattern recognition and processing, knowledge engineering, computer science, software engineering, information systems discrete mathematics, software, computing, artificial intelligence databases, data warehouses, business intelligence, data mining, big data, analytics Advanced Networking Architectures, Ambient Assisted Living, Automatic Behavioural Analysis, Context Biofuels, Clean Power Technologies, e-Energy, Green ICT, Grid decentralization technologies performance management, databases, data warehouses, network architecture, wireless networks software technology, software science, software engineering, software systems theoretical computer science Computer Science, decision theory, operation research, data mining, knowledge discovery algorithms, quantum computing, distributed and parallel computing, computer architecture, software software theory, software engineering, intelligent and adaptive systems, computer security, data mi image analysis, algorithms computer systems, software engineering, information systems, theory of computation, applied computi informatics, information system, computer science, information technology archival science, cognitive science, commerce, communications, law, software systems applied computer science, applications, information technology, artificial intelligens, networks, m artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, robotics control theory, applied mathematics, scientific computing, computer science, biomedical engineering computer game, online game, video game, digital game, game animation computer networks, network engineering, information security computer science, security, wireless network, communication computer science, computer engineering, management computer engineering, computer security, biometrics, database management systems, artificial intell privacy, computer forensics, hacking, cyber warfare, cryptography sensor network systems, manufacturing, engineering, environmental systems multimedia application, signal and information processing grid economy, pervasive computing, sensor networks computer graphics, image processing, signal processing information engineering, e-business computer science, information engineering, information technology artificial intelligence, intelligent systems mathematical modelling, computation, operations research, numerical analysis, optimization mechatronics, robotics, microcontrollers, wireless network computer science, information technology, educational technology computational mathematics, cybernetics, computer science 3D and stereo imaging, computer vision, remote sensing, text processing software security, data mining, information engineering web services, open source, grid computing artificial intelligence communication technologies, networks, wireless networks computer vision, image processing computer science, software engineering applied mathematics, computer science, algorithms, information security information technology, networking technologies, data access, communication technologies processing, artificial intelligence, quality software, metrics, computer-aided education, wireless information technology, software engineering, algorithms, information systems information technology, networking technologies, data access, communication technologies information systems, software engineering, computer engineering, computer science, computing, infor security, cryptography, cybersecurity, information security, privacy intelligent systems, machine learning, soft computing, information retrieval, computer vision, sche cloud computing, information leakage prevention computer networks, software systems and developments, rapid prototyping, signal processing, softwar distributed computing, embedded systems, mobile systems, data security access control, secure remote access, information security artificial intelligence, computer modelling, pattern recognition, computer graphics, image processi virtual set environments, interactive broadcasting, computer graphics, human machine interfaces, au wireless mesh networks, user interfaces, software infrastructures computer network and architecture, image processing, machine learning, neural networks, computer vi informatics, informatics engineering, management, computer networks artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational statistics, data mining, financial engineeri technology, software engineering, computer applications theoretical computer science, practical computer science algorithms and complexity, architecture and organization, computational science, intelligent system virtual technologies, modeling of artificial intelligence, optimization mathematic modeling, mathematical analyses, system identification, control theory, computer applica Modeling and simulation, Computer modelling, Computer Simulation, Analytical modeling, Fuzzy modeli computer science, computational science, computing Software Testing;, Hardware Model Verification, Software Engineering, Software Development numerical analysis, calculus of variations, algebra, mechanics, dynamical systems theoretical computer science information, games, strategy, creativity, statistics mathematics, computer engineering, software engineering, artificial intelligence, information syste artificial intelligence, computer science programming, computer science, software engineering theoretical computer science data mining, database technology, data communication, cryptography VLSI, integrated circuits, microprocessor neural computing, neural engineering, artificial intelligence biological data, database, biocuration, ontology formalization, verification, checking, reasoning economy, informatics, computer science, education economics, business administration, applied informatics, information technology knowledge, economics, computer science social sciences, computational economics, statistics, computers, education parallel and distributed processing, artificial intelligence, image processing, voice processing, q Artificial Intelligence, Applied Computer Systems, Data Encryption, Model Driven Software Developme software engineering, software measurement, empirical software engineering, software quality, softw research software, open source Optimization, Process optimization, Optimal control, Gradient descent, Linear programming fuzzy computing, stochastic and probabilistic computing, data mining, neural computing, pattern rec software engineering, requirement engineering, software quality prediction, software process improv Software Engineering, Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems, Information Systems A Computer Science, Computer System Implementation, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Simulation an Scientific programming, Programming, Fortran software, developers, applications, source code, source files computational geometry, geometric algorithms probability, mathematical statistics applied informatics, applied mathematics, statistics Probability, Probability theory, Error probability probability, statistics probabilities, mathematical statistics, applied statistics Statistical Theory and Methods, Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs, Science statistics, operations research, biometrics mathematics, statistics, optimization, computer, information sciences, engineering Decision theory, Business intelligence, Data mining, Optimization modeling, Predicitive modeling, S Clifford analysis, Fourier analysis, mathematical biology, probability, stochastic analysis Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis economic methods, economic models, quantitative methods, econometrics statistics, official statistics, applied statistics, mathematical statistics, computational statist condensed matter physics, superconductivity mathematical physics theoretical physics, experimental physics, applied physics theoretical physics, experimental physics, applied physics physical sciences, engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, materials science physics, astrophysics, geochemistry, isotopes, solid state physics, relativistic physics Astronomy & Astrophysics, Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Interdiscip pure physics, applied phyics atmospheric science, biophysics, computational physics, plasma physics, physical chemistry, high-en energy systems, intelligent and knowledge-based systems, communication networks superconductors, superconductivity physics, astronomy, theoretical physics condensed matter physics high energy physics Computational methodology, Computer simulation, Finite difference Experimental models, Experimental analysis Fluids, Fluid Physics gravity, gravitation physics, nuclear physics, matter physics, astrophysics physics physical science, engineering, applied mathematics, biotechnology, information technology, metrolog solid state physics, solid state chaos theory, quantum theory, random number generators, theoretical computer science, wireless tech energy and power, energy engineering, energy policy and economics, physics plasmonics, nano lasers, quantum optics, meta materials, nanophotonic concepts, nano-biophotonics physics Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Information Theory, Atomic Physics, Semiconductor fluid mechanics, theoretical physics, atomic physics, optics, lasers, condensed matter physics plasma accelerators, plasma diagnostics, wave propagation, laser plasmas, particle orbits condensed matter, relativity and gravitation, nuclear physics, biophysics, econophysics, statistica physics, applied physics, interdisciplinary physics nuclear physics, particle physics physics physics, relativity, space-time theoretical physics, experimental physics physics physics, materials science, applied physics Physics transport phenomena, at microscales and nanoscales, microscale, and nanoscales, nanoscale physics gases, aerosols, clouds and precipitation, isotopes, radiation, dynamics separation methods, novel analysis approaches, chromatographic separations, computational modelling elasticity, electroconductivity, coupled fields, plasticity, vibration, stability applied mathematics, mechanics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Computational Science and Engineering, Classical Continuum Physi Geophysics, Solid Earth Sciences, Seismology, Hydrology, Atmosphere, Space Science Heliosphere, Magnetosphere, Space Plasma Physics, Ionosphere, Atmosphere, Climate gases, aerosols, clouds and precipitation, isotopes, radiation, dynamics geodynamics, earthquake Data management, Sensing, Pattern recognition, Spectrometers, Radar, Satellites geohysics, seismology, geodynamics geophysics solar physics, meteorology, aeronomy, electrical engineering, climatology, mathematics scaling and multifractals, predictability, nonlinear waves, turbulence and diffusion, chaos and non solid earth, atmosphere, magnetosphere, biogeochemistry, solar science, hydrosphere Geophysics; Geology; Volcanology; Rheology; Volcanoes; Earthquakes heat transfer, thermodynamics thermal systems, energy and power applications thermodynamics thermodynamics Thermodynamic equilibrium, Nanofluids, Microfluids, Membranes, Reaction flows/kinetics, Computation meteorology climatology, meteorology atmospheric sciences atmosphere, dynamical meteorology, ocean-atmosphere systems, climate change, hydrometeorology, nume climatology, meteorology, strategy and strategic management, environmental sciences weather forcasting, atmospheric convection, emergency preparedness, snow geoscience, weather, climate, atmosphere, cryoshere, bioshpere atmosphere, meteorology, climate meteorology climatology meteorology, climate atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, meteorology meteorology, environmental meteorology, energy meteorology pollution, environmental science weather forecasting, climatology, agricultural and forest meteorology, biometeorology, data analysi atmospheric sciences air chemistry, aerosol science, climatic cycles, cloud physics, polar atmosphere, satellite observa meteorology, climatology, Western Mediterranean area weather extremes, climate extremes, intervention policies earth sciences, seismology, geodesy, volcanology, geomagnetism, climate climate change, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, greenhouse gas emissions, climate policy spectroscopy Measurement Science and Instrumentation, Atomic; Molecular; Optical and Plasma Physics, Spectroscop physiology biophysics amino acids, serotonin, melatonin physiology, medicine stem cells physiology neuroscience, cell medicine, molecular medicine physiology, medicine reproductive medicine, physiology physical sciences, biological sciences cancer, molecular biology, pathophysiology, cellular metabolism, cell growth, cell biology lipids, cholesterol biochemistry Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology neurocognitive development, neurocognitive processing neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter transporters, signalling pathways biophysics, molecular biology, molecular biophysics, molecular epidemiology, molecular microbiology science Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Biological Sciences, Mathematics an biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, nanomedicine, medic agriculture, biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, engineering, environmental sciences nondestructive testing and evaluation biology, horticulture, ecology, natural sciences environment, medicine, energy, chemistry data systems, management of data science education, natural science education soil ecosystem, soil management, wildfires effects, soil ecosystems, erosion risk geography, environmental science, geology, biology, ecology medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, education biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics, geology, engineering science computer science, security technology, control and automation biology, pharmaceutics, chemistry, microbiology computer science, natural sciences applied science, engineering, computer science, information technology physics, astronomy, mathematics, biology, life sciences, environmental sciences mathematics, natural sciences Nonlinear dynamics, Nonlinear dynamical systems, chaotic dynamics, Hyperchaotic dynamics physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science physical sciences, mathematics, chemistry, biology mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, communication technology, environmental science biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, biology, environmental geology tropical soils, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, land evaluation, soil biodiversity cybernetics, control sciences, information sciences, system sciences, statistical decision making, science, computer applications, algorithmics chemistry, biology, physical sciences Life Sciences natural sciences, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, physics human computer interactions, informatics life sciences, animal ecology, global change, agriculture, environment biology, ecology, geology, oceanography, glaciology, atmospheric science, Antarctica, arctic History and Philosophy of Science, Sciencs of Sciences, Bibliometrics biomedicine, botany, chemistry, physics, engineering, environmental sciences, zoology botany, zoology, paleontology, ecology, geology technology, health, biology, physical sciences, environment editing, publishing, scholarly communication engineering, economics, naturally science, medical science, military science, sports agriculture, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, mathematics science, technology and society life sciences, biomedical sciences, medicine, environmental sciences biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics biological sciences, agriculture biomedicine, medicine, veterinary medicine, agriculture, social sciences, ecology multivariate dependence modeling, copula methods, estimation and goodness-of-fit tests, risk models mathematics, computer science, physics, economics science, technology, natural science, medicine biological sciences, physics, chemistry, applied sciences, health sciences, earth sciences multidisciplinary natural science, engineering, biology, chemistry, marine biology engineering science, humanities, social sciences regional science, regional economics, economic geography, urban economics, planning law, social sciences, engineering, medicine natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities physics, neuroscience, computation life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, technology science and technology studies, sociology of science, public engagement with science, science and d cybernetics, information technology cyber crimes, cyber intelligence, computer security, cyber bullying, computer attacks, cyber sex nonlinear dynamics, self-organization, control, bifurcations, quantum Internet policy, Internet regulation, Internet governance, Intellectual property, Cyber security, P organizational sciences, communication sciences, information sciences human-computer interaction, social computing, user-centred design, computer-assisted learning Computer Science, Systems and Data Security, Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems social media, social policy, anthropology, East-Central Europe, sociology social, critical, progressive, social justice, socio-political, economics social sciences, health sciences, multicultural research social sciencies, social policies political science, cultural studies, economics, sociology social sciences, general science political sociology, discourse analysis, security studies, social theory sociology, history, social sciences urban studies social economy, nonprofit organizations, cooperative societies, cooperativism, voluntarism science, social sciences Architecture & Planning, Geography, Law Criminology & Criminal Justice, Politics & International Re employment, labor relations, industrial relations, gender, social policy, welfare state humanities, social science, digital culture, information society, ICT cultural studies entrepreneurship, economics, management, business studies, business administration social science, politics, international relations, sociology Information Ethics, Libraries, Education, Social Inclusion, Information Freedom, Radical Librarians anthropology, social sciences, sociology regional studies, multidisciplinary, urban, territorial, planning, regional policies Sociology, Education, Socialization, Educational institutions, human and social capital, Immigratio social science, simulation art, social sciences Human Security, Food Security, Minorities, Immigration, Human rights social science, computer science social science, history, mediterranean, civilization, transdisciplinarity cultural studies, intercultural relations, cultural diversity marketing, public relations, management, social media, research institution, communication sociology, political science, health, Nordic countries, welfare Social sciences, Humanities, Business studies, Interdisciplinary research, Multidisciplinary resear commerce, economics, social sciences sociology, social sciences, anthropology, political science, psychology social sciences, humanities economics, politics, cultural studies, technology Migration, Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Ethic Relations, Intercultural Relations, Antropology cultural studies, literature, music, media studies, sociology, history anthropology, political science, geography, sociology, philosophy, economy management, organisation, commodity science, economics, business sociology, economy, psychology, history, geography, linguistics social sciences anthropology, history, ethnology, sociology social science studies sociology, social assistance, law, political sciences cross-cultural studies, Transcultural studies, Global studies consumption trade, management, development, economics international policy, international economics, international finance, international trade, internat economics, business tourism, management, commerce, finance, banks and stock exchanges, economic analysis administration, accounting, marketing, organizational psychology, human development commerce, business administration, economics economy, trade, management, business administration, accounting marketing, management, business, consumer behavior human resources, marketing, corporate governance, technology management, SMEs and entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, financial planning, banking business, finance, management economics, business, management, accounting, finance, tourism business administration, accounting, marketing, economics, finance, management economics, information systems, operational research, social sciences, business decisions strategic management, business environment, organizational behavior, entrepreneurial finance, econo business statistics, industrial statistics, government statistics, data mining, business analytics management, entrepreneurship, education, marketing Accounting Corporate Governance and, Accounting Corporate Governance & Business Ethics, Banking & F financial management, marketing, retail management, entrepreneurship, human resources management, s business enterprises management, business administration, quantitative methods for management, economic development, inv economics, development, business, organizations, market new economics, unemployment, business economics, information systems, theoretical economics, catast research methodology, mixed methods, qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, b economics, business, management finance, economics, management, marketing, accounting, human resources management business strategy and policy, business performance modeling, entrepreneurship, human resource manag international law, global business ethics, e-semantics business, management, social sciences business, management, decision sciences and information systems, economics and social sciences, org business, entrepreneurship management, accounting, marketing, social sciences, education, finance business, contemporary, finance, economics, psychology finance, education business, economics, management, finance, accounting business, management, strategy, marketing, human resources, information technology project procurement management, risk management, resource management, knowledge management economics, accounting, business, management, finance enterprise economics, business administration, business finance, international trade and finance, k advertising, information technology, organization studies, business strategy International Economics, International Finance, International Management, Entrepreneurship, interna leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, social responsability, business ethics, sustainable devel business models, innovation, facilitating, implementation, globalization, commercialization management, marketing, business economics, management, finance, marketing entrepreneurship, management, innovation evolutionary studies, business dynamics applied management, theory and practice market intelligence, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, geo-economics service science, service theory, service application, service ethics finance, human resource management, knowledge management management, economics, entrepreneurship business strategy and marketing, entrepreneurship and technology management, decision making and st management, business strategy, entrepreneurship management theory and practice, marketing strategies and policies management, business administration, quantitative methods for management, economic development, inv economics, marketing, business communication, management, knowledge management management, marketing, strategies, communication public administration, finance, accounting, marketing Business Management Management, Marketing, economics, management, marketing, communication studies business intelligence, architectures for KM systems, biometrics, human capital, business strategy, organisational project management, change management, governance, innovation, project marketing, ma business, management, human resource management, organization studies business development, business innovations economy, development, business, organization, market progress, economy, bussines management, economics, marketing, strategic, business, entrepreneur business ethics, political economy, decision theory, behavioral economics business, management and accounting, marketing, organizational behavior and human resource manageme economics, business economics, econometrics, management sciences, social sciences, business administration management, business, strategic management, organization business and management, marketing, business and economics, development economics business, marketing, tourism, service management economics, business, management, marketing, finance, accounting efficient consumer response, EDI, SCOR Model, lean agile, logistics, business processes technology audit, production reserves, economics entrepreneurship, marketing, banking economics, business, management, finance, business environment, economic growth and development enterprises, management, internationalisation, leadership, innovation economy, management, business administration, accounting, economic informatics, public administrati economics, tourism, trade, finance, management, marketing information systems, legal and social aspects, software engineering, web applications, internet sec globalisation, emerging markets, economic development business, economics economic depression, markets, labor, economic theory, technology management, marketing, agricultural economics, regional development, finance economic sciences, management, marketing and business administration, finance, accounting, internat management, marketing, finance, international business, economics economics, business, management economics, international trade, business, management, finance, consumer behavior business, management and accounting, marketing, strategy and management, economics, econometrics an East Asian business, management and economics, social science economics, business, management, marketing, finance, sustainable economics economics, business economics, management Asian finanace, Asian economics, Asian business economics economic policy, economics, business, management, accounting, small and medium-sized enterprises business, economics management, business, innovation, education, systems business, economics, economic international relations, economic education economic sciences economics, statistics, business administration, public administration, accounting, finance accounting, finance, marketing, management, statistics, economics modern economics accounting, business, economics, finance, management, marketing economics, social sciences, SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises, social research financial accounting, banking, management, marketing, statistics, economics management business, management, economics, accountancy, ethics, finance economics, business, management, ethics, strategy, industry business management, strategy, human capital, operations, finance, marketing economics, accounting, business, finance, economic policy finance, entrepreneurship, economics, small business, venture economics, business, Islamic economics, shari'a economics, global halal market, alternative economi museums, cultural management, cultural heritage, ethnological heritage, performing arts business, economics, human resources cross-cultural, diversity, social behavior, cultural similarities and differences financial accounting, auditing, accounting information systems, management accounting, taxation, pu accounting, finance, auditing, corporate governance in China, China Circle, emerging markets social accounting, environmental accounting, CSR, triple bottom line, sustainability accounting accounting, investment accounting, qualitative, quantitative financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, public sector accounting, auditing, t accounting accounting, business accounting, finance, auditing, corporate governance, banking audit, accounting accounting, Islamic banking, human resource management, supply and chain management auditing, environmental accounting, social accounting, management accounting, corporate governance economic development, business BEN-Africa, globethics, business ethics, African business ethics, South African business ethics management, business, administration production planning, strategic planning, operations management industrial psychology, organisational behaviour marketing research, consumer behavior, advertising, international marketing, relationship marketing Marketing research, marketing, market research Sustainable Marketing, Marketing of Innovation, Marketing of Emerging Technologies, B2B and B2C Mar distribution science, physical distribution, distribution management, logistics management marketing, branding, market analysis, segmentation, customer satisfaction organizational culture, corporate governance, HRM, management, organization theory, dynamic relatio business, marketing, economics, statistics, econometrics, management management, technology, human resources, decision-making innovation, management (personnel), management (environmental), public administration human resource management, people management fuzzy systems, small and medium enterprises, knowledge management management, finance, accounting, insurance, international business, shipping transportation, logistics, inventory management, materials handling urban, urban areas Service-Learning, Civic Engagement, Partnerships ageing, lifecourse, social policy community research, community cultural development, social capital, community engagement clinical practice, community organization, social administration, social policy, planning, program landscape planning, regional planning, urban planning, urban ecology, landscape ecology spatial planning, spatial development, territorial governance, crossnational comparison, transnatio urban planning, urbanism, urban phenomena, cities, sustainability, urban demography, family studies Baltic region, transborder cooperation, regional development, international cooperation regional science, economics planning, geography, economics, built environment, development studies economics, business, management, finance, accounting urban, urban design, urban management, regional development, spatial planning, engineering sustainable development, economic conditions, environmental policy, interdisciplinary economics, business, Central Europe, Eastern Europe history of economic thought, methodology of economics, philosophy of economics time use research, individual time use, societal time use, social sciences, economic sciences management, marketing, economic analysis, international economic relations economic analysis accounting, operations research, marketing, sociology, political communication economics, finance, marketing, tourism, management maritime economy, global economy, e-economy economics, management economics, post-socialist Europe, comparative economics, policy formulation economics business, marketing business, public economics, health, education, welfare, labor economics, economic development, econ economics, investment economics, cognition, interdisciplinary studies economy, management, marketing, law and economics, agricultural economics Macroeconomics, International Economics, Financial Economics, Public Economics, Labor and Demograph economic theory, business administration economic theory, applied economics, econometrics, economic development, economic history, economic financial markets, banking, insurance, accounting international economic relations, business, economic globalization, development policies, finance, Historical Demography, Epidemiology, Social and Economic History, Historical Migration Studies, His economic theory, statistical physics, methodology industrial organization, business administration, economic development, technological change immigration, population, birth rates, demographic, death rate, family planning economics economics, business, behavioral studies social science, philosophy, economic history, sociology, political science, political economy, econ economic theory, economic policy, economic history, international political economy, world economy businesss, finance, labour market economic theory economics, marketing, management demography, population studies human development demography, social policy, population change, population policy economics, economic policy, regional economics, economic theory, finance economics Economy, environmental economics, labour economics, international economics, institutional economic real estate, finance, markets economics, finance, banking, econometrics, emerging market, developing countries economy, business, finance, accounting, market, management economics, economic theory, economic policy, climate change, macroeconomics, international trade economics, finance, development economic theory economic policy, economic practice, social science economics, entrepreneurship, business economics, law, information science, sociology economic growth, world economy, tax competition, banking laws, accounting economics, markets, technological innovation labor market programs microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, tourism, accounting, regional economics economic growth development economics, macroeconomics, microeconomic, agricultural development, disparity, migratio quantitative, economics economics economics, economic policy, econometrics social economy, participation companies, economic democracy, industrial democracy economics, comparative studies economics, tourism, management finance, economy financial markets, macroeconomic policy, investor behavior, Islamic finance instruments, global fin business finance, public finance, insurance, banking, accounting, capital markets finance, accounting, public finance, risk management, exchange rate, financial market banking, financial markets, policy, management finance, society, sociology, political economy international finance, financial microeconomics, fiscal policy, monetary policy, budgetary policy, financial economics, emerging markets, finance financial markets applied economic research, finance, business administration, statistics and econometrics, internati economics, econometrics, financial economics, economic methodology, economic philosophy, economic h economics, public finance, monetary economics, industrial economics business central banking, monetary policy, banking, management in central banks agricultural economics, agricultural finance Engineering Economics; Organization; Logistics; Marketing, Production/Logistics/Supply Chain, Indus business, economy, entrepreneurs Sustainable development, management of economic processes, Innovation and investment economic development, policy, Indonesia economy, management, tourism, hospitality tourism, geosites, hospitality industry, tourism planning, economy of tourism sustainable development, environmental protection, resources management, social development, econom economics, policy management, transition, economics, technology, education Microeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Education, Health and Education and Welfare, Law and E management, business university-industry-government relations, innovation, enterpreneurship, socio-economic development economic development, economic policies, economics, equity, social inclussion, public policy economy, trade, commerce, structural economics development, economics, rural development, labor, agriculture, public policies, labour microcredit and inverted banking, global finance architecture, sovereign debt management, finance a system, industrial, optimization, model, decision, policy labour markets, labour policy human behavior work environment, working life, learning, industrial relations, Nordic, gender stress, work environment, health and well-being, work鈥揻amily interaction, career and mobility, wo sociology, media, politics, activism, disability labour policy, public policy, labour market programmes Development Economics, Regional/Spatial Science, Labor Economics, Economic Policy, Environmental Ec professions, interprofessional relations disability studies, community based rehabilitation, developing countries landscape research, landscape ecology, human-environmental interaction history, rural, environmental, economy, agronomic, forest energy industry, environmental management, construction market analysis, transportation economics, international distribution, international business, industrial distribution business, marketing, industrial management quality and leadership, business excellence, quality management, process management, performance me information systems, project management, information technology management, psychology, operation research, marketing, business, economics management knowledge and information management organizations, organizational architecture, organizational structure logistics, business management, supply chain management, optimization, marketing management, economies in transition quality engineering, quality management, product development, creativity management, innovation man management, business management, industrial management water quality, civil engineering, freshwater pollution human resources management, supply chain, logistics, teamwork, lean manufacturing, industrial engin business, organizational theory management, business ethics, corporate governance, organisational behaviour business excellence, management, theory and practice, theory, practice, case studies economics, business, management, higher education business management, emerging markets, management theory professional, academic, business, management, Central Europe innovation, management, marketing, product development, leadership, human resource management Africa, economics, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, management Entrepreneurship, Innovation/Technology Management, Economics/Management Science, Management/Busine Complex Networks, Complexity, Energy Policy; Economics and Management, Sustainable Development, Reg industrial engineering, supply chain management, operations management business, society, sustainable business strategies, management innovation, technology, operations, manufacturing, product development, industrial management labour, safety, health, psychosocial climate, work organization wine sector, wine companies, wine, wine politics, wine economics energy production, energy supply, management, innovation biomedicine, pharmaceutical and related sciences pharmaceutical policy, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, health economics social sciences, sociology, social conditions, social work refugees, internal displacement, forced migration inclusion, community, equity, marginalisation, resilience, social diversity mobility, cultural studies, humanities, arts, interdisciplinary, multilingual social welfare Systematic reviews, Social sciences, Criminology, Education, Social welfare, International developm social work practice, sociology, social work social work, social research, social intervention, professional action, public policies penology, human rights, green criminology, critical criminology, feminist criminology families, domestic relations, parenting, family psychotherapy, family social work, family services poverty, solidarity policy of addiction, substance abuse, prevention welfare organizations, social work, social welfare, family and child care, community work, welfare social welfare, social justice retirement, health, family, educational policy, labour policy, labour issues, unemployment, poverty criminology and criminal justice, public health, social policy, community and environmental psychol Statistics, Applied statistics survey methodology, statistics production, official statistics policy statistics, statistical software, statistical computing, computational statistics statistics, economy, social sciences, statistical science statistics, statistical sciences technology, education, statistics applied quantitative economics, economics mathematics, physical sciences, chemical sciences, technology 鈥?mechanical engineering, computer s Big data collaborative environments/systems, Collaboration techniques data-intensive computing, Col creative/affective experiences, creative content providers, creative design and advertising, creati forensics, identity theft protection, information security, network and infrastructure security, pr cognitive radio, cognitive radio networks, dynamic spectrum access, Radio spectrum, software define energy sources data extraction technology policy, technology and innovation design, technology engineering, biomaterials, corrosion research, earth and planetary materials, polymer chemistry, op corrosion inhibition, scale inhibition, inhibitors, metals protection artificial intelligence, interactive multimedia civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and communication, c sensor networks, wireless sensor networks Science, Technology Nanoparticles Powder Production, Powder Mixtures, Powder Consolidation, Powder Particles, Dry Powders mechanical and inertial sensors, thermal sensors, optical and infrared sensors, magnetic sensors, c metrology, measurements, sensors, transducers, instruments, measurement methods nano fabrication technologies, nanoscale devices, microscale devices, sensors, actuators nanotechnology, nanoscience nanoparticles, technology, nanotechnology, structural models engineering, technology, engineering mathematics, engineering education materials, chemistry, physics, biomaterials, energy conservation, optics microfluidics, nanofluidics, optofluidics robot vision, maritime robotics, behavioral robotics, assistive robotics, cognitive robotics, devel quantum interferometry, quantum estimation, quantum sensors, quantum measurements, quantum correlat computer technologies, information technologies, military technologies, construction technologies, Technical and Technological Innovations, Innovations in Organization and Management, physics of nan Applied Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Bionics, Bioelectronics, Bioinformatics, Biomechatronics, Biomaterials, Biomechanics Biodiversity, Biogeography, Conservation biology, Ecosystem, Imaging, Sensor nanotechnology, nanomaterials research collaboration, prototypes, grand challenges technology, engineering, natural sciences, applied sciences structural mechanics, materials and material structures, building technology, daylighting, thermal architecture concrete engineering, concrete technology, concrete practice building materials, composite materials information technology, construction structural engineering, building construction, sustainable construction rural and regional development, management and resource issues, housing, urban economics, sustainab lean construction, lean design, construction process buildings, building construction daylighting, lighting, building energy, solar energy, optics & light, renewable energy food sciences polymers, polymer science materials science, polymer chemistry, polymer physics advanced materials, catalysis, emissions control, energy conversion, pharmaceuticals, sustainabilit nanocomposites, nanoparticles chemical engineering, chemistry, bioengineering chemistry education, bioengineering chemistry, educ chemistry combustion science, fuel science, energy research energy, combustion, fuel science chemistry, chemical engineering, biotechnology, food science, food technology electrochemical sensors toxic chemicals, air toxics, hazardous wastes, radionuclides, endocrine disrupting chemicals, persi nano-materials, nanotechnology chemical processes nanoscience, nanotechnology biotechology, bioengineering, bioprocessing, nanobiotechnology, biochemistry, food biochemical engineering, industrial and production engineering, bioprocess engineering, environment biosensors molecular biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, immunobiotechnology, biosensors biotechnology, medicine, bioinformatics, bioeconomics, life sciences medicine, surgery, disease, healthcare biotechnology biochemistry, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, genetics, plant sciences biotechnology computational biology, bioinformatics, computational chemistry, drug discovery, genomics, proteomic molecular biotechnology bioinformatics, biomaterials, stem cell, ecotoxicology, systems biology, medicine Fungal Biology and Biotechnology biology biotechnology bioinformatics, applied genetics, biodiversity, computational biology biomedicine, biothechnology computational biology, biotechnology, bionanotechnology plant genetics, animal genetics, bacterial enzymes, agricultural biotechnology, biochemistry, bioph biotechnology, medicine, biology bioenergy, bionanotechnology, biosensors, genomics, green chemistry polymers, imprinting, separation, sensors, biomedical materials food science, food technology tissue engineering Biomaterials, regenerative medicine, clinical applications health sciences, biomedicine, health care, population health, bioinformatics biomedicine bioinformatics, bioprocess systems, biomedical systems, ecological systems clinical trials, nature, biotechnology, biomedicine biomolecular engineering, bioengineering and manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, biomass and bioener life sciences, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, pharmacology, genetics genomics, genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, proteomics biotechnology, molecular biology, environmental chemistry, bio/analytical chemistry, medical chemis white biotechnology, red biotechnology, applied microbiology, industrial microbiology biomaterials, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, materials science, physics, chemistry Nanotechnology, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Nanotechnology and Microengineering astrobiology, biophysics, spaceflight, biotechnology, space exploration chemical technology, biotechnology, food sciences, microbiology chemical reaction engineering, catalyst and catalysis, chemical reactor engineering, reaction kinet advanced materials, polymers, energy conversion and storage devices, composites, material science, mathematical modeling, chemical reactors, process engineering, chemical engineering, energy transfe process, material, chemical engineering chemical engineering chemical engineering materials science, nanotechnology membrane permeation chemical engineering, biotechnology, energy, separation technology, catalyst and catalysis, mathema biological engineering drug delivery, drug discovery and development, tissue engineering, chemical engineering-based biopr nanomaterials, bionanomaterials, nanotechnology, bio-inorganic materials fibers ceramics, glasses, composites, functionality of ceramic materials, microstructure of ceramic materi glass-based devices for medical and dental applications, application of glasses and glass-ceramics vine growing, wine, viticulture, wine industry food technology, food science, food engineering, food chemistry, biotechnology, environmental scien food science, food analysis, functional foods, food technology, food chemistry, food processing food chemistry and biochemistry, food biotechnology, food additives and contaminants, raw material food science and technology, food quality and safety, food toxicology Food Science food science food studies, education, industry, food food safety food technology, food processing, food chemicals, pharmacology, Excipients, Pharmaceutics food processing, food preservation, canning industry food science, food technology, food safety, health, nutrition food technology food engineering, food chemistry, food packaging fuels, Fuel Cell biodiesel, bioethanol, biobuthanol, biogas, biomass, algae biotechnology, biofuels, biomass, biological conversion natural gas geochemistry, geophysical exploration, gas-reservoir engineering, mathematical modellin agronomy, plant biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, lipid chemistry polyolefins synthesis, polyolefins characterization, polyolefins processing, polymerization kinetic nanotechnology, biomaterials, metals, composites, polymers, surface science engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science technology, engineering civil engineering radio science, engineering mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, petrole production, marine engineering, textile engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and n biomedical, information, mechatronics, manufacturing operations, biochemical, engineering engineering, engineering sciences bioengineering, technology engineering, technology, material science, industrial applications engineering failure analysis, component failures mechanical engineering fluid mechanics, computational methods, aerodynamics, turbulence models chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, industrial e egineering, design civil engineering, transport structures, environmental engineering, architecture, technology civil engineering, applied science infrastructures, buildings, bridges, dams, transportation systems, water distribution systems engineering, civil engineering, material engineering, building, ecology, architecture coatings mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, co research results of innovations electronics, mechatronics, informatics, telecommunications, electrics, multimedia environmental engineering, food engineering, computer science, mechatronics, petroleum engineering, technology mechanical engineering, plasmas & fluids, mechanics, physical sciences, engineering & technology, f engineering design, advanced materials science, biomedical engineering and instrumentation, cryptog Geotechnical, Civil Engineering engineering, design engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, soft engineering, electronics, systems, mechanical IIUM EJournal, IIUM EJ, IIUM Engineering Journal, IIUM Engineering, UIA Engineering Journal service learning, engineering, humanitarian engineering, social entrepreneurship engineering, technology, innovation computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, environment engineering, innovations, entrepreneurship environmental engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, m manufacturing engineering, engineering machine engineering, electronics, computer engineering, biotechnology computer science, applied physics, bioinformatics rotating machinery, rotor electrical engineering, power engineering, biomedical engineering, information system and technolog Soil erosion, Watershed management, Conservation agricultural, Soil health resources, Land degradat mechanics, thin films, composites civil engineering chemical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial e chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering, in engineering, technology electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, information technology, commu engineering science, technology, general science civil engineering, engineering design, engineering drawing, engineering mathematics, vocational eng mechatronics, engineering, mechanics, biomedicine, material sciences rehabilitation, civil engineering, retrofit, structure corrosion, surface treatment, preservation applied mathematics, chemical engineering, computer engineering, food engineering mathematical modeling, environmental science, civil engineering new physics of micro- and nano-systems, micro- and nano-mechanics modelling, materials for micro- a engineering, materials material science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanic measurements, monitoring, diagnostics, devices of measurements, metrological assurance, navigation theoretical mechanics, applied mechanics, structural mechanics, strength of materials, numerical me architectural design, building construction, construction management, civil engineering, road const chemistry, industrial chemistry, biosensors, food sensors and biosensors civil engineering engineering, technology, sciences, architecture biomedical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, energy engineering, mechanical e mechanical engineering, theoretical and applied mechanics, aerospace and aeronautical engineering, electrical, engineering, environmental, petroleum, mechanical, chemical engineering concrete structures, building materials, technology, composite structures, geotechnical engineering environmental health science, engineering, environmental engineering, sanitary engineering, water civil engineering, geodesic engineering, GIS, remote sensing and photogrammetry, construction field synthetic biology, cellular design, bioproduction, ecological engineering, environmental engineerin natural sciences non-linear phenomena, computational techniques, differential equations fuzzy Information, fuzzy sets and systems, soft computing, fuzzy engineering, fuzzy operations rese electrical engineering, differential equations, stochastic processes, nonlinear analysis, engineeri control science optoelectronics Science, Technology, engineering, science, technology societal interrelations, civil engineering, transit systems, public policy, development, built envi engineering principles, statistical methods, reliability fields engineering principles, statistical methods, reliability fields concrete technology, building equipment, masonry structures, steel structures, building acoustics engineering, technology nanotechnology manufacturing, Materials, engineering, technology, Additive manufacturing, Tooling engineering, technology, science applications photonics, optics, optical communications, optical imaging, sensors, optoelectronics energy density physics, advanced laser technology, laser-plasma interaction, attosecond physics, la ISPRS confernces, ISPRS Proceedings Photonics, Integrated Photonics organic materials synthesis, fundamental opto-electronic properties, photonic devices, organic semi biomedical optics and medical optics, Nanotechnology and nanostructures in optics, Photonic materia Proceedings, Remote Sensing optical materials, organic optoelectronics, optical data transmission, optical measurement, small-s remote sensing, measurement instruments and techniques, data processing, information retrieval, gas rapid prototyping and tooling, geometric and engineering tolerancing, finite element analysis, huma visualisation methods, visualisation technologies, engineering design accessibility, design for all, engineering, architecture, education, disability architectural conservation, architectural design, environment and the city, engineering and technol engineering graphics, computer graphics, computer aided design, industrial design, descriptive geom cost estimating, road construction, property management, construction economics, building economics building, construction, property, quantity surveying rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, soil mechanics and foundation engineering, civil engineer Civil Engineering, Mining, Engineering geology, Geophysics, mechanics, geotechnics design innovation, methods innovation, devices and technologies, systems inventions, process invent environmental engineering, civil engineering energy, environment, environmental problems, alternative energy resources, sustainable development built environment, engineering environmental science computer-assisted engineering, computational techniques, phenomenological models, mathematical mode rural environment, waste water technology, water pollution control, soil science, land management remote sensing, measurement instruments and techniques, data processing, information retrieval, gas mechanics, engineering, automatics, robotics solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials, thermodynamics, biomechanics, structural structural mechanics, engineering structures, structural stability, structural dynamics, smart stru 6. rheology, tribology, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, mechanics of structures, mechatronics theoretical and experimental mechanics, dynamic systems and control, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, dynamics, continuum mechanics, solid and fluid mechanics, heat transfer, biomechanics computation, experimental mechanics, dynamics, fluids engineering, tribology, manufacturing enginee engineering mechanics, applied mechanics Computational mechanics, Theoretical and applied mechanics, Advanced modeling, Simulation of materi analysis and design, behavior of structures, structural engineering, building and construction structures, structural engineering economical, legal, wide range of transport problems (technical; economical; legal) urban planning, environment, urban geography, transport geography, transport planning, sustainable water sources, substances, drinking water treatment processes, distribution systems, residual manag environmental protection, environmental pollution, biodiversity, waste management, climate change, Environmental chemistry, Environmental physics, Environmental planning, Pollution control and preve water pollution, wastewater treatment, air control, soil remediation, radiation control, food safet public health, environmental health, pollution, low and middle income countries noise mapping, noise action plans, environmental noise exposure, outdoor soundscape studies, quiet waste technology research, industrial waste, residual waste sustainability waste technology, recycling, waste treatment, waste technology management, water treatment water pollution, wastewater, water treatment, aquatic ecosystems, floods environmental sciences, environmental biology, environmental chemistry, environmental geology, envi climate, environmental science, earth science, energy, natural resources, environmental policy resource management, environmental management, environmental systems analysis Rivers and lakes, Coasts and estuaries, Hydrometeorology, Ecohydrology, Water resources management, environmental protection, ecological engineering, waste management, sustainable development earthquake hazards, natural disasters, hydrological hazards, sea hazards, atmospheric and meteorolo geomatics, natural hazards, geospatial techniques, remote sensing, climate change, risk assessment air pollution, land use and contamination, fossil fuel depletion, water depletion, water pollution, design, architecture, building, construction, built environment, surveying environment, engineering environmental sciences, environmental pollution, environmental biotechnology, geochemistry, geologi engineering, computing, technology biogeochemistry, mining lands, ecology, soil and water quality, topography, social sciences epigenetics, genetics, environment, evolution, methylation, transgenerational Environmental chemistry, Pollution control, Wastewater emerging contaminants, environmental chemistry, human and ecological health, chemical risk manageme soil, soil contamination, environmental quality speciation analysis, nutrients, pollutants, bioavailability, biological uptake, toxicity air quality, air pollution, its impacts on the environment and the management, air quality manageme environmental research, water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water treatment, renewable R & D/Technology Policy, Sustainable Development, Energy Policy; Economics and Management, Material dynamics in ocean, atmosphere, vegetation, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, climate modelling dynamics in ocean, atmosphere, vegetation, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, climate modelling Environmental Management, Ecosystems, Forestry environmental engineering, environmental protection, environmental chemistry, air pollution, water water sources, substances, drinking water treatment processes, distribution systems, residual manag freshwater datasets, metadata collection, open access, automated data publishing, data visibility water quality, water quantity, water engineering, water economics, water policy food engineering, biotechnology, food safety, process control flavour and nutrition, flavour and food chemistry, flavour and psychophysiology, flavour and psycho human nutrition research, health claims food science, nutrition, health, biotechnology food biochemistry, food microbiology, nutrition and immunology, food safety, food safety and toxico health, nutrigenomics, brain health, environmental sustainability, food science technology, eating food, chain, management, economics clinical nutrition, community nutrition, biochemistry, food, socioeconomics, functional food human nutrition aspects nutrition, food science, metabolism, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, epidemiology nutrition, food dietary supplements, functional foods food technology, food chemistry, food quality and functionality nutrition, nutritional concepts, public health nutrition, metabolic studies, dietary surveys, body Health, Population, Nutrition, illness, developing countries nutrition, obesity, exercise physiology, metabolic syndrome, diabetes nutrition, eating patterns, dietary intake functional food, bioactive compounds, chronic diseases, nutrition, food nutrition, public health, health promotion food, drugs, cosmetics, traditional Chinese medicine, public health, biological activities chemistry, biology genomics, nutrition, genetic susceptibility, gene-diet interaction, genetics agri-food business, market analysis, food security, land economics, agri-food policy, trade food engineering, food microbiology, biotechnology, agricultural sciences, environmental protection Food Science, Food quality, Food Processing Nutrition food, beverage, microbiology, packaging Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences, Civil Engineering, Geoengineering; Foundations; Biohydrology, Catchment hydrology, Vadose zone hydrology, hydromechanics water quality, water management water, politics, development, policy Automotive Engineering, Geoengineering; Foundations; Hydraulics, Regional/Spatial Science policy issues, hydraulics, water quality hydrology, hydrogeology, hydrogeophysics, water resources, groundwater, surface water environmental science, chemistry, engineering, agriculture water resources, aquatic environment, water engineering multidisciplinary, water science, technology, water resource management mechatronics, mechanical engineering, systems thinking, mechanics, electronics, optics mechanical engineering friction, lubrication, wear mechanical engineering, industrial management, robotics structural design and optimization, production engineering, solid mechanics, dynamics and vibration lubrication, wear, surface engineering, tribology, friction mechanical sciences, mechanics of materials, automotive engineering, ventilation, heating, micro- a autonomous robots, nanobots, kinematics, robotic surgery automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, multidisciplinary design optimization, energy conve Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Structural Materials, Mechanical Engineering engineering, mechanics, heat transfer design, production technology, manufacturing, material, surface engineering mechanics robotics, robots, robot mechanical engineering tribology, engineering, science, physics, materials automation mechanical engineering, engineering, materials, energy, contruction, manufacture intelligent robotics mechanical engineering, mechatronics, automation, measurement, metrology mechanical engineering automation, computer science, mechanical engineering, mechanical technology friction, wear, lubricants, lubrications, wear resistant materials robotics, ai, computational intelligence, biomedical robotics, bionics, evolutionary robotics vibration theory, machine dynamics, control of dynamical systems, active noise and vibration contro energy, propulsion, detonation, combustion dynamics, fluid mechanics Robotics and Automation, Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Control, Computati renewable energy, solar, photovoltaic, efficiency improvement, energy conservation, sustainability automotive engineering, vehicle dynamics, powertrain, automotive design, internal combustion engine Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Structural Materials, Computational Science and Engineering fuel cells, hydrogen energy, catalysis in production of syngas, biodiesel and green diesel, cataly Sustainability of technology development, environmental impact assessment, renewable energy resourc energy engineering, solar energy conversion, thin films, photovoltaics environmental science, engineering, renewable and green energy, paleoenvironmental sciences power and heat production, geothermal projects, heat pump technology, global geothermics, drilling Photoenergy, Solar energy, Photovoltaic cells, Solar cells sustainability, engineering, environment, energy development renewable energy renewable energy, solar cell, solar energy, solar power, wind energy, photovoltaics Solar cell, Photovoltaic energy Wind Energy, Wind Power smart grids, green energy, sustainable development, renewable energy, energy efficiency low-carbon technologies, built environment, renewable technology, sustainable technology energy innovation, sustainable energy systems, energy sources, energy technologies bio-oil production, biological residues, bioenergy socioeconomics, bioenergy policy, bioenergy syst materials, chemical technology, engineering science operations research Innovation, Multidicipline, Technology, Engineering Autonomous Actors, Awareness-based Animation, Context-aware algorithms, Context-aware computing, Co computer science, modern communication technology, advanced manufacture, energy technology, high-te information technology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering scholarly journal, scientific, engineering, technology, thermodynamics security technology, secure installation, security products and systems geographic information, interoperability, spatial data infrastructure, web services, data infrastru engineering design, chemistry, architecture engineering computing, health, bio sciences, telecommunication nanotechnology nanotechnology, laser technology nanomaterials, nanoparticles, nanoscience, nanotechnology nanoscience nanotechnology, nanomaterials radar mechanism, radar system, radar application sensors, sensor device nanomaterials, biomaterials, nanobiospectroscopy, nanobiomicroscopy nanotechnology, nanobiology, nanobiotechnology, syntheses and characterization of nanomaterials, ap nanofabrication, nanostructure, nanomaterials, nanotechnology, nanoscience biomedicine, engineering, optics, textiles, sustainability, particles, drug delivery, toxicology engineering and technology, environmental sciences, modelling and simulation solar energy, wave and tidal energy, wind energy technology assessment, systems analysis, technology monitoring, innovation studies, future studies interdisciplinary, psychology, technology ecology, computer software, artificial life, technology, computational mathematics chemistry, physics, biology, computer science, engineering sciences, applied sciences, engineering, technology engineering, chemistry, technology, agriculture natural sciences, engineering technology, science agriculture, social sciences, engineering and technology, food science and technology, science, med technology businesses, entrepreneurship, innovation management, open source, economic development national innovation system, creativity and innovation, technology policy and strategy, cross cultur technogenic environment, risks, fire safety, occupational safety Occupational health and safety, Risk assessment, Environmental health and safety, Security, violenc Political Science, Security Studies, Interdisciplinary Research, Safety and Security, International business intelligence, workflow management, e-business, programming applied automatics, mobile robots control, distributed systems, navigation, data transmission engineering management, project management, production management industrial engineering, optimization, modeling, operation research, mathematical programming industrial engineering, technology engineering technology management computer science production, logistics, quality, management, operational research optimiation, metaheuristics, supply chain management, operations management, scheduling Optimization, Simulation, design, industrial applications, theoretical approaches applied mathematics, algebra, numerical analysis, dynamical systems operational research, applied mathematics, optimization, simulation, data mining, statistics interdisciplinary applications of mathematics, computational mechanics mathematical methods, numerical methods, engineering, mathematics, computational analysis applied mathematics, engineering, life sciences, medical biomathematics, biometrics CAS, modelling, simulation, complex networks mathematics, nonlinear phenomena, fixed point analysis mathematics, statistics, optimization, mathematical finance pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics Information technology, Automation, Mathematical modelling internet and e-commerce architecture, e-business and e-government adoption, mobile commerce and the signal processing, information processing, image processing, speech processing information technology, computer applications information systems, information technologies, communication technologies structure, algorithms, behavior, socio-technical, process, access wireless communications, networking, internet of things, cloud computing, information security, cod internet, open access, open content, open source semantic web human-centered technology, user-driven applications, ICT-based solutions ICT convergence, platform technologies, communication networks, device technologies, communication human-computer interaction, media arts and sciences, medical informatics, health informatics, socia information technology, communication technology, information security, information systems, data m information management, communication technology management information systems, intelligent computer technologies, data mining, machine learning, m human computer interaction, interaction design, interaction mechanisms, technology mediated experie intelligent informatics, informatics digital contents and applications, information and communication technologies, digital contents pla signal processing, human-computer interaction, intelligent robotics information technology, communication technology information technology, computer science, mathematics information technology, communication technology, health, cultural production, civic management, ecomputer science, S/W-H/W technology mathematics, informatics, information systems, mathematical models cybersecurity, cyber security, cyberwar, information assurance, cyber operations, hacking informatics Educational Technology, Learning & Instruction informatics, information systems, information technology information technology, social technology, communication technology, business, management information technology, africa, information and communication technology, ICT systems philosophy, communication and control, interdisciplinary communication intelligence gathering, data mining, privacy, network analysis, cybercrime, counter-terrorism telemedicine, e-learning, medical education, multimedia, informatics information technology, ubiquitous health, pervasive health, public health, mobile health health informatics, games, health promotion, public health networks, pharmacology, systems, medicines, drugs, algorithms information security, social security, security policies, information technology, C4ISR technologie psychiatry, behavioral medicine, clinical psychology, computers and psychology chemical informatics, molecular modelling, data mining, chemical structure searching automatic control, robotics, optimization, modeling and identification, flexible manufactoring syst computer science, information systems, artificial intelligence IT applications, Industrial engineering, Technology, Economy and management design science, social media, information systems research, information & communications technology data sicence, information science, computer science information systems, communication technology, software engineering informatics, computer science Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Computer Applications, e-Commerce/e-business, Computer Sy Social networks, Social computing, Mathematics of social networks, Computational aspects of social management, information technology e-commerce evaluation, e-business evaluation, intranets, knowledge management, evaluation methodolo information technology, construction ICT, IT, technology, communications distributed systems, information security, Information systems, mobile computing, P2P, parallel pro industrial engineering, operations management, logistics, key performace indicators robotics, manufacturing systems, computer modeling and simulation, robots applications, management computer science, information systems, ICT4D, Africa information management theory, information management technologies, knowledge management, competiti Database Management, Information Storage and Retrieval, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Comput information systems cultural, cultural heritage, information technology, communication technology, digitalization engineering graphics, computer graphics, graphic design, typography, printmaking and engineering Subject Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture | Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology Agriculture | Science Agriculture | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture | Science: Biology (General): Ecology Agriculture | Science: Botany Agriculture | Science: Botany Agriculture | Social Sciences Agriculture | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Agricult Agriculture | Technology | Science Agriculture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture | Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Agriculture | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Education: Education (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudenc Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosoph Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Botany Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Geology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Science (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a s Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Machine desi Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Mana Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Biology (General): Gen Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Physiology Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Animal culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Animal culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Animal culture: Cattle | Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Medicine: Medicine (General) Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental s Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography | Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Science: Biology (General): Ecology Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences | Science: Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany: Plant ecology Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Agriculture: Plant culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Plant culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Botany Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) 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Biochemistry Science: Biology (General) | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Biology (General) | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Biology (General) | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Biology (General) | Science: Mathematics Science: Biology (General) | Science: Mathematics Science: Biology (General) | Science: Mathematics Science: Biology (General) | Science: Microbiology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Microbiology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Microbiology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Microbiology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Microbiology | Science: Physiology | Science: Zoology | Scien Science: Biology (General) | Science: Physics Science: Biology (General) | Science: Physiology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Zoology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Zoology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Zoology Science: Biology (General) | Science: Zoology | Science: Botany Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology Science: Biology (General): Cytology | Science: Physiology: Animal biochemistry Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): Ecology Science: Biology (General): 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Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Biology (General): Life | Science: Geology Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Natural history (General): General. Including nature Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Natural history (General): General. Including nature Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Natural history (General): General. 