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附件5.监护人保证书 LETTER OF GUARANTEE.doc

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附件5.监护人保证书 LETTER OF GUARANTEE.doc

监护人保证书 (LETTER OF GUARANTEE) 我愿做 国籍学生 在铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校学习期间的监护人,并保证下 列 各 项 : (I am willing to be the guardian of Mr./Ms. , nationality of ,during his/her study period at Tongren Preschool Education College,Tongren, China. I hereby affirm that): 一、监督该生不从事来华学习以外的活动并保证遵守中国法律; (To supervise my ward not to do anything that is not applicable for an international student studying in China; and my ward will abide by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China;) 二、监督该生努力学习并遵守铜仁幼专的各项规章制度; (To urge my ward to exert to study industriously and observe the pertinent rules and regulations of the college;) 三、监督该生按时交纳各项费用。该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责督促该生缴纳; (To urge my ward to pay the necessary fees on time. I will be liable to urge my ward to pay fees which, in case, my ward is not able to afford to pay;) 四、负责该生在铜仁幼专学习期间发生意外事故的处理工作。 ( To handle the accident that my ward meets during his/her study period at Tongren Preschool Education College.) 监护人 (Guardian) 姓名(Name): 身份证号码(Personal ID No.): 工作单位(Employer): 家庭地址(Home Address): 电话(Phone No.): 传真(Fax No.): 与被监护人关系(Relation to my ward): 监护人签字: (Signature of Guardian) College) 日期(Date) 铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校 (Tongren Preschool Education 日期(Date)
