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鞍山师范学院来华留学生校外住宿安全防火告知书 Notification of Safety and Fire Prevention for Students Staying out of Campus 1、依法、安全租用或购买房屋并按时到属地派出所备案; Rent and buy apartment according to related laws and regulations and register in community police station; 2、校外住宿或住宿地点更换应按要求及时通知学校并提供相关材料; Inform and hand in materials to the office if you move to another place; 3、不违章用火用电,使用大功率用电器如电热毯、电暖气等要注意安全; Use gas and electric appliance according to instructions, esp. high-power ones such as electric blanket, electric heater, heating stick, electric stove, electric cooker etc.; 4、离开房间时关闭电源、煤气、水龙头并锁好房门; Cut off the power, gas, water and lock the door when leaving the room; 5、注意人身、财产及交通安全; Be aware of your personal, property and transportation safety; 6、因违法违规造成事故发生,个人将承担责任并接受相关处罚。 I will take any responsibility and accept the punishment if accident happens because of rules breaking. 我已阅读并接受上述条款。 I have read and accepted the items above. 学生姓名(student’s name):______________________ 年 月 日 鞍山师范学院来华留学生校外住宿安全防火告知书 Notification of Safety and Fire Prevention for Students Staying out of Campus 1、依法、安全租用或购买房屋并按时到属地派出所备案; Rent and buy apartment according to related laws and regulations and register in the community police station; 2、校外住宿或住宿地点更换应按要求及时通知学校并提供相关材料; Inform and hand in materials to the office if you decide to stay out of campus or move to another place; 3、不违章用火用电,使用大功率用电器如电热毯、电暖气等要注意安全; Use gas and electric appliance according to instructions, esp. high-power ones such as electric blanket, electric heater, heating stick, electric stove, electric cooker etc.; 4、离开房间时关闭电源、煤气、水龙头并锁好房门; Cut off the power, gas, water and lock the door when leaving the room; 5、注意人身、财产及交通安全; Be aware of your personal, property and transportation safety; 6、因违法违规造成事故发生,个人将承担责任并接受相关处罚。 I will take any responsibility and accept the punishment if accident happens because of rules breaking. 我已阅读并接受上述条款。 I have read and accepted the items above. 学生姓名(student’s name):______________________ 年 月 日
