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Computer Labs Regulations 1. Computer labs provide service for those who use computers for learning, not for other purpose. 2. Self-study is expected not to affect the scheduled class. 3. All students’ belongings in computer labs should be cleared by themselves when labs close at 22:00. The University takes no responsibility for loss of or damage to items left behind. 4. Foods or drinks are prohibited in the computer labs. 5. Any unauthorized acts to the equipment are forbidden. Do not remove any accessories, such as network cable, mouse, and keyboard. 6. Software can only be installed by IT staff. Do not install any software on your own. No tampering to any of the system files is allowed. 7. Keep your voice down. Mobile phones must be switched to ‘silent’ mode. Step outside for making or answering a call. 8. Keep clean and neat, leave yourself and others a nice environment. 9. Please remember to log off when you leave. 10. In case of any failure of hardware or software, please report to MITS Office by http://service.xjtlu.edu.cn/otrs/customer.pl or 8816-1250. 计算机实验室使用规定 1. 计算机实验室是学生使用计算机来学习的场所,请不要进行其他活动。 2. 学生自习不得影响该计算机实验室的正常上课。 3. 在每天晚上计算机实验室关闭(22:00)时,大家在离开时请带走自己的所有物品。因物品滞 留在计算机实验室而造成的丢失或损坏,学校不承担任何责任。 4. 计算机实验室内禁止携带食物和饮料入内。 5. 未经管理人员许可,不得随意更改设备配置,计算机实验室内一切仪器设备不得带出。 6. 禁止随意安装软件。禁止破坏性操作,乱设口令和修改机内配置参数,禁止删除系统文件。 7. 保持计算机实验室内安静。请将手机调至静音模式,在实验室外接听电话。 8. 使用计算机实验室公共设施,应注意保持清洁,及时清理现场。 9. 请在离开计算机实验室前,先登出账户。 10. 仪器设备一旦发生故障,请通过系统 http://service.xjtlu.edu.cn/otrs/customer.pl 或拨打电话 88161250 报告 MITS 管理人员,不得擅自处理。
