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CURRENT PRESSING ISSUES IN HUMAN RIGHTS The Right to Health Readings • D. v. the United Kingdom, ECHR, Application no. 30240/96, 2 May1997 • N. v. the United Kingdom, ECHR, Application no. 26565/05, 27 May 2008 • Jalloh v. Germany, ECHR, Application no. 54810/00, 11 July 2006 • Bogumil v. Portugal, ECHR, Application no. 35228/03, 7 October 2008 • Brigit Toebes, Mette Hartlev, Aart Hendriks and Janne Rothmar Herrmann (eds.), Human Rights and Health in Europe, Intersentia, p. 83-110. The Right to a Healthy Environment Readings • López Ostra v. Spain, ECHR, Application no. 16798/90, 9 December 1994 • Guerra and others v. Italy, ECHR, Application no. 14967/89, 19 February 1998 • Oneryildiz v. Turkey, ECHR, Application no. 48939/99, 30 November 2004 Optional: • Manual on Human Rights and the Environment, Council of Europe Publishing Sexual Minorities and the Law Readings • Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, ECHR, Application no. 30141/04, 24 June 2010 • Vallianatos & Others v. Greece, ECHR, Application no. 29381/09, 7 November 2013 • The Yogyakarta Principles, http://www.yogyakartaprinciples.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/principles_en.pdf Bioethical Issues Readings • Vo v. France, ECHR, Application no. 53924/00, 8 July 2004 • Pretty v. United Kingdom, ECHR, Application no. 2346/02, 29 April 2002 • Bader and Kanbor v. Sweden, ECHR, Application no. 13284/04, 8 November 2005 • Nachova and Others v. Bulgaria, ECHR, Application nos. 43577/98 &and 43579/98, 6 July 2005 Prisoners’ Rights in Europe – Case-law of the European Court of Justice Readings • Kalashnikov v. Russia, ECHR, Application no. 47095/99, 15 July 2002 • Vinter and others v. United Kingdom, ECHR, Application nos. 66069/09, 130/10 and 3896/10 (Grand Chamber), 9 July 2013 • El-Masri v. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, ECHR, Application no. 39630/09 (Grand Chamber), 13 December 2012
