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贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf

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贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf
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贵州大学2021年国际中文教师奖学金简章(International Chinese Teachers Scholarship).pdf

A GUIDE TO STUDY AT GUIZHOU UNIVERSITY UNDER INTERNATIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHERS SCHOLARSHIP (2021 AUTUMN SEMESTER\2022 SPRING SEMESTER) 贵州大学 2021 年(秋季学期)、2022 年(春季学期) 国际中文教师奖学金申请指南 联系信息(Contact Information): 中国·贵州·贵阳·花溪 贵州大学西校区·国际教育学院 College of International Education Guizhou University (West Campus) Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China 电话(Tel.):+86 (851) 83627738 +86 (851) 88292749 邮箱(E-mail):cie@gzu.edu.cn 国际中文教师奖学金(贵州大学项目) 国际中文教师奖学金(贵州大学项目)是由中外语言交流合作中心提供的资助外 国学生、学者和汉语教师到贵州大学进修汉语言文学和汉语研修的全额奖学金。 一 一、资助对象 1. 非中国籍人士 2. 身心健康,品学兼优 3. 有志于从事汉语教育、教学及汉语国际推广相关工作 4. 年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以 2021 年 9 月 1 日计),在职汉语教师放宽至 45 周岁。 二、奖学金类别及申请条件 二、奖学金类别及申请条件 类别 课程 资助期限 条件 一学年研修生 注:2021 年 9 月入学, 不录取在华学生 汉语言文学 11 个月 HSK 4 级,180 分 HSKK(中级)60 分 一学年研修生 注:2021 年 9 月入学, 不录取在华学生 汉语研修 11 个月 一学期研修生 注: 2021 年 9 月、 2022 年 3 月入学 不录取护照上有 X1、 X2 签证者 汉语言文学 5 个月 汉语国际教育专业 硕士研究生 汉语国际教育课程 (贵州大学学制为三年) 2年 HSK 3 级,210 分 提供 HSKK 成绩者优先 HSK 3 级,180 分 具有 HSKK 成绩 大学本科学历 HSK5 级,210 分 HSKK(中级)60 分 提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或 相关证明者优先 三、奖学金内容 三、奖学金内容 1. 免注册费及学费 2. 提供免费校内住宿 3. 提供留学生综合医疗保险 4. 提供每月 2500 元人民币生活费 四、申请与录取 四、申请与录取 1. 2021 年 9 月入学,申请时间:2021 年 3 月 1 日—5 月 15 日;2022 年 3 月入学,2021 年 11 月 15 日前,申请者登录孔子学院奖学金网站(http://cis.chinese.cn)注册个人账 号,准确、真实、完整地填写《孔子学院奖学金申请表》并上传有关证明材料的电子 扫描件。需要准备的材料包括: (1)电子照片; (2)护照照片页扫描件; (3)HSK 及 HSKK 成绩报告扫描件(两年有效期内)。在各类汉语桥比赛中获 得 2021 年度“国际中文教师奖学金证书”的学生,提供奖学金证书即可; (4)推荐机构负责人签发的推荐信(评价申请者并注明是否为孔子学院学员或 其它身份)。在职汉语教师申请须提交就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信; (5)汉语国际教育专业硕士申请者须提供两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信, 提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议者优先资助。 (6)最高学历证明(未毕业学生可提交当前学校出具的在读证明); (7)个人签名扫描件; (8)申请陈述(介绍自己的汉语学习背景、来华学习的计划及目标等); ( 9 ) 体 检 报 告 ( 点 击 链 接 下 载 , 报 告 PDF 命 名 : 申 请 人 姓 名 , 发 至 cie@gzu.edu.cn) 请注意:  建议申请人在推荐机构的指导下准备各项申请材料;  请如实填写所有内容,提交申请前,确认申请奖学金类别、申请学习时间、申请院 校及专业填写正确;  电子照片和个人签名扫描件的上传文件需小于 300KB,其他电子扫描件需小于 2M。 所有文件格式须为“*.jpg/*.gif/*.bmp/*.jpeg”。 2. 申请人提交网上申请后,应请求相应的推荐机构(一般为相应的孔子学院)及时 审核申请人资格及申请材料,并在奖学金系统中对符合要求的申请进行推荐,完成后 贵州大学及国家汉办进一步评审相关申请。为保证后续录取流程顺利开展以及入学材 料及时办理,请各推荐机构务必在 2021 年 5 月 25 日前(2022 年 3 月入学,2021 年 11 月 25 日前)于奖学金系统内完成推荐工作。 3. 申请人及推荐机构务必正确填报专业,并提交符合申请专业要求的 HSK 成绩报告 (或包含 HSKK 成绩报告)。 4. 后续的奖学金评审过程大概需要一个月左右时间。在此过程中申请者可在奖学金 系统内关注申请过程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果。最终的奖学金名单预计在 5 月底 确定,随后贵州大学将在 6 月向推荐机构或奖学金获得者本人寄送奖学金录取材料。 APPLICATION GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHERS SCHOLARSHIP (GUIZHOU UNIVERSITY) International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship of Guizhou University, a part of the " International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Program" sponsored by the Center for Language Education And Cooperation (CLEC) , provides full or partial scholarship to support outstanding international students, scholars and Chinese Language teachers to pursue their studies in "Chinese Language and Literature" and "Chinese Language Study" at Guizhou University. 1. Eligibility All applicants shall be: 1. Non-Chinese citizens 2. In good physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally. 3. Aspired to take future careers on the teaching or international promotion of Chinese language. 4. Between the age of 16 and 35 on September 1st, 2021. Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers shall not exceed the age limit of 45. 