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Foods and food supply Science: Botany: Plant ecology Science: Botany: Plant ecology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology Science: Microbiology | Science: Chemistry Science: Microbiology: Microbial ecology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology Science: Zoology | Science: Biology (General) Science: Zoology | Science: Botany Science: Zoology | Science: Botany Science: Zoology | Science: Botany Science: Zoology | Science: Botany 0 Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. Information resources Bibliography. Library science. 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Information resources: Information resources (General) Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Building construction Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Building construction Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Building construction Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying | Social Sciences: Com Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying | Social Sciences: Soc Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying | Technology: Building Fine Arts: Architecture: Architectural drawing and design Fine Arts: Architecture: Architectural drawing and design | Education: Special aspects of education Fine Arts: Arts in general | Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration | Education: Education (General) Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration | Fine Arts: Visual arts Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration | Fine Arts: Visual arts Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration | Language and Literature: Literature (General) Fine Arts: Visual arts | Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Comp Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Geography. Anthropology. 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Light | Science: Physics: Descriptive and experimental mechanics Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology Science: Physiology | Science: Biology (General) Science: Physiology | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Physiology | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Physiology: Animal biochemistry | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Physiology: Animal biochemistry | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Science: Physiology: Neurophysiology and neuropsychology Science: Physiology: Neurophysiology and neuropsychology | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: B Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) Science: Science (General) | Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Science: Science (General) | Science: Mathematics Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Science: Science (General) | Social Sciences: Sociology (General) Science: Science (General): Cybernetics Science: Science (General): Cybernetics Science: Science (General): Cybernetics | Science: Physics Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory | Science: Mathematics: Instruments and Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory | Science: Mathematics: Instruments and Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences Social Sciences: Commerce Social Sciences: Commerce | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Commerce: Balance of trade Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic co Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Commerce: Commercial geography. Economic geo Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Finance: Banking Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Social Sciences: Commerce: Business | Social Sciences: Sociology (General) Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping | Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business communication. Including business report writing, bus Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business ethics Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business records management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business records management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Industrial psychology Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods | Social Sciences: Transp Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races | Social Sciences: Sociology (General) Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Human settlements. Communities Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Human settlements. Communities | Social Sciences: Soc Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City plannin Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City populat Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional eco Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional eco Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional eco Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional eco Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional pla Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Ec Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions | Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Demography. Population. Vital events Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Demography. Population. Vital events Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Demography. Population. Vital events Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance Social Sciences: Finance | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Finance | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography Social Sciences: Finance | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Finance | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science Social Sciences: Finance: Banking Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Econom Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Scien Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Industry Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class | Social Sciences: Commerc Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Labor market. Labor suppl Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Labor policy. Labor and t Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Labor policy. Labor and t Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Professions (General). Pr Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Vocational rehabilitation Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Land use Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Land use | Social Sciences: Economic history and cond Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Land use: Real estate business | Social Sciences: Com Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Large industry. Factory system. Big business | Social Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Philosophy. Psych Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management | Social Sciences: Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management: Social responsibil Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management: Technological inno Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management: Work groups. Team Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Agricultural industrie Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Engery industries. Ene Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Pharmaceutical industr Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Pharmaceutical industr Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology | Social Sciences: Social Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology | Social Sciences: Social Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics Social Sciences: Statistics | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology | Medicine | Science Technology | Science: Biology (General) Technology | Science: Biology (General): Ecology Technology | Science: Chemistry Technology | Science: Science (General) Technology | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management: Techn Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction Technology: Building construction: Details in building design and construction. Including walls, ro Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Chemical technology | Science Technology: Chemical technology | Science: Chemistry Technology: Chemical technology | Science: Physics Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Medicine: Medicine (General) Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Medicine: Medicine (General) Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Medicine: Medicine (General): Computer application Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Biology (General) Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Biology (General) Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Biology (General) | Science: Chemistry: O Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Microbiology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Physics Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Physics Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Physiology Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and f Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnol Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnol Technology: Chemical technology: Chemicals: Manufacture, use, etc. | Science: Chemistry: Inorganic Technology: Chemical technology: Chemicals: Manufacture, use, etc. | Technology: Chemical technolog Technology: Chemical technology: Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass Technology: Chemical technology: Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass | Medicine Technology: Chemical technology: Fermentation industries. Beverages. Alcohol Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Fuel Technology: Chemical technology: Fuel | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special indus Technology: Chemical technology: Fuel | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: Gas industry Technology: Chemical technology: Oils, fats, and waxes Technology: Chemical technology: Polymers and polymer manufacture Technology: Chemical technology: Polymers and polymer manufacture | Technology: Chemical technology Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Fine Arts: Architecture Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Astronomy: Geodesy Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Biology (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Biology (General) | Scien Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Mathematics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Mathematics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Mathematics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Mathematics: Instruments Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Physics: Optics. Light Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Science: Science (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Social Sciences: Communities. Clas Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Social Sciences: Statistics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Social Sciences: Statistics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Technology: Building construction Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Technology: Technology (General) | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) | Technology: Technology (General): Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics | Science Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Earthwork. Foundations Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design | Technology: Bu Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design | Technology: Bu Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design | Technology: Te Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering economy | Technology: B Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering economy | Technology: B Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering geology. Rock mechanics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering geology. Rock mechanics Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering machinery, tools, and i Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering | Science Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering | Technol Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied m Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Structural engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Structural engineering (General) Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Transportation engineering Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Transportation engineering | Social Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: H Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Technology: Engineering (General). Civ Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Technology: Engineering (General). Civ Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Technology: Engineering (General). Civ Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | Technology: Mechanical engineering and Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental effects of industries and Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental effects of industries and Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Geography. An Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Science Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Technology: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Technology: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Technology: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Technology: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution | Technology: E Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental protection Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Water supply for domestic and industria Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Water supply for domestic and industria Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Water supply for domestic and industria Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply | Medicine Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. 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Engineering graphics Journal ISSN (print Journalversion) EISSN First (online calendar Full version) text year language journal provided online Open Access content 1581-9175 1854-1941 2004 English, Slovenian 2068-2964 2009 English 0139-570X 1805-9295 2007 English 1338-4376 2011 English 0327-6244 1668-298X 2006 English, Spanish; Castilian 2073-4395 2011 English 0365-1118 2005 English, Polish 2284-354X 2013 English, Italian 0215-0212 2406-9574 2005 English, Indonesian 2095-5421 2214-5141 2013 English 1212-1800 1805-9317 2007 English 2296-7664 2296-763X 2014 English 2147-8988 2013 English, Turkish 2026-5204 2015 English 2392-4535 2392-4543 2015 English 2297-6485 2015 English 2409-0603 2409-9325 2014 English 1805-9430 2014 English 1801-5395 1805-9384 2006 English 1695-971X 2171-9292 2003 English 2346-3775 2013 English, Spanish; Castilian 0771-3312 2295-8010 1983 Dutch; Flemish, English, French, Spanish; Castilian 1510-0839 2301-1548 1997 English, Spanish; Castilian 2318-7670 2013 English, Portuguese 2155-7470 2010 English 2353-0391 2014 English, French 0100-316X 1983-2125 2006 English 2008-0875 2345-475X 2005 English 1280-8571 1639-4798 2000 English, French 2494-1271 2015 English 1803-8417 2009 English 2240-2802 2011 English 2410-9355 2307-549X 2013 English 2196-5641 2014 English 0370-4661 1853-8665 2007 English, Spanish; Castilian 2359-2710 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0065-0951 2300-357X 2012 English 1335-258X 1336-9245 1998 English 1807-8621 2007 English 1338-5267 2013 English 2356-654X 2314-7539 2014 English 1684-5358 1684-5374 2001 English 1459-6067 1795-1895 2002 English 0554-5587 2005 English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian 2291-4471 2291-448X 2013 English 2077-0472 2011 English 2301-9948 2407-6260 2012 English, Indonesian 2088-155X 2012 English, Indonesian 2471-2086 2016 English 2218-2020 1557-4989 0570-1783 1687-7667 2304-1455 1013-1922 0006-8705 1843-5246 1843-5254 1809-8215 1300-3496 2147-4249 2095-7505 2197-411X 0862-867X 1411-982X 2159-5852 2224-0616 2337-9782 1687-8159 2090-7656 1899-5241 1974-7071 1300-7580 1391-9318 1658-077X 0853-4217 1897-7820 1874-3315 1212-9151 1598-2262 2422-0582 0103-2003 2226-1184 1677-4310 0103-9016 2077-9917 2322-1690 2074-9546 1418-2106 0187-5779 1870-0462 2148-3647 1557-4997 1687-7675 2224-4433 2412-5830 1678-4499 1843-5386 1843-5394 2331-1932 2147-4249 2048-3694 2095-977X 1805-9333 2354-8509 2159-5860 1687-8167 2009-9029 2090-7664 1899-5772 2239-6268 2443-3462 2255-8535 1805-9376 2233-9191 1336-9261 1980-9735 2422-4456 1806-9479 2256-0939 1983-1471 1678-992X 2306-6741 2075-1141 2063-0476 2395-8030 2010 English 2006 English 2011 English 2009 English 2011 English 2015 English 1998 English, Portuguese 2006 English 2006 English 2015 English 2005 Portuguese, English 2003 English, Turkish 2012 English 2012 English 2014 English 2013 English 2002 English 2001 English 2011 English 2011 English 2013 English 2009 English 2015 English 2012 English 2008 Polish, English 2007 English 2005 Turkish, English 2009 English 2011 English 2006 English, Indonesian 2007 Polish, English 2007 English 2012 English, Latvian 2003 English 1995 English, Korean 2008 English 2006 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, Spanish; Castilian 2002 English, Portuguese 2012 English, Latvian 2012 English, Russian 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1992 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2005 English 1997 English 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2002 English 2014 English, Turkish 2148-127X 2013 English, Turkish 2071-7024 2008 English, French 0864-0394 2078-8452 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 2027-4297 2009 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1166-7699 1777-5949 2014 English, French 2285-5718 2286-0126 2012 English 2383-4420 2014 English 0075-0530 2410-0862 2005 Arabic, English 2325-5226 2013 English on: Environmental sciences 2091-2854 2013 English 2095-6819 2013 Chinese and uniform law. Jurisprudence: 1339-9276Comparative 2013 English law. International uniform law: Environmental law 2460-495X 2477-5800 2015 English, Indonesian 1008-9209 2000 Chinese, English 2285-5653 2286-1580 2002 English 1582-4616 2285-5696 2002 English 1390-3799 1390-8596 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 1693-5853 2004 English, Indonesian Demography: Economics as 2056-7405 a science 2015 English 1934-6344 1934-6352 2008 English 0034-737X 2177-3491 2010 English, Portuguese 2407-0475 2338-8439 2008 English, Indonesian tion. Foods and food supply 2048-7010 2012 English tion. Foods and food supply 2413-2543 2015 English g and machinery: Machine0023-8082 design and drawing 2015 English, German 0216-0455 2527-3825 1999 English, Indonesian 2085-4927 2442-7020 2012 English, Indonesian Industrial engineering.2214-3173 Management engineering: 2014 English Information technology 1644-0714 2300-6145 2008 English 1807-8672 2011 English 2066-7612 2067-6344 2009 English 1016-4855 2001 English 1413-9596 1678-4456 1990 Portuguese, English 0126-4400 2407-876X 1987 English, Indonesian 1212-1819 1805-9309 2004 English 2066-7671 2067-6360 2009 English 2251-628X 2251-631X 2011 English 1594-4077 1828-051X 2002 English 2147-9267 2012 English 2055-0391 2014 English 1411-4623 2460-4534 2000 English, Indonesian 0853-7380 2252-696X 2011 English, Indonesian 1454-7368 2067-2330 2009 English 0853-8999 2004 English, Indonesian 0126-0472 2087-4634 2010 English 2228-7701 2011 English 2041-7136 2011 English 2248-311X 2248-311X 2012 English 2345-6604 2345-6566 2013 English 0333-256X 1890-6729 2008 English 1516-3598 2322-1704 1806-9290 1999 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2358-3576 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ience: Biology (General): 2283-3927 Genetics | Science: 2014 English Biology (General): Economic biology 0999-193X 1297-9686 1989 English, French, German 1806-9614 2004 English 0003-9438 1999 English 0004-0592 1885-4494 1975 English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1843-5262 1843-536X 2006 English 0026-704X 1846-4025 2001 English, Croatian 0216-6461 2354-6832 1999 English, Indonesian 1820-7448 2014 English 1981-5484 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0001-7213 1801-7576 1978 English 1751-0147 2001 English 2307-8316 2013 English 1557-4555 1557-4563 2006 English 0365-5148 1514-2590 1998 English, Spanish; Castilian 1746-6148 2005 English 2300-3235 2012 English 1843-5270 1843-5378 2006 English 2090-7001 2090-701X 2011 English 1900-9607 2006 English 1685-9502 2003 English, Thai 2277-470X 2319-247X 2011 English 2297-1769 2014 English 2301-7848 2012 English, Indonesian 2314-4599 2013 English 1607-3894 2071-1255 2008 English, Arabic 2046-0481 2004 English 2090-4452 2090-4460 2011 English 2311-7710 2014 English 1674-9782 2049-1891 2012 English 2055-1169 2015 English 2087-8273 2460-6278 2009 English 1019-9128 2224-9435 1997 English 1939-1676 2015 English 2356-7708 2314-6966 2013 English 2450-8608 2012 English 2322-455X 2011 English 1411-8327 2000 English, Indonesian 1300-6045 1309-2251 1995 English, German, Turkish 1409-7621 1857-7415 2010 English 1843-9527 2069-2463 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 0030-2465 2219-0635 2003 English 1874-3188 2007 English 0253-8318 2074-7764 1998 English 1695-7504 2003 Portuguese, French, English 0122-9354 2389-8526 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 2322-1879 2012 English 1595-093X 0505-401X 2315-6201 1828-1427 2230-2034 2053-1095 2042-0048 1983-0777 2052-6113 1297-9716 2306-7381 2231-0916 1989-8886 2008 English 2004 English, Italian 2010 English 2015 English 2090-8113 2010 English 2005 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English 0928-4249 2011 English 2014 English 0972-8988 2008 English 1257-5011 2013 English 2302-6057 2013 English, Indonesian 2066-7655 2066-7663 2009 English 2310-5380 2014 English 2076-2615 2011 English 0137-1592 1734-1515 1970 English 0216-0749 2477-6939 2006 English 1844-8143 1844-9166 2008 English 1330-061X 1848-0586 2016 Croatian, English 2089-7790 2012 English, Indonesian 1110-6131 1998 English 2234-1757 2016 English 0215-0883 2014 English 0853-8980 2014 English 2311-729X 2311-3111 2013 English 2148-9300 2015 English, Turkish 2302-8114 2015 English, Indonesian 1961-9502 1928 English 1858-3873 2476-9347 2009 English, Indonesian 1874-401X 2008 English 2095-9869 2009 Chinese, English 2095-0780 2005 Chinese 2280-6180 2280-6172 2012 English 1687-4285 2012 English 1907-9931 2476-9991 2009 English, Indonesian . Recreation: Oceanography 0718-560X | Science: Biology 2008 English, (General) Spanish; Castilian 1869-215X 1869-7534 2010 English 1844-8135 2065-2445 2008 English 0104-7760 1994 English, Portuguese 1415-0980 2179-8087 2013 English, Portuguese 0071-6677 2199-5907 2008 English 2171-5068 2171-9845 1991 English 1338-4295 2009 Czech, English, Slovak 2355-7079 2406-8195 2014 English 1687-9368 1687-9376 2009 English 2090-892X 2012 English 1212-4834 1805-935X 2003 English 0126-4451 2477-3751 2007 English, Indonesian 2087-0469 2089-2063 1999 English, Indonesian 1736-8723 2008 English, Estonian 0048-0134 1874-3986 1809-3647 1841-4737 2007-3828 0103-2674 1847-6481 0351-3114 1212-1975 1179-5395 1983-2605 2069-7430 2007-4018 2178-5031 1849-0891 1581-162X 2357-8181 2237-4027 1805-9325 2083-5965 1664-462X 2449-8343 0102-0536 1125-4718 1523-6919 2467-9291 2308-121X 2317-1537 1343-943X 1212-2580 1214-1178 0100-2945 1598-2254 1712-6568 1939-8425 2065-3158 1881-6754 0100-5405 2148-6905 2039-6805 1524-3303 2300-5009 2467-9305 2305-297X 2317-1545 2083-599X 1349-1008 1805-9341 1805-9368 1806-9967 2093-9280 1746-4811 1939-8433 1940-3372 1898-0295 2066-9917 2041-2851 ochemistry 2039-4446 1518-7853 1984-7033 ology | Science: Botany1467-7652 2078-1520 1687-8027 1687-8035 2356-6582 2314-7563 2356-6590 2314-7873 2066-7620 2066-7647 2377-9098 1978-3736 1224-5119 1844-7589 2084-8838 1582-3830 2285-7044 2013 English 2008 English 2005 Portuguese, English 2011 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 1989 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 1999 Slovenian, English 2014 English, Portuguese 2011 English 2002 English 2004 English 2010 English 2012 English 1999 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, Russian, Turkish 2006 English 1997 English 2013 English 2015 English 2013 English 2013 English 2009 English 2003 English 2007 English 2002 English 2001 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1999 English 2005 English 2005 English 2012 English 2008 English 2010 English 2004 English 2007 English 2006 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2011 English 2001 English 2016 English 2014 English 2008 English 2014 English 2014 English 2009 English 2014 English 2013 English, Indonesian 2005 English 2013 English 1999 English 1176-2322 2278-7666 1412-033X 1897-2810 2168-0450 1754-2103 2158-9151 2085-4722 1314-2828 1546-9735 1005-0094 1177-9322 2242-1300 2079-7737 1745-6150 2046-6390 2050-7771 1179-5972 2227-9059 2218-273X 0103-1643 1911-4745 2314-4165 1435-1951 1424-2818 1691-8088 1307-9867 1121-760X 1335-7522 0239-8508 1672-0229 2047-217X 1978-3019 1449-2288 2175-7925 1741-7007 1471-213X 1472-6807 1752-0509 2211-1247 1809-127X 2314-7474 2331-2025 1942-0889 2314-4173 2214-6628 1860-1324 2299-1077 2281-9584 2255-9582 2449-8955 2038-8306 1176-9343 1336-4529 1897-5631 2296-634X 2296-889X 1177-6250 2086-4094 2322-5270 2013 English 2003 English 2012 English 2010 English 2000 English 2009 English 2013 English 2004 English 1993 Chinese, English 2007 English 2012 English 2012 English 2006 English 2012 English 2013 English 2009 English 2013 English 2011 English 1998 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2003 English 2001 English 2001 English 2007 English 2012 English 2005 English 2014 English 2015 English 2008 English 2006 English 2013 English 2014 English 2014 English 2009 English 2013 English 2013 English 2010 English 2007 English 2011 English 2010 English 2005 English 1996 English, Slovak, Czech 2004 English 2013 English 2014 English 2007 English 2006 English 2012 English 2005 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2005 English 1687-8787 2348-7941 2090-7346 2314-6265 2090-7362 2090-7907 1995-6673 0976-7614 1826-8838 1790-045X 0852-6834 1478-5854 2084-3577 1687-8000 1687-8795 2348-5906 2326-9901 2284-0230 2241-5793 2337-389X 1475-4924 1687-8019 1740-3391 2205-5975 2221-3759 2320-8694 2001-3078 0449-3060 2090-1739 2087-5517 1410-5292 2252-6277 0126-8643 2309-608X 1536-2442 1349-9157 2090-1747 1989-8649 2235-4956 1660-3397 2302-5697 2311-2638 2076-2607 2322-181X 1684-3908 2077-7000 1580-0814 2220-8879 0342-7536 2056-7189 2087-3948 1608-4217 1875-0362 2345-2005 1536-0121 2225-4994 2051-3933 2077-7019 1854-3081 1314-2488 2236-3777 2367-5365 2087-3956 2046-2441 2391-5412 2009 English 2014 English 2012 English 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English 2008 English 2010 English 2014 English 2009 English 2004 English 2003 English, Indonesian 2002 English 2011 English 2008 English 2004 English 2015 English 2013 English 2013 English 2012 English 2015 English 2001 English 1999 English 2010 English 2010 English 1999 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2006 English 2010 English 2012 English 2003 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2014 English 2013 English 2012 English 2002 English 2012 English 2014 English 2010 English 1999 English, Slovenian 2011 English 2006 English, Portuguese 2011 English 2014 English 2015 English 2009 English 2006 English 2007 English 2011 English 2015 English 2084-7203 2014 English 1519-1397 2002 English 1544-9173 1545-7885 2003 English 1553-734X 1553-7358 2005 English 2220-8860 2011 English 1844-6698 2066-1363 2009 English 2407-8050 2015 English, Indonesian 2304-2478 2012 English 2052-4412 2014 English 1870-3453 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 1980-0002 2006 English, Portuguese 1319-562X 2009 English 2322-1968 2012 English 2337-7224 2013 English, Indonesian 2300-4975 2012 English, Polish 1873-5061 1876-7753 2014 English 0166-0616 2008 English 1768-1448 1314-2615 2011 English 0372-333X 1947 English 2172-4784 2010 English 1985-3718 2180-4249 2009 English 2310-0842 2312-301X 2009 English, Russian, Ukrainian 1435-1935 1860-0743 2014 English 1753-6561 2007 English 1314-1902 1314-2321 2010 English 2046-4053 2012 English 0010-0730 1989-1067 1988 Catalan; Valencian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castili 0011-6793 1850-1702 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2052-7276 2014 English 0100-8358 1994 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0034-365X 2337-8824 1970 English 1814-3237 1857-498X 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 1178-6949 2008 English ochemistry 2405-5808 2015 English 1976-6696 1976-670X 2008 English ochemistry 2090-0414 2010 English 2322-3480 2012 English 1687-6709 1687-6717 2008 English 2090-7702 2012 English 2373-7867 2014 English 2299-3266 2013 English 1679-9283 1807-863X 1998 English 1864-7782 1864-7790 2014 English 2214-7535 2014 English 2150-1203 2150-1211 2010 English gy | Science: Zoology |2117-4458 Science: Botany2011 English, French 2046-1682 2011 English 2095-4700 2095-6231 2014 English 0104-6497 2358-2936 2013 English 1903-220X 2014 English 1646-1509 1519-6984 2210-7177 1646-2742 1678-4375 2210-7185 1471-2121 2041-4889 2056-5968 2045-9769 2073-4409 0974-5963 1687-8876 0970-9371 1674-800X 2356-6647 0835-5851 2039-0394 0215-6334 1314-0213 1805-0174 2095-6355 2314-4149 1687-9708 2090-4614 2287-884X 2356-7341 1844-6477 1662-2510 1560-2206 1874-2130 2046-2530 1742-6413 1687-8884 2090-7389 1179-0660 0974-5165 1942-0994 1477-5956 2330-0566 1178-6957 1674-8018 2179-975X 2314-761X 0718-8412 2039-0408 1676-0611 1907-770X 1472-6785 2300-3669 1313-9940 2336-9744 2192-1709 2045-7758 1708-3087 2150-8925 2332-8878 1339-8474 2336-1964 2197-5620 2351-9894 2314-4157 1687-9716 2090-4622 2314-6001 1805-4196 2284-5305 2309-2491 2061-9588 2005 English 2001 English 1997 English 2000 English 2010 English 2015 English 2012 English 2012 English 2012 English 2004 English 2009 English 2012 English 2008 English 2007 English 2009 English 2003 English 2014 English 2008 English 2014 English 2010 English 2014 English 2008 English 2015 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 2001 English 1987 English 2001 English 2014 English 2009 Bulgarian, English 2014 English 2012 English 2011 English 2004 English 2010 English 2015 English 2015 English 2011 English 2014 English 2014 English 2013 English 2007 English 2011 English 2013 English 2013 English 2008 English 2008 English 2006 English, French 2014 English 2008 English 2012 English 2363-4707 1687-6768 1789-4921 1726-4170 1681-5556 0974-7893 1314-6947 0237-5419 1918-3178 1810-6277 1311-0160 0233-7657 2090-6544 1993-0771 2363-4715 1687-6776 2299-1042 2344-3219 1789-7556 1880-7062 1726-4189 2305-2562 0974-7907 1314-3301 2050-3385 2063-1588 1471-2148 2041-9139 1752-4571 2057-1577 1744-4292 2296-701X 1810-6285 2084-8846 1920-7603 1179-9870 2377-1143 1748-7188 2212-0661 1993-6842 1471-2156 2090-6552 1993-078X 1756-8935 2212-9685 1664-8021 2160-1836 1808-1878 2073-4425 1415-4757 2090-3154 0534-0012 1179-237X 1678-4685 2090-3162 1820-6069 1474-760X 1759-6653 0018-0661 1479-7364 0971-6866 2090-8032 2314-436X 2213-5960 1601-5223 1998-362X 2090-052X 2314-4378 1759-8753 2014 English 2007 English 2013 English 2013 English 2007 English 2015 English 2004 English 2006 English 2009 English 2012 English 2013 English 2001 English, German 2001 English 2010 English 2008 English 2015 English 2007 English 2013 English 2008 English 2004 English 2013 English 2010 English 2011 English 2014 English 2006 English 2012 English 2007 English 1985 English 2000 English 2011 English 2009 English 2008 English 2013 English 2010 English 2011 English 2002 English 2010 English 2008 English 1998 English 2011 English 2002 English 2000 English 2009 English 2013 English 2005 English 2003 English 2002 English 2009 English 2013 English 2010 English 1755-8166 2324-9269 2311-553X 0305-1048 1362-4962 1553-7390 1553-7404 1944-3277 1471-2199 2329-0501 ology | Science: Microbiology 2052-8426 2054-345X 2090-0201 2090-021X 2052-6687 0873-4704 0365-0588 1453-8830 2359-7089 0001-6977 2083-9480 2356-6604 2314-7857 0365-0812 2239-3129 1815-8242 2413-3299 1028-2092 2224-7297 1754-7431 1471-2229 1817-406X 1999-3110 0125-961X 1138-5952 1988-799X 2277-4289 0073-2877 2236-8906 2090-0120 2090-0139 1226-8453 2356-7481 2314-6168 1409-3871 2215-2067 0210-9778 1988-3307 0025-6153 2279-8013 2226-3063 2227-9555 1314-4057 1314-4049 1314-2011 1314-2003 0031-9465 1593-2095 2229-2217 2223-7747 1560-7259 1560-7267 1613-9216 1439-040X 1821-2158 1821-2638 1999-4907 1687-8639 1687-8647 2471-1888 1553-619X 1472-3646 1472-3654 1471-2180 1517-8382 1678-4405 2228-5806 2228-5814 2008 English 2013 English 2015 English 2005 English 2005 English 2010 English 2000 English 2014 English 2014 English 2014 English 2010 English 2014 English 1980 English 2011 English 2013 English 2011 English 2014 English 1995 English 2013 English, Spanish; Castilian 2005 English 2008 English 2001 English 2006 English 2007 English, Indonesian 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2014 English 2013 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English 2012 English, Russian, Ukrainian 2011 English 2010 English 2014 English 2011 English 2012 English 2013 English, Russian 2006 English 2009 English 2010 English 2009 English 2015 English 2005 English 2002 English 2001 English 2000 English 1999 Persian, English 2356-6957 1687-918X 2212-5531 2090-7478 2251-8649 2146-3158 2000-2297 2356-7716 1823-8262 2235-2988 1664-302X 2314-596X 1687-9198 2212-554X 2090-7486 2322-2581 2146-9369 2314-646X 2231-7538 2150-7511 2218-1989 1475-2859 2280-6423 1178-6361 2045-8827 2379-5042 1874-2858 1874-3579 2227-7382 0001-3714 2322-2948 1678-9881 2214-6695 1178-122X 1179-1624 1999-4915 2277-8551 0351-2851 1827-9635 2356-6922 1578-665X 2234-6953 1018-4171 2190-7307 0172-1941 1502-4873 0015-4040 0429-288X 1742-9994 1137-8700 0367-5041 1849-3505 0394-1914 2455-6882 2055-5008 2199-6067 1827-9643 2314-7865 2234-8190 2199-7233 2224-4255 2053-7166 2387-5372 1983-0572 1891-5396 2284-4880 2254-8408 1989-953X 1848-2007 1825-5272 2213-2244 1179-5433 2011 English 2010 English 2013 English 2009 English 2012 English 2011 English 2012 English 2011 English 2009 English 2014 English 2005 English 2010 English 2011 English 2002 English 2003 English, Italian 2008 English 2012 English 2016 English 2007 English 2007 English 2013 English 1998 English 2012 English 2014 English 2008 English 2009 English 2009 English 2012 English 2015 English 2009 English, Slovenian 2006 English, Italian 2014 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 1985 English 1991 English, German 2012 English 2014 English 2010 English 1967 English, Norwegian 2008 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 1994 English 2006 English, Italian 2004 English 2011 English 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 Croatian, English 1986 English 2012 English 2009 English 1811-9778 1687-8477 1824-307X 2090-522X 2090-9896 2038-324X 2320-7078 1070-9428 2356-7465 2218-6425 1679-6225 1874-4532 2218-6050 0033-2615 0085-5626 0035-6875 2038-9698 0954-6324 1313-2989 1984-4670 1313-9916 1217-8837 0366-5232 1863-5407 2118-9773 2280-7934 0010-0870 1811-9786 1687-8485 2090-5238 2299-4831 2279-7084 1314-2607 2314-6478 1336-6939 2358-436X 1995-1043 1982-0224 1687-7438 1806-9665 2077-3757 2385-0833 1338-7227 2073-2333 2038-9701 2052-6458 1313-2970 1984-4689 2083-6112 2056-306X 2064-2474 2357-3759 1613-4796 1854-9829 1662-5161 2283-9364 1089-4667 2150-6701 2326-6651 1479-4411 1715-720X 1944-6195 1368-1613 2048-7754 1746-8256 2250-1142 1092-1206 2038-1026 1013-090X 2161-3974 2005 English 2009 English 2004 English 2011 English 2012 English 2012 English 2010 English 2013 English 2011 English 2013 English 2005 Czech, English, Slovak 2014 English 2007 English 2003 English 2008 English 2011 English 1874 English 2002 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English, French 2010 English, Italian 2008 English 2008 English 2011 English 1948 English 2008 English 2009 English 2008 English 2015 English 2009 Bulgarian, English 2002 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 2015 English 2011 English 2007 English, Slovenian 2008 English 2012 English, Italian 1996 English 1939 English 2009 English 2003 English 2006 English 2008 English 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2006 English 2011 English 1991 English 2010 English, Italian 2003 Chinese, English 2012 English 2287-9099 1750-5968 2287-4577 2162-3309 1606-7509 1018-3817 1435-5205 1756-1086 0029-2540 2213-056X 2363-9814 1911-9593 2324-7878 1947-0037 2304-6775 0363-3640 1086-9751 ine (General) 0008-7629 1940-5758 1933-5954 urces (General) urces (General) urces (General) 2212-3202 1580-5573 2330-2917 1935-7052 2224-1574 2333-3316 2095-5472 2345-525X 1841-0715 1080-2711 2154-7149 1891-8107 2214-7233 1886-4805 1581-6974 2050-5833 2050-9006 1047-5192 0126-219X 1875-1490 2095-2635 2171-6897 2345-6450 1974-6849 2069-0509 0020-0883 2213-302X ineering (General) ineering (General) 2329-9339 2039-0491 1875-1504 2253-1440 2173-1616 2423-7299 2281-4574 2069-6469 1988-3234 2213-3038 2239-0243 1847-8948 2064-2520 1724-6768 2355-570X 2007 English 2013 English 2012 English 1999 Chinese 1985 Chinese, English 1999 English 2007 English 2002 English 2014 English, German 2006 English, French 2013 English 2011 English 2013 English 2012 English 1989 English 1975 Chinese, English 1996 English 2014 English 2013 Chinese 2014 English 2005 English 2016 English 2007 English 2007 English 1995 English 2010 English 2010 English, Norwegian 2011 Dutch; Flemish, English 2006 Catalan; Valencian, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castil 2001 English 2013 English 2012 English 1984 English 1999 English, Indonesian 2007 English 2013 English, Italian 2007 English 2012 English 2011 English 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 2015 English 2012 English, Italian 2010 English, French, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1971 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2011 English 2010 English 2013 English 2003 English, Italian 2014 English, Indonesian ifying | Social Sciences: 2350-3637 Communities. 2013 Classes. English, Races: Slovenian Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning ifying | Social Sciences: 2014-2714 Social sciences 2011(General) Catalan; Valencian, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish 1411-1772 2503-1899 2007 English, Indonesian 2035-7982 2009 English, Italian, Spanish; Castilian Special aspects of education 2158-6195 2011 English hines: Electronic computers. 1805-5117 Computer science 2012 English | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business 1847-9545 2011 Croatian, English 2159-449X 2010 English 2337-5795 2338-5480 2007 English, Indonesian 2027-095X 2006 English, Spanish; Castilian terature (General) 2048-0792 2011 English 1836-8301 2009 English 1336-9253 2013 English 2372-0344 2372-0352 2014 English 1178-6221 2008 English 1553-345X 2005 English 2331-1843 2015 English 2267-1242 2013 English, French 1907-5626 2006 English, Indonesian 2171-9594 2010 English, French, German, Italian, Spanish; Castilian 2325-1026 2013 English 2354-0079 2013 English 2047-2382 2011 English 2423-3765 2423-4311 2014 English 2201-1919 2012 English 1392-1649 2029-2139 2009 English 2239-5938 2239-6101 2012 English 2296-665X 2013 English 2383-3572 2383-3866 2014 English 1848-0071 2011 English 2356-7279 2314-8292 2014 English 2060-467X 2013 English 1058-3912 1996-7918 1995 English, French 0719-2452 2011 English 2086-4639 2460-5824 2011 English, Indonesian 1848-9257 2013 English 2067-5534 2010 English 2314-6052 2013 English 2354-5844 2013 English 1069-5370 2007 English 1812-0784 1812-0792 2005 English 2321-3655 2013 English 1811-1602 1811-1610 2001 English 2383-451X 2383-4501 2015 English 1546-2366 2003 English 2322-5017 2012 English 2527-4961 2527-3809 2016 English 1602-2297 2002 English 1339-3367 2013 English 2193-3081 1399-1183 2000 English 2235-9362 2011 English 1583-1523 2067-4635 2002 English y. Anthropology. Recreation: 2054-4049 Geography 2015 (General) English 2252-6285 2012 English, Indonesian y. Anthropology. Recreation: 0718-235X Geography 2005 (General) English, Spanish; Castilian 2190-4995 2010 English in general. Comparative2190-4715 and uniform law. 2011Jurisprudence: English Comparative law. International uniform law: Environm 2187-9834 2013 English : Public aspects of medicine 2423-4583 2014 English 0091-6765 1972 English 1751-3758 1751-3766 2012 English Biology (General) | Social 2376-6832 Sciences 2015 English 1239-6095 1797-2469 1997 English Biology (General): Ecology 2328-4277 2013 English 2224-4263 2012 English Biology (General): Ecology 1940-0829 2008 English Chemistry 1467-4866 2000 English 1866-3508 1866-3516 2009 English 2199-3971 2199-398X 2015 English 1994-0416 1994-0424 2007 English 1945-1296 2010 English Science (General) 2053-7565 2014 English 2326-0491 2326-0505 1997 English 1611-8014 2001 English 2338-1604 2407-8751 2013 English, Indonesian 2367-5144 2016 English 1429-799X 2081-5980 1997 English, Polish 1017-0839 1990 English 1790-3769 2006 English, French 1001-1595 2012 Chinese hy | Science: Astronomy:1802-2669 Geodesy 2006 English 2083-2214 2003 English, Polish hy: Cartography 2300-2581 2010 English 1333-896X 1848-0713 2002 Croatian, English 0324-8321 2450-6966 2015 English 1897-5100 2007 English, Polish, Russian 1812-2108 1812-2116 2004 English 1715-2593 2006 English 1129-8596 2039-7879 2008 English 0276-4741 1994-7151 2000 English 1129-5767 1723-8633 1999 English 1843-5920 1844-9840 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan nthropology. Recreation:1942-2466 Geography (General) 2009 Abkhazian, | Geography. English Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography 2214-5818 2014 English 2203-1413 2013 English 2300-7257 2013 English 1756-0500 2008 English 2050-084X 2013 English 2046-1402 2012 English 1314-6238 1314-6246 2012 English 2423-3439 2378-654X 2375-2467 2059-3635 1478-811X 2375-2920 1868-7083 1756-994X 2056-7944 2053-3721 2042-6410 2423-3420 1471-2350 1755-8794 1553-6203 2383-0298 1180-2332 2090-6625 1179-1349 1080-6040 1755-4365 2000-8686 2322-2298 2193-8229 1687-708X 1201-9712 1735-7020 0974-777X 2090-0023 1874-2793 1252-607X 2047-2994 2383-0301 1471-2334 2090-6633 1080-6059 1742-7622 1878-0067 2248-2997 1178-6973 2345-4946 1178-6337 2193-6382 2411-2917 1687-7098 2211-3207 1878-3511 2008-238X 0974-8245 2090-0031 2052-2975 2328-8957 1776-1042 1756-3305 2352-6211 1712-9532 ce: Microbiology 2090-3057 1860-9171 2356-6787 2373-8006 ropsychiatry 1743-422X 1918-1493 2222-1751 2090-3065 2314-789X 2373-7972 2314-7482 2015 English 2014 English 2016 English 2003 English 2016 English 2011 English 2009 English 2016 English 2014 English 2010 English 2015 English 2000 English 2008 English 2005 English 2012 English 2014 English 2001 English 1990 English 2011 English 2009 English 1995 English 2004 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English 2011 English 2016 English 2008 English 2012 English 2015 English 2008 English 2011 English 1996 English 2006 English 2009 English 2009 English 2013 English 2014 English 2007 English 2013 English 2008 English 2014 English 2004 English 1990 English 2012 English 2011 English 2005 English, German 2014 English 2014 English 2013 English ropsychiatry 1759-0914 2009 English 2383-2436 2383-2444 2014 English 2008-126X 2228-7442 2009 English ropsychiatry 1751-0759 2007 English 2007-3054 2010 English ropsychiatry 1663-4365 2009 English ropsychiatry 1662-5153 2007 English ropsychiatry 1662-5102 2007 English ropsychiatry 1662-5188 2007 English ropsychiatry 1662-5099 2008 English ropsychiatry 1662-5110 2007 English ropsychiatry 1662-6443 2009 English ropsychiatry 1662-5196 2007 English ropsychiatry 1662-5218 2007 English 1662-4548 1662-453X 2007 English ropsychiatry 1663-3563 2010 English ropsychiatry 1662-5137 2007 English 1934-3361 2004 English ropsychiatry 2054-7072 2014 English ropsychiatry 1179-0695 2008 English 1866-1955 2012 English 1743-0003 2004 English 0976-3147 0976-3155 2010 English 2090-5904 1687-5443 1989 English 2347-8659 2349-6142 2014 English 1176-6328 1178-2021 2009 English ropsychiatry 2055-4788 2015 English ropsychiatry 2373-0587 2014 English ropsychiatry 2230-3561 2012 English 2314-4262 2314-4270 2013 English ropsychiatry 2057-2107 2015 English 1179-1578 2008 English ropsychiatry 2000-9011 2011 English 2297-6981 2297-7007 1998 English, French, German ropsychiatry 2081-6936 2015 English ropsychiatry 2158-3188 2011 English 0718-4123 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ropsychiatry | Science:2195-0008 Biology (General) 2013 English ropsychiatry | Science:2190-8567 Mathematics 2011 English ropsychiatry | Science:1471-2202 Physiology: Neurophysiology 2000 English and neuropsychology 1970-321X 1970-3201 2007 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.2051-5960 Diseases of the 2013 nervous English system ropsychiatry: Neurology.2328-9503 Diseases of the 2014 nervous English system 0972-2327 1998-3549 2006 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.1471-2377 Diseases of the 2001 nervous English system 2090-6668 2090-6676 2011 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.1662-680X Diseases of the 2009 nervous English system ropsychiatry: Neurology.2423-4818 Diseases of the 2015 nervous English system 1672-6731 2010 Chinese, English 2045-8118 2011 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.1662-5145 Diseases of the 2007 nervous English system ropsychiatry: Neurology.1664-2295 Diseases of the 2010 nervous English system 2008-384X 2011 English 2090-5505 2090-5513 2011 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.1179-5735 Diseases of the 2009 nervous English system ropsychiatry: Neurology.2300-0147 Diseases of the 2013 nervous English system 1923-2845 1923-2853 2011 English 1756-6606 2008 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.1749-8104 Diseases of the 2006 nervous English system 1673-5374 1876-7958 2011 English 1394-780X 1996 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.2193-6536 Diseases of the 2012 nervous English system 1823-6138 2004 English 2035-8385 2035-8377 2009 English 2090-1852 2090-1860 2010 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.2332-7812 Diseases of the 2014 nervous English system 1220-8841 2344-4959 2012 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.2047-9158 Diseases of the 2012 nervous English system ropsychiatry: Neurology.1750-1326 Diseases of the 2006 nervous English system | Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and 0065-1400 1689-0035 1970 English 2214-7845 2015 English ropsychiatry: Neurology.2376-7839 Diseases of the 2015 nervous English system | Science: Biology (General): Genetics 1424-862X 1424-8638 2013 English onal diseases. Deficiency 1758-5996 diseases 2009 English 2090-0724 2090-0732 2010 English onal diseases. Deficiency 1476-511X diseases 2002 English 2044-4052 2011 English onal diseases. Deficiency 1178-6388 diseases 2008 English 0025-7338 1911 English 1742-2094 2004 English 1179-2698 2009 English 1555-1741 1555-175X 2009 English 2345-5004 2012 English 2228-5652 2228-5660 2011 English 1480-9222 2009 English 2319-4170 2320-2890 2002 English 2411-0485 2411-0272 2015 English 1021-7770 1423-0127 2009 English 2211-7539 2012 English 2214-4269 2014 English 2213-2317 2013 English 2090-908X 2012 English 1751-0473 2006 English 2213-6711 2013 English 2212-9626 2212-9634 2013 English 2352-3204 2015 English 1757-4676 1757-4684 2009 English 2352-3042 2014 English 1178-704X 2008 English 1177-391X 2007 English Biochemistry 1580-3139 1757-6512 1854-5165 2374-7951 2067-2446 1600-5368 2056-9890 1878-5352 2069-5837 1563-0331 1451-9372 2090-3502 1927-7296 0973-4945 2063-5346 1751-8253 2252-6951 1687-9341 0972-768X 1422-0067 2356-7090 2423-4958 2090-8636 2090-8865 2278-1862 2356-7171 2314-5102 2090-9063 2302-4690 2356-7597 2312-7554 2217-7434 1752-153X 2191-1363 2227-9075 2090-3510 2331-2009 2079-9284 1927-730X 2090-9810 2296-2646 1751-7192 2320-0928 1687-935X 2314-7148 2345-4806 2090-8873 2314-6923 2314-5110 2090-9071 1847-9286 2314-6982 2255-8713 2079-4991 1876-214X 0970-020X 0120-100X 0379-4350 1687-8760 2090-7311 2391-5420 2231-5039 2227-9717 2145-8480 1996-840X 2043-7129 1177-3901 2214-1812 1687-8779 2090-732X 2010 English 2000 English 2015 English 2013 English 2008 English 2008 English 2009 English 2011 English 2012 English, Kazakh, Russian 2000 English, Serbian 2007 English 2012 English 2014 English 2011 English 2015 English 2014 English 2012 English 2004 English 2012 English 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2012 English 2009 English 2009 English 2000 English 2014 English 2013 English 2012 English 1978 English 2012 English 2013 English 2013 English 2004 English 2011 English 2012 English 2014 English 2015 English 2011 English 2008 English 2015 English 2008 English 2013 English 1997 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2000 English 2013 English 2006 English 2014 English 2009 English 2012 English 2233-4203 1874-0650 1996-918X 2093-3371 2093-8950 2221-5255 2299-677X 2073-4352 2356-7317 2356-6612 1857-1727 2090-2026 2356-7457 1422-8599 1687-6806 Including alchemy Including alchemy 2090-5149 1420-3049 2090-200X 1687-6865 2214-6474 2090-2247 1472-6769 1687-9767 2090-2166 2090-7729 2090-0104 2036-7996 0975-8151 1997-0838 2414-3146 2314-5994 2329-7778 2314-7571 2345-1688 0719-2827 2304-6740 2090-2034 2314-713X 1687-6814 2196-4351 2310-2861 1860-5397 2311-5629 2090-5157 2090-2018 1687-6938 1178-6264 2090-2255 1687-9775 2090-2174 2090-0112 1452-8266 2241-0090 2035-6005 2041-7314 2076-3905 2090-2182 2314-5706 1340-2838 1553-3468 1687-7985 2090-3529 2090-7761 2356-7686 1687-6873 2090-2190 2314-5714 1756-1663 1687-7993 2090-3537 2314-6184 1687-6881 2471-2132 2013 English 2010 English 2007 English 2007 English 2013 English 2011 English 2016 English 2013 English 2014 English 2014 English 2006 English 2013 English 2013 English 2008 English 2013 English 2002 English 2008 English 2013 English 2015 English 2005 English 2015 English 2011 English 1997 English 2010 English 2008 English 2014 English 2008 English 2008 English 2001 English 2009 English 2010 English 2012 English 2010 English 2007 English 2012 English 2010 English 2010 English 2005 English, Russian 2010 English 2012 English 2010 English 2014 English 1994 English 2005 English 2007 English 2011 English 2012 English 2013 English 2007 English 2015 English 0011-6297 0424-7116 1866-3591 1674-4519 1736-4728 1330-030X 1695-6133 1374-8505 0016-7789 2245-7070 2299-8179 1736-7557 1333-4875 1696-5728 1336-8052 1854-620X 2080-6574 1802-5420 1674-9871 2196-4092 2076-3263 2193-0872 1991-959X 2355-9314 2356-7406 1687-8833 0125-9849 1612-412X 1085-3375 2090-3359 1687-1839 1927-6303 1687-9562 0972-8600 2314-4106 1224-1784 1239-629X 2289-1315 1319-5166 0044-8753 2075-1680 2218-6816 1224-2780 1843-2654 2240-2829 1664-3607 1991-9603 2355-9306 2223-957X 2090-875X 2314-5803 1687-8841 2195-9269 2391-5447 2354-6638 2451-912X 2300-0384 2055-4877 1687-0409 2066-7752 2090-3367 1687-1847 2314-4114 1844-0835 1798-2383 1841-3307 2289-1323 1212-5059 2221-9501 1843-2875 1843-2859 1664-3615 1894 Danish, English 2012 English 1951 English, German 2009 English 2015 English 2007 English 1999 English 2003 English 1998 Dutch; Flemish, English, French 2009 English 1990 English, Slovenian 2009 English 2011 English 2010 English 2014 English 2011 English 2011 English 2008 English 2013 English 2010 English 2012 English 2014 English 2009 English 2013 English 2015 English 2005 English, Indonesian 2016 English 2013 English 2015 English 2003 English, German 1996 English 2013 English 2010 English 2004 English 2011 English 2009 English 2015 English 2013 English 2001 English 1975 English 2012 English 2012 English 2011 English 1965 English 2012 English 2011 English 1996 English 1997 English 2010 English, Italian 2011 English 2086-0382 0420-1213 1462-7264 2477-3344 2314-8071 2331-1835 2300-7443 2299-3282 1365-8050 2083-5892 2035-6803 2225-1146 2303-1751 1077-8926 1072-6691 2338-2287 1417-3875 1270-900X 2314-422X 1992-9978 2314-498X 1687-9163 2356-797X 0973-6069 1687-9643 2230-9888 0161-1712 2356-7082 2090-3332 2090-6285 2090-5564 2090-7842 2090-7788 2090-6307 2090-4657 1978-3043 2345-3931 1110-757X 1173-9126 1048-9533 2356-7198 2314-4963 2356-7856 2090-9837 2314-8896 0972-6802 2159-8118 2314-8853 1025-5834 1898-9934 2050-5094 2314-4238 1992-9986 2314-4998 1687-9171 2314-856X 0974-1828 1687-9651 1687-0425 2314-6524 2090-3340 2008-5427 2090-6293 2090-5572 2090-6315 2090-4665 2382-9877 1687-0042 1532-7612 1687-2177 2314-6613 2314-4971 2356-7848 2090-9845 2314-8888 2314-6117 1029-242X 2009 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2014 English 2014 English 2013 English 2009 English 1997 English 2013 English 2009 English 2013 English 2012 English, Indonesian 1994 English 1993 English 2013 English 1998 English 1996 English 2006 English 2013 English 2013 English 2007 English 2013 English 2010 English 2014 English 2006 English 2009 English 2011 English 1978 English 2013 English 1987 English 2009 English 2011 English 2011 English 2012 English 2011 English 2011 English 2011 English 2003 English 2013 English 2001 English 1997 English 1987 English 2013 English 2013 English 2014 English 2013 English 2003 English 2003 English 2011 English 2013 English 2005 English 1530-7638 2194-3907 2252-0201 1735-8299 2314-4629 1549-3644 2090-4770 2193-3472 2356-7511 2151-2302 2314-5064 1110-256X 2086-8952 2087-8885 1693-1394 1225-6951 0373-3505 2066-5997 1123-2536 1232-9274 2306-3424 0353-8893 1012-2346 1841-5512 2322-5807 1556-6706 1286-4889 2345-5934 1759-9008 2314-4785 2314-842X 2314-5072 2037-5298 2066-6594 1335-8871 2299-3290 2353-0626 1590-0932 2391-5455 2214-7160 2306-3432 2330-1511 2223-7895 2065-7714 2423-3900 2300-7451 1946-5238 1843-7265 2073-8994 2008-1898 1451-4966 2251-8657 2252-6943 0354-0243 2090-4673 2195-4496 1026-0226 1816-2711 1842-6298 1815-0659 2008-1901 2406-1077 2299-3231 2251-8665 1820-743X 2090-4681 2190-5983 1607-887X 2220-5810 1998 English 2012 English 2012 English 2009 English 2006 English 2013 English 2005 English 2010 English 2011 English 2014 English 2009 English 2013 English 2011 English 2007 English 2012 English 2007 English, Indonesian 1996 English 2009 English, Italian, French 2009 English 2008 English 2012 English 2014 English 1981 English 2015 English 2014 English 2004 English 2012 English, Russian 2014 English 1956 English, Russian, French, German, Serbian 2004 English 2005 English 2014 English 2005 English 1981 English 2013 English 2011 English 2006 English, French 2009 English 2005 English 2008 English 1998 English, German, Russian 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2002 English 2012 English 2012 English 2011 English 1997 English 2005 English 1576-9402 1687-2762 2193-4169 1929-5804 2356-7112 1805-4951 Computer science Computer science 1687-7470 2322-5157 1687-5893 1687-5680 1687-8655 Computer science 1687-9724 2255-8942 Computer science Computer science Computer science Computer science 2252-4274 1508-2806 1820-0214 1561-4042 Computer science Computer science Computer science 1110-8665 1863-2122 Computer science Computer science Computer science Computer science Computer science 2460-9234 Computer science 2321-8215 2156-5570 2165-4050 Computer science 1687-7047 2074-9090 1947-5500 2231-5268 2345-3397 2305-0012 1550-1329 2233-7857 2005-4262 2299-3274 1989-4147 1687-2770 1929-5812 2314-6850 1339-9640 2066-7760 1687-7489 1687-5907 1687-8663 2083-3628 1687-9732 2255-8950 0717-5000 2079-3197 2029-9966 2096-0662 2252-5459 2406-1018 2069-3230 2032-927X 2032-944X 2075-2180 2300-3405 2297-198X 2414-1429 2105-1232 2460-9056 2503-250X 2165-4069 2083-8492 1687-7055 2074-9104 1550-1477 2013 English 2003 English 2005 English 2011 English 2012 English 2013 English 2012 English, Czech, Slovak 2015 English 2013 English 2008 English 2012 English 2008 English 2007 English 2009 English 2008 English 2009 English 2008 English 1998 English 2013 English 2013 English, Lithuanian 2015 English 2012 English 2004 English 2004 English 1993 English 2010 English 2011 English 2013 English 2010 English 2006 English 2009 English 2012 English 2014 English 2015 English 2011 English 2016 English, Indonesian 2016 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2010 English 2012 English 2014 English 2008 English 2009 English 2009 English 2011 English 2013 English 2012 English 2011 English 2008 English 2008 English 2074-9074 2074-9023 2074-9007 2074-904X 2228-6225 2305-0543 2075-0161 2307-8162 2005-4254 1738-9984 2005-4246 2090-7435 2090-4355 2090-7796 2090-7680 2066-4273 2090-7141 1549-3636 Computer science 1687-7381 Computer science Computer science 2356-3982 2182-2069 1319-1578 2067-4074 1738-7531 2299-2634 1860-2037 2093-5374 2088-7051 1411-0105 2078-0958 Computer science 1860-5974 1978-161X 2312-0355 0332-7353 1687-5591 Computer science Computer science 2247-689X 1843-8121 2355-8253 1224-869X 1076-9757 1834-3147 1557-2862 1888-5063 1065-514X 2074-9082 2074-9031 2074-9015 2074-9058 2228-6233 