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序号 论文题目(英文) 论文题目(中文) 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 Study on Evaluation of Mobile Office System’s Security and Reliability 作者 Xiao-Liang Wang, ZhiLiang Rao, ShiFeng Liu 期刊名(英文) 期刊名(中文) Journal of Computers 电脑学刊 Statistics Journal of 城际动车组轮轨力 丁然,李强,任 Characters of Mechanical 机械工程学报 统计特征 尊松 Wheel/Rail Loads Engineering of Intercity EMU Journal of Cascading Transportation Failure 城市轨道交通运输 Systems 交通运输系统工 刘朝阳 Resistance of 网络级联失效抗毁 Engineering 程与信息 Urban Rail 性研究 and Transit Network Information Technology Joint LocationDependent Mingshuang Jin Future Pricing and (靳明双) Internet Request Mapping in ICN-based Telco CDNs For Logistics Bian Wenliang; IPPTA: 5G Network Design 考虑不同决策主体 Shi Tianxing ; Quarterly IPPTA:印度纸 Problem Journal of 的物流网络设计问 Yang Haifeng ; 浆和造纸技术协 Considering Ellen Indian Pulp 题 会季刊 Different Mushimiyimana ; and Paper Decision-Makers Gu Qiang Technical Application of Association MCA Method Based on FASTA and p- 基于FASTA结果p指数阈值降噪法的 张子璠,李强, CHINA RAILWAY Exponential 中国铁道科学 SCIENCE MCA方法对车轴应 陈晓洁,吴宇星 Threshold Denoising Method 变信号处理的研究 in Axle Strain Signal Study on the Journal of Processing Vertical South China 华南理工大学学 地铁钢弹簧浮置板 Vibration University of 报(自然科学版 轨道垂向振动特性 李响,任尊松 Characteristics Technology 研究 ) of Steel Spring (Natural Floating Slab Science Jiaotong Track in Subway Edition) Construction of Yunshu Xitong subway and bus Gongcheng Yu 公交—地铁复合网 transport Xinxi/Journal 交通运输系统工 络构建及网络特性 罗艺;钱大琳 networks and of 程与信息 分析 analysis of the Transportation network topology Systems characteristics Engineering and Information Technology 12 13 14 15 16 17 Jiaotong Transport Yunshu Xitong influence Gongcheng Yu analysis of bus 基于社团结构发现 罗艺;钱大琳; Xinxi/Journal 交通运输系统工 lanes based on 的公交专用道施划 of 黄溅华 程与信息 community 影响分析 Transportation structure Systems detection Engineering and Information Influence scope Journal of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学 of bus lanes on 公交专用道施划的 Harbin 罗艺;钱大琳 学报 public transport 公交客流影响范围 Institute of passenger flow Technology Redundantly 王志瑞,姚燕安 JOURNAL OF Actuated 冗余驱动全R 副四 ,张迪,刘洋, MECHANICAL 机械工程学报 Tetrahedron 面体移动机器人 张林 ENGINEERING Mobile Robot Structured by An Internet of Pure Revolute Things System Joints International Based on DeviceHuang Cheng(黄 Journal of to-Device 宬), Lv Yongbo Online Communication (吕永波) Engineering Technology and Radio-Frequency Identification Design for the Journal of Steering South China 华 南 理 工 大 极限工况下自动驾 孙传扬,张欣, Controller of 驶车辆转向控制器 University of 学 学 报 ( 自 席利贺,陈宏伟 Technology ( Autonomous 的设计 然 科 学 版 ) Vehicles at the Natural Limits of Science Automatic Fault Handling Edition) International Diagnosis Method 振动信号驱动的风 庞宇 贾利民 刘 for Wind Turbine Journal of 电机组自动故障诊 展 高倩云 Performability Generator System 断方法 Driven by Engineering Vibration Signal Journal of Review on 集装箱码头集成调 常祎妹,朱晓宁 交通运输工程学 integrated Traffic and 19 度研究综述 ,王力 报 Transportation scheduling of container Engineering A Modular Multiterminals Port DC Power 适用于多端直流输 Transactions Flow Controller 电系统的模块化多 武文,吴学智, of china 20 电工技术学报 荆龙,魏梦航, for Multi端口 electrotechnic 姜久春 Terminal 直流潮流控制器 al society DC Transmission System ISSN 卷期号 起始页 19911599 Vol.30 No.1,2019 223-236 2019023001021 20190192 5776686 55(6) 108-115 20192607099449 20190193 1009674 4 18(5) 82-87 20190806521358 20190194 19995903 11卷6期 125 20192507084120 20190195 0379546 2 30 24 20184806150035 20190196 10014632 40卷第2期 130-137 20192607093185 20190197 1000565X 2018年第46卷第12期 103110,120 20191606810390 20190198 39-44 20154701571156 20190199 1009674 Volume: 15;Issue: 5 4 Accession number 中信所检索号 1009674 Volume: 16;Issue: 5 4 178-184 20164603015901 20190200 03676234 Volume: 51;Issue: 3 114-120 20192106970954 20190201 05776686 55(3) 18-26 20191906870257 20190202 1868164 6 14 210-218 20192607106077 20190203 1000565 X Vol. 46, No. 3 78-85 20183605767180 20190204 9731318 14 1530-1541 20183705793689 20190205 16711637 19(1) 136-146 20192106951211 20190206 10006753 34(3) 539-551 20191906900208 20190207