2. Scholarship Categories and Qualifications Categories Majors Duration Qualifications One-Academic-Year Students Note: Enroll in September, 2021 Applicants currently studying in Chinese Language and Literature 11 months HSK(Level 4)180, HSKK(Intermediate Level) 60 China are not eligible. One- Academic-Year Students Note: Enroll in September, 2021 Applicants currently studying in Chinese Language Study HSK(Level 3)210, 11 months Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score China are not eligible. One-Semester Study Students Note: Enroll in September, 2021 Chinese Language or March, 2022. Applicant should and Literature not be holder of X1/X2 visa. HSK(Level 3)180, 5 months HSKK Test report (achieve at least 60 out of 100) Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) Note:* Enroll in September 2021; * It is a 3-year acedmic program Bachelor’s degree, Courses for Master’s HSK (Level 5) 210, Degree in Teaching Two HSKK (Intermediate Level)60. Chinese to Speakers Academic Priority will be given to applicants who may of Other Languages Years provide a work contract with a teaching (MTCSOL) institution upon completing their studies in at Guizhou University China or a proof to the same effect. 3. Scholarship Coverage 三、Scholarship Coverage 1. Free registration and tuition fees 2. Free on-campus dormitory accommodation 3. Comprehensive Medical Insurance & Protection Scheme 4. CNY 2,500 monthly living allowance 4. Application and Enrollment 四、 1. Applicants shall visit International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website at http://cis.chinese.cn,set up an individual account, fill in the Scholarship Application Form truly, accurately and completely and upload the required documents, and submit the Application Form before May 15th, 2021 (for programs commencing in March 2022, before Nov. 15th, 2021). Required application materials: (1) Digital photo; (2) Scanned copy of valid passport photo page; (3) Scanned copy of HSK and HSKK result reports (valid for 2 years). Applicants with International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificates (2021) from “Chinese Bridge” Competitions can submit the certificates as application documents; (4) A Recommendation Letter signed by the head of the recommending institute (objective comments on the applicant, including whether the applicant is a student of Confucius Institute or of other identity); (5) Applicants of the Scholarship for MTCSOL students are required to provide 2 reference letters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect; (6) Notarized certificate of the highest diploma (Prospective diploma winners must submit Student Status Certificate by their current school); (7) Scanned copy of personal signature; (8) Application statement (applicant's statement of study background, plan and purpose of studying in China); (9) Physical Examination Report(PE Report available via hyperlink, send .PDF named after applicant to cie@gzu.edu.cn). Reminders: 1. It is suggested that all the application documents be prepared under the guidance of your recommending institution. 2. Please fill out the application form truthfully and confirm the information of the scholarship category, study duration, major and the host institution before your submitting online. 3. The size of your digital photo or your scanned copy of personal signature must be less than 300KB, and the other scanned copies must be less than 2M. The format of all the uploading file must be“*.jpg/*.gif/*.bmp/*.jpeg”. 2. After submitting the applications and uploading relevant supporting documents online, applicants should request their recommending institutions to approve their applications in the Scholarship System, and then the applications will be forwarded to Guizhou University and Hanban for further evaluations. For timely admission, all valid applications should be approved by the recommending institutions in the Scholarship System before May 25th, 2021 (for programs commencing in March 2022, before Nov. 25th, 2021). 