2075-017X 2090-7443 2090-4363 2090-780X 2066-3129 2090-715X 2362-0110 1687-739X 1846-3908 2057-2093 2182-2077 2300-5653 2093-5382 2502-9274 2078-0966 1583-1078 2477-2550 2413-7200 1890-1328 1687-5605 2376-5992 2311-7230 2442-7888 2065-9601 2013-1631 1563-5171 2009 English 2009 English 2009 English 2009 English 2011 English 2011 English 2009 English 2013 English, Russian 2008 English 2007 English 2008 English 2012 English 2011 English 2012 English 2012 English 2007 English 2011 English 2005 English 2013 English 2008 English 1993 English 2015 English 2015 English, Indonesian 2011 English 1996 English 2009 English 2005 English 2012 English 2004 English 2010 English 2009 English, Indonesian 1999 Indonesian, English 2009 English 2002 English 2004 English 2010 English, Indonesian 2014 English, Russian 1980 English 2007 English 2015 English 2007 English 2011 English 2007 English 2014 English 2000 English 1993 English 2006 English 2005 English 2008 English 1993 English 1687-5265 1687-5273 2007 English 1758-0463 2009 English Computer science | Science: 1972-5787 Mathematics: 2008 Analytic Englishmechanics 1582-7941 2247-8523 2001 English 1584-0409 2005 English 2066-8325 2009 English 2344-1232 2344-1232 2013 English 1666-6046 1666-6038 1999 English Computer science: Computer 2255-8691 software 2008 English 1897-7979 2084-4840 2007 English Computer science: Computer 2049-9647 software 2013 English 2356-752X 2314-6486 2013 English 2195-576X 2012 English 2356-3974 2015 English, Indonesian Computer science: Computer 2195-1721 software 2013 English 0104-6500 1678-4804 2014 English 1058-9244 1875-919X 1992 English 2352-7110 2015 English 1920-180X 2010 English 2090-472X 2012 English 1336-9180 2012 English 2356-7589 2314-8373 2014 English 1687-952X 1687-9538 2009 English 0974-8024 2229-5666 2008 English 2195-5832 2014 English 1696-2281 2013-8830 2003 English 2311-004X 2310-5070 2013 English : Mathematics: Analysis2193-8636 2014 English 2291-8639 2013 English : Mathematics: Analytic2197-9847 mechanics | Science: 2014 English Mathematics: Analysis 1759-7323 1759-7331 2010 English 1026-597X 1996 English 1687-8108 1687-8124 2008 English 1687-9120 1687-9139 2009 English 1970-4097 2007 English 2223-6589 2011 English 2158-3226 2011 English 0137-6861 2300-7559 2013 English, Polish 2331-1940 2014 English 2100-014X 2009 English 2296-424X 2013 English 2093-9655 2010 English 2356-7120 2314-6869 2013 English 1682-6957 1996 English, Persian 2090-7397 2090-7400 2011 English 2090-7427 2012 English 2356-7287 2314-6834 2013 English 2356-7368 2314-7849 2014 English 2356-7376 2314-6826 2013 English 2356-7422 2314-6907 2013 English 1027-4642 1742-6588 1044-677X 2356-7643 2322-3138 0868-8257 1742-6596 2165-7254 2314-6842 2192-8614 1367-2630 2056-6387 2391-5471 1876-5343 1852-4249 0370-2693 2090-2220 1555-5534 1687-689X 2322-3634 2252-6978 1680-7316 2160-3308 1873-2445 2090-2239 1555-5615 2050-3911 1687-6903 2211-3797 2542-4653 1680-7324 2297-8739 0002-3051 2347-2529 thematics: Analytic mechanics 2196-1166 1895-7455 0992-7689 1432-0576 1680-7367 1680-7375 2345-4997 2193-0856 2193-0864 1687-885X 1687-8868 2090-8946 2115-7251 1023-5809 1607-7946 2198-5634 2038-9655 2038-9663 2083-6023 2151-8629 2090-5211 1687-9244 1687-9252 and experimental mechanics 2311-5521 1687-9309 1687-9317 1992-0628 1992-0636 2073-4433 1530-261X 2212-0963 1559-5404 2049-6060 1997 English, Ukrainian 2004 English 2012 English 2013 English 2012 English 2008 English 2015 English 1998 English 2015 English 2015 English 2008 English 2009 English 2011 English 2014 English 2008 English 2005 English 2013 English 2007 English 2011 English 2016 English 2013 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2001 English 2015 English 1966 Armenian, Russian, English 2015 English 2014 English 2015 English 1996 English 2001 English 2013 English, Persian 2012 English 2009 English 2012 English 2011 English 1994 English 2014 English 2011 English 2010 English 2010 English 2012 English 2009 English 2016 English 2009 English 2007 English 2010 English 2016 English 2014 English 2006 English 2014 English 2314-4122 2090-7516 2356-6361 0026-1165 0325-187X 0941-2948 1874-2823 2314-4130 2090-7524 2314-6214 2186-9057 1850-468X 1610-1227 2013 English 2012 English 2013 English 1965 English 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English 2007 English 2284-6220 1994 English 1349-6476 2005 English 0280-6509 1983 English 1697-1523 1139-3394 2006 English 2212-0947 2013 English 1593-5213 2037-416X 1948 English 1674-9278 2010 English 1687-9449 1687-9457 2009 English perimental mechanics 2195-7045 2014 English 1472-6793 2001 English 1664-042X 2010 English 1178-6469 2008 English 2314-467X 2013 English 2090-8792 2013 English 1995-1213 2219-7508 2006 English 2051-817X 2013 English 2314-4300 2314-4319 2013 English 1477-7827 2003 English 0386-2208 1349-2896 2003 English 1015-8987 1421-9778 2013 English 2090-3030 2090-3049 2011 English chemistry: Biochemistry1471-2091 2000 English chemistry: Biochemistry0717-3458 2014 English 1878-9293 1878-9307 2014 English emistry: Organic chemistry: 2375-2440 Biochemistry 2014 English 2372-028X 2372-0301 2014 English 2322-0708 2350-0123 2013 English, Hindi 0365-0359 1825-1242 2004 English, Italian 2055-7124 2014 English 1715-9997 1920-3853 2007 English 2214-6571 2014 English 2284-953X 2012 English 2167-7883 2167-7891 1999 English 1683-1470 2002 English 1979-7281 2443-1281 2014 English, Indonesian 2171-665X 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 1583-1469 2343-7391 2010 English 2231-8194 2007 English 2313-3724 2014 English 2330-1201 2013 English 2005-4238 2008 English 2250-0480 2011 English 2045-7057 2010 English 2088-5334 1018-3647 2337-5760 2356-7503 2229-8460 2070-0237 1000-5137 1658-3655 0852-257X 0023-5954 1583-0233 2339-1995 2011 English 2009 English 2338-5510 2013 English 2314-6893 2013 English 2009 English 2070-0245 2009 English 2013 Chinese, English 2008 English 2086-6682 2008 English 2010 English 2002 English 2356-0851 2007 English, Indonesian 2215-0161 2014 English 2041-1723 2015 English 1874-110X 2007 English 2213-0209 2014 English, German 0800-0395 1751-8369 1982 English 1731-6715 2392-1749 2009 English, Polish 0097-4374 1941 English 1514-5158 1853-0400 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 1800-279X 2006 English 2288-8063 2288-7474 2014 English 2313-6286 2313-8416 2014 English, Russian, Ukrainian 2322-2956 2012 English 2038-3460 2010 Italian, English 2356-6140 1537-744X 2001 English 0122-7483 2027-1352 1987 English, Spanish; Castilian 0352-4906 2002 English 1312-1723 1313-3551 2003 English 2300-2298 2013 English 1857-2073 2345-1033 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 2502-9258 2502-9266 2016 English 2405-8440 2015 English 2158-4044 2158-4052 2011 English 2256-1498 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 2007-0705 2008 English, Spanish; Castilian 2409-5370 2014 English 2247-4455 2285-9632 2011 English, French, German 0122-820X 2422-5053 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 1941-6016 2006 English 0038-2353 1996-7489 2009 English 2014-3672 2012 Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish; Castilian 1314-4081 2012 English 0974-2891 2007 English 2223-7038 2226-4116 2012 English 2197-6775 2012 English 1846-3312 1846-9418 2006 English Mathematics: Instruments 2192-1962 and machines:2011 Electronic English computers. Computer science Mathematics: Instruments 2196-064X and machines:2014 Electronic English computers. Computer science: Computer software 2069-7449 2248-0854 2011 English 0702-8865 1822-3338 0252-1865 2221-2698 2350-7756 1866-2447 1419-0222 1923-7081 2223-1757 2350-8442 2064-5929 2031-0293 1920-9355 1405-0269 1131-8635 1575-2275 2353-883X 1364-694X 1695-7253 2331-1886 1988-2572 2302-7304 2353-8821 2415-2404 1756-901X 2069-8534 2340-2717 2035-4983 1460-7425 1857-7717 2353-8503 1996-2800 2011-0324 1409-4002 2343-6891 1835-3800 2367-8151 2499-930X 1857-7725 2353-8414 1892-2783 2055-1045 2410-0854 2215-454X 2254-2035 2173-1950 1762-6153 2014-3680 1641-3466 2362-0889 2266-3134 1814-3199 2191-6411 1444-6359 2345-1424 1811-9832 2393-4913 2065-0175 1692-0279 1945-5488 2261-2424 2478-107X 2425-2158 1960-6060 2345-1017 2345-1483 1812-0660 2457-5836 2067-340X 2256-4322 1977 English 2015 English 1973 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English, Russian 2013 English 2008 English, German 2007 English, French, Hungarian 2006 Dutch; Flemish, English, French 2010 English, French 1999 English 2015 English 1992 English, French, Spanish; Castilian 1999 Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2016 English 1994 English 2011 English 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 1998 English 2014 English 2012 English 2015 English 2016 English 2011 English, Macedonian, Russian 2013 English, Polish 2010 English 2015 English 2009 English 2008 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2003 English, French 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English, Polish, Russian 2012 English, French 2014 English 2013 English, French 2007 English 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 2010 English 2001 English 2014 English 2004 English, Ukrainian 2015 English 2005 English, French 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2066-575X 2085-5044 1394-2603 1834-2000 1839-0846 2087-1228 1648-0627 2152-372X 1805-4854 1907-0853 2038-5498 1454-0320 2284-8576 1694-5948 2444-8834 2356-2242 2180-4184 1834-2019 2476-9053 1866-8658 1847-9375 1822-4202 1805-4862 2331-1975 2476-955X 2344-4436 2284-8584 2303-5013 1477-7029 1694-5972 2444-8842 2344-6781 2164-1692 2517-9993 0970-3896 2407-5434 0121-5051 2044-4621 1535-0754 2408-0098 1791-5120 2228-7019 2299-9701 1804-171X 2328-8272 2299-7075 2322-1097 2001-015X 1941-4722 2086-0668 1411-1438 1412-1700 2302-8890 1841-2416 2407-7321 2248-6968 2073-7122 2157-9393 2408-0101 1753-0296 1179-0776 1791-3373 2336-2960 2228-7027 2078-9424 2246-2465 1804-1728 2328-8280 2299-7326 2385-7137 2423-5857 1941-4730 2337-5434 2089-7928 2501-885X 2008 English 2009 English 1996 English 2007 English 2011 English 2007 English, Indonesian 2008 English 2010 English 2006 English, Lithuanian 2008 English 2012 English 2014 English 2015 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Italian 2000 English 2012 English 2015 English, Serbian 2002 English 2008 English 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2012 English 2016 Chinese, English 2012 English 2015 English 2000 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2002 English 2015 English 2006 English 2011 English 2008 English 2014 English 2011 English 2013 English, Polish 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2009 English 2014 English 2009 English 2016 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English 2010 English, Indonesian 1999 English, Indonesian 2002 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2006 English, French 2016 English 2286-2668 1844-668X 1453-0503 1804-0519 1224-6832 2300-4088 0719-7713 1869-778X 2074-2967 1978-1989 2286-170X 2307-4450 2344-1712 2325-4688 2203-6156 1581-1832 1804-0527 2247-8582 2391-5951 0719-6245 2214-4234 2501-3165 2410-8537 2355-6641 2233-1999 1337-7493 2069-5519 2226-3780 2232-0741 1802-8527 0124-4639 2285-3332 2344-5416 2284-6492 2336-6508 2145-4558 2344-3847 1849-1162 1804-2724 rcial geography. Economic 2192-5372 geography 1804-1205 1804-5006 0896-226X . Demography 2360-0047 1223-365X 1843-3723 1454-4296 2286-2056 1841-8678 1844-0029 1582-9146 2247-9104 . Demography: Economics2214-4625 as a science 2234-3040 2234-3059 1584-9066 2344-2174 2252-6544 1450-863X 2217-9232 2288-4637 2288-4645 . Demography: Economics2458-0341 as a science 1979-6471 2528-0147 0853-6627 . Demography: Economics1790-9899 as a science . Demography: Economics2501-3599 as a science . Demography: Economics2393-3127 as a science 0252-9521 2215-3489 2066-561X 2344-1321 2013 English 2008 English 2007 English 2014 English 2013 English 2013 English 2014 English 2008 English 2009 English, Russian 2006 English 2014 English, Polish, Russian 2015 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2013 English 2016 English 2007 Amharic, English 2011 English 2007 English 2010 English, Slovak 2006 English 2010 English 2011 Ukrainian, Russian, English 2011 English 2007 Czech, English 1999 English, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 2006 English 2010 English 2012 English 2010 English 1999 English 2013 English 2008 English 2004 English, French 2006 English 2004 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2013 English 2011 English 2012 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Serbian 2014 English 2015 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2011 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Indonesian 2007 English 2016 English 2009 English 2007 English, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 2286-0991 1844-7139 2013 English 2067-9440 2010 English . Demography: Economics1971-8357 as a science | 2015 Social English, Sciences: French, Social Italian sciences (General) 1222-569X 1582-5450 2005 English, French, German, Italian 2302-8912 2012 English, Indonesian 2087-2038 2461-1182 2014 English, Indonesian 1412-8969 2461-0771 2012 English, Indonesian 2089-6271 2338-4565 2008 English 2379-9463 2379-9471 2013 English 2373-1753 2373-1761 2014 English 2503-4235 2503-4243 2016 English (General) 2386-7515 2014 English, Spanish; Castilian 1997-8553 2008 English 2286-0452 1999 English 2252-6765 2012 English, Indonesian 1755-3091 2214-1421 2008 English 1978-0591 2460-6081 2007 English 1411-6227 2477-488X 2015 English, Indonesian 2086-7603 2089-5879 2010 English, Indonesian 2085-4277 2009 English, Indonesian 2355-9462 2528-1143 2014 English, Indonesian 2303-1018 2007 English, Indonesian 1823-4992 2180-4192 2012 English 1583-5812 1844-8801 2013 English Sciences: Finance 2313-0113 2014 English 1138-4891 1988-4672 1997 English, Spanish; Castilian 2051-848X 2051-8498 2013 English 1817-7417 0976-3600 2014 English 2084-3356 2011 English, Polish 1923-9335 1923-9343 2011 English 0258-5200 2071-0763 2008 English 2344-6773 2013 English 1865-5866 2014 English 2241-8407 2014 English 1738-3110 2093-7717 1999 English, Korean 2476-3160 2014 English 2232-5867 2350-367X 2012 English management 1849-5664 2014 English 1854-4223 1854-4231 2006 English management 2299-193X 2012 English 1683-7584 2071-078X 2003 English 1804-1299 1805-353X 2009 Czech, English, Slovak 2092-5212 2009 English 2310-8789 1995-5235 2007 English 2090-4185 2090-4193 2011 English sciences (General) 1944-1061 2009 English ogy (General) 2014-671X 2013 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1836-3393 2008 English 1527-8565 2331-4125 2008 English Urban sociology 2195-2701 2014 English 1650-9544 2003 English Urban sociology: City planning 2183-7635 2016 English 1869-8980 1869-8999 2010 English 2079-8555 2310-0524 2009 English 0048-749X 1553-0892 2011 English Urban sociology: Regional 2168-1376 economics. Space 2014 in English economics | Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban 1584-2339 2285-3065 2007 English 0852-7458 2356-0266 2011 English, Indonesian 1948-3074 2009 English 1580-0466 2335-4216 2009 English onomic theory. Demography: 2049-3509 Economics as2012 a science English 1860-9937 2004 English 1582-5949 2247-8620 2001 English 2174-3835 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 2067-8177 2010 English 2065-2194 2009 English 2082-677X 2010 Polish, English 1330-4860 1846-3878 1994 English 1579-1475 2002 English 0013-3264 1820-7375 2002 English, Serbian 2247-8531 2011 English 2090-2123 2090-2131 2010 English 2067-5046 2068-7389 2008 English 0350-137X 2334-9190 2007 English, Russian, Serbian 1689-765X 2353-3293 2011 English 1582-8859 2065-3883 2007 English 2359-7704 2013 English 1804-5081 1804-509X 2010 English 2343-9742 2343-9750 2013 English 2352-6343 2014 English 2069-3508 2008 English 0350-0373 2334-8526 2000 Serbian, English 2090-4029 2090-4037 2011 English 2090-8938 2012 English 2220-6140 2010 English 1843-2298 1844-8208 2007 English 1452-595X 2217-2386 2006 English, French 1923-7529 1923-8401 2011 English 1933-6837 1555-7561 2006 English 2068-3537 2009 English, French 1435-9871 1999 English 1907-3275 2008 English, Indonesian Vital events 2451-3121 2015 English 0120-3053 2256-5779 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 1410-4628 2012 English, Indonesian 1508-2008 2082-6737 2009 English 1517-7580 2013 English 2086-3128 2502-180X 2009 English 1810-9136 2006 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1864-6042 2007 English 0126-155X 2227-7099 1330-1039 0353-359X 2304-9669 2442-9260 2015 English 2013 English 1848-963X 2006 Croatian, English 1847-2206 2008 Croatian, English 2305-6282 2012 English, Russian 2255-078X 2012 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2193-8997 2012 English 2367-6361 2367-6957 2013 English 2537-141X 2016 English 1411-6081 2460-9331 2008 English, Indonesian 2089-7995 2012 English, Indonesian 1973-3909 2009 English 1804-1663 2009 English 1135-6618 1885-8031 1963 English, Spanish; Castilian 1824-2979 2004 English 1857-6974 1857-6982 2010 English 2173-0164 2010 English 2214-8450 2013 English 1734-039X 2005 English 2359-7712 2013 English 1583-3712 2006 English 2059-5999 2015 English 2066-6071 2010 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1979-8997 2356-3818 2009 English 2227-7072 2013 English 0572-3043 1804-2112 2004 Czech, English, Slovak 2332-2039 2013 English y: Economics as a science 2196-5633 2013 English 2077-1886 2218-0648 2012 English 2336-9205 2012 English 1592-6117 1724-2118 1977 English, Italian 1865-035X 1865-0368 2014 English 2183-380X 2183-7201 2015 English, Portuguese ment, planning 2311-6293 2013 English 2252-6560 2012 English, Indonesian 2406-2588 2406-3215 2012 English 2065-1198 2008 English ment, planning 2186-8662 2012 English ment, planning 2460-5123 2008 English, Indonesian ment, planning 1854-6935 2003 English 2083-1277 2353-1827 2010 English, Polish 1822-6760 2345-0355 2006 English, Lithuanian ment, planning | Social2197-1927 Sciences: Commerce: 2013 English Business 1692-7311 2389-8844 2011 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ment, planning | Social2193-2409 Sciences: Economic 2012 theory. English Demography: Economics as a science 1858-1307 2460-7649 2014 English, Indonesian ment, planning | Social1879-9337 Sciences: Finance 2011 English 2088-4842 2442-8795 2008 English, Indonesian 2193-9012 2012 English 2193-9020 2012 English 2245-0157 2011 English ss | Social Sciences: Commerce: 2002-2867Business: 2016Industrial English psychology 1929-9192 2012 English, French ss: Labor policy. Labor2193-9004 and the state 2012 English ss: Labor policy. Labor2196-436X and the state |2014 Social English Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science ss: Professions (General). 1893-1049 Professional2011 employees English ss: Vocational rehabilitation. 2211-5242 Employment 2011ofEnglish people with disabilities 1865-1542 2007 English es: Economic history and2250-4001 conditions 2011 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian siness | Social Sciences: 2255-9671 Communities. 2015 Classes. English Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Regional econ 2233-4165 2233-5382 2010 English, Korean 2220-3796 2010 English 1800-6450 1800-7473 2007 English 2182-7796 2182-7788 2013 English 2345-6744 2012 English 2243-7770 2243-7789 2012 English 2069-5934 2010 English 2245-408X 2012 English 1895-2038 1734-459X 2005 English, Polish 1331-0194 1846-3363 1998 English 1335-1745 1338-984X 2001 English, Slovak 1452-4864 2217-7159 2006 English 2212-3717 2013 English 1989-9068 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 1239-2685 1996 English 2413-1903 1684-1999 2001 English 2248-1354 2011 English 2029-7491 2029-6169 2011 English, Lithuanian anagement | Social Sciences: 2158-8708 Commerce: 2011 Business English 2450-7814 2450-8829 2012 English anagement | Social Sciences: 2378-5713 Commerce: 2015 Business English 1015-8812 2222-3436 2011 English 2228-7566 2251-7316 2014 English anagement | Social Sciences: 2196-3258 Industries. 2014 Land English use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning | Social Sci 2383-1359 2383-2525 2014 English anagement: Social responsibility 2366-0074 of business 2016 English | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business ethics anagement: Technological1847-9790 innovations. Automation 2009 English anagement: Work groups.2182-9535 Team work in industry. 2011 English, Quality Portuguese circles | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor 2212-9774 2012 English 2300-3022 2009 English, Polish rades: Pharmaceutical industry 1846-9558 2007 English rades: Pharmaceutical industry 2052-3211 2014 English 1575-0825 2172-3184 1999 English, Portuguese, Italian, French 1460-9819 2051-3070 1998 Arabic, English, French, Spanish; Castilian 1836-8808 2010 English 2413-9181 2015 English, French, German 2029-0470 2029-5820 2008 English, Lithuanian 1891-1803 2004 English 2372-255X 2164-1250 2006 English 2013-6757 2010 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2202-7998 2202-8005 2168-670X 2276-4275 2013 English 1995 English 2013 English, French 1874-9410 2008 English 0037-8054 2312-7198 2014 Afrikaans, English 1911-4788 2007 English 1330-2965 1845-6014 1994 Croatian, English ogy | Social Sciences: Social 2194-7899 sciences 2013 (General) English 2356-6892 2314-8314 2014 English 2001-7367 2013 English 1548-7660 1996 English 1392-642X 2029-7262 2009 English, Lithuanian 0390-590X 1973-2201 2002 English 1933-4214 2007 English 2303-0186 2012 English, Indonesian 1234-5865 2006 English, Polish 2312-8623 2014 English 2409-9708 2014 English 2032-9393 2011 English 2312-6620 2014 English 1996-1073 2008 English 2193-1127 2012 English 1802-2170 2011 Czech, English 2308-6505 2310-3450 2013 English, Russian 2296-8016 2014 English 2305-6894 2012 English 1989-1660 2008 English 2394-3858 2394-3866 2014 English 2090-7745 2012 English 1008-1542 2005 Chinese 2314-484X 2314-4858 2013 English 2090-7710 2090-7737 2013 English 2194-8771 2194-878X 2012 English 2300-1941 2010 English 2213-9621 2013 English 2311-6706 2150-5551 2009 English 2312-7856 2413-7227 2014 English, Russian 2231-2870 2010 English 1884-4057 2012 English 2300-7435 2014 English 2081-4836 2010 English 2299-114X 2013 English 2227-7080 2013 English 2305-7815 2409-2398 2007 English, Russian 2322-1186 2014 English 2306-5354 2014 English 2056-3485 2015 English 2043-6262 2010 English 2078-1547 2010 English 1804-1191 1804-4999 2010 English 1339-682X 2075-5309 2180-1371 2255-8551 1400-6529 2180-3242 1823-6499 1874-8368 2383-8701 2304-8158 1687-9422 2090-8733 2251-7871 1979-0503 1876-505X 1874-2483 1876-973X 1582-540X 1424-8220 2180-4222 1555-1369 1687-9430 2056-5135 2251-788X 2305-6304 1177-8903 2073-4344 2345-5357 2079-6374 2410-7751 1310-2818 2090-3138 0216-6887 2310-6255 0976-2612 2090-9403 0974-2328 1110-7243 0860-7796 1687-157X 1477-3155 2190-4286 2423-4214 2197-4365 2410-776X 1314-3530 2215-017X 2090-3146 1472-6750 2001-0370 2409-1332 2296-4185 2054-3085 2278-599X 1110-7251 2353-9461 1751-7915 2084-8803 1874-2564 2194-0517 2056-3426 2014 English 2011 English 2010 English 2009 English 1996 English 2010 English 2006 English 2004 English 2007 English 2014 English 2012 English 2009 English 2012 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2009 English 2008 English 2008 English 2010 English, French 2001 English 2013 English 2008 English 2011 English 2010 English 2014 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English, Russian, Ukrainian 2014 English 2014 English 2011 English 2005 English, Indonesian 2000 English 2012 English 2013 English, Russian 2013 English 2014 English 2010 English 2013 English 2008 English 2001 English 2011 English 2011 English 2003 English 2012 English 2013 English 2007 English 2012 English 2014 English 2383-0271 2079-4983 1313-261X 1390-9347 2383-028X 2014 English 2010 English 1312-451X 2004 English 1390-9355 2016 English, Spanish; Castilian 2214-0301 2014 English eral) | Science: Chemistry: 2045-3701 Organic chemistry: 2011 English Biochemistry eral): Genetics 1471-2164 2000 English 1338-6905 2012 English 2191-0855 2011 English 2166-532X 2013 English 2196-5404 2014 English 2373-8065 2015 English 1338-5178 2011 English 1978-2993 2008 English, Indonesian 0974-0546 2008 English 2300-1925 2011 English 1410-394X 2014 English, Indonesian 1687-806X 1687-8078 2008 English 2090-861X 2012 English 2303-0623 2012 English, Indonesian 2077-0375 2011 English 0852-0798 2407-5973 2006 English, Indonesian 2375-1487 2375-1495 2014 English emical technology: Biotechnology 2380-6761 | Medicine: 2016 English Therapeutics. Pharmacology 2251-8533 2322-4142 2012 English 2079-6439 2013 English 2187-0764 2013 English 2299-3932 2015 English 1179-1403 2009 English 2344-150X 2008 English 2066-7744 2015 English 2344-2344 2344-5300 2013 English 2066-6845 2009 English 2196-2804 2014 English 2356-7015 2314-5765 2013 English 2182-1054 2012 English 2239-7132 2008 English, Italian 2150-2668 2010 English 2356-7384 2314-839X 2014 English 1979-7788 2087-751X 2000 English, Indonesian 2407-3814 2014 English, Indonesian 2304-974X 2313-5891 2012 English 2356-7392 2314-601X 2014 English and use. Labor: Special2292-8782 industries and 2014 trades: English Engery industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade y: Biotechnology 1754-6834 2008 English 2352-8540 2014 English 2257-6614 2000 English, French 2322-2212 2014 English 1369-7021 1998 English 1210-2709 1805-2363 2001 English 2067-3809 1687-8086 1684-9965 2090-4479 1110-0168 1818-1171 1998-4456 1941-7020 1584-2665 1687-8094 1684-9973 2411-7773 1941-7039 2213-2902 2214-157X 2180-1363 2314-8063 1006-754X 1336-5835 1410-9530 2322-2093 2199-6512 1979-570X 2423-6691 1805-2576 2079-6412 2327-3038 2355-391X 1390-6542 2095-8099 1994-2060 2145-0935 0122-6517 2145-9282 1511-788X 2223-5329 2248-9622 2152-4157 2229-838X 2356-7023 2157-8052 2076-734X 1023-621X 2085-6830 2095-6339 1757-8981 2090-5106 1978-3051 2314-4904 2337-5779 1791-2377 2331-1916 2327-3054 2443-1168 2096-0026 1997-003X 2215-0986 2052-6156 2346-1446 2382-4700 2289-7860 1555-9033 2226-809X 2152-4165 2314-5781 1930-6628 2076-7366 1542-3034 1757-899X 2090-5114 2314-4912 2338-5502 2026-674X 2312-2307 2008 English 2009 English 2003 English, German 2010 English 2010 English 2005 English 2008 Arabic, English 2008 English 2003 English 2013 English 2013 English 2009 English 2013 English 2000 Chinese 2014 English 1999 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2014 Czech, English 2011 English 2014 English 2013 English 2013 English 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 2015 English 2015 English 2014 English 2014 English 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 2000 English 2006 English 2011 English 2011 English 2009 English 2009 English, Malay 2013 English 2000 English 2009 English 1994 English 2009 English 2013 English 2009 English 2011 English 2003 English 2013 English 2003 English 2015 English 2014 English 2008 English 1018-3639 2011 English 2450-5471 2015 English 2345-4423 2013 English 0452-599X 1804-1213 1991 Czech, English, Slovak 1694-7398 2012 English, Turkish 2066-6934 2007 English 2055-7434 2015 English 1874-1495 2007 English 2391-5439 2015 English 2220-9506 2414-0473 2010 English, Russian 0783-6104 1797-5301 1985 Finnish, English 1336-9024 1338-7278 2009 English 2214-1804 2014 English 1338-3973 2010 English 0852-1697 2006 English, Indonesian 2051-3305 2013 English 2095-0349 2015 English 1813-162X 2012 Arabic, English 1224-3884 2068-4762 2004 English, French 1735-1979 1735-2746 2012 English 2247-3769 2284-7197 2015 English 1754-1611 2007 English 2076-3417 2011 English 1687-4099 1687-4102 2006 English 1616-8658 2014 English 1024-123X 1563-5147 1995 English 1687-5249 2007 English 1687-563X 1687-5648 2007 English 0254-7821 2413-7219 2011 English l Sciences: Communities.2297-3362 Classes. Races: 2015 Urban English groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning 1687-7144 1687-7152 2008 English 2314-8055 2314-8047 2013 English 1221-2709 2247-0328 2010 English, French, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1823-4690 2006 English 1687-6849 1687-6857 2008 English ology: Technology (General) 2265-4224 | Technology: 2014Manufactures English 2241-4487 1792-8036 2011 English d optics. Photonics 2378-0967 2016 English 2095-4719 2052-3289 2013 English 2194-9042 2194-9050 2012 English 2356-7562 2314-6451 2013 English d optics. Photonics 2299-3177 2013 English d optics. Photonics 2304-6732 2014 English 1682-1750 2194-9034 2000 English d optics. Photonics | Science: 2047-7538 Physics:2012 Optics. English Light 1867-8610 2008 English 2288-4300 2014 English ering design 2213-7459 2013 English ering design | Technology: 2013-7087 Building construction 2011 English 2341-3050 2341-2747 2014 English, Spanish; Castilian 1843-3766 2344-4681 2006 English 1835-6354 1837-9133 2010 English ering economy | Technology: 2204-9029 Building construction 2001 English 1674-7755 2013 English ering geology. Rock mechanics. 2083-831X Soil mechanics. 2012 English Underground construction ering machinery, tools,2411-5134 and implements 2016 | Social English Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial 2080-5187 2450-8594 2014 English 2076-2895 2076-2909 2010 English nmental engineering 2009-549X 2013 English 1874-8295 2009 English 1757-482X 1757-4838 2009 English nmental engineering | Science: 2081-9617 Biology 2007 (General): EnglishEcology 1867-1381 1867-8548 2008 English ics of engineering. Applied 2300-5319 mechanics 2013 English 1802-680X 2336-1182 2009 English ics of engineering. Applied 2353-7396 mechanics 2014 English ics of engineering. Applied 1734-4492 mechanics 2013 English ics of engineering. Applied 2383-4536 mechanics 2015 English 2423-6713 2423-6705 2012 English 2289-4659 2231-8380 2011 English 0232-3869 1980 English, German ics of engineering. Applied 2213-7467 mechanics |2014 Technology: English Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Syste ural engineering (General) 2214-3998 2014 English 2356-766X 2314-6494 2013 English 0209-3324 2450-1549 2008 English, Polish 1970-9889 1970-9870 2008 English, Italian 1996-9457 1996-9465 2008 English 2353-8589 2013 English 2076-3298 2014 English 2052-336X 2012 English 2156-9614 2011 English 2084-879X 2014 English 1876-4002 2008 English 1993-3800 1993-3819 2008 English, French 2338-6207 2013 English 2073-4441 2009 English . Anthropology. Recreation: 2414-8121 Environmental 2016sciences English . Anthropology. Recreation: 1748-9326 Environmental 2006sciences English . Anthropology. Recreation: 2193-2697 Environmental 2012sciences English 1027-5606 1607-7938 1997 English . Anthropology. Recreation: 2299-8993 Environmental 2013sciences English 1561-8633 1684-9981 2001 English 1947-5705 1947-5713 2016 English 2212-6090 2012 English 1823-4208 2232-1500 2012 English, Malay 1644-0765 2006 English, Polish 2369-5668 2369-5676 2014 English 2080-4075 2299-8624 2012 English 2339-076X 2014 English tal effects of industries 2058-5888 and plants | 2015 Geography. EnglishAnthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences | Science: 2356-6698 2314-7652 2014 English 2405-6650 2015 English 2039-9898 2281-4485 2009 English 0954-2299 2047-6523 2015 English 1017-1703 2410-972X 1971 English tal pollution | Technology: 2410-2598 Engineering2015 (General). English Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering tal pollution | Technology: 2196-288X Environmental 2014technology. English Sanitary engineering: Environmental effects of industri 1814-9324 1814-9332 2005 English 1814-9340 1814-9359 2005 English tal pollution | Technology: 1750-0680 Environmental 2014technology. English Sanitary engineering: Environmental protection | Techno tal protection 2083-4810 2012 English 1996-9473 1996-9481 2008 English ly for domestic and industrial 2312-6604 purposes2014 English ly for domestic and industrial 2345-0363 purposes2015 English 1843-5157 2068-259X 2003 English 2044-7248 2012 English 1654-6628 1654-661X 2008 English 2048-7177 2013 English 2213-4530 2012 English 2296-861X 2014 English 1869-6945 2010 English 1978-1059 2407-0920 2006 English, Indonesian 2072-6643 2009 English 2316-7874 2000 English 2383-0441 2383-3009 2014 English 1876-3960 2008 English 2083-6007 2011 English 2048-6790 2012 English e: Internal medicine: Specialties 2072-1315 of internal 2015 English medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases e: Internal medicine: Specialties 1743-7075 of internal 2004 English medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases e: Internal medicine: Specialties 1475-2891 of internal 2002 English medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases e: Medicine (General) 2160-3855 2011 English e: Public aspects of medicine 2228-6497 2011 English 1021-9498 2013 English 2089-7200 2339-0948 2013 English : Biology (General): Genetics 1865-3499 2016 English Sciences: Industries. Land 2193-7532 use. Labor: 2013 Special English industries and trades: Agricultural industries 2065-2828 2000 English 1605-2552 2226-5899 2000 English ogy: Chemical technology: 2055-0928 Food processing 2014and English manufacture | Medicine: Medicine (General) 1120-1770 2008 English 2092-9196 2198-2783 2015 English 0042-790X 2009 English 1874-3781 2007 English 1965-0175 2008 English 2095-087X 2196-0577 2013 English 1110-4929 2013 English gy. Sanitary engineering: 2345-5012 Water supply 2013 for domestic English, and Persian industrial purposes eering (General) 2083-4535 2006 English 1674-2370 2405-8106 2008 English 0378-4738 1816-7950 2453-7306 1687-8140 1687-5923 1583-0691 2335-0164 2223-7704 2297-3079 2005 English 2016 English 1687-8132 2009 English 1687-5915 2008 English 2005 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 0354-2025 1997 English 2223-7690 2013 English 2015 English 2089-4856 2012 English 2229-8649 2180-1606 2010 English 2198-2791 2014 English 2090-5122 2090-5130 2011 English 1895-7595 2010 English 2180-1053 2009 English 1687-9600 1687-9619 2009 English 2302-5255 2012 English, Indonesian 2289-7232 2014 English 2075-1702 2013 English 2087-1880 2460-1888 2010 English, Indonesian 2218-6581 2012 English 1338-5011 2011 English 0354-9836 2001 English 1210-0471 1804-0993 2005 English 0354-8996 2217-7965 1979 English s: Instruments and machines: 2296-9144 Electronic2014 computers. English Computer science ring (General). Civil engineering 2300-7079 (General) 2012 English, Polish 1756-8277 1756-8285 2009 English systems. Automatic machinerey 2197-4225 (General)2014 | Technology: English Mechanical engineering and machinery: Machine design an | Technology: Mechanical2493-9439 engineering and 2016 machinery: English Renewable energy sources 1804-9338 2011 English rawing | Technology: Engineering 2198-7874 (General). 2015 English Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied me 2084-6819 2013 English 2255-8837 2009 English 2105-0716 2011 English 2195-9706 2013 English 2195-4771 2195-478X 2013 English 1110-662X 1687-529X 1999 English 2252-4940 2012 English 2090-7451 2090-746X 2011 English 2314-4386 2314-4394 2013 English 2356-7635 2314-6230 2013 English 2356-7732 2314-6249 2013 English 2356-8518 2356-8569 2015 English 1748-1317 1748-1325 2014 English rces | Social Sciences:2192-0567 Industries. Land 2011 use. English Labor: Special industries and trades: Engery industries. Energy rces | Social Sciences:1757-1707 Industries. Land 2016 use. English Labor: Special industries and trades: Engery industries. Energy 1450-7188 2002 English 1687-9147 1687-9155 2009 English 2415-0436 2518-2994 2016 English 2409-0026 2014 English 1006-6748 2049-3444 0392-8764 1738-9976 2009 Chinese 2011 English 2015 English 2007 English 1725-0463 2006 English 2086-9614 2010 English 2307-4892 2013 English 2090-6064 2090-6072 2011 English 1880-0688 2006 English 1687-4110 1687-4129 2006 English 2356-749X 2314-6931 2013 English 1687-9503 1687-9511 2009 English 2095-283X 2012 Chinese, English 1687-725X 1687-7268 2008 English 2284-6808 2012 English 2002-2727 2010 English 1847-9804 2011 English 2038-9671 2038-968X 2011 English 1818-6742 1995-9516 2007 English, Spanish; Castilian 1876-3871 2008 English 0943-8246 1995 English, German 1720-7525 2003 English 2220-721X 2011 English 2527-8045 2016 English 2229-6107 2010 English 2086-5023 2302-5743 2010 English 0853-4098 2088-2033 2007 English 2089-6131 2443-1311 2011 English, Indonesian 2226-7522 2305-3372 2012 English se. Labor: Management. Industrial 1927-0321 management 2007 English 1978-6956 2089-791X 2008 English afety. Industrial accident 2255-8705 prevention 2015 English afety. Industrial accident 2313-576X prevention |2015 Medicine: EnglishMedicine (General) 1898-4509 2449-7436 2013 English, Polish, Russian 1452-774X 2006 English 1897-8649 2080-2145 2007 English 2221-6529 2223-8379 2011 English 2251-9904 2423-3935 2008 English 1411-2485 1999 English, Indonesian 1012-277X 2224-7890 2011 English ngineering | Science: Mathematics: 1999-4893 Instruments 2008 English and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science 2013-8423 2013-0953 2008 English 1923-2926 1923-2934 2010 English ngineering | Technology:1779-6288 Technology (General): 2014 English Industrial directories 2193-4215 2011 English 1848-0225 1848-9931 2010 English 2299-9965 2353-0588 2002 English 1748-3018 1748-3026 2007 English ngineering: Applied mathematics. 2326-3652 Quantitative 2013 English methods | Science: Mathematics ngineering: Applied mathematics. 2194-3206 Quantitative 2013 English methods | Science: Mathematics: Analysis 1687-1820 1687-1812 2004 English ngineering: Applied mathematics. 2297-4687 Quantitative 2015 English methods | Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical sta ngineering: Applied mathematics. 1179-4984 Quantitative 2007 English methods | Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical sta 2312-3125 2312-931X 2010 English, Russian, Ukrainian ngineering: Information2210-8327 technology 2011 English 2048-7703 2012 English 0973-5658 2009 English 1847-2001 1848-2295 2008 English ngineering: Information2255-9922 technology 2014 English ngineering: Information2352-8648 technology 2015 English 1396-0466 1996 English 1999-5903 2009 English ngineering: Information1795-6889 technology 2005 English ngineering: Information2405-9595 technology 2015 English ngineering: Information2227-9709 technology 2014 English 2078-2489 2010 English 2224-5758 2224-896X 2011 English ngineering: Information2255-9094 technology 2012 English 1826-9745 2283-2998 2005 English 2442-6571 2015 English 1738-6764 2093-7504 2004 English 1738-9968 2008 English 1978-3086 2007 English ngineering: Information2271-2097 technology 2013 English 1712-4441 2004 English 1992-8645 1817-3195 2005 English 1818-1015 2313-5417 2012 English, Russian ngineering: Information2333-7184 technology 2014 English 2190-6807 2006 English ngineering: Information1793-7078 technology 2015 English 2407-7658 2014 English, Indonesian ngineering: Information2029-7564 technology 2011 English 1936-0282 2008 English, French 1690-4532 1690-4524 2003 English ngineering: Information2190-8532 technology | Law: 2012Law English in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: Compara 1805-9163 1805-9171 2013 English ngineering: Information2291-5222 technology | Medicine: 2013 English Public aspects of medicine ngineering: Information2291-9279 technology | Medicine: 2013 English Public aspects of medicine ngineering: Information2415-1084 technology | Medicine: 2016 English Therapeutics. Pharmacology 0861-5160 1314-2119 2003 English ngineering: Information2214-7829 technology | Philosophy. 2014 English Psychology. Religion: Psychology ngineering: Information1758-2946 technology | Science: 2009 English Chemistry ngineering: Information2300-2611 technology | Science: 2010 English Mathematics ngineering: Information2300-5963 technology | Science: 2013 English Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Co 1895-3735 2353-6977 2005 English 1449-8618 1326-2238 1993 English 2096-157X 2008 English 1390-9266 1390-9134 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ngineering: Information1868-8969 technology | Science: 2008 English Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Co 2196-8888 2196-8896 2013 English ngineering: Information2197-4314 technology | Science: 2014 English Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory 2277-7830 2348-5922 2014 English 1566-6379 1997 English ngineering: Information1874-4753 technology | Social 1996 English Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and tra 1544-7529 1544-7537 2003 English ngineering: Management information 2032-9407 systems 2013 English 2340-4876 2013 English 1453-2069 2359-9855 2012 English 1015-7999 2313-7835 2010 English 2078-1865 1560-683X 1999 English ngineering: Management information 2196-1115 systems 2014 |English Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Manage 2503-0477 2502-3357 2015 English, Indonesian ngineering: Management information 2239-4303 systems 2011 |English, Technology: Italian Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Manage 2217-379X 2217-9860 2010 English Castilian nish; Castilian uguese, Spanish; Castilian tuguese, Spanish; Castilian ian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ; Castilian 序号 Journal title 1 Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 2 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Agriculture and Environment 3 Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) 4 Agriculture 5 Agriscientia 6 Agronomy 7 Annales Univesitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska sectio E Agricultura 8 Annals of Silvicultural Research 9 Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal 10 Crop Journal 11 Czech Journal of Food Sciences 12 European Agrophysical Journal 13 International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 14 Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 15 Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council 16 Organic Farming 17 Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries 18 Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica 19 Soil and Water Research 20 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 21 Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales 22 Tropicultura 23 Agrociencia 24 Nativa 25 Journal of Integrated Pest Management 26 ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS 27 Revista Caatinga 28 Desert 29 Adansonia 30 OENO One 31 European Countryside 32 Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 33 ARO. The Scientific Journal of Koya University 34 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 35 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias 36 Journal of Bioenergy and Food Science 37 Acta Agrobotanica 38 Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica 39 Acta Scientiarum: Agronomy 40 Acta Technologica Agriculturae 41 Advances in Agriculture 42 African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 43 Agricultural and Food Science 44 Agricultural Engineering 45 Agricultural Science 46 Agriculture 47 Agriekonomika 48 Agrotrop: Journal on Agriculture Science 49 AIMS Agriculture and Food 50 Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 51 American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 52 Annals of Agricultural Sciences 53 Applied and Environmental Soil Science 54 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 55 Bangladesh Agronomy Journal 56 Bragantia 57 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Agricul 58 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticul 59 Cogent Food & Agriculture 60 Colloquium Agrariae 61 Derim 62 Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 63 Food and Energy Security 64 Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 65 Future of Food : Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society 66 Horticultural Science 67 Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 68 International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development 69 International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology : IJARIT 70 International Journal of Agriculture System 71 International Journal of Agronomy 72 Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 73 ISRN Agronomy 74 Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development 75 Journal of Agricultural Engineering 76 Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77 Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78 Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 79 Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 80 Nauka Przyroda Technologie 81 Open Agriculture Journal 82 Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture 83 Research in Agricultural Engineering 84 Research in Plant Disease 85 Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics 86 Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia 87 Revista Colombiana de Investigaciones Agroindustriales 88 Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 89 Rural Sustainability Research 90 Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 91 Scientia Agraria Paranaensis 92 Scientia Agricola 93 Scientia Agropecuaria 94 Scientific Journal of Crop Science 95 Soil & Environment 96 Studies in Agricultural Economics 97 Terra Latinoamericana 98 Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 99 Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 100 Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology 101 Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 102 Pastos y Forrajes 103 Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal Recia 104 Agricultures 105 AgroLife Scientific Journal 106 Azarian Journal of Agriculture 107 The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural science 108 Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 109 International Journal of Environment 110 Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment 111 EU agrarian Law 112 Gontor Agrotech Science Journal 113 Journal of Zhejiang University: Agriculture and Life Sciences 114 Scientific Papers: Series B. Horticulture 115 Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone 116 La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida 117 Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis 118 Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 119 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 120 Revista Ceres 121 Journal Keteknikan Pertanian 122 Agriculture & Food Security 123 International Journal of Food and Allied Sciences 124 Landtechnik 125 Agritech 126 Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian Indonesia 127 Information Processing in Agriculture 128 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica 129 Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences 130 Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry 131 Archiva Zootehnica 132 Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 133 Buletin Peternakan 134 Czech Journal of Animal Science 135 Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology 136 Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 137 Italian Journal of Animal Science 138 Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences 139 Journal of Animal Science and Technology 140 Jurnal Agripet 141 Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 142 Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria Zootehnie 143 Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan 144 Media Peternakan 145 Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research 146 Pastoralism 147 Porcine Research 148 Poultry Science Journal 149 Rangifer 150 Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 151 Scientific Journal of Animal Science 152 Zootecnia 153 International Journal of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety 154 Genetics Selection Evolution 155 Animal Reproduction 156 Archives Animal Breeding 157 Archivos de Zootecnia 158 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal S 159 Mljekarstvo 160 Wartazoa 161 Acta Veterinaria 162 Acta Veterinaria Brasilica 163 Acta Veterinaria Brno 164 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 165 Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 166 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 167 Analecta Veterinaria 168 BMC Veterinary Research 169 Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 170 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Veterin 171 Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine 172 CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia 173 Chiang Mai Sattawa Phatthayasan 174 Exploratory Animal and Medical Research 175 Frontiers in Veterinary Science 176 Indonesia Medicus Veterinus 177 International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine 178 Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 179 Irish Veterinary Journal 180 ISRN Veterinary Science 181 Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 182 Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 183 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports 184 Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 185 Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 186 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 187 Journal of Veterinary Medicine 188 Journal of Veterinary Research 189 Journal of World's Poultry Research 190 Jurnal Veteriner 191 Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 192 Macedonian Veterinary Review 193 Medicamentul Veterinar 194 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 195 Open Veterinary Science Journal 196 Pakistan Veterinary Journal 197 REDVET 198 Revista de Medicina Veterinaria 199 Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances 200 Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences 201 Veterinaria Italiana 202 Veterinary Medicine : Research and Reports 203 Veterinary Medicine and Science 204 Veterinary Medicine International 205 Veterinary News 206 Veterinary Record Open 207 Veterinary Research 208 Veterinary Sciences 209 Veterinary World 210 World Rabbit Science 211 Jurnal Ilmu dan Kesehatan Hewan 212 Human & Veterinary Medicine 213 Advancements in Life Sciences 214 Animals 215 Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 216 Aquacultura Indonesiana 217 Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 218 Croatian Journal of Fisheries 219 Depik Jurnal 220 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 221 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 222 Indonesian Aquaculture Journal 223 Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal 224 Journal of Fisheries 225 Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research 226 Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences 227 Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 228 Omni-Aktuatika 229 Open Fish Science Journal 230 Progress in Fishery Sciences 231 South China Fisheries Science 232 Bio-based and Applied Economics 233 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 234 Jurnal Kelautan 235 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 236 Aquaculture Environment Interactions 237 Annals of Forest Research 238 Cerne 239 Floresta e Ambiente 240 Folia Forestalia Polonica: Series A - Forestry 241 Forest Systems 242 Forestry Journal 243 Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 244 International Journal of Forestry Research 245 ISRN Forestry 246 Journal of Forest Science 247 Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan 248 Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 249 Metsanduslikud Uurimused 250 New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 251 Open Forest Science Journal 252 Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira 253 Pro Ligno 254 Revista Chapingo: Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente 255 Revista do Instituto Florestal 256 South-East European Forestry 257 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 258 Advances in Forestry Science 259 Communications in Plant Sciences 260 Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 261 Folia Horticulturae 262 Frontiers in Plant Science 263 Herba Polonica 264 Horticultura Brasileira 265 International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 266 Italian Journal of Agronomy 267 Journal of Cotton Science 268 Journal of Horticultural Research 269 Journal of Maize Research and Development 270 Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 271 Journal of Seed Science 272 Plant Breeding and Seed Science 273 Plant Production Science 274 Plant Protection Science 275 Plant, Soil and Environment 276 Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 277 The Plant Pathology Journal 278 Avian Conservation and Ecology 279 Plant Methods 280 Rice 281 The Plant Genome 282 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 283 Journal of Plant Development 284 Plant Root 285 Summa Phytopathologica 286 AoB Plants 287 Wine Studies 288 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 289 Plant Biotechnology Journal 290 Achievements in the Life Sciences 291 Advances in Bioinformatics 292 Advances in Biology 293 Advances in Biomaterials 294 Advances in Environmental Sciences 295 AIMS Biophysics 296 Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi 297 Analele Universitatii din Oradea: Fascicula Biologie 298 Animal Migration 299 Annals of West University of Timisoara: Series of Biology 300 Applications in Plant Sciences 301 Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 302 Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 303 Atlas Journal of Biology 304 Biodiversitas 305 Biodiversity : Research and Conservation 306 Biodiversity Data Journal 307 Biodiversity Informatics 308 Biodiversity Science 309 Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 310 BioInvasions Records 311 Biology 312 Biology Direct 313 Biology Open 314 Biomarker Research 315 Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology 316 Biomedicines 317 Biomolecules 318 Biotemas 319 BMC Biology 320 BMC Developmental Biology 321 BMC Structural Biology 322 BMC Systems Biology 323 Cell Reports 324 Check List 325 Chinese Journal of Biology 326 Cogent Biology 327 Communicative & Integrative Biology 328 Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews 329 Computational Biology Journal 330 Current Plant Biology 331 Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 332 Diversity 333 DNA Barcodes 334 Entomologia 335 Environmental and Experimental Biology 336 EurAsian Journal of Biosciences 337 European Journal of Biological Research 338 European Journal of Histochemistry 339 Evolutionary Bioinformatics 340 Folia faunistica Slovaca 341 Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 342 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 343 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 344 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 345 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 346 GigaScience 347 HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 348 International Journal of Aquatic Biology 349 International Journal of Biological Sciences 350 International Journal of Biomaterials 351 International Journal of Mosquito Research 352 ISRN Bioinformatics 353 ISRN Biomarkers 354 ISRN Biophysics 355 ISRN Molecular Biology 356 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 357 Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology 358 Journal of Biological Methods 359 Journal of Biological Research 360 Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki 361 Journal of Biological Researches 362 Journal of Biology 363 Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences 364 Journal of Biophysics 365 Journal of Circadian Rhythms 366 Journal of Controversies in Biomedical Research 367 Journal of Developmental Biology 368 Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 369 Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 370 Journal of Fungi 371 Journal of Insect Science 372 Journal of Radiation Research 373 Journal of Signal Transduction 374 Journal of Tropical Life Science 375 Jurnal Biologi 376 Life Science 377 Malaysian Applied Biology Journal 378 Management of Biological Invasions 379 MAP Kinase 380 Marine Drugs 381 Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences 382 Microbial Cell 383 Microorganisms 384 Molecular Biology Research Communications 385 Molecular Imaging 386 Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 387 Movement Ecology 388 Mycosphere 389 Natura Sloveniae : Revija za Terensko Biologijo 390 NeoBiota 391 Neotropical Biology and Conservation 392 Network Biology 393 Nota Lepidopterologica 394 npj Systems Biology and Applications 395 Nusantara Bioscience 396 OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 397 Open Bioinformatics Journal 398 Open Biology 399 Open Life Sciences 400 Peptidomics 401 Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology 402 PLoS Biology 403 PLoS Computational Biology 404 Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 405 Proenvironment Promediu 406 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 407 Pure and Applied Biology 408 Regeneration 409 Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 410 SaBios 411 Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 412 Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences 413 Simbiosis: Journal of Biological Sciences 414 Soil Science Annual 415 Stem Cell Research 416 Studies in Mycology 417 Subterranean Biology 418 Taiwania 419 The All Results Journals: Biol 420 Tropical Life Sciences Research 421 Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Ecology 422 Zoosystematics and Evolution 423 BMC Proceedings 424 International Journal Bioautomation 425 Systematic Reviews 426 Collectanea Botanica 427 Darwiniana 428 Horticulture Research 429 Planta Daninha 430 Reinwardtia 431 Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte reale si ale naturii 432 Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry 433 Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 434 BMB Reports 435 Enzyme Research 436 Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 437 Research Letters in Biochemistry 438 ISRN Biomathematics 439 Letters in Biomathematics 440 Molecular Based Mathematical Biology 441 Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences 442 Aquatic Biology 443 Biomolecular Detection and Quantification 444 Mycology 445 BIO Web of Conferences 446 BMC Biophysics 447 Bone Research 448 Nauplius 449 Wildlife Biology 450 Wildlife Biology in Practice 451 Brazilian Journal of Biology 452 Analytical Cellular Pathology 453 BMC Cell Biology 454 Cell Death and Disease 455 Cell Discovery 456 Cell Regeneration 457 Cells 458 Cilia 459 CytoJournal 460 International Journal of Cell Biology 461 ISRN Cell Biology 462 Journal of Cell Death 463 Journal of Cytology 464 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 465 Proteome Science 466 Receptors & Clinical Investigation 467 Stem Cells and Cloning : Advances and Applications 468 Protein & Cell 469 Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 470 Advances in Ecology 471 Alces : A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose 472 Biodiversity and Natural History 473 Biodiversity Journal 474 Biota Neotropica 475 Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology 476 BMC Ecology 477 Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems 478 Ecologia Balkanica 479 Ecologica Montenegrina 480 Ecological Processes 481 Ecology and Evolution 482 Ecology and Society 483 Ecosphere 484 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 485 European Journal of Ecology 486 European Journal of Environmental Sciences 487 Forest Ecosystems 488 Global Ecology and Conservation 489 International Journal of Biodiversity 490 International Journal of Ecology 491 ISRN Ecology 492 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 493 Journal of Ecosystems 494 Journal of Landscape Ecology 495 Lakes Reservoirs and Ponds 496 Madagascar Conservation & Development 497 NAMMCO Scientific Publications 498 Open Ecology Journal 499 Ornis Hungarica 500 Primate Biology 501 Research Letters in Ecology 502 Riparian Ecology and Conservation 503 Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research 504 Acta Geographica Debrecina. Landscape and Environment Series 505 Genes and Environment 506 Biogeosciences 507 African Invertebrates 508 Journal of Threatened Taxa 509 Nature Conservation 510 Animal Biotelemetry 511 Opuscula Zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 512 BMC Evolutionary Biology 513 EvoDevo 514 Evolutionary Applications 515 Virus Evolution 516 Molecular Systems Biology 517 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 518 Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 519 Biogeosciences Discussions 520 Non-Genetic Inheritance 521 Journal of Pollination Ecology 522 Advances in Genomics and Genetics 523 AIMS Genetics 524 Algorithms for Molecular Biology 525 Applied and Translational Genomics 526 Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics 527 Biopolymers and Cell 528 BMC Genetics 529 Case Reports in Genetics 530 Comparative Cytogenetics 531 Epigenetics & Chromatin 532 EuPA Open Proteomics 533 Frontiers in Genetics 534 G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 535 Geneconserve 536 Genes 537 Genetics and Epigenetics 538 Genetics and Molecular Biology 539 Genetics Research International 540 Genetika 541 Genome Biology 542 Genome Biology and Evolution 543 Genomics Data 544 Hereditas 545 Human Genomics 546 Indian Journal of Human Genetics 547 International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 548 International Journal of Genomics 549 Mobile DNA 550 Molecular Cytogenetics 551 Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 552 Non-Coding RNA 553 Nucleic Acids Research 554 PLoS Genetics 555 Standards in Genomic Sciences 556 BMC Molecular Biology 557 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development 558 Molecular and Cellular Therapies 559 Human Genome Variation 560 Journal of Nucleic Acids 561 Canine Genetics and Epidemiology 562 Arquipelago : Life and Marine Sciences 563 Acta Botanica Croatica 564 Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 565 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 566 Advances in Botany 567 Annali di Botanica 568 Arnaldoa 569 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 570 Bioscience Horizons 571 BMC Plant Biology 572 Botanical Studies 573 Buletin Kebun Raya 574 Flora Montiberica 575 Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine 576 Hoehnea 577 Journal of Botany 578 Journal of Ginseng Research 579 Journal of Mycology 580 Lankesteriana 581 Lazaroa 582 Maydica 583 Modern Phytomorphology 584 MycoKeys 585 PhytoKeys 586 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 587 Plant Pathology & Quarantine 588 Plants 589 Turczaninowia 590 Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 591 Botanica Serbica 592 Forests 593 Advances in Virology 594 AIMS Microbiology 595 American Journal of Immunology 596 Archaea 597 BMC Microbiology 598 Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 599 Cell Journal 600 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 601 Frontiers in Microbiology 602 International Journal of Bacteriology 603 International Journal of Microbiology 604 International Journal of Mycobacteriology 605 ISRN Microbiology 606 Journal of Medical Bacteriology 607 Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 608 Journal of Oral Microbiology 609 Journal of Viruses 610 Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 611 mBio 612 Metabolites 613 Microbial Cell Factories 614 Microbiologia Medica 615 Microbiology Insights 616 MicrobiologyOpen 617 mSphere 618 Open Microbiology Journal 619 Open Virology Journal 620 Proteomes 621 Revista de Microbiologia 622 Scientific Journal of Microbiology 623 Virology Reports 624 Virology: Research and Treatment 625 Virus Adaptation and Treatment 626 Viruses 627 National Journal of Laboratory Medicine 628 npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 629 Acrocephalus 630 Acta Herpetologica 631 Advances in Zoology 632 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 633 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 634 Arachnologische Mitteilungen 635 Arthropods 636 Avian Research 637 Bonn Zoological Bulletin 638 CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 639 EntomoBrasilis 640 Fauna Norvegica 641 Florida Entomologist 642 Fragmenta entomologica 643 Frontiers in Zoology 644 Galemys : Spanish Journal of Mammalogy 645 Graellsia 646 HYLA: Herpetological Bulletin 647 Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 648 International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 649 International Journal of Insect Science 650 International Journal of Zoological Research 651 International Journal of Zoology 652 Invertebrate Survival Journal 653 ISRN Zoology 654 Journal of Apicultural Science 655 Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 656 Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 657 Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 658 Journal of Hymenoptera Research 659 Journal of Insects 660 Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 661 Nematoda 662 Neotropical Helminthology 663 Neotropical Ichthyology 664 Open Ornithology Journal 665 Open Veterinary Journal 666 Psyche : A Journal of Entomology 667 Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 668 Revue de Primatologie 669 Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology 670 Slovak Raptor Journal 671 Vestnik Zoologii 672 Veterinary Science Development 673 Wildfowl 674 ZooKeys 675 Zoologia (Curitiba) 676 Zoologica Poloniae 677 Zoological Letters 678 ZooNotes 679 Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 680 Caldasia 681 Endangered Species Research 682 European Journal of Taxonomy 683 Hacquetia Keywords plant production, animal production, food technology, genetics and plant breeding, economics and ru agriculture, plant breeding and protection, environmental management, protection and evaluation agriculture, economy, agribusiness agricultural sciences, biological sciences, plant production agricultural sciences agriculture agronomy, horticulture, soil science, crops, technology Silviculture, Forestry, Ecosystem, Wood, research, open access coffee, cocoa, agriculture, soil, post harvest crop science, crop breeding, crop genetics, crop cultivation, crop physiology, germplasm resources nutrition, food economy, food science, food microbiology, food analysis, food chemistry agronomy, plant science, soil physics, soft computing, agricultural engineering agricultural economics, food economics, economics, rural development, production economics, micro e agriculture, food sciences agriculture, agronomy, soil science, agro-forestry, entomology organic farming and food production, crop breeding, regulation of pests and diseases, protection of agriculture, livestock, fisheries life sciences, agriculture, forestry, agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineeri soil science, soil hydrology, irrigation, drainage, soil erosion production, health, genetics, agriculture, soil, livestock tropical forages, grasslands, forages tropical agriculture, veterinary sciences, food sciences, environmental sciences, socio-economy agricultural sciences, animal production, crop production, crop protection, plant biology, soils an agriculture, agricultural engineering, forestry, animal husbandry, natural resources, environment integrated, pest, management, pesticide, entomology, arthropod Bio-active compounds, Phytochemistry, Antimicrobial