附件2 中央民族大学研究生英语演讲比赛评分标准.doc
附件 2: 中央民族大学研究生英语演讲比赛 Evaluation Criteria 初赛评分标准 Total Points——100 First Part: Prepare Speech in 3 minutes——80 Language——30 Accurate in pronunciation and grammar , accurate diction, fluency,volume, tone, stress, rhythm Content——30 To the point, well-structured, clearly-stated , sufficient in arguments & supporting details , adequate, relevant, convincing Skill of Presentation——20 Confidence, emotion , body language (gesture, eye-contact, etc.),figurative language, sense of humor, time control Second Part: answer question in 1 minute——20 pertinent, brief, intelligent, quick-minded 决赛评分标准 Total Points——100 First Part: Prepare Speech in 3 minutes——45 Language——15 Accurate in pronunciation and grammar,volume, tone, stress, rhythm,accurate diction, fluency Content——15 To the point, structure, clearly-stated , sufficient in arguments & details,adequate, relevant, convincing Skills of Presentation——15 Confidence, emotion ,body language (gesture, eye-contact), figurative language, humor , time control Second Part: Impromptu Speech in 2 minutes——40 Understand the meaning of the question , penetrating thinking,language ,subject matter to the question, speak fluently Third Part: answer question in 1 minute——15 pertinent, brief, intelligent, quick-minded