3. Applicants and recommending institutions must apply for the proper major while assure the corresponding HSK result report (including the HSKK result report) before submission. 4. The review and evaluation of the applications will take a few weeks.During the process, applicants should pay attention to the application status and remarks in the Scholarship System. The list of scholarship winners will be confirmed in late May, followed by the delivery of enrollment documents to the recommending institutes or directly to the scholarship winners in June. 贵州大学成立于 1902 年具有深厚文化底蕴,是国家“211 工程”重点建设大学;2012 年,被列为国家“中西 部高校综合能力提升工程”14 所高校之一;2016 年,成为中西部“一省一校”重点大学建设工程高校;2017 年, 成为国家世界一流学科建设高校;2018 年,成为教育部、贵州省人民政府“部省合建”高校。 2018 年 12 月,入选 “全国党建工作示范高校”培育创建单位。 贵州大学占设有 40 个学院、专业涵盖哲学、经济学、法学、文学、历史学、教育学、理学、工学、农学、管 理学、艺术学、医学等 12 个学科门类。在校全日制本科生 34188 人,研究生 12202 人;在职职工 4022 人,其中专 任教师 2676 人。有一级学科博士学位授权点 17 个、二级学科博士学位授权点 77 个;一级学科硕士学位授权点 49 个、二级学科硕士学位授权点 197 个、专业硕士学位授权点 17 个;普通高等教育本科专业 137 个。学校现有世界 一流建设学科 1 个(植物保护)、国家级重点学科 1 个(农药学)、国家一流建设学科 9 个、区域一流建设学科 7 个、省级特色重点学科 23 个。 Founded in 1902, Guizhou University (hereinafter as GZU), with a profound culture, is a national key “211 Project” university; in 2012 and one of the 14 member universities of the Middle and Western China Comprehensive Strength Improvement Project; in 2016, it was listed as “One Top University, One Province” Project; in 2017, it became one of world-class disciplines construction universities; in 2018, it was designated a university co-built by the Ministry of Education and Guizhou Province; in December 2018, GZU was selected as one of the fostering universities of the "Demonstration University of National Party Construction ". With 40 colleges under its administration, GZU offers 137 bachelor’s programs, 197 master’s programs and 94 doctoral programs, covering 12 branches. At present, GZU has 34,188 full-time undergraduate students and 12,202 graduate students. It is home to 4,022 faculty and staff members, including 2,676 full-time teachers.The university has 1 world-class construction discipline(Plant Protection), 1 state-level key discipline(Pesticide Science), 9 national first-class construction disciplines, 7 regional first-class construction discipline and 23 featured provincial disciplines. · 阳明学院 Yangming College (providing general education for freshman) · 文学与传媒学院 College of Literature & Mass Media · 历史与民族文化学院 College of History & Ethnic Culture · 哲学与社会科学学院 College of Philosophy & Social Science · 外国语学院 College of Foreign Languages · 法学院 College of Law · 经济学院 School of Economics · 管理学院 School of Management · 公共管理学院 School of Public Administration · 旅游与文化产业学院 College of Tourism & Culture Industry · 马克思主义学院 School of Marxism · 美术学院 College of Art · 音乐学院 Academy of Music · 体育学院 Institute of Physical Education · 国际教育学院 College of International Education · 农学院 College of Agriculture · 林学院 College of Forestry · 生命科学学院 College of Life Sciences · 药学院 School of Pharmaceutical Science · 烟草学院 College of Tobacco Science · 酿酒与食品工程学院 School of Liquor & Food Engineering · 茶学院 College of Tea Science · 物理学院 College of Physics · 数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics & Statistics · 医学院 Medical College · 土木工程学院 College of Civil Engineering · 资源与环境工程学院 Resource & Environmental Engineering College · 化学工程学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering · 计算机科学与技术学院 College of Computer Science & Technology · 材料与冶金工程学院 College of Materials & Metallurgy · 建筑与城市规划学院 College of Construction & Urban Planning · 电气工程学院 The Electrical Engineering College · 大数据与信息工程学院 College of Big Data and Information Engineering · 矿业学院 Mining College · 机械工程学院 School of Mechanical Engineering · 动物科学学院 College of Animal Science 中国·贵州·贵阳·花溪 贵州大学西校区·国际教育学院 College of International Education Guizhou University (West Campus) Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China www.cie.gzu.edu.cn