activities, Biopolymers, natural products, Sepa Biology, Agriculture, Natural resources, Plant Sciences ecology, climate change, drought, rangeland, desert botany, plant biology, ecology, taxonomy viticulture, oenology, winemaking technology and processes, grapevine area studies, rural areas in Europe, agricultural economics, rural sociology agriculture, food security, environment, economics and social science, rural development engineering, technology, agriculture, science, physics agricultural chemistry, food security, chemical and biochemical technologies agriculture, agronomy, food technology, food sciences, renewable resources agricultural science, food science and technology, bioenergy, biotechnology crops, weeds, urban plants, melliferous plants, nectar, pollination plant production, animal production, plant and animal biotechnology, plant and animal genetics, cel agronomy, plant science, soil science agricultural engineering, machines and equipment, quality of products, statistics Agriculture, Organic agriculture, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Pesticides food, agriculture, nutrition, development, health agricultural science, agricultural environment research, food research biosystems engineering, agricultural machinery, ergonomy in agriculture, electronics in agriculture livestock, aquaculture, agronomy, horticulture, biotechnology, agricultural sciences agriculture social science, agriculture, agribusinees agriculture, plant biotechnology, agroecotechnology, agronomy, soil science agriculture, food, agronomy, soil, crops, animals agricultural biotechnology, environmental sciences, agribusiness, veterinary medicine farming, plant science agricultural science, organic fertilizers, soil solarization, seed morphology, vermicompost soil science, environmental science crop sciences, rural development, agricultural economics agronomy, crop science, plant science, plant physiology, soil science, farming system agricultural sciences, seed and fiber technology environmental protection, sustainable development, economics horticulture, forestry, economics, rural development, land measurement, human sciences food, agriculture, animal husbandry & veterinary science, food science & technology, soil & crop sc animal culture, plant culture agricultural sciences, crop science, horticulture, plant protection, soil science and plant nutriti soil, plant, environment, agriculture, soil pollution, soil conservation agriculture, food security, energy security, bioenergy, development, plant science Agriculture, Engineering food, agriculture, sustainable development, political ecology, agroecology, organic agriculture horticulture, agriculture, fruits, vegetables, floriculture, ornamental gardening agriculture farming systems, rural development, agricultural economics, agricultural policy soil science, environmental technology, food science, horticulture, agronomy agriculture, fishery, forestry, animal science agronomy, crops, pest control, irrigation, weed, pesticides food science, agricultural science agronomy rural areas, regional policy, consumption of agri-food products, wood industry management agricultural engineering crop improvement and production, animal production, agricultural engeneering, environment agribusiness, livestock, agricultural sciences agriculture, agriculture and environment, agronomy and crop science, crop breeding and genetics, cr agriculture, agricultural socioeconomics, agricultural engineering, agronomy, biology, fisheries an agriculture, animal husbandry, environment, forestry, horticulture, food science and nutrition crop protection, soil science agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, food technology, environment, agricultural economics engineering, mechanization, agricultural technology, food processing technology, processing agricul agriculture, plant pathology, plant disease diagnosis, plant disease control agricultural economics, rural and regional development, food policy, management, marketing, develop economics, sociology, ecology, veterinary medicine, geography, sustainable development agriculture agricultural sciences agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, food technology, environment, agricultural economics rural development, agribusiness, agrarian policy, rural sociology agrarian sciences, animal sciences, agronomic sciences, sustainable rural development, forest scien agricultural sciences agriculture, animal husbandry, agribusiness crop protection, germplasm, postharvest systems, agroforestry, crop-animal interactions, soil scien agriculture, soil science, environmental science rural development, agricultural production, economics, agri-food supply chain management, environme water, plants, agriculture, soil agroecology, agronomy, agriculture, animal science, animal production, biological sciences agriculture, natural sciences cattle, poultry, horticultural crops, aquatic products, agricultural economics, genetics and plant animal, plant, sciences grass, sericulture, rural development veterinary medicine, wildlife, animal science, agriculture environment, food security, farming, fish farming, fertilizer, agriculture agriculture, medicine, education, agronomy Agronomy and plant breeding, soil science, plant protection, horticultural science, biotechnology plant sciences, animal sciences, agricultural economics, basic sciences human development, agricultural education, Extension, human sciences, health and wellness, program agriculture, environment agricultural resources, agricultural environment, cultivated land resources, nutrient resources, wa Agrarian law, land law, environmental law, agriculture, rural areas agronomy, plant cultivation, soil science, plant protection, pest and diseases, basic science from agricultural engineering, food science, animal science, environmental science, nuclear agricultural horticulture, vegetable gardening, floriculture, viticulture soil science, agronomy, soil geography life sciences, biology, environmental sciences, earth sciences, health sciences agribusiness, management agribusiness, agribusiness competitiveness, value chain of agribusiness, s agricultural economics, applied economics, economics agricultural engineering, biological engineering, food science and technology, information and elec plant culture, biotechnology, veterinary medicine, food science, agricultural egineering agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering global food security, sustainable agriculture, food technology, public health, environmental scienc food, nutrition, food safety, biochemistry, microbiology, hygiene agriculture, agricultural engineering, crop production, livestock husbandry, energy production, inf food technology, food microbiology, bioindustry, industrial and system engineering, food and postha postharvest technology, agroindustry technology, food science, food technology, food safety information processing technologies in the agriculture, smart sensor, wireless sensor network, deci animal welfare, animal science, livestock genetics, animal reproduction, farm animals management, a animal production, genetics animal biology, animal husbandry animal nutrition, animal biology, animal physiology, animal reproduction, animal breeding veterinary pathology, animal reproduction, veterinary surgery animal science agriculture, breeding, reproduction, nutrition, feed extremophilic species, cave, extreme environment animal breeding, animal biotechnology, animal microbiology, sustainable livestock management genetics, agriculture, veterinary sciences, animal production nutrition, disease, physiology, breeding, genetics, reproduction, biotechnology, livestock animal science, agriculture, genetics, infectious diseases, veterinary research, zoology animal husbandry, animal science, animal production, animal nutrition, animal genetics, animal prod animal sciences, veterinary medicine livestock, animal husbandry, rural development animal husbandry animal production, genetics, nutrition, feed sciences, animal products animal sciences, animal feeding, animal nutrition livestock production systems porcine, swine, sow, boar, piglet, pig Poultry, Poultry Genetics, Hatchery Management, Nutrition and Metabolism, Meat and Egg Quality, Pou reindeer, caribou, reindeer husbandry, northern ungulates agricultural sciences animal derived food quality, reproduction, nutrition, genetics animal science, animal husbandry, animal products, reproduction, animal nutrition animal, animal science, animal health, animal production, nutrition, food sefaty genetics, domestic animals, farm animals animal reproduction, reproductive biology breeding value, DNA markers, animal husbandry, livestock physiology, animal behaviour, animal nutri zootechnics, genetics, ethnology, reproduction, economy, animal nutrition animal reproduction, genetic engineering, apiculture, animal and veterinary biotechnologies agronomy, biotechnology, food technology, dairy products 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sonography veterinary medicine, animal science, biomedical sciences animal health, animal welfare, veterinary medicine animal sciences, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine veterinary medicine, animal science, animal health animal science, biotechnology clinical healthcare, domestic cats, feline health, feline medicine, feline surgery animal culture, animal breeding, animal feeding, animal management, animal socioeconomics, animal p animal sciences, veterinary medicine veterinary internal medicine, veterinary surgeons, ACVIM, cardiology, neurology, oncology Veterinary Medicine veterinary sciences, animal infectious diseases, food and feed safety, toxicology, immunology, bioc poultry, diseases, nutrition, welfare, exotic and wild birds, husbandry and management veterinary medicine animal sciences, veterinary medicine veterinary science, veterinary medicine, animal welfare, internal medicine, pharmacology veterinary pharmacology, drug development topics, animal health, veterinary 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molecular biology, biochemistry, genomics, microbiology, plant-biotechnology ethnozoology ichthyology, fisheries, fish diseases, parasitology, aquaculture nutrition, seafood science aquaculture, utrition, diseases, genetics and breeding, physiology, environmental quality aquaculture, aquarium, conservation, legislation, ecology aquaculture, fisheries, ichthyology aquaculture, socioeconomics, aquatic ecology, marine biology, oceanography, fisheries fisheries, biology aquaculture, aquatic life, aquatic environments, fish, marine biotechnology, seafood sciences genetics and reproduction, biotechnology, feed and nutrition, fish health, fisheries environment, a oceanography and limnology for fisheries, fisheries biology, fishing technology, environment fish biology, aquaculture, fish disease, fisheries science limnology, fisheries, freshwater genetic engineering, aquaculture, marine, aquaculture engineering, conservation, marine ecosystems freshwater ecosystems, aquatic ecology, bioconservation, ecosystems management, economical analysis fisheries, marine science, aquatic science, biodiversity, oceanography, aquaculture fisheries research fishery fisheries, environment, chemistry, physics, agriculture bioeconomy, biofuel, agriculture, forestry, fishery oceanography, limnology, fisheries, aquaculture, environment, biotechnology marine science, technology marine biology, oceanography, fisheries, limnology, aquaculture sustainability, aquaculture, environment, interaction, ecology forestry, silviculture, environmental sciences forestry, silviculture, forest ecology, forest management, wood-technology forestry, forest management, wood science and technology, forest products, forest biomass and energ forestry, agroforestry, ecology, environment and resource management forestry, forest products, forest ecology, silviculture, breeding and genetics, management forestry, forest science, forest research forestry, Indonesia, forest management, tropical forest, Silviculture, forest policy Forestry, Forest, Agroforestry forestry, silviculture forestry, ecosystems, wood production, landscape, forest machinery, wood processing forestry, environment, silviculture, wood science, conservation, forest product forest planning, forest policy, forest ecology, silviculture, forest ergonomic, forest resources ut silviculture, dendrology, tree physiology, forest products forestry, climate change, forestry species forest ecology, tree genetics, wood quality, wood production, silviculture forestry wood engineering, wood processing, materials science, wood and timber forest environments, biodiversity, ecological impact, natural resources, conservation of ecosystems ecology, conservation, forests, tropical ecosystems, environmental sciences forest science, forestry wood science, wood technology forestry sciences, plant tissue culture, plant biotechnology, plant propagation, plant genetics bre biology, ecology, physiology, biotechnology, plant sciences plant genetics, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, agricultural crops horticulture, crops, production, breeding agricultural science, paleobotany medicinal plants, cultivation, breeding, active compounds, phytochemistry, pharmacology agricultural sciences, biological sciences, horticulture phenolic compounds agronomy plant science, agriculture horticulture, pomology, olericulture, floriculture, plant propagation, plant protection maize, maize breeding, agronomy, soil science, conservation agriculture, maize economics plant genomics, plant physiology, plant biotechnology, cytology, molecular plant breeding, plant de seed science, technology plant breeding, genetics, plant biology, agricultural science plant production, cropping system, biotechnology, production technology, post harvest management, f plant protection, plant diseases agriculture, agronomy, sustainable agriculture, soil science, plant development, plant culture agricultural sciences, horticulture agriculture, plant pathology, plant protection, plant science ecology, ornithology, avian science, conservation plant biology, cell biology, plant genomics Plant Sciences, Plant Genetics & Genomics, Plant Breeding/Biotechnology, Agriculture, Plant Ecology plants, genomics, agriculture, crops plant biosystematics, plant physiology, in vitro culture, embryology, plant chromosomes phytosociology, taxonomy, anatomy, habitats, conservation biology, plants plant pathology, phytopathology environmental plant biology, plant science Wine, Biochemistry biotechnology, improvement of perennial plants, improvement of annual plants applied plant science, plant biology, horticulture, agriculture, food processing, plant biotechnolo biochemistry, biogeology, biogeography, biophysics, biomedicine, biomaterials bioinformatics biochemistry, anatomy, genetics, biophysics, molecular biology, microbiology Biomaterials environment, chemistry, physics, engineering structural biology, cellular biophysics, systems biology biology, animals, plants, microorganisms, ecosystems, biotechnology ecology, zoology, plant biotechnology, botanics, genetics, microbiology migratory animals, migratory behavior, geolocators, wintering and breeding movements, migration zoology, botany, cell biology, immunology, genetics ecology, evolution, genetics, plant sciences, systematics, botany Bionics, Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, Biotribology, Biomimetic, Biorobotic biodiversity, conservation genetics, evolutionary ecology, freshwater biology, marine biology life sciences taxonomy, ecology, ethnobiology, genetics life sciences, biogeography, plant taxonomy, ecology, nature conservation biodiversity data, data publishing, authoring tool biological diversity conservation biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, ecology computational biology, gene expression biological invasions, alien species, ecology, zoology, aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems biology biology cell science, developmental biology, experimental biology, cell biology, animal physiology drug discovery, imaging, therapeutic intervention, personalised medicine bioinformatics, mathematical modeling, computer-aided decision making, medical informatics biological active substances, quality and safety of biological pharmaceutical products, gene therap lipids, amino acids, polymers, peptides, proteins, DNA, cellulose biological sciences biology developmental biology structural biology, macromolecules systems-level analysis, biological systems, network modelling cytology, neuroscience, biochemistry biogeography, biodiversity, conservation biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience bioscience, biology, biophysics animal personality, animal behaviour, cognition, comparative cognition, animal learning, evolution computational biology plant science, interdisciplinary research, biology, botany systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, insects, biogeography, morphology multiculturalism biosecurity barcoding, molecular forensic barcoding, conservation barcoding, medical diagnosis barc entomology, insects, taxonomy, ecology biological sciences, environmental sciences botany, ecology, microbiology biology, biomedicine, experimental biology functional cytology, immunohistochemical analysis techniques., cell differentiation and death, cell evolution, bioinformatics, biology informatics fauna, biodiversity, zoology, Europe, Slovakia, Carpathians, Pannonia cell biology, cell pathology, immunohistochemistry, pathology cytology, molecular medicine, mitochondrial research, cellular endocrinology, stem cell research, e molecular biosciences, cells, molecular biology, quantitative biology regulation, signal, genes, systems biology, biology genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, epigenomics, protein structures computational biology, bioinformatics, medical informatics biosciences, biodiversity, microbes, fungi, plant, animal fisheries biology, zoogeography, biology, marine ecology, aquaculture, aquatic cell biology, developmental biology, structural biology, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, biomaterials, dental materials entomology, parasitology, vector-borne diseases computational biology, bioinformatics biomarkers biophysics molecular biology animal biology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, plant science, virology agricultural sciences, biotechnology, microbiology, toxicology biology, methodology, life sciences, protocols Biology, Experimental biological sciences, biology, physiology, cytology, morphology, genetics botany, biology, genetics, biochemistry, zoology, medical biology biology biomedical sciences, botany, zoology, geology, geography, earth sciences biophysics circadian rhythm, biological clock, chronobiology, biological timing, molecular clock, photoperiodi biomedical research, Controversies, irreproducibility, research transparency molecular biology microbiology, parasitology, biotechnology, environmental biology, food sciences, forestry, veterina immunology, neurobiology, stem cells, signal transduction, membrane trafficking fungi, pathogenic fungi, Medical Mycology, parasitic fungi agriculture, entomology, ecology, medicine, insects, arthropods radiation research signal transduction, cells tropical biology, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity biology life science applied biology, life sciences invasive species, biological invasions, management MAP kinases, biological functions, cellular processes marine natural product biological sciences, biology microbial infections, unicellular biology, human disease modeling, multicellular microorganisms microbial physiology nucleic acid-protein interaction, intracellular transport, protein biosynthesis, molecular biophysi noninvasive imaging, molecular imaging, cellular biology, normal and disease processes, non-nuclear biology, science animal behaviour, biogeography, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology, mathematical ecology, fungi, mycology, fungal biology, lichens biology, flora and fauna, ecology, fieldwork biological invasions botany, zoology, conservation, ecology, biodiversity algorithm, protein-protein interaction, ecological interaction, biological interaction, gene networ lepidopterology, taxonomy, morphology, phylogenetics, biogeography, ecology Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology, Molecular Biology biological sciences, molecular biology health sciences bioinformatics, computational biology cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology plant science, animal science, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology peptidome, peptide metabolism, signaling molecules, intercellular communication, biochemical commun herpetology, amphibians, reptiles biology, molecular biology, ecology DNA sequences, protein structures, biological data ecology, environmental sciences environment, environmental engineering, agriculture, soil, water, air Indonesia, biodiversity, genetics, species, ecosystem, ethnobiology ecology, bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology tissue repair, stem cell biology, regeneration, wound healing, plasticity biodiversity, ecology, biogeography, evolution, america health education, biology ecology and ecosystems, biology, conservation, microbiology, physiology, genetics and epidemiology cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology, plant biology biological sciences soil science, environment embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, developmental studies, stem ce mycology, biotechnology, ecology, molecular biology, pathology, systematics speleology, biospeleology, cave ecology Biodiversity, ecology, physiology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, anatomy and morphology negative results, secondary results, biology, biomedicine life sciences, tropical biology, microbiology, biotechnology, tropical plants, environment biology, ecology, Zoology, Entomology, Parasitology, Biological Sciences Metazoan taxonomy, biosystematics, evolution, morphology, biogeogrephy biomedicine bioinformatics, bioprocess systems, biomedical systems, ecological systems biology and medicine, systematic reviews biogeography, ecology, biology, morphology, nomenclature, plant-animal relations botany, ecology, genetics, phytogeography breeding and germplasm, biotechnology and genetic engineering, origination and domestication hortic biology, physiology, plant-decontaminating values, herbicides, growth regulators, defoliants plant taxonomy, ecology, ethnobotany biology, chemistry, microbiology, technology computational biomodelling, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, molecular modelling biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cell biology molecular biology, biochemistry enzymes biotechnology, medicine biochemistry biomathematics, bioinformatics applied mathematics, biomathematics, statistics, epidemiology, mathematical biology, biomathematics mathematical biology, biological modeling, mathematical modeling, molecular biology botany, limnology, microbiology Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular, Behaviour, Marine, Freshwater Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Medical Diagnosis mycology, microbiology, molecular biology, plant biotechnology, lichens, ecology botany, zoology, genetics, microbiology, physiology biological physics, biological processes, molecular biophysics, computational biophysics morphogenesis of bone and cartilage, musculoskeletal diseases, metabolic bone diseases, bone regene crustacean biology Wildlife, conservation, management, Human鈥搘ildlife relations wildlife, management, biology biological sciences, Botany, Zoology cytopathology, pathology, cytology cell biology apoptosis, cell death, cancer, immunology, neurodegeneration, cell biology cell growth and differentiation, signal transduction, apoptosis, stem cells, development, immunolog stem cell research, regenerative biology, regenerative medicine cytology, cell biology, molecular biology, biophysics cell biology, ciliary dysfunction diagnostic cytopathology, molecular pathology Cell Biology, Cytology cytology, cell biology cytology, tumors gynaecological cytology, non-gynaecological cytology, cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, electron oxidative stress, cell aging cell biology, proteomics, biomolecules receptor, cell, signaling, clinical embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, blastocysts, cord blood stem cells, therapeutic cloning, et Biochemistry, Protein Science, Cell Biology, Stem Cells, Human Genetics, Developmental Biology limnology, freshwater biology, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology Ecology, Ecosystems moose, ecology, wildlife management, biology biodiversity, biogeography, taxonomy, natural history, ecology, systematics ecosystems, molecular ecology, geology, paleontology, biogeography biology, biodiversity forest biotechnology, tropical ecosystems, environmental impacts, biodiversity conservation, sustai environmental ecology, behavioural ecology, population ecology, biodiversity socio-ecological systems (SES), ecosystems services, global change, water management, urban system population genetics, environmental sciences, plant-animal interactions, conservation ecology ecology, biodiversity, taxonomy, zoology, botany, biogeography ecological sustainability, ecosystem, landscape dynamics ecology, evolution, conservation conservation, biology, ecology, social-ecology, society, resilience ecology, ecological science macroecology, sustainability science, ecosystem, ecosystem conditions, ecological theory, sustainab ecology, conservation biology, environmental science, evolution, life sciences, agriculture environmental science, biology forest, ecosystem, dynamics, structure ecology, biological conservation, community ecology, biodiversity and conservation biodiversity predation, grazing, ecology, ecosystem ecosystems, biodiversity, environment biological diversity, conservation, conservation theory, conservation policy, conservation manageme Ecosystem, Ecological Systems, Ecology Landscape ecology, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, landscape planning, ecosystem management, ge limnology, hydrology, ecology, environment, geology Madagascar, conservation, sustainable development, biodiversity, livelihoods marine mammals, cetaceans, pinnipeds, North Atlantic, management ecological theory ecology, ornithology, wildlife conservation, biogeography Anatomy and embryology, Behaviour, Pathology, Infection biology, Genetics, Reproductive biology ecology Riparian zone, riparian community, riparian biodiversity, riparian ecology, riparian conservation ecology, biology, biotope, biocoenosis, ecosystem, biodiversity landscape ecology, environmental aspects environmental mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, environmental genomics and epigenetics, molecular epi astrobiology, exobiology, biodiversity and ecosystem function, biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, pale Afrotropical invertebrates, taxonomy, systematics, biology, biogeography, ecology taxonomy, conservation, wildlife, fauna, flora, fungi conservation biology, applied ecology, nature conservation, habitat conservation ecology, tracking systems, electronic tags, animal physiology, animal behaviour, telemetry taxonomy, ecology, soil zoology, hydrobiology evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, palaeontology morphological evolution, phylogenetics evolution, genetics, genomics, proteomics, applications, climate change environmental virology, viral molecular epidemiology, virus evolution systems biology, computational biology, synthetic biology, molecular biology, genomics, genetics agroecology and land use systems, behavioral and evolutionary ecology, chemical ecology, evolutiona ecology, evolution astrobiology, exobiology, biodiversity and ecosystem function, biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, pale epigenetic inheritance, maternal effect, paternal effect, transgenerational stress memory in plants plant reproduction, pollination, evolution, conservation, diversity genetics, proteomics, gene therapy, biomarkers genetics, genome evolution, pharmacological genomics, epigenetics, gene therapy, developmental gene molecular biology, biological structure analysis, genome analysis, sequence analysis, phylogeny, bi applied genomics, biotechnology, informatics, medicine, nanotechnology genetics, genetic engineering molecular biology, genetics, bioorganic chemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics genetics genetics genetics, cytogenetics genetics, epigenetic inheritance proteomics, translational proteomics, basic proteomics epigenomics, genomic physiology, systems biology genetics, genomics genetic resources, crop, conservation, manipulation, cassava DNA DNA methylation, genomic imprinting, paramutation biological sciences Genes, Chromosome, genetics biological sciences molecular biology, cellular biology, genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics evolutionary biology, genomics, molecular biology genomics, nucleic acids, microarray, next-gen sequencing genetics, genomics genetic research, genomics, pharmacogenetics genetics evolutionary biology genome analysis, genomics DNA rearrangements, DNA recombination chromosome biology, molecular cytogenetic techniques, biomedicine molecular genetics, genomic medicine microRNA, small interfering RNA, RNAi, lincRNA, piRNA, silencing DNA, biochemistry, computational biology, genomics, molecular biology, RNA gene discovery, population genetics, genome projects, comparative genomics, functional genomics, me genomics, genome, metagenome molecular biology, DNA, RNA technology development, molecular therapy, gene therapy molecular therapy, gene therapy, cell-based therapy, technology development, drug development GenomeVariation, Gene Mutation, Rare diseases, disease-associated genes nucleic acids canine genetics, canine health and disease, epidemiology, breed diversity, canine evolution, domest Atlantic islands, terrestrial environment, marine environment, ecology terrestrial botany, aquatic botany, algal taxonomy, plant taxonomy plant, algae & fungi diversity, vegetation, horticulture botany, plant biology, plant science Botany, Plants, Plant Diseases plant ecology, coenology, ecophysiology, plant biodiversity, landscape ecology, population ecology botany, systematics, ecology, biodiversity ethnobotany, plant taxonomy, plant conservation, biosystematics, biodiversity plant biology, plant science, palaeobotany plant biology molecular biology, ecology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, taxonomy botany, plant conservation, botanic gardens, biology, forest plant morphology, plant taxonomy, vascular plants, threatened flora, conservation biology, Mediterr indigenous medicine, medicinal plants, herbal research, Ayurveda plant taxonomy, structural botany, plant physiology, biochemistry, plant ecology, ecological restor botany, plants Panax ginseng, traditional herbal medicine, phytochemistry, food science, pharmacology, plant scien mycology botany, ecology, orchids botany, ecology, plant sciences, ethnobotany, bioclimatology maize, genetics, physiology, molecular biology, breeding plant morphology, plant anatomy, plant taxonomy, plant phylogeny, plant physiology, botany mycology, fungal biology systematic botany, plants phylogeny, plant taxonomy plant pathology, diseases of Mediterranean crops disease, diversity, fungi, plant pathology, quarantine plant cytology plants, systematics, phytodiversity, florogenetics, plant anatomy, plant morphology breeding, cultivation, phytomedicine, plant stress, microbiology plant sciences, plant ecology forest engineering microbiology, virology agricultural microbiology, biotechnology, microbial resources, environmental microbiology, mycology cellular immunology, molecular immunology microbiology, archaea, bacteria microbiology biological sciences molecular science, cellular science, cell culture, HIV microbiology, microbes, immune responses, cell biology food microbiology bacteriology, bacteria microbiology epidemiology of mycobacterium, molecular biology of mycobacterium, clinical features of mycobacteri microbiology pathogenicity, virulence, antimicrobial agents, chemotherapy, epidemiology microbiology, virology, parasitology, communicable diseases oral infections, aetiologic agents, pathogenesis, systemic diseases, diagnostics, epidemiology virology, viruses biotechnology, biodeterioration, microbial genetics, environment, plant pathology microbiology biochemistry applied microbiology clinical microbiology, nosocomial infections, mycology, virology, parasitology microorganisms, infectious disease microbiology microbiology genetics, molecular microbiology, clinical microbiology virology whole proteome analysis agricultural sciences, biological sciences biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering, immunology, microbial ecology HIV and AIDS, virology, virological methods, molecular microbiology viruses virology, viruses, antiviral drugs virology, viral infections, AIDS, genetic change, influenza biochemistry, microbiology Ecology of biofilms, populations and communities, engineering microbial biofilms, discovery of biof ornithology, conservation, Slovenia, southeastern Europe, eastern Mediterranean amphibians, reptiles Zoology, Entomology, Animal Structures systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, ecology, conservation, biodiversity animal systematics, evolution, animal diversity, conservation, taxonomy faunistics, taxonomy, ecology, behaviour, arachnids, entomology biodiversity, systematics, ecology, biogeography ornithology, avian research zoology, terrestrial animals, taxonomy and systematics, evolution, biodiversity Zoology, entomology, taxonomy, ecology, Chironomidae, non-biting midges ecology, morphology, physiology, public health, taxonomy taxonomy, biodiversity, Nordic fauna, systematics, biogeography, methodological entomology Entomology, Taxonomy, Arthropods, Molecular phylogeny, Morphology, Ecology and Ethology animal life, life sciences, biology, ecosystem mammal, Spanish, Iberian, systematics, ecology taxonomy, faunistics, biogeography, corology, evolution, conservation herpetology, amphibian, reptiles, ecology, biodiversity mammals, biology, conservation, zoology, ecology microorganism, infection, wildlife, parasite insects, insect pests, plant-insect interactions anatomy, physiology, genetics, parasitology, morphology, behaviour, ecology, zoogeography, evolutio zoology, entomology, animals invertebrates, biotechnology zoology bees, Apoidea, Apiculture, bee science, Apis mellifera, bee pests circulation, excretion, endocrinology, neurobiology, enzymology, nutrition entomology ichthyology, ornithology, planktology entomology, hymenoptera Insects malacology, molluscs, bivalves, gastropoda, snails, slugs nematodes helminth, nematoda, platyhelminthes, acanthocephalans marine neotropical fishes, freshwater neotropical fishes birds animal sciences, veterinary medicine entomology, insect biological sciences primatology ornithology, taxonomy, natural sciences zoology, birds of prey, owls zoology, taxonomy, histology, morphology, animal ecology, biogeography animal care wildfowl, wetlands, ducks, geese, swans, waterbirds, habitat management systematic zoology, taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, evolution biological sciences general zoology, morphology, cell biology, physiology, ecology, systematics zoology, taxonomy, bioinformatics taxonomy, faunistics, zoogeography, animal ecology animal taxonomy, systematics, zoogeography, ecology, population biology, biodiversity studies, natu botany, zoology, biodiversity, neotropic Conservation, Management, Endangered species, Endangered habitats taxonomy, natural history, systematics, zoology, botany, palaeontology agriculture, biology, botany, ecology, plant science, zoology Subject Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture | Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology Agriculture | Science Agriculture | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture | Science: Biology (General): Ecology Agriculture | Science: Botany Agriculture | Science: Botany Agriculture | Social Sciences Agriculture | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Agricult Agriculture | Technology | Science Agriculture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture | Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture Agriculture | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Education: Education (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudenc Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosoph Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Botany Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Geology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Science: Science (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Social Sciences: Commerce: Business Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a s Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Machine desi Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General) Agriculture: Agriculture (General) | Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Mana Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Biology (General): Ecology | Science: Biology (General): Gen Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Physiology Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Animal culture | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Animal culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Animal culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Animal culture: Cattle | Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Medicine Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Medicine: Medicine (General) Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine | Science: Zoology Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental s Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography | Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling | Science: Biology (General): Ecology Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry Agriculture: Forestry | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture Agriculture: Plant culture | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences | Science: Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General) Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Biology (General): Genetics Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Botany: Plant ecology Agriculture: Plant culture | Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry Agriculture: Plant culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology Agriculture: Plant culture | Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology | Science: Botany Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) Science: Biology (General) 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Castilian 2073-4395 2011 English 0365-1118 2005 English, Polish 2284-354X 2013 English, Italian 0215-0212 2406-9574 2005 English, Indonesian 2095-5421 2214-5141 2013 English 1212-1800 1805-9317 2007 English 2296-7664 2296-763X 2014 English 2147-8988 2013 English, Turkish 2026-5204 2015 English 2392-4535 2392-4543 2015 English 2297-6485 2015 English 2409-0603 2409-9325 2014 English 1805-9430 2014 English 1801-5395 1805-9384 2006 English 1695-971X 2171-9292 2003 English 2346-3775 2013 English, Spanish; Castilian 0771-3312 2295-8010 1983 Dutch; Flemish, English, French, Spanish; Castilian 1510-0839 2301-1548 1997 English, Spanish; Castilian 2318-7670 2013 English, Portuguese 2155-7470 2010 English 2353-0391 2014 English, French 0100-316X 1983-2125 2006 English 2008-0875 2345-475X 2005 English 1280-8571 1639-4798 2000 English, French 2494-1271 2015 English 1803-8417 2009 English 2240-2802 2011 English 2410-9355 2307-549X 2013 English 2196-5641 2014 English 0370-4661 1853-8665 2007 English, Spanish; Castilian 2359-2710 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0065-0951 2300-357X 2012 English 1335-258X 1336-9245 1998 English 1807-8621 2007 English 1338-5267 2013 English 2356-654X 2314-7539 2014 English 1684-5358 1684-5374 2001 English 1459-6067 1795-1895 2002 English 0554-5587 2005 English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian 2291-4471 2291-448X 2013 English 2077-0472 2011 English 2301-9948 2407-6260 2012 English, Indonesian 2088-155X 2012 English, Indonesian 2471-2086 2016 English 2218-2020 1557-4989 0570-1783 1687-7667 2304-1455 1013-1922 0006-8705 1843-5246 1843-5254 1809-8215 1300-3496 2147-4249 2095-7505 2197-411X 0862-867X 1411-982X 2159-5852 2224-0616 2337-9782 1687-8159 2090-7656 1899-5241 1974-7071 1300-7580 1391-9318 1658-077X 0853-4217 1897-7820 1874-3315 1212-9151 1598-2262 2422-0582 0103-2003 2226-1184 1677-4310 0103-9016 2077-9917 2322-1690 2074-9546 1418-2106 0187-5779 1870-0462 2148-3647 1557-4997 1687-7675 2224-4433 2412-5830 1678-4499 1843-5386 1843-5394 2331-1932 2147-4249 2048-3694 2095-977X 1805-9333 2354-8509 2159-5860 1687-8167 2009-9029 2090-7664 1899-5772 2239-6268 2443-3462 2255-8535 1805-9376 2233-9191 1336-9261 1980-9735 2422-4456 1806-9479 2256-0939 1983-1471 1678-992X 2306-6741 2075-1141 2063-0476 2395-8030 2010 English 2006 English 2011 English 2009 English 2011 English 2015 English 1998 English, Portuguese 2006 English 2006 English 2015 English 2005 Portuguese, English 2003 English, Turkish 2012 English 2012 English 2014 English 2013 English 2002 English 2001 English 2011 English 2011 English 2013 English 2009 English 2015 English 2012 English 2008 Polish, English 2007 English 2005 Turkish, English 2009 English 2011 English 2006 English, Indonesian 2007 Polish, English 2007 English 2012 English, Latvian 2003 English 1995 English, Korean 2008 English 2006 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, Spanish; Castilian 2002 English, Portuguese 2012 English, Latvian 2012 English, Russian 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1992 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2005 English 1997 English 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2002 English 2014 English, Turkish 2148-127X 2013 English, Turkish 2071-7024 2008 English, French 0864-0394 2078-8452 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 2027-4297 2009 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1166-7699 1777-5949 2014 English, French 2285-5718 2286-0126 2012 English 2383-4420 2014 English 0075-0530 2410-0862 2005 Arabic, English 2325-5226 2013 English on: Environmental sciences 2091-2854 2013 English 2095-6819 2013 Chinese and uniform law. Jurisprudence: 1339-9276Comparative 2013 English law. International uniform law: Environmental law 2460-495X 2477-5800 2015 English, Indonesian 1008-9209 2000 Chinese, English 2285-5653 2286-1580 2002 English 1582-4616 2285-5696 2002 English 1390-3799 1390-8596 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 1693-5853 2004 English, Indonesian Demography: Economics as 2056-7405 a science 2015 English 1934-6344 1934-6352 2008 English 0034-737X 2177-3491 2010 English, Portuguese 2407-0475 2338-8439 2008 English, Indonesian tion. Foods and food supply 2048-7010 2012 English tion. Foods and food supply 2413-2543 2015 English g and machinery: Machine0023-8082 design and drawing 2015 English, German 0216-0455 2527-3825 1999 English, Indonesian 2085-4927 2442-7020 2012 English, Indonesian Industrial engineering.2214-3173 Management engineering: 2014 English Information technology 1644-0714 2300-6145 2008 English 1807-8672 2011 English 2066-7612 2067-6344 2009 English 1016-4855 2001 English 1413-9596 1678-4456 1990 Portuguese, English 0126-4400 2407-876X 1987 English, Indonesian 1212-1819 1805-9309 2004 English 2066-7671 2067-6360 2009 English 2251-628X 2251-631X 2011 English 1594-4077 1828-051X 2002 English 2147-9267 2012 English 2055-0391 2014 English 1411-4623 2460-4534 2000 English, Indonesian 0853-7380 2252-696X 2011 English, Indonesian 1454-7368 2067-2330 2009 English 0853-8999 2004 English, Indonesian 0126-0472 2087-4634 2010 English 2228-7701 2011 English 2041-7136 2011 English 2248-311X 2248-311X 2012 English 2345-6604 2345-6566 2013 English 0333-256X 1890-6729 2008 English 1516-3598 2322-1704 1806-9290 1999 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2358-3576 2014 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ience: Biology (General): 2283-3927 Genetics | Science: 2014 English Biology (General): Economic biology 0999-193X 1297-9686 1989 English, French, German 1806-9614 2004 English 0003-9438 1999 English 0004-0592 1885-4494 1975 English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1843-5262 1843-536X 2006 English 0026-704X 1846-4025 2001 English, Croatian 0216-6461 2354-6832 1999 English, Indonesian 1820-7448 2014 English 1981-5484 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0001-7213 1801-7576 1978 English 1751-0147 2001 English 2307-8316 2013 English 1557-4555 1557-4563 2006 English 0365-5148 1514-2590 1998 English, Spanish; Castilian 1746-6148 2005 English 2300-3235 2012 English 1843-5270 1843-5378 2006 English 2090-7001 2090-701X 2011 English 1900-9607 2006 English 1685-9502 2003 English, Thai 2277-470X 2319-247X 2011 English 2297-1769 2014 English 2301-7848 2012 English, Indonesian 2314-4599 2013 English 1607-3894 2071-1255 2008 English, Arabic 2046-0481 2004 English 2090-4452 2090-4460 2011 English 2311-7710 2014 English 1674-9782 2049-1891 2012 English 2055-1169 2015 English 2087-8273 2460-6278 2009 English 1019-9128 2224-9435 1997 English 1939-1676 2015 English 2356-7708 2314-6966 2013 English 2450-8608 2012 English 2322-455X 2011 English 1411-8327 2000 English, Indonesian 1300-6045 1309-2251 1995 English, German, Turkish 1409-7621 1857-7415 2010 English 1843-9527 2069-2463 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 0030-2465 2219-0635 2003 English 1874-3188 2007 English 0253-8318 2074-7764 1998 English 1695-7504 2003 Portuguese, French, English 0122-9354 2389-8526 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 2322-1879 2012 English 1595-093X 0505-401X 2315-6201 1828-1427 2230-2034 2053-1095 2042-0048 1983-0777 2052-6113 1297-9716 2306-7381 2231-0916 1989-8886 2008 English 2004 English, Italian 2010 English 2015 English 2090-8113 2010 English 2005 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English 0928-4249 2011 English 2014 English 0972-8988 2008 English 1257-5011 2013 English 2302-6057 2013 English, Indonesian 2066-7655 2066-7663 2009 English 2310-5380 2014 English 2076-2615 2011 English 0137-1592 1734-1515 1970 English 0216-0749 2477-6939 2006 English 1844-8143 1844-9166 2008 English 1330-061X 1848-0586 2016 Croatian, English 2089-7790 2012 English, Indonesian 1110-6131 1998 English 2234-1757 2016 English 0215-0883 2014 English 0853-8980 2014 English 2311-729X 2311-3111 2013 English 2148-9300 2015 English, Turkish 2302-8114 2015 English, Indonesian 1961-9502 1928 English 1858-3873 2476-9347 2009 English, Indonesian 1874-401X 2008 English 2095-9869 2009 Chinese, English 2095-0780 2005 Chinese 2280-6180 2280-6172 2012 English 1687-4285 2012 English 1907-9931 2476-9991 2009 English, Indonesian . Recreation: Oceanography 0718-560X | Science: Biology 2008 English, (General) Spanish; Castilian 1869-215X 1869-7534 2010 English 1844-8135 2065-2445 2008 English 0104-7760 1994 English, Portuguese 1415-0980 2179-8087 2013 English, Portuguese 0071-6677 2199-5907 2008 English 2171-5068 2171-9845 1991 English 1338-4295 2009 Czech, English, Slovak 2355-7079 2406-8195 2014 English 1687-9368 1687-9376 2009 English 2090-892X 2012 English 1212-4834 1805-935X 2003 English 0126-4451 2477-3751 2007 English, Indonesian 2087-0469 2089-2063 1999 English, Indonesian 1736-8723 2008 English, Estonian 0048-0134 1874-3986 1809-3647 1841-4737 2007-3828 0103-2674 1847-6481 0351-3114 1212-1975 1179-5395 1983-2605 2069-7430 2007-4018 2178-5031 1849-0891 1581-162X 2357-8181 2237-4027 1805-9325 2083-5965 1664-462X 2449-8343 0102-0536 1125-4718 1523-6919 2467-9291 2308-121X 2317-1537 1343-943X 1212-2580 1214-1178 0100-2945 1598-2254 1712-6568 1939-8425 2065-3158 1881-6754 0100-5405 2148-6905 2039-6805 1524-3303 2300-5009 2467-9305 2305-297X 2317-1545 2083-599X 1349-1008 1805-9341 1805-9368 1806-9967 2093-9280 1746-4811 1939-8433 1940-3372 1898-0295 2066-9917 2041-2851 ochemistry 2039-4446 1518-7853 1984-7033 ology | Science: Botany1467-7652 2078-1520 1687-8027 1687-8035 2356-6582 2314-7563 2356-6590 2314-7873 2066-7620 2066-7647 2377-9098 1978-3736 1224-5119 1844-7589 2084-8838 1582-3830 2285-7044 2013 English 2008 English 2005 Portuguese, English 2011 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 1989 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 1999 Slovenian, English 2014 English, Portuguese 2011 English 2002 English 2004 English 2010 English 2012 English 1999 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, Russian, Turkish 2006 English 1997 English 2013 English 2015 English 2013 English 2013 English 2009 English 2003 English 2007 English 2002 English 2001 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 1999 English 2005 English 2005 English 2012 English 2008 English 2010 English 2004 English 2007 English 2006 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2011 English 2001 English 2016 English 2014 English 2008 English 2014 English 2014 English 2009 English 2014 English 2013 English, Indonesian 2005 English 2013 English 1999 English 1176-2322 2278-7666 1412-033X 1897-2810 2168-0450 1754-2103 2158-9151 2085-4722 1314-2828 1546-9735 1005-0094 1177-9322 2242-1300 2079-7737 1745-6150 2046-6390 2050-7771 1179-5972 2227-9059 2218-273X 0103-1643 1911-4745 2314-4165 1435-1951 1424-2818 1691-8088 1307-9867 1121-760X 1335-7522 0239-8508 1672-0229 2047-217X 1978-3019 1449-2288 2175-7925 1741-7007 1471-213X 1472-6807 1752-0509 2211-1247 1809-127X 2314-7474 2331-2025 1942-0889 2314-4173 2214-6628 1860-1324 2299-1077 2281-9584 2255-9582 2449-8955 2038-8306 1176-9343 1336-4529 1897-5631 2296-634X 2296-889X 1177-6250 2086-4094 2322-5270 2013 English 2003 English 2012 English 2010 English 2000 English 2009 English 2013 English 2004 English 1993 Chinese, English 2007 English 2012 English 2012 English 2006 English 2012 English 2013 English 2009 English 2013 English 2011 English 1998 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2003 English 2001 English 2001 English 2007 English 2012 English 2005 English 2014 English 2015 English 2008 English 2006 English 2013 English 2014 English 2014 English 2009 English 2013 English 2013 English 2010 English 2007 English 2011 English 2010 English 2005 English 1996 English, Slovak, Czech 2004 English 2013 English 2014 English 2007 English 2006 English 2012 English 2005 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2005 English 1687-8787 2348-7941 2090-7346 2314-6265 2090-7362 2090-7907 1995-6673 0976-7614 1826-8838 1790-045X 0852-6834 1478-5854 2084-3577 1687-8000 1687-8795 2348-5906 2326-9901 2284-0230 2241-5793 2337-389X 1475-4924 1687-8019 1740-3391 2205-5975 2221-3759 2320-8694 2001-3078 0449-3060 2090-1739 2087-5517 1410-5292 2252-6277 0126-8643 2309-608X 1536-2442 1349-9157 2090-1747 1989-8649 2235-4956 1660-3397 2302-5697 2311-2638 2076-2607 2322-181X 1684-3908 2077-7000 1580-0814 2220-8879 0342-7536 2056-7189 2087-3948 1608-4217 1875-0362 2345-2005 1536-0121 2225-4994 2051-3933 2077-7019 1854-3081 1314-2488 2236-3777 2367-5365 2087-3956 2046-2441 2391-5412 2009 English 2014 English 2012 English 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English 2008 English 2010 English 2014 English 2009 English 2004 English 2003 English, Indonesian 2002 English 2011 English 2008 English 2004 English 2015 English 2013 English 2013 English 2012 English 2015 English 2001 English 1999 English 2010 English 2010 English 1999 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2006 English 2010 English 2012 English 2003 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2014 English 2013 English 2012 English 2002 English 2012 English 2014 English 2010 English 1999 English, Slovenian 2011 English 2006 English, Portuguese 2011 English 2014 English 2015 English 2009 English 2006 English 2007 English 2011 English 2015 English 2084-7203 2014 English 1519-1397 2002 English 1544-9173 1545-7885 2003 English 1553-734X 1553-7358 2005 English 2220-8860 2011 English 1844-6698 2066-1363 2009 English 2407-8050 2015 English, Indonesian 2304-2478 2012 English 2052-4412 2014 English 1870-3453 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 1980-0002 2006 English, Portuguese 1319-562X 2009 English 2322-1968 2012 English 2337-7224 2013 English, Indonesian 2300-4975 2012 English, Polish 1873-5061 1876-7753 2014 English 0166-0616 2008 English 1768-1448 1314-2615 2011 English 0372-333X 1947 English 2172-4784 2010 English 1985-3718 2180-4249 2009 English 2310-0842 2312-301X 2009 English, Russian, Ukrainian 1435-1935 1860-0743 2014 English 1753-6561 2007 English 1314-1902 1314-2321 2010 English 2046-4053 2012 English 0010-0730 1989-1067 1988 Catalan; Valencian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castili 0011-6793 1850-1702 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2052-7276 2014 English 0100-8358 1994 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 0034-365X 2337-8824 1970 English 1814-3237 1857-498X 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 1178-6949 2008 English ochemistry 2405-5808 2015 English 1976-6696 1976-670X 2008 English ochemistry 2090-0414 2010 English 2322-3480 2012 English 1687-6709 1687-6717 2008 English 2090-7702 2012 English 2373-7867 2014 English 2299-3266 2013 English 1679-9283 1807-863X 1998 English 1864-7782 1864-7790 2014 English 2214-7535 2014 English 2150-1203 2150-1211 2010 English gy | Science: Zoology |2117-4458 Science: Botany2011 English, French 2046-1682 2011 English 2095-4700 2095-6231 2014 English 0104-6497 2358-2936 2013 English 1903-220X 2014 English 1646-1509 1519-6984 2210-7177 1646-2742 1678-4375 2210-7185 1471-2121 2041-4889 2056-5968 2045-9769 2073-4409 0974-5963 1687-8876 0970-9371 1674-800X 2356-6647 0835-5851 2039-0394 0215-6334 1314-0213 1805-0174 2095-6355 2314-4149 1687-9708 2090-4614 2287-884X 2356-7341 1844-6477 1662-2510 1560-2206 1874-2130 2046-2530 1742-6413 1687-8884 2090-7389 1179-0660 0974-5165 1942-0994 1477-5956 2330-0566 1178-6957 1674-8018 2179-975X 2314-761X 0718-8412 2039-0408 1676-0611 1907-770X 1472-6785 2300-3669 1313-9940 2336-9744 2192-1709 2045-7758 1708-3087 2150-8925 2332-8878 1339-8474 2336-1964 2197-5620 2351-9894 2314-4157 1687-9716 2090-4622 2314-6001 1805-4196 2284-5305 2309-2491 2061-9588 2005 English 2001 English 1997 English 2000 English 2010 English 2015 English 2012 English 2012 English 2012 English 2004 English 2009 English 2012 English 2008 English 2007 English 2009 English 2003 English 2014 English 2008 English 2014 English 2010 English 2014 English 2008 English 2015 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 2001 English 1987 English 2001 English 2014 English 2009 Bulgarian, English 2014 English 2012 English 2011 English 2004 English 2010 English 2015 English 2015 English 2011 English 2014 English 2014 English 2013 English 2007 English 2011 English 2013 English 2013 English 2008 English 2008 English 2006 English, French 2014 English 2008 English 2012 English 2363-4707 1687-6768 1789-4921 1726-4170 1681-5556 0974-7893 1314-6947 0237-5419 1918-3178 1810-6277 1311-0160 0233-7657 2090-6544 1993-0771 2363-4715 1687-6776 2299-1042 2344-3219 1789-7556 1880-7062 1726-4189 2305-2562 0974-7907 1314-3301 2050-3385 2063-1588 1471-2148 2041-9139 1752-4571 2057-1577 1744-4292 2296-701X 1810-6285 2084-8846 1920-7603 1179-9870 2377-1143 1748-7188 2212-0661 1993-6842 1471-2156 2090-6552 1993-078X 1756-8935 2212-9685 1664-8021 2160-1836 1808-1878 2073-4425 1415-4757 2090-3154 0534-0012 1179-237X 1678-4685 2090-3162 1820-6069 1474-760X 1759-6653 0018-0661 1479-7364 0971-6866 2090-8032 2314-436X 2213-5960 1601-5223 1998-362X 2090-052X 2314-4378 1759-8753 2014 English 2007 English 2013 English 2013 English 2007 English 2015 English 2004 English 2006 English 2009 English 2012 English 2013 English 2001 English, German 2001 English 2010 English 2008 English 2015 English 2007 English 2013 English 2008 English 2004 English 2013 English 2010 English 2011 English 2014 English 2006 English 2012 English 2007 English 1985 English 2000 English 2011 English 2009 English 2008 English 2013 English 2010 English 2011 English 2002 English 2010 English 2008 English 1998 English 2011 English 2002 English 2000 English 2009 English 2013 English 2005 English 2003 English 2002 English 2009 English 2013 English 2010 English 1755-8166 2324-9269 2311-553X 0305-1048 1362-4962 1553-7390 1553-7404 1944-3277 1471-2199 2329-0501 ology | Science: Microbiology 2052-8426 2054-345X 2090-0201 2090-021X 2052-6687 0873-4704 0365-0588 1453-8830 2359-7089 0001-6977 2083-9480 2356-6604 2314-7857 0365-0812 2239-3129 1815-8242 2413-3299 1028-2092 2224-7297 1754-7431 1471-2229 1817-406X 1999-3110 0125-961X 1138-5952 1988-799X 2277-4289 0073-2877 2236-8906 2090-0120 2090-0139 1226-8453 2356-7481 2314-6168 1409-3871 2215-2067 0210-9778 1988-3307 0025-6153 2279-8013 2226-3063 2227-9555 1314-4057 1314-4049 1314-2011 1314-2003 0031-9465 1593-2095 2229-2217 2223-7747 1560-7259 1560-7267 1613-9216 1439-040X 1821-2158 1821-2638 1999-4907 1687-8639 1687-8647 2471-1888 1553-619X 1472-3646 1472-3654 1471-2180 1517-8382 1678-4405 2228-5806 2228-5814 2008 English 2013 English 2015 English 2005 English 2005 English 2010 English 2000 English 2014 English 2014 English 2014 English 2010 English 2014 English 1980 English 2011 English 2013 English 2011 English 2014 English 1995 English 2013 English, Spanish; Castilian 2005 English 2008 English 2001 English 2006 English 2007 English, Indonesian 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2007 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2014 English 2013 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 2005 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English 2012 English, Russian, Ukrainian 2011 English 2010 English 2014 English 2011 English 2012 English 2013 English, Russian 2006 English 2009 English 2010 English 2009 English 2015 English 2005 English 2002 English 2001 English 2000 English 1999 Persian, English 2356-6957 1687-918X 2212-5531 2090-7478 2251-8649 2146-3158 2000-2297 2356-7716 1823-8262 2235-2988 1664-302X 2314-596X 1687-9198 2212-554X 2090-7486 2322-2581 2146-9369 2314-646X 2231-7538 2150-7511 2218-1989 1475-2859 2280-6423 1178-6361 2045-8827 2379-5042 1874-2858 1874-3579 2227-7382 0001-3714 2322-2948 1678-9881 2214-6695 1178-122X 1179-1624 1999-4915 2277-8551 0351-2851 1827-9635 2356-6922 1578-665X 2234-6953 1018-4171 2190-7307 0172-1941 1502-4873 0015-4040 0429-288X 1742-9994 1137-8700 0367-5041 1849-3505 0394-1914 2455-6882 2055-5008 2199-6067 1827-9643 2314-7865 2234-8190 2199-7233 2224-4255 2053-7166 2387-5372 1983-0572 1891-5396 2284-4880 2254-8408 1989-953X 1848-2007 1825-5272 2213-2244 1179-5433 2011 English 2010 English 2013 English 2009 English 2012 English 2011 English 2012 English 2011 English 2009 English 2014 English 2005 English 2010 English 2011 English 2002 English 2003 English, Italian 2008 English 2012 English 2016 English 2007 English 2007 English 2013 English 1998 English 2012 English 2014 English 2008 English 2009 English 2009 English 2012 English 2015 English 2009 English, Slovenian 2006 English, Italian 2014 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 1985 English 1991 English, German 2012 English 2014 English 2010 English 1967 English, Norwegian 2008 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 1994 English 2006 English, Italian 2004 English 2011 English 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 Croatian, English 1986 English 2012 English 2009 English 1811-9778 1687-8477 1824-307X 2090-522X 2090-9896 2038-324X 2320-7078 1070-9428 2356-7465 2218-6425 1679-6225 1874-4532 2218-6050 0033-2615 0085-5626 0035-6875 2038-9698 0954-6324 1313-2989 1984-4670 1313-9916 1217-8837 0366-5232 1863-5407 2118-9773 1811-9786 1687-8485 2090-5238 2299-4831 2279-7084 1314-2607 2314-6478 1336-6939 2358-436X 1995-1043 1982-0224 1687-7438 1806-9665 2077-3757 2385-0833 1338-7227 2073-2333 2038-9701 2052-6458 1313-2970 1984-4689 2083-6112 2056-306X 2064-2474 2357-3759 1613-4796 1854-9829 2005 English 2009 English 2004 English 2011 English 2012 English 2012 English 2010 English 2013 English 2011 English 2013 English 2005 Czech, English, Slovak 2014 English 2007 English 2003 English 2008 English 2011 English 1874 English 2002 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English, French 2010 English, Italian 2008 English 2008 English 2011 English 1948 English 2008 English 2009 English 2008 English 2015 English 2009 Bulgarian, English 2002 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 2015 English 2011 English 2007 English, Slovenian Castilian nish; Castilian uguese, Spanish; Castilian 序号 Journal title Keywords 1 ACS Central Science chemistry 2 Acta Chemica Iasi chemistry, materials science, environment, education 3 Acta Crystallographica Section E crystal structure determination, crystal engineering, str 4 Acta Crystallographica Section E:crystal Crystallographic structure Communications determination, structural chemistry, cr 5 Arabian Journal of Chemistry inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistr 6 Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry applied chemistry, biomaterials, nanomaterials 7 Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National chemical University engineering, analytical chemistry, inorganic che 8 Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering chemical engineering Quarterly and technology, biochemical engineer 9 Chemistry Central Journal analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, green chemist 10 ChemistryOpen chemistry, applied chemistry, physical chemistry, organic 11 Chromatography separation and purification science and technology, separ 12 Chromatography Research International chromatography 13 Cogent Chemistry Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Mat 14 Cosmetics hair and body care, cosmetics as therapeutic options, cli 15 Current Chemistry Letters analytical chemistry, green chemistry, organic chemistry, 16 E-Journal of Chemistry Chemistry 17 European Chemical Bulletin chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, biochemist 18 Frontiers in Chemistry cellular biochemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical engine 19 Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews green chemistry, hazardous materials, environmental scien 20 IJCS: Indonesia Journal of Chemical chemical Sciencescience 21 Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical chemistry, Science applied chemistry 22 International Journal of Carbohydrate Saccharide, Chemistry Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Glucose, Cellulose 23 International Journal of Chemical chemistry Sciences 24 International Journal of Molecularmolecular Sciencesscience, biology, chemistry, physics, molecules 25 International Journal of Photochemistry Photochemistry, Photochemical reactions 26 Iranian Chemical Communication physical chemistry, organic synthesis, biochemistry, appl 27 ISRN Chromatography chromatography 28 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry chemistry, analytical methods 29 Journal of Applicable Chemistry inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistr 30 Journal of Applied Chemistry applied chemistry, polymers, oxidation, chemical analysis 31 Journal of Catalysts catalysts, catalysis 32 Journal of Chemistry chemistry 33 Journal of Electrochemical Sciencephysical and Engineering chemistry, electrochemistry, electrochemical eng 34 Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry organic Research chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemis 35 Journal of Quantum Chemistry Quantum Chemistry 36 Materials Science and Applied Chemistry applied chemistry, ceramics, polymers, composites, materi 37 Nanomaterials materials science 38 Open Catalysis Journal heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, biocataly 39 Open Chemistry organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistr 40 Oriental Journal of Chemistry biochemistry, spectroscopy, environmental chemistry 41 Processes chemistry 42 Revista Ion fuels and biofuels, engineering, materials science, chemi 43 South African Journal of Chemistrychemistry, computational chemistry, organic chemistry, ph 44 Sustainable Chemical Processes sustainable chemistry, sustainable engineering, green che 45 Analytical Chemistry Insights analytical chemistry, chemistry 46 Analytical Chemistry Research analytical chemistry, atomic spectroscopy 47 International Journal of Analytical analytical Chemistrychemistry 48 ISRN Analytical Chemistry analytical chemistry 49 Journal of Analytical Science andAnalytical TechnologyChemistry, Characterization and Evaluation of 50 Mass Spectrometry Letters analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry 51 Open Analytical Chemistry Journalspectroscopy, cheminformatics, medicinal chemistry 52 Pakistan Journal of Analytical andanalytical Environmental methods, Chemistry environmental science, environmental 53 Sample Preparation solid-phase extraction, liquid-phase extraction, membrane 54 Crystals superconductors 55 IUCrData crystal structure, crystallography, crystallographic data 56 Journal of Crystallography crystallogrphy 57 Structural Dynamics X-ray FEL, synchrotrons, pulsed electrons sources, nuclea 58 Advances in Chemistry Agricultural Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Inorgani 59 Chemistry Journal of Moldova: General, chemistry, Industrial industrial and Ecological chemistry,Chemistry ecological chemistry, or 60 Communications in Inorganic Synthesis synthesis, inorganic chemistry, chemistry 61 Inorganics (Basel) mechanisms of inorganic reactions, organometallic compoun 62 International Journal of Inorganicinorganic Chemistrychemistry 63 Journal of Inorganic Chemistry inorganic chemistry 64 Molbank chemistry 65 Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry inorganic chemistry 66 Applied Adhesion Science Surfaces and Interfaces; Thin Films, Mechanical Engineeri 67 Gels organogels, hydrogels, ionic gels, polymers 68 Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry organic synthesis, organic reactions, organic chemistry 69 C charging technologies, Carbon cycle, Carbon capture and s 70 ISRN Organic Chemistry organic chemistry 71 Molecules synthesis 72 Organic Chemistry International organic chemistry 73 Research Letters in Organic Chemistry organic chemistry 74 BBA Clinical aging, cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, d 75 Biochemistry Insights chemistry, functionality of proteins, carbohydrates, lipi 76 Biochemistry Research International biochemistry, enzymes 77 BMC Chemical Biology chemical biology, biochemistry 78 International Journal of Peptides amino acides, peptide research 79 International Journal of Proteomics proteomics 80 ISRN Biochemistry biochemistry 81 Journal of Amino Acids amino acids 82 Journal of Medical Biochemistry medicine, health science, biomedical science, life scienc 83 Journal of Molecular Biochemistrymolecular biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics 84 Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation DNA, RNA, genomics, gene regulation 85 Journal of Proteins and Proteomicsprotein science, proteomics, bioinformatics, protein stru 86 Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry physiological reactions, biochemical reactions, plant and 87 Journal of Tissue Engineering stem cells, progenitor cells 88 Microarrays multiplex lab-on-a-chip 89 Molecular Biology International molecular biology, DNA 90 Nuclear Receptor Research Nuclear Receptors 91 DNA Research structure, function, genomes, gene analysis, methods, bio 92 American Journal of Biochemistry and lifeBiotechnology sciences, biochemistry, evolutionary biotechnology, 93 Advances in Physical Chemistry physical chemistry, electrochemical 94 International Journal of Electrochemistry electrochemistry 95 ISRN Physical Chemistry physical chemistry 96 Journal of Theoretical Chemistry computational methods, computation methods, mathematical 97 Research Letters in Physical Chemistry physical chemistry 98 Abstract and Applied Analysis mathematics, applied analysis, abstract analysis 99 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Mathematica mathematical analysis, computer science, probability theo 100 Advances in Decision Sciences mathematics 101 Advances in Difference Equations differential equations, applicable analysis 102 Advances in Fixed Point Theory fixed point theory, geometry, game theory, engineering 103 Advances in Numerical Analysis numerical analysis, numerical mathematics 104 AKCE International Journal of Graphs graphs andand Combinatorics hypergraphs, network theory, combinatorial opt 105 Algebra algebra 106 Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii mathematics Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica 107 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae: mathematics Mathematica 108 Annals of the West University of Timisoara: Operator theory, Mathematics Control andtheory, Computer Algebraic Sciencestructures, Ge 109 Applied Mathematics and Computational computer Intelligence science, numerical methods, mathematical physics 110 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences algebra, discrete mathematics, analysis, topology, partia 111 Archivum Mathematicum mathematics 112 Axioms mathematical logic 113 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematicsmathematical : An International analysis, Journal mathematical physics, functional a 114 Balkan Journal of Geometry and Itsmathematics, Applicationsgeometry 115 Balkan Society of Geometers Proceedings mathematics, applied mathematics 116 Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, ge 117 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences mathematical sciences, mathematics 118 Cauchy applied mathematics, mathematics 119 Chinese Journal of Mathematics mathematics 120 Cogent Mathematics mathematics, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, Compu 121 Complex Manifolds Hermitian geometry, K盲hler and hyperK盲hler geometry, 122 Concrete Operators linear operators acting on function spaces 123 Demonstratio Mathematica algebra, mathematical physics, probability theory, statis 124 Discrete Mathematics & Theoreticalmathematics, Computer Science computer science 125 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory colourings, hereditary properties, independence and domin 126 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation mathematics, approximation theory 127 Econometrics econometric models, financial econometrics, estimation fr 128 E-Jurnal Matematika mathematics 129 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Mathematics 130 Electronic Journal of Differentialmathematics, Equations differential equations 131 Electronic Journal of Graph Theorygraph and Applications theory, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, comput 132 Electronic Journal of Qualitativemathematics, Theory of Differential integral equations, Equationsdifferential equations, 133 ESAIM : Proceedings applied mathematics 134 Formalized Mathematics computer-checked mathematics, repository of mathematical 135 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma algebra, geometry, mathematical physics, theoretical comp 136 Geometry geometry 137 IAENG International Journal of Applied applied Mathematics mathematics, applications, engineering mathematic 138 International Journal of Analysis analysis, equation 139 International Journal of Combinatorics mathematics, mathematical combinatorics 140 International Journal of Computational Computational Mathematics modelling, Computational optimization, Math 141 International Journal of Difference dynamic Equations equations on time scales 142 International Journal of Differential differential Equationsequations 143 International Journal of Mathematical fuzzySciences mathematics, & Applications algebra, equations, matrix theory 144 International Journal of Mathematics mathematics, and Mathematical statistics, Sciences probability 145 International Journal of Partial Differential partial differential Equationsequations 146 International Journal of Stochastic stochastic Analysis analysis, stochastic methods 147 Iranian Journal of Optimization optimization, applied mathematics 148 ISRN Algebra algebra 149 ISRN Applied Mathematics applied mathematics 150 ISRN Computational Mathematics applied mathematics, computational mathematics 151 ISRN Discrete Mathematics discrete mathematics 152 ISRN Geometry mathematics, geometry and topology 153 ISRN Mathematical Analysis mathematical analysis, matrix analysis, functional analys 154 ITB Journal of Science mathematics, natural science 155 Journal of Algebra and Related Topics group theory, semigroup theory, linear algebra, algebraic 156 Journal of Applied Mathematics applied mathematics, computational mathematics, applied a 157 Journal of Applied Mathematics andmathematics Decision Sciences 158 Journal of Applied Mathematics andmathematics, Stochastic Analysis stochastic analysis, nonlinear analysis, sto 159 Journal of Calculus of Variations Calculus of Variations 160 Journal of Complex Analysis complex analysis 161 Journal of Difference Equations Difference equations, Difference operators 162 Journal of Discrete Mathematics discrete mathematics, mathematics 163 Journal of Function Spaces Function spaces 164 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications Function spaces 165 Journal of Humanistic Mathematicsphilosophy, history, education, psychology, sociology 166 Journal of Industrial Mathematics Industrial Mathematics, Industrial Systems 167 Journal of Inequalities and Applications mathematics 168 Journal of Integer Sequences mathematics, integer sequences 169 Journal of Interpolation and Approximation statistical inapproximation, Scientific Computing stochastic approximation, trig 170 Journal of Linear and Topologicalfunctional Algebra analysis, operator theory, convex analysis, ma 171 Journal of Logic and Analysis mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, applied mathem 172 Journal of Mathematical Extension pure mathematics, applied mathematics 173 Journal of Mathematics mathematical science 174 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics mathematics, statistics 175 Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical algebra, Mathematics number theory, statistics, computer science 176 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and fixed Application point theory, approximation theory 177 Journal of Numbers Numbers, Number theory 178 Journal of Numerical Mathematics and numerical Stochastics analysis, stochastic analysis, stochastic model 179 Journal of Operators operators 180 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical applied Society mathematics, mathematics 181 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical mathematics Society 182 Journal on Mathematics Education pedagogy, mathematics education 183 Jurnal Matematika mathematics 184 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal mathematics 185 Le Matematiche pure mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics 186 Mathematics and its Applications:differential Annals of theequations, Academy ofnumerical Romaniananalysis, Scientistsoptimization, 187 Measurement Science Review mathematics, statistics, biomedical engineering, measurem 188 Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, low dimensional Theory and semiconductor Applications nanostructures, carbon nano 189 Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems differential equations, partial differential equations, d 190 Note di Matematica mathematics 191 Open Mathematics pure mathematics, differential equations, differential ge 192 Operations Research Perspectives operations research, management science methods, informat 193 Opuscula Mathematica applied mathematics 194 Problemy Analiza mathematics, analysis 195 Proceedings of the American Mathematical pure mathematics, Society, Series applied B mathematics 196 Publications of the Faculty of Electrical general mathematics, Engineering,series mathematical Mathematics analysis, convexity, fu 197 Pythagoras mathematics education 198 ROMAI Journal pure mathematics, applied and industrial mathematics 199 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Banach Analysis algebra, complex analysis, frame and wavelet theor 200 Scientia Magna Smarandache functions, Smarandache sequences, Smarandache 201 Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire mathematics, combinatorics 202 Special Matrices structured matrices, applications of structured matrices 203 Stochastic Systems stochastic systems 204 Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications mathematics, mathematical applications to computer scienc 205 Symmetry crystal and crystallography 206 Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: mathematical Methods and physics, Applications differential geometry, integrable s 207 The Journal of Nonlinear Sciencesnonlinear and its Applications sciences, mathematical analysis, mathematical p 208 The Teaching of Mathematics education, mathematics 209 Topological Algebra and its Applications topological-algebraic structures, topological dynamics, t 210 Transactions on Combinatorics discrete mathematics, combinatorics, graph theory, comput 211 UJM (Unnes Journal of Mathematics)mathematics 212 Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research information science, electronics, telecommunication, comp 213 ISRN Mathematical Physics mathematical physics 214 Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision mathematics, Scienceengineering, fuzzy DEA, economic efficiency, 215 Journal of Mathematics in Industryindustrial applications, industrial processes, mathematic 216 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society mathematical models, difference equations, social science 217 Pakistan Journal of Statistics andstatistics, Operation Research mathematical statistics, biostatistics, opera 218 Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces mathematical analysis, geometrical inequalities, metric s 219 Applied General Topology topological dynamics, topological algebra, hyperspaces 220 Boundary Value Problems differential equations 221 Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis fuzzy set valued functions, numerical analysis, applied m 222 Decision Science Letters multiple criteria decision making, data envelopment analy 223 International Journal of Statistical Statistical MechanicsMechanics, Thermal Fluctuation, Probability D 224 Acta Informatica Pragensia informatics, information management, knowledge engineerin 225 Acta Simulatio simulation, modelling, plm systems, computer simulation, 226 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Informatica computer science, algorithms, combinatorics, graphs and n 227 Advances in Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, fuzzy, robot 228 Advances in Computer Science : aninformation, Internationaltechnology, Journal wireless, software, engineering 229 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction human computer interaction, mobile computing 230 Advances in Multimedia multimedia, multimedia systems, multimedia services, mult 231 Advances in Software Engineering software engineering 232 Annales UMCS: Informatica computer science, informatics, algorithms, artificial int 233 Applied Computational Intelligencecomputational and Soft Computing intelligence, fuzzy, soft computing 234 Baltic Journal of Modern Computingsoftware engineering, information technology, information 235 CLEI Electronic Journal computer science 236 Computation (Basel) computational biology, bioinformatics, computational chem 237 Computational Science and Techniques modeling, algorithms, simulations, software 238 Computational Visual Media visual media, computer graphics, computer vision, image a 239 Computer Engineering and Applications computer Journal science, computer engineering 240 Computer Science theoretical aspects of computer science, pattern recognit 241 Computer Science and Information Systems computer science, software engineering, information syste 242 Computer Science Journal of Moldova discrete mathematics, software, computing, artificial int 243 Database Systems Journal databases, data warehouses, business intelligence, data m 244 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Advanced Systems Networking Architectures, Ambient Assisted Livin 245 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Biofuels, Web Clean Power Technologies, e-Energy, Green ICT, 246 Egyptian Informatics Journal performance management, databases, data warehouses, netwo 247 Electronic Communications of the EASST software technology, software science, software engineeri 248 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical theoretical Computercomputer Science science 249 Foundations of Computing and Decision Computer Sciences Science, decision theory, operation research, da 250 Frontiers in ICT algorithms, quantum computing, distributed and parallel c 251 IETI Transactions on Computers software theory, software engineering, intelligent and ad 252 Image Processing On Line image analysis, algorithms 253 Indonesian Journal on Computing computer systems, software engineering, information syste 254 Informal: Informatics Journal informatics, information system, computer science, inform 255 Information Sciences and Computingarchival science, cognitive science, commerce, communicat 256 International Journal of Advancedapplied Computercomputer Sciencescience, and Applications applications, information techn 257 International Journal of Advancedartificial Research inintelligence, Artificial Intelligence intelligent systems, robotics 258 International Journal of Applied Mathematics control theory, and Computer applied mathematics, Science scientific computing 259 International Journal of Computercomputer Games Technology game, online game, video game, digital game, gam 260 International Journal of Computercomputer Network and networks, Information network Security engineering, information secur 261 International Journal of Computercomputer Science and science, Information security, Security wireless network, communicati 262 International Journal of Computercomputer Science and science, Management computer Studies engineering, management 263 International Journal of Computercomputer Science and engineering, Network Solutions computer security, biometrics, data 264 International Journal of Cyber-Security privacy, andcomputer Digitalforensics, Forensics hacking, cyber warfare, cryp 265 International Journal of Distributed sensor Sensor network Networks systems, manufacturing, engineering, envir 266 International Journal of Future Generation multimediaCommunication application, and signal Networking and information processing 267 International Journal of Grid andgrid Distributed economy,Computing pervasive computing, sensor networks 268 International Journal of Image, Graphics computerand graphics, Signal Processing image processing, signal processing 269 International Journal of Information information Engineering engineering, and Electronic e-business Business 270 International Journal of Information computer Technology science, andinformation Computer Science engineering, information te 271 International Journal of Intelligent artificial Systems intelligence, and Applications intelligent systems 272 International Journal of Mathematical mathematical Modellingmodelling, & Computations computation, operations research, 273 International Journal of Mechatronics, mechatronics, Electrical robotics, and Computer microcontrollers, Technology wireless networ 274 International Journal of Modern Education computer and science, Computer information Science technology, educational tec 275 International Journal of Open Information computational Technologies mathematics, cybernetics, computer science 276 International Journal of Signal Processing, 3D and stereo Image imaging, Processing computer and Pattern vision, Recognition remote sensing, t 277 International Journal of Softwaresoftware Engineering security, and Itsdata Applications mining, information engineering 278 International Journal of u- and e-web Service, services, Science open and source, Technology grid computing 279 ISRN Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence 280 ISRN Communications and Networkingcommunication technologies, networks, wireless networks 281 ISRN Machine Vision computer vision, image processing 282 ISRN Software Engineering computer science, software engineering 283 Journal of Applied Computer Science applied & Mathematics mathematics, computer science, algorithms, inform 284 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications information technology, networking technologies, data acc 285 Journal of Computer Science processing, artificial intelligence, quality software, me 286 Journal of Computer Science information technology, software engineering, algorithms, 287 Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, information and Communications technology, networking technologies, data acc 288 Journal of Computing and Information information Technology systems, software engineering, computer engin 289 Journal of Cybersecurity security, cryptography, cybersecurity, information securi 290 Journal of Intelligent Systems intelligent systems, machine learning, soft computing, in 291 Journal of Internet Services and Information cloud computing, Security information leakage prevention 292 Journal of King Saud University: Computer computer and networks, Information software Sciences systems and developments, rap 293 Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed distributedSystems computing, embedded systems, mobile systems, 294 Journal of Security Engineering access control, secure remote access, information securit 295 Journal of Theoretical and Appliedartificial Computer Science intelligence, computer modelling, pattern reco 296 Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting virtual set environments, interactive broadcasting, compu 297 Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, wireless Ubiquitous mesh networks, Computing,user andinterfaces, Dependable Applications software infrast 298 Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasicomputer network and architecture, image processing, mach 299 Jurnal Informatika informatics, informatics engineering, management, compute 300 Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer artificial Science intelligence, bioinformatics, computational st 301 Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices technology, and Technologies software engineering, computer applications 302 Logical Methods in Computer Science theoretical (LMCS) computer science, practical computer science 303 Matics algorithms and complexity, architecture and organization, 304 Modeling of Artificial Intelligence virtual technologies, modeling of artificial intelligence 305 Modeling, Identification and Control mathematic modeling, mathematical analyses, system identi 306 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Modeling and simulation, Computer modelling, Computer Sim 307 PeerJ Computer Science computer science, computational science, computing 308 Proceedings of the Spring/Summer Young Software Researchers' Testing;, Colloquium Hardware Model on Software Verification, Engineering Software 309 Romanian Journal of Mathematics and numerical Computeranalysis, Science calculus of variations, algebra, mech 310 Scientific Annals of Computer Science theoretical computer science 311 SISFORMA information, games, strategy, creativity, statistics 312 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai:mathematics, Series Informatica computer engineering, software engineering, 313 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence artificial Research intelligence, computer science 314 The Python Papers programming, computer science, software engineering 315 Theory of Computing theoretical computer science 316 Transactions on Data Privacy data mining, database technology, data communication, cry 317 VLSI Design VLSI, integrated circuits, microprocessor 318 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience neural computing, neural engineering, artificial intellig 319 Database : the Journal of Biological biological Databases data, anddatabase, Curation biocuration, ontology 320 Journal of Formalized Reasoning formalization, verification, checking, reasoning 321 Economy Informatics economy, informatics, computer science, education 322 Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. economics, Fasciclebusiness I : Economics administration, and Applied applied Informatics informatics, 323 Oeconomics of Knowledge knowledge, economics, computer science 324 Computational Methods in Social Sciences social sciences, computational economics, statistics, com 325 Journal of Computer Science and Technology parallel and distributed processing, artificial intellige 326 Applied Computer Systems Artificial Intelligence, Applied Computer Systems, Data E 327 e-Informatica Software Engineeringsoftware Journalengineering, software measurement, empirical sof 328 Journal of Open Research Software research software, open source 329 Journal of Optimization Optimization, Process optimization, Optimal control, Grad 330 Journal of Soft Computing and Applications fuzzy computing, stochastic and probabilistic computing, 331 Journal of Software Engineering software engineering, requirement engineering, software q 332 Journal of Software Engineering Research Softwareand Engineering, DevelopmentSoftware Engineering/Programming an 333 Journal of the Brazilian ComputerComputer Society Science, Computer System Implementation, Operati 334 Scientific Programming Scientific programming, Programming, Fortran 335 SoftwareX software, developers, applications, source code, source f 336 Journal of Computational Geometry computational geometry, geometric algorithms 337 ISRN Probability and Statistics probability, mathematical statistics 338 Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics applied informatics, and Informatics applied mathematics, statistics 339 Journal of Probability Probability, Probability theory, Error probability 340 Journal of Probability and Statistics probability, statistics 341 Journal of Reliability and Statistical probabilities, Studies mathematical statistics, applied statistic 342 Journal of Statistical Distributions Statistical and Applications Theory and Methods, Statistics and Computing/ 343 SORT statistics, operations research, biometrics 344 Statistics, Optimization and Information mathematics, Computing statistics, optimization, computer, informat 345 Decision Analytics Decision theory, Business intelligence, Data mining, Opti 346 International Journal of AnalysisClifford and Applications analysis, Fourier analysis, mathematical biology 347 Research in the Mathematical Sciences Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics, Computational M 348 Quantitative Economics economic methods, economic models, quantitative methods, 349 Austrian Journal of Statistics statistics, official statistics, applied statistics, math 350 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics condensed matter physics, superconductivity 351 Advances in Mathematical Physics mathematical physics 352 African Physical Review theoretical physics, experimental physics, applied physic 353 African Review of Physics theoretical physics, experimental physics, applied physic 354 AIP Advances physical sciences, engineering, biology, physics, chemist 355 Annales UMCS Physica physics, astrophysics, geochemistry, isotopes, solid stat 356 Cogent Physics Astronomy & Astrophysics, Atomic Molecular & Optical Phys 357 EPJ Web of Conferences pure physics, applied phyics 358 Frontiers in Physics atmospheric science, biophysics, computational physics, p 359 International Journal of Energy, Information energy systems, and Communications intelligent and knowledge-based systems, 360 International Journal of Superconductivity superconductors, superconductivity 361 Iranian Journal of Physics Research physics, astronomy, theoretical physics 362 ISRN Condensed Matter Physics condensed matter physics 363 ISRN High Energy Physics high energy physics 364 Journal of Computational Methods in Computational Physics methodology, Computer simulation, Finite di 365 Journal of Experimental Physics Experimental models, Experimental analysis 366 Journal of Fluids Fluids, Fluid Physics 367 Journal of Gravity gravity, gravitation 368 Journal of Physical Studies physics, nuclear physics, matter physics, astrophysics 369 Journal of Physics : Conference Series physics 370 Journal of Research of the National physical Institute science, of Standards engineering, and Technology applied mathematics, biote 371 Journal of Solid State Physics solid state physics, solid state 372 Journal of Theoretical Physics andchaos Cryptography theory, quantum theory, random number generators, t 373 Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical energy and Sciences power, energy engineering, energy policy and e 374 Nanophotonics plasmonics, nano lasers, quantum optics, meta materials, 375 New Journal of Physics physics 376 npj Quantum Information Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Informa 377 Open Physics fluid mechanics, theoretical physics, atomic physics, opt 378 Open Plasma Physics Journal plasma accelerators, plasma diagnostics, wave propagation 379 Papers in Physics condensed matter, relativity and gravitation, nuclear phy 380 Physical Review X physics, applied physics, interdisciplinary physics 381 Physics Letters B nuclear physics, particle physics 382 Physics Research International physics 383 Progress in Physics physics, relativity, space-time 384 Progress of Theoretical and Experimental theoretical Physics physics, experimental physics 385 Research Letters in Physics physics 386 Results in Physics physics, materials science, applied physics 387 SciPost Physics Physics 388 Transport Phenomena in Nano and Micro transport Scalesphenomena, at microscales and nanoscales, micro 389 Unnes Physics Journal physics 390 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physicsgases, aerosols, clouds and precipitation, isotopes, radi 391 Separations separation methods, novel analysis approaches, chromatogr 392 Proceedings of NAS RA : Mechanicselasticity, electroconductivity, coupled fields, plastici 393 International Journal of Advances applied in Applied mathematics, Mathematics mechanics and Mechanics 394 Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Theoretical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Computational Science 395 Acta Geophysica Geophysics, Solid Earth Sciences, Seismology, Hydrology, 396 Annales Geophysicae Heliosphere, Magnetosphere, Space Plasma Physics, Ionosph 397 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physicsgases, Discussions aerosols, clouds and precipitation, isotopes, radi 398 Geodynamics Research Internationalgeodynamics, Bulletin earthquake 399 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods Data management, and Data Systems Sensing, Pattern recognition, Spectromet 400 International Journal of Geophysics geohysics, seismology, geodynamics 401 ISRN Geophysics geophysics 402 Journal of Space Weather and Spacesolar Climate physics, meteorology, aeronomy, electrical engineer 403 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysicsscaling and multifractals, predictability, nonlinear wave 404 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysicssolid Discussions earth, atmosphere, magnetosphere, biogeochemistry, 405 Research in Geophysics Geophysics; Geology; Volcanology; Rheology; Volcanoes; Ea 406 Archives of Thermodynamics heat transfer, thermodynamics 407 Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer thermal systems, energy and power applications 408 ISRN Thermodynamics thermodynamics 409 Journal of Thermodynamics thermodynamics 410 Fluids Thermodynamic equilibrium, Nanofluids, Microfluids, Membr 411 Advances in Meteorology meteorology 412 Advances in Science and Research climatology, meteorology 413 Atmosphere atmospheric sciences 414 Atmospheric Science Letters atmosphere, dynamical meteorology, ocean-atmosphere syste 415 Climate Risk Management climatology, meteorology, strategy and strategic manageme 416 E-Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology weather forcasting, atmospheric convection, emergency pre 417 Geoscience Data Journal geoscience, weather, climate, atmosphere, cryoshere, bios 418 International Journal of Atmospheric atmosphere, Sciences meteorology, climate 419 ISRN Meteorology meteorology 420 Journal of Climatology climatology 421 Journal of the Meteorological Society meteorology, of Japan climate 422 Meteorologica atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, meteorology 423 Meteorologische Zeitschrift meteorology, environmental meteorology, energy meteorolog 424 Open Atmospheric Science Journal pollution, environmental science 425 Romanian Journal of Meteorology weather forecasting, climatology, agricultural and forest 426 SOLA : Scientific Online Letters on atmospheric the Atmosphere sciences 427 Tellus B air chemistry, aerosol science, climatic cycles, cloud ph 428 Tethys : Journal of Mediterraneanmeteorology, Meteorology &climatology, ClimatologyWestern Mediterranean area 429 Weather and Climate Extremes weather extremes, climate extremes, intervention policies 430 Annals of Geophysics earth sciences, seismology, geodesy, volcanology, geomagn 431 Advances in Climate Change Research climate change, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, greenhou 432 International Journal of Spectroscopy spectroscopy 433 EPJ Techniques and InstrumentationMeasurement Science and Instrumentation, Atomic; Molecula Subject Journal ISSN (print Journalversion) EISSN (online Firstversion) calendar year journal provided online O Science: Chemistry 2374-7951 2015 Science: Chemistry 2067-2446 2013 Science: Chemistry 1600-5368 2008 Science: Chemistry 2056-9890 2008 Science: Chemistry 1878-5352 2009 Science: Chemistry 2069-5837 2011 Science: Chemistry 1563-0331 2312-7554 2012 Science: Chemistry 1451-9372 2217-7434 2000 Science: Chemistry 1752-153X 2007 Science: Chemistry 2191-1363 2012 Science: Chemistry 2227-9075 2014 Science: Chemistry 2090-3502 2090-3510 2011 Science: Chemistry 2331-2009 2015 Science: Chemistry 2079-9284 2014 Science: Chemistry 1927-7296 1927-730X 2012 Science: Chemistry 0973-4945 2090-9810 2004 Science: Chemistry 2063-5346 2012 Science: Chemistry 2296-2646 2013 Science: Chemistry 1751-8253 1751-7192 2012 Science: Chemistry 2252-6951 2012 Science: Chemistry 2320-0928 2012 Science: Chemistry 1687-9341 1687-935X 2009 Science: Chemistry 0972-768X 2009 Science: Chemistry 1422-0067 2000 Science: Chemistry 2356-7090 2314-7148 2014 Science: Chemistry 2423-4958 2345-4806 2013 Science: Chemistry 2090-8636 2012 Science: Chemistry 2090-8865 2090-8873 1978 Science: Chemistry 2278-1862 2012 Science: Chemistry 2356-7171 2314-6923 2013 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2314-856X 0974-1828 1687-9651 1687-0425 2314-6524 2090-3340 2008-5427 2090-6293 2090-5572 2010 2004 2011 2009 2015 2013 2001 1975 2012 2012 2011 1965 2012 2011 1996 1997 2010 2011 2009 2013 2014 2014 2013 2009 1997 2013 2009 2013 2012 1994 1993 2013 1998 1996 2006 2013 2013 2007 2013 2010 2014 2006 2009 2011 1978 2013 1987 2009 2011 2011 Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: Mathematics Science: 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2037-5298 2066-6594 1335-8871 2299-3290 2353-0626 1590-0932 2391-5455 2214-7160 2306-3432 2330-1511 2223-7895 2065-7714 2423-3900 2012 2011 2011 2011 2003 2013 2001 1997 1987 2013 2013 2014 2013 2003 2003 2011 2013 2005 1998 2012 2012 2009 2006 2013 2005 2010 2011 2014 2009 2013 2011 2007 2012 2007 1996 2009 2009 2008 2012 2014 1981 2015 2014 2004 2012 2014 1956 2004 2005 2014 Science: Mathematics 1556-6706 2005 Science: Mathematics 1286-4889 1981 Science: Mathematics 2300-7451 2013 Science: Mathematics 1946-5238 2011 Science: Mathematics 1843-7265 1842-6298 2006 Science: Mathematics 2073-8994 2009 Science: Mathematics 1815-0659 2005 Science: Mathematics 2008-1898 2008-1901 2008 Science: Mathematics 1451-4966 2406-1077 1998 Science: Mathematics 2299-3231 2013 Science: Mathematics 2251-8657 2251-8665 2012 Science: Mathematics 2252-6943 2012 Science: Mathematics 0354-0243 1820-743X 2002 Science: Mathematics | Science: 2090-4673Physics 2090-4681 2012 Science: Mathematics | Social 2195-4496 Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business mathematics. 2012Commercial arithm Science: Mathematics | Social Sciences: 2190-5983 Industries. Land use. Labor: Industry 2011 Science: Mathematics | Social 1026-0226 Sciences: 1607-887X Social sciences (General) 1997 Science: Mathematics | Social 1816-2711 Sciences: 2220-5810 Statistics 2005 Science: Mathematics: Analysis 2299-3274 2013 Science: Mathematics: Analysis 1576-9402 1989-4147 2003 Science: Mathematics: Analysis 1687-2762 1687-2770 2005 Science: Mathematics: Analysis 2193-4169 2011 Science: Mathematics: Analysis 1929-5804 | Social 1929-5812 Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business 2012 mathematics. Commerc Science: Mathematics: Analytic 2356-7112 mechanics 2314-6850 2013 Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1805-4951 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and1339-9640 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2066-7760 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-7470 and1687-7489 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2322-5157 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-5893 and1687-5907 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-5680 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-8655 and1687-8663 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2083-3628 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-9724 and1687-9732 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2255-8942 and2255-8950 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and0717-5000 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1998 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2079-3197 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2029-9966 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2096-0662 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2252-4274 and2252-5459 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1508-2806 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2004 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1820-0214 and2406-1018 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2004 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1561-4042 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1993 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2069-3230 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2032-927X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2032-944X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1110-8665 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1863-2122 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2006 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2075-2180 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2300-3405 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2297-198X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2014 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2414-1429 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2105-1232 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2460-9234 and2460-9056 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2016 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2503-250X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2016 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2321-8215 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2156-5570 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2165-4050 and2165-4069 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2083-8492 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2014 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-7047 and1687-7055 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2074-9090 and2074-9104 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1947-5500 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2231-5268 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2345-3397 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2305-0012 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1550-1329 and1550-1477 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2233-7857 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2005-4262 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2074-9074 and2074-9082 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2074-9023 and2074-9031 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2074-9007 and2074-9015 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2074-904X and2074-9058 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2228-6225 and2228-6233 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2305-0543 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2075-0161 and2075-017X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2307-8162 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2005-4254 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1738-9984 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2005-4246 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2090-7435 and2090-7443 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2090-4355 and2090-4363 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2090-7796 and2090-780X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2090-7680 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2066-4273 and2066-3129 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2090-7141 and2090-715X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1549-3636 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2005 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2362-0110 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-7381 and1687-739X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and1846-3908 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1993 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2057-2093 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2356-3982 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2182-2069 and2182-2077 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1319-1578 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1996 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2067-4074 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1738-7531 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2005 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2299-2634 and2300-5653 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1860-2037 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2004 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2093-5374 and2093-5382 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2088-7051 and2502-9274 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1411-0105 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1999 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2078-0958 and2078-0966 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and1583-1078 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2002 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1860-5974 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2004 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1978-161X and2477-2550 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2312-0355 and2413-7200 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2014 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 0332-7353 and1890-1328 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1980 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-5591 and1687-5605 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2376-5992 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2311-7230 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2247-689X and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2011 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1843-8121 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2355-8253 and2442-7888 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2014 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1224-869X and2065-9601 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2000 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1076-9757 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1993 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1834-3147 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2006 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1557-2862 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2005 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1888-5063 and2013-1631 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1065-514X and1563-5171 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1993 science Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1687-5265 and1687-5273 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science | Medicine: Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1758-0463 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science | Science: B Science: Mathematics: Instruments and1972-5787 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science | Science: M Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1582-7941 and2247-8523 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2001 science | Social Sci Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1584-0409 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2005 science | Social Sci Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2066-8325 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2009 science | Social Sci Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2344-1232 and2344-1232 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science | Social Sci Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1666-6046 and1666-6038 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1999 science | Technology Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2255-8691 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2008 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1897-7979 and2084-4840 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2007 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2049-9647 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2356-752X and2314-6486 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2195-576X and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2012 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2356-3974 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments and2195-1721 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2013 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 0104-6500 and1678-4804 machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2014 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1058-9244 and1875-919X machines: Electronic computers. Computer 1992 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 2352-7110 and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2015 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Instruments 1920-180X and machines: Electronic computers. Computer 2010 science: Computer so Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2090-472X Mathematical statistics 2012 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 1336-9180 Mathematical statistics 2012 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2356-7589 2314-8373 Mathematical statistics 2014 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 1687-952X 1687-9538 Mathematical statistics 2009 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 0974-8024 2229-5666 Mathematical statistics 2008 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2195-5832 Mathematical statistics 2014 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 1696-2281 2013-8830 Mathematical statistics 2003 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2311-004X 2310-5070 Mathematical statistics 2013 Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2193-8636 Mathematical statistics | Science: Mathematics: 2014 Analysis Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2291-8639 Mathematical statistics | Science: Mathematics: 2013 Analysis Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 2197-9847 Mathematical statistics | Science: Mathematics: 2014 Analytic mecha Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 1759-7323 1759-7331 Mathematical statistics | Social Sciences:2010 Commerce: Business: Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. 1026-597X Mathematical statistics | Social Sciences:1996 Statistics Science: Physics 1687-8108 1687-8124 2008 Science: Physics 1687-9120 1687-9139 2009 Science: Physics 1970-4097 2007 Science: Physics 2223-6589 2011 Science: Physics 2158-3226 2011 Science: Physics 0137-6861 2300-7559 2013 Science: Physics 2331-1940 2014 Science: Physics 2100-014X 2009 Science: Physics 2296-424X 2013 Science: Physics 2093-9655 2010 Science: Physics 2356-7120 2314-6869 2013 Science: Physics 1682-6957 1996 Science: Physics 2090-7397 2090-7400 2011 Science: Physics 2090-7427 2012 Science: Physics 2356-7287 2314-6834 2013 Science: Physics 2356-7368 2314-7849 2014 Science: Physics 2356-7376 2314-6826 2013 Science: Physics 2356-7422 2314-6907 2013 Science: Physics 1027-4642 1997 Science: Physics 1742-6588 1742-6596 2004 Science: Physics 1044-677X 2165-7254 2012 Science: Physics 2356-7643 2314-6842 2013 Science: Physics 2322-3138 2012 Science: Physics 0868-8257 2008 Science: Physics 2192-8614 2015 Science: Physics 1367-2630 1998 Science: Physics 2056-6387 2015 Science: Physics 2391-5471 2015 Science: Physics 1876-5343 2008 Science: Physics 1852-4249 2009 Science: Physics 2160-3308 2011 Science: Physics 0370-2693 1873-2445 2014 Science: Physics 2090-2220 2090-2239 2008 Science: Physics 1555-5534 1555-5615 2005 Science: Physics 2050-3911 2013 Science: Physics 1687-689X 1687-6903 2007 Science: Physics 2211-3797 2011 Science: Physics 2542-4653 2016 Science: Physics 2322-3634 2013 Science: Physics 2252-6978 2012 Science: Physics | Science: 1680-7316 Chemistry1680-7324 2001 Science: Physics | Science: Chemistry2297-8739 2015 Science: Physics: Descriptive 0002-3051 and experimental mechanics 1966 Science: Physics: Descriptive and experimental 2347-2529 mechanics | Science: Mathematics2015 Science: Physics: Descriptive and experimental 2196-1166 mechanics | Science: Mathematics: 2014 Analytic mechanics Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic 1895-7455 physics 2015 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 0992-7689 Cosmic 1432-0576 physics 1996 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 1680-7367 Cosmic 1680-7375 physics 2001 Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic 2345-4997 physics 2013 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 2193-0856 Cosmic 2193-0864 physics 2012 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 1687-885X Cosmic 1687-8868 physics 2009 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 2090-8946 Cosmic physics 2012 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 2115-7251 Cosmic physics 2011 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 1023-5809 Cosmic 1607-7946 physics 1994 Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic 2198-5634 physics 2014 Science: Physics: Geophysics. 2038-9655 Cosmic 2038-9663 physics 2011 Science: Physics: Heat 2083-6023 2010 Science: Physics: Heat 2151-8629 2010 Science: Physics: Heat: Thermodynamics 2090-5211 2012 Science: Physics: Heat: 1687-9244 Thermodynamics 1687-9252 2009 Science: Physics: Heat: Thermodynamics 2311-5521 | Science: Physics: Descriptive and experimental 2016 mechanics Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1687-9309 Climatology 1687-9317 2009 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1992-0628 Climatology 1992-0636 2007 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 2073-4433 2010 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 1530-261X 2016 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 2212-0963 2014 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1559-5404 Climatology 2006 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 2049-6060 2014 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 2314-4122 Climatology 2314-4130 2013 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 2090-7516 Climatology 2090-7524 2012 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 2356-6361 Climatology 2314-6214 2013 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 0026-1165 Climatology 2186-9057 1965 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 0325-187X Climatology 1850-468X 2005 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 0941-2948 Climatology 1610-1227 2014 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1874-2823 Climatology 2007 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 2284-6220 1994 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1349-6476 Climatology 2005 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 0280-6509 Climatology 1983 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1697-1523 Climatology 1139-3394 2006 Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology 2212-0947 2013 Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1593-5213 Climatology 2037-416X | Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic 1948physics Science: Physics: Meteorology. 1674-9278 Climatology | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) 2010 Science: Physics: Optics. 1687-9449 Light | Science: 1687-9457 Chemistry 2009 Science: Physics: Optics. Light | Science: 2195-7045 Physics: Descriptive and experimental 2014 mechanics journal provided online Open Access content English English English English English English English, Kazakh, Russian English, Serbian English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Russian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Italian English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English, Italian, French English English English English English English English English English, Russian English English, Russian, French, German, Serbian English English English English English English English English, French English English English English, German, Russian English English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Czech, Slovak English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Lithuanian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Russian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English, Indonesian Indonesian, English English English English English, Indonesian English, Russian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Polish English English English English English English, Persian English English English English English English English, Ukrainian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Indonesian English English Armenian, Russian, English English English English English English English, Persian English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, Spanish; Castilian English English English English English English English English English English English 序号 Journal title 1 Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej 2 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing 3 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies 4 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety 5 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum 6 Energies 7 EPJ Data Science 8 Ergo 9 Evropejskij 沤urnal Tehniki i Dizajna 10 Frontiers in Materials 11 International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 12 International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 13 International Journal of Research and Innovations in Science and Technology 14 ISRN Sensor Networks 15 Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology 16 Journal of Nanoparticles 17 Journal of Powder Technology 18 Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 19 Metrology and Measurement Systems 20 Micro and Nano Systems Letters 21 Nano-Micro Letters 22 Nanotechnology Research and Practice 23 Nirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology 24 NPG Asia Materials 25 Optofluidics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 26 Paladyn: Journal of Behavioral Robotics 27 Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 28 Technologies (Basel) 29 Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seri芒 10. Innovacionna芒 De芒tel使n 30 Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports 31 Bioengineering (Basel) 32 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 33 Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 34 Challenges 35 Applied Technologies and Innovations 36 Building Research Journal 37 Buildings 38 Concrete Research Letters 39 Construction Science 40 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction 41 International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology 42 Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 43 Lean Construction Journal 44 Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 45 Journal of Daylighting 46 Foods 47 International Journal of Polymer Science 48 ISRN Polymer Science 49 Johnson Matthey Technology Review 50 Journal of Nanostructures 51 Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia 52 Open Electrochemistry Journal 53 Open Energy and Fuels Journal 54 Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal 55 Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industr 56 Sensors 57 Toxics 58 Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 59 Catalysts 60 Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 61 Applied Food Biotechnology 62 Bioresources and Bioprocessing 63 Biosensors 64 Biotechnologia Acta 65 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 66 Biotechnology Reports 67 Biotechnology Research International 68 Bioteknologi 69 BMC Biotechnology 70 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 71 European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology 72 Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 73 Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 74 International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 75 ISRN Biotechnology 76 Journal of Biochemical Technology 77 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 78 Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology 79 Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 80 Journal of Nanobiotechnology 81 Microbial Biotechnology 82 Molecular Imprinting 83 Open Food Science Journal 84 Progress in Biomaterials 85 Regenerative Biomaterials 86 Biotechnology and Health Sciences 87 Journal of Functional Biomaterials 88 Bioautomation 89 Bionatura 90 Metabolic Engineering Communications 91 Cell & Bioscience 92 BMC Genomics 93 Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica 94 AMB Express 95 APL Materials 96 Nano Convergence 97 npj Microgravity 98 Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 99 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 100 Carbon: Science and Technology 101 Chemical and Process Engineering 102 Eksergi 103 International Journal of Chemical Engineering 104 ISRN Chemical Engineering 105 Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 106 Membranes 107 Reaktor 108 AIMS Bioengineering 109 Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 110 International Journal of Bio-Inorganic Hybrid Nanomaterials 111 Fibers 112 Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 113 Biomedical Glasses 114 International Journal of Wine Research 115 Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology 116 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Alimentaria 117 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food 118 Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 119 International Journal of Food Contamination 120 International Journal of Food Science 121 International Journal of Food Studies 122 Italian Journal of Food Safety 123 Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals 124 Journal of Food Processing 125 Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 126 Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan 127 Ukrainian Food Journal 128 Journal of Fuels 129 Biofuel Research Journal 130 Biotechnology for Biofuels 131 Natural Gas Industry B 132 Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids 133 Polyolefins Journal 134 Materials Today 135 Acta Polytechnica 136 Acta Technica Corviniensis 137 Advances in Civil Engineering 138 Advances in Radio Science 139 Ain Shams Engineering Journal 140 Alexandria Engineering Journal 141 Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal 142 Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering Science 143 American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 144 Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 145 Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 146 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 147 CFD Letters 148 Chinese Journal of Engineering 149 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design 150 Civil and Environmental Engineering 151 Civil Engineering Dimension 152 Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal 153 Civil Engineering Journal 154 Coatings 155 Cogent Engineering 156 Communications in Control Science and Engineering (CCSE) 157 Emitter: International Journal of Engineering Technology 158 Enfoqute 159 Engineering 160 Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 161 Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 162 Geotechnical Research 163 Inge@UAN 164 Inge-Cuc 165 Ingenio Magno 166 International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal 167 International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering 168 International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation 169 International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 170 International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation 171 International Journal of Integrated Engineering 172 International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 173 International Journal of Modern Engineering 174 International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences 175 International Journal of Rotating Machinery 176 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 177 International Soil and Water Conservation Research 178 IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering 179 ISRN Civil Engineering 180 ITB Journal of Engineering Science 181 Journal of Engineering 182 Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 183 Journal of Engineering and Technology 184 Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 185 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 186 Journal of King Saud University: Engineering Sciences 187 Journal of Mechanical Engineering 188 Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering 189 Koroze a Ochrana Materialu 190 MANAS : Journal of Engineering 191 Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering 192 Microsystems & Nanoengineering 193 Open Civil Engineering Journal 194 Open Engineering 195 Pribory i Metody Izmerenij 196 Rakenteiden Mekaniikka 197 Selected Scientific Papers: Journal of Civil Engineering 198 Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 199 Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 200 Teknik 201 The Journal of Engineering 202 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 203 Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science 204 Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section 205 Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 206 Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences 207 Journal of Biological Engineering 208 Applied Sciences 209 Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 210 Fuzzy Information and Engineering 211 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 212 Journal of Control Science and Engineering 213 Advances in OptoElectronics 214 Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 215 Frontiers in Built Environment 216 International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability 217 Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering 218 Constructii: Journal of Civil Engineering Research 219 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 220 Research Letters in Nanotechnology 221 Manufacturing Review 222 Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 223 APL Photonics 224 High Power Laser Science and Engineering 225 ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 226 Journal of Photonics 227 Organic Photonics and Photovoltaics 228 Photonics 229 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information S 230 Light: Science & Applications 231 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 232 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 233 Visualization in Engineering 234 Journal of Accessibility and Design for All 235 VLC Arquitectura 236 JIDEG: Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics 237 Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 238 Construction Economics and Building 239 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 240 Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 241 Inventions 242 Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 243 International Journal of Energy and Environment 244 Journal of Sustainable Design and Applied Research in Innovative Engineering of the Built 245 Open Environmental Engineering Journal 246 The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 247 Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Land Reclamation 248 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 249 Acta Mechanica et Automatica 250 Applied and Computational Mechanics 251 Curved and Layered Structures 252 International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 253 Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 254 Journal of Applied Mechanics 255 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 256 Technische Mechanik 257 Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 258 Case Studies in Structural Engineering 259 Journal of Structures 260 Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport 261 TeMA: Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 262 Drinking Water Engineering and Science 263 Environmental Protection and Natural Resources 264 Environments 265 Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 266 Journal of Health and Pollution 267 Noise Mapping 268 Open Waste Management Journal 269 SAPIENS 270 Waste Technology 271 Water 272 Bulletin of Environmental Studies 273 Environmental Research Letters 274 Environmental Systems Research 275 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 276 Journal of Ecological Engineering 277 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 278 Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk 279 International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 280 Journal of Design and the Built Environment 281 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Formatio Circumiectus 282 Environmental and Earth Sciences Research Journal 283 Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 284 Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 285 Environmental Epigenetics 286 Advances in Environmental Chemistry 287 Emerging Contaminants 288 EQA 289 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 290 Clean Air Journal 291 Mesopotamia Environmental Journal 292 Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology 293 Climate of the Past 294 Climate of the Past Discussions 295 Carbon Balance and Management 296 Archives of Environmental Protection 297 Drinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions 298 Freshwater Metadata Journal 299 Journal of Water Security 300 Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI : Food Technology 301 Flavour 302 Food & Nutrition Research 303 Food Science & Nutrition 304 Food Science and Human Wellness 305 Frontiers in Nutrition 306 International Journal on Food System Dynamics 307 Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 308 Nutrients 309 Nutrire 310 Nutrition and Food Sciences Research 311 Open Nutraceuticals Journal 312 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 313 Journal of Nutritional Science 314 Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 315 Nutrition & Metabolism 316 Nutrition Journal 317 Functional Foods in Health and Disease 318 Health Promotion Perspectives 319 Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 320 Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences 321 Genes & Nutrition 322 Agricultural and Food Economics 323 Annals : Food Science and Technology 324 Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences 325 BMC Nutrition 326 Italian Journal of Food Science 327 International Journal of Geo-Engineering 328 Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 329 Open Hydrology Journal 330 Water Alternatives 331 Journal of Modern Transportation 332 Water Science 333 Water Resources and Development 334 Journal of Water and Land Development 335 Water Science and Engineering 336 Water S.A. 337 Acta Mechatronica 338 Advances in Mechanical Engineering 339 Advances in Tribology 340 Annals of the Oradea University: Fascicle Management and Technological Engineering 341 Facta Universitatis. Series: Mechanical Engineering 342 Friction 343 Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 344 IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation 345 International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 346 International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 347 ISRN Mechanical Engineering 348 Journal of Machine Engineering 349 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 350 Journal of Robotics 351 Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur 352 Jurnal Tribologi 353 Machines 354 Mechanical 355 Robotics 356 Scientific Proceedings. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 357 Thermal Science 358 Transactions of the VSB : Technical University of Ostrava 359 Tribology in Industry 360 Frontiers in Robotics and AI 361 Mechanics and Control 362 International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 363 ROBOMECH Journal 364 Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 365 Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars 366 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes 367 Catalysis for Sustainable Energy 368 Environmental and Climate Technologies 369 EPJ Photovoltaics 370 Geothermal Energy 371 Geothermal Energy Science 372 International Journal of Photoenergy 373 International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 374 ISRN Renewable Energy 375 Journal of Renewable Energy 376 Journal of Solar Energy 377 Journal of Wind Energy 378 Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development 379 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 380 Energy, Sustainability and Society 381 GCB Bioenergy 382 Acta Periodica Technologica 383 Advances in Operations Research 384 Advances in Technology Innovation 385 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications 386 High Technology Letters 387 International Journal of Engineering and Technology 388 International Journal of Heat and Technology 389 International Journal of Security and Its Applications 390 International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 391 International Journal of Technology 392 International Journal of Technology and Research 393 ISRN Nanotechnology 394 Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 395 Journal of Nanomaterials 396 Journal of Nanoscience 397 Journal of Nanotechnology 398 Journal of Radars 399 Journal of Sensors 400 Letters in Applied NanoBioScience 401 Nano Reviews & Experiments 402 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 403 Nanotechnology Development 404 Nexo 405 Open Renewable Energy Journal 406 TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten 407 PsychNology Journal 408 Computational Ecology and Software 409 Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 410 International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 411 International Journal of Science and Engineering 412 IPTEK: The Journal for Technology and Science 413 Jurnal Teknosains: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi 414 Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 415 Technology Innovation Management Review 416 The Asian Journal of Technology Management 417 Safety of Technogenic Environment 418 Safety 419 Securitologia 420 International Scientific Journal of Management Information Systems 421 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 422 Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management 423 Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering 424 Jurnal Teknik Industri 425 South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 426 Algorithms 427 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 428 International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 429 International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization 430 Communications in Numerical Analysis 431 Croatian Operational Research Review 432 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics 433 Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 434 Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two 435 Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 436 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 437 Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 438 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 439 Automation Technological and Business-Processes 440 Applied Computing and Informatics 441 APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 442 BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology 443 Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 444 Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 445 Digital Communications and Networks 446 First Monday 447 Future Internet 448 Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments 449 ICT Express 450 Informatics (Basel) 451 Information 452 Information and Knowledge Management 453 Information Technology and Management Science 454 Interaction Design and Architecture(s) 455 International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 456 International Journal of Contents 457 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 458 ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology 459 ITM Web of Conferences 460 Journal of Community Informatics 461 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 462 Modelirovanie i Analiz Informacionnyh Sistem 463 National Cybersecurity Institute Journal 464 OASIcs : OpenAccess Series in Informatics 465 Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 466 Scientific Journal of Informatics 467 Social Technologies 468 The African Journal of Information Systems 469 Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 470 Security Informatics 471 Mefanet Journal 472 JMIR mHealth and uHealth 473 JMIR Serious Games 474 Network Pharmacology 475 Information & Security : An International Journal 476 Internet Interventions 477 Journal of Cheminformatics 478 Archives of Control Sciences 479 Annals of computer science and information systems 480 Applied Computer Science 481 Australasian Journal of Information Systems 482 Journal of Data and Information Science 483 Latin American Journal of Computing 484 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 485 Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 486 Computational Social Networks 487 IBMRD's Journal of Management Research 488 Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 489 Journal of Information Technology in Construction 490 Information Technologies and International Development 491 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems 492 International Journal of Production Management and Engineering 493 Robotica & Management 494 South African Computer Journal 495 South African Journal of Information Management 496 Journal of Big Data 497 Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi 498 SCIRES-IT : SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology 499 Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design Keywords Subject Journal ISSN Journal (print EISSN version) (online vers mathematics, physical sciences, chemical sciences, Technology technology 鈥?mechanical 1234-5865 engineering, computer s Big data collaborative environments/systems, Collaboration Technology techniques data-intensive 2312-8623 computing, Col creative/affective experiences, creative content Technology providers, creative design 2409-9708 and advertising, creati forensics, identity theft protection, informationTechnology security, network and infrastructure 2032-9393 security, pr cognitive radio, cognitive radio networks, dynamic Technology spectrum access, Radio2312-6620 spectrum, software define energy sources Technology 1996-1073 data extraction Technology 2193-1127 technology policy, technology and innovation Technology 1802-2170 design, technology Technology 2308-65052310-3450 engineering, biomaterials, corrosion research, earth Technology and planetary materials, 2296-8016 polymer chemistry, op corrosion inhibition, scale inhibition, inhibitors, Technology metals protection 2305-6894 artificial intelligence, interactive multimedia Technology 1989-1660 civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical Technology engineering, 2394-38582394-3866 electronics and communication, c sensor networks, wireless sensor networks Technology 2090-7745 Science, Technology Technology 1008-1542 Nanoparticles Technology 2314-484X2314-4858 Powder Production, Powder Mixtures, Powder Consolidation, TechnologyPowder2090-77102090-7737 Particles, Dry Powders mechanical and inertial sensors, thermal sensors,Technology optical and infrared 2194-87712194-878X sensors, magnetic sensors, c metrology, measurements, sensors, transducers, instruments, Technology measurement methods 2300-1941 nano fabrication technologies, nanoscale devices,Technology microscale devices, sensors, 2213-9621 actuators nanotechnology, nanoscience Technology 2311-67062150-5551 nanoparticles, technology, nanotechnology, structural Technology models 2312-78562413-7227 engineering, technology, engineering mathematics,Technology engineering education 2231-2870 materials, chemistry, physics, biomaterials, energy Technology conservation, optics 1884-4057 microfluidics, nanofluidics, optofluidics Technology 2300-7435 robot vision, maritime robotics, behavioral robotics, Technology assistive robotics,2081-4836 cognitive robotics, devel quantum interferometry, quantum estimation, quantum Technology sensors, quantum measurements, 2299-114X quantum correlat computer technologies, information technologies, Technology military technologies, construction 2227-7080 technologies, Technical and Technological Innovations, Innovations Technology in Organization 2305-78152409-2398 and Management, physics of nan Applied Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Technology Biology, | Medicine Biochemistry, | Science 2322-1186 Bioinformatics Bionics, Bioelectronics, Bioinformatics, Biomechatronics, TechnologyBiomaterials, | Science: Biology Biomechanics 2306-5354 (General) Biodiversity, Biogeography, Conservation biology,Technology Ecosystem,| Imaging, Science: Sensor Biology 2056-3485 (General): Ecology nanotechnology, nanomaterials Technology | Science: Chemistry 2043-6262 research collaboration, prototypes, grand challenges Technology | Science: Science 2078-1547 (General) technology, engineering, natural sciences, applied Technology sciences | Social 1804-11911804-4999 Sciences: Industries. Land use. structural mechanics, materials and material structures, Technology: building Building technology, construction 1339-682X daylighting, thermal architecture Technology: Building 2075-5309 construction concrete engineering, concrete technology, concrete Technology: practice Building 2180-1371 construction building materials, composite materials Technology: Building construction 2255-8551 information technology, construction Technology: Building 1400-6529 construction structural engineering, building construction, sustainable Technology:construction Building 2180-3242 construction rural and regional development, management and resource Technology: issues, Building 1823-64992180-4222 housing, construction urban economics, sustainab lean construction, lean design, construction process Technology: Building construction 1555-1369 buildings, building construction Technology: Building 1874-8368 construction daylighting, lighting, building energy, solar energy, Technology: optics Building & light, 2383-8701 construction: renewable energy Details in build food sciences Technology: Chemical 2304-8158 technology polymers, polymer science Technology: Chemical 1687-94221687-9430 technology materials science, polymer chemistry, polymer physics Technology: Chemical 2090-8733 technology advanced materials, catalysis, emissions control,Technology: energy conversion, Chemical pharmaceuticals, technology 2056-5135 sustainabilit nanocomposites, nanoparticles Technology: Chemical 2251-78712251-788X technology chemical engineering, chemistry, bioengineering chemistry Technology: education, Chemical 1979-0503 bioengineering technology chemistry, educ chemistry Technology: Chemical 1876-505X technology combustion science, fuel science, energy researchTechnology: Chemical 1874-2483 technology energy, combustion, fuel science Technology: Chemical 1876-973X technology chemistry, chemical engineering, biotechnology, food Technology: science,Chemical food 1582-540X technology technology electrochemical sensors Technology: Chemical 1424-8220 technology toxic chemicals, air toxics, hazardous wastes, radionuclides, Technology: Chemical endocrine technology disrupting 2305-6304 chemicals, persi nano-materials, nanotechnology Technology: Chemical 1177-8903 technology | Science chemical processes Technology: Chemical 2073-4344 technology | Science: Chemistr nanoscience, nanotechnology Technology: Chemical technology 2190-4286 | Science: Physics biotechology, bioengineering, bioprocessing, nanobiotechnology, Technology: Chemical 2345-53572423-4214 biochemistry, technology: foodBiotechnology biochemical engineering, industrial and production Technology: engineering, Chemical bioprocess technology: 2197-4365 engineering, Biotechnology environment biosensors Technology: Chemical 2079-6374 technology: Biotechnology molecular biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, immunobiotechnology, Technology: Chemical 2410-77512410-776X biosensors technology: Biotechnology biotechnology, medicine, bioinformatics, bioeconomics, Technology: life sciences Chemical 1310-28181314-3530 technology: Biotechnology medicine, surgery, disease, healthcare Technology: Chemical technology: 2215-017XBiotechnology biotechnology Technology: Chemical 2090-31382090-3146 technology: Biotechnology biochemistry, biomedical sciences, environmental Technology: sciences, genetics, Chemical 0216-6887 plant technology: sciences Biotechnology biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: 1472-6750Biotechnology computational biology, bioinformatics, computational Technology: chemistry, Chemical drug discovery, technology: 2001-0370 genomics, Biotechnology proteomic molecular biotechnology Technology: Chemical 2310-62552409-1332 technology: Biotechnology bioinformatics, biomaterials, stem cell, ecotoxicology, Technology: systems Chemical biology, technology: 2296-4185 medicine Biotechnology Fungal Biology and Biotechnology Technology: Chemical technology: 2054-3085Biotechnology biology Technology: Chemical 0976-26122278-599X technology: Biotechnology biotechnology Technology: Chemical 2090-9403 technology: Biotechnology bioinformatics, applied genetics, biodiversity, computational Technology: Chemical biology 0974-2328 technology: Biotechnology biomedicine, biothechnology Technology: Chemical 1110-72431110-7251 technology: Biotechnology computational biology, biotechnology, bionanotechnology Technology: Chemical 0860-77962353-9461 technology: Biotechnology plant genetics, animal genetics, bacterial enzymes, Technology: agricultural Chemical 1687-157X biotechnology, technology:biochemistry, Biotechnologybioph biotechnology, medicine, biology Technology: Chemical 1477-3155 technology: Biotechnology bioenergy, bionanotechnology, biosensors, genomics, Technology: green chemistry Chemical technology: 1751-7915Biotechnology polymers, imprinting, separation, sensors, biomedical Technology: materials Chemical technology: 2084-8803Biotechnology food science, food technology Technology: Chemical 1874-2564 technology: Biotechnology tissue engineering Technology: Chemical 2194-0517 technology: Biotechnology Biomaterials, regenerative medicine, clinical applications Technology: Chemical technology: 2056-3426Biotechnology health sciences, biomedicine, health care, population Technology: health,Chemical bioinformatics 2383-02712383-028X technology: Biotechnology | Me biomedicine Technology: Chemical 2079-4983 technology: Biotechnology | Me bioinformatics, bioprocess systems, biomedical systems, Technology: ecological Chemical 1313-261X1312-451X systems technology: Biotechnology | Me clinical trials, nature, biotechnology, biomedicine Technology: Chemical 1390-93471390-9355 technology: Biotechnology | Sc biomolecular engineering, bioengineering and manufacturing, Technology: biopharmaceuticals, Chemical technology: 2214-0301 biomass Biotechnology and bioener | Sc life sciences, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, Technology: pharmacology, Chemical genetics technology: 2045-3701Biotechnology | Sc genomics, genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, Technology: proteomics Chemical technology: 1471-2164Biotechnology | Sc biotechnology, molecular biology, environmental chemistry, Technology:bio/analytical Chemical 1338-6905 technology: chemistry, Biotechnology medical chemis | Sc white biotechnology, red biotechnology, applied microbiology, Technology: Chemical industrial technology: 2191-0855 microbiology Biotechnology | Sc biomaterials, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, materials Technology: science, Chemical physics, technology: 2166-532X chemistry Biotechnology | Sc Nanotechnology, Nanoscale Science and Technology,Technology: Nanotechnology Chemical and Microengineering technology: 2196-5404Biotechnology | Sc astrobiology, biophysics, spaceflight, biotechnology, Technology: space exploration Chemical technology: 2373-8065Biotechnology | Sc chemical technology, biotechnology, food sciences, Technology: microbiology Chemical 1338-5178 technology: Biotechnology | Te chemical reaction engineering, catalyst and catalysis, Technology: chemical Chemical reactor 1978-2993 technology: engineering, Chemical reaction engineeri kinet advanced materials, polymers, energy conversion and Technology: storage devices, Chemical composites, technology: 0974-0546material Chemical science, engineeri mathematical modeling, chemical reactors, processTechnology: engineering, Chemical chemical technology: engineering, 2300-1925Chemical energyengineeri transfe process, material, chemical engineering Technology: Chemical 1410-394X technology: Chemical engineeri chemical engineering Technology: Chemical 1687-806X1687-8078 technology: Chemical engineeri chemical engineering Technology: Chemical 2090-861X technology: Chemical engineeri materials science, nanotechnology Technology: Chemical 2303-0623 technology: Chemical engineeri membrane permeation Technology: Chemical 2077-0375 technology: Chemical engineeri chemical engineering, biotechnology, energy, separation Technology: technology, Chemical 0852-07982407-5973 catalyst technology: and catalysis, Chemical engineeri mathema biological engineering Technology: Chemical 2375-14872375-1495 technology: Chemical engineeri drug delivery, drug discovery and development, tissue Technology: engineering, Chemical chemical technology: 2380-6761 engineering-based Chemical engineeri biopr nanomaterials, bionanomaterials, nanotechnology, Technology: bio-inorganic Chemical materials 2251-85332322-4142 technology: Chemicals: Manufac fibers Technology: Chemical 2079-6439 technology: Chemicals: Manufac ceramics, glasses, composites, functionality of ceramic Technology: materials, Chemical microstructure technology: 2187-0764Clay of ceramic industries. materiC glass-based devices for medical and dental applications, Technology: application Chemical of technology: glasses 2299-3932 and Clay glass-ceramics industries. C vine growing, wine, viticulture, wine industry Technology: Chemical technology: 1179-1403Fermentation indus food technology, food science, food engineering, Technology: food chemistry, Chemical biotechnology, technology: 2344-150X environmental Food processing scien an food science, food analysis, functional foods, food Technology: technology, Chemical food chemistry, technology: 2066-7744 food Foodprocessing processing an food chemistry and biochemistry, food biotechnology, Technology: food additives Chemical 2344-23442344-5300 and technology: contaminants, Food raw processing materialan food science and technology, food quality and safety, Technology: food toxicology Chemical 2066-6845 technology: Food processing an Food Science Technology: Chemical technology: 2196-2804Food processing an food science Technology: Chemical 2356-70152314-5765 technology: Food processing an food studies, education, industry, food Technology: Chemical 2182-1054 technology: Food processing an food safety Technology: Chemical 2239-7132 technology: Food processing an food technology, food processing, food chemicals,Technology: pharmacology, Chemical Excipients, technology: 2150-2668 Pharmaceutics Food processing an food processing, food preservation, canning industry Technology: Chemical 2356-73842314-839X technology: Food processing an food science, food technology, food safety, health, Technology: nutritionChemical 1979-77882087-751X technology: Food processing an food technology Technology: Chemical 2407-3814 technology: Food processing an food engineering, food chemistry, food packagingTechnology: Chemical 2304-974X2313-5891 technology: Food processing an fuels, Fuel Cell Technology: Chemical 2356-73922314-601X technology: Fuel biodiesel, bioethanol, biobuthanol, biogas, biomass, Technology: algae Chemical technology: 2292-8782Fuel | Social Scie biotechnology, biofuels, biomass, biological conversion Technology: Chemical technology: 1754-6834Fuel | Technology: natural gas geochemistry, geophysical exploration, Technology: gas-reservoir Chemical 2352-8540 engineering, technology: mathematical Gas industry modellin agronomy, plant biology, biochemistry, analyticalTechnology: chemistry, Chemical lipid chemistry technology: 2257-6614Oils, fats, and wa polyolefins synthesis, polyolefins characterization, Technology: polyolefins Chemical 2322-2212 processing, technology: polymerization Polymers and kinetic polym nanotechnology, biomaterials, metals, composites,Technology: polymers, surface Chemical 1369-7021 science technology: Polymers and polym engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science Technology: Engineering 1210-27091805-2363 (General). Civil engineerin technology, engineering Technology: Engineering 2067-3809(General). Civil engineerin civil engineering Technology: Engineering 1687-80861687-8094 (General). Civil engineerin radio science, engineering Technology: Engineering 1684-99651684-9973 (General). Civil engineerin mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, Technology: civil engineering, Engineering 2090-4479 chemical (General). engineering, Civil engineerin petrole production, marine engineering, textile engineering, Technology: electrical Engineering engineering, 1110-0168(General). computer Civil science engineerin and n biomedical, information, mechatronics, manufacturing Technology: operations, Engineering 1818-1171 biochemical, (General). engineering Civil engineerin engineering, engineering sciences Technology: Engineering 1998-44562411-7773 (General). Civil engineerin bioengineering, technology Technology: Engineering 1941-70201941-7039 (General). Civil engineerin engineering, technology, material science, industrial Technology: applications Engineering 1584-2665(General). Civil engineerin engineering failure analysis, component failuresTechnology: Engineering (General). 2213-2902 Civil engineerin mechanical engineering Technology: Engineering (General). 2214-157X Civil engineerin fluid mechanics, computational methods, aerodynamics, Technology: turbulence Engineering 2180-1363 models (General). Civil engineerin chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical Technology: engineering, Engineering computer(General). 2314-8063 engineering, Civil industrial engineerin e egineering, design Technology: Engineering 1006-754X(General). Civil engineerin civil engineering, transport structures, environmental Technology: engineering, Engineering 1336-58352199-6512 architecture, (General).technology Civil engineerin civil engineering, applied science Technology: Engineering 1410-95301979-570X (General). Civil engineerin infrastructures, buildings, bridges, dams, transportation Technology: systems, Engineering 2322-20932423-6691 water (General). distribution Civil systems engineerin engineering, civil engineering, material engineering, Technology: building, Engineering ecology, (General). 1805-2576 architecture Civil engineerin coatings Technology: Engineering 2079-6412(General). Civil engineerin mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical Technology: engineering, Engineering environmental (General). 2331-1916 Civil engineering, engineerin co research results of innovations Technology: Engineering 2327-30382327-3054 (General). Civil engineerin electronics, mechatronics, informatics, telecommunications, Technology: electrics, Engineering 2355-391X2443-1168 multimedia (General). Civil engineerin environmental engineering, food engineering, computer Technology: science, Engineering mechatronics, 1390-6542(General). petroleum Civil engineerin engineering, technology Technology: Engineering 2095-80992096-0026 (General). Civil engineerin mechanical engineering, plasmas & fluids, mechanics, Technology: physicalEngineering sciences, 1994-20601997-003X engineering (General). Civil & technology, engineerin f engineering design, advanced materials science, biomedical Technology:engineering Engineeringand (General). 2215-0986 instrumentation, Civil engineerin cryptog Geotechnical, Civil Engineering Technology: Engineering (General). 2052-6156 Civil engineerin engineering, design Technology: Engineering 2145-09352346-1446 (General). Civil engineerin engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, Technology: electrical Engineering 0122-65172382-4700 and electronic (General).engineering, Civil engineerin soft engineering, electronics, systems, mechanical Technology: Engineering 2145-9282(General). Civil engineerin IIUM EJournal, IIUM EJ, IIUM Engineering Journal,Technology: IIUM Engineering, Engineering 1511-788X2289-7860 UIA Engineering (General). Civil Journal engineerin service learning, engineering, humanitarian engineering, Technology: social Engineering entrepreneurship (General). 1555-9033 Civil engineerin engineering, technology, innovation Technology: Engineering 2223-53292226-809X (General). Civil engineerin computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical Technology: engineering, Engineering 2248-9622 chemical (General). engineering, Civilenvironment engineerin engineering, innovations, entrepreneurship Technology: Engineering 2152-41572152-4165 (General). Civil engineerin environmental engineering, electrical engineering, Technology: mechanicalEngineering engineering, 2229-838X(General). materialsCivil engineering, engineerin m manufacturing engineering, engineering Technology: Engineering 2356-70232314-5781 (General). Civil engineerin machine engineering, electronics, computer engineering, Technology: biotechnology Engineering 2157-80521930-6628 (General). Civil engineerin computer science, applied physics, bioinformaticsTechnology: Engineering 2076-734X2076-7366 (General). Civil engineerin rotating machinery, rotor Technology: Engineering 1023-621X1542-3034 (General). Civil engineerin electrical engineering, power engineering, biomedical Technology: engineering, Engineering 2085-6830 information (General). system Civil and engineerin technolog Soil erosion, Watershed management, Conservation Technology: agricultural, Engineering Soil 2095-6339 health (General). resources, Civil Landengineerin degradat mechanics, thin films, composites Technology: Engineering 1757-89811757-899X (General). Civil engineerin civil engineering Technology: Engineering 2090-51062090-5114 (General). Civil engineerin chemical engineering, environmental engineering, Technology: industrial engineering, Engineering 1978-3051(General). electrical Civil engineering, engineerin in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computerTechnology: engineering, Engineering electrical 2314-49042314-4912 (General). engineering, Civil industrial engineerin e chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental Technology: engineering, Engineering 2337-57792338-5502 (General). industrial Civil engineering, engineerin in engineering, technology Technology: Engineering (General). 2026-674X Civil engineerin electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer Technology: engineering, Engineering information (General). 2312-2307 technology, Civil engineerin commu engineering science, technology, general scienceTechnology: Engineering 1791-2377(General). Civil engineerin civil engineering, engineering design, engineering Technology: drawing, engineering Engineering 1018-3639 mathematics, (General). Civil vocational engineerin eng mechatronics, engineering, mechanics, biomedicine, Technology: material sciences Engineering (General). 2450-5471 Civil engineerin rehabilitation, civil engineering, retrofit, structure Technology: Engineering (General). 2345-4423 Civil engineerin corrosion, surface treatment, preservation Technology: Engineering 0452-599X1804-1213 (General). Civil engineerin applied mathematics, chemical engineering, computer Technology: engineering, Engineering food engineering (General). 1694-7398 Civil engineerin mathematical modeling, environmental science, civil Technology: engineering Engineering (General). 2066-6934 Civil engineerin new physics of micro- and nano-systems, micro- and Technology: nano-mechanics Engineering modelling, (General). 2055-7434 materials Civil forengineerin micro- a engineering, materials Technology: Engineering 1874-1495(General). Civil engineerin material science, computer engineering, electrical Technology: engineering, Engineering environmental (General). 2391-5439 engineering, Civil engineerin mechanic measurements, monitoring, diagnostics, devices ofTechnology: measurements, Engineering 2220-95062414-0473 metrological (General). assurance, Civilnavigation engineerin theoretical mechanics, applied mechanics, structural Technology: mechanics, Engineering 0783-61041797-5301 strength (General). of materials, Civil numerical engineerin me architectural design, building construction, construction Technology: management, Engineering 1336-90241338-7278 civil (General). engineering, Civil road engineerin const chemistry, industrial chemistry, biosensors, foodTechnology: sensors andEngineering biosensors (General). 2214-1804 Civil engineerin civil engineering Technology: Engineering (General). 1338-3973 Civil engineerin engineering, technology, sciences, architecture Technology: Engineering 0852-1697(General). Civil engineerin biomedical engineering, civil engineering, electrical Technology: engineering, Engineering energy(General). 2051-3305 engineering, Civil mechanical engineerin e mechanical engineering, theoretical and applied mechanics, Technology:aerospace Engineering 2095-0349 and (General). aeronautical Civil engineering, engineerin electrical, engineering, environmental, petroleum, Technology: mechanical, Engineering chemical 1813-162X engineering (General). Civil engineerin concrete structures, building materials, technology, Technology: composite Engineering structures, 1224-38842068-4762 (General). geotechnical Civilengineering engineerin environmental health science, engineering, environmental Technology: engineering, Engineering 1735-19791735-2746 sanitary (General). engineering, Civil engineerin water civil engineering, geodesic engineering, GIS, remote Technology: sensing Engineering and2247-37692284-7197 photogrammetry, (General). construction Civil engineerin field synthetic biology, cellular design, bioproduction, Technology: ecologicalEngineering engineering, 1754-1611(General). environmental Civil engineerin engineerin natural sciences Technology: Engineering 2076-3417(General). Civil engineerin non-linear phenomena, computational techniques, differential Technology: Engineering equations 1687-40991687-4102 (General). Civil engineerin fuzzy Information, fuzzy sets and systems, soft computing, Technology:fuzzy Engineering 1616-8658 engineering, (General). fuzzy Civil operations engineerin rese electrical engineering, differential equations, stochastic Technology:processes, Engineering 1024-123X1563-5147 nonlinear (General). analysis, Civil engineerin engineeri control science Technology: Engineering 1687-5249(General). Civil engineerin optoelectronics Technology: Engineering 1687-563X1687-5648 (General). Civil engineerin Science, Technology, engineering, science, technology Technology: Engineering 0254-78212413-7219 (General). Civil engineerin societal interrelations, civil engineering, transit Technology: systems, Engineering public policy, (General). 2297-3362 development, Civil built engineerin envi engineering principles, statistical methods, reliability Technology: fields Engineering 1687-71441687-7152 (General). Civil engineerin engineering principles, statistical methods, reliability Technology: fields Engineering 2314-80552314-8047 (General). Civil engineerin concrete technology, building equipment, masonry Technology: structures, Engineering steel 1221-27092247-0328 structures, (General). building Civilacoustics engineerin engineering, technology Technology: Engineering 1823-4690(General). Civil engineerin nanotechnology Technology: Engineering 1687-68491687-6857 (General). Civil engineerin manufacturing, Materials, engineering, technology, Technology: Additive manufacturing, Engineering (General). 2265-4224 Tooling Civil engineerin engineering, technology, science applications Technology: Engineering 2241-44871792-8036 (General). Civil engineerin photonics, optics, optical communications, optical Technology: imaging, sensors, Engineering optoelectronics (General). 2378-0967 Civil engineerin energy density physics, advanced laser technology, Technology: laser-plasma Engineering 2095-47192052-3289 interaction, (General). attosecond Civilphysics, engineerin la ISPRS confernces, ISPRS Proceedings Technology: Engineering 2194-90422194-9050 (General). Civil engineerin Photonics, Integrated Photonics Technology: Engineering 2356-75622314-6451 (General). Civil engineerin organic materials synthesis, fundamental opto-electronic Technology: properties, Engineering photonic (General). 2299-3177 devices, Civil organic engineerin semi biomedical optics and medical optics, Nanotechnology Technology: and nanostructures Engineering in (General). 2304-6732 optics, Photonic Civil engineerin materia Proceedings, Remote Sensing Technology: Engineering 1682-17502194-9034 (General). Civil engineerin optical materials, organic optoelectronics, optical Technology: data transmission, Engineeringoptical (General). 2047-7538 measurement, Civil engineerin small-s remote sensing, measurement instruments and techniques, Technology: data Engineering processing, 1867-8610(General). informationCivil retrieval, engineerin gas rapid prototyping and tooling, geometric and engineering Technology: tolerancing, Engineering 2288-4300 finite (General). elementCivil analysis, engineerin huma visualisation methods, visualisation technologies, Technology: engineering Engineering design (General). 2213-7459 Civil engineerin accessibility, design for all, engineering, architecture, Technology: education, Engineering disability (General). 2013-7087 Civil engineerin architectural conservation, architectural design,Technology: environmentEngineering and 2341-30502341-2747 the city, (General). engineering Civiland engineerin technol engineering graphics, computer graphics, computerTechnology: aided design, Engineering 1843-37662344-4681 industrial (General). design, descriptive Civil engineerin geom cost estimating, road construction, property management, Technology: construction Engineering 1835-63541837-9133 economics, (General). building Civil engineerin economics building, construction, property, quantity surveying Technology: Engineering (General). 2204-9029 Civil engineerin rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, soil mechanics Technology: and Engineering foundation 1674-7755 engineering, (General). Civil civilengineerin engineer Civil Engineering, Mining, Engineering geology, Geophysics, Technology: mechanics, Engineeringgeotechnics (General). 2083-831X Civil engineerin design innovation, methods innovation, devices and Technology: technologies, Engineering systems (General). 2411-5134 inventions,Civil process engineerin invent environmental engineering, civil engineering Technology: Engineering 2080-51872450-8594 (General). Civil engineerin energy, environment, environmental problems, alternative Technology: energy Engineering 2076-28952076-2909 resources, (General). sustainable Civil development engineerin built environment, engineering Technology: Engineering (General). 2009-549X Civil engineerin environmental science Technology: Engineering 1874-8295(General). Civil engineerin computer-assisted engineering, computational techniques, Technology: phenomenological Engineering 1757-482X1757-4838 (General). models, mathematical Civil engineerin mode rural environment, waste water technology, water Technology: pollution control, Engineering soil (General). 2081-9617 science, land Civil management engineerin remote sensing, measurement instruments and techniques, Technology: data Engineering processing, 1867-13811867-8548 (General). informationCivil retrieval, engineerin gas mechanics, engineering, automatics, robotics Technology: Engineering (General). 2300-5319 Civil engineerin solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials, Technology: thermodynamics, Engineering 1802-680X2336-1182 (General). biomechanics, Civilstructural engineerin structural mechanics, engineering structures, structural Technology: stability, Engineering structural (General). 2353-7396 dynamics, Civil smart engineerin stru 6. rheology, tribology, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, mechanics of structures, mechatronics Technology: Engineering (General). 1734-4492 Civil engineerin theoretical and experimental mechanics, dynamic systems Technology: and control, Engineering nonlinear (General). 2383-4536 dynamics Civiland engineerin chaos, dynamics, continuum mechanics, solid and fluid mechanics, Technology: heat Engineering transfer, 2423-67132423-6705 (General). biomechanics Civil engineerin computation, experimental mechanics, dynamics, fluids Technology: engineering, Engineering 2289-46592231-8380 tribology, (General). manufacturing Civil engineerin enginee engineering mechanics, applied mechanics Technology: Engineering 0232-3869(General). Civil engineerin Computational mechanics, Theoretical and applied Technology: mechanics, Advanced Engineering modeling, (General). 2213-7467 Simulation Civil engineerin of materi analysis and design, behavior of structures, structural Technology: engineering, Engineering building (General). 2214-3998 and construction Civil engineerin structures, structural engineering Technology: Engineering 2356-766X2314-6494 (General). Civil engineerin economical, legal, wide range of transport problems Technology: (technical; Engineering 0209-33242450-1549 economical; (General). legal) Civil engineerin urban planning, environment, urban geography, transport Technology: geography, Engineering 1970-98891970-9870 transport (General). planning, Civil sustainable engineerin water sources, substances, drinking water treatment Technology: processes, Environmental distribution 1996-94571996-9465 technology. systems, residual Sanitarymanag engi environmental protection, environmental pollution, Technology: biodiversity, Environmental waste management, 2353-8589 technology. climate Sanitary change, engi Environmental chemistry, Environmental physics, Environmental Technology: Environmental planning, 2076-3298 Pollution technology. control Sanitary and preve engi water pollution, wastewater treatment, air control, Technology: soil remediation, Environmental radiation 2052-336X technology. control, Sanitary food safet engi public health, environmental health, pollution, low Technology: and middle Environmental income countries 2156-9614 technology. Sanitary engi noise mapping, noise action plans, environmental Technology: noise exposure, Environmental outdoor 2084-879X soundscape technology. studies, Sanitary quiet engi waste technology research, industrial waste, residual Technology: waste Environmental 1876-4002 technology. Sanitary engi sustainability Technology: Environmental 1993-38001993-3819 technology. Sanitary engi waste technology, recycling, waste treatment, waste Technology: technology Environmental management, 2338-6207 technology. water treatment Sanitary engi water pollution, wastewater, water treatment, aquatic Technology: ecosystems, Environmental 2073-4441 floods technology. Sanitary engi environmental sciences, environmental biology, environmental Technology: Environmental chemistry, environmental 2414-8121 technology. geology, Sanitary envi engi climate, environmental science, earth science, energy, Technology: natural Environmental resources,1748-9326 environmental technology. Sanitary policy engi resource management, environmental management, environmental Technology: Environmental systems analysis 2193-2697 technology. Sanitary engi Rivers and lakes, Coasts and estuaries, Hydrometeorology, Technology: Ecohydrology, Environmental 1027-56061607-7938 Water technology. resourcesSanitary management, engi environmental protection, ecological engineering,Technology: waste management, Environmental sustainable 2299-8993 technology. development Sanitary engi earthquake hazards, natural disasters, hydrological Technology: hazards, Environmental sea1561-86331684-9981 hazards, atmospheric technology. and Sanitary meteorolo engi geomatics, natural hazards, geospatial techniques, Technology: remote sensing, Environmental 1947-57051947-5713 climate technology. change, riskSanitary assessment engi air pollution, land use and contamination, fossilTechnology: fuel depletion, Environmental 2212-6090 water depletion, technology. water Sanitary pollution, engi design, architecture, building, construction, built Technology: environment, Environmental 1823-42082232-1500 surveying technology. Sanitary engi environment, engineering Technology: Environmental 1644-0765 technology. Sanitary engi environmental sciences, environmental pollution, Technology: environmental Environmental biotechnology, 2369-56682369-5676 technology. geochemistry, Sanitary geologi engi engineering, computing, technology Technology: Environmental 2080-40752299-8624 technology. Sanitary engi biogeochemistry, mining lands, ecology, soil and Technology: water quality, Environmental topography, 2339-076X technology. social sciences Sanitary engi epigenetics, genetics, environment, evolution, methylation, Technology: transgenerational Environmental2058-5888 technology. Sanitary engi Environmental chemistry, Pollution control, Wastewater Technology: Environmental 2356-66982314-7652 technology. Sanitary engi emerging contaminants, environmental chemistry, human Technology: and ecological Environmental 2405-6650 health, technology. chemical risk Sanitary manageme engi soil, soil contamination, environmental quality Technology: Environmental 2039-98982281-4485 technology. Sanitary engi speciation analysis, nutrients, pollutants, bioavailability, Technology: Environmental biological 0954-22992047-6523 uptake, technology. toxicity Sanitary engi air quality, air pollution, its impacts on the environment Technology:and Environmental the 1017-17032410-972X management, technology. air quality Sanitary manageme engi environmental research, water pollution, air pollution, Technology: soil Environmental pollution, water 2410-2598 technology. treatment, Sanitary renewable engi R & D/Technology Policy, Sustainable Development,Technology: Energy Policy; Environmental Economics 2196-288X technology. and Management, Sanitary Material engi dynamics in ocean, atmosphere, vegetation, carbonTechnology: cycle, greenhouse Environmental 1814-93241814-9332 gases, technology. climate modelling Sanitary engi dynamics in ocean, atmosphere, vegetation, carbonTechnology: cycle, greenhouse Environmental 1814-93401814-9359 gases, technology. climate modelling Sanitary engi Environmental Management, Ecosystems, Forestry Technology: Environmental1750-0680 technology. Sanitary engi environmental engineering, environmental protection, Technology: environmental Environmental chemistry, 2083-4810 technology. air pollution, Sanitary water engi water sources, substances, drinking water treatment Technology: processes, Environmental distribution 1996-94731996-9481 technology. systems, residual Sanitarymanag engi freshwater datasets, metadata collection, open access, Technology: automated Environmental data publishing, 2312-6604 technology. data Sanitary visibility engi water quality, water quantity, water engineering,Technology: water economics, Environmental water 2345-0363 policy technology. Sanitary engi food engineering, biotechnology, food safety, process Technology: controlHome1843-51572068-259X economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo flavour and nutrition, flavour and food chemistry, Technology: flavour and Home psychophysiology, 2044-7248 economics: Nutrition. flavourFoods and psycho and fo human nutrition research, health claims Technology: Home1654-66281654-661X economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo food science, nutrition, health, biotechnology Technology: Home economics: 2048-7177 Nutrition. Foods and fo food biochemistry, food microbiology, nutrition and Technology: immunology, Homefood economics: safety, 2213-4530 Nutrition. food safetyFoods and toxico and fo health, nutrigenomics, brain health, environmental Technology: sustainability, Home economics: food science 2296-861X Nutrition. technology, Foodseating and fo food, chain, management, economics Technology: Home economics: 1869-6945 Nutrition. Foods and fo clinical nutrition, community nutrition, biochemistry, Technology: food, Home socioeconomics, 1978-10592407-0920 economics: Nutrition. functional Foods food and fo human nutrition aspects Technology: Home2072-6643 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, food science, metabolism, nutrigenetics, Technology: nutrigenomics, Home economics: epidemiology 2316-7874 Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, food Technology: Home2383-04412383-3009 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo dietary supplements, functional foods Technology: Home1876-3960 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo food technology, food chemistry, food quality andTechnology: functionality Home economics: 2083-6007 Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, nutritional concepts, public health nutrition, Technology: metabolic Home economics: studies, 2048-6790 Nutrition. dietary surveys, Foods and bodyfo Health, Population, Nutrition, illness, developing Technology: countries Home economics: 2072-1315 Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, obesity, exercise physiology, metabolic Technology: syndrome, Home diabetes economics: 1743-7075 Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, eating patterns, dietary intake Technology: Home economics: 1475-2891 Nutrition. Foods and fo functional food, bioactive compounds, chronic diseases, Technology: nutrition, Home economics: food 2160-3855 Nutrition. Foods and fo nutrition, public health, health promotion Technology: Home economics: 2228-6497 Nutrition. Foods and fo food, drugs, cosmetics, traditional Chinese medicine, Technology: public Home health, 1021-9498 economics: biological Nutrition. activities Foods and fo chemistry, biology Technology: Home2089-72002339-0948 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo genomics, nutrition, genetic susceptibility, gene-diet Technology: interaction, Home economics: genetics 1865-3499 Nutrition. Foods and fo agri-food business, market analysis, food security, Technology: land economics, Home economics: agri-food 2193-7532 Nutrition. policy, trade Foods and fo food engineering, food microbiology, biotechnology, Technology: agricultural Home2065-2828 sciences, economics:environmental Nutrition. Foods protection and fo Food Science, Food quality, Food Processing Technology: Home1605-25522226-5899 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo Nutrition Technology: Home economics: 2055-0928 Nutrition. Foods and fo food, beverage, microbiology, packaging Technology: Home1120-1770 economics: Nutrition. Foods and fo Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences, Technology: Civil Engineering, Hydraulic 2092-91962198-2783 Geoengineering; engineering Foundations; Biohydrology, Catchment hydrology, Vadose zone hydrology, Technology: hydromechanics Hydraulic 0042-790X engineering water quality, water management Technology: Hydraulic 1874-3781 engineering water, politics, development, policy Technology: Hydraulic engineering 1965-0175 Automotive Engineering, Geoengineering; Foundations; Technology: Hydraulics, Hydraulic 2095-087X2196-0577 Regional/Spatial engineering Science | Technology: Eng policy issues, hydraulics, water quality Technology: Hydraulic 1110-4929 engineering | Technology: Env hydrology, hydrogeology, hydrogeophysics, water resources, Technology:groundwater, Hydraulic engineering surface 2345-5012 water | Technology: Env environmental science, chemistry, engineering, agriculture Technology: Hydraulic engineering: 2083-4535 River, lake, and water resources, aquatic environment, water engineering Technology: Hydraulic 1674-23702405-8106 engineering: River, lake, and multidisciplinary, water science, technology, water Technology: resource Hydraulic management 0378-47381816-7950 engineering: River, lake, and mechatronics, mechanical engineering, systems thinking, Technology: mechanics, Mechanical electronics, engineering 2453-7306 optics and machinery mechanical engineering Technology: Mechanical 1687-81321687-8140 engineering and machinery friction, lubrication, wear Technology: Mechanical 1687-59151687-5923 engineering and machinery mechanical engineering, industrial management, robotics Technology: Mechanical engineering 1583-0691 and machinery structural design and optimization, production engineering, Technology: solid Mechanical 0354-20252335-0164 mechanics, engineering dynamics andand machinery vibration lubrication, wear, surface engineering, tribology, Technology: friction Mechanical 2223-76902223-7704 engineering and machinery mechanical sciences, mechanics of materials, automotive Technology: engineering, Mechanical ventilation, engineering 2297-3079 heating, and machinery micro- a autonomous robots, nanobots, kinematics, robotic Technology: surgery Mechanical 2089-4856 engineering and machinery automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, multidisciplinary Technology: Mechanical 2229-86492180-1606 designengineering optimization, and energy machinery conve Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Structural Materials, Technology: Mechanical Mechanical Engineering engineering 2198-2791 and machinery engineering, mechanics, heat transfer Technology: Mechanical 2090-51222090-5130 engineering and machinery design, production technology, manufacturing, material, Technology: surface Mechanical engineering 1895-7595 engineering and machinery mechanics Technology: Mechanical 2180-1053 engineering and machinery robotics, robots, robot Technology: Mechanical 1687-96001687-9619 engineering and machinery mechanical engineering Technology: Mechanical 2302-5255 engineering and machinery tribology, engineering, science, physics, materials Technology: Mechanical engineering 2289-7232 and machinery automation Technology: Mechanical 2075-1702 engineering and machinery mechanical engineering, engineering, materials, energy, Technology: contruction, Mechanical 2087-18802460-1888 manufacture engineering and machinery intelligent robotics Technology: Mechanical 2218-6581 engineering and machinery mechanical engineering, mechatronics, automation,Technology: measurement, Mechanical metrologyengineering 1338-5011 and machinery mechanical engineering Technology: Mechanical 0354-9836 engineering and machinery automation, computer science, mechanical engineering, Technology: mechanical Mechanical 1210-04711804-0993 technology engineering and machinery friction, wear, lubricants, lubrications, wear resistant Technology: materials Mechanical 0354-89962217-7965 engineering and machinery robotics, ai, computational intelligence, biomedical Technology: robotics, Mechanical bionics, engineering evolutionary 2296-9144 and robotics machinery | vibration theory, machine dynamics, control of dynamical Technology: systems, Mechanical activeengineering 2300-7079 noise and vibration and machinery contro | energy, propulsion, detonation, combustion dynamics, Technology: fluid mechanics Mechanical 1756-82771756-8285 engineering and machinery | Robotics and Automation, Mechatronics, ArtificialTechnology: Intelligence Mechanical (incl. Robotics), engineering 2197-4225Control, and machinery: ComputatiC renewable energy, solar, photovoltaic, efficiencyTechnology: improvement, Mechanical energy conservation, engineering 2493-9439 and sustainability machinery: E automotive engineering, vehicle dynamics, powertrain, Technology: automotive Mechanical design,engineering 1804-9338 internal combustion and machinery: engineM Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Structural Materials, Technology: Computational Mechanical Science engineering 2198-7874 and Engineering and machinery: M fuel cells, hydrogen energy, catalysis in production Technology: of syngas, Mechanical biodiesel engineering 2084-6819 and greenand diesel, machinery: catalyR Sustainability of technology development, environmental Technology: impact Mechanical assessment, engineering 2255-8837 renewableand energy machinery: resourcR energy engineering, solar energy conversion, thinTechnology: films, photovoltaics Mechanical engineering 2105-0716 and machinery: R environmental science, engineering, renewable andTechnology: green energy, Mechanical paleoenvironmental engineering 2195-9706 sciences and machinery: R power and heat production, geothermal projects, heat Technology: pump technology, Mechanical 2195-47712195-478X global engineering geothermics, and machinery: drilling R Photoenergy, Solar energy, Photovoltaic cells, Solar Technology: cells Mechanical 1110-662X1687-529X engineering and machinery: R sustainability, engineering, environment, energy Technology: development Mechanical 2252-4940 engineering and machinery: R renewable energy Technology: Mechanical 2090-74512090-746X engineering and machinery: R renewable energy, solar cell, solar energy, solarTechnology: power, windMechanical energy, 2314-43862314-4394 photovoltaics engineering and machinery: R Solar cell, Photovoltaic energy Technology: Mechanical 2356-76352314-6230 engineering and machinery: R Wind Energy, Wind Power Technology: Mechanical 2356-77322314-6249 engineering and machinery: R smart grids, green energy, sustainable development, Technology: renewableMechanical energy, 2356-85182356-8569 energy engineering efficiency and machinery: R low-carbon technologies, built environment, renewable Technology: technology, Mechanical 1748-13171748-1325 sustainable engineering technology and machinery: R energy innovation, sustainable energy systems, energy Technology: sources, Mechanical energy technologies engineering 2192-0567 and machinery: R bio-oil production, biological residues, bioenergy Technology: socioeconomics, Mechanical bioenergy engineering 1757-1707 policy,and bioenergy machinery: systR materials, chemical technology, engineering science Technology: Technology 1450-7188 (General) operations research Technology: Technology 1687-91471687-9155 (General) Innovation, Multidicipline, Technology, Engineering Technology: Technology 2415-04362518-2994 (General) Autonomous Actors, Awareness-based Animation, Context-aware Technology: algorithms, Technology (General) Context-aware 2409-0026 computing, Co computer science, modern communication technology, Technology: advanced manufacture, Technology 1006-6748 (General) energy technology, high-te information technology, electrical engineering, mechanical Technology:engineering Technology 2049-3444 (General) scholarly journal, scientific, engineering, technology, Technology: thermodynamics Technology 0392-8764 (General) security technology, secure installation, security Technology: products and Technology systems 1738-9976 (General) geographic information, interoperability, spatialTechnology: data infrastructure, Technology web (General) 1725-0463 services, data infrastru engineering design, chemistry, architecture Technology: Technology 2086-9614 (General) engineering computing, health, bio sciences, telecommunication Technology: Technology 2307-4892 (General) nanotechnology Technology: Technology 2090-60642090-6072 (General) nanotechnology, laser technology Technology: Technology 1880-0688 (General) nanomaterials, nanoparticles, nanoscience, nanotechnology Technology: Technology 1687-41101687-4129 (General) nanoscience Technology: Technology 2356-749X2314-6931 (General) nanotechnology, nanomaterials Technology: Technology 1687-95031687-9511 (General) radar mechanism, radar system, radar applicationTechnology: Technology 2095-283X (General) sensors, sensor device Technology: Technology 1687-725X1687-7268 (General) nanomaterials, biomaterials, nanobiospectroscopy,Technology: nanobiomicroscopy Technology 2284-6808 (General) nanotechnology, nanobiology, nanobiotechnology, syntheses Technology: andTechnology characterization (General) 2002-2727 of nanomaterials, ap nanofabrication, nanostructure, nanomaterials, nanotechnology, Technology: Technology nanoscience (General) 1847-9804 biomedicine, engineering, optics, textiles, sustainability, Technology: particles, Technology 2038-96712038-968X drug (General) delivery, toxicology engineering and technology, environmental sciences, Technology: modellingTechnology and 1818-67421995-9516 simulation (General) solar energy, wave and tidal energy, wind energyTechnology: Technology 1876-3871 (General) technology assessment, systems analysis, technology Technology: monitoring, Technology innovation 0943-8246 (General) studies, future studies interdisciplinary, psychology, technology Technology: Technology 1720-7525 (General) | Philosophy. Psyc ecology, computer software, artificial life, technology, Technology: computational Technology mathematics (General) 2220-721X| Science chemistry, physics, biology, computer science, engineering Technology: Technology (General) 2527-8045| Science: Science sciences, applied sciences, engineering, technology Technology: Technology 2229-6107 (General) | Science: Science engineering, chemistry, technology, agriculture Technology: Technology 2086-50232302-5743 (General) | Science: Science natural sciences, engineering Technology: Technology 0853-40982088-2033 (General) | Science: Science technology, science Technology: Technology 2089-61312443-1311 (General) | Science: Science agriculture, social sciences, engineering and technology, Technology: food Technology science 2226-75222305-3372 and (General) technology, | Science: science, Science med technology businesses, entrepreneurship, innovation Technology: management, Technology open source, (General) 1927-0321 economic | Social development Sciences: national innovation system, creativity and innovation, Technology: technology Technology 1978-69562089-791X policy(General) and strategy, | Social cross Sciences: cultur technogenic environment, risks, fire safety, occupational Technology: safety Technology (General): 2255-8705 Industrial direct Occupational health and safety, Risk assessment, Technology: Environmental Technology health and (General): 2313-576X safety, Security, Industrialviolenc direct Political Science, Security Studies, Interdisciplinary Technology: Research, Technology 1898-45092449-7436 Safety (General): and Security, Industrial International direct business intelligence, workflow management, e-business, Technology: programming Technology 1452-774X (General): Industrial engine applied automatics, mobile robots control, distributed Technology: systems, Technology 1897-86492080-2145 navigation, (General): data transmission Industrial engine engineering management, project management, production Technology: management Technology 2221-65292223-8379 (General): Industrial engine industrial engineering, optimization, modeling, operation Technology: research, Technology 2251-99042423-3935 mathematical (General):programming Industrial engine industrial engineering, technology Technology: Technology 1411-2485 (General): Industrial engine engineering technology management Technology: Technology 1012-277X2224-7890 (General): Industrial engine computer science Technology: Technology (General): 1999-4893 Industrial engine production, logistics, quality, management, operational Technology: research Technology 2013-84232013-0953 (General): Industrial engine optimiation, metaheuristics, supply chain management, Technology: operations Technology 1923-29261923-2934 management, (General): scheduling Industrial engine Optimization, Simulation, design, industrial applications, Technology:theoretical Technology approaches (General): 1779-6288 Industrial engine applied mathematics, algebra, numerical analysis,Technology: dynamical systems Technology 2193-4215 (General): Industrial engine operational research, applied mathematics, optimization, Technology: simulation, Technology 1848-02251848-9931 data (General): mining, statistics Industrial engine interdisciplinary applications of mathematics, computational Technology: Technology mechanics 2299-99652353-0588 (General): Industrial engine mathematical methods, numerical methods, engineering, Technology: mathematics, Technology 1748-30181748-3026 computational (General):analysis Industrial engine applied mathematics, engineering, life sciences, Technology: medical biomathematics, Technology (General): 2326-3652 biometricsIndustrial engine CAS, modelling, simulation, complex networks Technology: Technology (General): 2194-3206 Industrial engine mathematics, nonlinear phenomena, fixed point analysis Technology: Technology 1687-18201687-1812 (General): Industrial engine mathematics, statistics, optimization, mathematical Technology: finance Technology (General): 2297-4687 Industrial engine pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical Technology: statistics Technology (General): 1179-4984 Industrial engine Information technology, Automation, Mathematical Technology: modelling Technology 2312-31252312-931X (General): Industrial engine internet and e-commerce architecture, e-business Technology: and e-government Technology adoption, (General): 2210-8327 mobile Industrial commerce and engine the signal processing, information processing, image Technology: processing, Technology speech 2048-7703 processing (General): Industrial engine information technology, computer applications Technology: Technology 0973-5658 (General): Industrial engine information systems, information technologies, communication Technology: Technology technologies 1847-20011848-2295 (General): Industrial engine structure, algorithms, behavior, socio-technical,Technology: process, access Technology (General): 2255-9922 Industrial engine wireless communications, networking, internet of Technology: things, cloud Technology computing, (General): 2352-8648 information Industrial security, engine cod internet, open access, open content, open sourceTechnology: Technology 1396-0466 (General): Industrial engine semantic web Technology: Technology 1999-5903 (General): Industrial engine human-centered technology, user-driven applications, Technology: ICT-based Technology solutions(General): 1795-6889 Industrial engine ICT convergence, platform technologies, communication Technology: networks, Technology device technologies, (General): 2405-9595 Industrial communication engine human-computer interaction, media arts and sciences, Technology: medical Technology informatics, (General): 2227-9709 health informatics, Industrial engine socia information technology, communication technology,Technology: informationTechnology security, 2078-2489 (General): informationIndustrial systems, data engine m information management, communication technologyTechnology: Technology 2224-57582224-896X (General): Industrial engine management information systems, intelligent computer Technology: technologies, Technology data (General): mining, 2255-9094 machine Industrial learning, engine m human computer interaction, interaction design, interaction Technology: mechanisms, Technology 1826-97452283-2998 (General): technology Industrial mediated experie engine intelligent informatics, informatics Technology: Technology 2442-6571 (General): Industrial engine digital contents and applications, information and Technology: communication Technology 1738-67642093-7504 technologies, (General): digital Industrial contents engine pla signal processing, human-computer interaction, intelligent Technology:robotics Technology 1738-9968 (General): Industrial engine information technology, communication technologyTechnology: Technology 1978-3086 (General): Industrial engine information technology, computer science, mathematics Technology: Technology (General): 2271-2097 Industrial engine information technology, communication technology,Technology: health, cultural Technology 1712-4441 production, (General): civic Industrial management, engine ecomputer science, S/W-H/W technology Technology: Technology 1992-86451817-3195 (General): Industrial engine mathematics, informatics, information systems, mathematical Technology: models Technology 1818-10152313-5417 (General): Industrial engine cybersecurity, cyber security, cyberwar, information Technology: assurance, Technology cyber operations, (General): 2333-7184 hacking Industrial engine informatics Technology: Technology 2190-6807 (General): Industrial engine Educational Technology, Learning & Instruction Technology: Technology (General): 1793-7078 Industrial engine informatics, information systems, information technology Technology: Technology 2407-7658 (General): Industrial engine information technology, social technology, communication Technology: technology, Technology business, (General): 2029-7564 management Industrial engine information technology, africa, information and communication Technology: Technology technology, 1936-0282 (General): ICT Industrial engine systems philosophy, communication and control, interdisciplinary Technology: Technology 1690-45321690-4524 communication (General): Industrial engine intelligence gathering, data mining, privacy, network Technology: analysis, Technology cybercrime, (General): 2190-8532 counter-terrorism Industrial engine telemedicine, e-learning, medical education, multimedia, Technology: informatics Technology 1805-91631805-9171 (General): Industrial engine information technology, ubiquitous health, pervasive Technology: health, Technology public health, (General): 2291-5222 mobile Industrial health engine health informatics, games, health promotion, public Technology: health Technology (General): 2291-9279 Industrial engine networks, pharmacology, systems, medicines, drugs, Technology: algorithmsTechnology (General): 2415-1084 Industrial engine information security, social security, security policies, Technology: information Technology 0861-51601314-2119 technology, (General): C4ISR Industrial technologie engine psychiatry, behavioral medicine, clinical psychology, Technology: computers Technology and psychology (General): 2214-7829 Industrial engine chemical informatics, molecular modelling, data mining, Technology: chemical Technology structure (General): 1758-2946 searching Industrial engine automatic control, robotics, optimization, modeling Technology: and identification, Technology (General): flexible 2300-2611manufactoring Industrial engine syst computer science, information systems, artificialTechnology: intelligence Technology (General): 2300-5963 Industrial engine IT applications, Industrial engineering, Technology, Technology: Economy Technology and1895-37352353-6977 management (General): Industrial engine design science, social media, information systemsTechnology: research, information Technology 1449-86181326-2238 (General): & communications Industrial technology engine data sicence, information science, computer science Technology: Technology 2096-157X (General): Industrial engine information systems, communication technology, software Technology: engineering Technology 1390-92661390-9134 (General): Industrial engine informatics, computer science Technology: Technology (General): 1868-8969 Industrial engine Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Computer Technology: Applications, Technology 2196-88882196-8896 e-Commerce/e-business, (General): Industrial Computer engine Sy Social networks, Social computing, Mathematics ofTechnology: social networks, Technology Computational (General): 2197-4314aspects Industrial of social engine management, information technology Technology: Technology 2277-78302348-5922 (General): Industrial engine e-commerce evaluation, e-business evaluation, intranets, Technology: knowledge Technology 1566-6379 management, (General): evaluation Industrial methodolo engine information technology, construction Technology: Technology (General): 1874-4753 Industrial engine ICT, IT, technology, communications Technology: Technology 1544-75291544-7537 (General): Industrial engine distributed systems, information security, Information Technology: systems, Technology mobile computing, (General): 2032-9407 P2P, Industrial parallel engine pro industrial engineering, operations management, logistics, Technology: keyTechnology performace 2340-4876 (General): indicatorsIndustrial engine robotics, manufacturing systems, computer modeling Technology: and simulation, Technology 1453-20692359-9855 robots (General): applications, Industrial management engine computer science, information systems, ICT4D, Africa Technology: Technology 1015-79992313-7835 (General): Industrial engine information management theory, information management Technology: technologies, Technology 2078-18651560-683X knowledge (General): management, Industrial competiti engine Database Management, Information Storage and Retrieval, Technology: Data Technology Mining and (General): Knowledge 2196-1115 Discovery, Industrial Comput engine information systems Technology: Technology 2503-04772502-3357 (General): Industrial engine cultural, cultural heritage, information technology, Technology: communication Technology technology, (General): 2239-4303 digitalization Industrial engine engineering graphics, computer graphics, graphic Technology: design, typography, Technology 2217-379X2217-9860 printmaking (General):and Mechanical engineering drawin First calendar year journal provided online Open Access content 2006 English, Polish 2014 English 2014 English 2011 English 2014 English 2008 English 2012 English 2011 Czech, English 2013 English, Russian 2014 English 2012 English 2008 English 2014 English 2012 English 2005 Chinese 2013 English 2013 English 2012 English 2010 English 2013 English 2009 English 2014 English, Russian 2010 English 2012 English 2014 English 2010 English 2013 English 2013 English 2007 English, Russian 2014 English 2014 English 2015 English 2010 English 2010 English 2010 English 2014 English 2011 English 2010 English 2009 English 1996 English 2010 English 2006 English 2004 English 2007 English 2014 English 2012 English 2009 English 2012 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2009 English 2008 English 2008 English 2010 English, French 2001 English 2013 English 2008 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American Journal of Infectious Diseases 21 Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 22 Avicenna Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23 BMC Infectious Diseases 24 Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases 25 Case Reports in Infectious Diseases 26 Clinical Epidemiology 27 Emerging Infectious Diseases 28 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 29 Epidemics 30 GERMS 31 Infection and Drug Resistance 32 Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 33 Infection Epidemiology and Medicine 34 Infectious Diseases 35 Infectious Diseases and Therapy 36 Infectious Diseases and Translational Medicine 37 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases 38 International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance 39 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 40 Iranian Journal of Parasitology 41 Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 42 Journal of Parasitology Research 43 new microbes and new infections 44 Open Forum Infectious Diseases 45 Open Infectious Diseases Journal 46 Parasite 47 Parasites & Vectors 48 Radiology of Infectious Diseases 49 Virology Journal 50 Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 51 Emerging Microbes and Infections 52 Journal of Pathogens 53 GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 54 Advances in Neuroscience 55 AIMS Neuroscience 56 Asian Journal of Neuroscience 57 ASN Neuro 58 Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology 59 Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 60 BioPsychoSocial Medicine 61 eNeurobiologia 62 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 63 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 64 Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 65 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 66 Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 67 Frontiers in Neural Circuits 68 Frontiers in Neuroengineering 69 Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 70 Frontiers in Neurorobotics 71 Frontiers in Neuroscience 72 Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 73 Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 74 Impulse: The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal 75 Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders 76 Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 77 Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 78 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 79 Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 80 Neural Plasticity 81 Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation 82 Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 83 Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology 84 NeuroRegulation 85 Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics 86 Neuroscience Journal 87 Neuroscience of Consciousness 88 Psychology Research and Behavior Management 89 Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 90 Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 91 Translational Neuroscience 92 Translational Psychiatry 93 Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia 94 EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 95 Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 96 BMC Neuroscience 97 Neuropsychological Trends 98 Acta Neuropathologica Communications 99 Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 100 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 101 BMC Neurology 102 Case Reports in Neurological Medicine 103 Case Reports in Neurology 104 Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences 105 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery 106 Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 107 Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 108 Frontiers in Neurology 109 Iranian Journal of Neurology 110 ISRN Neurology 111 Journal of Central Nervous System Disease 112 Journal of Epileptology 113 Journal of Neurology Research 114 Molecular Brain 115 Neural Development 116 Neural Regeneration Research 117 Neurological Journal of South East Asia 118 Neurology and Therapy 119 Neurology Asia 120 Neurology International 121 Neurology Research International 122 Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 123 Romanian Neurosurgery 124 Translational Neurodegeneration 125 Molecular Neurodegeneration 126 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 127 Neuroepigenetics 128 Neurology: Genetics 129 Neurosignals 130 Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 131 Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 132 Lipids in Health and Disease 133 Nutrition & Diabetes 134 Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 135 Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 136 Journal of Neuroinflammation 137 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International 138 Core Evidence 139 Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology 140 BioImpacts 141 Biological Procedures Online 142 Biomedical Journal 143 Bioresearch Communications 144 Journal of Biomedical Science 145 Medical Mycology Case Reports 146 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 147 Redox Biology 148 Scientifica 149 Source Code for Biology and Medicine 150 Stem Cell Reports 151 Translational Proteomics 152 Regenerative Therapy 153 EMBO Molecular Medicine 154 Genes and Diseases 155 The Application of Clinical Genetics 156 Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 157 Stem Cell Research & Therapy 158 Image Analysis and Stereology Keywords Subject Journal ISSN Journal (print EISSN First version) (online calendarversion) year jour Bioscience, Clinical Medicine Medicine | Science: 2203-1413 Biology (General) 2013 medicine, medical biology Medicine | Science: 2300-7257 Biology (General) 2013 biology, medicine Medicine | Science: 1756-0500 Biology (General) 2008 biomedicine, life sciences Medicine | Science: 2050-084X Biology (General) 2013 life sciences Medicine |2046-1402 Science: Biology (General) 2012 biology, bioscience, biomedicine Medicine 1314-62381314-6246 | Science: Biology (General) 2012 Life sciences, medical sciences, disease research, Medicine human diseases, | Science: 2378-654X animal Biology diseases, (General) 2015 plant diseases RNA Medicine | Science: 2375-2467 Biology (General) 2014 molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology, medicinal Medicine chemistry, | Science: 2059-3635 computational Biology (General) 2016 chemistry, system cellular communications, cell signalling, cell behaviour Medicine | Science: 1478-811X Biology (General): 2003 Cytology cell and molecular biology, regenerative medicine, Medicine epigenetics, | Science: stem 2375-2920 Biology cell biology (General): 2016 Cytology genetic processes, epigenetic therapy Medicine | Science: 1868-7083 Biology (General): 2011 Genetics Genome, genetics, medicine, disease, genomics Medicine | Science: 1756-994X Biology (General): 2009 Genetics pharmacogenomics, genomic medicine, genome sequence, Medicine neurogenomics, | Science: 2056-7944 cancer Biologygenomics, (General): 2016 gene Genetics disorders medical microbiology, case reports, dental microbiology, Medicine veterinary | Science: 2053-3721 microbiology, Microbiology2014 infectious diseas sex differences, physiology Medicine | Science: 2042-6410 Physiology 2010 medical mycology Medicine:2423-34392423-3420 Internal medicine | Science: 2015 Biology (Ge medical genetics Medicine: Internal1471-2350 medicine | Science: 2000 Biology (Ge functional genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, pharmacogenomics Medicine: Internal1755-8794 medicine | Science: 2008 Biology (Ge infectious diseases, pathogenesis, diagnosis Medicine:1553-6203 Internal medicine: Infectious 2005 and parasi communicable disease control Medicine: Internal2047-2994 medicine: Infectious 2012 and parasi microbiology, virology, infectious diseases, parasitology, Medicine:2383-02982383-0301 Internal mycology,medicine: bacteriology Infectious 2014 and parasi infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases Medicine: Internal1471-2334 medicine: Infectious 2001 and parasi Infectious Disease Medicine, Infectious Diseases Medicine:1180-2332 Internal medicine: Infectious 1990 and parasi infectious diseases, pneumonia Medicine:2090-66252090-6633 Internal medicine: Infectious 2011 and parasi disease epidemiology, drug epidemiology, risk factors, Medicine: screening 1179-1349 Internal procedures medicine: Infectious 2009 and parasi infectious diseases, medicine, public health Medicine:1080-60401080-6059 Internal medicine: Infectious 1995 and parasi biology of disease, epidemiology Medicine: Internal1742-7622 medicine: Infectious 2004 and parasi infectious disease, infectious agents, public health, Medicine: epidemics 1755-43651878-0067 Internal medicine: Infectious 2014 and parasi infectious diseases, epidemiology, HIV, hepatitis, Medicine: virology, Internal parasitology 2248-2997 medicine: Infectious 2011 and parasi bacterial infection, viral infection, fungal infection, Medicine: antibiotic Internal1178-6973 resistance, medicine: Infectious anti-infective 2008 and parasi drugs virology, bacteriology, infections Medicine:2000-8686 Internal medicine: Infectious 2011 and parasi epidemiology, medicine, infection, antimicrobial Medicine: resistance, 2322-22982345-4946 Internal molecular medicine: epidemiology, Infectious 2016 vaccine and parasi infectious diseases in humans, sexually transmitted Medicine: diseases, Internal immunization 1178-6337 medicine: Infectious 2008 and parasi pharmacoeconomics, public health, education, infectious Medicine: disease 2193-82292193-6382 Internal medicine: Infectious 2012 and parasi infectious diseases, translational medicine Medicine: Internal2411-2917 medicine: Infectious 2015 and parasi Infectious Disease Medicine:1687-708X1687-7098 Internal medicine: Infectious 2008 and parasi anti-parasite drugs, parasite drug resistance, bioactive Medicine:parasite Internalproducts 2211-3207 medicine: Infectious 2011 and parasi epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment of infectious Medicine:1201-97121878-3511 diseases, Internal medicine: control ofInfectious infectious 1996 and diseases parasi parasites, parasitic diseases Medicine:1735-70202008-238X Internal medicine: Infectious 2006 and parasi infectious diseases, public health, microbiology,Medicine: bacteriology, 0974-777X0974-8245 Internal virology, medicine: mycology, Infectious 2009 parasitology, and parasic parasitology Medicine:2090-00232090-0031 Internal medicine: Infectious 2009 and parasi Infectious Diseases Medicine: Internal2052-2975 medicine: Infectious 2013 and parasi infectious diseases, medicine Medicine: Internal2328-8957 medicine: Infectious 2014 and parasi clinical infectious diseases research, experimental Medicine: infectious 1874-2793 Internal diseases medicine: research Infectious 2007 and parasi acarology, helminthology and protistology, epidemiology, Medicine:parasites, 1252-607X1776-1042 Internal medicine: parasitology Infectious 2013 and parasi parasites, parasitic diseases, vector-borne pathogens Medicine: Internal1756-3305 medicine: Infectious 2008 and parasi radiography, imaging, ultrasound, pathophysiology, Medicine: infections 2352-6211 Internal medicine: Infectious 2014 and parasi human viruses, plant viruses, antiviral agents, vaccines, Medicine: animal Internal viruses, 1743-422X medicine: infection Infectious 2004 control and parasi Infectious Disease Medicine, Medical MicrobiologyMedicine:1712-95321918-1493 Internal medicine: Infectious 1990 and parasi viruses and viral diseases, bacteria and bacterial Medicine: diseases, Internal anti-microbial 2222-1751 medicine:immunology Infectious 2012 (innate and parasi and pathogens, viruses, bacteria Medicine:2090-30572090-3065 Internal medicine: Infectious 2011 and parasi biostatistics, biometrics, epidemiology Medicine:1860-9171 Internal medicine: Infectious 2005 and parasi Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases Medicine:2356-67872314-789X Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2014 Biolog neuropsychological studies, neuroscience, emotionMedicine: comprehension, 2373-80062373-7972 Internal memory medicine: theory, Neurosciences. 2014 sensory processing Biolog Neuroscience, Neurology Medicine: Internal2314-7482 medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 Biolog neuroscience, neurobiology, neurodegeneration, glial Medicine: biology Internal1759-0914 medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog neurobiology, immunology, physiology, nutrition, Medicine: psychology, 2383-24362383-2444 Internal psychiatry medicine: Neurosciences. 2014 Biolog molecular neuroscience, cellular neuroscience, computational Medicine:2008-126X2228-7442 Internal neuroscience, medicine: behavioral Neurosciences. 2009 neuroscience, Biolog psychosomatic disorders, psychology, behaviour Medicine: Internal1751-0759 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog neurobiology, neuroscience, the nervous system Medicine:2007-3054 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog age-related neuronal diseases, senescence, CNS aging, Medicine: neuroscience, Internal1663-4365 medicine: aging process, Neurosciences. 2009neurological Biolog dis animal behavior Medicine: Internal1662-5153 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog brain Medicine: Internal1662-5102 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog theoretical neuroscience Medicine: Internal1662-5188 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog brain Medicine: Internal1662-5099 medicine: Neurosciences. 2008 Biolog neuroscience Medicine: Internal1662-5110 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog nanotechnology Medicine: Internal1662-6443 medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog numerical models Medicine: Internal1662-5196 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog brain machine interfaces Medicine: Internal1662-5218 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog brain, neural circuits, brain imaging, brain health Medicine:1662-45481662-453X Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog synapses Medicine: Internal1663-3563 medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog brain systems, information processing, neuronal networks, Medicine: architecture Internal1662-5137 medicine: of brain Neurosciences. 2007 systems, cognitive Biolog neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology,Medicine: cognitive 1934-3361 Internal and behavioral medicine: psychology, Neurosciences. 2004 neurobiology Biolog tremor, dystonia, deep brain stimulation, pediatric Medicine: movement Internal disorders, 2054-7072 medicine: Parkinson's Neurosciences. 2014 diesease,Biolog Hunti nervous system structure, nervous system functionMedicine: Internal1179-0695 medicine: Neurosciences. 2008 Biolog neurosciences, nervous system diseases, mental disorders, Medicine:1866-1955 developmental Internal medicine: disabilites Neurosciences. 2012 Biolog neuroscience, biomedical engineering, physical medicine, Medicine:rehabilitation 1743-0003 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2004 Biolog nervous system diseases, rural health Medicine:0976-31470976-3155 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog neural plasticity, neuroplasticity Medicine:2090-59041687-5443 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 1989 Biolog neuroscience, neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation Medicine:2347-86592349-6142 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2014 Biolog drug development process, psychiatric illness, neurological Medicine:1176-63281178-2021 Internal disorders medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog electrophysiological, neuroscience, neuroimaging,Medicine: neuropsychiatric, Internal2055-4788 medicine: electrophysiology Neurosciences. 2015 Biolog Neurotherapy, Electroencephalography, Biofeedback, Medicine: EEG Biofeedback, Internal2373-0587 medicine: Neuroregulation, Neurosciences. 2014 QEEG Biolog behaviour, neuroscience, neuroeconomics, brain imaging Medicine: techniques, Internal2230-3561 brain medicine: anatomy Neurosciences. 2012 Biolog neuroscience Medicine:2314-42622314-4270 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 Biolog consciousness, selfhood, metacognition, intention, Medicine: volition, Internal agency2057-2107 medicine: Neurosciences. 2015 Biolog neuroscience, memory, behavior modification Medicine:1179-1578 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2008 Biolog social interaction, developmental psychology, philosophy, Medicine: environment Internal2000-9011 medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog psychiatry, psychotherapy, neurology, neurosciences Medicine:2297-69812297-7007 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 1998 Biolog clinical neuroscience, neuropsychiatric disorders, Medicine: neurodegenerative Internal2081-6936 medicine: disorders, Neurosciences. 2015 systems neuroscienc Biolog neuroscience, translational psychiatry Medicine: Internal2158-3188 medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog neuropsychology, psychology, neurosciences, Education, Medicine: Clinical, 0718-4123 Internal Research medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog biological systems, cancer, systems biology, systems Medicine: neurosciences Internal2195-0008 medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 Biolog mathematical modelling, nervous system Medicine: Internal2190-8567 medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog neuroscience, nervous system Medicine: Internal1471-2202 medicine: Neurosciences. 2000 Biolog neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, clinical neuropsychology, Medicine:1970-321X1970-3201 Internal brain research, medicine:psychophysiology Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog pathology, nervous system, skeletal muscle disorders, Medicine: neurological Internal2051-5960 disease medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 Biolog Alzheimer Disease, Ataxia, atrophy, behavior degenerative Medicine: diseases, Internal2328-9503 medicine: dementia, Neurosciences. demyelinating 2014 disease Biolog neurosciences, neurology Medicine:0972-23271998-3549 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2006 Biolog neurology, neurological disorders Medicine: Internal1471-2377 medicine: Neurosciences. 2001 Biolog neurology Medicine:2090-66682090-6676 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog neurological disorders, neurology Medicine: Internal1662-680X medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog neurology, neurosciences, neurological sciences Medicine: Internal2423-4818 medicine: Neurosciences. 2015 Biolog neuroscience, injury, neuroanatomy, neurogenetic Medicine: disorders, 1672-6731 Internal neuroimaging medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog CSF, chemical signaling, physical buffering, chemical Medicine: buffering, 2045-8118 Internal neurodevelopment, medicine: Neurosciences. 2011neurodevelopment Biolog brain functioning Medicine: Internal1662-5145 medicine: Neurosciences. 2007 Biolog clinical neuroscience Medicine: Internal1664-2295 medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog neurosciences, neurosurgery, psychiatry Medicine:2008-384X Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog nervous system diseases Medicine:2090-55052090-5513 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog human brain, neurosurgery, neuropathology Medicine: Internal1179-5735 medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog Pathophysiology of epilepsy, seizures, cognitive Medicine: impairments, Internal social 2300-0147 medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 aspects, epilepsy Biolog neurology, nervous system diseases, neurosurgery Medicine:1923-28451923-2853 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog brain research, nervous system Medicine:1756-6606 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2008 Biolog nervous system, neural circuits, neural regeneration Medicine: Internal1749-8104 medicine: Neurosciences. 2006 Biolog neural regeneration, peripheral nerve injury, brain Medicine: injury, 1673-53741876-7958 Internal spinal medicine: cord injury Neurosciences. 2011 Biolog neurology, neurological diseases Medicine:1394-780X Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 1996 Biolog Neurology, Therapy, Rapid Publication Medicine: Internal2193-6536 medicine: Neurosciences. 2012 Biolog neurology, neurological diseases Medicine:1823-6138 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2004 Biolog stroke Medicine:2035-83852035-8377 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2009 Biolog neurology, nervous system Medicine:2090-18522090-1860 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2010 Biolog neurology Medicine: Internal2332-7812 medicine: Neurosciences. 2014 Biolog neurosurgery, neurology, the nervous system, surgery Medicine:1220-88412344-4959 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2012 Biolog neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, motor neurone Medicine: disease, Internal Parkinson's 2047-9158 medicine: disease, Neurosciences. 2012 Alzheimer'sBiolog disea neurodegenerative diseases, prion diseases, dementia, Medicine: ageing Internal1750-1326 medicine: Neurosciences. 2006 Biolog neuroscience, brain research, experimental biology Medicine:0065-14001689-0035 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 1970 Biolog neurogenetics Medicine:2214-7845 Internal medicine: Neurosciences. 2015 Biolog neurology, neurogenetics, genetic disease risk, pharmacogenomics Medicine: Internal2376-7839 medicine: Neurosciences. 2015 Biolog neurobiology, pharmacology, cell biology, neuroendocrinology, Medicine:1424-862X1424-8638 Internal neurology medicine: Neurosciences. 2013 Biolog diabetes, metabolic syndrome Medicine: Internal1758-5996 medicine: Specialties 2009 of intern nutrition, metabolism, diets Medicine:2090-07242090-0732 Internal medicine: Specialties 2010 of intern lipid biochemistry, lipid synthesis, pharmacology, Medicine: toxicology, Internal lipid 1476-511X medicine: metabolism Specialties 2002 of intern diabetes, genetic and epidemiological studies, clinical, Medicine:nutrition 2044-4052 Internal and medicine: chronicSpecialties disease, 2011 metabolic of intern metabolism, nutritional diseases Medicine: Internal1178-6388 medicine: Specialties 2008 of intern health sciences, librarianship Medicine:0025-7338 Medicine (General) | Bibliography. 1911 Libra neurological diseases, immunology, central nervous Medicine: system,1742-2094 Medicine microglia, (General) astrocytes, | Medicine: 2004 cytokines, Internal chemok pathology Medicine:1179-2698 Medicine (General) | Medicine: 2009 Pathology drug development, evidence-based pharmacology Medicine:1555-17411555-175X Medicine (General) | Medicine: 2009 Therapeut medicinal plants, medicine, pharmacognosy Medicine: Medicine2345-5004 (General) | Medicine: 2012 Therapeut biomedical research, translational research Medicine:2228-56522228-5660 Medicine (General) | Science: 2011 Biology (G biology, research techniques, medicine Medicine: Medicine1480-9222 (General) | Science: 2009 Biology (G medicine, biomedicine Medicine:2319-41702320-2890 Medicine (General) | Science: 2002 Biology (G biochemistry, microbiology, forensic science, botany, Medicine: environmental 2411-04852411-0272 Medicine (General) science | Science: 2015 Biology (G basic medical sciences Medicine:1021-77701423-0127 Medicine (General) | Science: 2009 Biology (G mycology, fungi, medical disease, veterinary disease Medicine: Medicine2211-7539 (General) | Science: 2012 Biology (G molecular genetics, endocrinology Medicine: Medicine2214-4269 (General) | Science: 2014 Biology (G cancer, metabolism, cardiovascular, inflammation,Medicine: aging, molecular Medicine2213-2317 biology (General) | Science: 2013 Biology (G agronomy, biomaterials, ecology, microbiology, nursing, Medicine: surgery Medicine2090-908X (General) | Science: 2012 Biology (G biological research, medical research Medicine:1751-0473 Medicine (General) | Science: 2006 Biology (G developmental biology, cellular biology, biotechnology Medicine: in health Medicine care 2213-6711 (General) | Science: 2013 Biology (G clinical biochemistry, drug discovery, clinical chemistry Medicine:2212-96262212-9634 Medicine (General) | Science: 2013 Biology (G clinical translation, industrial development, regulatory Medicine:issues, Medicine stem 2352-3204 (General) cell biology, | Science: 2015 tissue Biology engineer (G molecular medicine, molecular pathology, genetic Medicine: processes, 1757-46761757-4684 Medicine regenerative (General) medicine, | Science: 2009systems Biology medicine (G molecular genetics, cell biology, stem cell biology, Medicine: gene regulation Medicine2352-3042 (General) and epigenetics, | Science: 2014 immunity Biologyand (G population genetics, functional genetics, geneticMedicine: disease, Medicine pharmacogenetics 1178-704X (General) | Science: 2008 Biology (G medicinal chemistry Medicine: Medicine1177-391X (General) | Science: 2007 Chemistry translational research, therapeutics, stem cell research, Medicine: clinical Medicine1757-6512 research, (General) stem | Science: 2010 cell therapy, Chemistry: reg image analysis, stereology, stochastic geometry, Medicine: materials1580-31391854-5165 Medicine science, (General) biomedical| science Science: 2000 Mathematic Full text language English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, German English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English, French, German English English English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian English English English English English English English English English English English Chinese, English English English English English English English English English 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literature and environmen 9 Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene anthropocene, climate change, sustainability 10 Environmental & Socio-economic environment, Studies human impact, economic development, urban ecology, 11 Environmental Evidence environmental management, environmental policy 12 Environmental Health Engineering environmental and Management health, environmental engineering, environment, he 13 Environmental Humanities environmental humanities, philosophy, history, eco-criticism, an 14 Environmental Research, Engineering engineering, andmanagement, Management sustainable development, ecology, envir 15 European Journal of Sustainable economic Development sustainability, water and soil conservation, healthcare 16 Frontiers in Environmentalagroecology Science and land use systems, atmospheric science, environme 17 Global Journal of Environmental environment, Scienceenvironmental and Management science, environmental management 18 Holistic Approach to Environment energy sources, sustainable development 19 Journal of Computational Environmental Computing environments, Sciences Environmental Sciences, Environmental co 20 Journal of Environmental Geography earth sciences, landscape ecology, environmental change, antropo 21 Journal of Environmental Hydrology hydrology, ground water, fresh water resources, groundwater reme 22 Journal of Natural Resources water andresources Development management, land use, biodiversity, energy effic 23 Journal of Natural Resources natural and Environmental resources, environmental Management management, disaster mitigation 24 Journal of Sustainable Development policy, technology, of Energy, natural Water and resources, Environment economics, Systems transport, foo 25 Journal of Sustainable Energy renewable energy, energy production, energy policy, energy syste 26 Journal of Waste Management waste, wastes, wastewater, sewage, sewage treatment 27 Journal of Wetlands Environmental Indonesia, Management tropical wetlands, environmental management 28 Natural Resources and Environmental renewable resources, Issues sustainability, wildlife, watershed 29 Ocean Science (OS) ocean physics, ocean chemistry, biological oceanography, air鈥搒 30 Octa Journal of Environmental ecology, Research biodiversity, pollution, bioremediation, biosorption 31 PAGES News paleoscience, past climate, past environment, past global change 32 Pollution environment, pollution, water, soil, air, noise 33 San Francisco Estuary and San Watershed Francisco Science Bay, Sacramento-San Joaquin river delta, environme 34 Scientific Journal of Environmental waste-waterSciences treatment, soil contamination, wetlands, recycling, 35 Sriwijaya Journal of Environment environmental science, environmental technology, environmental h 36 The Journal of Transdisciplinary environmental Environmental science,Studies ecology, environmental planning, environm 37 Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy bioeconomy, and Sustainable sustainable Development development, environmental issues, agric 38 Web Ecology Biodiversity;, Plant鈥揂nimal Interaction, Ecosystem Ecology, Co 39 Journal of Tropical Forestry natural and Environment resources, tropical forests and forestry, environmental 40 Forum Geografic environment protection 41 Geo: Geography and Environment geography, environment, knowledge production 42 Geo-Image Journal geography, geographical mapping science, technology, environment 43 Revista Interamericana de tourism, Ambiente environmental y Turismo economics, environmental management 44 Earth System Dynamics Discussions climate changes, sustainable development, dynamics of the earth 45 Environmental Sciences Europe environmental sciences, environmental regulation 46 Science Postprint medicine, life science, environmental scinece 47 Avicenna Journal of Environmental water, environmetal Health Engineering engineering, environmental health, waste wat 48 Environmental Health Perspectives public health and safety, environmental studies, toxicology, env 49 Journal of Biological Dynamics epidemiology, mathematical biology, mathematical modelling, popu 50 Collabra psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, ecology, environmen 51 Boreal Environment Research environment, geosciences, marine and freshwater biology, meteoro 52 Earth's Future Anthropocene, sustainability, global change, environmental prese 53 Environmental Skeptics andecology, Critics climate change, environmental degradation, pollution, e 54 Tropical Conservation Science tropical forests, rainforest conservation, tropical ecosystems, 55 Geochemical Transactions geochemistry, oceanography, biogeochemistry, astrobiology 56 Earth System Science Data Atmosphere, Oceanography, Biosphere, Cryosphere, Geology, Hydrol 57 SOIL plants, soil, atmosphere, health, biodiversity, food security 58 The Cryosphere ice sheets and glaciers, planetary ice bodies, permafrost, river 59 Journal of Environmental Statistics climate, ecology, geostatistical data, point processes, spatial60 Climate Change Responses environmental change, ecosystems, paleoecology, evolutionary ada 61 Journal of the Arkansas Academy botany,ofchemistry, Science physics, engineering, environmental sciences, 62 Ethics in Science and Environmental environmental Politics science, environmental politics, ethical considera 63 Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan urban and regional planning, environmental management, regional 64 Acta Scientifica Naturalischemistry, biology, geography, physics 65 Landform Analysis geomorphology, geomorphometry, landform, morphogenetic processes 66 Terrestrial, Atmospheric and geophysics, Oceanic Sciences geology, atmospheric science, space science, oceanic 67 E-Perimetron maps, map history, cartography, cartographic heritage 68 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica China, elementary Sinica surveying and topography, geodetic surveying, 69 Geoinformatics FCE CTU geoinformatics, geodesy, GIS, cartography, open source software, 70 Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii photogrammetry, i Teledetekcji cartography, remote sensing, geoinformatics, GIS 71 Geodesy and Cartography Geodesy, surveying engineering, cartography, photogrammetry, geo 72 Kartografija i Geoinformacije cartography, geoinformation, maps, geosciences 73 Polish Cartographical Review cartography, geoinformatics, geovisualization, maps, semiotics, 74 Acta Geographica Silesianaurban ecology, ; environmental changes; ecosystems recovery; soc 75 Hydrology and Earth SystemRivers Sciences and Discussions lakes, Coasts and estuaries, Hydrometeorology, Ecohyd 76 Island Studies Journal island studies, geography, nissology 77 Italian Journal of Remote remote Sensingsensing, aerial sensor technologies, satellites 78 Mountain Research and Development sustainable development, mountain ecosystems, global change、int 79 Journal of Limnology limnology 80 Geographia Napocensis geography, regional geography, teritorial planning, geomorpholog 81 Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Earth systems Systems modeling 82 Journal of Hydrology: Regional hydrology Studies Subject Journal ISSN (print version) Journal EISSN First (online calendar Fullversion) text yearlanguage journal provide Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 1336-9253 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2372-0344 Environmental sciences 2372-0352 2014 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 1178-6221 2008 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1553-345X Environmental sciences 2005 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2331-1843 2015 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2267-1242 2013 English, French Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1907-5626 Environmental sciences 2006 English, Indonesian Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2171-9594 Environmental sciences 2010 English, French, German, I Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2325-1026 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2354-0079 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2047-2382 2011 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2423-3765 Environmental sciences 2423-4311 2014 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2201-1919 Environmental sciences 2012 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1392-1649 Environmental sciences 2029-2139 2009 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2239-5938 Environmental sciences 2239-6101 2012 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2296-665X 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2383-3572 Environmental sciences 2383-3866 2014 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1848-0071 Environmental sciences 2011 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2356-7279 Environmental sciences 2314-8292 2014 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2060-467X 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1058-3912 Environmental sciences 1996-7918 1995 English, French Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 0719-2452 2011 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2086-4639 Environmental sciences 2460-5824 2011 English, Indonesian Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1848-9257 Environmental sciences 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2067-5534 Environmental sciences 2010 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2314-6052 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2354-5844 Environmental sciences 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1069-5370 Environmental sciences 2007 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1812-0784 Environmental sciences 1812-0792 2005 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2321-3655 Environmental sciences 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1811-1602 Environmental sciences 1811-1610 2001 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2383-451X Environmental sciences 2383-4501 2015 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1546-2366 Environmental sciences 2003 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2322-5017 Environmental sciences 2012 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2527-4961 Environmental sciences 2527-3809 2016 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1602-2297 Environmental sciences 2002 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 1339-3367 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2193-3081 Environmental sciences 1399-1183 2000 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2235-9362 Environmental sciences | Agriculture: 2011 English Forestry Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1583-1523 Environmental sciences 2067-4635 | Geography. 2002 English Anthropology. Recreation: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2054-4049 | Geography. 2015 English Anthropology. Recreation: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2252-6285 Environmental sciences | Geography. 2012 English, Anthropology. Indonesian Recreation: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 0718-235X | Geography. 2005 English, Anthropology. Spanish; Recreation: Castilia Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2190-4995 Environmental sciences | Geography. 2010 English Anthropology. Recreation: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2190-4715 | Law: Law 2011 inEnglish general. Comparative and Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2187-9834 | Medicine 2013 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2423-4583 | Medicine: 2014Public Englishaspects of medicine Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 0091-6765 Environmental sciences | Medicine: 1972Public Englishaspects of medicine Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1751-3758 Environmental sciences 1751-3766 | Science: 2012 Biology English(General) Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2376-6832 | Science: 2015 Biology English(General) | Social S Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1239-6095 Environmental sciences 1797-2469 | Science: 1997 Biology English(General): Ecology Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2328-4277 | Science: 2013 Biology English(General): Ecology Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2224-4263 Environmental sciences | Science: 2012 Biology English(General): Ecology Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 1940-0829 | Science: 2008 Biology English(General): Ecology Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 1467-4866 | Science: 2000 Chemistry English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1866-3508 Environmental sciences 1866-3516 | Science: 2009 Geology English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2199-3971 Environmental sciences 2199-398X | Science: 2015 Geology English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1994-0416 Environmental sciences 1994-0424 | Science: 2007 Geology English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1945-1296 Environmental sciences | Science: 2010 Mathematics: English Probabilities. Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences 2053-7565 | Science: 2014 Science English(General) Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2326-0491 Environmental sciences 2326-0505 | Science: 1997 Science English(General) Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1611-8014 Environmental sciences | Social 2001 Sciences: EnglishCommerce: Business: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2338-1604 Environmental sciences 2407-8751 | Social 2013 Sciences: English, Communities. Indonesian Classes Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2367-5144 Geography (General) | Science 2016 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1429-799X Geography (General) 2081-5980 | Science: Geology 1997 English, Polish Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1017-0839 Geography (General) | Science: Geology 1990 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1790-3769 Maps 2006 English, French Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1001-1595 Mathematical geography. Cartography 2012 Chinese Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Mathematical geography. 1802-2669 Cartography 2006 English | Science: Astronomy: Geod Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 2083-2214 Mathematical geography. Cartography: 2003 English, Cartography Polish Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Mathematical geography. 2300-2581 Cartography: 2010 English Cartography Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1333-896X Mathematical geography. 1848-0713 Cartography: 2002 Croatian, Cartography English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 0324-8321 Mathematical geography. 2450-6966 Cartography: 2015 English Cartography Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1897-5100 Physical geography 2007 English, Polish, Russian Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1812-2108 Physical geography1812-2116 2004 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1715-2593 Physical geography 2006 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1129-8596 Physical geography2039-7879 2008 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 0276-4741 Physical geography1994-7151 2000 English Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1129-5767 Physical geography1723-8633 | Geography. 1999 Anthropology. English Recreation: Envi Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: 1843-5920 Physical geography1844-9840 | Geography. 2007 Anthropology. English, Romanian; Recreation: Moldavi Geog Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Physical geography1942-2466 | Geography. 2009 Anthropology. Abkhazian, Recreation: English Geog Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Physical geography2214-5818 | Science: Geology 2014 English Full text language English, French English, Indonesian English, French, German, Italian, Spanish; Castilian English, French English, Indonesian English, Indonesian English, Spanish; Castilian English, Indonesian English, Polish English, French English, Polish Croatian, English English, Polish, Russian English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan Abkhazian, English 序号 Journal title 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Social Analysis 2 Alternate routes: a journal of Critical Social Research 3 Applied Research in Health and Social Sciences: Interface and Interaction 4 Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 5 Arktika i Sever 6 Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 7 Behemoth : a Journal on Civilisation 8 Belvedere Meridionale 9 Brussels Studies 10 Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 11 Ciencia Ergo Sum 12 Cogent Social Sciences 13 Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 14 Digithum 15 E-Jurnal Kajian Budaya 16 Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 17 Gandhara Journal of Research in Social Science 18 Information for Social Change 19 International Review of Social Research 20 Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research 21 Italian Journal of Sociology of Education 22 Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 23 Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 24 Journal of Human Security 25 Journal of Innovations and Sustainability 26 Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge 27 Kultura (Skopje) 28 Marketing of Scientific and Research Organisations 29 Nordic Journal of Social Research 30 Palgrave Communications 31 Paradigms 32 Revista CS 33 Revista Espiga 34 Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo 35 Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios 36 Revue LISA 37 RIMCIS : International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences 38 Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series 39 SHS Web of Conferences 40 Social Affairs 41 Socio 42 South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 43 Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale 44 Transcultural Studies 45 Journal of Research for Consumers 46 Journal of Research on Trade, Management and Economic Development 47 International Economic Policy 48 Academic Journal of Economic Studies 49 Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica 50 AD-minister 51 American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 52 Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava : Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics 53 Asean Marketing Journal 54 Asian Academy of Management Journal 55 Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 56 Australian Journal of Business and Management Research 57 Binus Business Review 58 Business Research 59 Business Systems Research 60 Business: Theory and Practice 61 Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics 62 Central European Business Review 63 Cogent Business & Management 64 DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen 65 Economia Aziendale Online 66 Economia: Seria Management 67 Economic Insights: Trends and Challenges 68 Economics (Bijeljina) 69 Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 70 Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 71 European Research on Management and Business Economics 72 Expert Journal of Business and Management 73 Global Advances in Business Communication 74 IETI Transactions on Business and Management Sciences 75 IIMB Management Review 76 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship 77 Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales 78 Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB) 79 International Business & Economics Research Journal 80 International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research 81 International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management 82 International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management 83 International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 84 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge 85 International Journal of Management and Business Research 86 International Journal of Management and Economics 87 Journal of Business 88 Journal of Business Models 89 Journal of Competitiveness 90 Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research 91 Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 92 Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 93 Journal of Health Management & Informatics 94 Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business 95 Journal of Service Science 96 Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen 97 Jurnal Manajemen dan Wirausaha 98 Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi 99 Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 100 Management & Marketing 101 Management and Economics Review 102 Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 103 Management Strategies Journal 104 Manager 105 Nang Yan Business Journal 106 Network Intelligence Studies 107 Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management 108 Organisational Project Management 109 Organizacija 110 Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business 111 Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin : Economic Sciences Series 112 Progress in Economic Sciences 113 RAN 114 Rationality, Markets and Morals 115 Revue Gestion et Organisation 116 Scientific Annals of Economics and Business 117 South Asian Journal of Management Sciences 118 South East Asian Journal of Management 119 South East European Journal of Economics and Business 120 Studia Commercialia Bratislavensia 121 Studies in Business and Economics 122 Supply Chain Management Journal 123 Technology Audit and Production Reserves 124 Terengganu International Management and Business Journal 125 Trendy Ekonomiky a Managementu 126 Universidad y Empresa 127 USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration 128 Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business 129 Journal of Systems Integration 130 Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 131 Business and Economic Horizons 132 Essays in Economic and Business History 133 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Economics and Business 134 Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series 135 The Romanian Economic Journal 136 Theoretical and Applied Economics 137 Amfiteatru Economic 138 Arab Economic and Business Journal 139 East Asian Journal of Business Management 140 Ecoforum 141 Economic Education Analysis Journal 142 Economic Horizons 143 Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 144 Junior Scientific Researcher 145 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 146 Kinerja: Journal of Business and Economics 147 MIBES Transactions On Line 148 Oradea Journal of Business and Economics 149 Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series 150 Revista de Ciencias Economicas 151 Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition 152 Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business 153 Valahian Journal of Economic Studies 154 Argomenti: Rivista di Economia, Cultura e Ricerca Sociale 155 Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science 156 E-Jurnal Manajemen 157 Esensi: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen 158 Etikonomi 159 International Research Journal of Business Studies 160 Journal of Economic & Financial Studies 161 The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 162 Shirkah Journal of Economics and Business 163 Culturas 164 Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences 165 Cross-Cultural Management Journal 166 Accounting Analysis Journal 167 China Journal of Accounting Research 168 Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 169 Jurnal Akuntansi dan Investasi 170 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma 171 Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi 172 Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis 173 Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis 174 Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance 175 Audit Financiar 176 Journal of Management Sciences 177 Revista de Contabilidad: Spanish Accounting Review 178 International Journal of Business & Economic Development 179 African Journal of Business Ethics 180 Management and Business Administration. Central Europe 181 Management Science Letters 182 SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 183 Expert Journal of Marketing 184 GfK Marketing Intelligence Review 185 International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing 186 Journal of Distribution Science 187 Marketing and Branding Research 188 Dynamic Relationships Management Journal (DRMJ) 189 International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration 190 Management 191 Management 192 South African Journal of Human Resource Management 193 Economics Management Innovation 194 Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 195 Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 196 Urban Studies Research 197 Partnerships : A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 198 Research on Ageing and Social Policy 199 Gateways : International Journal of Community Research & Engagement 200 Advances in Social Work 201 City, Territory and Architecture 202 European Journal of Spatial Development 203 Urban Planning 204 Comparative Population Studies 205 Baltic Region 206 The Review of Regional Studies 207 Regional Studies, Regional Science 208 Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiinte Economice 209 Tataloka 210 Consilience : The Journal of Sustainable Development 211 Economic and Business Review 212 Economic Thought 213 Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 214 Annals of the University of Petrosani : Economics 215 Atlantic Review of Economics 216 BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution 217 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic Sciences 218 Contemporary Economy 219 Croatian Economic Survey 220 Economic Analysis Working Papers 221 Economic Annals 222 Economic Research Guardian 223 Economics Research International 224 Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition 225 Ekonomika 226 Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 227 EuroEconomica 228 Expert Journal of Economics 229 Financial Assets and Investing 230 Global Economic Observer 231 Historical Life Course Studies 232 Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy 233 Industrija 234 International Journal of Population Research 235 ISRN Economics 236 Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 237 Journal of Philosophical Economics 238 Panoeconomicus 239 Review of Economics & Finance 240 Theoretical Economics 241 Journal of Economics and Business Research 242 Demographic Research 243 Piramida 244 Population Horizons 245 Apuntes del CENES 246 Buletin Studi Ekonomi 247 Comparative Economic Research 248 EconomiA 249 Economic Journal of Emerging Markets 250 Economica 251 Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal 252 Economics and Finance in Indonesia 253 Economies 254 Ekonomska Misao i Praksa 255 Ekonomski Vjesnik 256 European Journal of Economic Studies 257 Faedpyme International Review 258 IZA Journal of Labor Economics 259 Izvestiya: Journal of Varna University of Economics 260 Journal of Smart Economic Growth 261 Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan 262 Quantitative Economics Journal 263 Review of Economic Analysis 264 Review of Economic Perspectives 265 Revista de Estudios Cooperativos 266 The European Journal of Comparative Economics 267 UTMS Journal of Economics 268 AESTIMATIO : the IEB International Journal of Finance 269 Borsa Istanbul Review 270 e-Finanse 271 Expert Journal of Finance 272 Finance : Challenges of the Future 273 Finance and Society 274 Financial Studies 275 Indonesian Capital Market Review 276 International Journal of Financial Studies 277 Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 278 Cogent Economics & Finance 279 China Finance and Economic Review 280 Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science 281 Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice 282 Aestimum 283 Logistics Research 284 E3 285 Economic Processes Management 286 Economics Development Analysis Journal 287 European Journal of Applied Economics 288 GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 289 International Journal of Development and Sustainability 290 JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan 291 Managing Global Transitions 292 Oeconomia Copernicana 293 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 294 Triple Helix 295 Equidad & Desarrollo 296 Journal of Economic Structures 297 Media Trend 298 Review of Development Finance 299 Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri 300 IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 301 IZA Journal of Labor & Development 302 Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 303 Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 304 Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 305 IZA Journal of Labor Policy 306 Latin American Economic Review 307 Professions and Professionalism 308 Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development 309 Landscape Online 310 Estudios Rurales 311 Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management 312 International Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business 313 Information Management and Business Review 314 International Journal for Quality Research 315 International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 316 International Journal of Organizational Leaderhip 317 International Journal of Research Studies in Management 318 Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology 319 Journal of Organization Design 320 LogForum 321 Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues 322 Quality Innovation Prosperity 323 Serbian Journal of Management 324 Water Resources and Industry 325 WPOM : Working Papers on Operations Management 326 Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 327 Acta Commercii 328 Business Excellence and Management 329 Business, Management and Education 330 Emerging Markets Journal 331 Journal of Management and Business Administration, Central Europe 332 Journal of Management and Innovation 333 South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 334 Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 335 Infrastructure Complexity 336 International Journal of Supply and Operations Management 337 International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility 338 International Journal of Engineering Business Management 339 International Journal on Working Conditions 340 Wine Economics and Policy 341 Acta Energetica 342 Acta Pharmaceutica 343 Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 344 Barataria : Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales 345 Forced Migration Review 346 Journal of Social Inclusion 347 Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal 348 Socialinis Darbas: Patirtis ir Metodai 349 Campbell Systematic Reviews 350 Columbia Social Work Review 351 Global Social Work 352 International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 353 Journal of Family Strengths 354 Journal RESOLIS 355 Open Addiction Journal 356 Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk 357 Studies in Social Justice 358 Revija za Socijalnu Politiku 359 Health & Justice 360 Advances in Statistics 361 Journal of Official Statistics 362 Journal of Statistical Software 363 Lithuanian Journal of Statistics 364 Statistica 365 Technology Innovations in Statistics Education 366 Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan Keywords Subject Journal ISSN Journal (print EISSN version) (online v social media, social policy, anthropology, East-Central Europe, Socialsociology Sciences 2069-74492248-0854 social, critical, progressive, social justice, socio-political, Socialeconomics Sciences 0702-88651923-7081 social sciences, health sciences, multicultural research Social Sciences 1822-3338 social sciencies, social policies Social Sciences 0252-18652223-1757 political science, cultural studies, economics, sociology Social Sciences 2221-2698 social sciences, general science Social Sciences 2350-77562350-8442 political sociology, discourse analysis, security studies, Social social Sciences theory 1866-2447 sociology, history, social sciences Social Sciences 1419-02222064-5929 urban studies Social Sciences 2031-0293 social economy, nonprofit organizations, cooperative societies, Socialcooperativism, Sciences 1920-9355 voluntarism science, social sciences Social Sciences 1405-0269 Architecture & Planning, Geography, Law Criminology & Criminal Social Justice, Sciences Politics 2331-1886 & International Re employment, labor relations, industrial relations, gender, Social social Sciences policy, 1131-86351988-2572 welfare state humanities, social science, digital culture, information society, Social Sciences ICT 1575-2275 cultural studies Social Sciences 2302-7304 entrepreneurship, economics, management, business studies, Social business Sciences 2353-883X2353-8821 administration social science, politics, international relations, sociology Social Sciences 2415-2404 Information Ethics, Libraries, Education, Social Inclusion,Social Information Sciences 1364-694X1756-901X Freedom, Radical Librarians anthropology, social sciences, sociology Social Sciences 2069-8534 regional studies, multidisciplinary, urban, territorial, planning, Social Sciences regional 1695-72532340-2717 policies Sociology, Education, Socialization, Educational institutions, Social human Sciences and social 2035-4983 capital, Immigratio social science, simulation Social Sciences 1460-7425 art, social sciences Social Sciences 2343-6891 Human Security, Food Security, Minorities, Immigration, Human Social rights Sciences 1835-3800 social science, computer science Social Sciences 2367-8151 social science, history, mediterranean, civilization, transdisciplinarity Social Sciences 2499-930X cultural studies, intercultural relations, cultural diversity Social Sciences 1857-77171857-7725 marketing, public relations, management, social media, research Socialinstitution, Sciences 2353-85032353-8414 communication sociology, political science, health, Nordic countries, welfare Social Sciences 1892-2783 Social sciences, Humanities, Business studies, Interdisciplinary Social research, Sciences Multidisciplinary 2055-1045 resear commerce, economics, social sciences Social Sciences 1996-28002410-0854 sociology, social sciences, anthropology, political science, Social psychology Sciences 2011-0324 social sciences, humanities Social Sciences 1409-40022215-454X economics, politics, cultural studies, technology Social Sciences 2254-2035 Migration, Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Ethic Relations, Social Intercultural Sciences Relations, 2173-1950 Antropology cultural studies, literature, music, media studies, sociology, Social history Sciences 1762-6153 anthropology, political science, geography, sociology, philosophy, Social Sciences economy 2014-3680 management, organisation, commodity science, economics, business Social Sciences 1641-3466 sociology, economy, psychology, history, geography, linguistics Social Sciences 2261-2424 social sciences Social Sciences 2362-08892478-107X anthropology, history, ethnology, sociology Social Sciences 2266-31342425-2158 social science studies Social Sciences 1960-6060 sociology, social assistance, law, political sciences Social Sciences 1814-31992345-1017 cross-cultural studies, Transcultural studies, Global studies Social Sciences 2191-6411 consumption Social Sciences: 1444-6359 Commerce trade, management, development, economics Social Sciences: 2345-14242345-1483 Commerce | Social Scien international policy, international economics, international Social finance, Sciences: 1811-98321812-0660 international Commerce:trade, Balance internat of tr economics, business Social Sciences: 2393-49132457-5836 Commerce: Business tourism, management, commerce, finance, banks and stock exchanges, Social Sciences: economic 2065-01752067-340X Commerce: analysis Business administration, accounting, marketing, organizational psychology, Social Sciences: human 1692-02792256-4322 development Commerce: Business commerce, business administration, economics Social Sciences: 1945-5488 Commerce: Business economy, trade, management, business administration, accounting Social Sciences: 2066-575X Commerce: Business marketing, management, business, consumer behavior Social Sciences: 2085-50442356-2242 Commerce: Business human resources, marketing, corporate governance, technology Social management, Sciences: 1394-26032180-4184 SMEs Commerce: and entrepreneurship, Business accounting, finance, financial planning, banking Social Sciences: 1834-20001834-2019 Commerce: Business business, finance, management Social Sciences: 1839-0846 Commerce: Business economics, business, management, accounting, finance, tourism Social Sciences: 2087-12282476-9053 Commerce: Business business administration, accounting, marketing, economics, Social finance, Sciences: management Commerce: 1866-8658 Business economics, information systems, operational research, social Social sciences, Sciences: business Commerce: 1847-9375 decisions Business strategic management, business environment, organizational Social behavior, Sciences: 1648-06271822-4202 entrepreneurial Commerce: finance, Business econo business statistics, industrial statistics, government statistics, Social Sciences: data 2152-372X mining, Commerce: business Business analytics management, entrepreneurship, education, marketing Social Sciences: 1805-48541805-4862 Commerce: Business Accounting Corporate Governance and, Accounting Corporate Governance Social Sciences: & Business Commerce: 2331-1975 Ethics, Business Banking & F financial management, marketing, retail management, entrepreneurship, Social Sciences: 1907-08532476-955X human Commerce: resources Business management, s business enterprises Social Sciences: 2038-5498 Commerce: Business management, business administration, quantitative methods for Social management, Sciences: 1454-03202344-4436 economic Commerce: development, Business inv economics, development, business, organizations, market Social Sciences: 2284-85762284-8584 Commerce: Business new economics, unemployment, business economics, information Social systems, Sciences: theoretical Commerce: 2303-5013 economics, Businesscatast research methodology, mixed methods, qualitative research methods, Social Sciences: quantitative Commerce: 1477-7029 research Business methods, b economics, business, management Social Sciences: 1694-59481694-5972 Commerce: Business finance, economics, management, marketing, accounting, human Social resources Sciences: 2444-88342444-8842 management Commerce: Business business strategy and policy, business performance modeling, Social entrepreneurship, Sciences: Commerce: 2344-6781 human resource Business manag international law, global business ethics, e-semantics Social Sciences: 2164-1692 Commerce: Business business, management, social sciences Social Sciences: Commerce: 2517-9993 Business business, management, decision sciences and information systems, Social economics Sciences: 0970-3896 and Commerce: social Business sciences, org business, entrepreneurship Social Sciences: 2407-54342407-7321 Commerce: Business management, accounting, marketing, social sciences, education, Social finance Sciences: 0121-50512248-6968 Commerce: Business business, contemporary, finance, economics, psychology Social Sciences: 2044-46212073-7122 Commerce: Business finance, education Social Sciences: 1535-07542157-9393 Commerce: Business business, economics, management, finance, accounting Social Sciences: 2408-00982408-0101 Commerce: Business business, management, strategy, marketing, human resources,Social information Sciences: technology Commerce: 1753-0296 Business project procurement management, risk management, resource management, Social Sciences: knowledge Commerce: 1179-0776 management Business economics, accounting, business, management, finance Social Sciences: 1791-51201791-3373 Commerce: Business enterprise economics, business administration, business finance, Social international Sciences: Commerce: 2336-2960 trade and Business finance, k advertising, information technology, organization studies, Social business Sciences: 2228-70192228-7027 strategyCommerce: Business International Economics, International Finance, International Social Management, Sciences: 2299-9701 Entrepreneurship, Commerce: Business interna leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, social responsability, Social business Sciences:ethics, Commerce: 2078-9424 sustainable Business devel business models, innovation, facilitating, implementation, Social globalization, Sciences:commercialization Commerce: 2246-2465 Business management, marketing, business Social Sciences: 1804-171X1804-1728 Commerce: Business economics, management, finance, marketing Social Sciences: 2328-82722328-8280 Commerce: Business entrepreneurship, management, innovation Social Sciences: 2299-70752299-7326 Commerce: Business evolutionary studies, business dynamics Social Sciences: Commerce: 2385-7137 Business applied management, theory and practice Social Sciences: 2322-10972423-5857 Commerce: Business market intelligence, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, Social Sciences: 2001-015X geo-economics Commerce: Business service science, service theory, service application, service Social ethics Sciences: 1941-47221941-4730 Commerce: Business finance, human resource management, knowledge management Social Sciences: 2086-06682337-5434 Commerce: Business management, economics, entrepreneurship Social Sciences: 1411-1438 Commerce: Business business strategy and marketing, entrepreneurship and technology Social management, Sciences: 1412-17002089-7928 Commerce: decision Business making and st management, business strategy, entrepreneurship Social Sciences: 2302-8890 Commerce: Business management theory and practice, marketing strategies and policies Social Sciences: 1841-2416 Commerce: Business management, business administration, quantitative methods for Social management, Sciences:economic Commerce: 2501-885X development, Business inv economics, marketing, business communication, management, knowledge Social Sciences: 2286-2668 management Commerce: Business management, marketing, strategies, communication Social Sciences: 1844-668X Commerce: Business public administration, finance, accounting, marketing Social Sciences: 1453-05032286-170X Commerce: Business Business Management Social Sciences: Commerce: 2307-4450 Business Management, Marketing, economics, management, marketing, communication Social Sciences: studies Commerce: 2344-1712 Business business intelligence, architectures for KM systems, biometrics, Social human Sciences: capital, Commerce: 2325-4688 business Business strategy, organisational project management, change management, governance, Social Sciences: innovation, Commerce: 2203-6156 project Business marketing, ma business, management, human resource management, organization Social studies Sciences: Commerce: 1581-1832 Business business development, business innovations Social Sciences: 1804-05191804-0527 Commerce: Business economy, development, business, organization, market Social Sciences: 1224-68322247-8582 Commerce: Business progress, economy, bussines Social Sciences: 2300-40882391-5951 Commerce: Business management, economics, marketing, strategic, business, entrepreneur Social Sciences: 0719-77130719-6245 Commerce: Business business ethics, political economy, decision theory, behavioral Socialeconomics Sciences: 1869-778X Commerce: Business business, management and accounting, marketing, organizational Social behavior Sciences: and Commerce: human 2214-4234 resource Business manageme economics, business Social Sciences: Commerce: 2501-3165 Business economics, econometrics, management sciences, social sciences, Social business Sciences: 2074-29672410-8537 administration Commerce: Business management, business, strategic management, organization Social Sciences: 1978-19892355-6641 Commerce: Business business and management, marketing, business and economics,Social development Sciences: economics Commerce: 2233-1999 Business business, marketing, tourism, service management Social Sciences: 1337-7493 Commerce: Business economics, business, management, marketing, finance, accounting Social Sciences: Commerce: 2344-5416 Business efficient consumer response, EDI, SCOR Model, lean agile, logistics, Social Sciences: 2069-55192284-6492 business Commerce: processes Business technology audit, production reserves, economics Social Sciences: 2226-3780 Commerce: Business entrepreneurship, marketing, banking Social Sciences: 2232-0741 Commerce: Business economics, business, management, finance, business environment, Socialeconomic Sciences: 1802-85272336-6508 growth Commerce: and development Business enterprises, management, internationalisation, leadership, Social innovation Sciences: 0124-46392145-4558 Commerce: Business economy, management, business administration, accounting, economic Social Sciences: informatics, 2285-33322344-3847 Commerce: publicBusiness administrati economics, tourism, trade, finance, management, marketing Social Sciences: Commerce: 1849-1162 Business information systems, legal and social aspects, software engineering, Social Sciences: 1804-2724 web applications, Commerce: Business internet| sec Sc globalisation, emerging markets, economic development Social Sciences: Commerce: 2192-5372 Business | So business, economics Social Sciences: 1804-12051804-5006 Commerce: Business | So economic depression, markets, labor, economic theory, technology Social Sciences: 0896-226X Commerce: Business | So management, marketing, agricultural economics, regional development, Social Sciences: financeCommerce: 2360-0047 Business | So economic sciences, management, marketing and business administration, Social Sciences: 1223-365X1843-3723 finance, Commerce: accounting, Business internat | So management, marketing, finance, international business, economics Social Sciences: 1454-42962286-2056 Commerce: Business | So economics, business, management Social Sciences: 1841-86781844-0029 Commerce: Business | So economics, international trade, business, management, finance, Social consumer Sciences: 1582-91462247-9104 behavior Commerce: Business | So business, management and accounting, marketing, strategy and Social management, Sciences: economics, Commerce: 2214-4625 econometrics Business | So an East Asian business, management and economics, social science Social Sciences: 2234-30402234-3059 Commerce: Business | So economics, business, management, marketing, finance, sustainable Social Sciences: 1584-90662344-2174 Commerce: Business | So economics Social Sciences: 2252-6544 Commerce: Business | So economics, business economics, management Social Sciences: 1450-863X2217-9232 Commerce: Business | So Asian finanace, Asian economics, Asian business Social Sciences: 2288-46372288-4645 Commerce: Business | So economics Social Sciences: Commerce: 2458-0341 Business | So economic policy, economics, business, management, accounting, Social small Sciences: 1979-64712528-0147 and medium-sized Commerce: enterprises Business | So business, economics Social Sciences: 0853-6627 Commerce: Business | So management, business, innovation, education, systems Social Sciences: Commerce: 1790-9899 Business | So business, economics, economic international relations, economic Socialeducation Sciences: Commerce: 2501-3599 Business | So economic sciences Social Sciences: Commerce: 2393-3127 Business | So economics, statistics, business administration, public administration, Social Sciences: 0252-95212215-3489 accounting, Commerce: finance Business | So accounting, finance, marketing, management, statistics, economics Social Sciences: 2066-561X2344-1321 Commerce: Business | So modern economics Social Sciences: 2286-09911844-7139 Commerce: Business | So accounting, business, economics, finance, management, marketing Social Sciences: 2067-9440 Commerce: Business | So economics, social sciences, SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises, Social Sciences: socialCommerce: 1971-8357 research Business | So financial accounting, banking, management, marketing, statistics, Social Sciences: economics 1222-569X1582-5450 Commerce: Business | So management Social Sciences: 2302-8912 Commerce: Business | So business, management, economics, accountancy, ethics, finance Social Sciences: 2087-20382461-1182 Commerce: Business | So economics, business, management, ethics, strategy, industrySocial Sciences: 1412-89692461-0771 Commerce: Business | So business management, strategy, human capital, operations, finance, Social Sciences: marketing 2089-62712338-4565 Commerce: Business | So economics, accounting, business, finance, economic policy Social Sciences: 2379-94632379-9471 Commerce: Business | So finance, entrepreneurship, economics, small business, venture Social Sciences: 2373-17532373-1761 Commerce: Business | So economics, business, Islamic economics, shari'a economics, Social global Sciences: halal 2503-42352503-4243 market, Commerce: alternative Business economi | So museums, cultural management, cultural heritage, ethnological Social heritage, Sciences: performing Commerce: 2386-7515 arts Business | So business, economics, human resources Social Sciences: 1997-8553 Commerce: Business | So cross-cultural, diversity, social behavior, cultural similarities Social Sciences: and differences Commerce: 2286-0452 Business | So financial accounting, auditing, accounting information systems, Socialmanagement Sciences: 2252-6765 accounting, Commerce: Business: taxation,Acc pu accounting, finance, auditing, corporate governance in China, Social China Sciences: 1755-30912214-1421 Circle, Commerce: emerging markets Business: Acc social accounting, environmental accounting, CSR, triple bottom Socialline, Sciences: 1978-05912460-6081 sustainability Commerce: accounting Business: Acc accounting, investment Social Sciences: 1411-62272477-488X Commerce: Business: Acc accounting, qualitative, quantitative Social Sciences: 2086-76032089-5879 Commerce: Business: Acc financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, Social public Sciences: 2085-4277 sector Commerce: accounting, Business: auditing, Acct accounting Social Sciences: 2355-94622528-1143 Commerce: Business: Acc accounting, business Social Sciences: 2303-1018 Commerce: Business: Acc accounting, finance, auditing, corporate governance, banking Social Sciences: 1823-49922180-4192 Commerce: Business: Acc audit, accounting Social Sciences: 1583-58121844-8801 Commerce: Business: Acc accounting, Islamic banking, human resource management, supply Social andSciences: chain management Commerce: 2313-0113 Business: Acc auditing, environmental accounting, social accounting, management Social Sciences: accounting, 1138-48911988-4672 Commerce: corporate Business: governance Acc economic development, business Social Sciences: 2051-848X2051-8498 Commerce: Business: Bus BEN-Africa, globethics, business ethics, African business ethics, Social Sciences: South 1817-74170976-3600 African Commerce: business Business: ethics Bus management, business, administration Social Sciences: 2084-3356 Commerce: Business: Bus production planning, strategic planning, operations management Social Sciences: 1923-93351923-9343 Commerce: Business: Bus industrial psychology, organisational behaviour Social Sciences: 0258-52002071-0763 Commerce: Business: Ind marketing research, consumer behavior, advertising, international Social Sciences: marketing,Commerce: 2344-6773 relationship Business: marketing Mar Marketing research, marketing, market research Social Sciences: 1865-5866 Commerce: Business: Mar Sustainable Marketing, Marketing of Innovation, Marketing of Social Emerging Sciences: Technologies, Commerce: 2241-8407 B2B Business: and B2C Mar Mar distribution science, physical distribution, distribution management, Social Sciences: 1738-31102093-7717 logistics Commerce: management Business: Mar marketing, branding, market analysis, segmentation, customer Social satisfaction Sciences: Commerce: 2476-3160 Business: Mar organizational culture, corporate governance, HRM, management, Social organization Sciences: 2232-58672350-367X Commerce: theory, dynamic Business: relatio Per business, marketing, economics, statistics, econometrics, management Social Sciences: Commerce: 1849-5664 Business: Per management, technology, human resources, decision-making Social Sciences: 1854-42231854-4231 Commerce: Business: Per innovation, management (personnel), management (environmental), Socialpublic Sciences: administration Commerce: 2299-193X Business: Per human resource management, people management Social Sciences: 1683-75842071-078X Commerce: Business: Per fuzzy systems, small and medium enterprises, knowledge management Social Sciences: 1804-12991805-353X Commerce: Business: Per management, finance, accounting, insurance, international business, Social Sciences: 2092-5212 shippingCommerce: Business: Shi transportation, logistics, inventory management, materials Social handling Sciences: 2310-87891995-5235 Commerce: Business: Shi urban, urban areas Social Sciences: 2090-41852090-4193 Communities. Classes. R Service-Learning, Civic Engagement, Partnerships Social Sciences: Communities. 1944-1061 Classes. R ageing, lifecourse, social policy Social Sciences: Communities. 2014-671X Classes. R community research, community cultural development, social Social capital, Sciences: community Communities. 1836-3393 engagement Classes. R clinical practice, community organization, social administration, Social Sciences: social 1527-85652331-4125 policy, Communities. planning, Classes. programR landscape planning, regional planning, urban planning, urban Social ecology, Sciences: landscape Communities. 2195-2701 ecology Classes. R spatial planning, spatial development, territorial governance, Social crossnational Sciences: 1650-9544 Communities. comparison, Classes. transnatio R urban planning, urbanism, urban phenomena, cities, sustainability, Social Sciences: urban Communities. 2183-7635 Classes. R demography, family studies Social Sciences: 1869-89801869-8999 Communities. Classes. R Baltic region, transborder cooperation, regional development, Social international Sciences: 2079-85552310-0524 Communities. cooperation Classes. R regional science, economics Social Sciences: 0048-749X1553-0892 Communities. Classes. R planning, geography, economics, built environment, development Social studies Sciences: Communities. 2168-1376 Classes. R economics, business, management, finance, accounting Social Sciences: 1584-23392285-3065 Communities. Classes. R urban, urban design, urban management, regional development, Social spatial Sciences: 0852-74582356-0266 planning, Communities. engineering Classes. R sustainable development, economic conditions, environmentalSocial policy, Sciences: 1948-3074 interdisciplinary Economic history and co economics, business, Central Europe, Eastern Europe Social Sciences: 1580-04662335-4216 Economic history and co history of economic thought, methodology of economics, philosophy Social Sciences: of economics Economic 2049-3509history and co time use research, individual time use, societal time use, Social social Sciences: sciences, 1860-9937 Economic economic history sciencesand co management, marketing, economic analysis, international economic Social relations Sciences: 1582-59492247-8620 Economic theory. Demogr economic analysis Social Sciences: Economic 2174-3835theory. Demogr accounting, operations research, marketing, sociology, political Social communication Sciences: 2067-8177 Economic theory. Demogr economics, finance, marketing, tourism, management Social Sciences: 2065-2194 Economic theory. Demogr maritime economy, global economy, e-economy economics, management Social Sciences: 2082-677X Economic theory. Demogr economics, post-socialist Europe, comparative economics, policy Socialformulation Sciences: 1330-48601846-3878 Economic theory. Demogr economics Social Sciences: 1579-1475 Economic theory. Demogr business, marketing Social Sciences: 0013-32641820-7375 Economic theory. Demogr business, public economics, health, education, welfare, labor Social economics, Sciences: 2247-8531 economic Economic development, theory. Demogr econ economics, investment Social Sciences: 2090-21232090-2131 Economic theory. Demogr economics, cognition, interdisciplinary studies Social Sciences: 2067-50462068-7389 Economic theory. Demogr economy, management, marketing, law and economics, agricultural Socialeconomics Sciences: 0350-137X2334-9190 Economic theory. Demogr Macroeconomics, International Economics, Financial Economics, Social Public Sciences: 1689-765X2353-3293 Economics, Economic Labortheory. and Demograph Demogr economic theory, business administration Social Sciences: 1582-88592065-3883 Economic theory. Demogr economic theory, applied economics, econometrics, economic Social development, Sciences: economic Economic 2359-7704 history, theory. economic Demogr financial markets, banking, insurance, accounting Social Sciences: 1804-50811804-509X Economic theory. Demogr international economic relations, business, economic globalization, Social Sciences: 2343-97422343-9750 development Economic policies, theory. finance, Demogr Historical Demography, Epidemiology, Social and Economic History, Social Sciences: HistoricalEconomic 2352-6343 Migration theory. Studies, Demogr His economic theory, statistical physics, methodology Social Sciences: 2069-3508 Economic theory. Demogr industrial organization, business administration, economic Social development, Sciences: 0350-03732334-8526 technological Economic theory. change Demogr immigration, population, birth rates, demographic, death rate, Social family Sciences: 2090-40292090-4037 planning Economic theory. Demogr economics Social Sciences: 2090-8938 Economic theory. Demogr economics, business, behavioral studies Social Sciences: 2220-6140 Economic theory. Demogr social science, philosophy, economic history, sociology, political Social Sciences: science, 1843-22981844-8208 Economic politicaltheory. economy, Demogr econ economic theory, economic policy, economic history, international Social Sciences: political 1452-595X2217-2386 Economic economy, theory. world economy Demogr businesss, finance, labour market Social Sciences: 1923-75291923-8401 Economic theory. Demogr economic theory Social Sciences: 1933-68371555-7561 Economic theory. Demogr economics, marketing, management Social Sciences: 2068-3537 Economic theory. Demogr demography, population studies Social Sciences: 1435-9871 Economic theory. Demogr human development Social Sciences: 1907-3275 Economic theory. Demogr demography, social policy, population change, population policy Social Sciences: Economic 2451-3121theory. Demogr economics, economic policy, regional economics, economic theory, Social finance Sciences: 0120-30532256-5779 Economic theory. Demogr economics Social Sciences: 1410-4628 Economic theory. Demogr Economy, environmental economics, labour economics, international Social Sciences: economics, 1508-20082082-6737 Economic institutional theory.economic Demogr real estate, finance, markets Social Sciences: 1517-7580 Economic theory. Demogr economics, finance, banking, econometrics, emerging market,Social developing Sciences: 2086-31282502-180X countries Economic theory. Demogr economy, business, finance, accounting, market, management Social Sciences: 1810-9136 Economic theory. Demogr economics, economic theory, economic policy, climate change, Social macroeconomics, Sciences: Economic 1864-6042 international theory.trade Demogr economics, finance, development Social Sciences: 0126-155X2442-9260 Economic theory. Demogr economic theory Social Sciences: 2227-7099 Economic theory. Demogr economic policy, economic practice, social science Social Sciences: 1330-10391848-963X Economic theory. Demogr economics, entrepreneurship, business economics, law, information Social Sciences: science, 0353-359X1847-2206 sociology Economic theory. Demogr economic growth, world economy, tax competition, banking laws, Social accounting Sciences: 2304-96692305-6282 Economic theory. Demogr economics, markets, technological innovation Social Sciences: Economic 2255-078Xtheory. Demogr labor market programs Social Sciences: Economic 2193-8997theory. Demogr microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, tourism, accounting, Social regional Sciences: 2367-63612367-6957 economics Economic theory. Demogr economic growth Social Sciences: Economic 2537-141Xtheory. Demogr development economics, macroeconomics, microeconomic, agricultural Social Sciences: development, 1411-60812460-9331 Economic disparity, theory.migratio Demogr quantitative, economics Social Sciences: Economic 2089-7995theory. Demogr economics Social Sciences: Economic 1973-3909theory. Demogr economics, economic policy, econometrics Social Sciences: Economic 1804-1663theory. Demogr social economy, participation companies, economic democracy, Social industrial Sciences: 1135-66181885-8031 democracy Economic theory. Demogr economics, comparative studies Social Sciences: Economic 1824-2979theory. Demogr economics, tourism, management Social Sciences: 1857-69741857-6982 Economic theory. Demogr finance, economy Social Sciences: 2173-0164 Finance financial markets, macroeconomic policy, investor behavior,Social Islamic Sciences: 2214-8450 finance Finance instruments, global fin business finance, public finance, insurance, banking, accounting, Social Sciences: capital 1734-039X markets Finance finance, accounting, public finance, risk management, exchange Social rate, Sciences: financial Finance 2359-7712 market banking, financial markets, policy, management Social Sciences: 1583-3712 Finance finance, society, sociology, political economy Social Sciences: Finance 2059-5999 international finance, financial microeconomics, fiscal policy, Socialmonetary Sciences: policy, Finance 2066-6071 budgetary policy, financial economics, emerging markets, finance Social Sciences: 1979-89972356-3818 Finance financial markets Social Sciences: 2227-7072 Finance applied economic research, finance, business administration, Social statistics Sciences: 0572-30431804-2112 and Finance econometrics, | Social internati Scienc economics, econometrics, financial economics, economic methodology, Social Sciences: economicFinance 2332-2039 philosophy, | Social economic Sciench economics, public finance, monetary economics, industrial economics Social Sciences: Finance 2196-5633 | Social Scienc business Social Sciences: 2077-18862218-0648 Finance | Social Scienc central banking, monetary policy, banking, management in central Social banks Sciences: Finance: 2336-9205Banking agricultural economics, agricultural finance Social Sciences: 1592-61171724-2118 Industries. Land use. L Engineering Economics; Organization; Logistics; Marketing, Social Production/Logistics/Supply Sciences: 1865-035X1865-0368 Industries. Chain, Land use. Indus L business, economy, entrepreneurs Social Sciences: 2183-380X2183-7201 Industries. Land use. L Sustainable development, management of economic processes, Social Innovation Sciences: and investment Industries. 2311-6293 Land use. L economic development, policy, Indonesia Social Sciences: 2252-6560 Industries. Land use. L economy, management, tourism, hospitality Social Sciences: 2406-25882406-3215 Industries. Land use. L tourism, geosites, hospitality industry, tourism planning, Social economySciences: of 2065-1198 tourism Industries. Land use. L sustainable development, environmental protection, resources Social management, Sciences: social Industries. 2186-8662 development, Land use. econom L economics, policy Social Sciences: Industries. 2460-5123 Land use. L management, transition, economics, technology, education Social Sciences: Industries. 1854-6935 Land use. L Microeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Education, Health Social andSciences: Education 2083-12772353-1827 Industries. and Welfare, Land Lawuse. and LE management, business Social Sciences: 1822-67602345-0355 Industries. Land use. L university-industry-government relations, innovation, enterpreneurship, Social Sciences: socio-economic Industries. 2197-1927 development Land use. L economic development, economic policies, economics, equity,Social socialSciences: inclussion, 1692-73112389-8844 Industries. public policy Land use. L economy, trade, commerce, structural economics Social Sciences: Industries. 2193-2409 Land use. L development, economics, rural development, labor, agriculture, Social public Sciences: 1858-13072460-7649 policies, Industries. labour Land use. L microcredit and inverted banking, global finance architecture, Social sovereign Sciences: debt Industries. 1879-9337 management, Land finance use. La system, industrial, optimization, model, decision, policy Social Sciences: 2088-48422442-8795 Industries. Land use. L labour markets, labour policy Social Sciences: Industries. 2193-9012 Land use. L human behavior Social Sciences: Industries. 2193-9020 Land use. L work environment, working life, learning, industrial relations, SocialNordic, Sciences: gender Industries. 2245-0157 Land use. L stress, work environment, health and well-being, work鈥揻amily Social interaction, Sciences: Industries. career 2002-2867 and mobility, Land use. wo L sociology, media, politics, activism, disability Social Sciences: 1929-9192 Industries. Land use. L labour policy, public policy, labour market programmes Social Sciences: Industries. 2193-9004 Land use. L Development Economics, Regional/Spatial Science, Labor Economics, Social Sciences: Economic Policy, Industries. 2196-436X Environmental Land use. Ec L professions, interprofessional relations Social Sciences: Industries. 1893-1049 Land use. L disability studies, community based rehabilitation, developing Social countries Sciences: Industries. 2211-5242 Land use. L landscape research, landscape ecology, human-environmental Social interaction Sciences: 1865-1542 Industries. Land use. L history, rural, environmental, economy, agronomic, forest Social Sciences: Industries. 2250-4001 Land use. L energy industry, environmental management, construction market Social analysis, Sciences: transportation Industries. 2255-9671 Land economics, use. L international distribution, international business, industrial Social distribution Sciences: 2233-41652233-5382 Industries. Land use. L business, marketing, industrial management Social Sciences: 2220-3796 Industries. Land use. L quality and leadership, business excellence, quality management, Social process Sciences: 1800-64501800-7473 management, Industries. performance Land use. me L information systems, project management, information technology Social Sciences: 2182-77962182-7788 Industries. Land use. L management, psychology, operation research, marketing, business, Social economics Sciences: Industries. 2345-6744 Land use. L management Social Sciences: 2243-77702243-7789 Industries. Land use. L knowledge and information management Social Sciences: 2069-5934 Industries. Land use. L organizations, organizational architecture, organizational Social structure Sciences: 2245-408X Industries. Land use. L logistics, business management, supply chain management, optimization, Social Sciences: 1895-20381734-459X marketing Industries. Land use. L management, economies in transition Social Sciences: 1331-01941846-3363 Industries. Land use. L quality engineering, quality management, product development, Social creativity Sciences: 1335-17451338-984X management, Industries. innovation Land use.man L management, business management, industrial management Social Sciences: 1452-48642217-7159 Industries. Land use. L water quality, civil engineering, freshwater pollution Social Sciences: Industries. 2212-3717 Land use. L human resources management, supply chain, logistics, teamwork, Social lean Sciences: 1989-9068 manufacturing, Industries. industrial Land use. engin L business, organizational theory Social Sciences: 1239-2685 Industries. Land use. L management, business ethics, corporate governance, organisational Social Sciences: behaviour 2413-19031684-1999 Industries. Land use. L business excellence, management, theory and practice, theory, Social practice, Sciences: 2248-1354 caseIndustries. studies Land use. L economics, business, management, higher education Social Sciences: 2029-74912029-6169 Industries. Land use. L business management, emerging markets, management theory Social Sciences: Industries. 2158-8708 Land use. L professional, academic, business, management, Central Europe Social Sciences: 2450-78142450-8829 Industries. Land use. L innovation, management, marketing, product development, leadership, Social Sciences: human resource Industries. 2378-5713 management Land use. L Africa, economics, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, management Social Sciences: 1015-88122222-3436 Industries. Land use. L Entrepreneurship, Innovation/Technology Management, Economics/Management Social Sciences: 2228-75662251-7316 Science, Industries. Management/Busine Land use. L Complex Networks, Complexity, Energy Policy; Economics and Social Management, Sciences: Sustainable Industries. 2196-3258 Development, Land use.Reg L industrial engineering, supply chain management, operationsSocial management Sciences: 2383-13592383-2525 Industries. Land use. L business, society, sustainable business strategies, management Social Sciences: Industries. 2366-0074 Land use. L innovation, technology, operations, manufacturing, product Social development, Sciences: industrial Industries. 1847-9790 management Land use. L labour, safety, health, psychosocial climate, work organization Social Sciences: Industries. 2182-9535 Land use. L wine sector, wine companies, wine, wine politics, wine economics Social Sciences: 2212-9774 Industries. Land use. L energy production, energy supply, management, innovation Social Sciences: 2300-3022 Industries. Land use. L biomedicine, pharmaceutical and related sciences Social Sciences: Industries. 1846-9558 Land use. L pharmaceutical policy, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, health Social economics Sciences: Industries. 2052-3211 Land use. L social sciences, sociology, social conditions, social work Social Sciences: 1575-08252172-3184 Social history and cond refugees, internal displacement, forced migration Social Sciences: 1460-98192051-3070 Social history and cond inclusion, community, equity, marginalisation, resilience, Social social Sciences: diversity Social 1836-8808 history and cond mobility, cultural studies, humanities, arts, interdisciplinary, Social multilingual Sciences: Social 2413-9181 history and cond social welfare Social Sciences: 2029-04702029-5820 Social history and cond Systematic reviews, Social sciences, Criminology, Education, Social Social Sciences: welfare,Social 1891-1803 International pathology. developm Socia social work practice, sociology, social work Social Sciences: 2372-255X2164-1250 Social pathology. Socia social work, social research, social intervention, professional Socialaction, Sciences: public Social 2013-6757 policies pathology. Socia penology, human rights, green criminology, critical criminology, Social feminist Sciences: 2202-79982202-8005 criminology Social pathology. Socia families, domestic relations, parenting, family psychotherapy, Social family Sciences: socialSocial 2168-670X work, pathology. family services Socia poverty, solidarity Social Sciences: Social 2276-4275 pathology. Socia policy of addiction, substance abuse, prevention Social Sciences: 1874-9410 Social pathology. Socia welfare organizations, social work, social welfare, family Social and child Sciences: 0037-80542312-7198 care, community Social pathology. work, welfare Socia social welfare, social justice Social Sciences: Social 1911-4788 pathology. Socia retirement, health, family, educational policy, labour policy, Social labour Sciences: 1330-29651845-6014 issues, Social unemployment, pathology.poverty Socia criminology and criminal justice, public health, social policy, Socialcommunity Sciences:and Social 2194-7899 environmental pathology.psychol Socia Statistics, Applied statistics Social Sciences: 2356-68922314-8314 Statistics survey methodology, statistics production, official statistics Social policy Sciences: Statistics 2001-7367 statistics, statistical software, statistical computing, computational Social Sciences: statistics Statistics 1548-7660 statistics, economy, social sciences, statistical science Social Sciences: 1392-642X2029-7262 Statistics statistics, statistical sciences Social Sciences: 0390-590X1973-2201 Statistics technology, education, statistics Social Sciences: 1933-4214 Statistics applied quantitative economics, economics Social Sciences: Statistics 2303-0186 | Social Sci First calendar Full text yearlanguage journal provided online Open Access content 2011 English 1977 English 2015 English 1973 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English, Russian 2013 English 2008 English, German 2007 English, French, Hungarian 2006 Dutch; Flemish, English, French 2010 English, French 1999 English 2015 English 1992 English, French, Spanish; Castilian 1999 Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English, Indonesian 2013 English 2016 English 1994 English 2011 English 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 1998 English 2014 English 2012 English 2015 English 2016 English 2011 English, Macedonian, Russian 2013 English, Polish 2010 English 2015 English 2009 English 2008 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2014 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2003 English, French 2012 English, Spanish; Castilian 2011 English, Polish, Russian 2012 English, French 2014 English 2013 English, French 2007 English 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 2010 English 2001 English 2014 English 2004 English, Ukrainian 2015 English 2005 English, French 2002 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2008 English 2009 English 1996 English 2007 English 2011 English 2007 English, Indonesian 2008 English 2010 English 2006 English, Lithuanian 2008 English 2012 English 2014 English 2015 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Italian 2000 English 2012 English 2015 English, Serbian 2002 English 2008 English 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2012 English 2016 Chinese, English 2012 English 2015 English 2000 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2002 English 2015 English 2006 English 2011 English 2008 English 2014 English 2011 English 2013 English, Polish 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2009 English 2014 English 2009 English 2016 English 2014 English 2011 English 2008 English 2010 English, Indonesian 1999 English, Indonesian 2002 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2006 English, French 2016 English 2013 English 2008 English 2007 English 2014 English 2013 English 2013 English 2014 English 2008 English 2009 English, Russian 2006 English 2014 English, Polish, Russian 2015 English, Spanish; Castilian 2009 English 2013 English 2016 English 2007 Amharic, English 2011 English 2007 English 2010 English, Slovak 2006 English 2010 English 2011 Ukrainian, Russian, English 2011 English 2007 Czech, English 1999 English, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 2006 English 2010 English 2012 English 2010 English 1999 English 2013 English 2008 English 2004 English, French 2006 English 2004 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2013 English 2011 English 2012 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Serbian 2014 English 2015 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2011 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Indonesian 2007 English 2016 English 2009 English 2007 English, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 2013 English 2010 English 2015 English, French, Italian 2005 English, French, German, Italian 2012 English, Indonesian 2014 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2008 English 2013 English 2014 English 2016 English 2014 English, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 1999 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2008 English 2007 English 2015 English, Indonesian 2010 English, Indonesian 2009 English, Indonesian 2014 English, Indonesian 2007 English, Indonesian 2012 English 2013 English 2014 English 1997 English, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 2014 English 2011 English, Polish 2011 English 2008 English 2013 English 2014 English 2014 English 1999 English, Korean 2014 English 2012 English 2014 English 2006 English 2012 English 2003 English 2009 Czech, English, Slovak 2009 English 2007 English 2011 English 2009 English 2013 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2008 English 2008 English 2014 English 2003 English 2016 English 2010 English 2009 English 2011 English 2014 English 2007 English 2011 English, Indonesian 2009 English 2009 English 2012 English 2004 English 2001 English 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 2009 English 2010 Polish, English 1994 English 2002 English 2002 English, Serbian 2011 English 2010 English 2008 English 2007 English, Russian, Serbian 2011 English 2007 English 2013 English 2010 English 2013 English 2014 English 2008 English 2000 Serbian, English 2011 English 2012 English 2010 English 2007 English 2006 English, French 2011 English 2006 English 2009 English, French 1999 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2015 English 2001 English, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English, Indonesian 2009 English 2013 English 2009 English 2006 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2007 English 2015 English 2013 English 2006 Croatian, English 2008 Croatian, English 2012 English, Russian 2012 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2013 English 2016 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2012 English, Indonesian 2009 English 2009 English 1963 English, Spanish; Castilian 2004 English 2010 English 2010 English 2013 English 2005 English 2013 English 2006 English 2015 English 2010 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 2009 English 2013 English 2004 Czech, English, Slovak 2013 English 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English 1977 English, Italian 2014 English 2015 English, Portuguese 2013 English 2012 English, Indonesian 2012 English 2008 English 2012 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2003 English 2010 English, Polish 2006 English, Lithuanian 2013 English 2011 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2012 English 2014 English, Indonesian 2011 English 2008 English, Indonesian 2012 English 2012 English 2011 English 2016 English 2012 English, French 2012 English 2014 English 2011 English 2011 English 2007 English 2011 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2015 English 2010 English, Korean 2010 English 2007 English 2013 English 2012 English 2012 English 2010 English 2012 English 2005 English, Polish 1998 English 2001 English, Slovak 2006 English 2013 English 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 1996 English 2001 English 2011 English 2011 English, Lithuanian 2011 English 2012 English 2015 English 2011 English 2014 English 2014 English 2014 English 2016 English 2009 English 2011 English, Portuguese 2012 English 2009 English, Polish 2007 English 2014 English 1999 English, Portuguese, Italian, French 1998 Arabic, English, French, Spanish; Castilian 2010 English 2015 English, French, German 2008 English, Lithuanian 2004 English 2006 English 2010 English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2013 English 1995 English 2013 English, French 2008 English 2014 Afrikaans, English 2007 English 1994 Croatian, English 2013 English 2014 English 2013 English 1996 English 2009 English, Lithuanian 2002 English 2007 English 2012 English, Indonesian 序号 Journal title 1 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2 Bibliothecae.it 3 Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal 4 College and Research Libraries 5 Data Curation Profiles Directory 6 Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 7 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 8 In the Library with the Lead Pipe 9 Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 10 Insights: The UKSG Journal 11 International Journal of Digital Curation 12 International Journal of Digital Library Services 13 Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship : a quarterly publication of the Science an 14 JLIS.it 15 Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 16 Journal of eScience Librarianship 17 Journal of Information Literacy 18 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice 19 Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 20 Journal of Library and Information Studies 21 Journal of Library Science 22 Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries 23 Library and Information Research : Research into Practice for Information & Library Servic 24 North Carolina Libraries 25 o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal 26 Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research 27 Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice 28 Practical Academic Librarianship 29 Publications 30 SLIS Connecting 31 Tennessee Libraries 32 Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue(图书馆学与咨询科学) 33 Virginia Libraries 34 Weave: Journal of Library User Experience 35 Zhishi guanli luntan 36 International Journal of Medical Reviews 37 Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries 38 Catalogue and Index 39 Code4Lib Journal 40 Communications in Information Literacy 41 Journal of Electronic Publishing 42 Journal of Western Archives 43 Tidsskriftet Arkiv 44 A+BE: Architecture and the Built Environment 45 ACE: Architecture, City and Environment 46 AR : Arhitektura, Raziskave 47 Architectural Histories 48 Architecture_MPS 49 Berkeley Planning Journal 50 Dimensi: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment 51 Enquiry: The ARCC Journal of Architectural Research 52 Festival dell'Architettura Magazine 53 Footprint 54 Frontiers of Architectural Research 55 Landscape Review 56 Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura 57 Space Ontology International Journal 58 TRIA : Territorio della Ricerca su Insediamenti e Ambiente 59 Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii 60 Informes de la Construccion 61 Journal of Facade Design and Engineering 62 Techne : Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 63 e-GFOS 64 YBL Journal of Built Environment 65 Ri-vista : Ricerche per la Progettazione del Paesaggio 66 Ruang-Space: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan 67 Igra Ustvarjalnosti 68 URBS: Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales 69 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan 70 EdA Esempi di Architettura 71 Journal of Learning Spaces 72 CRIS: Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study 73 TEDI 74 International Journal of Designs for Learning 75 Journal of Visual Art and Design 76 MasD 77 The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 78 Digital Culture & Education 79 AIMS Geosciences 80 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 81 Contemporary Trends in Geoscience 82 E&G : Quaternary Science Journal 83 Earth System Science Data Discussions 84 Earthquake Science 85 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 86 Geologia Croatica 87 Geologica Acta 88 Geologica Belgica 89 Geologica Carpathica 90 Geologija 91 Geologos 92 GeoScience Engineering 93 Geoscience Frontiers 94 Geoscience Letters 95 Geosciences 96 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions 97 Geoscientific Model Development 98 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 99 International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology 100 ISRN Soil Science 101 Journal of Geochemistry 102 Journal of Geological Research 103 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 104 Open Geosciences 105 Riset: Geologi dan Pertambangan 106 Solid Earth Sciences 107 Studia Quaternaria 108 The Depositional Record 109 Zitteliana, Series A 110 BMC Physiology 111 Frontiers in Physiology 112 International Journal of Tryptophan Research 113 ISRN Physiology 114 ISRN Stem Cells 115 Journal of Bangladesh Society of Physiologists 116 Physiological Reports 117 Physiology Journal 118 Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 119 Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical and Biological Sciences 120 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 121 Journal of Lipids 122 BMC Biochemistry 123 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 124 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 125 Neurotransmitter 126 AIMS Molecular Science 127 Anusandhan Vigyan Shodh Patrika 128 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e 129 Biomaterials Research 130 Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 131 Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 132 Current Trends in Natural Sciences 133 Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science 134 Data Science Journal 135 EDUSAINS 136 Flamma 137 GEOREVIEW: Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Geography Series 138 International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education 139 International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 140 International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review 141 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 142 International Journal of Lifescience and Pharma Research 143 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering 144 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 145 Journal of King Saud University: Science 146 Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 147 Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 148 Journal of Science and Technology 149 Journal of Scientific Research 150 Journal of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences) 151 Journal of Taibah University for Science 152 Jurnal Tanah Tropika 153 Kybernetika 154 Leonardo Journal of Sciences 155 Makara Journal of Science 156 MethodsX 157 Nature Communications 158 Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal 159 Perspectives in Science 160 Polar Research 161 Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU 162 Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science 163 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 164 Ruhuna Journal of Science 165 Science Editing 166 ScienceRise 167 Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 168 Tecnoscienza : Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies 169 The Scientific World Journal 170 Universitas Scientiarum 171 Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke 172 Trakia Journal of Sciences 173 Dependence Modeling 174 Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice 175 Communications in Science and Technology 176 Heliyon 177 Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research 178 Mutis 179 Nova Scientia 180 REGION 181 Research and Science Today 182 Respuestas 183 Scholarpedia 184 South African Journal of Science 185 International Journal of Deliberative Mechanisms in Science 186 Cybernetics and Information Technologies 187 International Journal of Cyber Criminology 188 Cybernetics and Physics 189 Internet Policy Review 190 Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 191 Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences 192 Journal of Trust Management Keywords Subject cognitive neuroscience, neurorophysiology, human behavior, memory, attention, perception 0 library and information science, library, documentation, Bibliography. bibliography Library science. Information library and information science, Chinese librarianship, international Bibliography. librarianship, Library science. knowledge Information mana library science, information literacy, higher education Bibliography. Library science. Information data, data set, data curation profiles Bibliography. Library science. Information knowledge management Bibliography. Library science. Information evidence-based librarianship, evidence-based practice Bibliography. Library science. Information LIS, librarians, librarianship, information science, libraries Bibliography. Library science. Information information science, information management, librarianship, Bibliography. informationLibrary systems, science. digitalInformation libraries, scholarly information, information community, scholarly communication Bibliography. Library science. Information digital preservation, digital access, research data management Bibliography. Library science. Information library automation, digital preservation, information retrieval, Bibliography. intellectual Library property science. rights Information library and information science Bibliography. Library science. Information librarianship, archival science, library science Bibliography. Library science. Information information science, library science, information technology, Bibliography. publishing, Library e-learning science. Information escience librarianship, research data management, research Bibliography. data curation, Library research science. data Information services, d information literacy, library instruction, teaching librarians, Bibliography. digitalLibrary literacy science. Information information processing, management, information policy, library Bibliography. management, Library knowledge science.organization, Information libraries and publishing, open access, digital curation, Bibliography. digital collection Library management, science. Information intellectua information science, bibliography, documentation, archival Bibliography. studies, library Library science, science. instructional Information computer science, information science, bibliography, documentation, Bibliography. archival Librarystudies science. Information European Research Libraries, library sciences, library management, Bibliography. scholarly Librarycommunication, science. Information informa librarianship, information science, evidence-based practice Bibliography. Library science. Information librarianship, media centers, academic libraries Bibliography. Library science. Information Library and information science, information technology, Bibliography. information systems Library science. Information librarians, information professionals, library and information Bibliography. studies Library science. Information librarianship, academic libraries, library administration, Bibliography. library collections, Library science. library Information programs an academic libraries Bibliography. Library science. Information scholarly publishing, innovations in publishing, editorial Bibliography. policies, bibliometrics, Library science. dataInformation mining, ci library science, archival studies, bibliometric research,Bibliography. information science Library science. Information libraries, library administration, Tennessee Bibliography. Library science. Information information literacy, information behaviour, information Bibliography. science Library science. Information library and information services, librarianship Bibliography. Library science. Information libraries, usability, user experience Bibliography. Library science. Information knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge organization, Bibliography. knowledge Library services, science. knowledge Information inno Medical Reviews, Medicine, clinical pharmacology, Iran, Meta-analysis Bibliography. Library science. Information Libraries, health information, public health Bibliography. Library science. Information Cataloguing, Metadata, Classification, Indexing, knowledge Bibliography. organisationLibrary science. Information library technology innovation Bibliography. Library science. Information information literacy Bibliography. Library science. Information library and information science, publishing, digital publishing Bibliography. Library science. Information archives, information science Bibliography. Library science. Information archivism Bibliography. Library science. Information architecture, urbanism, architectural engineering, housing, Finebuilt Arts:environment Architecture architecture, cities, environment, planning, valuation, building Fine Arts: Architecture architecture, cultural heritage, history of architecture,Fine vernacular Arts: Architecture architecture, urban design history, built environment Fine Arts: Architecture media, politics, social sciences Fine Arts: Architecture urban planning, urban design, transportation planning, participatory Fine Arts: Architecture budgeting architecture theory, sustainable built environment, architectural Fine Arts:history, Architecture urban design and plannin urban design, landscape, interior design, built environment, Fine socio-formal, Arts: Architecture architecture architectural design, urban design, sustainable architecture, Fine Arts: contemporary Architecture architecture, theory of architecture, city, theory, urbanism, cultural studies Fine Arts: Architecture architectural design and theory, architectural science and Fine technology, Arts: Architecture urban planning, landscaping landscape architecture, landscape theory, sense of place Fine Arts: Architecture architecture, city planning, landscape, building restoration Fine Arts: Architecture architecture, urban planning, built environment Fine Arts: Architecture urban planning, environment, settlements, urban design Fine Arts: Architecture urban planning, constructions, building economy, urban studies Fine Arts: Architecture architecture and engineering, environment, construction systems, Fine Arts: testing Architecture techniques, | Technology: building compo Build architecture, building, engineering, facade design, management Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Build architectural technology, building engineering, green technology Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Build civil engineering, architecture Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Engin built environment, architecture, civil engineering, construction Fine Arts: management, Architecture engineering | Technology: education, Engin landscape architecture Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of citi built environment Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of citi architecture, civil engineering, urban design and planning, Finespatial Arts: Architecture: planning, landscape Aesthetics architectur of citi urban studies, cities, social sciences, architecture Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of citi civil engineering, building, construction, architecture Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of citi architecture, urban planning, restoration, history, design, Finelandscape Arts: Architecture: Architectural draw design, pedagogy, informal space, interior design, classrooms, Fine Arts: learning Architecture: spaces Architectural draw Business, Art, Computing, Design, Humanities Fine Arts: Arts in general | Science: Mathe technology, design, science Fine Arts: Drawing. 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Illustration | digital culture, education, digital games, networks, new Fine mediaArts: Visual arts | Science: Mathemati geosciences, remote sensing, geology, atmosphere, hydrology, Science: geography Geology geology, palaeontology, Denmark, Greenland, Faeroes Science: Geology geology, geophysics, physical geography climatology, ecology, Science: modern Geology methods in geoscience quaternary geology, palaeoecology, soil science, palaeoclimatology, Science: Geology geomorphology oceanography, atmosphere, biosphere, data, algorithms, geology Science: Geology Geophysics/Geodesy Science: Geology earth sciences, geology, palaeontology Science: Geology earth sciences Science: Geology earth sciences, applied geology, geosciences Science: Geology geology, earth science, palaeontology, regional geology, Science: central africa Geology geochemistry, geophysics, stratigraphy, paleontology, structural Science: geology, Geology petrology geochemistry, geohazards, geological mapping, stratigraphy, 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computer-assisted (General): Cybernetics: learning In Computer Science, Systems and Data Security, Software Engineering/Programming Science: Science (General): and Operating Cybernetics: Systems In Journal ISSN (print Journal version)EISSN (online First version) calendarFull yeartext journal language provided online Open Access content 1662-5161 2008 English 2280-7934 2283-9364 2012 English, Italian ibrary science. Information resources 1089-4667 1996 English 0010-0870 2150-6701 1939 English ibrary science. Information resources 2326-6651 2009 English 1479-4411 2003 English 1715-720X 2006 English ibrary science. Information resources 1944-6195 2008 English ibrary science. Information resources 1368-1613 1995 English, Spanish; Castilian ibrary science. Information resources 2048-7754 2012 English ibrary science. Information resources 1746-8256 2006 English 2250-1142 2011 English 1092-1206 1991 English 2038-1026 2010 English, Italian 1013-090X 2003 Chinese, English ibrary science. Information resources 2161-3974 2012 English ibrary science. Information resources 1750-5968 2007 English 2287-9099 2287-4577 2013 English ibrary science. Information resources 2162-3309 2012 English 1606-7509 1999 Chinese 1018-3817 1985 Chinese, English 1435-5205 2213-056X 1999 English 1756-1086 2007 English 0029-2540 2002 English ibrary science. Information resources 2363-9814 2014 English, German ibrary science. Information resources 1911-9593 2006 English, French ibrary science. Information resources 2324-7878 2013 English 1947-0037 2011 English 2304-6775 2013 English ibrary science. Information resources 2330-2917 2012 English ibrary science. Information resources 1935-7052 1989 English 0363-3640 2224-1574 1975 Chinese, English 1086-9751 1996 English ibrary science. Information resources 2333-3316 2014 English ibrary science. Information resources 2095-5472 2013 Chinese ibrary science. Information resources 2345-525X| Medicine | Science 2014 English ibrary science. Information resources 1841-0715| Medicine: Medicine 2005 (General) English 0008-7629 2016 English 1940-5758 2007 English 1933-5954 2007 English ibrary science. Information resources: 1080-2711 Information resources 1995 English (General) ibrary science. Information resources: 2154-7149 Information resources 2010 English (General) ibrary science. Information resources: 1891-8107 Information resources 2010 English, (General) Norwegian 2212-3202 2214-7233 2011 Dutch; Flemish, English 1886-4805 2006 Catalan; Valencian, English, Italian, Portuguese, 1580-5573 1581-6974 2001 English 2050-5833 2013 English 2050-9006 2012 English 1047-5192 1984 English 0126-219X 1999 English, Indonesian 2329-9339 2007 English 2039-0491 2013 English, Italian 1875-1490 1875-1504 2007 English 2095-2635 2012 English 2253-1440 2011 English 2171-6897 2173-1616 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian 2345-6450 2423-7299 2015 English 1974-6849 2281-4574 2012 English, Italian 2069-0509 2069-6469 2010 English, French, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 0020-0883 1988-3234 1971 English, Spanish; Castilian 2213-302X 2213-3038 2013 English itecture | Technology: Building 2239-0243 construction 2011 English itecture | Technology: Engineering 1847-8948 (General). Civil engineering 2010 English (General) itecture | Technology: Engineering 2064-2520 (General). Civil engineering 2013 English (General) itecture: Aesthetics of cities. 1724-6768 City planning and beautifying 2003 English, Italian itecture: Aesthetics of cities. 2355-570X City planning and beautifying 2014 English, Indonesian itecture: Aesthetics of cities. 2350-3637 City planning and beautifying 2013 English, | Social Slovenian Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: itecture: Aesthetics of cities. 2014-2714 City planning and beautifying 2011 Catalan; | Social Valencian, Sciences:English, Social sciences French, Italian, (General)Port 1411-1772 2503-1899 2007 English, Indonesian itecture: Architectural drawing 2035-7982 and design 2009 English, Italian, Spanish; Castilian itecture: Architectural drawing 2158-6195 and design | Education:2011 Special English aspects of education in general | Science: Mathematics: 1805-5117 Instruments and machines: 2012 English Electronic computers. Computer science | Social ing. Design. Illustration 1847-9545 2011 Croatian, English ing. Design. Illustration | Education: 2159-449X Education (General) 2010 English 2337-5795 2338-5480 2007 English, Indonesian 2027-095X 2006 English, Spanish; Castilian ing. Design. Illustration | Language 2048-0792 and Literature: Literature 2011 English (General) 1836-8301 2009 English 2471-2132 2015 English 0011-6297 2245-7070 1894 Danish, English 2299-8179 2012 English 0424-7116 1951 English, German 1866-3591 2009 English 1674-4519 2015 English 1736-4728 1736-7557 2007 English 1330-030X 1333-4875 1999 English 1695-6133 1696-5728 2003 English 1374-8505 1998 Dutch; Flemish, English, French 1336-8052 2009 English 0016-7789 1854-620X 1990 English, Slovenian 2080-6574 2009 English 1802-5420 2011 English 1674-9871 2010 English 2196-4092 2014 English 2076-3263 2011 English 2193-0872 2011 English 1991-959X 1991-9603 2008 English 2355-9314 2355-9306 2013 English 2223-957X 2010 English 2090-875X 2314-5803 1687-8841 2195-9269 2391-5447 2354-6638 2451-912X 2300-0384 2055-4877 2012 English 2356-7406 2014 English 1687-8833 2009 English 2013 English 2015 English 0125-9849 2005 English, Indonesian 2016 English 2013 English 2015 English 1612-412X 2003 English, German 1472-6793 2001 English 1664-042X 2010 English 1178-6469 2008 English 2314-467X 2013 English 2090-8792 2013 English 1995-1213 2219-7508 2006 English 2051-817X 2013 English 2314-4300 2314-4319 2013 English 1477-7827 2003 English 0386-2208 1349-2896 2003 English 1015-8987 1421-9778 2013 English 2090-3030 2090-3049 2011 English logy: Animal biochemistry | Science: 1471-2091 Chemistry: Organic2000 chemistry: English Biochemistry logy: Animal biochemistry | Science: 0717-3458 Chemistry: Organic2014 chemistry: English Biochemistry 1878-9293 1878-9307 2014 English logy: Neurophysiology and neuropsychology 2375-2440 | Science: Chemistry: 2014 English Organic chemistry: Biochemistry 2372-028X 2372-0301 2014 English 2322-0708 2350-0123 2013 English, Hindi 0365-0359 1825-1242 2004 English, Italian e (General) 2055-7124 2014 English 1715-9997 1920-3853 2007 English e (General) 2214-6571 2014 English e (General) 2284-953X 2012 English 2167-7883 2167-7891 1999 English e (General) 1683-1470 2002 English 1979-7281 2443-1281 2014 English, Indonesian e (General) 2171-665X 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian 1583-1469 2343-7391 2010 English 2231-8194 2007 English e (General) 2313-3724 2014 English e (General) 2330-1201 2013 English 2005-4238 2008 English 2250-0480 2011 English 2045-7057 2010 English 2088-5334 2011 English 1018-3647 2009 English 2337-5760 2338-5510 2013 English 2356-7503 2314-6893 2013 English 2229-8460 2009 English 2070-0237 2070-0245 2009 English 1000-5137 2013 Chinese, English 1658-3655 2008 English 0852-257X 2086-6682 2008 English 0023-5954 2010 English 1583-0233 2002 English 2339-1995 2356-0851 2007 English, Indonesian e (General) 2215-0161 2014 English e (General) 2041-1723 2015 English 1874-110X 2007 English e (General) 2213-0209 2014 English, German 0800-0395 1751-8369 1982 English 1731-6715 2392-1749 2009 English, Polish 0097-4374 1941 English 1514-5158 1853-0400 2009 English, Spanish; Castilian 1800-279X 2006 English 2288-8063 2288-7474 2014 English 2313-6286 2313-8416 2014 English, Russian, Ukrainian 2322-2956 2012 English 2038-3460 2010 Italian, English 2356-6140 1537-744X 2001 English 0122-7483 2027-1352 1987 English, Spanish; Castilian 0352-4906 2002 English 1312-1723 1313-3551 2003 English e (General) | Science: Mathematics 2300-2298 2013 English 1857-2073 2345-1033 2007 English, Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan, Russian 2502-9258 2502-9266 2016 English e (General) | Social Sciences:2405-8440 Social sciences (General) 2015 English 2158-4044 2158-4052 2011 English e (General) | Social Sciences:2256-1498 Social sciences (General) 2011 English, Spanish; Castilian e (General) | Social Sciences:2007-0705 Social sciences (General) 2008 English, Spanish; Castilian e (General) | Social Sciences:2409-5370 Social sciences (General) 2014 English 2247-4455 2285-9632 2011 English, French, German 0122-820X 2422-5053 2010 English, Spanish; Castilian e (General) | Social Sciences:1941-6016 Social sciences (General) 2006 English 0038-2353 1996-7489 2009 English e (General) | Social Sciences:2014-3672 Sociology (General) 2012 Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish; Castilian e (General): Cybernetics 1314-4081 2012 English 0974-2891 2007 English 2223-7038 2226-4116 2012 English e (General): Cybernetics: Information 2197-6775theory 2012 English 1846-3312 1846-9418 2006 English e (General): Cybernetics: Information 2192-1962theory | Science:2011 Mathematics: English Instruments and machines: Electronic com e (General): Cybernetics: Information 2196-064Xtheory | Science:2014 Mathematics: English Instruments and machines: Electronic com Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian oldavian; Moldovan French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian ; Moldovan, Russian Spanish; Castilian
